GL Transcript Monday 1/28/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/28/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Marina: Judge Brennan? Hi, sorry, it's Marina Cooper.

Judge Brennan: Oh!

Marina: Remember me?

Judge Brennan: Yes, you're Chief Cooper's daughter.

Marina: That's me. And this is my fiancé, Cyrus Foley.

Judge Brennan: Congratulations! When's the big day?

Marina: Actually, that's what we wanted to talk to you about. What's your schedule like today?

Judge Brennan: You want to get married today?

Marina: Well, if it's possible. I mean, we'll make sure we get in all the paperwork, but we're ready.

Harley: Whoa. Since when did you start working for Immigration?

Remy: Since when did you start breaking into people's apartments?

Harley: Not people, my niece. And I have a key. And don't change the subject. It says that Cyrus is required to get a green card or face deportation. Do you want to tell me what's going on here?

Remy: What's going on is you've got your hands on Marina's man.

Harley: That has nothing to do with anything.

Remy: So you don't deny it?

Harley: The papers, Remy? I see what's going on here. Marina had you do this so Cyrus would be forced to marry her.

Remy: Can you blame her?

Beth: Josh? Is this a bad time?

Josh: Hi, no, no, not at all. Come on, have a seat.

Beth: Thank you.

Josh: Can I get you a glass of water or something like that?

Beth: No, no. Boy, am I going to miss this. Oh, being pampered all the time, given the royal treatment.

Josh: Yeah, well, you're going to have to make sure that Rick keeps it up, that's all. How can I help you?

Beth: Alan said that he asked you to come to his house when we remember Sarah.

Josh: Yes, he did. And normally, I would not do anything that Alan Spaulding asks me to do, but in this case, for Lizzie and for you, and for Reva, I just figured it would be okay. I'm glad to do it.

Beth: I think Alan thinks that this could be a time of healing.

Josh: For you and Alan?

Beth: I just... I can't shake the feeling that he's planning on using this memorial to do something, to make some kind of move.

Alan: Did you run out of gas, Reva?

Reva: No, I don't think so. I actually think that I might have some kind of car trouble, you know? Engine trouble, perhaps.

Alan: Really?

Reva: Car trouble... maybe the engine...

Alan: Did you call someone?

Reva: No. No, I haven’t. Not yet.

Alan: Well, I can give you a lift into town.

Reva: No, I don't want to leave my car out here, I just uh... maybe you could take a look at it, because you know something about engines, right?

Alan: Well, I know something about everything, Reva...

Reva: Exactly! (Laughs)

Alan: But let's see, I'm really not that good...

Reva: I know you're not...

Alan: Why don't I call Bruno and have him...

Reva: Oh, no, no, no. Because you know what? I'm running... I've got a doctor's appointment, you know? A cancer check-up...

Alan: What... what are you doing?

Reva: I... I want to protect you. I don't want you to get grease all over your new tie. It's a pretty tie. Just take a look.

Alan: Three words: You owe me, Reva.

Reva: No, that's four words, Alan.

Bill: What's going on? Come back here! What is going on with you?

Lizzie: What's wrong with me?

Bill: What is wrong with you?

Lizzie: Bill, there is no baby, okay, there's no baby!

Bill: What are you talking about, there's no baby? What did you do?

Lizzie: Let me go!

Bill: Lizzie, what did you do?

Lizzie: Uh! Jonathan? How? Why? Am I dead?

Jonathan: No. I got to you in time.

Lizzie: No, you’re dead. What's happening to me?

Bill: Lizzie, are you okay?

Lizzie: No, I... I think I hit my head. I saw him... I heard him, it was definitely his voice... Jonathan’s dead. I think I'm going crazy.

Bill: No, Lizzie, you're not. You're not. I see him, too.

Lizzie: You're alive?

Jonathan: Yeah. Long time, no see.

Marina: Harley! Oh, my goodness, do we have news for you. (Laughs)

Harley: I have to talk to you.

Marina: I know, but us first. You'll never believe what we're going to do later.

Harley: No, I think you'll want to hear this first. I just spoke with Immigration. There's been a mix-up with Cyrus' case.

Cyrus: A mix-up? Is this bad?

Harley: I think it depends on how you define bad.

Marina: Could you get me some coffee?

Cyrus: I really think I need to hear this.

Marina: No, absolutely. Definitely, but I need to talk to Harley about some girl stuff, and then we'll talk about it, for sure, so don't go far.

Cyrus: Okay.

Harley: I can see from the look on your face that you already know what this is about.

Josh: Here you go.

Beth: Thank you. Alan... Alan has invited us to go to his house on St. Gabriel after the service.

Josh: You and Rick?

Beth: Yes, and Rick accepted.

Josh: Well, that sounds like a lot of fun.

Beth: Yeah, I... I don't think that we should go.

Josh: I wouldn't think so, either. In fact, I can't even imagine a situation where you'd want to be in the same room with Alan.

Beth: Not very pastorly of you.

Josh: Well, God loves Alan Spaulding, I'm sure, but I don’t.

Beth: And I don't either. I'm married to Rick. And Alan is...

Josh: Alan is Alan.

Beth: Yeah. But, at the same time, as I get closer to my due date, I see how empty his life is since he lost me and the baby. He's... he's like... it's like he's lost, and he can't find his way back.

Alan: What the hell... what happened?

Reva: I'm sorry, Alan.

Alan: Why'd you do that, Reva?

Reva: Because it's been a year. Because you still deserve it, for Tammy, for Jonathan, for Sarah.

Alan: Come help me up so I can call 9-1-1.

Reva: That's going to be difficult, your cell phone's somewhere over there in the bushes.

Alan: Reva? Stop!

Bill: Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

Lizzie: I have no idea what I am, I'm... how? Where have you been?

Jonathan: Hiding from Alan.

Lizzie: You've been alive all this time? But you survived. That means my baby's alive. Where is she? You tell me! Tell me, when can I see her, Jonathan?

Jonathan: Lizzie, Lizzie, the crash was too much. She's gone.

Lizzie: But you... but you... you survived.

Jonathan: I know, I tried. I'm sorry.

Bill: What are you doing back here?

Jonathan: Tammy's memorial.

Bill: Come on, let me get you back home, all right?

Lizzie: No, I saw her.

Bill: Lizzie...

Lizzie: I saw her...

Bill: Lizzie...

Lizzie: I saw her at the memorial outside.

Jonathan: Lizzie! Sarah's gone.

Lizzie: No. That's not fair! You get to live and my baby's gone? That's not fair! I hate you! (Sobs) I hate you so much! (Sobs) How could you do this? How could you let our daughter die? Why, Jonathan? Why? Why? (Sobs)

Marina: What do you want me to say? That I was jealous of you and Cyrus? That I thought if I didn't put the pressure on him, I might lose him and I couldn't do that, Harley? I wouldn’t. Not after Danny and Alan-Michael and Shayne and Ben and... and it was wrong, okay? It was wrong. And it was manipulative, and I was going to tell him. It was never supposed to go this far, but then...

Harley: What?

Marina: I couldn't get it out of my head.

Harley: You couldn't get what out of your head?

Marina: You and Cyrus. And how close you were together, and every time I turned around, there you were. You were sharing this thing together, and it... it made me feel so horrible, and I... I started wishing that I had been the one who'd almost died in that church.

Harley: No.

Marina: Harley, no. What kind of sick, horrible, twisted person even thinks that kind of thing? Especially about someone that they... they admire, and... they look up to more than anyone else? I have never been that kind of person, and I don't want to be that kind of person. But then I think about losing him. And I can’t. After everything that we have been through to get to this point. And I'm just so sorry.

Harley: I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, honey.

Marina: You've done nothing but support me, and be a cheerleader for me, and I turn around and I get jealous of you needing Cyrus to be your friend. I am so messed up.

Harley: No, you're not. No, you're not. No, you're not. Don't say that.

Marina: Come on, have you ever done anything this stupid because you were in love?

Harley: Maybe once or twice.

Marina: I'm going to tell. I know I have to tell him, I just... I need to do it my way. So please, please don't rat me out.

Bill: Come on, let's get you home, put some warm clothes on, okay?

Lizzie: I have to know everything. Where you went, and why you decided to run?

Jonathan: Alan killed Tammy. I was going to be next.

Lizzie: How did you know Sarah was gone?

Jonathan: She was tiny, Lizzie. That crash...

Lizzie: She was your daughter. Your only job in the whole world was to protect her!

Jonathan: I tried!

Lizzie: Not hard enough! Not hard enough, you could have done more! You could've...

Bill: Lizzie, Lizzie? Come on, he's not worth it. Lizzie?

Lizzie: Tell me, why did you get to live, huh? Why did God decide that you should live?

Jonathan: I ask myself that question all the time.

Bill: You shouldn't have come back, that's all, okay?

Jonathan: Maybe not. But I saved your life today. Like I couldn't save Tammy. Maybe that means something.

Lizzie: What does it mean?

Jonathan: I don't know. You still have a life here. I can't come back because of Alan. I'm just asking you not to tell him.

Lizzie: Why shouldn't I, huh?

Jonathan: Because I saved your life today. Because everything that we've been through.

Lizzie: Tell me what the last thing was that you said to her before the crash. Was she happy?

Jonathan: Yeah, she was smiling. I saw her in the rearview mirror. She... we were singing a song. I was singing a song to her. The one about the farm animals that she liked, remember? Yeah. She was smiling.

Lizzie: Do you think she was scared?

Jonathan: No. Never.

Lizzie: Good.

Jonathan: Look, I can't stay here. If Alan finds out... I cannot stay here.

Lizzie: No!

Jonathan: You take care of her...

Lizzie: No!

Jonathan: I hope that you find peace, and maybe one day...

Lizzie: No, please don't go, please don't go... Jonathan, you're all I have left of Sarah. Please, don't go! (Sobs)

Reva: Jonathan? Uh-oh. You're daddy's late, as usual. But he'll be here soon enough, I can promise you that. He's never where he's supposed to be on time. He takes after his mama that way, huh? Let's get you open, this coat's hot, isn't it? (Baby cries) Whoo! There we go! Jon...

Josh: Is that...

Reva: The crash was staged. The car went over the cliff, but Sarah and Jonathan got out. (Baby cries)

Josh: And Jonathan needed Alan to think that they were both dead, so he could protect Sarah?

Reva: Yeah. He made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone.

Josh: You've known, though?

Reva: Kind of.

Josh: The entire time...

Reva: I saw the car go off the cliff, I did. I saw it go off, and I thought Jonathan and Sarah were gone, and then they showed up at Outskirts. They came to tell me they were leaving, and came to say goodbye, didn't you?

Josh: How did you... how did you do it?

Reva: Jonathan thought that if Alan knew...

Josh: Wait a minute. What about Lizzie? Does Lizzie know?

Reva: No. And that's been the hardest part of all of this, is watching Lizzie grieve for her baby, and...

Josh: Reva.

Reva: Mm-hmm. It’s... it's just that Jonathan won't tell Lizzie... I'm sorry, sweetie... until... until he knows it's safe. Because Alan was responsible for Tammy’s death, and what if he finds out about Jonathan, huh? What's he going to do then?

Josh: Reva, this is an amazing thing. I... the bottom line, though, is that Jonathan is alive and Sarah’s alive.

Reva: So you understand it.

Josh: I...

Reva: You understand what I'm saying about Alan.

Josh: I do. But, Reva, I promise you that I will do everything in my power to protect both Jonathan and Sarah from now on. But, but listen to me now. You have to tell Lizzie that her daughter is alive. You don't have a choice.

Lizzie: (Laughs) The way she used to smile, you know? When we would show her that mobile with all, like, the funny faces on it? I still have it.

Jonathan: Yeah, she loved that stupid thing.

Lizzie: Oh, Christmas morning! I thought I was going to explode! It was just, like, so cute when she opened up her presents!

Jonathan: She didn't open them.

Lizzie: Well, you know what I mean.

Bill: Yeah, I think we should get you inside, because, uh...

Lizzie: All this time...

Bill: Lizzie...

Lizzie: All this time I've been mourning her all by myself. 'Cause nobody understood. Nobody could.

Bill: Lizzie, he faked his own death! I mean, he made you think that he's been dead!

Jonathan: Who's side are you on, anyway, Alan’s?

Bill: No, I just think she's rewriting history here, okay? The guy left you for another woman and...

Jonathan: I think that's none of your business...

Bill: It is my business...

Jonathan: Yeah, are you so clean yourself, Bill?

Bill: What are you talking about?

Jonathan: You were on the front page of the paper, I can read...

Lizzie: Okay, okay...

Jonathan: Did you sleep with Lizzie to steal a business deal?

Lizzie: Stop it! Stop! I need this. Listen to me, I know. You think I don't know what he did? Trust me, I know what he did to me, okay? And I know that I'm thinking straight right now, but the only thing that I do know is that I really need this. I need more of this. I need you to stay for Sarah’s memorial.

Jonathan: Lizzie...

Lizzie: I know you can't come to the house. Okay, we'll do something privately.

Bill: No, that’s... that's a bad idea.

Lizzie: He has been grieving, too!

Bill: While he's been on the run, Lizzie. You're the one who's been home, dealing with the mess that he left!

Jonathan: I have to go.

Bill: Now, see, that's a good idea. And I'll be taking her to the memorial. If you want to come along, I'll save you a front row seat, right next to Alan.

Jonathan: Yeah.

Bill: Come on. Let's go.

Marina: I... I just told Cyrus that we needed to talk. I have to do this my way. Please, Harley.

Harley: Honey, whatever you want. I can do that. It's not a problem. Everything will be okay. It really will.

Marina: He's going to think less of me now.

Harley: Never.

Marina: I, uh... I'm going to call Judge Brennan and tell him that he can go home early tonight.

Cyrus: What's going on?

Marina: I screwed up. I got a phone call from Immigration and I jumped to conclusions. I thought that they were trying to deport you again, and all they really wanted was just to wrap up a couple things about your marriage to Alexandra. And by the time I knew what they wanted, I had already talked to you about you needing to marry me, and I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth. Because that's how badly I wanted to be your wife. I'm really sorry. You hate me.

Cyrus: You're asking a thief if he can live with one little white lie? Come here.

Marina: You're not mad?

Cyrus: Mad? No. What I am is disappointed-- sad, really-- that you think that after everything we've been through that you'd have to resort to a trick for me to want to marry you. (Cell phone ringing) Go ahead. Take it.

Marina: Marina Cooper.

Alan: Detective Cooper, I need your help.

Marina: I'm sorry, I'm not on duty right now.

Alan: Well, that's too bad, because I want to report a crime. Assault and battery.

Marina: Someone assaulted you?

Alan: Not just anyone. Reva Shayne. And I want you to meet me so you can write up a report.

Marina: I'm really... I'm in the middle of something. You're going to need to call the station.

Alan: I understand that you just got your badge back. Now, if you want to keep it, you will meet me.

Marina: Are you threatening my job?

Alan: Let's just say the mayor's a very good friend of mine.

Marina: And the Chief of Police is my father.

Alan: Suit yourself.

Cyrus: Go ahead. We can talk more later.

Marina: Okay. Um, where are you? Where can I meet you?

Cyrus: Why don't you tell me the real story?

Harley: Where did Marina go?

Cyrus: Job assignment.

Harley: What about the wedding?

Cyrus: Temporarily postponed.

Harley: Oh.

Cyrus: You know what she did.

Harley: What she did?

Cyrus: I saw the way you were talking over there. You busted her on the Immigration lie, didn't you?

Harley: What did she tell you?

Cyrus: What did you tell her?

Harley: Nothing. What's important is she's freaked out about us. And I have to say, I don't blame her.

Cyrus: Us? What's "us?" You told me in New York not to throw that word around anymore.

Harley: I know what I said. That's the thing, Cyrus. See, I know I told you that I... I couldn't take that leap because too many people would get hurt and there would be too many consequences.

Cyrus: I remember, you don't have to recap it.

Harley: I changed my mind. I... I came back here to tell you that. Right after you left, I came right back, and...

Cyrus: To tell me what?

Harley: That I want to jump. I want to act first, and think later, for the first time in my life.

Cyrus: You never said that.

Harley: You didn't give me a chance. I came back here, and I found out that you got engaged to her. What was I supposed to do?

Cyrus: Harley, what do you expect me to say?

Harley: I don't know.

Cyrus: (Laughs) This is so messed up. Marina's lying to me, and now you tell me this? I don't know what to say.

Lizzie: Can you make me some of that tea? Seeing Jonathan, this isn’t... this doesn't feel real. I... I feel like I'm in some, bizarro dream or something.

Bill: Lizzie? I am sorry that you lost Sarah, okay? And I thought the fact that you were carrying our child was, in a way, giving you a second chance. Something that I was willing to work it out for. But before you ran out that door, you told me that there is no baby. What happened? Did you have a miscarriage?

Lizzie: No.

Bill: Then what?

Lizzie: (Sobs) I am so sorry. I am so sorry, Bill. I think I just wanted to be pregnant so bad, you know? With the anniversary of Sarah’s death, I think I was just, like, you know, I just needed to fill this hole or something.

Bill: So you were lying about having a baby?

Lizzie: No.

Bill: You made this whole thing up?

Lizzie: I didn't make it up! I didn't lie to you, I... I went... I saw a doctor. She thought it was real, too. I had all the symptoms, and... and then it turned out that I wasn’t.

Bill: Oh, my goodness! So that's what this is. I mean, this whole set-up is to trap me into having a baby. One that I didn't even want in the first place!

Lizzie: Trap?

Bill: That's what this is!

Lizzie: Trap you?

Bill: Yes!

Lizzie: I didn't know it would trap you! I have never wanted anything like that at all! I don't know. I don't know, Bill. I guess I thought that it changed us. As soon as we thought that we were going to be parents, we had all this hope. And before we were just these lonely people.

Bill: I didn't ask for that, Lizzie.

Lizzie: You can't try to make me believe that you didn't fall in love with the idea of this baby.

Bill: It isn't real Lizzie, get that through your head!

Lizzie: But it was real! It was real to us! Just like Sarah was real. And we were going to be a family. (Sobs) I was going to have a family with you, just like... just like I had with Jonathan. I'm so sorry! (Sobs)

Josh: She's beautiful. Reminds me a lot of Marah when she was that age.

Reva: It's been torture, you know, missing each and every moment.

Josh: Think of how it's been for Lizzie.

Reva: I know. Believe me, I know.

Josh: You do?

Reva: Let me ask you something. If this is wrong, how is keeping Alan from Beth’s baby, how is that right?

Josh: I don't have an answer for that Reva, other than to say that Lizzie is not Alan.

Reva: But you know what I'm saying is true.

Josh: And I know that you don't want Jonathan and Sarah to be on the run for the rest of their lives. You, you've spent some time with Lizzie this year. You've seen how she is with Billy. She's proven herself over and over again. She's been through so much, and now, you have the opportunity to end that pain that she's in. She's a mother, Reva, just like you are.

Reva: I know, she’s... she was a really good mother, when Sarah was with her. She was, but if we tell her, you know what's going to happen. Alan will try to get Sarah away from Lizzie, and Jonathan... he'll go after Jonathan. He'll probably kill him!

Josh: We'll protect him in any way that we can. If he chooses to stay, at least he'll have a life. Reva, the life he's living right now, it’s...

Reva: I know, I know, it's not a life. It's not, it’s... it’s... I mean, it's like he's living in limbo. Maybe now, uh... maybe now that you know, maybe you can help.

Josh: I'll do whatever I can.

Reva: We can get the best lawyers. We can get bodyguards, if we need to. I mean, is it really wrong for me to think maybe that this could possibly work? I mean, that Alan could actually be in a position that Sarah would be safe from him?

Josh: I have to believe that could happen, Reva. Otherwise, I've made a terrible career choice here.

Reva: Jonathan! Stop it! He knows. He knows everything.

Josh: Hello, Jonathan. (Laughs) Were you going to hit me over the head with that thing?

Jonathan: Some things never change, huh?

Josh: It's good to see you.

Jonathan: Is it?

Josh: Yeah. Your daughter, she's beautiful.

Jonathan: I know. I did what I had to do for my kid.

Josh: I know.

Jonathan: Good. Then you know why Sarah and I are going to leave town tonight, and no one can know about this.

Josh: Without telling Lizzie that her daughter is alive.

Jonathan: The daughter that she gave up to Alan?

Reva: Can we just talk about his sanely? Just...

Jonathan: I saw Lizzie just now.

Reva: What? What do you mean you saw Lizzie? She knows you're alive?

Jonathan: Yeah. I told her that I made it out, but that Sarah died in the crash.

Reva: Oh, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Now, you can tell her that I lied if you want to, if that's what they teach you is right in your little minister handbook. But Sarah and I are going to be halfway around the world by then. Might as well be dead.

Reva: Jonathan, it's time to stop running.

Jonathan: No. What, did he tell you to say that?

Josh: This is not your mom's fault.

Jonathan: No. No. It's Alan’s. And Lizzie’s. And you might think you're doing the right thing, but can I remind you where we all were today? Tammy's memorial. And the only reason you are seeing this face is because I couldn't stay away from paying respect to my murdered wife. We're out of here.

Reva: Jon... what do you are you going to do?

Jonathan: I'm going to take care of my daughter, like I've always been doing.

Reva: You've got to stop. Where are you going to go? What are you going to do next, huh?

Jonathan: What am I going to do next? I don't care.

Reva: What about your life?

Jonathan: My life? My life was... let go of me. My life was over when Tammy died.

Alan: Yes. I want you to fire Frank Cooper. You heard what I said. Because he's instructing his deputies and detectives to blatantly ignore evidence, that's why. Look, I don't care if he's the Chief of Police, I want him fired! See that it's done!

Marina: Cyrus? Cyrus.

Lizzie: Don't tell me that you didn't care about our baby, because I know that you did.

Bill: I didn't care. I didn't care at all. The whole thing was just a game I was playing with you, that's all. Find out what was going on with my dad's company. I don't care about anything.

Lizzie: You are a liar. A liar, Bill. I saw it in your eyes.

Bill: (Laughs)

Lizzie: I saw it in your face!

Bill: You know, you can snap out of it, Lizzie, 'cause you didn't see anything.

Lizzie: You said it yourself, Bill. You said that this baby could be the one thing that saves you from yourself. You can act all tough if you want to, but I can see straight through it. You want to know why? You want to know why? Because I am going through the exact same thing! The only difference is that I have been going through it every day since Sarah died.

Bill: What's the matter? The kid's just a figment of our imagination. I mean, I have no business being a parent, and neither do you.

Lizzie: Don't ever say that to me.

Bill: Now, listen to me. There's only one thing the two of us are any good at, right? Huh?

Lizzie: I can't do this right now.

Bill: Why? Are you kidding me? Just a couple hours ago, you would have done anything to get me in the sack. What's the matter?

Lizzie: What's the matter? What's the matter? Let me go! What's the matter with me? What's the matter is that I am alone. Without my baby. Without Sarah. And for one amazing moment I thought that I had her back. I can't do anything or think about anything except for her.

Next, on "Guiding Light,"

Josh: Where's Jonathan?

Reva: Well, I have a feeling that maybe Jonathan will show up.

Bill: If Jonathan shows up, maybe you can just reminisce.

Cassie: I want you to take R.J. and move out of the house.

Lizzie: Hey, Sarah. Is this a dream? I don't want to wake up.

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