GL Transcript Monday 2/4/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/4/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Mallet: Whoo. Oh, man. Um... I didn’t... I didn't see that coming.

Marina: I'm sorry, what?

Mallet: I just didn't see that coming.

Marina: I didn't start... you started that.

Mallet: What are you talking about? You kissed me. You just kissed me.

Marina: Well, yeah, I mean... I started the kiss, but only after you gave me the look.

Mallet: I gave you the look? What are you talking about, the look?

Marina: Yeah, the look that a guy gives a girl when he wants her to kiss him.

Mallet: What? What are you talking about? We were standing here, you were upset about breaking up with Cyrus, and I was comforting you. Comforting you.

Marina: And then you gave me the look.

Mallet: Trust me, I've been training a long time not to give you that look.

Marina: What is that supposed to mean?

Mallet: You're my partner. You know, you're the Chief's daughter as well. You know, the Chief who's my best friend, so you're my best friend's daughter? Could be very bad, bad if I gave you the look.

Marina: But you wanted to give me the look?

Mallet: Well, duh. I'm a man and you're... a smoking hot babe.

Marina: (Laughs) You are unbelievable.

Mallet: What?

Marina: See, you're doing it! You're giving me look.

Mallet: No, there's no look. No, I'm not. I can't, I'm not giving you the look. There is no look.

Marina: Why not? Wasn't the kiss good.

Mallet: It was... it was... yeah. It was... it wasn't half bad.

Marina: Half bad? Half bad? I'm sorry, I think you might need to check again.

Mallet: No, no, stop. No, this is... is this about Cyrus?

Marina: Well, yeah, duh. But not entirely.

Cyrus: What in the world are we doing?

Harley: We're kissing.

Cyrus: I know that, but why?

Harley: Because you told me you broke up with Marina, and you were leaving town and you... you have to stay.

Cyrus: What for, Marina?

Harley: Yes.

Cyrus: Do you want me to stay?

Harley: I want you to stay.

Ava: Come on, Bill, pick up.

Bill: You reached Bill Lewis. Leave your name and measurements and I'll call you right back.

Ava: (Laughs) What are your business clients going to think when they hear that message?: It's Ava, I'm sure you know my measurements. I haven't seen you since you got your eyesight back. And trust me, you'll be happy you did when you see what I'm wearing under this coat. Call me.

Lizzie: You make it look so easy. She cried for hours with me.

Jonathan: That's because she likes having me around.

Lizzie: Do you think if I do what you do to get her to sleep, she'll start to figure out who I am?

Jonathan: It's worth a shot.

Lizzie: Look at us! We look so normal. Like a regular family.

Jonathan: Us, normal? What?

Lizzie: Nothing.

Jonathan: Oh, yeah, right. I know that look. Spit it out.

Lizzie: I was just wondering if maybe you thought we could be a family. For real.

Jonathan: You hear that?

Lizzie: No.

Jonathan: That noise outside.

Lizzie: You think it's my grandfather?

Jonathan: I wouldn't put anything past him. No one. I was wrong. We're alone.

Lizzie: See, that’s my point. We're not alone. Maybe we don't have to be.

Jonathan: What do you think, Sarah? You think Mommy and Daddy can make a go of it? You see that? She's intelligent. She knows that we would kill each other, and I'd win.

Lizzie: Oh, intelligent. That's a quality she definitely got from me. I'm going to go wash the bottles. Okay, so I just remembered that... are you seriously trying to take her again?

Bill: Ha ha! You weren't kidding about that dress.

Ava: You like it?

Bill: Do I like it? Well, why don't you take it off, I'll see what it looks like...

Ava: Uh-uh. Not until I make sure Lizzie’s not hiding somewhere in here.

Bill: (Laughs) Lizzie is not hiding anywhere in here. And she's definitely not in the closet. Come on, now.

Ava: You say that like it's not possible, but I've taken her on before. Anything is possible.

Bill: Okay, you don't have to tell me about Lizzie, okay? I know all about her. She's high maintenance, a lot of baggage.

Ava: Lots of drama.

Bill: A lot of drama, mama. And I ain't got time for that. You know what I've got time for?

Ava: What?

Bill: You. (Laughter)

Mallet: Okay. Come on, Marina.

Marina: Come on what? I'm busy.

Mallet: You are ignoring me.

Marina: We kiss and now you want to talk? What kind of guy wants to talk?

Mallet: Trust me, I'm a guy. I'd rather be... not talking.

Marina: Yeah, I'm sure. Whatever.

Mallet: Look, you just broke up with Cyrus. Maybe you're just trying to forget him.

Marina: If that kiss made you think of Cyrus, you are the one with the problem.

Mallet: I just don't want this to get out of hand.

Marina: Meaning?

Mallet: Meaning that, you know, we do a little kissing, then we do a lot of kissing, and then with go somewhere and we sleep together.

Marina: Oh! Whoa there, cowboy. Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you?

Mallet: No. What I mean is I know a vulnerable woman when I see one.

Marina: Oh, and you are just too noble to take advantage.

Mallet: Well, I never said that.

Marina: I might be vulnerable but I knew what I was doing.

Mallet: Of course. Because you chose me?

Marina: Right. I chose you. Not some random guy out on the street somewhere. Sure, there was a little bit about Cyrus, but it was about kissing you, too.

Mallet: Really? What... what percentage was about kissing me?

Marina: I'd say over 50.

Mallet: Over 50? Uh-huh.

Marina: And we are... we're good friends.

Mallet: Yeah. We're great partners.

Marina: And we have fun together.

Mallet: We do. We have a lot of fun together. There's not many girls I can watch baseball with.

Marina: And we make each other laugh.

Mallet: Yeah, I like to laugh. We laugh.

Marina: We do.

Mallet: Sometimes we laugh.

Marina: And we've both been burned in relationships like nine billion times.

Mallet: Yeah, thanks for the reminder.

Marina: So why not us?

Mallet: I don't know. Why not us?

Marina: Seriously?

Mallet: Yeah, seriously. Everything you just said is true.

Marina: Okay. So what do we do now?

Mallet: Well, the whole kissing thing leading to the whole sex thing is very tempting. Do you want to go see a movie?

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: That'd be great. Let's go see a movie.

Harley: (Laughs) Knots.

Cyrus: Yeah, how many stages do we get?

Harley: Whoops! (Knock on door) I think I heard something.

Cyrus: I didn't hear anything.

Harley: I think somebody's at the door. (Knock on door) Oh, that's Marina.

Cyrus: No, Marina has a key, it's not her.

Dinah: Hello? The door was unlocked. Do I have the right room? Well, I was looking for Marina, but... this is still her room, isn't it?

Cyrus: Yes.

Dinah: Okay. Well, I'm sorry to have interrupted you guys, but she... I'm assuming she's not here?

Harley: No.

Dinah: Okay. Well, that's all right. I will call her a little bit later, and leave the two of you alone.

Harley: No, that's okay. I was about to leave anyway.

Dinah: Okay, look, seriously, I am not going to say a word about this. I have the whole brain thing and I'm not even sure what I see anymore. Okay?

Cyrus: Harley, wait.

Dinah: Let me. Let me. You're working out. You look good.

Marina: It's been a long time since I've seen a movie.

Mallet: Uh-huh. Yeah, it's been a long time since I've been on a... date.

Marina: Ooh, so does that mean you're paying?

Mallet: Of course, I'm paying. It's the first date and I'm a guy. I think I should pay first. Of course, Dinah on the other hand... well, never mind.

Marina: You know what? I'll make you a deal. You pay for the tickets, I'll pay for the popcorn and the candy.

Mallet: Oh, you're on, that’s a deal. Sucker's deal. Do you have any idea how much popcorn and candy I eat in a movie?

Marina: (Laughs)

Mallet: What?

Marina: I don't think I can see this movie.

Mallet: Really. It's good. I hear it's good. Oh, yeah, it’s about a bank robber.

Marina: I'm sure it's really good, but...

Mallet: No, that's okay. It's going to get easier, you know.

Marina: So are you saying that after a while you don't think of Dinah all the time and everything reminds you of her?

Mallet: I didn't say that. I think it just gets easier to live with. Anyway, you know what? Let's go to the other theater. I think there's a Will Farrell movie there.

Marina: Will Farrell?

Mallet: Yeah, Will Farrell. Are you kidding me? He's funny. He's very funny. Will Farrell. What? Do you want to go see a chick flick? Something with puppies?

Marina: I'm not saying it has to be a chick flick. I'm just saying it has to be something with brains, and just not a lot of fart jokes.

Mallet: I like... I like... I like fart jokes.

Marina: On a first date?

Mallet: Okay, do you want first date Mallet or do you want real Mallet?

Marina: I never met first date Mallet.

Mallet: First date Mallet, he keeps his elbows off the table, he orders the perfect red wine and he would never, ever laugh at anything to do with flatulence.

Marina: Oh, really? He sounds like a real tool to me.

Mallet: He's a charming tool. And he... he likes to hold hands.

Marina: Oh, really?

Mallet: Yes.

Marina: That's kind of nice.

Mallet: That's not so strange, is it?

Frank: Hey, guys.

Marina: Dad.

Mallet: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Well if it isn't two of my hardest-working detectives.

Bill: (Laughs) See, now this is nice.

Ava: Liar. That blew nice away.

Bill: Well, yeah, that did, of course. I'm just talking about laying here in the quiet. No talk about love and future, babies.

Ava: Babies? Lizzie already talked to you about babies?

Bill: (Laughs) I guess you didn't know we had a pregnancy scare.

Ava: With you?

Bill: Well, yes, with me. But she was the one who thought she was pregnant, of course.

Ava: But she's not.

Bill: No, she's not. It was a scare.

Ava: Oh.

Bill: Oh, God. could you imagine me being trapped with Lizzie Spaulding and some mini-Lizzie crying brat?

Ava: But I thought you liked kids. You're always so good with Emma.

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, no, I do. I like them, just not now, you know? Too much going on.

Ava: Mm-hmm.

Bill: Too many plans.

Ava: Plans. But you're over Lizzie?

Bill: What? First of all, never into Lizzie, okay? Get that straight. Besides, there's some ex in her life anyway.

Ava: An ex?

Bill: Yup.

Ava: Well, I know you're not talking about Coop.

Bill: Nope, it’s... just some jerk from her past. It doesn't really matter. I don't really care anyway. I mean, why would I care, you know? I mean, I do a little bit but, you know, like as a friend just looking out.

Ava: Well, as long as you're not bothered by it it's fine with me. (Laughs)

Bill: I am not bothered by it.

Ava: Yeah?

Bill: And I will show you how little I am bothered by that.

Ava: Oh, yeah? Ooh.

Lizzie: You want to run away, Jonathan? Is that what you want to do? You can do it! You know what? I'll buy you a ticket out of town, but you are not laying one finger on my daughter.

Jonathan: Lizzie, I am not running away.

Lizzie: I'm not listening. Save it! Save it because I'm not listening to your lies.

Jonathan: Lizzie, chill out. Whoa! I was packing a bag, but it wasn't just for me. It was for all of us. All three of us.

Lizzie: You want me to go on the road with you?

Jonathan: Cuckoo. We can't stay here forever. It's not safe. Alan's going to find out. Look, I know I said that being on the road is bad, but it's not all bad. You get to meet new people and see new places and nobody knows who you are or what you've done and you're kind of a stranger, you know? Unlike here in Springfield where before you even say hello everybody knows that I'm the loser that burns things down and you're the...

Lizzie: Spoiled trust fund...

Jonathan: Bitch, exactly. So you go to a new place and you can be anyone you want to be.

Lizzie: I think I'll be smart.

Jonathan: Is that what you want people to think about you?

Lizzie: Yes, yes, I do. Because I am.

Jonathan: All right. Well, maybe if you stay indoors and don't talk, we can tell people that you got a degree from Harvard.

Lizzie: Ooh, I like that. I like that. Okay, okay. So I'm not going to be able to see my family anymore.

Jonathan: Who you gonna miss, Alan? Alex?

Lizzie: My mom. My nana.  Billy.

Jonathan: Lizzie, I know it's not going to be easy, but me and Sarah, we'll be all the family you need.

Lizzie: What about money? How are we going to survive?

Jonathan: Well, I was always able to get a job here and there, and it will be easier this time because I won't have to pay for a nanny. You can just watch Sarah.

Lizzie: I have a better idea. How about we just go down to the bank, make a nice large withdrawal-- in cash-- from my trust fund and we give Sarah a nice life.

Jonathan: You mean it? Really? You... oh, boy. You really have to think about this, because once you do it, you can’t... you can't take it back. You can't go back and forth. Somebody could have called Alan already, and I know Jeffrey’s trying to stall him but that's not going to last forever. He could be on his way here right now. So don't do it for me. If you're going to do it, do it for her.

Lizzie: If we are going to be on the road, we're going to need a better car. Okay, I have so much to do. I need to go to the bank, I need to say all my good-byes.

Jonathan: No, no good-byes. Lizzie, no good-byes. The less people know, the less they can spill.

Lizzie: Okay. I... I have to see my mom one last time.

Jonathan: All right. I want to see Reva, too. But you cannot tell anyone where we're going. Don't even hint that we're leaving.

Lizzie: Okay. Okay. This isn't, like, some trick, right, to get me out of the house and you're going to take Sarah again?

Jonathan: No, it's not a trick.

Lizzie: Then let me take her with me.

Jonathan: Well, how do I know you're not going to run right to your family with her?

Lizzie: If this is going to work, we're going to have to trust each other.

Jonathan: Fine. Fine. This shows you how much I want you come with me.

Lizzie: Thank you. You're not going to be sorry, I promise. Hi, baby.

Jonathan: I need my coat. Lizzie, no good-byes, I mean it. I mean it.

Ava: (laughs) Well, if that didn't make you forget Lizzie, ooh, I don't know what will. Oh, man.

Bill: Lizzie who?

Ava: Good answer. Good answer. I'm just going to go jump in the shower, okay?

Bill: I'll be in in a minute.

Ava: Okay.

Bill: No messages. That's good. Good, I don't need... don't need anybody to call me. (Knock on door)

Lizzie: Hey.

Bill: What are you doing here?

Lizzie: I... I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about our fight. You've been a huge help with Jonathan and I really appreciate it.

Bill: But you're not mad at him even though he's the one who pretended that your baby was dead for a year?

Lizzie: That's my granddad's fault, not Jonathan’s.

Bill: (Laughs) I just... I don't get it. I just don't get it, Lizzie. What... what do you see in this guy? I mean, he's a train wreck.

Lizzie: Who isn't?

Marina: Okay. I don't want my dad to know that we are on a date, okay?

Mallet: Yeah, okay.

Marina: So what are we going to do?

Mallet: I'll think of something.

Marina: Okay.

Frank: All right, just do me a favor. Call me if there's any changes. Thanks.

Mallet: Hi, Frank, how's it going?

Frank: Good.

Mallet: You're probably wondering why we were going to see a movie in the middle of the day.

Marina: Yeah, it probably looks like we're on a date or something, which we are not.

Mallet: On a date.

Frank: You guys are working on a case?

Mallet: Yeah, a case. A stakeout, actually. We heard the suspect might show up here actually today, and we thought it would be good if we were on the inside.

Marina: Right, and we figured we would fit in more with everyone else if we looked like we were a couple.

Mallet: We're not a couple.

Marina: No definitely not.

Mallet: No, not on a date, no sirree.

Frank: All right. Well, good luck with your bust, and I'll see you at the station.

Marina: Okay. Love you, Dad.

Frank: Yeah.

Mallet: Do you think he bought that?

Marina: Would you?

Mallet: No, that was awful.

Marina: (Laughs) Okay, I'm thinking that maybe this whole date thing wasn't meant to happen yet.

Mallet: Yeah, I think maybe you're right.

Marina: Yeah.

Mallet: Yeah.

Marina: So...

Mallet: Hmm. So...

Marina: I will see you at the station tomorrow.

Mallet: Okay? Bright and early.

Marina: Early. You bring the coffee.

Mallet: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.

Marina: See you tomorrow.

Harley: Are you following me?

Dinah: Who's following you? I'm hungry. This still is a restaurant, right?

Harley: Yes, it is. I'm sorry. Obviously I'm not thinking clearly these days.

Dinah: Okay, so maybe I am following you.

Harley: Dinah, I don't want to talk about me and Cyrus. Please.

Dinah: Okay. That is fine. I'd like to talk about Marina and Cyrus, okay? What is their story?

Harley: They...

Dinah: Are they over? Are they over? When I walked in on the two of you, they certainly looked over.

Harley: I thought your memory was all screwy?

Dinah: I will forget, I promise. Come on, now seriously, are Marina and Cyrus over?

Harley: Why do you care? And why you going to her place? You're not even friends with her.

Dinah: This is true. I have not always been fond of Marina. I've always felt that she and Mallet are a little too chummy.

Harley: You wanted to find out if there was something going on between Marina and Mallet?

Dinah: So you think it's a possibility, too? Mm-hmm.

Harley: No. I wish it were.

Dinah: Excuse me?

Harley: I wish it were because it would make my life so much easier if Marina was just not in love with Cyrus.

Jonathan: Hey, Reva, it's me. Call me back when you get this. I need to see you as soon as possible.

Billy: Hey, pretty boy.

Jonathan: Billy. Man, how you been? Crazy, right?

Billy: I think you're a cat and you got nine lives.

Jonathan: Well... hey, I've been meaning to talk to you. I mean, Reva says everything's going fine with the cancer, but I know she would say that even if weren't true. Is it true? Is she doing okay?

Billy: I thought you were going to stay. This sounds to me like you're thinking about leaving again.

Jonathan: (Sighs)

Buzz: Well, this is not a good sign.

Cyrus: Marina's not here.

Buzz: Does she know you're leaving?

Cyrus: Look, I know you know about everything with Harley and Marina.

Buzz: You didn't answer my question.

Cyrus: Yes, she knows I'm going-- alone. So now you and Frank can plan the celebration.

Buzz: Celebration. (Laughs) What are we going to celebrate? Either my daughter or my granddaughter gets hurt. There's not much choice there, is there?

Cyrus: Well, that's why I'm going.

Buzz: Great. Well, then, you know, they both get hurt. Call me crazy, but I'd like to at least see one of my girls happy.

Billy: So, Jon, have you kept up on any of this while you were away.

Jonathan: You mean about Alan?

Billy: No, I mean, like, other people. Like me.

Jonathan: (Laughs) Yeah. Well, I heard that Lizzie’s working for you, she says she likes it.

Billy: And I like her, too. And I just got out of rehab.

Jonathan: Wow. That must have been tough.

Billy: It was actually pretty good. And it taught me that no matter how far you run, your troubles always find you.

Jonathan: We can't stay. It's not safe.

Billy: We're your family. Don't you miss your family?

Jonathan: Of course I do. I miss you guys. I miss this place. But, I mean mostly here for me is just where Tammy died.

Billy: That's not going to happen again. Everyone's wise to Alan now, even Lizzie. You stay here, we'll fight that bastard, we'll beat them all together.

Bill: You're good with her.

Lizzie: Thank you. See, why can't you be like that all...

Bill: Be like what?

Lizzie: Nothing. It's not important. Um... I want you know that I really do wish the best for you.

Bill: (Laughs) Are you giving me a good-bye speech? Are you telling me that you're going to run off with Jonathan and play house.

Lizzie: Sarah's my daughter. She's my first priority.

Bill: What does that have to do with Jonathan, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Bill, Bill...

Bill: What?

Lizzie: There's a really good guy in there, okay? And I know that. You just have to let him out sometime.

Bill: If I asked you to give Jonathan up, would you...

Ava: Oh, I didn't know we had company.

Lizzie: I should go.

Ava: Cute kid. Whose is it?

Lizzie: Mine.

Ava: Yours?

Lizzie: This is Sarah. She's alive and so is Jonathan.

Ava: Oh, my God.

Lizzie: Jonathan staged their deaths to protect Sarah my from my granddad.

Ava: Does Alan know about this.

Bill: No, and he can’t.

Ava: I could lose my job over this.

Lizzie: You're not going to need a job if you tell him.

Bill: Wait a minute, princess.

Lizzie: Fine, fine, fine. You pretend like you never saw us okay. Wasn't Jonathan nice to you when you came town.

Ava: Does that mean you and Jonathan are...

Lizzie: Raising Sarah together. Yes.

Ava: That's good enough for me. Excuse me.

Lizzie: You ask me to leave Jonathan and you have Ava stashed in the bathroom. Do you enjoy hurting me? Do you?

Bill: No. I don’t.

Lizzie: Then what is it about her? Because I really don't get it.

Bill: She's not you, Lizzie.

Dinah: Hey.

Mallet: Hey.

Dinah: Fancy meeting you here.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah. This is my floor, this isn't your floor.

Dinah: Yes, you are right about that. So, um, I will see you later.

Mallet: Hey...

Dinah: Yeah?

Mallet: Were you waiting to see me?

Dinah: Yeah, I was. I had some good news from my doctor and I was anxious to share it with you. Even though I know that's not really right to do anymore.

Mallet: No, I think that's okay. I mean, whatever your good news is, I'm happy for you.

Frank: What's going on here?

Harley: What? I'm cleaning. Would you look at the gum under this chair!

Frank: Yes, I get that you're cleaning. We all know that you clean when you're upset.

Harley: At least I'm productive.

Frank: So what's this about? Is this about Marina and Cyrus? Or should I say you and Cyrus?

Harley: I liked it better when people weren't in my business, you know? It was better for everyone when I was suffering alone.

Frank: No, it wasn’t.

Harley: Do you hate me?

Frank: I do not hate you. I hate Cyrus, actually. But you know what? Who knows. You may have done Marina a favor.

Harley: Really? Is that how you felt when daddy got together with Olivia?

Frank: Not at the time, but maybe now.

Harley: I have no idea how I'm going to face her, Frank.

Frank: Well, you know what? She's going to be okay. But I would definitely give her a few days.

Harley: Really? Why? Did he say something to you? What is wrong with you?

Frank: Just... I ran into Mallet and Marina at a stakeout and they were acting very strange.

Harley: Well, what do you mean?

Frank: Well, they were pretending to be a couple in order to catch a perp, but I think that they thought that I thought that they were on a date and I... which I didn’t. But after they spent about five minutes trying to convince me that they weren't, I don't know.

Harley: You think that they were on a date?

Frank: God, I hope not. I hope not. Oh, I hope not. I mean, Mallet would never do that to me.

Harley: But if this were...

Frank: You know what, sis? Mentally right now I can't even go there.

Buzz: You stopped packing.

Cyrus: Your family's nuts, you know that?

Buzz: I guess we are. Sort of in a good way.

Cyrus: I'm serious, Buzz, I'm ripping your family apart and you're telling me I should stay?

Buzz: It's a mess, I grant you that. I don't have any answers. Should you be with Marina? Should you be with Harley? I don't know. But running away isn't the answer. Are you for real? Because if you're for real and you're a man, you made the mess, you stick around and clean it up.

Marina: Grandpa?

Buzz: Hi. Um, well, I'll get out of the way. If you need someone to hold the dust pan, you let me know.

Marina: Are you moving out or leaving the country?

Cyrus: Maybe both.

Marina: You changed your mind?

Cyrus: Buzz thinks I should stay, believe it or not.

Marina: Good. Because I don’t want you to go, either.

Jonathan: Take care of Reva for me.

Billy: No, you stay here and help take care of her, okay?

Jonathan: She's fine without me. She survived the last year...

Billy: She missed you. She wants to see her grandbaby. Give her a break.

Jonathan: I wish I could. I've got to go.

Billy: Are you running away from Alan or are you running away from Tammy? Until you put that ghost to rest, it's going to always be there. What about your little girl? How could she be happy when her daddy isn't?

Bill: Lizzie... Lizzie, I don't think you and me... we couldn't get it right. I think with Ava when she's around for a few minutes I don't have to think about you.

Lizzie: I get it. I do. You're right. We could never get it right. Bye.

Dinah: Give me another one.

Mallet: Okay. Another one. Let's see. Idaho.

Dinah: Boise.

Mallet: I don't know. I mean, I don't know for sure so I can't confirm or deny. It could be Portland. Beaverton.

Dinah: I just told you!

Mallet: Boise sounds good. Well, that’s... I'm proud of you. So the doctor said you're heading back to normal.

Dinah: Yeah. Whatever normal is for me.

Mallet: True. Good point.

Dinah: Yeah, so the doctor just said that... something about my time in rehab, that something worked. You know, it was good and my cognitive test scores are stellar.

Mallet: That's great. That's really... really great.

Dinah: Okay. Come on. Let me show off.

Mallet: Okay. You ready?

Best that I could do was to give myself to you

but you made me take it back but you never came

because you want to run it out, you want to push it down,

when the runners can see oh, baby, let it go,

oh, let it overflow when you're listening, there is

no braver thing it’s not easier the way things were

you can't ignore that sound of your heart breaking

yes, it's breaking because you want to run me out

you want to push you down and the runners can see

oh, baby, let it go, oh, let it overflow, cause when you're

listening, there's no braver thing,

braver thing, braver thing.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: Jeffrey and I can keep you both safe.

Jeffrey: You want know prosecute Jonathan Randall?

Doris: Problem?

Lizzie: I'm not sending you to prison, Reva, but you are not off the hook.

Josh: Did someone make you go out on the track?

R.J.: Like who?

Josh: Like your brother.

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