Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/25/08
Provided by
Proofread By Tanya
(Knock on door)
Harley: Hey Marina. Are you okay?
Marina: Yeah.
Harley: Oh, my gosh, did Cyrus call off the wedding?
Marina: No. No, no, no. Why would you think that?
Harley: Because you're standing here surrounded by wedding stuff, crying.
Marina: No. I was just looking for this. I can't believe it's been be a year. It's so unfair. Here I am, about to get married and start this wonderful life, and Tammy...
Harley: Would have wanted you to be happy. She would have wanted this for you.
Marina: Of course. Of course you're right. You're right.
Harley: Good.
Marina: Let's plan my wedding.
Cyrus: Do I get a family discount?
Buzz: You're not married into the family yet.
Cyrus: It's a little early for that, isn't it, mate?
Buzz: It's 12:00, midnight, somewhere in the South Pacific.
Cyrus: I like that logic. You got something on your mind?
Buzz: I have a problem I have trouble solving.
Cyrus: Try me. I'm a good listener.
Buzz: How to keep the two most important women in my life from being hurt by you.
Vanessa: Bill?
Bill: Look, Ma, no cane. (Laughs)
Vanessa: Oh, my God. This is so wonderful. I love you so much. When did this happen?
Bill: Right after Tammy’s memorial. I walked outside and literally saw the light.
Vanessa: Oh, thank God!
Bill: Yeah, I know.
Vanessa: Oh, wow, when you told me you had news, I had no idea it was going to be something so wonderful.
Bill: Well, it only gets better, and I'm glad you're sitting. Lizzie's pregnant, with a baby, and it's mine.
Vanessa: Oh.
Bill: (Laughs)
Vanessa: Well, now, you be serious. How do you feel about this?
Bill: How do I feel about it? I'm getting used to the idea.
Alan: Elizabeth is going to have another baby?
Lizzie: Hey, Bill, it's me, it's Lizzie. I guess you knew that. Um... I'm just calling because I wanted to tell you that I think it's really sweet, everything you said about wanting to, you know, step it up for the baby. I really appreciate it. So get your butt up to the cabin so we can spend some time together, just the three of us. I can't wait. I can't wait to get pregnant. Come on, ovaries, you've got to work hard for me here. I'm talking to my uterus.
Jonathan: ...And go all the way up the mountain.
Lizzie: Hello? Hey, is anybody in there? It's Lizzie. I thought Rick said this place was empty all winter. Hello? Is anybody here? Axe murderers? Nosy neighbors? I know karate.
Jonathan: We need to be quiet a little bit longer, okay?
Lizzie: I guess whoever was here must have left. Ugh, this place is musty. I'm glad I brought a change of sheets.
Reva: Lizzie! What are you doing here?
Lizzie: I'm meeting Bill here. What are you doing here? Is this your mug?
Reva: Ah, yeah, that, yes. Yes. I was having lunch. Getting warm and discovered there's no heat, with a friend, nearby, stopped in to get warm and discovered there's no heat.
Lizzie: It feels pretty warm in here to me.
Reva: Yeah? Well, give it a couple of hours. Your toes will be freezing off.
Marina: This is what I was talking to you about. What do you think?
Harley: Oh, a little sexy for a wedding dress, don't you think?
Marina: Well, maybe. Harley, I want to talk to you about something.
Harley: Shoes?
Marina: I, um, I'm really glad that you were able to talk to me about Cyrus, you know, and the relationship that the two of you have since everything that happened at the church. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous of the bond that you guys have.
Harley: But you know we're just friends.
Marina: I know you're just friends. If anything, I should be happy that you like my fiancé as much as I do. Wait a minute. What are you doing on Valentine's Day?
Harley: The usual, you know, laundry, sorting my sock drawer.
Marina: No. You have plans. And it involves a long aisle, a bouquet of flowers, and lots and lots of rose pedals.
Harley: You want to get married on Valentine's Day? That's only two weeks away.
Marina: I know. Why wait?
Buzz: Okay, crisis averted.
Cyrus: What did Harley say to you, exactly?
Buzz: I'd like to hear it from you first.
Cyrus: Look, Harley and I... we had this thing happen to us, a building collapsed on us. That might sound like an everyday kind of thing.
Buzz: Hardly.
Cyrus: It's not easy for a guy to admit this, but she kept me sane when things were looking pretty dire. And we thought that the last person we'd ever see in this life was each other. Look, I'm not going to lie to you, Buzz. There's something about Harley, about a woman like her, so strong, who never lets her guard down. Only when she does, and you see what's underneath... look, I love Marina. I'm marrying Marina. And I couldn't be happier.
Buzz: Neither could I. Take care of her heart.
Alan: So, Bill, you've regained your eyesight, huh?
Bill: Yes, I have. And I never noticed what a handsome man you are, Alan. My goodness.
Alan: (Laughs) So Elizabeth is pregnant, huh?
Bill: Pregnant as the pause people make every time you walk in the room.
Vanessa: This means that I am going to be a grandmother finally.
Bill: Finally, yes. A gorgeous, glamorous grandmother you are.
Alan: And this means that I will have another chance.
Vanessa: Oh, Alan, listen, you and Lizzie are really happy about this?
Bill: We are happy. We are happy. Yes, we are.
Alan: Well, this is cause for celebration, then. I mean, to celebrate the miracle of life.
Bill: Oh, look at him getting all choked up. Ain't that sweet?
Alan: Where is Elizabeth? I mean, she needs rest and to see a doctor. She gets very emotional when she gets pregnant.
Bill: So funny how concerned you are when only a few months ago you really couldn't care less.
Alan: Well, now, Bill, you cannot believe everything you hear. I would like to send Jeremy over to pick her up. Where is she?
Bill: There's no need.
Alan: What do you mean?
Bill: We're going away for a weekend, the Bauer cabin, just Lizzie and me and the baby makes three. You're not invited.
Lizzie: Bill and I had this whole romantic weekend planned. He got his sight back. Did you hear?
Reva: I did hear. I just... I think that is wonderful. And it is reason to celebrate, certainly, but, you know what, it is so cold in here. There is this fantastic Inn that is right down the road. I will even spring for it for the room for the two of you.
Lizzie: You don't have to lie to me. You can tell me the truth.
Reva: The truth?
Lizzie: I know the reason you came to the cabin was to get away from everything. I know that, Reva, because I feel exactly the same way. Jonathan and Sarah’s memorial coming up, you just try to pretend like it doesn't exist. I've thrown away all of the calendars so I don't have to face it. I've even convinced myself that I...
Reva: Convinced yourself of what?
Lizzie: It's not important. Wow, Tammy’s memorial service was really hard.
Reva: Yeah, it was, for all of us.
Lizzie: I was just sitting in the church, and I really missed her. And I missed Jon and Sarah, of course, but Tammy was my best friend. And I never had a chance to tell her that. Now all those horrible things that I did to her... I really did love her. And I don't think she ever knew how much she meant to me.
Reva: No, no. I think she did deep down inside.
Lizzie: I am not so sure about that. And the way I acted... I don't know, I did it because I was scared. I did it because I was trying to protect my baby. And then I went to my granddad. I wish to God I could take that back. That we could Tammy in our lives, to have that smile, and that way, you know, that way she just made everyone feel special.
Reva: Lizzie, sweetie, she's at peace now.
Lizzie: Yes, I know. I'm not. Are you? Because there are some mornings and I wake up, I jump right out of bed, and I'm ready to go to work. And I'm ready to do things with my life. And then there are these days where... I thought I saw her today.
Reva: Sarah?
Lizzie: How crazy is that? I thought I saw her playing outside by the church. I let myself believe that it really was her. And you know what the worst part is? The worst part is that I know that I can't get her back. I know that, but sometimes I think that if I'm a good person, if I'm good to someone, or I live my life a certain way, then maybe there is a chance, you know, that maybe I could just have her for one day or one minute. All I want is just one more minute with her. (Sobs)
Cyrus: Hey.
Harley: Hi. I was just...
Cyrus: Playing dress ups. I hear you girls like that.
Harley: Clearly. (Laughter)
Cyrus: So Marina is...
Harley: She's trying on dresses.
Cyrus: Oh.
Harley: There's the engagement photo, you know, for the newspaper.
Cyrus: Right. Good.
Harley: Good?
Cyrus: Yeah, I can take you both to lunch.
Harley: I'm not eating.
Cyrus: What, ever?
Harley: No. I mean, I ate already with the kids and...
Cyrus: Oh.
Harley: ...And Zach has a school thing I have to help him with, so I'm going to go.
Cyrus: Okay.
Harley: (Laughs) Thank you.
Cyrus: Okay.
Marina: Cyrus, is that you?
Cyrus: No, it's your other fiancé, the one with the M.B.A. from Harvard who plays golf with your dad.
Marina: (Laughs) Right. Remind me to break things off with him. You two okay?
Cyrus: Yeah, fine.
Harley: Great.
Marina: Good. So what do you think?
Cyrus: It's so hot you're going to give me heatstroke.
Harley: I'm going to go, guys.
Marina: No, no. Wait, wait, wait. What do you think of the dress? Is it too sparkly? It's too sparkly.
Harley: It's perfect.
Marina: Really? Are you sure? Because I'll try on another dress for you?
Harley: Bye.
Marina: You chased her away.
Cyrus: I seem to have that effect. You know, that dress is quite possibly illegal in several swing states.
Marina: Oh, really? Really?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Marina: Then you better take it off me before somebody arrests me. (Laughter)
Cyrus: You're a smooth talker.
Marina: Oh, you too. Have you ever been with a bride before?
Cyrus: Not my own.
Marina: Oh, you are bad. Okay, so I had an idea today. I picked the perfect date for our wedding. Guess.
Cyrus: Memorial Day?
Marina: No.
Cyrus: Australia Day?
Marina: No.
Cyrus: New Year's Eve?
Marina: No! Valentine's Day, genius.
Cyrus: Oh, that's coming up, isn't it?
Marina: Yeah. Is it too far away?
Cyrus: I think it's too soon.
Frank: It's the... I just called the Immigration officer that handled Cyrus' case, and, um, the strangest thing, he said the case has been closed for weeks.
Buzz: Well, Frank, that sounds like a good thing.
Frank: No, not when they've been calling Marina. Sounds a little fishy to me.
Buzz: There must be a misunderstanding.
Frank: Yeah, must be.
Harley: Hey, ooh, what have we got, Chief?
Frank: I have police business here. Because the last time I looked, you quit the force in order to work with Cyrus.
Harley: Hmm, does that say bicycle thief? What is this town coming to?
Buzz: Did Cyrus discuss his situation with Immigration?
Harley: With me? No, not really, why?
Buzz: Well, because Frank had some confusion when he talked to them.
Frank: Actually, I wouldn't call it a confusion.
Buzz: No?
Frank: No.
Buzz: No.
Frank: Excuse me.
Buzz: You okay?
Harley: I've been better.
Buzz: I talked to him.
Harley: You talked to Cyrus?
Buzz: I had to. He's going through with it. He wants to marry her. I think it's for real.
Harley: Oh, it's for real. For all of us.
Alan: Bill, I think we started off on the wrong foot, son. And if I have offended you in any way I want to...
Bill: Look, I know what happened the last time Lizzie got pregnant. I know what you did.
Alan: Well, then you know how that tragedy affected our family and me.
Bill: Making yourself out to be a victim, isn't that great?
Alan: I would have done anything in my power to make sure that that baby was never hurt.
Bill: Lizzie's got another take on it.
Alan: Yeah, well, she's rewritten history to make Jonathan the hero. But don't forget, Jonathan is the one that drove over that cliff with the baby in the car.
Bill: Hear that, Mom? Blame the dead guy.
Alan: I understand she has to make me the bad guy. You know, it absolves her.
Vanessa: Alan, that's enough. Just leave the two of them alone.
Alan: I don't think it's too much to ask that we all try to get along for the sake of the baby.
Bill: I'll send you a cell phone picture when the kid graduates college. Cheers.
Reva: You know what we should do? We should go for a drive.
Lizzie: I'm sorry I got so upset.
Reva: No, honey. I totally understand. I do. I feel the same way about Jonathan. Being able to have one more day with him, the chance to hear that crazy laugh that he had.
Lizzie: To ride on the back of his motorcycle wearing that pink motorcycle helmet.
Reva: ...Pink helmet, whoo!
Lizzie: I really miss that.
Reva: I know you do. But look, look at what you've done this year. Look at your life, even without Sarah. It means something. What you've done for Billy, the strength you've shown this past year.
Lizzie: I don't always feel strong.
Reva: To tell you the truth, neither do I.
Lizzie: What was that?
Reva: Squirrel.
Lizzie: No. That sounded like a baby.
Reva: No. Lizzie, Lizzie, sweetie.
Lizzie: You think I'm doing it again. This is just like what I saw at the church.
Reva: No. You know what? Why don't you let me give you a lift to that Inn?
Lizzie: I can’t. I can't, I can’t. Bill is not answering his phone, he's already on his way. Thanks for listening. You should charge by the hour.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know what? You should just keep doing what you've been doing and making a life for yourself.
Lizzie: I'm trying. I'm going to go grab something out of the...
Reva: Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Okay, whoo! Jonathan!
(Baby crying)
Jonathan: Is she gone?
Reva: You've got to go! Yes. Just go, now.
Jonathan: Where am I going to go? I can't take the car.
Reva: Okay. I will pick you up. You walk... bundle her up and walk along the woods. Go.
Jonathan: All right. Where are we going to meet?
Reva: Tammy's grave, okay? Bye-bye, sweetie. Go. I'll catch up. Go! Go! Hurry!
Lizzie: What did you say?
Reva: What? Nothing. Nothing.
Lizzie: I thought I just heard you talking.
Reva: Singing! (Laughs)
Lizzie: Oh! Do you think that Bill would like red wine or white wine?
Reva: You know what I remember about Bill, he was a beer kind of guy.
Lizzie: Great. Well, I have wine. Are you sure you don't want to hang out until he gets here?
Reva: Oh, no, no, honey. I'm sure. I need to get out of here, leave you two to have your wonderful evening together. But soon, okay.
Lizzie: Okay. Are you going to come to my house for the memorial? I mean, I know my granddad put the whole thing together, so you probably don't want to be there.
Reva: Oh, no, sweetie. Of course. I will be there. I will be there sitting right next to you. Have fun.
Lizzie: Okay, candles, candles, candles, candles. (Laughs)
Bill: What are you... oh, my goodness, you're buying our kid stuff already. God help us if it's a girl. She's going to be leaving that hospital in designer onesies.
Lizzie: No. No, I found it here. I wonder who left it.
Bill: I know who left it here.
Lizzie: You do?
Bill: Goldilocks. Chamomile, peppermint?
Lizzie: Huh?
Bill: Tea? I'm going to make you some tea.
Lizzie: You're going to make me some tea?
Bill: Yeah, that's exactly what I said. I'm going to make you some tea.
Lizzie: Okay, okay, you're weirding me out. You're weirding me out.
Bill: What did I do?
Lizzie: You're being really nice.
Bill: I'm being... I'm sorry, am I supposed to be mean?
Lizzie: No, no. Yes, no.
Bill: What?
Lizzie: I just want you to be yourself, you know, selfish and cocky.
Bill: Selfish... fine, I'll make tea for myself, okay?
Lizzie: Okay. Yeah. That makes me feel better, I like that. (Cell phone ringing) My granddad's calling.
Bill: Probably calling to congratulate you about the baby. Suggesting that if it's a boy, to name it Alan, Jr., And if it's a girl, Alana. He's ridiculous.
Lizzie: My granddad knows? He knows about the baby?
Bill: Yes, he does. But relax, okay? I told him what he can do with his baby rattle, okay? I've got you covered-- you and that baby-- covered.
Alan: Elizabeth, I just wanted to call you and congratulate you on this wonderful news. I could not be happier. I hope... I hope that you will allow me to be a part of this baby's life.
Jonathan: Like a progress book that, you know, it tells you like when to keep track of their first thing, you know, the first time they walk.
Reva: Those landmarks.
Jonathan: Landmark book. She's like two months ahead on everything.
Reva: It's amazing. She's a genius.
Jonathan: Yeah, she takes after her dad.
Reva: (Laughs) I hate this.
Jonathan: Me, too. And Sarah doesn't like to say goodbye to Grandma Reva. Will you take her for a while?
Reva: Oh, yeah, right, and chance having Alan see us?
Jonathan: Well, don't go to Company and get her a muffin. I mean, just, you know, just take her for a ride.
Reva: Really?
Jonathan: Uh-huh.
Reva: What are you going to do?
Jonathan: I could use some alone time.
Reva: With Tammy?
Marina: I just don't understand. I mean, you love me, you want to marry me. I love you, I want to marry you. Is there something else? I mean, some other reason you can't do this?
Cyrus: No. Of course I want to do it. I just... I know women, that's all. I've known women all of my life, the poorest petty thieves, to the richest ladies in Europe, they all want one thing.
Marina: Tiny little waists and big boobs?
Cyrus: No, huge, fancy weddings. This is it, Marina. This is your chance to have your dream wedding, your only chance. Unless you plan to use me, abuse me, and find a more suitable husband, leaving me a heartbroken shell of a man.
Marina: Oh, this is why I love you.
Cyrus: For my charm? My wit?
Marina: That, and you're a big ball of mush.
Cyrus: Shh, don't tell anyone. And as far as Immigration, you just leave them to me.
Marina: So what do you want to do tonight?
Cyrus: The lake's frozen over. We can go skating.
Marina: Are you sure the ice isn't too thin?
Cyrus: Let's live dangerously.
Marina: Okay. I'll go get dressed.
Cyrus: And I'll go get the car.
Marina: Okay. I will meet you down there.
Remy: Immigration.
Marina: Very funny.
Remy: What can I do for you?
Marina: I need you to do me one more favor.
Remy: Oh? What do I get for it?
Marina: I don't know, Remy, whatever you want.
Remy: Are you sure? Because I might not be asking my old roomie. I might be talking to a Detective Marina Cooper.
Marina: You want a cop in your pocket?
Remy: I don't know if you fit in my pocket. Maybe my lunch box.
Marina: Okay. Whatever. I have to hurry. Cyrus is downstairs waiting for me. Just, um, slip one more of those notices under the door.
Remy: You're getting better at this.
Marina: Great.
Harley: I miss all that cop stuff.
Buzz: Well, you can still come back, you know.
Harley: I don't know. Is it even me anymore?
Buzz: Honey, you're a cop. That's who you are, like it or not.
Harley: That seems like a lifetime ago, partnering with Gus.
Buzz: Is that what this is about? Gus? I mean, this thing with Cyrus, I mean, you miss Gus? Is that what this is?
Harley: Is that a news flash? Really, Daddy, do I miss Gus? Yes, obviously. And it would make sense if that's all this was, this thing with Cyrus. You don't know how many nights I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, wishing and praying that's all it was.
Buzz: I'm so sorry.
Harley: It's not like me to be weak, to want something that's wrong. He's Marina's, and they're engaged, and that's the end of that story. So I'm going to go and I'm going to call Immigration and make sure that Cyrus can attend his own wedding.
Buzz: Harley... it'll get easier.
Harley: Will it?
Marina: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Cyrus: Here, sit, I'll get some ice. You all right?
Marina: Why oh, why oh why did I think I could jump?
Cyrus: All righty.
Marina: Ice.
Cyrus: It's coming.
Marina: What?
Cyrus: Does that feel better?
Marina: Take me home.
Cyrus: Geez, demanding.
Marina: You ain't seen nothing yet.
Harley: Okay, I'm here now. I'm just going to grab Cyrus' passport and make a copy so I can fax it to Immigration. Okay. Yes. Thanks, Frank. It's on the desk. I don't see it, where is it? On the desk, on the desk.
Bill: We're going to save this for later, okay?
Lizzie: No, no, no, no, no, no. You have to drink it. You've got to drink it.
Bill: Baby, we are here to talk. Okay.
Lizzie: Yes, I know, drink and talk. It's the best way to drink.
Bill: Okay first of all, you're pregnant. You're not going to be doing any drinking.
Lizzie: No. Do you really think I would drink while I'm pregnant? What do you think I'm crazy?
Bill: All right, you are so worked up. What's going on?
Lizzie: I... I just am so excited. I'm excited to be here with you.
Bill: Okay, listen. Listen. Will you listen to me for one second, okay? Talk. We came here to talk. I know you can do it. I usually can't even shut you up.
Lizzie: Okay. I know. I know. But tonight, tonight I want to be with you.
Bill: Look...
Lizzie: With you.
Bill: Listen to me. Have you even told your mother about this yet? Are you kidding me? Hello, sexy woman in lingerie.
Bill: Oh, my goodness. My goodness.
Lizzie: Do you like it?
Bill: Yes, I do. I like it very much. However, listen to me, you are going to keep that on so you can't get yourself sick. That can't be good for the baby.
Lizzie: Are you joking me right now?
Bill: I'm trying to be one of those hands-on dad types, okay?
Lizzie: I want you to put your hands on me.
Bill: Will you listen to me? We need to talk about this. This is big. Okay? We came up here to deal with this, and you're acting desperate.
Lizzie: What's wrong with feeling a little desperate?
Bill: Listen to me. Because we've had enough of that lately, okay? This is supposed to be for real.
Lizzie: I know. It is. It is! Drink this!
Bill: I don't want to drink! Do you understand me? I want to talk about what is wrong with you?
Lizzie: I don't know, okay? Maybe it is hormones, okay? It's hormones. Can you just humor a pregnant girl and drink the freaking wine!
Bill: I think you could really use the tea.
Lizzie: I don't want the tea! I don't want the tea!
Bill: Lizzie, would you just sit down and talk to me!
Lizzie: I don't want to talk! I don't want to talk about the future! I don't want to make a plan for the rest of our lives because I've already done that! And what did I get left with? Nothing! I am all alone and my baby is still gone!
Bill: Oh. Lizzie!
Tammy: You're in church.
Jonathan: Yeah, only because you're here.
Tammy: I'm not really here. You know that.
Jonathan: I can't believe it's been a year since the last time I touched you. Lying on that bed.
Tammy: Shh. Don't think about the bad stuff. Just think about the good stuff. You went to our place today.
Jonathan: You saw that?
Tammy: Where you go, I go.
Jonathan: Yes. I showed it to Sarah, you know, down by the docks, where we used to go to get away from everybody.
Tammy: Why didn't you stay with her?
Jonathan: What?
Tammy: That girl.
Jonathan: Oh, Aubrie.
Tammy: I liked her, Jonathan. She was real, you know? She understood you. She was tough, but she loved Sarah.
Jonathan: I liked her, too, but, you know, every time I let her in, get a little close, I don't know, I just couldn't stop thinking about you.
Tammy: Please, let me go now. I won't be sad. See? No tears allowed, right?
Jonathan: I don't want to let you go. I don't want to let you go. And I don't want to leave this place where everything reminds me of you.
Tammy: I will always be with you. I will always protect you, okay? It's my job.
Jonathan: I thought you said no tears.
Tammy: Well, I lied, okay? Sue me.
Jonathan: Sue you? Do you work up there? What's the pay like?
Tammy: Just enough for me to survive on.
Jonathan: Hey.
Reva: Okay, Sarah, what's the problem? You don't like my kind of music? You don't like the oldies? What does your daddy have you listening to, anyway? I bet it's heavy metal. Metallica, The Killers? Yeah, that would be just like your daddy. Come on, sweetie, what's wrong? Where's your dolly? Did you throw your dolly out the window? Is that what you did? Is that why you're upset? Okay, wait a minute, let me see if I can find it. Just a minute. I'm right here. I'm right here. Where is that dolly? Did you see where you threw your dolly?
Marina: Okay, you can put me down now.
Cyrus: Okay. How do you plan on getting from here to the car?
Marina: I'll manage. It's Judge Brennan.
Cyrus: Huh?
Marina: I stood in front of him a couple of times. He was always so nice to me.
Cyrus: Let's go say hi.
Marina: Okay, let's go. No, you know what? Let's say more than just hi. Let's have him marry us.
Cyrus: What, on Valentine's Day?
Marina: You know what? Why wait? Let's get married tonight.
Harley: Whoa! Since when do you work for Immigration?
Alan: Run out of gas, Reva?
Bill: What's going on? Come back here. What is going on with you?
Lizzie: What's wrong with me?
Bill: What is wrong with you?
Lizzie: Bill, there is no baby, okay? There's no baby!
Bill: What are you talking about, there is no baby? What did you do? Lizzie, what did you do?
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Harley: Marina had you do this so Cyrus would be forced to marry her.
Marina: What is your schedule like today? It's our wedding day!
Cyrus: Is this bad?
Harley: It depends on how you define "bad."
Alan: Is that Sarah?
Lizzie: Isn't she beautiful?
Josh: You have to tell Lizzie.
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