Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/30/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
(Baby crying)
Bill: Try feeding her.
Lizzie: I did, I tried. I don't honestly think she is hungry. I don't know why I sent the staff home. Hilda is the only person who would know what to do right now. (Baby crying)
Bill: Yeah, but then she'd tell Alan that the baby is here. (Baby crying) Just trying to help.
Lizzie: Really, you've been great. Just above and beyond staying all night last night.
Bill: Sleep is overrated.
Lizzie: You really don't have to stay.
Bill: Yeah, but if I leave, Jonathan may come back.
Lizzie: I think he took your threat about my granddad really seriously. I'm not worried about him.
Bill: Still, I...
Lizzie: Maybe she just needs some bonding time with her mom. (Baby crying)
Bill: Sure. I'm going to go out and see if I can pick up some food. Maybe the baby will chow down. Some toys to play with. Toys for the kid as well.
Lizzie: Whatever. Hi.
Bill: So, keep this door locked, all right?
Lizzie: Mommy is right here. Mommy's right here. (Baby crying) Sarah, you don't have to cry. You don't have to cry. Mommy is right here. (Baby crying)
Tammy: Leave it to you to do the right thing.
Jonathan: Since when?
Tammy: It's me. Drop the act. The "I don't want anyone to know I have a soft side" act.
Jonathan: Oh, that one.
Tammy: Lizzie needed to know that her baby was alive. She deserved to hold her in her arms and you were the only one could have done that for her.
Jonathan: Yeah, well she doesn't deserve to keep it. This is the first night that Sarah and I have ever spent apart.
Tammy: Yeah.
Jonathan: It's not going to happen again until she goes to college, if then.
Tammy: Sarah might have something to say about that.
Jonathan: Sarah's going to have nothing to say about that. We're leaving town tonight, Canada.
Tammy: What's in the backpack?
Jonathan: I should get in there. I don't know how long Bill's going to be gone.
Tammy: Jonathan, the backpack?
Jonathan: I miss her. I miss you, too.
Tammy: What are you doing with that backpack, Jonathan?
Jonathan: I know I'm just imagining you, but I'd still feel better if you didn't know.
(Baby crying)
Lizzie: Oh, wow, that is some set of lungs you've got there. You don't have to cry anymore, Sarah. You're here with Mommy. Mommy loves you. She loves you very much, yes she does. Almost as much as she loves peace and quiet.
(Knock on the door)
Lizzie: Bill?
Jonathan: Not exactly.
Lizzie: Go away.
Jonathan: No, open up.
Lizzie: I mean it.
Jonathan: I'm sorry that I took her away from you.
Lizzie: Oh, wow, that's a really nice way of saying, "I'm sorry I let you think your daughter was dead."
Jonathan: You know why I did it.
Lizzie: Well, then, you know why I'm keeping this door locked.
Jonathan: Come on, I want to work something out. We're both her parents.
Lizzie: Bill has his hand on the phone right now. He is going to call my grandfather and tell him you're alive if you don't leave.
Jonathan: Lizzie, Bill is not in there.
Lizzie: Yes, he is.
Jonathan: If he's in there, then why did you call his name when I knocked on the door? Come on. I know how to make her stop.
Lizzie: Promise you won't try anything.
Jonathan: She's our kid. Ours. (Baby crying) Hey.
Lizzie: She's been up every half hour crying.
Jonathan: Why didn't you call me?
Lizzie: I don't know what she wants. I tried feeding her, distracting her, I sat her on a dryer. I saw it work on a TV commercial.
Jonathan: Well, did you try to make faces.
Lizzie: Faces?
Jonathan: Yeah. Cross your eyes. Do it. And then stick your thumbs in your ears and wiggle your fingers. Yeah, and then don't forget your tongue. Stick it out and move it side to side. Yeah. And now bob your head back and forth. Good, good.
Lizzie: She's still crying.
Jonathan: Yeah, I would, too. You look like a weird perv.
Lizzie: Jonathan, it's not funny.
Jonathan: (Laughs) I just wanted to see if you would do it. Look, you've just got to rub her. Rub her back and you hum.
Lizzie: Yeah, right.
Jonathan: Do it, do it. Counterclockwise. I don't know why, but the other way doesn't work as good.
Lizzie: That was it?
Jonathan: Yeah. That was pretty quick. You've got the touch.
Lizzie: I can't believe it. (Laughs)
Jonathan: She's smiling.
Lizzie: Do you know any other tricks?
Jonathan: About a million of them.
Lizzie: Okay, good. I'm going to need you to write them all down. Every single one. I'm going to need to know if I'm going to do this whole Mom thing.
Jonathan: So you're sure that there's no staff around here?
Lizzie: Yeah. No, we're safe. As long as my granddad's out of the country. She really does have your nose.
Jonathan: No.
Lizzie: Yeah, I mean it.
Jonathan: Well, she's got a lot of you in there, too. I see it all of the time.
Lizzie: Whatever. You're just saying that.
Jonathan: I'm not. I'm not.
Lizzie: I just can't believe how much she's changed in just one year.
Jonathan: Let's get out of here.
Lizzie: What?
Jonathan: You, me, Sarah, just the three of us. We go away for the day. Maybe the Bauer cabin. And we take some time, you know, get reacquainted.
Lizzie: Right. And the catch is?
Jonathan: No catch.
Lizzie: My grandfather.
Jonathan: Well, he's out of the country, right? So, what's the worry? I mean, we'll deal with him when he gets back.
Lizzie: So you're staying. You're not going to try to take her again?
Jonathan: Let's just do this one day at a time.
Lizzie: That's not a good enough answer.
Jonathan: All right, I know that you have reason to worry.
Lizzie: Worry? You're talking about my daughter.
Jonathan: Well, I didn't have to bring her here yesterday, okay? I didn't, but I did.
Lizzie: I am not going to lose her again.
Jonathan: I wouldn't do that to you.
Lizzie: So you're staying?
Jonathan: Let's just go.
Lizzie: What is the big hurry?
Jonathan: Because I don't like this place. Come on.
Lizzie: Can we just... for a minute. Look at how peaceful she looks. Definitely your nose.
Bill: Lizzie, I found this great toy store...
Lizzie: Shh-shh-shh.
Bill: What is this?
Lizzie: No, no, no, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
Jonathan: We were just getting ready to go, so...
Bill: Go?
Jonathan: Yeah, so, if you don't mind...
Lizzie: Maybe you should come with us.
Jonathan: No, whoa, no, no, no, no.
Lizzie: You told me that I had reason to worry. And if Bill's with me, then I won't have to. Okay, I have the portable crib, I have diaper bag. Do we need anything else?
Jonathan: Privacy.
Bill: Lizzie begged me to come, so I'm coming.
Lizzie: This is going to be a nice day, for a change, with my baby.
Jonathan: Well, we can't fit three people and a car seat in my car, so...
Lizzie: Okay, okay. Well, we'll take my S.U.V. Bill bought a nice new car seat.
Jonathan: Awww.
Lizzie: Please go and install it.
Jonathan: Where are you going to be?
Lizzie: I just have to call my granddad on the island. I want to make sure he's not going to be home any time soon.
Bill: Unless it becomes necessary.
Jonathan: I don't do good with threats.
Bill: (Laughs) I'll keep that in mind.
Lizzie: Okay, okay.
Jonathan: Yeah, okay.
Lizzie: Please, please, just put Sarah in the car. I'll be there in a few minutes.
Jonathan: You better hurry.
Bill: What are you doing? It's got to be tighter.
Jonathan: I know how to put one of these in.
Bill: It doesn't look that way. I'm just trying to help.
Jonathan: Really?
Bill: Yeah.
Jonathan: Then leave.
Bill: I wish I could, but I can’t. Why don't you chill out? Lizzie's going to be out any minute anyway.
Jonathan: Oh, really? What a shame. I was just starting to enjoy our quality time together.
Bill: You've got a sense of humor. Kind of like it. I think I liked you better when you were dead, though.
Jonathan: Then leave.
Bill: Not a chance.
Jonathan: No? You got to do your little bit yesterday, you got to be hero. Hero, look at you. Why don't you quit while you're ahead?
Bill: No, I think I'll stick around and see how it all plays out.
Jonathan: I told Lizzie, I'm telling you-- I'm not going to take Sarah and go away.
Bill: So if you're not going to leave, then why are you staying?
Jonathan: Why?
Bill: Why? You miss Springfield? Sure you're not staying around for Lizzie?
Jonathan: Hmm, Lizzie, not so much.
Bill: Didn't think so.
Jonathan: But, you know, we were married, man, so if I wanted that, I could get that.
Bill: You know, I hope you don't plan on hurting her, okay, because Alan’s been treating her like crap.
Jonathan: It's nothing compared to the way you've been treating her from what I hear.
Bill: What are you talking about?
Jonathan: Look, if you want Lizzie, you have my blessings. I just want you to remember that we have the real bond, name is Sarah.
Lizzie: Okay, Sarah belongs with me, not with Jonathan. Come on, come on, keep up with what I'm saying here.
Gus: All right. So you want your dead baby back from your dead ex.
Lizzie: No, no, listen to me. For the last time: Alive. They are both alive.
Gus: Okay. Okay.
Lizzie: Yes. Yes, he faked it. He faked it to protect Sarah from my granddad, but he could leave at any moment and never come back.
Gus: Okay, but he's here now?
Lizzie: Yes, for now, he's here for now.
Gus: Okay. Obviously you're going through a lot. If what you say is true, then he has sacrificed a tremendous amount for your daughter, a tremendous amount.
Lizzie: I know that. I know that.
Gus: Okay, I'm just trying to... I'm trying to... but now he's stepped forward, that's what you're saying?
Lizzie: Why are you trying to make him sound like a hero? Why is no one ever on my side?
Gus: I am trying to be on your side.
Lizzie: Listen to me. Listen to me. I cannot lose my daughter again.
Gus: And you should never have to.
Lizzie: That is why I need your help. I am working were with a very small window here. He says that he's staying, but I do not buy it.
Gus: Okay, all right, I'm working on it. I'll get to work on it.
Lizzie: Thank you. Don't throw the family name around. I don't want this to get back to Granddad.
Gus: Well, Alan is not necessarily going to stay out of town forever, you know.
Lizzie: Yes. That's another reason to get this moving.
Gus: Okay, I'm on it. I'll get your daughter back for you. This time for good, okay?
Lizzie: Thanks.
Lizzie: Where's Bill?
Jonathan: He went to get food. Don't worry, he'll be back quick. He and I are like this now. Guess which finger he is.
Lizzie: Sarah still sleeping?
Jonathan: Yeah, she loves the car. Don't you think this would be a good time to dump him? We don't need a third wheel.
Lizzie: Huh?
Jonathan: Me, you and Sarah, just the three of us.
Bill: I'm sorry I got held up. Ready to go?
Lizzie: Did you talk to anybody?
Bill: Not a word.
Jonathan: Not a word to who?
Bill: I got the groceries.
Jonathan: What is this?
Bill: It's nothing that concerns you.
Jonathan: I know this address.
Bill: I'm redeveloping that area.
Jonathan: Is that another way to say you're tearing it down?
Bill: Why do you care?
Jonathan: This is Outskirts.
Lizzie: What?
Jonathan: He's tearing down Outskirts.
Bill: Well, we call it progress.
Jonathan: What are you going to put up in its place?
Bill: Anything I want to.
Lizzie: Hey, you okay?
Jonathan: Yeah, I'm fine. Whatever. Do whatever you want with it. Place is a dump anyway.
Bill: You got that right. Okay, let us go, right?
Jonathan: Yeah, I'll drive.
Bill: Great.
Jonathan: Think I've got enough for two.
Lizzie: So you were just... you were just in the bedroom the whole time when I was talking to Reva?
Jonathan: Yeah, I was trying to keep Sarah from making any noises.
Lizzie: Oh, my goodness, I was so close. Yes, I was. So close. I hope you brought some warm clothes for her. It gets chilly up here.
Jonathan: That's why I got us a room at the Beacon. I had it handled.
Lizzie: It's not like she can tell us when she's cold. No, she can’t.
Jonathan: I know the signs.
Lizzie: Is that the stroller you've always used?
Jonathan: Yeah, why?
Bill: Maybe because it looks like a piece of junk.
Jonathan: It does just fine.
Lizzie: Don't get excited. I was just asking.
Jonathan: You know, just because the stroller doesn't have a designer label stamped all over it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it.
Bill: No, I think she's concerned about the child's safety. She's entitled to ask.
Jonathan: You're entitled to shut the hell up. I understand what you're hinting at, that maybe I didn't raise your daughter the way you'd like, but we did pretty good by ourselves. Pretty damn good.
Lizzie: I wasn't hinting at anything.
Jonathan: Who's thirsty?
(Cell phone ringing)
Lizzie: Hi, Mom.
Gus: Jonathan is in the room?
Lizzie: Yeah, I'm doing fine. Much better than yesterday.
Gus: Okay, I'll keep this quick. I need you to keep Jonathan in town, okay, for as long as you can because I'm building a custody case for you.
Lizzie: Sure. Tell Rick that's no problem.
Gus: Now Lizzie, listen, you're going to have to prepare yourself. You might have to fight dirty.
Lizzie: I'm ready whenever you are. I'll be off in a minute.
Jonathan: I left some things in the car.
Gus: So I need you to find out what Jonathan did this year when he was out of town, where he went, who he was with, if he broke any laws. Anything at all that might help us, okay?
Lizzie: Okay. Thanks.
Bill: Everything okay with Beth?
Lizzie: What?
Bill: Your mom?
Lizzie: Oh, yeah. Yeah, she's great.
Bill: What's wrong?
Lizzie: Nothing. You know something? I actually... I've got it from here.
Bill: I told you I don't mind staying here. I don't think you can...
Lizzie: I can do it. I appreciate everything you've been doing. I just...
Bill: Lizzie, let me tell you something: If I leave now, there is nothing stopping Jonathan from taking your child and disappearing.
Lizzie: Well, maybe there is one thing that will stop him.
Bill: Lizzie...
Lizzie: That wasn't my mom, okay? I'm working on something.
Bill: And what is that?
Lizzie: You've got trust me. I know what I'm doing.
Bill: What are you doing?
Lizzie: I need him to open up and he's not going to do that as long as you're here.
Bill: You know what it sounds like? It sounds like you're going to seduce him to get what you want, and I don't think that's the guy that you...
Lizzie: I will do whatever I have to do to protect my daughter.
Bill: Okay, you are just...
Lizzie: I'm what? What am I, Bill?
Bill: I'm not going to let you do this.
Bill: Yeah, that's right. Now how fast can you get a cab here? Maybe I'll just stay. No, you know what? Just get me a car here as fast as you can. Thanks, appreciate it.
Jonathan: You don’t want one?
Lizzie: I stopped drinking when I thought I was pregnant. So maybe later.
Jonathan: Definitely later.
Lizzie: She's so cute when she is sleeping. Come sit with me.
Jonathan: I don't really understand why Bill left like that.
Lizzie: I told you that I thought about what you said. You said you wanted it just to be about us tonight, so...
Jonathan: But you didn't trust me?
Lizzie: Nope. But you brought her to me, and you showed me that she was alive and no one was pushing you to do that, so maybe trust like this is going to have to go both ways. Come over here so that I can try to make it up to you.
Jonathan: She usually doesn't nap this long.
Lizzie: Did you miss her?
Jonathan: What do you think? That's the first night I've spent away from her.
Lizzie: Whatever. No way.
Jonathan: What, do you think that I'm making that up?
Lizzie: No. I don't know, but I know you. And you have had to have had some adventures, some wild nights. It's okay.
Jonathan: Adventures?
Lizzie: You can tell me. It's okay.
Jonathan: Well, keeping food on the table was an adventure. That's one right there.
Lizzie: What are you talking about?
Jonathan: Raising a daughter when I don't really even know what I'm doing, trying to hold down a job. What kind of jobs did you think I had? Daycare cost more money than I made.
Lizzie: I didn't know.
Jonathan: Making sure that she stayed healthy, making sure that Alan didn't know where we were. Having a glass of wine in front of a fireplace, I can't even remember the last time I did anything like that.
Lizzie: You didn't have anyone?
Jonathan: There was one girl, Aubrey. We had something, but, I don't know, I put her in risk just by being with her. And...
Lizzie: And what?
Jonathan: She wasn't Tammy.
Lizzie: Yeah, Tammy.
Jonathan: Let's talk about something else.
Lizzie: You miss her. I know that.
Jonathan: You don't know.
Lizzie: I'm sorry. Okay, look, I really miss her, too.
Jonathan: Don't compare it.
Lizzie: I do. It has been a really hard anniversary, okay? I was at her memorial.
Jonathan: She's dead partially because of you.
Lizzie: Jonathan, I...
Jonathan: Don't deny it. I should be with her right now.
Lizzie: Just listen to me.
Jonathan: You be quiet.
Lizzie: Listen to me.
Jonathan: But I'm with you. Is that right? Is that fair?
Lizzie: Listen to me.
Jonathan: You... you lost control and now she's dead, and she will never be back.
Lizzie: I am trying to tell you that I agree with you, okay? (Sighs) I do blame myself. I knew exactly what I was doing. I went to my granddad and I pleaded for help. And then I just closed my eyes. I wanted to pretend like I didn't know what he was going to do. But I did. Jonathan?
Jonathan: What? Be with her. What are you doing?
Lizzie: I think she's warm.
Jonathan: Warm?
Lizzie: Yeah. She's burning up. Is that normal?
Jonathan: Hey, how you feeling, baby? What... what happened?
Lizzie: What do you mean what happened? You were sitting right here.
Jonathan: She needs to see a doctor.
Lizzie: Okay, that's it, let's take her to Cedars.
Jonathan: No, no, we can't take her to Cedars.
Lizzie: You just said that she needs a doctor.
Jonathan: Alan practically owns the place. How long do you think it will take him to find out that she was admitted?
Lizzie: Maybe it won't be so bad.
Jonathan: No. We cannot take that chance. Take her temperature. I need to think.
Tammy: Is everything all right?
Jonathan: No, everything is not all right.
Tammy: You think it's more than just a fever?
Jonathan: You know what I think this is because this is exactly how it started when she was a baby.
Tammy: Take a breath.
Jonathan: If you were here you would know what to do.
Tammy: I'm not, though.
Jonathan: Tell me, please, Tammy.
Lizzie: Jonathan? Who you talking to?
Jonathan: No one.
Lizzie: I heard you say her name.
Jonathan: All right, I just need a minute.
Lizzie: No, no, no. No, I am not going anywhere.
Jonathan: I have to figure this out.
Lizzie: Well, you're not going to do it by talking to Tammy. Jonathan' she's gone. She's dead. I'm here, okay, your baby's mother, right here. You can ask me what I think we should do. You can listen to my opinion about what's going on with her.
Jonathan: Shut up. Just stop talking.
Lizzie: No, I am not the airhead that you have always taken me for, okay? I have taken charge of my life, and I am going to take charge of this.
Jonathan: What are you doing?
Lizzie: I am calling Rick.
Jonathan: No. I said no.
Lizzie: Yes, yes. He is a doctor. He will know what to do and he won't let it get back to my granddad, okay? He hates him, trust me. He hates him more than you do.
Beth: Where is she?
Lizzie: Mom, Mom, Mom, wait, wait, wait, just let Uncle Rick look at her, okay?
Beth: (Laughs) This is incredible.
Jonathan: Rick, can you just check her out?
Rick: Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's warm. She's definitely got a fever. When did she start showing signs of being sick?
Lizzie: Just now. She was fine before.
Jonathan: What do you think?
Rick: I don't know. I just need a couple of minutes to examine her.
Jonathan: All right, well, don't skip any steps, okay?
Rick: I wasn't planning to.
Jonathan: Do you have the stuff to take a blood sample?
Rick: Jonathan, I know what I'm doing. Just give me a few minutes, okay?
Olivia: They said that a guest wanted to see me.
Bill: Well, technically I am a guest.
Olivia: You could have given your name.
Bill: Well, I just wanted to make sure you came. Who's staying here?
Olivia: I don't know, ask reception.
Bill: I already did. They said they didn't have a name.
Olivia: Well, I don't know, and I'm actually a little busy, so if you don't mind...
Bill: It's Jonathan. I know he's staying here.
Olivia: No. Jonathan's dead, Bill.
Bill: Well, I wish he was, but he's alive. And I know you're putting him up. And I know you are a good aunt, can't resist doing a favor for family when asked.
Olivia: Well, if you know so much, then you don't need me.
Bill: How's Emma?
Olivia: Excuse me?
Bill: Emma. How's she doing?
Olivia: She's fine.
Bill: Really? Glad to hear it.
Olivia: Sounded like you thought you'd get a different answer.
Bill: No, I'm just happy that the Spaulding’s haven't gotten to her. I mean, I know there is interest there.
Olivia: Interest?
Bill: Phillip. I mean, we all know about him. Alan, too.
Olivia: Yes, we do.
Bill: I got to tell you, the one thing I was always grateful for, that they didn't come to me looking for information about you, you know, something that could help them in custody court. Because once you put me on the stand, I can't lie.
Olivia: You can't lie?
Bill: No, I can’t. Especially about you and any information that I could use about you that would favor them, like, I don't know, setting up my dad.
Olivia: What do you want?
Bill: Right now, just let me in so I can look through Jonny boy's things.
Rick: It's just a cold.
Jonathan: You sure?
Lizzie: A cold? A simple cold?
Jonathan: I mean, you know, it's easy to miss things.
Rick: I didn't miss anything. Lungs sounded good. Everything checks out.
Lizzie: Do you think I gave it to her? I mean, I just got her back.
Rick: Lizzie, you didn't, okay? Everything's going to be fine. Listen, I've written a couple of things here for you. Okay, we don't recommend cough or cold medicine for a child this young, but ibuprofen is fine if she starts feeling uncomfortable. Nose drops, saline, all that's good. Plenty of fluids, okay?
Jonathan: Okay, okay. This is good.
Beth: No, no, no, it's not good.
Lizzie: Mom, Mom...
Beth: Lizzie. Now thank God that she's okay, but we have spent the last year thinking that she was gone. Who gave you the right to inflict this kind of misery?
Lizzie: We are working on it, okay?
Beth: What is there to work on? He should be in jail for what he did.
Rick: He did the right thing.
Beth: What?
Rick: Alan was a threat. You face a threat like that, you do what you have to do, whatever it takes.
Bill: Now, you think someone like that works for Alan Spaulding?
Olivia: Oh, shut up, Bill. What do you want?
Bill: Well, my point is, you never know. I mean, here we are talking about a family that at any time could pose a threat to you.
Olivia: No, we... we... we weren't talking about anything. You-- you-- were talking.
Bill: Okay, well, I do tend to babble on. Like I said, keep me off the witness stand, right. Olivia, just look at me. Open the door, please.
Olivia: What happened to you?
Bill: Thank you.
Olivia: I didn't do anything.
Rick: What would Jonathan have done if he stayed here and didn't take any action? Would they be here with Sarah right now? There is absolutely no way. Alan would have her. Alan would have her and be raising her as a Spaulding.
Jonathan: Exactly.
Rick: You deserve a medal for this.
Jonathan: I'll pass.
Rick: Honey, please tell me you see the logic in all of this. Alan has hurt everybody in this room. Everybody. Now tell me you get it.
Beth: No. No, I don't get it. My daughter has been mourning for a year. I don't get it.
Rick: You know what, they didn't even feel safe taking the baby to the hospital because Alan owns the hospital. Imagine having a sick little girl and you can't even take care of your baby girl.
Beth: Rick, don't ask me to forgive him right now. Just don't ask me to do it.
Rick: I'm sorry, did I go over everything with you guys?
Lizzie: Thank you for coming out here. Thank you.
Rick: All right. If you need any help with anything, just let me know.
Jonathan: No, you've done enough. Thanks.
Rick: I think we should probably, you know, get going and let them get back to whatever they were doing, sweetheart.
Beth: You going to be okay, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Yeah. Yeah, I am.
Beth: Do not let him out of your sight.
Lizzie: I won’t. We're just going to stay. We're going to talk for a little while, okay? It will be okay.
Beth: Okay.
Lizzie: That was a relief.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Lizzie: Just a cold.
Jonathan: They happen.
Lizzie: Did Sarah get sick while you had her?
Jonathan: I guess.
Lizzie: Because you were pretty intense with Rick, asking about blood tests and everything.
Jonathan: Yeah. I mean, I just wanted to make sure he did everything right.
Lizzie: What happened, Jonathan?
Jonathan: Okay. You're her mom, you deserve to know. She, um... she got sick-- very sick-- anemia, they called it, low blood count. And, you know, you can't even imagine what it's like when a little kid gets that sick. She was so weak.
Lizzie: What did you do?
Jonathan: I did what I had to do, you know? I got her a bone marrow transplant.
Lizzie: What? My daughter! How did you find a donor? Who was the donor?
Jonathan: The donor was not hard to find. It just took a little bit of arranging.
Lizzie: I'm not following.
Jonathan: Lizzie, you were the donor.
Bill: Plane tickets for Jonathan Randall and infant, booked today, leaving tonight.
Lizzie: I saved her life.
Jonathan: Yeah. We all did. You, me, and Reva.
Lizzie: Oh, she's an angel.
Jonathan: You want to have that glass of wine now.
Lizzie: I cannot believe that I actually thought Reva and I went on some wild bender.
Jonathan: Do you like your tattoo?
Lizzie: Look at this thing.
Jonathan: Ooh.
Lizzie: You know something? Now that I know what it was for, I love it.
Jonathan: You're not even a little mad?
Lizzie: I am done being mad. I have my little girl, and she's healthy. Well, outside of a little cold, right? Just a little cold.
Jonathan: Well, sorry she's sick, stepping on your visit.
Lizzie: Oh, please, Jonathan, there will be a million more.
Jonathan: For you?
Lizzie: I have a little confession.
Jonathan: What?
Lizzie: I called Gus earlier. I saw him. I talked to him about gaining custody. Sorry, but after last night, I could not trust you.
Jonathan: It's okay.
Lizzie: If I had known everything that you did to save Sarah... what I'm trying to say is that I should have trusted you. I should have trusted us, because we are going to do whatever it takes to keep this little girl safe. Whatever we do, we do it together. We can do anything.
Jonathan: I'll drink to that. (Knock on the door)
Lizzie: Who is that?
Bill: Hey, you're never going to believe it. I know you two want your privacy, and I respect that, but I left my wallet here.
Jonathan: I haven't seen anything.
Bill: Well, that doesn't help me. Let's find it so I can get out of here. I've got a cab waiting outside.
Lizzie: Okay, okay, come on, help him... help him find it.
Bill: Great.
Lizzie: Fast.
Bill: That's embarrassing, here it is. How did that happen?
Jonathan: Great. Let's not keep the cab waiting.
Bill: Yeah, well, hmm, maybe I'll sit for a bit. Having a little wine, I see.
Lizzie: Yes, yes, it's been an amazing day, and I will tell you all about it later. Later.
Bill: Oh, I can't wait to hear all about it. I can't wait. Listen, don't let me stop you, okay.
Jonathan: We won’t.
Bill: Good. All right. This is nice. I half expected you two to be gone by now.
Lizzie: We're really not in a rush.
Bill: Oh, not you. I'm talking about him.
Lizzie: What?
Jonathan: What are you talking about?
Bill: What am I talking about? What am I talking about? Maybe the fact that you're taking off tonight with Sarah.
Lizzie: Bill, you are, like, way off-base here. You're totally wrong.
Bill: Wait a minute, Lizzie. Am I wrong, Jonathan?
Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah, you're wrong. I thought you had a cab to catch.
Bill: Really? And I thought you had a plane to catch. Or maybe had. Oh, what's the matter there, buddy? You feeling a little groggy? Oh, my goodness. Lizzie, he was going to drug you and he was going take your child and you never would have seen her again. And that's just exactly what was going... look out! ( Laughs) Oh, my goodness, Lizzie, look at this. I found a prescription in your room, buddy boy. What happened? Did I just switch those two drinks by accident, huh?
Lizzie: Jonathan!
Bill: Lizzie, do not concern yourself with him, okay? He was going to take your child. You never would have seen her again. Now get your things and get her out of here. Are you with me?
Lizzie: Yes, yes. Let's go. Let's go.
Bill: Let's go.
Tammy: I was worried this would happen.
Jonathan: Tammy.
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Jonathan: I'm Jonathan. I'm your cousin. Half cousin. Kind of your brother and your uncle.
Will: My hero.
Cassie: There is an atom bomb named Alan Spaulding just waiting to go off.
Jonathan: I will bring a destruction down on them that they won't be able to clean up for a hundred years.
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