GL Transcript Wednesday 2/6/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/6/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Buzz: Who's got the cards?

Harley: Me!

Buzz: Chips, right here!

Ashlee: I know I'm new at this, guys, but... you know...

Coop: Ah, well, we use potato chips instead.

Harley: Yeah. Frank ate half my winnings one time.

Frank: I was hungry.

Coop: Oh, by the way, guys, tonight can we go a little easy on Ashlee? After all, this is her rookie introduction to our card game.

Buzz: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Harley: Play at your own risk, sweetie.

Coop: Be nice, Harley.

Buzz: You seem almost cheerful.

Ashlee: You know, playing cards with the Cooper’s can't be as hard as doing jail time. (Laughs)

Coop: Ah.

Ashlee: What, Coop? If I can't joke about it, I'm going to go crazy.

Buzz: Where's Marina?

Coop: Is she even coming tonight?

Harley: Maybe she's out on a date or something.

Buzz: What? She just broke up with Cyrus.

Harley: Well, I don't know where she is, Daddy. I'm just... I'm guessing.

Ashlee: Um, so, okay, so we play with chips for chips.

Harley: Oh, no, no, no. Chips are small potatoes. This is a high-stakes poker game.

Buzz: Frank!

Frank: Yo!

Buzz: Tell them what we're playing for!

Frank: Okay, Dad. Well, tonight we'll be playing for a brand new ham!

Coop: Oh, man. There was nothing else back there? A ham?

Buzz: What? There's that late delivery, you know.

Harley: Daddy, seriously, you don't have like a cake or cookies, or something fun back there?

Buzz: Ham is fun!

Coop: Oh, yeah. Sure. (Laughter)

Buzz: Ham is fun! This is a wet-cured, lightly smoked, beautiful Virginia ham.

Frank: Absolutely. Deal it, Coop. (Laughter)

Coop: Okay. Fine. Ham is fine.

Buzz: He meant the cards.

Ashlee: Harsh.

Harley: Welcome to family poker night! (Laughter)

Coop: This should be interesting. All right, here we go.

Marina: Did you guys start already?

Frank: We thought you two broke up.

Marina: We did, but we're back together.

Cyrus: Marina came to her senses.

Marina: We had a stupid fight. You know, and I said a lot of really stupid things, like goodbye. But, um, we're happier together, so...

Coop: Well, hey, that's great.

Ashlee: Yeah. Wow. I'm so glad for you guys. That's great.

Buzz: Good news, right?

Harley: Great. We're going to need some more chairs.

Cyrus: I'll get them.

Buzz: No, no. I got them. You take these.

Ashlee: Here, here, let's move them down.

Harley: I think I'll go find something a little better than a ham.

Marina: Okay.

Ashlee: Buzz says it's a very good ham.

Frank: Hey, how'd it go with Preston?

Harley: I cannot believe Daddy doesn't have a cake in here.

Frank: I don't know if he does or not, but anyway... my buddy that I sent you, Preston Hayes.

Harley: Oh, yeah, I'm taking his case.

Frank: Oh, okay, well, good. He's a nice guy, right? Hey, listen, sis, did he tell you that he was like the leading orthognath... he's a surgeon. Anyway, listen, hey, sis, he's single.

Harley: I thought you said you saw Mallet and Marina on a date? That's what you said.

Frank: Well, that's the way it looked to me, yeah, but you know what, they told me that they weren't, so who knows?

Harley: Then why did you even say it, Frank?

Frank: Hold on a second, sis. I thought you wanted Marina and Cyrus to patch things up because of that little misunderstanding that you guys had?

Harley: I do. But the last time I saw Cyrus, he seemed ready to move on... I mean out. He was leaving.

Coop: We start playing in 30 seconds. Last chance for snacks and drinks.

Marina: No, no, no, no, no.

Cyrus: I don't get chip for snacks?

Marina: No, the chips are the chips.

Cyrus: Oh.

Marina: Duh.

Cyrus: I saw that you called. I wanted to tell you.

Harley: No, you were... you were busy. You were working things out. I get it. I'm happy for you. I'm happy you're happy, both of you.

Coop: All right, ladies and gents, the game is five-card draw, deuces wild, jacks or better to start the betting.

Ashlee: What does that mean?

Buzz: Oh, this is going to be fun.

Coop: That means that you need a jack or better to start your betting of the chips.

Ashlee: Okay. That means that I need a facey guy or, like, an ace to play?

Frank: A "facey" guy?

Marina: Guys, be nice.

Cyrus: You can still play, Ashlee, but you need at least a pair of face cards-- the facey guys-- to make the first bet.

Ashlee: Thank you, Cyrus.

Buzz: Okay. So, jacks or better, right?

Coop: Yes, that's correct. So, I guess Harley’s setting the stakes.

Harley: Full house!

Frank: Oh, way to go, sis!

Harley: Thank you. I'm in it to win it.

Coop: What did you think you have?

Ashlee: Well, I've got a lot of hearts.

Buzz: You've got a lot of heart all right.

Coop: She does, but, Ashlee, you don't have anything.

Ashlee: Oh. (Laughter)

Frank: Well, I'm actually thinking ham casserole, ham sandwiches-- what am I going to do with all of that ham?

Harley: That ham is mine. (Laughter)

Cyrus: Pair of aces. Oh well, next time.

Marina: Oh, she can keep her full house. I love what I have. Hey, no peeking!

Harley: Look, just because you've got a good hand, Marina, it doesn't mean everyone wants to steal it.

Ashlee: I wasn't trying to steal anything.

Marina: No, I didn't think you were.

Buzz: Frank, I feel your ham slipping away.

Frank: Thanks, Pop.

Buzz: Fine, Frank, go ahead and grind it through the whole game.

Cyrus: Grinding means playing it safe.

Harley: And that's no way to live. I mean, play.

Coop: Okay, let's do it.

Ashlee: Whoa, dead man's hand.

Buzz: How did you know that?

Frank: A little ironic.

Cyrus: Whatever it is, it can't be good.

Harley: It's the hand that Wild Bill Hickock was holding when....

Marina: ...When Jack McCall stabbed him in the back.

Frank: Actually, honey, he shot him in the back.

Buzz: How did you know that?

Ashlee: This poker thing is kind of fun.

Frank: Ashlee Wolfe.

Buzz: You've been sandbagging us.

Coop: No, she's just a fast learner. Okay, wait, you said this was the first time you played poker.

Ashlee: Yeah, with you guys. My mom is a champ.

Buzz: Oh, big surprise.

Ashlee: I hope you like ham.

Marina: How come she didn't take you?

Harley: I had an inkling she was better than she was saying.

Marina: You didn't feel the need to share that with anyone else?

Harley: Well, if she wants the ham, you can't fault her for going after it.

Marina: Whatever, Harley. Someone needs to deal. The cards. I see your two Pringles, and I raise you two more.

Harley: I see that. I'll raise you another three.

Marina: Three? Interesting, Harley.

Cyrus: I fold.

Harley: Why is that interesting?

Buzz: Girls, you know...

Marina: You know what? I'm all in.

Harley: I'm all in, too.

Marina: Oh, I am so in.

Harley: I am so in.

Marina: You're out.

Coop: You know what? This would probably be the best time to show your cards.

Marina: Fine. Why don't you lay your hand on the table?

Harley: Look at you, so sure that you've won.

Marina: No. Just because you've had more experience...

Coop: Did I miss something here?

Harley: I've got nothing. And I have to meet Daisy, so keep your ham.

Ashlee: I guess it looks like I won the ham. Let's go put this in the fridge, Coop. Come on.

Coop: Yeah.

Frank: What a mess.

Buzz: I told you to make a choice.

Cyrus: I did.

Buzz: No, because if you did, maybe you would have chosen a different activity for the evening, maybe one that didn't pit the two of them against each other in a fierce competition over meat!

Cyrus: I feel terrible about what this has done to your family.

Buzz: Someone is going to be hurt. I honestly don't know which one it is. But I think you do. You've got two of the best women I know to fall in love with you. That's not a bad hand to be dealt, but you are going to deal with it. You are going to end it tonight.

Marina: Hey, everything okay?

Cyrus: So, that was fun.

Marina: Well, it'll get easier. I mean...

Cyrus: I don't think so.

Marina: No, I knew things were going to be weird because we were engaged, and then we broke up, and now we're back together...

Cyrus: This is hard for me, Marina.

Marina: I know, but it's going to get easier.

Cyrus: I don't think it will.

Marina: What do you mean?

Cyrus: Let's go outside. Let's go to France.

Marina: What?

Cyrus: Lately we've been having all of these problems, and I think it's because we gave up on that dream. We always knew that we couldn't be together and happy here. That's why we decided to go in the first place.

Marina: But when we were going to go, I mean, that's when everything fell apart.

Cyrus: That's because we didn't make it. Once we found each other again, the first thing we should have done was just go, like we planned.

Marina: You were facing charges.

Cyrus: And once I was free to go, we forgot about going. But nothing's stopping us now.

Marina: Okay.

Cyrus: I can... I can call that leasing agent and have us in that farmhouse tomorrow.

Marina: But you wanted to live on stolen money.

Cyrus: I wanted to give you everything. I can't do that now, not right away. We'll be scraping by for a while. But we're pretty much doing that here anyway.

Marina: We can really do this.

Cyrus: Yep. We'll pack a few things, buy whatever else we need there. You can find some kind of police work and I'll find some kind of legal work.

Marina: It's just that before, when we were going to go, I was the one who was running away. And now I feel like you're the one who's running away.

Cyrus: Marina, this has nothing to do with anyone but us. I want to be with you.

Marina: Can I sleep on it? It's just kind of fast, you know?

Cyrus: I guess that means I am, too.

Marina: No. No, actually, you go with me we won't sleep. Just give me tonight, okay? And we'll talk tomorrow.

Cyrus: Okay. But don't think too much, just say you'll go with me.

Harley: Hi.

Daisy: Careful, nails.

Harley: Nice to see you, too.

Daisy: I thought I was meeting you at Company.

Harley: Well, I thought I'd meet you first.

Ruby: I can squeeze you in next, hon.

Harley: No, that's okay.

Daisy: Yeah, yeah. No, thanks. She'd love that. I've got babysitting money.

Harley: Okay, thank you. But I'm paying.

Ruby: You might want to do something with that hair, too.

Daisy: I think the salon's running a special. That's what you mean, right, Ruby? Stop, you look good.

Harley: Maybe we should do a makeover tomorrow. We'll go shopping, we'll eat tons of bad food, we'll watch TV all afternoon. What do you say?

Daisy: Why are you getting all "Gilmore Girls" on me?

Harley: You don't want to spend time with your mother?

Daisy: No, I do. I do. I do. But, I mean, look, we're getting our nails done now. What are we going to do tomorrow, get them redone?

Ruby: I can pencil you in.

Daisy: No. We can't come.

Harley: Clearly she's already raided the mall.

Daisy: Don’t...

Harley: Look at this. This is such a beautiful dress. Hey, what's the event?

Daisy: I feel like such a traitor. I'm wearing it to Gus' wedding tomorrow. It's her ex-husband.

Ruby: You poor thing. Well no wonder you look a wreck.

Daisy: She didn't know until just now. Rafe put a note in my locker asking me if I wanted to go. I want to be with him, and he'll be there, so...

Ruby: Girl, get back under that dryer.

Harley: Yeah, Ruby's right. It's not worth smudging your nails over.

Daisy: Okay. Okay, I won't go if you're hurt by this.

Harley: I'm not hurt, Daisy.

Daisy: I'll burn the dress. No, I won't burn it, because it's so expensive. I'll return it. Oh, gosh, it was so expensive. I had to...

Harley: What?

Daisy: I put it on your card.

Harley: So I'm paying for the dress that you're wearing to my ex-husband's wedding?

Daisy: I didn't have enough cash, but I'll pay you back. Actually, no, I won't pay you back because I'm returning it.

Harley: I'll be on a date.

Daisy: What?

Harley: Yeah. I couldn't go anyway because I'll be out on a date. I was just messing with you.

Daisy: You've been holding out on me? Who is this guy? Where did you meet him?

Harley: It's not a big deal. But, yes, I've been dating.

Daisy: That's great. Wow.

Harley: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's great, you know, being single and going out all the time. It's just really... it's fun, you know, dating. Well, Gus is moving on, I'm moving on, too.

Daisy: After I finish drying these, I can give you a really big hug.

Harley: Just do my nails, okay?

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Marina: It is all of my favorite French foods-- croissants, cafe au lait, French fries, French toast...

Cyrus: Come here. (laughs) So you want to go?

Marina: I wanted to call you in the middle of the night, but I didn't want to wake you.

Cyrus: Well, I was awake.

Marina: I love you, and I want us to be together. So let's do this, okay? Let's go.

Cyrus: Okay.

Marina: Did you really think I would say no?

Cyrus: Well, I already got us the house, and these are non-refundable. They're for tonight, but don't panic.

Marina: I'm not. Is that weird? I mean, I guess that's what happens when you chuck the word "should."

Cyrus: Yeah. It feels great, right?

Marina: It's going to feel a million times better when we're done doing all of the things that we have to do before we can go.

Cyrus: What, you mean packing?

Marina: Like packing, and saying our goodbyes. I'll pack.

Harley: "Hi. I know this is last minute, but I need to see you, now. If possible." Why are you acting like you've never talked to this man before? "Hi... can we meet? I need to see you." That's good. Simple. "Hi, can we meet? I need to see you." I like that. That's good. That's good. "Hi." I'm just going to call him. That's what I'll do. I'll just get it over with and just, you know, call him. "Hi." "Hi." Preston! Preston Hayes, thank you so much for meeting me.

Preston: Sure. I am surprised you needed more information, but... there is not a problem with the case, is there?

Harley: Oh, no, just filling in some blanks. For example, what's your favorite brunch food? It doesn't have to all be work, does it? I have nothing written under occupation, but my brother said you're an Orthodontist.

Preston: No.

Harley: Orthopedist?

Preston: I'm an Orthognathic surgeon.

Harley: Is that the same thing?

Preston: Well, like with any other surgery, there's risk of bleeding, swelling, infection.

Harley: Do you have any hobbies?

Preston: Do you?

Harley: Well, I guess not. I mean, between work and my kids...

Preston: You know, maybe we should just talk about the case.

Harley: Oh, my kids are great.

Preston: I'm sure they are, but you must have some questions for me. You didn't drag me all the way down here just for this.

Harley: No, of course not. I mean, I'm doing a client survey. Yes. How did you... why did you pick my agency?

Preston: Frank sent me to you, remember?

Harley: I'm starting to wonder why.

Gus: Hey. How are you?

Harley: Oh, hi!

Gus: I'm sorry for interrupting. When you get a second...

Harley: Yes, of course. That's one of my many exes. Yes, so I will definitely be getting back to you about the case. Okay. See ya. My gosh, that guy was all over me. Did he leave?

Gus: Yeah, I think he left skid marks.

Harley: Whoo, thank you. So what's in the bag?

Gus: Nothing.

Harley: You've got this huge garment bag full of nothing? Oh, that's your tuxedo because you're getting married later today. Yes, well, thanks for the save. Much needed. Like I said, that guy was all over me.

Gus: Well, you could have handled that guy.

Harley: I can handle any guy. I just have trouble holding onto one.

Dinah: Are you insane? Oh, you stopped. Now I could have been yelling at anyone.

Cyrus: I'm busy, Didi.

Dinah: Don't you mean, "I'm never going to see you again, Didi, because I'm running away with Marina tonight," even though it is a stupid, stupid idea.

Cyrus: Okay, how long is this going to take?

Dinah: Well, I ran into her this afternoon when she was buying some luggage. And my brain shut off because she was going on and on about a dream come true.

Cyrus: Wow, I thought you were getting better?

Dinah: No, I turned my brain off on purpose, Cyrus. French farmhouse, I think I'm going to croak.

Cyrus: Okay.

Dinah: Okay? Harley, she's out?

Cyrus: Who said she was ever in? I want to be with Marina.

Dinah: You're sure about that?

Cyrus: You never really liked her, did you? Marina's great. And the only baggage Marina has is the kind that she was buying.

Dinah: Her lack of luggage is your reason?

Cyrus: I like myself when I'm with her. She has this kindness about her.

Dinah: Uh-huh.

Cyrus: No one as good as her has ever given me a chance. She stuck by me. She's fun, she's easy to be with and she doesn't come with four kids and three exes.

Dinah: Three kids and four exes.

Cyrus: Wow, you really are getting better.

Dinah: Oh, don't you use my mad brain power to change the subject.

Cyrus: I love Marina. I've spent the last year of my life finding ways to be with her. And Harley is all messed up, coming off a divorce.

Dinah: Everyone's messed up coming off a divorce.

Cyrus: So Harley and I had this connection, or whatever you want to call it.

Dinah: Some call it love.

Cyrus: I... I can't be what Harley needs, Dinah. I didn't even know what to do with a woman like her. I've always gone after the Marina’s of the world-- the fun, hot girls that can just pick up and leave.

Dinah: Or who you can pick up and leave.

Cyrus: We'll send you a postcard.

Dinah: Okay, Marina is like Harley light.

Cyrus: What?

Dinah: You know when they make a lighter version of a really great food, whatever kind of food that you really shouldn't want, but you want anyway? And, you know, it's good, but it's just not as good as the real thing?

Cyrus: They're women, not groceries.

Dinah: What if Harley is your real thing?

Cyrus: Mallet’s yours. Why aren't you with him? Au revoir.

Dinah: Touché.

Harley: It looks beautiful.

Gus: Why would you want to come here?

Harley: Does it bother you that I'm here?

Gus: It's just a very un-Harley thing to do, I think. I mean, coming here and smashing the place up, that would be a Harley thing to do. But please don't do that because the bride would kill me.

Harley: I'm not smashing things. I'm not angry anymore.

Gus: I'm getting scared, maybe.

Harley: I've just come to believe that, you know, maybe it is possible for two people to come together and believe that they're meant to be, and then someone else comes along, and maybe she's the better match.

Gus: Are you high? (Laughs) Did that guy put something in your drink or something? A roofie, maybe? Or maybe it's because you almost died in that building with Cyrus. Those things make you different. They make you think different, sort of appreciate things and accept things more easily.

Harley: It is nice to believe that maybe there is something bigger out there pushing us to meet the people we're supposed to meet when we're supposed to meet them. There has to be a reason that people are drawn to each other over and over and over again.

Gus: Don't worry about Marina.

Harley: What?

Gus: I was at the station earlier, and I saw that she was giving her notice.

Harley: She's leaving her job?

Gus: She's leaving the country. Leaving the country with Cyrus today. I'm sorry, I thought you knew about it.

Coop: It just feels fast, that's all.

Marina: Well, not really. I mean, we were going to leave last September, but then everything happened. Anyway, we're doing it the right way this time.

Frank: The legal way.

Buzz: Frank.

Coop: Frank.

Frank: Look, Marina, I don't want you to go.

Marina: Dad, don't do this, please.

Frank: Everything you love in life is right here, your work...

Coop: And us. We're pretty great, too, you know.

Marina: I know. You guys are the absolute best. But someone told me once that sometimes it's worth the risk, letting go of everything that you love for someone you love because it could be the best ride of your life.

Frank: What idiot told you that?

Coop: That doesn't make sense.

Marina: I love you, Grandpa.

Buzz: Come here. Look, I'm going to miss you. But be happy, okay?

Coop: What the...

Buzz: Who are you calling an idiot?

Marina: Okay, don't give me that look. Don't you cry. Because if you cry, then I'm going to cry, and we're not going to... we're not going to cry now.

Frank: I'm happy for you.

Marina: Really? But you just said that...

Frank: I don't like Cyrus. And I don't like the fact that you're going to be moving so far away. But I realize that my little girl has grown up and if this is what you really, really want, I'm behind you.

Marina: Thank you.

Buzz: Well, this is what I call making a choice. Thank you.

Harley: Marina! (Knock on the door) Marina? Oh, God, please don't let them be gone yet. Marina?

Mallet: Uh-huh. Well, Foley, it looks like we've got you surrounded.

Cyrus: Where have I heard that before?

Mallet: All right, let's see the house. Come on, the house... the house you guys keep talking about.

Frank: Yeah, they're going to be farmers or something.

Mallet: Wow. Fancy.

Coop: Oh, boy. You might want to put the cards away, Dad.

Marina: Harley. I'm so glad you're here. Once again, we have news. Cyrus asked me to go to France with him, and we're leaving tonight.

Harley: I heard.

Mallet: Come on, Harley, get in here. Make one of your famous toasts. Come on, you're good at this stuff.

Marina: Mallet, she doesn't have to do that.

Cyrus: We should get going.

Buzz: I'll make the toast.

Mallet: No, come on, she's good at it. Make a toast.

Harley: I wish I had something brilliant to say, but this all happened so fast. We love you and we want you to be happy. We want you both to be happy. And I guess if I had any advice to give you, it would be live in the moment. And if you should find what you love, you have to hold onto that.

Buzz: Cheers!

Frank: Yeah, yeah, cheers!

Coop: Nice, Harley. (Everybody talking at once) Hey, where's she going? Dad...

Marina: Cyrus is right. We should probably head out.

Frank: Well, how about I give you a ride to the airport?

Cyrus: Actually, I've got to go and get our bags. So you go and spend some extra time with your dad.

Marina: Are you sure?

Cyrus: Yeah. I'll meet you at the airport.

Marina: Okay. I'll make sure he gets me there on time.

Cyrus: Okay.

Cyrus: Harley? Harley? Hey.

Harley: How in the world did you get in here?

Cyrus: I broke in. That's what I do.

Harley: Look, I hate public speaking. That's what that was about.

Cyrus: Okay, okay. Let’s... I'll just get you a glass of water...

Harley: No, no, no. I don't want you to help me. Get out!

Dinah: Hey, Mallet, I was looking for you.

Mallet: Hey, Dinah. What are you doing here?

Dinah: Well, I just... I needed to talk to you. It's pretty important.

Mallet: Well, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.

Marina: You know what, we were just wrapping up, though. So if you give us a second...

Frank: Hey, Mallet, listen, I just got a call about a disturbance on King Street. Is there any way you can take that for me?

Mallet: Yeah, sure.

Frank: All right, thanks. Honey, I'm going to go get the keys to the car.

Marina: I'll take that call.

Mallet: You're not taking that call. You're going to the airport.

Marina: I've got time.

Mallet: You've already quit the force.

Marina: Dinah is here.

Mallet: So?

Marina: So, I want you to be as happy as I am.

Mallet: You weren't so happy the other day. You haven't told me about how all this came about with Cyrus.

Marina: I don't know, Mallet. We broke up and then we made up and now we're going to France. I want this, okay? He makes me happy.

Mallet: I'm going to miss you, partner.

Marina: I'm going to miss you, too. All right. Go. Go, go, go talk to Dinah.

Mallet: You'll call... call if you need backup?

Marina: I'll call.

Mallet: Thank you.

Harley: You are not here because you want me. You are here because I'm a mess and because you feel sorry for me.

Cyrus: Will you let me talk?

Harley: You have a plane to catch.

Cyrus: Just listen.

Harley: Cyrus, you are humiliating me. You know, the other day, when we... you know, we kissed, and then the next thing I know, you're back with Marina and you're going to France. And I haven't even had two seconds to talk to you about what's taken place.

Cyrus: Just let me explain it to you.

Harley: I don't want you to explain it to me. I know that you think that will make things better, but really, it won’t. Because after the day I've had, I would probably just fall apart right in front of you. So, please, just get out of my house and get and on that plane because every second you stand here in front of me, you just make it so much worse for me. And you need to be with the woman that you love.

Cyrus: I am.

Mallet: Thank you. All right, so, what's on your mind? What's so important?

Dinah: Well, I wanted your undivided attention. It's about our divorce. I want to end it.

Mallet: Well, you end a marriage, not a divorce.

Dinah: Then let's stop it, whatever we have to do to get that done.

Mallet: Dinah, you walked out on me.

Dinah: You were the one that asked for the divorce.

Mallet: Yes, to make it final because we can't keep going the way we were going.

Dinah: Okay, it's not... it's not going to be like that anymore because I'm... I'm getting better. I'm getting clearer. Clear enough to know that when I left you, it was more about the injury than it was about me, your wife, who still loves you.

Mallet: Dinah, listen...

Dinah: Listen, I know that I'm healing, and I know that we can heal together. I think that we need to give it a try, at least before we sign any...

Mallet: Keagan...

Keagan: Mallet, we just got a distress call from Marina. There's trouble, man. We've got to go. Come on.

Mallet: All right, all right. I'm coming. Later.

Cyrus: I left that party to get the bags, I really did. But I couldn't stay away. Because every time I think about getting on that plane, I can't stand the thought of leaving you. I can't do it. And I wish I was the kind of guy that knew all along, so I wouldn't have had to drag you through all of this. Maybe I'm the one who's messed up, who's got all of the baggage. But I... I know now what I want. And that's you. I want you. I want you.


Next on "Guiding Light."

Natalia: I'm going to get married now.

Olivia: They can't get married, Ava.

Gus: Good things come to those that wait.

Natalia: You don't have to tell me that. Wow says it all.

Harley: You didn't think I would do it.

Cyrus: I just hoped that you would.

Cyrus: Marina...

Harley: Are you going to tell her about this?

Cyrus: I think we have to.

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