GL Transcript Friday 2/1/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/1/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Marina: Hey, have you seen Cyrus?

Harley: No.

Marina: He hasn't been to work?

Harley: No. What's going on?

Marina: He moved out.

Kitty: Cyrus Foley.

Cyrus: I should know you.

Kitty: I should think so. Catherine St. George. You nearly decimated my bank account a few months back.

Cyrus: Kitty, Alex’s friend. Sorry about that.

Kitty: No worries. My husband got it all back, then I took it all from him.

Cyrus: A divorce? How awful.

Kitty: Well, you know, you and Alexandra...

Cyrus: Yeah, yeah, I do. Well, if it's any consolation, you've never looked better.

Kitty: Thank you. They're new. Dr. Vanderhouse.

Cyrus: He's done excellent work.

Kitty: I should go. I've got a benefit to get ready for.

Cyrus: It's good to see you again, Catherine.

(Baby crying)

Lizzie: Look. Look how fun this looks, Sarah. Why won't you go to sleep. I thought babies loved sleeping. Look what I have. Look. I have tried everything, everything in this book. There is nothing... you want your bottle? Here's your bottle. Here's your bottle. (Knock on the door) (baby crying) Oh, thank God. Okay, okay, stay right there. Stay right there. Parenting... parenting hard, hard. It's hard.

Beth: You think?

Jonathan: Come on, Lizzie, pick up. (Knock on the door)

Bill: Good morning, sunshine. Ah!

Jonathan: I warned you.

Bill: Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Jonathan: You took my kid.

Bill: I didn't take your kid. If you're talking about helping Lizzie get her kid back, who she thought was dead for a year, then yeah, I did that.

Jonathan: Oh, no wonder Olivia...

Bill: Olivia what?

Jonathan: No wonder Olivia realized her kid was better off without her dad.

Bill: (Laughs) Well then maybe Lizzie does, too. Just think, I was about to help you get in the Spaulding mansion.

Jonathan: What are you talking about?

Bill: Well, I kept you out. I can get you back in. And I can get you to your daughter.

Beth: Why is it so dark in here?

Lizzie: No, no, no don't do that. I'm trying to make it look like night in here.

Beth: Why?

Lizzie: Why? Why so that she'll go to sleep. I've given her all the right food, I've changed her diaper, I have not put her down since I had her. We're trying to get to know each other. She doesn't even remember me, Mom.

Beth: Honey, honey, why would she?

Lizzie: Obviously, I don't blame her. I blame Jonathan. Do you think that she's still sick?

Beth: No, no.

Lizzie: Well, then why won't she go to sleep? Why won't she go to sleep? Or stop crying. Because I can get her to stop crying, but it's only for, like, a second.

Beth: Honey, she misses her father.

Lizzie: That's nice. That's really nice, Mom.

Beth: Honey, I'm sorry, but I think that's probably what it is.

Lizzie: But I am her mother. Even though she doesn't know me, I mean, doesn't she know that? Isn't it like an instinct or something?

Beth: Okay, okay, what happened the last time that you boarded Roxy at the dog spa, huh?

Lizzie: You are comparing my baby to a dog.

Beth: Just go with me here. They told you... they told you that she wouldn't eat, right? She was on a different schedule.

Lizzie: They take very good care of her there.

Beth: Exactly. That's my point. Because all that little dog knows is you. You are her protector, her parent. (Baby sneezes) And that is what Jonathan is for Sarah. So even though, honey, you are taking good care of her, it's not what she is used to.

Lizzie: I'm not a dog spa technician. I am her mother and I hate Jonathan for making me a stranger to my own baby. Yes. You know he was ready to drug me and just run away with her again?

Beth: What? Okay. Okay. He was probably desperate, honey.

Lizzie: Why do you always take the other person's side?

Beth: What?

Lizzie: This is just like... just like when you found me in Bill's room. You were like, "Hey, why don't we clean up for him?"

Beth: Honey, you had broken into his place and trashed it.

Lizzie: And now my baby doesn't even know me, and you're like, "You know what, Sarah loves Jon, she hates you. It's not a big deal if you he comes and takes her away again."

Beth: I do not feel that way and you know it.

Lizzie: I am trying to get to know my daughter. I want her to know me and I want her to go to sleep, and right now, I'd just take sleep.

Beth: Honey, I'm not agreeing with what Jonathan did. I'm not. But I look at Sarah and I see how well she's doing and I have to admit, honey... that he had her on his own, he was on the run with her. He obviously made a lot of sacrifices for your little girl.

Lizzie: I know, to keep her away from Granddad.

Beth: And that was something that you weren't capable of doing, not a year ago.

Lizzie: You're just so lucky that your baby is a Bauer, that Granddad has no stake in her. Hi.

Beth: Well, you can't stay here forever.

Lizzie: No, no, you're not leaving. You're not leaving. You can't leave. You can't leave me right now.

Beth: Honey, honey, what I came here to say is this: I realized that you and Jonathan have to work things out because a child unites two people for the rest of their lives, whether they're together or not. You can do this. You can.

Lizzie: Thanks. What do you think, kiddo? Huh? Are you ready for another go- round? Let's do it.

Jonathan: Why would you get me into the mansion?

Bill: Why? Because I want you to take Sarah and go. Do you mind?

Jonathan: Yeah, sure, get wasted, whatever. What about Lizzie?

Bill: Please, don't act so concerned about Lizzie. It didn't stop you from taking Sarah the last time.

Jonathan: What's in it for you?

Bill: Hmm, well, Lizzie and I, we had something. I don't know where it's going to go just yet, but I think I'm going to give her a shot. But I'm not going to do it with a kid in the picture. Don't want to play house. So what would really help is if you take the kid and leave. In face, if I wanted to play house, I would have fought Olivia when she took Emma away from me.

Jonathan: Man, if Lizzie could hear you talk right now.

Bill: She'd get over it. She loves me. Look, she knows the kid is alive, all right? She doesn't have to walk around guilty anymore, and by the looks of things, I'm sure you're taking care of the kid. I mean, you look like hell but the kid looks pretty good. I'll take care of Lizzie.

Jonathan: You know, you do make me kind of sick.

Bill: Okay, let me put it into perspective for you: I can get any girl in this town I want, but I am willing to go out of my way and help you steal Lizzie’s kid. That must mean I'm pretty serious about giving her a shot at me, right?

Jonathan: You're a scumbag.

Bill: You're not too much better, Sparky.

Jonathan: I'm in.

Bill: But you can't come back.

Jonathan: I don't want to come back.

Marina: What did you say to him after I had to leave to go meet Alan?

Harley: What did I say?

Marina: Or what did Cyrus say to you?

Harley: I think he's just fed up with the Cooper’s. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have gotten into the middle of this whole thing.

Marina: Do you know where he is?

Harley: I didn't even know that he left. He wasn't happy about the Immigration thing, I know that.

Marina: He told you what I said?

Harley: Yes.

Marina: And you didn't say anything?

Harley: He knows what you told him.

Marina: And he said he wasn't happy?

Harley: Well, not so... you know him.

Marina: Yeah, I do know him, Harley. I'm marrying him.

Harley: I just think that maybe you guys need some space right now.

Marina: Did Cyrus say that?

Harley: Not in those words.

Marina: So you're suggesting that I give us some space.

Harley: Okay, sweetie, I just think if you guys are fighting, maybe...

Marina: You know what, Harley? I know that you're trying to help me out here, but what would really help is if you would just stay out of this, okay? I need to find him.

Harley: I don't think I can do that.

Marina: You don't think you can stay away from my fiancé?

Harley: That's not it. It's just that it's a small town and sometimes people run into each other, Marina.

Marina: I don't even know if he's still here. So, please, Harley, stay out of it.

Frank: I thought you were working cases today.

Harley: Right now I'm cleaning things up. This place is disgusting. Where does Daddy putting the paper towels?

Frank: Right behind you. Okay, what's going on?

Harley: What? Nothing.

Frank: When the Cooper’s get cornered, they clean.

Harley: We also clean when things are messy, Frank.

Frank: Okay. Is it the Immigration thing?

Harley: No, no.

Frank: What did you find on Foley?

Harley: I think we should just drop that.

Frank: Sis, if you're not going to stay on this case, you know what, I am going to put guys on it myself right now.

Harley: No, don't do that.

Frank: Foley rushed into marrying Alexandra so he could stay in this country and rob her. And now he's after Marina.

Harley: For he millions? Maybe they love each other.

Frank: You know what, I wouldn't be surprised if he's faking this whole Immigration pressure thing in order to trap marina into marrying him.

Harley: So he can be trapped into staying here in the town that's been so good to him?

Frank: I'm telling you sis, something is just not right, I can feel it. And if he breaks my little girl's heart again...

Harley: He won’t.

Frank: Oh, great, so you think he will, too. All right, you know, that's it, give me the phone. I'm going to have him brought in on charges...

Harley: You can't do that.

Frank: ...For interfering with a federal agency.

Harley: It wasn't him, it was Marina. She faked the whole Immigration thing so she could get Cyrus to marry her.

Marina: And I don't even like pearls.

Cyrus: It's not what you think, Marina.

Marina: Really? You didn't just steal these?

Cyrus: I steal. And you lie.

Marina: Like you've never lied before.

Cyrus: Well, you never did before, either, to me. You said there was a misunderstanding with Immigration, then Harley tells me that you're pushing the marriage because you don't trust me.

Marina: What? Harley... Harley shouldn't have said anything.

Cyrus: Well, maybe if you told me yourself. Is she right?

Marina: No. No. I trust you.

Cyrus: Look what I've done to you. I've got you lying, doubting me, fighting with Harley. The two of you are better off without me. This is what I know.

Marina: It's not who you are.

Cyrus: No, this-- this right here-- this isn't me, the guy who settles down and starts a family, has a regular job with a paycheck and tax forms, and goes home to the same place in the same town every night. That's not me.

Marina: (Laughs) Gosh, Cyrus, you know there are worse things, like, I don't know, life in prison. Oh, my God. You think this life is prison.

Cyrus: I've just always known that I'm not that guy. Oh, come on, Marina. I mean, before me, were you ever the girl who ran off to Europe with a thief, who defied her father, who lied to get a guy to marry her when he would have married her anyway because he's crazy about her? And now I've made you sad.

Marina: I'm sad because it's true.

Cyrus: God, I hate fighting with you. This, the way that we are right now, I don't know how we can keep going like this.

Marina: So maybe this is it. Maybe this is the end.

Ava: Just hold on one second and let me see if I can find it. Okay, here it is. Her name is Erin Jann, and she's with the U.S. Passport Agency. She's expecting your phone call. I hear she is really well-connected. It's probably better if you don't know the details. See, I told you that I'd get you home right away. I think I deserve a raise. Hello? Alan?

Jonathan: Lizzie gave you the security code?

Bill: Shh. Now you go. They're upstairs. Just go.

Jonathan: And you're going to distract her while I get Sarah?

Bill: That's right. I'm going to go around front, okay? Good, go.

Jonathan: Get off of me. Get off of me!

Lizzie: Wait, wait! What are you doing?

Jonathan: (Grunts)

Lizzie: Let him go!

Guard: That's not what we were told.

Lizzie: I'm telling you now!

Jonathan: Hey, baby. Hey. How's my girl? Daddy missed you. It's okay. Daddy's okay.

Lizzie: Jonathan, I have no idea what that was.

Jonathan: Bill set me up. It's okay, baby, it's okay.

Beth: Ava. I'm sorry, was that Alan on the phone?

Ava: Yeah, I'm sorry, too. I busted my butt trying to get him off of that island. He hears the word "raise" and it's like...

Beth: So he's coming home?

Ava: There's been a little bit of a holdup with his passport, but I took care of everything. It wasn't easy. You would think he'd show me a little gratitude.

Beth: Did he... did he say anything else?

Ava: About what? Beth, I've been stuck in that office for days.

Beth: It's nothing. So, when is he coming back?

Ava: He's at the house. He is waiting for the all-clear from Customs or whoever. If it was me, I would just take a vacation. But you know Alan, when he gets his mind set on something, nothing stops him.

Beth: Yet.

Frank: Great. Thank you, Nikki.

Harley: You go through it as cops, Frank. You go through something life and death, and it connects you to another person in a way that other people can't understand.

Frank: Yeah, so?

Harley: So I'm just saying, it's a real thing.

Frank: Look, sis, we all get that you and Cyrus are friends, okay?

Harley: Yeah, friends. Close friends. We're close friends. I guess close enough to make Marina think it was something more, so she panicked and she cooked up this whole Immigration thing. She got Remy involved, pretending he was an agent, filling out forms, making phone calls, all this stuff so she wouldn't lose Cyrus.

Frank: To you?

Harley: To me, yes, because she saw me as a threat.

Frank: Come on, sis, you would never, ever... Harley.

Harley: Well, nothing happened. I mean, maybe I blurred a few lines. I was coming off the whole separation with Gus.

Frank: Okay, so you were vulnerable and he took advantage of you.

Harley: It wasn't like that.

Frank: Then what was it like?

Harley: Well, first of all, you can stop talking to me like a perp.

Frank: Okay then, you know what, you tell me what the hell is going on.

Harley: I've... I've just... ever since the building collapsed, I've been having these, I don't know, these things where I can't breathe and I get dizzy and my heart pounds, and I have this big feeling of dread that washes over me. But I'm fine, Frank. Really, I'm fine.

Frank: Maybe sounds to me like you're having a panic attack.

Harley: I don't know. Maybe. I don't know.

Frank: Well, sis, hold on one second here. You know, I wish I would have known.

Harley: Cyrus knows, and he knows how to take care of me. Because he was there when it first happened. And he gets me, you know? He's good to me. And he's good for me. We get along so well, Frank. Things are so easy between us.

Frank: We're all here for you, sis.

Harley: Yes, but I went to him. Because things were stressful, and I think that's where it got really complicated.

Frank: Hold on one second here. Are you saying that if you started this whole thing over again, that you would...

Harley: I don't know.

Frank: Where's Marina?

Harley: She went to look for Cyrus. She told him the truth, sort of, and I guess he didn't take it so well. I'm sorry, Frank. Don't worry, I'll fix this.

Cyrus: I'll take those back.

Marina: No. If this is what you want, then I'm not going to stop you. I just can't go with you.

Cyrus: I wasn't going anywhere.

Marina: You started leaving little by little. I'm not sure when you stopped loving me, or you fell out of love with me...

Cyrus: Don't do that.

Marina: ...But you did.

Cyrus: You're wrong. If I didn't want to get married, a little heat from Immigration wasn't going to make me do it.

Marina: It happened before.

Cyrus: Because a marriage to Alex didn't mean anything. But marrying you, it would have meant everything. I hate that you forced my hand when you didn't need to. I hate that you doubt me.

Marina: Stop giving me reasons to.

Cyrus: This isn't about a necklace, is it?

Marina: You know, I went through stuff, too.

Cyrus: What do you mean?

Marina: Sometimes I wish I went down in that building.

Cyrus: I can't believe you just said that.

Marina: I know. (Sobs) Because it's really messed up. I know it is really messed up, but I can't tell you how many times I wished it was true, that I had gone down in that building with you, that I was there with you. And if it wasn't me, then just anyone else, just not her.

Cyrus: I almost died. My only comfort was that you weren't there.

Marina: You're only comfort?

Cyrus: This is about us.

Marina: The three of us.

Cyrus: This isn't about...

Marina: Right. You can't even say her name without looking guilty. I was so glad that you had each other, Cyrus, to really see each other through. But when Griggs’ had me, I was all alone. No. No, I just want you to imagine for one second, what if there had been some guy that had been there, that was held hostage with me, right, and we come back into town, and we're the best of friends, and all of a sudden you're the third wheel. Can you even imagine what that feels like?

Cyrus: I didn't know that's how you felt.

Marina: What is it about her? Is it because she needs you more than I do?

Cyrus: I was ready to spend my life with you. Not her, you. If you want to walk away, I can't stop you.

Marina: Do you want me to help you finish packing?

Cyrus: No, don’t.

Marina: I'm going to miss you. I really thought you were the one.

Cyrus: I wish I could have been.

Mallet: How were your lunch hours?

Marina: I'm sorry. They told me you came back here. I lost track of time.

Mallet: No, that's okay. You were supposed to be on duty, but I kind of covered for you.

Marina: Mallet, I covered for you a million times when you were having problems with Dinah.

Mallet: Whoa, easy, hey.

Marina: Just give me the files. Files?

Mallet: Yeah, yeah, take a look at the files. What is going on with you?

Marina: I... I'm not the kind of girl who blows her career because of some guy, all right?. I don't let my emotional stuff get in the way when there's work to be done.

Mallet: Okay. So what did Cyrus do now?

(Knock on the door)

Harley: Marina, open the door. I know you said to stay out of it, but open the door. (Knocking on the door) I thought you moved out.

Cyrus: I'm working on it.

Harley: Well, you can’t. What is that? Don't do that to me.

Cyrus: Harley, just... just... I'm off to pillage and plunder and live a life free of other people so I don't mess anyone else up.

Harley: Well, that's not going to work, because that life doesn't exist, so you may as well find unicorns. And I'm not going to let you leave her like this. Stop.

Cyrus: You're making a mess.

Harley: You guys are... you're good together. You are. This is just... this is a bump in the road for you.

Cyrus: A ditch. It's a ditch.

Harley: It's a shallow ditch.

Cyrus: No, no, it's not so shallow.

Harley: Cyrus, get her some flowers. Tell her you're sorry, you know? Make it work. One of you miserable is one thing, but I can't take the two of you miserable. So just fix this.

Cyrus: Why are you doing this?

Harley: Well, you pulled me out of a tailspin, so I'm returning the favor.

Cyrus: So I'm in a tailspin now? I thought I was in a ditch.

Harley: Cyrus, if you leave... if you leave Marina, you might miss out on the one chance you have to be really happy.

Cyrus: Well, I hope not because she just kicked me out.

Bill: Beth!

Beth: Bill, hi.

Bill: Did Lizzie call you?

Beth: I'm really busy right... about what?

Bill: Jonathan. He won't be giving her any more trouble and I thought maybe we should go over to the house.

Beth: I really don't have time to do that right now.

Bill: But I think she needs us.

Beth: Why does Lizzie need you, Bill?

Bill: Because I've been helping her. I took care of the Jonathan problem.

Beth: I... I... I got to go.

Bill: Wow, I thought you'd be on my side.

Beth: You know something, Bill, I don't know whose side you're on.

Bill: Lizzie’s.

Beth: Yeah?

Bill: Yes.

Beth: Because you could be on Alan’s side. See, years ago, first you played me, now you're playing her...

Bill: I don't play.

Beth: Yes, you do.

Beth: First she was your enemy, now you want to be her hero. And why is that, Bill? Out of the goodness of your heart?

Bill: No. I can't stand the fact that Jonathan is screwing her over.

Beth: Oh, because you're the only one who gets to do that?

Bill: Yes... no. Come on, wait. Come on.

Beth: I need to find Rick.

Bill: So you won't help me help your daughter?

Beth: I am trying to help her help her daughter.

Bill: Beth, will you just... she needs us.

Beth: Do you really want Lizzie? Or do you just want to keep her away from Jonathan? Because if you love her...

Bill: Wait a minute, wait a minute, no one is saying anything about love, okay? She is great and all, but I am doing the town a favor by getting rid of Jonathan. He is a jerk.

Beth: Still blind.

Bill: (Laughs) What about Lizzie? Nice. You're all too good for her, but no one else is good enough.

Jonathan: I'm not going to run away with her.

Lizzie: So, like, just now, with us, that was real?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Lizzie: Because between you and Bill, I can't really tell anymore.

Jonathan: Look who's here. Go let him in. This will be fun. Yeah.

Bill: Are you okay?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Bill: What?

Jonathan: Thanks, Bill, this worked out great.

Bill: What did you do to her?

Lizzie: What did he do? What did you do?

Bill: What are you talking about?

Lizzie: Who were those guys? What if they had taken Jonathan to jail? What if somebody tipped off my granddad?

Bill: Oh, wait a minute, whoa, no one's taking anyone to jail. What happened here?

Lizzie: You put my daughter in danger.

Bill: What did you do? You let him talk them into letting him go? Is that what happened?

Lizzie: No. No, it was upsetting Sarah.

Bill: So you used a child. Is that... oh, that's disgusting. That’s the low road.

Jonathan: Is it?

Bill: Look, I did this for you. You are never going to be free of this guy, okay? Don't you understand?

Lizzie: No kidding. No kidding. He is the father of my child.

Bill: Did he tell you how I got him in here? That I'd help him kidnap you're child.

Jonathan: Yeah, he wanted to do that because he wanted to be able to get in your pants without the baby getting in the way.

Bill: That's so wrong. That is part of an act and you bought it. That's right, you bought it. I was pretending, okay, but he wanted to take your child forever, for real.

Lizzie: I can't believe I fell for this again. You come over with flowers. You're all nice. You act like you care.

Bill: I do care. You think he cares?

Lizzie: No, I don't think he cares because he doesn't pretend to care.

Bill: Okay, first of all, I know it's been a very long day for you, but that is crazy logic. That is crazy talk.

Lizzie: Well, you should talk. Because as far as I can see, seems like you get a little kick out of messing with my head.

Bill: I am doing this for you and your child. Don't you get it?

Lizzie: Get out.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: Out. I will call the guards. Out.

Bill: Me? You want me... are you serious? Oh, my goodness, look at this, right in front of your child. See, that's exactly my point.

Jonathan: Get out.

Bill: Fine. You know what? I'm leaving. Why? Because I'm taking the high road. You, you messed up. I don't even know why I care. Good luck.

Rick: So that's why I had to rush down here.

Beth: Well, it all happened so fast. And, of course, I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to my wonderful husband.

Rick: Beth Bauer, do I have to remind you that you're a very pregnant woman right now?

Beth: Do I look like I need reminding?

Rick: Oh, wow. Man, did you have to buy two seats for the train? Did you? (Laughter) All right. You have to promise me that you're not going to do anything strenuous, okay?

Beth: No, no.

Rick: Promise?

Beth: Yes, yes. And I was going to dance on those bar stools.

Rick: You can't dance anyways. All right, so you're taking a train. No planes, right? You're too far along for a plane.

Beth: I am taking a long, slow train to Chicago. And if you don't leave, I will miss that train.

Rick: I don't want to leave. Okay, I'll go. All right, be safe.

Beth: Rick?

Rick: Yeah?

Beth: I love you.

Rick: I love you, too, sweetheart. A weekend-long bash with the ladies in Chicago. I'm a very understanding husband.

Beth: Okay, baby Bauer, now it's time to see a man about a boat to St. Gabriel.

Lizzie: She looks happier, just like me when I got out of that house. Okay, so let's review.

Jonathan: Oh, Lizzie, you're killing me.

Lizzie: You took Sarah from me, I took Sarah from you. And what did we learn?

Jonathan: No more kidnapping. We deserve her and she deserves both of us. And you made me swear on your stupid “50 most beautiful people” magazine.

Lizzie: Okay, I didn't have a bible. Exactly how did you get her to go to sleep? Because when I lay her down-- instantly screaming.

Jonathan: That's because she's stubborn like me, and she's used to getting her way.

Lizzie: Like me.

Jonathan: I can get her to sleep in three minutes flat.

Lizzie: Whatever.

Jonathan: I can. Next time I'll do it.

Lizzie: Okay, good.

Jonathan: You can time me.

Lizzie: I'm going to.

Jonathan: Promise?

Lizzie: I promise.

Jonathan: Okay.

Marina: My dad tried to warn me about him. Everyone tried to warn me, but I wouldn't listen. I... I was going to prove them wrong. I just had to have him. And I knew better.

Mallet: Listen, you know, these tend to work better if you actually use them. Now listen to me. First of all, nobody slams my partner like this, okay? Look at me. You're way too hard on yourself. You're just like your aunt. What? What did I say? What did I say?

Marina: Nothing.

Mallet: Do you want me to go shoot the guy? I'll go shoot him.

Marina: No, no.

Mallet: You're better than this. You deserve better. And you'll find someone that's better.

Marina: I just did.

Harley: A breakup? An official breakup? No. That's not possible, because Marina... she's in love with you. I mean, crazy in love with you. You can get her back. I'll help you. I won't help you. That's a really bad idea. But you can get her back, Cyrus. Tell her... tell her that you were wrong about this. Tell her you weren't thinking straight.

Cyrus: She left me.

Marina: She went to find you.

Cyrus: And she found me and she left me. You're here fighting for someone who's done fighting.

Harley: So... so Marina broke up with you?

Cyrus: Yep.

Harley: She went and you let her?

Cyrus: You two are exactly the same.

Harley: She left, Cyrus, and you didn't go after her.

Cyrus: What was I supposed to do, tackle her? Kidnap her? Yeah, that worked wonders the first time. Yes, Marina walked away. I let her walk away. And now I'm walking away from all of the crazy people in this town.

Harley: You can’t. You have to stay. You have to stay. You have to fight for her, Cyrus.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Marina: You're giving me the look?

Mallet: I'm a man. You're a smoking-hot babe.

Harley: You have to stay.

Ava: I haven't seen you since you got your eyesight back. You'll be happy you did when you see what I'm wearing under this coat.

Lizzie: I was just wondering if you thought maybe we could be a family for real.

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