GL Transcript Thursday 2/7/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/7/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Rafe: Hey. Tie?

Gus: Ooh, don't let that get dirty. Yes. Now that you're my best man, you need to look sharp. All right. What do you think? What do you think?

Rafe: Ah, mom's going to love it.

Gus: Yeah, I hope so. I think so. Try it on. Oh, you know what? Can you do me a favor?

Rafe: Sure.

Gus: I'm going to need you to hold onto the rings, all right? They're in my pocket there.

Rafe: Where?

Gus: The top pocket, inside. I need you to hold them until the ceremony.

Rafe: Do you love my mom?

Gus: You have to ask that?

Rafe: Yeah.

Gus: All right. What's going on?

Rafe: You've got five missed calls, and they're all from Olivia.

Olivia: Gus?

Natalia: Not quite.

Olivia: Oh, drat. Look, I really... I don't feel well. This isn't a good time.

Natalia: No, I know you don't feel well. So, I have some chicken soup here for you, and I have some wine, and I have some comic books for Emma.

Olivia: Emma hates comic books.

Natalia: You want to know the real reason I'm here?

Olivia: Oh, fill me in. To show Gus what a saint-like creature you are?

Natalia: Gus and I are getting married today.

Dinah: Can I buy you a drink?

Matt: Well, that depends. Are you going to get ticked off and throw a Christmas tree at me?

Dinah: Please. Where would I find a Christmas tree in February? No. That was the old me. The old, old me. I am the new, improved Dinah, the reformed Dinah.

Matt: Okay, is this the part where I'm supposed to say: What the hell are you talking about?

Dinah: (Laughs) The doctor, he gave me an "A" on my cognitive test, and he said that I am almost completely better. I don't know much about science, but I think I grew some new brain cells, or something like that.

Matt: That's great news.

Dinah: Yeah, it is. It's very good. Because you know what? I'm starting fresh, getting back to that person I was before that bullet screwed up my entire life.

Matt: Are you going to get your job back at the station?

Dinah: My job? Well, I don't know about that. But I plan on focusing on the most important thing in my life right now, which is Mallet.

Mallet: Marina? Marina! Marina! Marina, it's Mallet. Marina! Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Yeah, hey, listen, it's Mallet. We've got an officer down. Send an ambulance right away. Route 9, past Glendale farm. An officer down, send it right away. Come on hang in there. Hang in there. Things are going to be okay. All right.

Harley: Are you sure?

Cyrus: I want this.

Harley: Then I will stop talking.

Cyrus: Okay.

Present perfect why don't you sit here

with me underground

over at anything goes

don't worry 'bout that right now

just always know I'll never forget you...

I'll never forget you since I met you

you opened up my heart love makes sense of time

and it's quiet you find looking out the window

it won't pass you by cause I'll never forget you

you opened up my heart...

Gus: You have nothing to worry about with Olivia. She's family. She's family. Little Emma? That's your cousin. She's my niece.

Rafe: Yeah, Emma’s also a kid. I'm not worried about her.

Gus: You've got nothing to worry about with Olivia. I'm just helping her out with some things, and I didn't return her call, and that's why she's blowing up my--

Rafe: What kind of things?

Gus: Things, legal things, confidential things.

Rafe: Whatever.

Gus: No, no, no, no, no. We're talking about this. Not whatever. Look, I love your mom. That's why I want to marry your mom. Before some other mook comes along who's a lot better looking and me, and, you know, snatches her up. Come on. You don't believe me? We're in a church, for crying out loud. You've got to have a little faith, right? Look after those rings. I've got to call Josh.

Natalia: Chicken soup, no chicken, just the way you like it.

Olivia: I'll write you a check.

Natalia: I didn't have to come here on my wedding day when there are about a thousand other things I should be doing to get ready.

Olivia: Okay, by all means, don't let me hold you up.

Natalia: What do you expect me to do?

Olivia: How about stay away?

Natalia: And let Gus spend all of his time over here with you and Emma, when he could be at home with me and his son? I don't think so.

Olivia: I am so sorry. I did not realize that Emma was such a burden to you.

Natalia: Oh, please. We adore her, and you know that. But we are a package deal, the two of us. So if you want him over here, then I'm going to be over here.

Olivia: Oh, yeah. Who would have thought I would be dying, and my biggest problem is getting rid of you.

Natalia: If you weren't so incredibly hard to be nice to, I think that we'd have a couple of things in common.

Olivia: Like what? Persistence?

Natalia: Yeah. And we're both single mothers, so we know what it's like to be alone.

Olivia: Give me a call when your heart starts failing you.

Natalia: I can't imagine. But I raised a sick child, so I know a little bit about acting strong when you're really scared.

Olivia: Okay, that couldn't have been easy.

Natalia: It still didn't give me the right to try to steal something that wasn't mine.

Olivia: You said the soup was a gift.

Natalia: You know what I'm talking about.

Olivia: See it isn't stealing if Gus comes to me on his own.

Natalia: Are you done?

Olivia: I think so.

Natalia: Well, I'm going to go get married now. So you enjoy the soup. Give Emma a hug for me. If you need anything, this is where Gus and I will be staying. Bye, Olivia. I'm going to go get married now.

Dinah: You know, there's something else you're forgetting? Mallet, it was his idea to get a divorce.

Matt: After he caught you sleeping with me.

Dinah: I wasn't in my right mind when I did that.

Matt: Are you ever?

Dinah: You know, you can be a real jerk sometimes.

Matt: Look, I hope I'm wrong. I really do. I just know how things went with your mother. I mean, it doesn't matter how much you want someone to forgive you and someone to accept you again, sometimes they just can’t. It's that simple.

Dinah: I know that is how it was with you and Mom, and I'm sorry about that. But Mallet and I are different. Breaking up and getting back together again, that is our M.O.

Matt: He signed a piece of paper that ended your marriage. It's a whole new ballgame. You just don't bounce back from that, Dinah.

Dinah: Do you not want me to be happy because you're not happy? Is that what this is? The whole misery loves company thing?

Matt: Prove me wrong then.

Dinah: Believe me, I will.

Mallet: It's been ten minutes. Get that ambulance over to me now!

Marina: You don't have to yell.

Mallet: Marina?

Marina: Oh. Oh, my knee. This must be how Nancy Kerrigan felt.

Mallet: I thought you were down for the count for a while.

Marina: Why don't I see any tears?

Mallet: I could kiss you right now.

Marina: Not that again.

Mallet: She jokes. She's joking on her death bed.

Marina: I'm not... ow!

Mallet: Easy, easy, easy. What are you doing?

Marina: I'm trying to go to your car.

Mallet: I'll carry you all the way to the hospital, if I have to. Now where does it hurt?

Marina: My knee.

Mallet: I know, but what about your head? You hit your head, you were knocked out. Anything going on with your head?

Marina: I think I passed out from the pain.

Mallet: Okay. We're officially standing up the ambulance. Let's get you out of here.

Marina: You know what we need to do. Drug bust-- wait, we need to find him in bring him in.

Mallet: No, we don’t.

Marina: Careful, please. No, I'm not crying.

Mallet: It's fine, I didn't see a thing. You're not crying. It's all right. You know what, I'm going to carry you to the squad car. Are you ready? One, two, three.

Marina: Aahhh!

Mallet: Sorry, sorry. I'm going to carry you all the way to my squad car, okay?

Marina: Mallet, do me a favor, okay?

Mallet: Yeah, okay.

Marina: Just call Cyrus when we get to the car, and tell him to meet us at the hospital.

Mallet: Yeah, okay. You got it. Hang tight. Here we go. All right.

Harley: Cyrus.

Cyrus: Harley.

Harley: Cyrus, that was...

Cyrus: Wow!

Harley: I was going to say amazing, but I think wow says it all.

Cyrus: Are you cold?

Harley: No. I'm perfect. For the first time in a long... I think forever really.

Cyrus: I'm glad.

Harley: Cyrus, you know I didn't plan this, right?

Cyrus: Well, do you think I did?

Harley: We sure jumped, didn't we?

Cyrus: Head first.

Harley: You really didn't think I would do it.

Cyrus: I just hoped that you would. (Alarm clock goes off) Oh!

Harley: I'm so sorry. I was... I was napping yesterday. I'm so sorry.

Cyrus: What time is it?

Harley: Just a little after 4:00.

Cyrus: Oh, Marina.

Harley: What?

Cyrus: I have to... I'm supposed to meet Marina at the airport in an hour.

Harley: My gosh, your trip to France.

Cyrus: I have to find her and tell her that it's off.

Harley: Are you going to tell her about this?

Cyrus: I think we have to. Unless...

Harley: I don't regret any of it.

Cyrus: Neither do I. I'll run, and I'll call the realtor on the way, and tell them I don't need the farmhouse anymore. And I'll see you when I get back?

Harley: I'll be right here, okay?

Cyrus: Okay.


Gus: It's my business. You do not go around telling people that, okay?

Natalia: What are you two doing here?

Gus: Hey. Uh...

Natalia: Why are you smiling like that? What did you do?

Gus: You tell her.

Rafe: No, you should.

Gus: No. We're not doing anything. (Laughter) What? Okay, something, but nothing bad. It's good.

Natalia: Okay, I'm waiting.

Gus: It's just that I asked Josh if he would do us a favor and marry us here, instead of City Hall. I know it's not a catholic church...

Natalia: It's perfect.

Rafe: Are you going to cry like that the whole ceremony?

Natalia: I might.

Gus: Go ahead and cry if you want to. It's your day.

Natalia: No. It's our day. Look at you two, my two guys. I love you. This is really happening. It's really going to happen. We're going to be a family. Come here! Come here!

Rafe: Ma, cut it out! Not cool. (Laughs)

Olivia: Hi!

Emma: Hi, Mommy.

Olivia: Hello, baby.

Ava: Hey. Emma, you want to go watch your video, the one about the ants?

Emma: Yeah!

Ava: Yeah! Okay. It's in your bedroom.

Olivia: I wish I didn't know.

Ava: How are you feeling?

Olivia: Like I can't catch my breath. Like I don't have the energy in the morning to pour Emma’s cereal or read her a story. Natalia was here. She and Gus are getting married today.

Ava: Did you hear anything else, anything else about the transplant?

Olivia: No, nothing yet. They can't get married, Ava, they can’t.

Ava: Okay. All right. Don't let them suck the life out of you, okay? You have so much to live for. You have me and Emma. And we need you here with us. As long as we can, okay?

Olivia: You and Emma are the most important people in my life, but I'm not going to give up on Gus. He can't get married! He can’t.

Ava: I understand that Gus has been a good friend to you, as good a friend as anyone could ever hope for. And I know that it's frustrating that you found these feelings for him now.

Olivia: Please tell me you're going somewhere with this.

Ava: I just want you to be okay for as long as you are here with us, whether it's two days or two months or two decades. We need you, Emma and I. Our little family, we need you, okay? And I know that you have feelings for Gus, and maybe you even love him, but...

Olivia: It's more than that. And I know this is going to sound crazy, but I believe that Gus is the thing that is keeping me alive.

Harley: Hi. I have a 6:30 appointment.

Ruby: Carly, right?

Harley: Close. Harley.

Ruby: Like the motorcycle. How could I forget? Girl, weren't you just here yesterday?

Harley: Yeah.

Ruby: I thought I told you to stay away from the housework. Let somebody else do the dishes for a change.

Harley: Well, I was feeling like I needed a makeover. The clear is kind of boring. I was thinking I might need something a little more bold.

Ruby: I hear you. Let's see. Midnight red. Vampy violet... ooh, this one is perfect for you. Passion fruit pink.

Harley: Passion, huh? Yeah, that sounds about right.

Ruby: All right, biker girl, what aren't you telling me?

Harley: I'm sorry?

Ruby: That smile on your face, the one that looks like it's tattooed on. Is that about that date you told your daughter about?

Harley: Oh, no, it's not.

Ruby: Well, who is he?

Harley: I mean, it is a him. He very sexy, sensitive and caring. He's Australian.

Ruby: Ooh, one of those Heath Ledger types.

Harley: Yeah. It's sort of complicated, though.

Ruby: It doesn't sound complicated to me, as long as he is single, straight and he's got a pulse.

Harley: He's not entirely single.

Ruby: He's half single? You're going to have to explain that one to me.

Harley: Well, he's sort of involved with somebody else. And that somebody else is very special to me. Which makes me the other woman. I'm not that kind of person. I'm not the kind of person who would steal somebody else's guy. This is different. We fit. And I know he feels it, too. He's with her right now telling her.

Ruby: Are you okay?

Harley: I'm not entirely sure what he's telling her. I mean, he feels it, too, I know he does. But he's not really a... he's not really a relationship guy. I mean, he acted like he was going to tell her, but once he sees her, things could change, you know.

Ruby: You're going to need a tissue?

Harley: No, I'm great. I'm great. Because you know what? I took a risk. For the first time in my life, I did not play it safe, and I feel really good about that. Especially after the year I've had. It'll work out. It will. You must think I'm crazy.

Ruby: Honey, you're not crazy. You're in love. Same thing.

Harley: Same thing. (Laughter)

Marina: Doc, are those pain meds?

Mallet: She's usually not so pushy, you know. Except when we're on a stakeout and she makes me eat my sandwich outside the squad car.

Marina: That's because he eats tuna fish and it smells disgusting, and he knows I hate it.

Doctor: Partners on the force and you're a couple?

Marina: No.

Mallet: No.

Marina: No, no, no, no, no. He's not my boyfriend. Actually, my fiancé is on his way. He'll be here any minute.

Mallet: Yes, she's got a fiancé. So, Doc, definitely a torn A.C.L.?

Doctor: Well, the M.R.I. will confirm it, but I would say it's likely.

Marina: So that means surgery? Um, what are the chances that I could fly to France tonight?

Doctor: I'm going to say .01%.

Marina: So, there's hope.

Mallet: You're not going to France. What are you talking about France? You have to heal your knee.

Doctor: Excuse me. I'll be right back.

Mallet: Hey, Doc, if you talk to the surgeon, can you see if maybe he can fix the loose screw in my partner's head. Because she's got this notion she can take down drug dealers all on her own.

Marina: I'm sorry, hot shot. I did call you, but you didn't pick up your phone.

Mallet: You didn't call me. Did you call me?

Marina: Yes.

Cyrus: Hi, Marina.

Marina: Oh, hi. You're here.

Cyrus: Where else would I be? What happened?

Mallet: She decided to take down a drug dealer all on her own.

Marina: He was going to shoot me, but his gun jammed, and so he wrenched my knee.

Cyrus: He tried to shoot you?

Marina: Yeah, but he didn’t.

Cyrus: Thank God you're all right.

Mallet: Okay, well, I'm going to go check out some leads. Do you need anything?

Marina: No.

Mallet: Are you sure?

Marina: Yeah. Thank you. For everything.

Mallet: All right.

Marina: Cyrus, I am so sorry.

Cyrus: Sorry for what?

Marina: Ruining our plans. The doctor said that I can't fly, so we can't go to France today.

Cyrus: Don't worry about that right now.

Marina: But there is something you need to know, though. When that man held a gun up to me, literally my whole life flashed right before my eyes. And I could only see one thing really clearly, and that was you. And I knew I had to fight. I had to get back home to you because I know you're the one. And I'm just so, so glad I didn't let you go.

Natalia: Nicky, we said no gifts until the honeymoon.

Gus: All right, all right. I cheated a little bit. It's humor, a little humor, a little husband to be humor right there. Calm down.

Natalia: I like that. I hate to break it to you, but whatever was in here, someone stole it.

Gus: Yeah. About that. Do you remember a little ring that you used to wear in high school, a little blue... a little blue thing?

Natalia: Yeah, I haven't worn that in years.

Gus: Yeah, well, I know. But I thought it might be appropriate if you maybe wear that later today at the ceremony; put that on your finger. Because it is something old and something blue and...

Natalia: Yeah, but I didn't want the wedding to be about our past. I told you that.

Gus: Yeah, but you didn't let me finish. I think by the time you saw the ring, you wouldn't recognize it anymore.

Natalia: Why?

Gus: Because I had the stone removed and reset between diamonds. It's like an eternity... an eternity ring. So, yes, the blue stone does represent the past, you're right about that. But the stones... the diamonds on the one side represent the present, and the diamonds on the other side represent the future. And... I guess that means you like this idea?

Natalia: I love this idea. Let me see. Where is it?

Gus: No. Hey, no. Good things come to those who wait.

Natalia: You don't have to tell me that.

Ava: Medicine is going to make you feel better, not Gus.

Olivia: Okay, you think I've lost it.

Ava: Well, I don't know what to say to that. You think that your love for Gus is literally going to save you...

Olivia: Okay, I'm nuts. Oh, well. I read a book somewhere where they call it magical thinking. But I'm practical. You know I'm practical, right? But sometimes, you know, when you see the end you start to look at things a little differently, and you start to believe in things that you don't necessarily think about. I believe that there is a reason that Gus found me after my diagnosis. And I believe there is a reason why when I'm with him I feel hopeful and strong.

Ava: Do you love him?

Olivia: Ava, when I look at you and Emma I see all of the things I'm going to miss. Her dance recitals and school plays. And you... you conquering things at Spaulding. And dancing at your wedding, looking so beautiful. And all of the lovely little babies you're going to have. (Sobs)

Ava: Hey. And when you're with Gus, you feel...

Olivia: He's not my past and he's not my future. He's just here with me. He's just here with me now. I get butterflies in my stomach. For one amazing minute, I forget that I'm sick. He's someone I need to fight for.

Ava: Then there's only one thing you can do. Go get Gus.

Mallet: Oh, come on. Why is my phone off? Two missed calls. Oh, Marina, Marina. Marina, Marina. She did try to call me.

Dinah: Hey.

Mallet: Hey. Hey.

Dinah: I heard about Marina. Was she in some sort of an accident?

Mallet: Yeah. Well, no, it wasn't an accident. Some guy tried to shoot her.

Dinah: Oh, my God. Is she okay?

Mallet: Yeah, she's going to be okay. She's freaked out. She tore her A.C.L., but, yeah, she's going to be okay.

Dinah: That's got to hurt.

Mallet: Yeah, she tried to call me when it happened. She called for backup, but my phone was off. And my phone is never off. It's never off when I'm on duty. I don't understand how that happened. But my phone was off. Dinah, come here. I want to ask you something. Do you have any idea why my phone is off?

Dinah: Why would I know about why your phone was off?

Mallet: Because you and I were talking when I heard the news about Marina.

Dinah: You're going to blame me? You're a cop. You need evidence. Why are you blaming me?

Mallet: Dinah. Dinah, did you turn my phone off?

Dinah: Yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know...

Mallet: Do you realize you could have gotten Marina killed today! Do you realize that?

Marina: He can’t come back with us? Okay. I think those pain meds decided to kick in a little bit. I'm warning you right now, I might be a little loopy when I come back out here again and say some things that I don't mean.

Cyrus: You can say whatever you want.

Marina: But I want you to know this. I love you. And that I know now that I never should have hesitated about going to France with you. And that little farmhouse on the countryside. Because I know I want to be there with you.

Cyrus: Marina...

Marina: Yeah?

Cyrus: Nothing. Good luck with your tests. I know you'll get an "A."

Marina: They don't grade them, dork. Will you be here when I get back?

Cyrus: You can count on it.

Harley: Oh, you're back.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Harley: I was worried. I was so worried about you. I don't know why. I mean, what is she going to do, hit you? She's not that big. Although she is pretty tough, and they teach you to take down almost anybody at the police academy. I know that she probably wants an explanation from me, right? I'll talk to her. It's so hard, isn't it, Cyrus? Why aren't you saying anything? You didn't tell her, did you?

Olivia: Okay, so you can stay with Emma while I'm gone?

Ava: Of course. Yes, I will.

Olivia: Oh, you don't understand what I'm doing.

Ava: I do. A little bit more than I care to admit. Well, I know where I got my drive from. Chasing after Coop, trying to hold onto him.

Olivia: Yeah. It's gotta be in the genes.

Ava: Yeah. Today is Gus' wedding day. And I'm worried. I hope he comes when you call him.

Olivia: He will. He has to.

Mallet: Oh, boy, this better be a good one.

Dinah: I... I wanted to ask you something.

Mallet: Okay. What is it?

Dinah: Whether or not... at all...

Mallet: What, Dinah, if maybe we could get back together again?

Dinah: Yes. I just maybe we could give it a try. I know that I screwed up. I know that letting you go was not good, but I am grateful now. I'm grateful because by losing you, I know how much I’ve lost and you mean so much to me. I see it. Are you going to say anything?

Mallet: I can't believe we're having this conversation right now. Dinah, I really want you to understand something right now, okay? I want you to get this through your head. This isn't about you. Today, this is not about you. This is about the fact that Marina almost got killed today. Do you understand? You're been giving me this whole story about how much you've changed. The truth is, you're just as selfish as you always were.

Dinah: I said I'm sorry. It was one mistake, that's all.

Mallet: Baby, it's been like 50. Okay. I'm going to go to the station right now, okay? I need to pull out some paperwork on Marina's attack, and hopefully, hopefully, we can catch this dirt bag. All right?

Dinah: Mallet...

Mallet: Dinah, if you're really serious about changing, I just want you to think about Marina, okay? And think about how close she was today to ending up where you were six months ago. Just think about that. Maybe that will knock some sense into you.

Harley: So you didn't tell her. You can say it. I won't be mad. I don't have any right to be mad, you know. We never even really discussed anything, and you have no obligation to break up with her just because...

Cyrus: I wanted this every bit as much as you did. And when I left here I had every intention of telling Marina that I can't be with her, that there is someone else.

Harley: And then you saw her and you changed your mind.

Cyrus: I saw her and she was in a hospital bed.

Harley: What?

Cyrus: She tangled with some drug dealer. I could kill the guy.

Harley: What? Is she okay?

Cyrus: She's okay. She blew out her knee.

Harley: Where was her partner? Where was Mallet? I could kill him!

Cyrus: Look, Marina is fine, and that's the main thing. But...

Harley: But you didn't tell her. Of course you didn't tell her. She's in pain. She needs you. You did the right thing.

Cyrus: Did I?

Harley: Yes, of course. Oh, my gosh. We were... and she was... out there alone and she could have been killed. While we... Cyrus, we are terrible, terrible, terrible people.

(Bell ringing)

Natalia: You know what that means?

Gus: Yeah, you turn into a pumpkin. A pumpkin eater person. (Laughter)

Natalia: This is weird, because I've been waiting 17 years to marry you, and I don't want to leave here right now.

Gus: Well, that would be a waste of a beautiful dress.

Natalia: It would be a waste of a lot of things.

Gus: Well, we should get our act together.

Natalia: Get out.

Gus: Yeah, okay.

Natalia: But you have to come back here, and show up here.

Gus: You don't think I'm going to show up? I've waited my whole life for this.

Natalia: It makes me think of when I used to bring Rafe home from the hospital, and all I wanted was for you to be there. And I prayed. And I didn't think that God was listening, but, see, now I know that he was. Maybe he was just a little bit slow-- like me. I have to go get beautiful.

Gus: Well, that's not possible.

Natalia: Excuse me?

Gus: I'm just saying, I think you're probably the maximum potential of beautifulness. You walk down the street, and other women see you and they just burst out in tears.

Natalia: I love you.

Gus: Me, too. I love you, too. And I'm going to tell you...

Natalia: Just save it for the vows.

Gus: Right. Save it. Okay, save it. Save it.

Olivia: Hey, Gus, it's Olivia. I know it's terrible to call you on your wedding day. It's just that I had this crazy idea that I would go up to the Bauer cabin, you know, for some rest and fresh air, and all of a sudden I'm having a hard time catching my breath. And I'm having a little bit of a hard time actually even standing up. So, I know this is hard, but, you know, if you... I'm afraid I'm going to pass out and no one is going to be here. So, please, if you could hurry, I... please hurry. It's worth it. It's worth it. (Knock on the door) Gus!

Natalia: Didn't anyone ever tell you not to mess with a bride on her wedding day?

Cyrus: Hey, are you sure you're ready for this?

Marina: Yeah. I figured I'd try to at least hobble around a little bit. I'll get the hang of it.

Harley: Hi. I am so, so, so sorry.

Marina: Why? It's not your fault.

Harley: I was just worried. I was so upset when I heard. What were you doing out there?

Marina: Check in with your ex. He wasn't there when I tried to call him.

Harley: I knew this was Mallet's fault.

Marina: It's not his fault at all. I was kidding. It's Cody Jenkins' fault. He's the perp who did this.

Cyrus: Does it still hurt?

Marina: Um, a little bit. Do you think you could help me...

Harley: Lean on me.

Cyrus: Or me.

Marina: Well, I can't exactly lean on both of you guys at the same time. You guys...

Harley: Yeah?

Marina: I just want to thank you both so much for being here right now. Because there is no one else I would rather be with.

Cyrus: Shh.

Marina: I'm serious.

Cyrus: Concentrate on walking.

Marina: I'm serious. I'm serious, okay? I love you. And I cannot wait to go away to France with you. And I love you, too. I was thinking maybe we can watch chick flicks when we get home.

Harley: I'll make the popcorn.

Marina: Okay, let's go.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: So you'd screw Lizzie over for Sarah?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Alan: I will be home by tonight.

Lizzie: He's coming. I have to go warn Jonathan.

Gus: Today I'm marrying my high school sweetheart.

Olivia: He's not in love with you. You can't be serious. You can't lock me in here.

Natalia: I'll save you a piece of cake.

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