Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/8/08
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Proofread By Tanya
Bill: (Humming) Whoa! Wah! Well, nice to see you, too.
Jonathan: Sarah is inside. I didn’t...
Bill: Yeah, I think we need to get a few things straight.
Jonathan: You got that right. I don't have time to be messing with you; neither does Lizzie. We need to focus on Alan. Look at me.
Bill: Whoa!
Jonathan: Stay out of our faces. (Laughter)
Bill: I don't like you. I don't trust you. And let me tell you something, you stole Lizzie’s baby... uh-uh.
Jonathan: Get your hands off of me. I did what I had to do.
Bill: Oh, you had other choices.
Jonathan: No.
Bill: Yes, you did. Now, how do I know that you're not going to take off and hurt Lizzie again, huh?
Jonathan: Well, you don't know that.
Bill: That's right.
Jonathan: If this thing doesn't go good, I'll take Sarah and leave.
Bill: So, you would screw Lizzie over for Sarah?
Jonathan: Yeah, and anybody else who got in my way.
Olivia: Hi.
Natalia: Didn't anyone ever tell you that you shouldn't mess with a bride on her wedding day? What, no oxygen? You should be better prepared. Your makeup looks perfect, though.
Olivia: Good. What are you doing here? I'm expecting someone.
Natalia: Gus isn't coming. I heard your message and I erased it.
Olivia: You heard my message?
Natalia: Yes. "Oh, Gus, I'm just... I'm just feeling short of breath and weak."
Olivia: I was feeling a little breathless.
Natalia: Was that before you did your hair and you put on your lipstick? I have waited a long time to marry Gus. I'm sorry that your heart is failing, but you are not going to ruin this day for me.
Lizzie: Gus?
Gus: Hold on. Wait a minute. I figured out I'm going to go with the suspenders.
Lizzie: Wow, you are nervous.
Gus: No, I'm not nervous. I'm... you know, I'll do without this, because either way...
Lizzie: Your, um, fly is wide open.
Gus: Sorry. So embarrassing.
Lizzie: Let me help you. Come here. Come here. Okay, so...
Gus: I'm not going with the cufflinks.
Lizzie: Okay, fine. Today is your wedding day, right?
Gus: Yeah.
Lizzie: And guess what?
Gus: What?
Lizzie: Jonathan and I are staying.
Gus: Really? That’s... well... what made you decide that all of a sudden?
Lizzie: Reva, Billy... how does this... how does this even happen?
Gus: Thanks.
Lizzie: Your tie is a mess.
Gus: Reva, Billy?
Lizzie: They want us to stay. They said that they will stand up to Granddad, you know. And you know him. What do you think?
Gus: Well, what do I think? What do I think? I think it's a relief having Alan out of the country, and I think I'll do whatever you want me to do.
Lizzie: And that lawsuit that I filed with you for custody of Sarah...
Gus: Yes.
Lizzie: Can I undo that?
Gus: Yes, you can, but not today, because today I'm marrying my high school sweetheart. And you're going to stick around for the wedding.
Lizzie: Oh, I would love to, but I really can’t.
Gus: No, no... yes, you are, because you are about the only family member that I have invited... (cell phone rings)
Lizzie: Oh, in that case... who is it? What?
Gus: What's up, Dad?
Alan: What's up? I'm a prisoner of my own vacation house, that's what's up.
Gus: What, did they finally get you for tax evasion?
Alan: Well, they've got me, but it's not the I.R.S. I'm having trouble leaving the island.
Gus: Hmm, what can I do?
Alan: Well, you can't do anything. I've taken care of everything.
Gus: What does that mean, you took care of it?
Alan: Well, let's just say this-- I will be home by tonight.
Lizzie: What's going on?
Gus: Guess who's coming home for dinner?
Alan: I'm not good at doing nothing, sitting around and doing nothing. I mean, I've got things to do back home.
Lizzie: You have to make him stay. We're not ready.
Gus: Like what?
Alan: Well, like business, like family. Tell me, have I missed anything?
Gus: Well, you know, same old, same old. Did I mention that I'm getting married?
Alan: When?
Gus: In an hour or so, and Natalia and I thought maybe we could go to the island and maybe have our honeymoon there with you.
Lizzie: Yes. Yes.
Alan: No.
Gus: What do you mean no? You kidding me, what's better than spending a little quality time with your son and your grandson?
Lizzie: Tell him you miss him.
Gus: And I miss you.
Alan: Have you been drinking?
Gus: No.
Alan: Well, I'm sure your wedding is going to be great. And why don't you call me as soon as the divorce is final.
Lizzie: He's coming?
Gus: I'm afraid so.
Lizzie: I have to go warn Jonathan.
Olivia: Well, I have to hand it to you, you are pretty relentless.
Natalia: Well, I have to be, because I'm not just getting married, my son is getting his father.
Olivia: You are still living in the past. You still see Gus as this leather jacket-wearing guy, sneaking cigarettes and stealing kisses. I mean, take it from me, you can't go back.
Natalia: I don't want to go back.
Olivia: Is that what you're doing, you're kind of reclaiming...
Natalia: Olivia...
Olivia: Just... let me breathe. Just step back, okay?
Natalia: Should I call 9-1-1?
Olivia: No, no!
Natalia: Look, I'm sorry. I don't want you to be sick. But I am not going to let you use this to manipulate Gus.
Olivia: I got that the first time, okay! Back off!
Natalia: It's not that we're not going to take care of you-- we are going to take care of you, you and Emma, like you're family, at least until you find a guy of your own.
Olivia: Oh, I have to tell you, I'm dying, so it kind of sucks the air out of a date.
Natalia: Well, once you have the transplant...
Olivia: If, I get the transplant.
Natalia: You will-- have some faith.
Olivia: "Some faith." Such good advice, St. Natalia. Go!
Natalia: You know what? I have to go because I'm going to be late for my own wedding.
Olivia: I'm doing so much better than I thought.
Natalia: What?
Olivia: With Gus. Why else would you be up here on your wedding day? I'm more of a threat than I realized.
Gus: I didn't know you were coming. That's good.
Rafe: I wanted her here.
Gus: No, no, that's nice, I like it.
Daisy: You okay? No jitters?
Gus: No, not at all. Are you kidding me?
Rafe: (Laughs) Um, where are your shoes?
Gus: Oh, my shoes? Where are my shoes? (Laughter)
Bill: Do you know what it will do to Lizzie if you take off with Sarah again?
Jonathan: Can you hand me the pampers?
Bill: Look, she talks a tough game, but she is glass, man, and she will break.
Jonathan: All right, take your hand off me.
Bill: What I'm trying to tell you is she can't survive another hit.
Jonathan: Is that right?
Bill: That's right. Oh, man, I'm telling you, she can't even see you for what you are.
Jonathan: What's that? What are you?
Bill: Huh?
Jonathan: What are you? What's your stake in this?
Bill: Don't worry about that. Do you even care about her?
Jonathan: She's Sarah’s mother...
Bill: And that's all you think about her, just Sarah’s mother?
Jonathan: That's what she is. If you want to make her happy, that's on you. I'm going to deal with Alan.
Bill: And after that?
Jonathan: No, there won't be an "after that."
Natalia: I'm late. Do you want a ride back to town?
Olivia: Why, so you can keep an eye on me?
Natalia: No. I don't think you're going to call Gus again.
Olivia: Don't be so sure.
Natalia: Why, Olivia? Why Gus?! Do you think that he loves you?
Olivia: No, not yet.
Natalia: Why are you tormenting yourself, going after a man who is in love with me.
Olivia: Because he's not in love with you. And a part of you must feel that, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
Natalia: See, that doesn't make any sense. I am really trying to help you, you and Emma!
Olivia: No. I didn't ask you to.
Natalia: Is this how you really want to be spending your time?
Olivia: Have you ever had a lucky jacket or a pin or something like that?
Natalia: Yeah.
Olivia: And when you had it on, you felt like fate was on your side, like... like nothing terrible could ever happen to you? That's what Gus is for me. When I'm with him, I feel charmed.
Natalia: Well, then after today, you can feel charmed from a distance. Because, by tonight, he will be at home with his family, where he belongs.
Olivia: Or not.
Natalia: What exactly are you planning to do?
Olivia: I don't know. I just know you can't stop me.
Natalia: Oh, yeah? You're going to want to hold onto these.
Olivia: Why?
Natalia: Hold that.
Olivia: What are you doing?
Natalia: Hold this, too. Let's go.
Olivia: What? You can't be serious. You can't lock me in here!
Natalia: I will be back after the wedding.
Olivia: This isn't funny! You don't understand, this isn't funny!
Natalia: I'll save you a piece of cake.
Lizzie: He's back!
Jonathan: Who?
Lizzie: Granddad. Come on, help me, quick.
Jonathan: Well, is he right behind you?
Lizzie: No, no, he's leaving St. Gabriel's.
Jonathan: Why are you locking the windows? He's not a bat.
Lizzie: He's not getting anywhere near Sarah, okay? He's not getting anywhere near her.
Jonathan: Okay, okay, calm down. Talk to me. Lizzie, how do you know he's coming back?
Lizzie: He talked to Gus. He's coming back tonight.
Jonathan: All right. So he fixed the problem with the passport.
Lizzie: Yeah.
Jonathan: Does he know about me and Sarah?
Lizzie: No, but he's going to. We should have left. We should have left. We should get in the car and we should leave, just like we said we were going to.
Jonathan: No, no, no. We promised we would stay.
Lizzie: No. Jonathan, he always gets what he wants.
Jonathan: Well, not this time.
Lizzie: I have no idea what I was thinking. He doesn't give up. He doesn’t. My grandfather never gives up.
Jonathan: I spent a year on the road remembering what that man has taken away from me. I never thought I'd come back here. Here I am. It's time to make a stand.
Lizzie: Jonathan, please...
Jonathan: What would Tammy want?
Lizzie: To run.
Jonathan: No. She would say he's hurt us enough. It's time to stay, make a stand. Tell Alan to bring it on.
Lizzie: Yeah, that's probably what she'd say.
Jonathan: Well?
Lizzie: Okay.
Jonathan: Okay?
Lizzie: Bring it on.
Alexandra: Oh, Alan, you didn't really think that Natalie was going to leave Gus for you, did you?
Alan: It's Natalia! And I've got to get home.
Alexandra: I don't think you even wanted her that much in the first place.
Alan: Fine. Whatever you think.
Alexandra: Well, have you... when are you going to let Beth go?
Alan: As soon as I'm convinced that Beth has truly let me go.
Alexandra: Well, she is married to another man. She is having his child.
Alan: Yes. Remind me to never let myself fall in love again, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Yes, well, really, I know the feeling.
Alan: You let your guard down!
Alexandra: Yeah, and that's exactly when they leave, don't they, darling? Listen, why don't you postpone your return trip and stay here with me. We'll do some island hopping, huh? That way, you won't have to be there when Beth gives birth.
Alan: Oh, Rick Bauer would love that.
Alexandra: Oh, come on, have you ever told Beth how you feel?
Alan: Over and over again. As a matter of fact, I've even offered her my entire empire.
Alexandra: Well, I'm sure this is a shock to a man like you, but sometimes a woman just wants a tender word.
Alan: I'm afraid it's too late for that. Beth's married, Natalia’s getting married. Who's left?
Alexandra: (Laughs) Maybe I am, darling, you're wonderful sister.
Alan: Ooh.
Alexandra: I love you, Alan, even though you don't deserve it. Come on, let's hit some casinos, play some roulette, my treat.
Alan: Tell me something-- I want you to be honest with me. Why does everyone always leave me?
Alexandra: Because, my darling, you chase them away.
Alan: I used to be the head of a very powerful business, an obedient family. Now, I've lost everything, absolutely everything.
Alexandra: Well, let's go lose a huge stack of chips, and then we can really lose everything.
Alan: No, no, I'm going home.
Alexandra: But, Alan, come on, I'll miss you.
Alan: Will you?
Alexandra: Probably not. (Laughing) But it made you feel good, at least for a minute, didn't it? All right, Alan, I will see you back in Springfield.
Bill: What if I told you I could give it all back to you--- your family, your legacy, your future?
Alan: What are you talking about?
Bill: Your great granddaughter.
Alan: How did you get in here?
Bill: I have access to a private jet, too, Alan.
Alan: Go ahead, fix yourself a drink, and then get back on that jet and get out of here before I call security.
Bill: Oh, now, where is that ice? (Laughs) Don't be such a sour puss. Hey, I'm here to grant your wish. In fact, you can consider me your personal genie in a bottle.
Alan: I know that Elizabeth is not pregnant, so don't come in here with any nonsense about my great-grandchild, okay?
Bill: This is no nonsense. Alan, I'm here because I know that you reward loyalty.
Alan: So, what is it you're going to tell me?
Bill: Jonathan Randall-- he's alive. Yep, that's right. I saw him at Tammy’s memorial. In fact, he was with a beautiful little girl. I think her name was Sarah.
Alan: If this is some kind of a sick joke...
Bill: Alan, this is no joke. Jonathan faked his death, and Sarah’s. In fact, why do you think you can't get back in the states? Because they are keeping you here.
Alan: Sarah... after all of this time, Sarah is...
Bill: Back in Lizzie’s arms, yes.
Alan: Wow! This is a miracle, isn't it? I mean, I will have a second chance now.
Bill: That's right, a second chance. And don't forget who gave it to you.
Alan: So, she's been alive, and Jonathan has kept her from me, is that it?
Bill: And from Lizzie.
Alan: So I have taken the blame for her death, we have been mourning her, huh? While Jonathan... he doesn't deserve to breathe.
Bill: Yeah. So, look, this is how it's going to work: You can do to Jonathan whatever you like, but just leave Lizzie and the baby to me.
Alan: To you? What do you mean?
Bill: Oh, you heard me. It's Jonathan for Lizzie. Of course, you can still be Sarah’s great-grandfather, whatever that entails-- visits, parties, whatever. But the baby, she stays with her mother. Otherwise, you come through me. Do we got a deal? Huh?
Jonathan: Go to the wedding.
Lizzie: My granddad could be coming.
Jonathan: We can't live in fear or Alan wins. Take one of Sarah’s dresses and take her with you.
Lizzie: You want me to take her?
Jonathan: Yeah, for now.
Lizzie: Everyone is going to see her. I mean, they're going to know she's alive.
Jonathan: Well, I'll call Jeffrey and tell him where you're going to be.
Lizzie: What is he going to do?
Jonathan: Look, Alan is on his way back. It will take him a while to get here.
Lizzie: I mean, okay, yeah, you're probably right. You think that the church is the safest place for us to be?
Jonathan: Well, yeah, for now it is.
Lizzie: Okay, are we going as a family?
Jonathan: Um... yeah. I'll meet you there later.
Lizzie: Why?
Jonathan: I have an errand to run. I... oh, man, I can't find this dress for Sarah to wear.
Lizzie: This... this one is pretty. I'll get her ready. You're going to meet us there?
Jonathan: Yeah, yeah. You, you're going to be a good mom.
Lizzie: I hope so.
Jonathan: I'm glad... I'm glad Sarah finally gets to be around you. She's gonna be...
Lizzie: Thanks.
Jonathan:... Be around you all the time from now on.
Lizzie: Okay.
Jonathan: Yeah. She's going to need you now more than ever.
Lizzie: Why?
Jonathan: I'll meet you at the church-- in an hour.
Natalia: Okay. I'm sorry I'm late.
Josh: No problem at all. Of course, you know Gus, he married somebody else because you weren't here, but what are you going to do?
Natalia: Oh, well. He's here? Where is he?
Josh: Yeah, he's in my office right now. I think he is chewing off all of his fingernails as we speak, so I'll go get him.
Natalia: Okay.
Rafe: It's about time. I thought you weren't going to show.
Natalia: Very long story.
Rafe: Are you okay?
Natalia: I will be fine as soon as I marry Gus.
Rafe: What happened?
Natalia: Olivia. After the service, I'm going to need to take a ride and let her out.
Rafe: Whoa, let her out of where?
Natalia: Well, I kind of, sort of locked her in the bathroom of the Bauer cabin.
Rafe: Nice, Mom! All right, so we're ready.
Natalia: We're ready, I'm ready. It's my wedding day. This is everything I've every dreamed of.
Rafe: And it's about time, too. Good luck, Mother. I love you.
Natalia: I love you, too. Okay. All right, this is really going to happen, so...
Rafe: All right, so hustle up and make it real.
Natalia: I'm going. I'm going.
Rafe: Okay, all right.
Olivia: I had to charge your stupid phone!
Gus: Olivia, you're just so
Olivia: It's just a little
something I found in the
Gus: So, are you going to
stick around?
Olivia: As long as you'll
have me.
You saved my life, Gus.
I wouldn't be here without you. You've given me my life back.
Gus: Very strong.
Olivia: And people said that
Natalia always had a strong
I'm just sorry that she had
Gus: Well, now I have the
both of you-- Natalia’s heart and the woman who is every man's
Olivia: You've been so good
to me and to Emma.
And now you're mine.
I can't believe it.
Gus: Believe it.
Believe it-- I love you.
Olivia: I love you so much.
Gus: I can't stand here
another minute without kissing
you. (Cell phone rings) (Beeper beeping)
Olivia: Oh, God, the heart, it's here!
Natalia: You're giving me away?
Rafe: Yeah, let's call it a loan. Come on.
Natalia: Did you know Daisy was going to be here?
Rafe: Another time.
Natalia: Another time.
Gus: I wish that my parents were alive to see this.
Natalia: Me, too.
Gus: They would love the woman that you have become, the son that you gave me.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah, come on. Let's get to the wedding.
Natalia: They're waiting.
Josh: You guys ready? Okay, okay. Here we go. Now, normally this would start with some opening remarks, you know, not entering into this lightly, but soberly, reverently, that kind of thing... you're sober, right? (Laughter) Excellent. Okay. Then, I'm just going to skip to the thing about asking God's blessing. Thank you, Lord. And I'll go straight to the vows. Unless there are any objections?
Rafe: Just get it done.
Josh: Okay. All right. Why don't you give me that, and why don't you join hands, okay? Gus...
Gus: Here. (Laughter)
Josh: Gus Aitoro, or Nicholas Augustino, do you take Natalia Rivera to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to cherish her and love her, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better, for worse, forsaking all others, for so long as you both shall live?
Gus: I do.
Josh: Natalia, do you take Gus, and/or Nick, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to cherish him, to love him, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, forsaking all others, for so long as you both shall live?
Natalia: I do.
Josh: Do you have any vows of your own that you would like to add at this time?
Gus: I do, yes. Where are they? Sorry. Do you remember the... the little carving that I did over our table at Jonesie's where... with the heart, and I said "Nicky and Nat forever?"
Natalia: I thought Jonesie was going to kill you.
Gus: Yeah. Well, I really meant the forever part. I always thought that I would come back some day and get you, when it was safe. And... you weren't just my best friend, you were... I can't read this part.
Natalia: Family. (Laughs)
Gus: Yeah. You were my family, and when my family was gone, you were it. And I really loved you back then... almost as much as I love you right now. In fact, I can't even believe this is happening. It's like my father, the one that's up there, has got something to do with this, you know? He is pushing, helping us, and maybe called in a favor, a special favor. Because I got you back in my life, and I can't believe it. And I can't believe I've got a son. And, as we move forward, it's going to get better, even better and better, promise. And I'm going to protect you and Rafe in a way that I was never able to do up till now. Just... I just don't ever want you to be sorry that you married me.
Natalia: I could never be sorry. You are the only one I have ever wanted. I waited for you. I didn't want to wait for you and I tried to forget you, but everyone else I ever met, I compared them to you. And I was scared that, if I ever saw you again, you wouldn't live up to the memory. But you're even more... you're even better. So, I'm glad I waited. And I'm glad that I had our son. And I'm even more glad that he has you as a father. I spent a lot of nights praying that this was going to happen, and it has. Thank you. Today, I have everything that I have ever wanted.
Gus: Me, too-- everything.
Alan: Listen, Mr. Lewis, before I agree to anything, I want to know what your intentions are toward my granddaughter?
Bill: Well, Lizzie, she's grown on me. And I wouldn't hurt her.
Alan: Really?
Bill: No.
Alan: But you came to me.
Bill: That's right, to protect her from Jonathan and you. Just don't hurt her and we're on the same page.
Alan: Oh, but I love Elizabeth. I only want what's best for her and baby Sarah.
Bill: And that would be me. And I give you my word that I will take care of them.
Alan: I can see Sarah whenever I want?
Bill: Go to the zoo, ride the merry-go-round. Heck, I'll even spring for the popcorn.
Alan: Oh! Tell me something-- what's your angle? Why would you come forward when everyone else is hiding?
Bill: Because you'll owe me.
Alan: What will I owe you?
Bill: We have similar business interests. But for now, just promise me that you will leave the baby with Lizzie.
Alan: Do you care about what happens to Jonathan Randall?
Bill: It's none of my business.
Alan: (Laughs) Good. We have a deal. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to catch a plane.
Bill: And after that?
Alan: After that, I am going to see baby Sarah, and then I'm going to pay Jonathan Randall a call.
Bill: Oh, and not a word about this to anyone, especially Lizzie, okay? I was never here. Alan! Alan!
Alan: Excuse me, is someone here?
Jonathan: Don't make a sound. Good to see you, Remy.
Remy: You're not an angel.
Jonathan: Flesh and blood, I'm sorry to report.
Remy: How'd you do it?
Jonathan: A magician never reveals his tricks.
Remy: Your kid alive, too?
Jonathan: Yep.
Remy: Does Lizzie know?
Jonathan: Yup.
Remy: How about Alan?
Jonathan: Funny you should say that. Look, I heard what you did for Tammy after she died. You found that driver, and beat him within an inch of his life.
Remy: Lucky inch.
Jonathan: Yeah. I... I appreciate that. You were always a good friend to her.
Remy: I still miss her.
Jonathan: Yeah, yeah.
Remy: So, I... I'm not a cop anymore, man. I got kicked off the force when you left.
Jonathan: I know. I heard. I heard. That's actually why I wanted to come and see you. Um, I need a gun, unregistered.
Remy: Alan?
Jonathan: Alan.
Remy: Not a good plan, man. But if I were in your shoes, I'd probably take the same road.
Jonathan: So?
Remy: I don't like you. I never did. But Tammy loved you... more than her own life. For her, I'll see what I can do.
(Cell phone rings)
Olivia: Stop! Stop beeping! I know I have an hour before I lose the heart. Somebody get me out of here! I have to get to the hospital! (Cell phone rings) Somebody help me!
Josh: Gus?
Gus: Yeah, I know. With this ring, I thee wed.
Josh: And Natalia, what token do you bring as a pledge of the sincerity of your vows?
Natalia: A ring.
Josh: Yes. Bless, o Lord, this ring, that he who wears it may abide in your peace. You may place it on his finger.
Natalia: With this ring, I thee wed.
Josh: Let's pray. Our father, who art in heaven...
All: Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forget us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Josh: Amen. Now, as a minister of the gospel, and by the authority vested in me by this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.
Bill: Hi.
Lizzie: Hi.
Bill: What did I miss?
Lizzie: Everything.
Bill: Is there cake?
Josh: Okay, okay. Come on over here. Gus.
Gus: Yeah.
Josh: We need you over here, you over here.
Josh: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you Mr. And Mrs. Gus Aitoro! (Cheers and applause)
Gus: Yeah! And our son. Raphael. You don’t need to do this part. You don't need to do this. (Laughter) Stop it!
Pilot: I still need to refuel and file a flight plan.
Alan: Hurry, because we don't have a second to lose. Beth! Did you... did you fly here?
Beth: Alan, there is something that I need to tell you.
Alan: I know. Jonathan and Sarah are alive, that is, at least until I can get my hands on them.
Beth: Wait. Alan, you can't leave.
Alan: Beth, nothing you can say is going to keep me from seeing my granddaughter.
Beth: I left Rick!
Jonathan: I saw Remy today. It reminded me how long it's been since I've been able to touch you. I almost got you flowers...
Tammy: But you got a gun instead, right? You've got them all fooled, even Reva. They all thought you would stay and trust the legal system.
Jonathan: There is not going to be a peaceful solution to this. We both know that.
Tammy: What about forgiveness?
Jonathan: Forgiveness? I'll never forgive Alan for taking you away from me.
Tammy: Maybe you could try, for Sarah.
Jonathan: Sarah has her mother now.
Tammy: Jonathan.
Jonathan: I've waited too long. I'm not going to wait any longer.
Tammy: How is this going to end?
Jonathan: Alan dies. Or he gets to me first, and then I can be with you. Either way, I win.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Gus: It's the heart registry- - they have a heart for Olivia.
Olivia: I hope you're happy, Natalia.
Bill: The hell with Jonathan, you are too good for him.
Lizzie: So, if Jonathan is not good enough for me, then who is? You fell deep and passionately in love with him.
Beth: This is where I want to be. I made my choice; now, it's your turn
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