GL Transcript Thursday 1/24/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/24/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Olivia: Everybody dies. What matters is how you die. Alone, angry, afraid? Or loved to the end, as a baby is loved at the beginning. (Laughs sarcastically)

(Knock on the door)

Olivia: Gus, you're a lifesaver. Without my meds, I'm pretty much...

Natalia: Hey. Gus sends his regrets. It's a family thing, but I'm here to take care of you.

Gus: So, I heard that you crashed Tammy’s memorial.

Alan: I didn't crash it. I wasn't asked to come, but I was asked to stay.

Gus: Hmm. By whom?

Alan: Believe it or not, Cassie. She seems to practice what her husband only preaches.

Gus: Wow, she must be the exception.

Alan: Exception? For what

Gus: Dad, I don't know how to tell you this, but pretty much everybody in town kind of wishes that you followed Tammy and Jonathan and baby Sarah to the grave.

Alan: Not everybody. I can think of someone who I think might shed a tear if I were gone.

Gus: Your lawyer? (Laughter)

Alan: No, no. When I was at Tammy’s grave today, I wondered if I were gone, if someone would miss me. And I think I know someone who would miss me a lot if I was gone.

Beth: Look at this. Isn't this cute? I even thought for a little girl, it's just so...

Lizzie: Mom? Mom, do I look crazy?

Beth: Is this a trick question?

Lizzie: Because I didn't think that I was crazy.

Beth: You're not.

Lizzie: Okay. Because if I'm not, then that means that it could be real.

Beth: That what could?

Lizzie: The baby.

Beth: Yeah, honey, the baby is real. I have the sonogram pictures to prove it.

Lizzie: No, no. Not yours. Mine.

Beth: Sarah?

Lizzie: Even if you haven't seen her since she was a baby, a mother knows her own baby. Right?

Beth: Honey, what are you talking about?

Lizzie: I saw her. At the church. And if I'm not crazy, then Sarah is still alive.

Bill: (Moans in pain) (laughs)

Dinah: Hey, not so fast.

Bill: Dinah.

Dinah: Look, I know you hate your cane, but unless you're willing to walk into oncoming traffic...

Bill: Now, look, there's something I'm trying to tell you.

Dinah: What? What are you trying to tell me? Are you okay?

Bill: Yeah, no, I'm good. I think the service just got to me, that's all.

Dinah: You know what? I know what you need.

Bill: Hmm, the cane?

Dinah: No.

Bill: What?

Dinah: You need a drink.

Bill: Oh.

Dinah: Okay.

Bill: (Laughs)

Dinah: Let's go this way.

Jonathan: Sorry you're blind, Bill. Sucks for you, but it just saved me. Right, Sarah? Come here.

Reva: You don't write, you don't call.

Jonathan: Hey.

Reva: You look good, kid. Seeing you and Sarah-- it's the greatest gift anyone could ever imagine. Now get out of here.

Olivia: Well, thanks for this.

Natalia: Well, I couldn't leave you without your meds.

Olivia: Well, you know, if the situation were reversed...

Natalia: You would do the same for me. Gus wouldn't consider you a friend if you didn't have a heart.

Olivia: Yeah, a bum one at that. Just ask my cardiologist.

Natalia: You know, the thing about doctors-- Rafe was in the hospital once, it was a diabetic incident, and the doctors told me that he wasn't going to make it.

Olivia: You didn't listen?

Natalia: Yeah, I listened, and I prayed, and I talked to other doctors, and I researched and I educated myself.

Olivia: You raised Rafe on your own, didn't you?

Natalia: Yes. So, see, we have that one thing in common. Did I get everything? Do you need anything?

Olivia: Well, I mean, I don't mean to be rude about this, but why should you care?

Natalia: You mean, if you died I'd have one less thing to worry about? I'm not really wired that way. And I'm going to marry Gus, and I'm hoping that his friends and family become my friends and family.

Olivia: So you think we can be friends?

Natalia: I used to hate broccoli.

Olivia: I still do.

Natalia: Yeah. I got this for you.

Olivia: Emma...

Natalia: Yeah.

Olivia: That was nice of you. I haven't been able to get out much and...

Natalia: Well, it's the single mom thing. Sometimes you can take care of your kid, but you can't take care of yourself.

Olivia: Yeah.

Natalia: And vice versa.

Olivia: You know what, the medications, the side effects, sleepless nights, all of that stuff I can handle. But Emma, um...

Natalia: Gus told me that he offered to take Emma, and so I just want you to know that I would take care of her and love her as if she were...

Olivia: Well, don't put me in the ground just yet. I'm not going without a fight.

Natalia: Okay. See? That's more like it.

Gus: You know, Dad, honestly, if you want to be happy, you've got to look inside yourself. You can't try to steal that from somebody else, like me or Rick.

Alan: Wait a minute. You don't think that I would ever come between you and Natalia, do you? Well, all right, I admit in a moment of weakness it did occur to me. I mean, after all, you were dragging your feet. She is a beautiful, intelligent, strong woman.

Gus: So you would, what, end up with another trophy on your wall?

Alan: No, no, no. Natalia and Raphael are your family. They belong with you.

Gus: Well, thank you, Dad. Actually, I believe you, kind of, when you say that.

Alan: Well, I'm telling you the truth. I mean, when I was at Tammy’s memorial service, I had a bit of an epiphany. Where there's love, there's hope.

Gus: I'm having a bit of an epiphany myself. Where there is Alan Spaulding, there's trouble.

Lizzie: Come on, come on, hurry! She could still be there!

Beth: Honey, Sarah isn't at the church, okay?

Lizzie: You think I've lost it?

Beth: No. No, I don't think you’ve lost it. I... I think that Tammy’s memorial brought it all back for you, the accident, losing Jonathan and the baby...

Lizzie: She was there. I saw her. She was a year older, and she had that little face that was my daughter's face!

Beth: There is no doubt that you saw a little girl, but it wasn't Sarah.

Lizzie: No, I called out to her and she responded. She looked up.

Beth: She heard a voice, honey.

Lizzie: No, no, no. She responded to her name. I called out her name.

Beth: Honey, honey, the service made you miss her. You're aching for her and you saw a little girl. Honey, honey, you're grieving, and that's okay. That's okay. This is all...

Lizzie: I thought that I was doing better! (Sobs) God, look at me! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I... I have no idea what I'm doing or saying anymore.

Beth: You know what, it's fine. Like mother, like daughter.

Lizzie: At least your baby is real. I thought for like a nanosecond that I was pregnant with Bill's baby.

Beth: What?

Lizzie: It was like for a whole day. And, you know, he pulled away, and he said he didn't want to be a dad.

Beth: Come on, you're not really surprised there, right?

Lizzie: But then he changed his mind. After Cassie’s speech at the memorial, he said that he was ready, that this could be really good for us. But by that time I had already taken, like, 15 pregnancy tests, and they were all negative.

Beth: Honey, that's for the best, though, don't you think?

Lizzie: I wanted Sarah back so bad, I made up a baby. How sad is that?

Beth: It is sad. But you can't replace Sarah. What did Bill say? Hmm? Lizzie? Lizzie, you did tell Bill, right?

Bill: Well, the Irish coffee looks good.

Dinah: Now you're talking. All right. How did you know they serve Irish coffee?

Bill: Well, it says it right there over the chocolate cheesecake.

Dinah: Are you serious?

Bill: (Laughs)

Dinah: You can see?

Bill: I can see! It's a miraculous breakthrough.

Dinah: When did this happen? How?

Bill: Right after the service. It just... happened.

Dinah: What was the first thing you saw? I hope it was good.

Bill: Well, not exactly. But...

Dinah: Come on, we've got to get you back to the hospital. We've got to get you checked out.

Bill: No, no, listen to me, no more doctors, no more glasses, canes-- I'm through with that stuff, okay?

Dinah: You know what, I'm hearing you.

Bill: Good.

Dinah: You know what? We're going to a new chapter.

Bill: That's right.

Dinah: That's it. Give me this...

Bill: Lizzie's pregnant. (Laughs) Yes, it just keeps getting better.

Dinah: Oh! Well... wow!

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: Well, how are we feeling about this?

Bill: How are we feeling about that? Well, shock, awe... but most of all, I feel pretty good about it.

Dinah: Okay. Well, we were talking about you trying to separate yourself a little bit from her...

Bill: I know. But things just got a little too complicated, so...

Dinah: Well, you know, that baby is going to make it about 20 times more complicated.

Bill: This baby is going to need me. And maybe I feel like I need to be needed, you know?

Dinah: So you and Lizzie...

Bill: Yeah, well, we'll see. You know, we're going to give it a real shot. We are. I mean, I know she has a little history, I know everything about Sarah and Jonathan...

Dinah: Do you?

Bill: Yeah, yeah, more than you know.

Dinah: All right.

Bill: Yeah.

Dinah: Well, Lizzie, she's got a taste for guys who like to start fires.

Bill: Does she?

Dinah: Yeah, and you were ready to start a little fire that would make Mr. Coop toast.

Bill: (Laughs) I'm so glad you brought that up. But I didn't go through with it, did I? So I guess I'm not in Jonathan’s league. (Laughs) Hmm, do you think Lizzie misses him?

Dinah: I'm sure she does. She loved him very much.

Bill: If he was around, she would probably still be chasing him, huh? Even if he was so mean to her?

Dinah: Well, yeah, you know, women, sometimes they find men attractive, you know, like that. But, um, why are you bringing up Jonathan so much?

Bill: I'm not... what? I'm not bringing him up. I guess I just want to know the competition, that's all.

Dinah: What competition? He's dead.

Bill: Dead as a door nail, right? (Laughs) But I guess his memory lives on.

Reva: You look good.

Jonathan: Thank you. You, too.

Reva: And Sarah.

Jonathan: Sarah, you remember Grandma Reva?

Reva: She's such a big girl. I can't believe how promised me you'd stay away.

Jonathan: I just wanted to come back for Tammy’s memorial.

Reva: You told Tammy you would look out for Sarah and for yourself.

Jonathan: I am, but I'm not as forgiving as she was.

Reva: So it was you. Tormenting Alan, all of the messages on his phone and the newspaper from last year?

Jonathan: Yeah. I want him to suffer. I want him to know there is at least one person out there who knows what he did.

Reva: What if he finds out it was you?

Jonathan: How's he going to find out? I'm dead, remember? I'm going to go put this on the hood of his car.

Reva: No, you're not. What if someone sees you?

Jonathan: Nobody's going to see me. Well, Bill Lewis saw me, but he's blind.

Reva: But what about the next time? You know what, there's not going to be a next time.

Jonathan: What are you doing? Where are you going?

Alan: Slow down. Slow down. He's not going anywhere.

Olivia: I know Gus is here. That's why I'm here, Alan. I'm keeping up my end of the deal.

Alan: Olivia, I've had a change of heart. I was wrong. I don't want you to break up Natalia and Gus after all.

Olivia: Hey, there you are.

Gus: What are you doing out of bed? You're supposed to be in bed. Natalia was going to come over...

Olivia: She did. She's very, very sweet, but after she left, I just... I had this feeling.

Gus: Well, I hope it wasn't a bad feeling.

Olivia: No, not that kind of a feeling. More like a ticking clock. Here.

Gus: Great. Jewelry, clothing... what, to be divided up equally with Ava and Emma?

Olivia: Yeah.

Gus: Okay. And assets-- the same thing with the Beacon hotel, to be divided... you don't have a will?

Olivia: I started one with Mel, but I thought since you're a lawyer, maybe...

Gus: Well, I'm not officially your lawyer, but if you want me to talk to Mel, I can do that.

Olivia: Yeah, that would be good. And soon, okay?

Gus: You're not going to need it that soon.

Olivia: Yeah, I'll live forever.

Gus: Well, we're working on that.

Natalia: Feeling better?

Olivia: Actually, I couldn't rest, not until I...

Gus: She wants me to write a will, Nat. Do you believe this?

Natalia: Couldn't you just get Alan to do that for you? You know, as part of the deal?

Gus: What deal?

Natalia: How did Alan know that I was going to be at the cabin by myself the other night, when Gus was with you?

Olivia: I don't know.

Natalia: Was he just supposed to keep me busy so that Gus would run to you the night before our wedding?

Gus: She was in the hospital.

Natalia: I'm not saying that she's faking this illness, but she sure as hell is taking advantage of it. Or are you just going to tell me that I'm full of it?

Olivia: No, I can't tell you that.

Beth: This is not fair to Bill.

Lizzie: Fair? Since when is life fair, Mom? I lost my baby and her father, and then along comes Bill, and we've got something going, you know, something that could be the real deal. But that baby that could bring us together only exists in my mind.

Beth: Whoa, whoa, whoa! First of all, you don't use a baby to make a relationship work. And secondly, Bill deserves to know the truth. And if you're not going to tell him, then I will!

Rick: Tell me what?

Lizzie: I got to go.

Beth: No, no, no, you don’t. We were talking about Bill Lewis.

Rick: Oh, well, listen, I just spoke to his ophthalmologist, and he's actually starting to see shapes. Isn't that good news?

Beth: Yes, but Bill is still in the dark. Isn't that right, Lizzie?

Rick: Okay, what's going on?

Lizzie: Bill thinks I'm pregnant with his baby.

Rick: What? You mean it's not Bill's baby?

Lizzie: Of course it is. I mean, it would be his if it existed.

Beth: And I think she owes it to Bill to tell him the truth.

Lizzie: Why do you care?

Beth: I care about you. This isn't about him! You're lying in a relationship, and a relationship built on a lie is no kind of relationship at all. Isn't that right, Rick?

Rick: Well, I just think obviously Lizzie has a lot of thinking to do about this. Um... what?

Beth: What kind of answer is that?

Rick: I just think that in the end, I trust that Lizzie will do the right thing. That's all I'm saying. Right, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Thank you. Don't worry, I know what I have to do.

Rick: Oh, you got some stuff for the baby.

Lizzie: All I have to do is get myself pregnant.

Dinah: Lizzie, I heard! Are we happy? Are we happy?

Lizzie: Very. Very.

Dinah: Good. Now, Dinah is a very sultry name, good, solid name for a little girl.

Lizzie: We will consider that.

Dinah: If I hear too much more good news, I'm going to be sick. (Laughs) Ciao!

Bill: (Laughs) So, what if it's a boy? I mean, how soon can we tell?

Lizzie: I don't really know.

Bill: You want it to be a surprise?

Lizzie: I don't really know...

Bill: You want it to be a surprise. A surprise... you want a surprise. Surprise!

Lizzie: Your eyes?

Bill: Yes! Our kid doesn't have the market cornered on miracles! (Laughs)

Lizzie: Oh, my goodness, I'm so happy for you!

Bill: Lizzie, can I tell you something?

Lizzie: What?

Bill: I cannot wait to see our baby.

Reva: Where's Aubrie? Did she come with you? So?

Jonathan: Aubrie and I called it quits.

Reva: You mean you did.

Jonathan: What kind of life could I give her? I mean, after everything with her dad... I don't know, I just thought I would make a clean break before Sarah got too attached.

Reva: I'm sorry, Jonathan. She seemed like she was good for you.

Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, I thought so, too. But then it got closer to the day, and...

Reva: You mean Tammy’s death?

Jonathan: Mm-hmm. She's still my life. She's still... everything.

Reva: Well, Sarah’s going to need a mommy.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, she almost found one today. Lizzie saw her.

Reva: What?

Jonathan: Yeah, at the graveyard. I mean, I got Sarah out of there as fast as I could, but hopefully Lizzie is so upset about the memorial service she thinks she was seeing things.

Reva: She's going to think she's crazy.

Jonathan: Well, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch.

Reva: Jonathan, I really do... I think it's time we told Lizzie the truth.

Jonathan: You want to tell Lizzie about her so that she can give Sarah to Alan?

Reva: She has changed a lot in the past year. She has. She barely even speaks to Alan.

Jonathan: I still don't trust her.

Reva: She's really hurting, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Yeah, I saw that.

Reva: She doesn't want Sarah with Alan any more than you do.

Jonathan: That's what we thought last time. And then she made a phone call that cost Tammy her life.

Reva: She will never forgive herself for that.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, do you think she's going to keep this secret and not tell Alan?

Reva: Maybe if we go to her in the right way, maybe then.

Jonathan: No. Even if she manages to keep her fat mouth shut, Alan will see it in her eyes, he'll hear it in her voice...

Reva: Okay, okay.

Jonathan: Look, I want her to meet her mother, too. It is not worth the risk.

Reva: It's just never going to end, is it?

Jonathan: It will one day.

Reva: Only if Alan finds religion, or somebody drops a piano on his head.

Jonathan: Well, why don't you ask father Joshua to pray for a baby grand.

Reva: I'll see what I can do.

Jonathan: Him and Cassie still happy?

Reva: Yeah, sure.

Jonathan: How about you and Jeffrey?

Reva: We're still together.

Jonathan: Ooh, really?

Reva: Uh-huh.

Jonathan: Uh-huh.

Reva: So when do you have to leave?

Jonathan: Soon. I thought about heading north this time.

Reva: Can't you stick around, just for a little while?

Jonathan: I want to. I mean, when we were on the road, and it was getting closer to the day, the anniversary of the wedding and the accident, I just couldn't imagine not being here, you know? And I know Tammy is not in Springfield anymore than she's in the car with us when we're driving but...

Reva: I know, you just felt you needed to be here.

Jonathan: Yeah. I still do.

Reva: Did you come inside at all? Did you hear any of the service?

Jonathan: No, it was too risky. Was it good?

Reva: If you like that kind of thing.

Jonathan: I wish I could have said something.

Reva: You can. You can say it now. We'll have our own memorial. What do you say?

Jonathan: Oh, boy. (Laughter)

Lizzie: How many fingers am I holding up?

Bill: Three... four. See, I can't even trust my eyes yet.

Lizzie: Oh, I understand that.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: Back at church, I thought I saw...

Bill: Saw? Saw what?

Lizzie: Nothing. Nothing. It's just been one of those weeks that I never want to live through ever again. I don't know who or what to trust.

Bill: Including me?

Lizzie: Should I?

Bill: Lizzie, I want this baby more than anything. I do.

Lizzie: You could change your mind. You might change your mind.

Bill: I will never change my mind. I'm not going to change my mind. Never, okay? In fact, I want to be the kind of dad that my own dad tried to be.

Lizzie: Billy did the best he could.

Bill: He did. He did. But I'm going to do one better, okay? You believe me, don't you?

Lizzie: I want to.

Bill: Well, let me prove it.

Lizzie: Okay. Let's go away.

Bill: You want to go away? Where do you want to go?

Lizzie: I don't know. I... you know what I want?

Bill: What do you want?

Lizzie: You...

Bill: Me?

Lizzie: ...All to myself. No cell phones, e-mails, work, business deals, getting back at the Cooper’s-- no more.

Bill: So you and me all alone? My goodness, my goodness, what would we do?

Lizzie: You know, I think you would probably think of something. Okay, let's go pack.

Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute.

Lizzie: I'm sorry. Are you getting cold feet?

Bill: I am not getting cold feet. But I want you to know something-- today is all about our future and our past is our past.

Lizzie: I believe you.

Beth: Oh! You should wear a bell. (Laughs)

Alan: You know, just seeing you or hearing your voice brightens up my day.

Beth: Are you all right?

Alan: Yeah, I'm all right. It's just been a very difficult and challenging day, that's all.

Beth: You're like the little boy who breaks the cookie jar and thinks he can just glue it back together again.

Alan: Huh. When I was a little boy, if I had broken the cookie jar, I would have just bought another one.

Beth: But some things can't be replaced.

Alan: She's going to need us both, Beth.

Beth: Alan, if you're talking about my baby, she is going to get everything that she needs...

Alan: No, no, I'm not talking about the baby. I'm talking about Elizabeth. Now, she's gotten through this week all right with Tammy’s memorial, but next week is going to be very difficult.

Beth: Yes, you're right, remembering Sarah.

Alan: Yeah. Now what I have done is plan a little memorial gathering to honor Sarah, and I think it would be best if Elizabeth were surrounded by family. And I would love it if you would be there.

Beth: Yes. Thank you. Of course, of course.

Alan: And then afterwards, I think that we should all go away together.

Gus: Olivia, wait, wait, wait.

Olivia: Why? Why? So you can tell me what a rotten person I am?

Gus: Oh, well, now you're just describing my father.

Natalia: You're right. If it meant saving my son, I would do anything.

Olivia: You're not angry?

Gus: Oh, I'm angry. I'm furious. Are you kidding me? My father, with all this talk about an epiphany?

Olivia: Alan has to live with Alan.

Natalia: You need to take care of yourself. Do you need a ride?

Olivia: No, thanks. As long as we're okay.

Natalia: You give Emma a hug?

Gus: Wow, you're very... you're amazing.

Natalia: I didn't do anything.

Gus: No, you're amazing. You could have had a fistfight with her or dragged her by the hair...

Natalia: Oh, I was tempted.

Gus: Yeah?

Natalia: Yes. But Alan put her up to it. Can I blame her? (Cell phone ringing)

Gus: Sorry...

Natalia: Is that Olivia?

Gus: It's Frank. Oh, man. I have these reports I'm supposed to do. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to lock myself in my room for, I don't know, like two, three hours, and then we're going to have dinner tonight, okay?

Natalia: Okay.

Gus: All right?

Natalia: I'll try to surprise you.

Gus: You will?

Alan: Beth, I am not the only one concerned about Elizabeth. I know that you are as well.

Beth: Did she talk to you?

Alan: Talk to me about what?

Beth: She's moving on with Bill Lewis.

Alan: We're all moving on, and that's why I think it would be very good if we all went to St. Gabriel together, to heal.

Beth: Alan, I can't do that. I'm married to...

Rick: Yes, yes, you are. And what's going on?

Alan: Well, Rick, I was just telling Beth about the memorial service that I had planned for baby Sarah.

Rick: And you'd try to use the death of a little girl to get your hooks back into my wife.

Alan: No, Rick. I'm sorry, you don't understand. I was inviting Beth and I want you to come as well. I think it would be very good if the family were there during this memorial service. And afterwards I'm planning on flying everyone to the island of St. Gabriel for a little healing time for all of us.

Bill: So listen, why the mystery? I said I was going to go away with you. Paris, France... wait a minute, is flying bad for the baby?

Lizzie: I'm just a little pregnant. I could ski the Alps.

Bill: You are not going to ski the Alps.

Lizzie: Babies are tough.

Bill: They're tough. God, I don't know anything about babies, I guess.

Lizzie: Okay, you were there for Emma.

Bill: Yes, but, you know, she was older. I was younger.

Lizzie: You're going to be fine.

Bill: Really?

Lizzie: Yes.

Bill: Oh. What if it hates me, like everybody else hates me?

Lizzie: Everyone does not hate you.

Bill: Yes, they do.

Lizzie: No, they don’t. They just don't get you. Your family loves you.

Bill: They have to. We share the same DNA.

Lizzie: Um, no. D.N.A. is not everything. Look at my dad. He was adopted, and he is a true Spaulding.

Bill: And is that supposed to make me feel better?

Lizzie: Okay, okay, okay. Our baby could end up better than both of us. There's so much hope when you think of a baby. Don't you feel that?

Bill: I guess I do.

Lizzie: Okay, um, so, this is where you're going to meet me.

Bill: I thought we were going together.

Lizzie: No, I want to get the place ready. And there is something I need to do. For the baby. (Laughter)

Jonathan: And that's when Tammy leaned out the window.

Reva: I can't believe she mooned a bus. Our sweet little Tammy.

Jonathan: Oh, she could be wicked when she wanted to be.

Reva: And you could be sweet. The two of you together...

Jonathan: The two of us.

Reva: No, I hate this. I do. I hate this. I want to be able to show off my granddaughter and brag about my son.

Jonathan: Don't worry, Alan isn't going to live forever.

Reva: Oh, hey.

Jonathan: Relax. I'll let him die of natural causes. I have enough to explain to Sarah as it is.

Reva: You'll make her understand.

Jonathan: Hmm. When I look at her, with those eyes and that smile, I just always think of, you know...

Beth: Oh, Rick, let’s... let's get going.

Rick: Hold on a second, sweetheart. An invitation like this demands an RSVP. We accept, Alan.

Alan: Good!

Beth: Rick?

Rick: No, I think this is a good idea, you know, for us to all get together for Sarah’s memorial service.

Alan: And you think that you can get off work?

Rick: You know, Alan, fortunately, I think I can get next week off. And your offer to send us all off to an island is for what again?

Alan: So that we can all heal as a family.

Rick: Heal. Heal. And what kind of doctor would I be if I objected to healing?

Beth: Are you sure about this?

Rick: Oh, honey, honey, yes, and I am sure. The least we can do is... we have a lot to be thankful for. And I really do think the least we can do is share that happiness with those who, you know, are less fortunate.

Alan: Good.

Rick: Thanks, Alan.

Alan: Yes, this is Alan Spaulding. I'd like to speak with Dr. Grant, please. Charles, it's Alan. And I have a little favor I want to ask of you. Would you make sure that Dr. Rick Bauer is on call all of next week? Terrific.

Bill: No, that's right, Frank. You heard me right. I want to drop the charges against your brother. No, I feel fine. In fact, I've never felt better. I'm seeing things more clearly. You just tell Coop that we're even. Thanks.

Dinah: Hey.

Bill: Hey.

Dinah: I was just about ready to go looking for you.

Bill: Oh, yeah?

Dinah: Yes. Baby's first present.

Bill: Wait a minute now. It's early. Isn't that bad luck?

Dinah: No. We've had a year of bad luck. This baby is going to change our luck.

Bill: You know, maybe you're...

Dinah: Mm-hmm?

Bill: Maybe you're right. In fact...

Dinah: Ah...

Bill: Oh, my goodness.

Dinah: Isn't that sweet? Now, unlike Aunt Dinah, this kid is going to be born with one of these in his or her mouth.

Bill: That will probably hurt.

Dinah: Yes.

Bill: (Laughs) Look, I want to tell you something.

Dinah: What?

Bill: It's not all about the money.

Dinah: Oh, stocks and bonds?

Bill: Don't laugh. (Laughs)

Dinah: I know what you mean. You mean love.

Bill: Yes, I...

Dinah: Maybe I should try blindness. It's doing wonders for you.

Bill: Well, let me tell you something, it's the kid. That's what it is. I've always been a little resentful that I've been treated like Billy’s little... little boy. But now I'm having a kid of my own. I've got to be the man. Things are good. Things are great.

Dinah: So you and Lizzie...

Bill: Well, you know what? We'll see. We're going to give it one hell of a shot. I think the kid... the kid really deserves that.

Jonathan: We can eat on the road.

Reva: Oh, come on. Are you sure you can drive? Because you could wait long enough so I could at least have dinner with my granddaughter.

Jonathan: Oh, do you hear that, Sarah? Grandma Reva is going to cook. Miracles do happen.

Reva: Well, I don't know if I would go that far, but I do want her to some day taste my famous Madison chili.

Jonathan: Ugh!

Reva: And I intend to make all of her favorites for her birthday and for Christmas.

Jonathan: There is a can of beans in the pantry.

Reva: That's not a problem. I have my car. It's parked down the hill, it's out of sight. I'll just jump in it, and I'll go down to that lodge and I'll get you dinner.

Jonathan: No. We really have to get going. All right. Just hurry back. We do have a long ride ahead of us.

Reva: Oh, don't remind me. Here, take my little peanut. I will be back lickety-split.

Jonathan: Here you go.

Reva: Okay. I'll see you in a little bit.

Jonathan: How about we take a little nap while Grandma's gone, huh? What if I read you a story? Come on. Okay.

Next on "Guiding Light"

Marina: It's so unfair.

Harley: Did Cyrus call off the wedding?

Cyrus: There's something about Harley.

Bill: We're going away for a weekend. Just Lizzie and me, and the baby makes three.

Dinah: What are you doing here?

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