GL Transcript Tuesday 2/5/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 2/5/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Jonathan: You doing all right over there?

Lizzie: Okay, I know that you told me to pack light, but it's not really my style. And you haven't told me whether I'm packing for the cold or I'm packing for the heat.

Jonathan: Well, you're packing for a little bit of both.

Lizzie: Well, that's great. That doesn't help me at all.

Jonathan: Hey, you're not backing out on this, are you?

Lizzie: No. I want to be with you and Sarah. I do.

Jonathan: Well, we can't stay here.

Lizzie: I know that, okay? I've just never been on the run.

Jonathan: Well, I have. And you don't need to pack these, because we're not going to be hitting up any red carpets. (Knocking on door) Are you expecting?

Reva: Lizzie? It's me, Reva.

Billy: Hey. Good morning.

Bill: Is it?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I'm out of rehab, I'm sober, and I'm starting to get pretty again.

Bill: (Laughs) Well, you sure are pretty. Happy to see me?

Billy: Yeah, and I'm happy to be seen by you. How's your eyes?

Bill: 20/20.

Billy: Good. Well, it's all back to normal then, huh?

Bill: Well, what is normal, right?

Billy: Yeah. Look, I ran into an old friend of yours.

Bill: What was her name?

Bill: Jonathan Randall.

Bill: I already heard.

Billy: Yeah, yeah. Look, now, whatever was going on between you and Lizzie...

Bill: Nothing's going on with me and Lizzie, okay? No baby, no nothing, all right?

Billy: I know, I know. It's just, you know, Alan Spaulding would kill to get his hands on that child.

Bill: I heard. I heard.

Billy: And, well, Sarah and Jonathan are family now, and they're our family now. So we're going to circle the wagons on this one, okay?

Bill: So I'm back in the family.

Billy: Never were out.

Bill: So then you thinking about getting rid of the watchdog Dylan, huh? Let me run the family business again?

Billy: I tell you what, we'll discuss who runs the family business another time, okay?

Bill: I thought you'd say that.

Cassie: Oh, Lillian.

Lillian: Hi, Cassie.

Cassie: He's all yours.

Lillian: Thank you. How are you?

Josh: Hi. Come on in.

Lillian: Hi. I just brought over some coats from the nurse's station for your coat drive. Here.

Josh: That's going to be great. Thank you so much.

Lillian: Hey, how's R.J. doing?

Josh: He's fine. Why do you ask?

Lillian: Well, he gave everyone at the park such a scare the other day. I mean, he could have been killed.

Josh: I'm not sure that I realized you were even there.

Lillian: Josh, I was walking to work on the other side of the train tracks when I saw what was happening. It was just terrifying. I mean, if Cassie hadn't been right there, who knows what would have happened? Whatever made that child go out on the train tracks?

Cassie: Is it just your stomach?

Will: Maybe.

Cassie: Well, how's your head?

Will: It hurts. Can you make me some tomato soup?

Cassie: Sure I can, sweetie. Why don't we go lay down first, okay?

Will: Okay.

Cassie: Okay. Get snuggled up here. Yeah. There you go. I'm really glad, sweetie, that you felt safe to call me and tell me that you weren't feeling well. (Knocking on door)

Mr. Salat: I'm sorry to bother you at home, Mrs. Lewis.

Cassie: Mr. Salat? Will, I'll be right back.

Mr. Salat: Did my secretary tell you that I needed to see you?

Cassie: I wasn't aware that I needed to see the principal to pick up my sick child.

Mr. Salat: Will isn't sick. He was suspended.

Cassie: What? Why?

Mr. Salat: The psychologist that you hired to evaluate Will contacted me.

Cassie: That was supposed to be a confidential meeting.

Mr. Salat: Well, not if she feels that Will could be a danger to other students. In that case, she's obligated to inform us.

Cassie: The woman met with Will once. She can't possibly know him.

Mr. Salat: Dr. Pleasance was very clear on this. She thinks that Will needs professional counseling. Once that's done, the situation can certainly be reevaluated.

Cassie: Are you... are you kicking him out of school?

Mr. Salat: Mrs. Lewis...

Cassie: He's a little kid. He's a little kid. Do you really think this is going to help him?

Mr. Salat: Look, Mrs. Lewis, I have an obligation. So do you.

Doris: I always knew that you'd work for me.

Jeffrey: I don't work for you, okay? I'm the D.A.

Doris: And I'm the mayor. I never get tired of saying that.

Jeffrey: I'm sure you don’t.

Doris: Hmm. Listen, technically, as mayor, it means that I'm still your boss.

Jeffrey: Which means that, what? You're here to welcome me?

Doris: Well, yeah, that-- and I just want to make sure that we're on the same page about your priorities in this office.

Jeffrey: Okay, let's see: Convict the bad guys and make sure that they stay locked up in jail. How's that?

Doris: Excellent! As long as this case gets your attention first. It's one that's very near and dear to my heart.

Jeffrey: You want me to prosecute Jonathan Randall?

Doris: Problem?

(Knocking on door)

Jonathan: Go, go, go.

Lizzie: One second, Reva!

Reva: Well, I didn't expect to see you here. Does this mean that you two have worked something out?

Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah, I guess you could say that.

Reva: Oh, good. Good. I'm so glad. I mean, I know that Jonathan told you about everything, about what I did.

Lizzie: When you kidnapped me and sucked out my bone marrow.

Reva: Well, now you make it sound like it... okay, I guess that is how it happened.

Lizzie: I've got the tattoo to prove it.

Reva: Yeah, well, I didn't exactly want it to go down that way. I didn’t. I wanted to be honest with you. But Jonathan and I just thought it would be better for Sarah to get her the help she needed, and also to try to keep her safe from Alan. And I know you're pressing charges, and that must mean you're angry, and I don't blame you.

Lizzie: I dropped the charges. I dropped the charges.

Reva: You did?

Lizzie: Yes. I called Gus this morning.

Reva: Oh. Well. Well, thank you. Thank you. I mean, maybe... maybe now we can try to be a family again?

Lizzie: I'm not sending you to prison, Reva, but you are not off the hook.

Jonathan: Lizzie, come on.

Lizzie: Come on, what?

Jonathan: I thought we were doing what's right for Sarah, the two of us together.

Lizzie: We are. But that doesn't erase what she did to me.

Jonathan: What's the point?

Reva: No, now wait a minute. Lizzie's entitled to her feelings, and that's why I'm here. So go ahead, Lizzie, talk.

Lizzie: When Jonathan first came back and I realized that he wasn't dead and neither was Sarah, I was just totally overwhelmed. Having Sarah back in my arms was like this amazing dream come true, until I thought about the past year and all of the times that you lied to me.

Reva: I know. And I'm sorry.

Lizzie: You're sorry? I trusted you. Do you remember that? I couldn't eat. I could barely get out of bed. I couldn't stop crying. And the only person that I wanted was you-- not my mom, not my nana-- you. Because you understood what I was going through, because your son was gone, just like my daughter was gone. But your son wasn't dead! And neither was my baby. And you knew the whole time!

Reva: I don't know what to say to you to...

Lizzie: I thought I was losing my mind. I did. And you could have said the one thing that would have made me feel better, but you didn’t. You just kept lying to me, Reva! You kept lying! You kept saying things to me, like "The pain will get better."

Jonathan: Lizzie, Lizzie, that was my fault. I was the one her put her up to it. I put her in that spot. Just blame me.

Lizzie: Oh, I do. Believe me, I do. But for some reason, what you did to me, that was worse. You're a mother. I lived with you. You saw how much I loved my daughter. If you had just told me that she was sick, that she needed me, I would have done anything. But you didn't! You made me think that I was a drunk. You made me think I was nuts. I mean, this would actually be funny if it didn't hurt me so much.

Jonathan: Whoa!

Reva: I did what I thought was best for Sarah to protect her.

Lizzie: She could have died. Tell me that not having her mother there was the right decision.

Reva: I realize. I've seen how much you love Sarah when you were with her. But you've got to know, Alan, if he knew anything about this...

Lizzie: Yes, yes! I would have protected my daughter!

Reva: You know Alan! You know what he's capable of, Lizzie!

Lizzie: And now I know what you're capable of.

Reva: Yes! Yes! That is who I am. And that is who Jonathan is. And I know that deep down inside, you understand this, because it's who you are, too, because you're just like we are. And that's something we all share.

Jeffrey: Seen your pal Alan Spaulding lately?

Doris: Oh, you mean my ex-husband? No, actually. Where is he?

Jeffrey: Beats me.

Doris: You know, I want you to prosecute Jonathan Randall because he's a criminal, and I am the law and order mayor.

Jeffrey: Does that mean you watch the reruns on TV?

Doris: Funny. What it means is that he is a menace to society, okay? He faked two deaths, and he kidnapped a child.

Jeffrey: His own child.

Doris: Yeah, well, did he have the mother's permission?

Jeffrey: Well, so far Lizzie Spaulding hasn't filed any charges. So if she's not upset, why are you?

Doris: Because it's a pattern with him. Do I have to remind you what he did to my daughter?

Jeffrey: So this is about Ashlee?

Doris: No, this is about justice.

Jeffrey: Well, if you're so concerned about justice, Doris, then you may consider letting this go, because Jonathan left with Sarah to protect her from Alan. Don't you have any sympathy for that?

Doris: You have a job to do, and I have a job to do. So why don't you do yours, okay? Unless it's a job you don't want to keep. But maybe protecting your girlfriend's family is more important? Say hi to Jonny for me.

Billy: So, boy, Lizzie’s in trouble, and you'll only be thinking about yourself, huh?

Bill: Well, I've got to be me.

Billy: I think you're jealous.

Bill: (Laughs) Jealous? Really? Of what? Jonathan? Look, if Lizzie wants to be with him, then she gets what she deserves.

Billy: Seriously, I think he's going to split town before Alan gets his hands on that kid.

Bill: Really? That sounds like a great thing to me.

Billy: Come on! It's Reva’s kid, and that's her grandchild.

Bill: So who are you concerned about here, Lizzie or Jon?

Billy: And you wonder why I think you're not man enough to run the company.

Bill: (Laughs) See, now that's what's unbelievable. Because I can think on my own? I don't have to listen to everything my father says? Well, look, if I'm good enough to help the family out in a crisis, then I think I'm good enough to run the family business.

Billy: Oh, is that how it works?

Bill: That's exactly how it works. You're asking me to go to war with Alan Spaulding? Well, guess what? I think I can do business with the man. So this isn’t my fight. Let me know how it goes.

Lillian: Well, thanks for the coffee. And I may be back again for more coffee, if there are more coats from the nurse's station.

Josh: Thanks again. You're a champ, you really are.

Lillian: I am, aren't I?

Josh: Before you go, I'm just curious, when R.J. was out on the tracks, where was Will?

Lillian: Will? Oh, he was... he was just right there. I mean, I remember he was very brave. He wasn't crying or anything.

Josh: So Will... Will was just standing there?

Lillian: Yeah, he was.

Josh: He wasn't trying to help R.J.?

Lillian: Oh, Josh, it happened so fast, I don't see how he could have. You know, he was probably just too scared to do anything. This happens all the time at the hospital. When a loved one is in danger, everyone gets all paralyzed.

Josh: Right. Yeah, that must have been what was going on with Will. Thanks again for the coats.

Lillian: You're welcome.

Josh: I really appreciate it.

Lillian: Hey, R.J., how are you doing?

R.J.: I'm doing good.

Lillian: Good.

Josh: Take care. Hey, bud. How was school?

R.J.: It was good.

Josh: Hey, you know what? Lillian was just talking about that day that you were at the park and you got your foot caught in the tracks. She was there.

R.J.: Uh-huh.

Josh: I was just wondering, you know, what made you... what made you go out on to the tracks in the first place?

R.J.: I don't want to talk about it.

Josh: Well, did someone make you go out on the tracks?

R.J.: Like who?

Josh: Like your brother.

R.J.: Every time I say something bad about Will, Mom takes his side.

Josh: Well, I'm not your mom, R.J. it's just me here, and I'm asking, and I really can't fix anything unless I know the truth.

R.J.: I can’t. As long as Will's around, I need to keep my mouth shut.

Lizzie: She looks so strong, it's hard to believe.

Reva: She was very sick.

Lizzie: Do you think it's something that could have been passed on, the blood stuff, because of my Leukemia?

Reva: I don't know. Tell me what I can do.

Lizzie: Nothing. I have my little girl back. What could I possibly want?

Reva: So does that mean you're staying? That you're not going to rush off again?

Jonathan: Yeah. I'm tired of traveling around with just Sarah, you know? She needs more. So do I.

Reva: I know that Alan is a threat. I know that. But Jeffrey and I can keep you both safe, you and Sarah both. Why don't you come over to the house tonight, and we'll all have dinner, and we can discuss what we're going to do about Alan. Yes?

Lizzie: That sounds great.

Jonathan: Yeah. We’ll just put her down for a nap first.

Lizzie: Good idea.

Reva: So I will see you later?

Lizzie: Yes.

Jonathan: We'll be there as soon as we can.

Reva: Well, then, I am looking forward to it. I can't wait. See you later.

Jonathan: Thanks, Ma.

Reva: Oh, you're welcome, baby doll.

Jonathan: Thanks for everything.

Reva: Kiss Sarah when she wakes up.

Jonathan: Okay.

Reva: Bring the wine!

Jonathan: Okay.

(Knocking on door)

Ava: Hey. I thought you weren't free today, something about your family and your dad.

Bill: What family?

Josh: Hi. I know I should have called first.

Cassie: You are not going to believe who was just here.

Josh: Who?

Cassie: Larry Salat.

Josh: That's the principal, right? Is there some problem?

Cassie: Yeah, there's a problem. They suspended Will without even talking to me.

Josh: What did he do?

Cassie: Nothing. He did nothing, not one thing. It was that stupid psychologist I brought over here. She apparently says that Will is a danger to other students, and they won't let him back until we can prove that he's well. I'm going to call Mel. I want to sue that woman.

Josh: Sue her for what? She's doing her job, Cassie.

Cassie: She met with him for a few hours. What can she possibly know about him?

Josh: She's a professional.

Cassie: If she was really concerned about Will, why didn't she come and talk to us? Instead, she has him kicked out of school? That's only going to make him feel like more of an outsider.

Josh: Did Will somehow get R.J. to go out on the tracks?

Cassie: What?

Josh: The train tracks. Did Will dare him to go out on the tracks?

Cassie: It was an accident.

Josh: An accident. Like Alonzo was an accident. Cassie, he needs help.

Cassie: What good is a counselor who meets with a kid for a few hours and gets him kicked out of school?

Josh: I'm not talking about a few hours. I'm talking about full-time help with professionals.

Cassie: Oh, professionals? Like the kind who let Alan Spaulding out of a sanitarium? No, the only person who can help Will is me. I'm going to make some phone calls.

Will: Where's my mom?

Josh: I'll explain in the car. No, we're leaving.

Reva: I have the best news.

Jeffrey: Oh, good, because I could use some.

Reva: Jonathan's staying in town.

Jeffrey: Oh.

Reva: Why aren't you excited?

Jeffrey: Because our friendly neighborhood mayor just paid me a visit and leaned on me to press charges against Jonathan.

Reva: Oh. Well, then I guess it's a good thing you're the D.A. now.

Jeffrey: Why is that?

Reva: Because you can get the charges reduced, or at least maybe have them dropped all together. But we have to get it done before Alan gets back.

Jeffrey: Is that all?

Reva: Yeah. Well, I know it's going to be a lot of work for you, but...

Jeffrey: Do you know what you're asking me to do?

Reva: Yes. I'm asking you help me, like you always do.

Jeffrey: Right.

Reva: What's the problem?

Jeffrey: Well, the problem is that this is a high-profile case, and when Jonathan faked his own death, kidnapped a Spaulding heir, and a lot of people are going to be watching this.

Reva: Since when do you care what people think?

Jeffrey: Reva, I like Jonathan, and I would do anything for you. But I can't just make a crime go away because my girlfriend asked me to.

Lizzie: Okay, I just don't understand why we're blowing Reva off. I mean, she's going to get suspicious.

Jonathan: Well, she's going to get suspicious whenever we go, but we have to go today.

Lizzie: Today?

Jonathan: Yeah, we spent the whole morning packing.

Lizzie: I know, but you have that list. I mean, don't you have, like, a bunch of stuff that we need to do first?

Jonathan: No, not anymore. I just need to do some stuff to throw people off our trail. I'm going to leave your car at the airport parking lot.

Lizzie: Okay. So we have a little bit of time then.

Jonathan: Yeah, I need your wallet and your I.D.

Lizzie: My I.D.?

Jonathan: Mm-hmm. I'm going to make sure that there's no doubt to anybody that you were actually there.

Lizzie: Wow. I... I haven't wanted to be a Spaulding in a really long time.

Jonathan: Well, now you can be whoever you want.

Lizzie: It's just impossible to imagine that for the rest of my life, no one will ever call me Elizabeth Spaulding again.

Jonathan: Well, if you want, I'll call you that when no one else is around.

Lizzie: Give this to Sarah. Here you go.

Jonathan: This is for you.

Lizzie: Jodi Swanson. I wonder who you are.

Jonathan: Well, I don't know much about her, but I know that she is married. I know this isn't exactly your dream wedding, but we'll seem a lot less suspicious if people think we're married.

Lizzie: For Sarah. Okay. While you go move my car, I'm going to go say my good-byes.

Jonathan: Lizzie, no.

Lizzie: I know that I can't actually say good-bye, I just... I really need to see them one more time.

Jonathan: I thought you did that already.

Lizzie: My mom wasn't there, and James was at school.

Jonathan: (Sighs) You're going to cry. You know you're going to cry. We can't risk tipping them off.

Lizzie: Okay. Fine. I will just go see Bill. That will not make me cry.

Jonathan: Is that what this is about? Seeing Bill?

Lizzie: Why does that matter?

Jonathan: Because you like him. You do. What's going to come out of your mouth when you see him? Absolutely not. Lizzie, absolutely not. No more contact with anyone, especially Bill Lewis.

Reva: I can't believe you just said that.

Jeffrey: Why not? It's the truth, okay? I'm supposed to uphold the law, not just do whatever Reva Shayne wants.

Reva: This isn't about me! It's about Jonathan! If he goes to jail, then Alan wins, and in what world is that justice?

Jeffrey: Most of the charges that Doris wants filed against Jonathan are frivolous. We can work around those. But the kidnapping, that's a serious charge, Reva, okay? Most divorced parents would agree that you can't just take the kid away from the other parent and pretend it's dead! As long as Lizzie is on board with Jonathan, we can maybe work things out. What? Did she change her mind?

Reva: Not yet, but she could.

Jeffrey: Why?

Reva: It seems that she's gotten involved with Bill Lewis.

Jeffrey: Really? Because according to my daughter, she's involved with Bill Lewis.

Reva: Well, according to Jonathan, he's become very possessive of Lizzie. And if he convinces her to go against Jonathan, she just might.

Jeffrey: Well, if that's the case, Reva, my hands will be tied. You understand that.

Reva: What about Alan? Is there anything you can do there?

Jeffrey: Alan being on that island is the best thing for us right now. Now, if he comes back, then I might be able to help you get a restraining order. In the meantime, we've got to keep Bill Lewis away from Lizzie. (Cell phone ringing)

Reva: Hello? Oh, my God, no. Alan.

Jonathan: Right there.

Lizzie: Canada?

Jonathan: Yeah. Small towns, not a lot of people, not a lot of questions.

Lizzie: It just looks so far away.

Jonathan: Well, that's the point.

Lizzie: Okay. Can we just maybe pick a place that has some neighborhoods? You know, other mothers who can help me out if Sarah does something I don't understand?

Jonathan: (Sighs) We really shouldn't do that. You get around people, you let your defenses down. It's dangerous. I mean, for a while it's just got to be the three of us, no one else.

Ava: And you don't have to call me. I'm right here.

Bill: (Laughs) I just keep hoping that the office calls-- kind of.

Ava: Kind of? Yeah? What's that about?

Bill: Well, they need me. I mean, I know they do. But I don't want to get over there and get things going really great, only to have my dad take over in between his rehab stints.

Ava: So what? Just go work somewhere else.

Bill: (Laughs) And where would that be, huh? Spaulding?

Ava: Don't you hate Spaulding like the rest of your family?

Bill: What's to hate? I mean, the guy's successful. Seems like he rewards loyalty, not standing in the corner wringing his hands just because you have to cross a line to get something done. I'd probably fit in better over there.

Ava: Unfortunately your timing is really, really bad.

Bill: What are you talking about?

Ava: Well, it's just... Alan gets distracted by his family. As soon as he finds out that Jonathan and Sarah are alive, well, it's all he's going to be able to think about. Until he gets that baby under his roof, he's not going to be thinking at all about business.

Bill: You didn't tell him, did you? Because you promised you wouldn't tell him.

Ava: Are you worried about Lizzie? I thought you were over Lizzie.

Bill: I was never into Lizzie, okay? I'm just... you know, it wouldn't be good for her if Alan finds out, that's all.

Ava: Well, maybe. So what?

Bill: Hmm, so what?

Cassie: Will? Will?

Josh: It's okay. Come on.

Will: What is this place?

Mrs. Dennis: You must be Will. I'm Mrs. Dennis.

Josh: We spoke on the phone earlier. I'm Josh Lewis.

Mrs. Dennis: As soon as we fill out some papers, I'll take you on a tour of the facility. You and your wife can visit every weekend and call every night after the first week. We'll take very good care of your son.

Will: You're leaving me here?

Josh: Will, it's for your own good.

Will: I want my mom. She wouldn't leave me here.

Josh: I told you that he wouldn't be too happy about this situation.

Will: You can't make me stay here.

Josh: Will! Could you excuse us for just a moment, please?

Mrs. Dennis: I'll be right back.

Josh: Thank you. Look, I know this is hard for you, but it's for your own good. What you did to R.J. the other day, he could have been seriously hurt. You need help.

Will: I hate you. You're just trying to keep my mom all to yourself!

Josh: I know it's hard for you to believe right now, but I love you, and your mom loves you, but you can't keep striking out every time you feel angry, Will. You need to learn.

Will: I won't stay here at all. I'll run away. (Cell phone ringing)

Josh: Can I call you right back? This is a bad time. Oh, my God.

Jonathan: Hey. I wish she would go back to sleep.

Lizzie: I wish I could go to sleep.

Jonathan: Well, then go lay down. I've got to bring your car back into town anyway. I mean, if Sarah needs you, she'll let you know.

Lizzie: I can’t. All I keep doing is thinking about all the people I am never going to see again.

Jonathan: You can't think like that.

Lizzie: How am I supposed to not? My mom's having a baby. I mean, my little sister. I'm never going to see her.

Jonathan: Get Sarah.

Lizzie: Do you think that that's my granddad?

Jonathan: Who else could it be?

Lizzie: Can we get to the car?

Jonathan: No, he's got us blocked in. And Alan is not going to get my daughter away from me, not without a fight.

Jonathan: Lizzie, get in the bedroom.

Lizzie: He's my grandfather. Just let me talk to him.

Jonathan: No, this is the only thing he understands.

Lizzie: Okay, okay. Okay, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Come on, go, go, go.

Billy: Lizzie, Jon. We know you're in there. Open up.

Lizzie: That sounds like Billy.

Jonathan: Right.

Billy: Hey.

Jonathan: It is Billy.

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: Hello.

Jonathan: Got a lot of people with him. What the hell is going on?

Reva: Jonathan, we're your family.

Josh: And family sticks together.

Mrs. Dennis: So, Will, are you ready for the tour?

Will: I miss my mom.

Mrs. Dennis: You'll be able to see her in a few days.

Will: She doesn't want me here, I know it.

Mrs. Dennis: Well, I've worked at the school a long time. The children who do the best are the ones who know that they need a little help. It's all right. Everyone needs help once in a while. I'm going to go see if your room is ready. I'll be right back. The phone won't work, Will. You need a special code to dial out.

Cassie: Will...

Will: Mom, they said I couldn't see you for days!

Cassie: I know, sweetie. I realize when you weren't at the house that Josh must have brought you here.

Will: He said I have to stay here, that I can't come home.

Cassie: Well, he's wrong, sweetie. I am taking you home.

 Lizzie: Did you hear that, Sarah? All of these people are your family, and they came here to help.

Jonathan: So why are you here? Is Alan back?

Reva: No, but the guy told me that you were headed up this way, and I just kind of put two and two together and figured you were getting ready to run again.

Billy: Yeah, son, you don't have to run. We're all here, and we're all going to keep you and this little girl safe.

Reva: There's another way, Jonathan. You just have to trust us.

Lizzie: I can't believe that you all just dropped everything just to come up here.

Reva: That's what we do, Lizzie.

Jonathan: Yeah, stick your nose in where it doesn't belong. But it's kind of cool sometimes.

Bill: Ha ha! Hello! I call the office, and Wanda tells me the whole Lewis gang is meeting up here. Thanks for inviting me.

Billy: I tried to get you to come, but you didn't want to have anything to do with it.

Bill: Well, really I don’t. I just wanted to check on Lizzie, make sure that everything is okay. Did you marry that jerk?

Lizzie: Okay, just listen to me.

Bill: Lizzie, did you...

Lizzie: Bill, listen to me.

Bill: What kind of line did you tell her, huh? Lizzie, I can't believe... he's lying to you. Whatever he's saying is only so he can keep his kid.

Jonathan: You don't know what you're talking about.

Bill: I know you don't belong with Lizzie.

Lizzie: Okay, okay, enough! Enough! Jonathan and I decided together to leave town for Sarah. The ring, it's fake. We're not married. We want people to think that we were. And honestly, honestly, Bill, I really didn't think you'd care.

Bill: Look, I just think you should stick around town. I don't think you're cut out for a life on the run. That's all I'm saying.

Reva: Nobody's cut out for that, especially not Sarah. I mean, what's this going to be for her? What kind of a life is that? This is going to give her a chance for a family and some kind of normal life.

Lizzie: Neither of us had that, Jonathan. Look at how screwed up we are. Maybe we should stay.

Jonathan: Anything we gain by staying, Alan will take away. He's not going to give up.

Lizzie: Okay, so what? We do? Is that what you want to teach your daughter, to give up? I don't want Sarah to learn that! I want Sarah to fight.

Billy: Hey, guys, guys. Shh, shh. You know, Alan’s going to hunt you down wherever you go, and out there, there will just be the two of you. Here, here, you're...

Reva: You're here with all of us.

Billy: Yes.

Josh: I just... I want to let you know that I put Will in that school for troubled kids.

Jeffrey: Cassie changed her mind? That's great.

Josh: No, not exactly. I haven't told her yet.

Jeffrey: Ah.

Josh: I just felt like I had no choice. I mean, the kid's dangerous. That's obvious.

Jeffrey: How was he when you left?

Josh: He was angry. He was yelling at me. He was saying he's going to run away.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry.

Josh: Don't be. I just... I appreciate all the work you did to get him in there. It was clear to me, though, he's just a kid, you know. He's scared, and he needs help. And now I have to convince Cassie of that.

Will: Does this mean that I'm not going to school anymore?

Cassie: Yes, for a while.

Will: So it's just you and me, right?

Cassie: That's right. But we don't need anyone else. In fact, I think that the two of us could maybe go on a little trip. Yeah? Just the two of us?

Jeffrey: Did he change his mind?

Reva: I don't know. Did we change your mind?

Jonathan: I think there's too many of you to fight, and I am tired of fighting anyway, so...

Reva: I'm glad. I'm so glad.

Jeffrey: Why don't you give me those fake passports just in case?

Jonathan: In the bag.

Billy: I saw you.

Bill: What?

Billy: I saw you when you saw that ring on Lizzie’s finger. Hey, look, now don't you mess this up. She's going to stay here.

Lizzie: We're doing the right thing. I can feel it.

Jonathan: Yeah. I think so, too. I've just got to go put some more stuff in the car, okay?

Lizzie: To go home.

Jonathan: Yeah.

Man: United States Customs.

Jonathan: I'd like to report an incident.

Man: Go ahead.

Jonathan: I believe one of your agents is holding someone out of the country for personal reasons. The man is being kept out for... under false pretenses.

Man: What's the man's name?

Jonathan: Alan Spaulding. He's a good citizen. It's time he be allowed back in.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Harley: I need to see you, now.

Frank: We thought you two broke up.

Marina: Whatever, Harley. Someone needs to deal.

Harley: So sure that you've won.

Cyrus: This is the life that we talked about.

Marina: Once again, we have news.

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