Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/22/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya
Cassie: Come on, slow poke, come on!
Tammy: Who you calling "slow"?
Cassie: Well, maybe I'm just in a hurry, because we have so much to do!
Tammy: We'll get it all done. We won't leave anything out, okay?
Cassie: And then we'll wake up tomorrow, and we'll do it all over again.
Tammy: You're gonna get tired of spending so much time with me.
Cassie: Are you kidding me? Never! I love you, Tammy. Being with you is just magic!
Tammy: What is it?
Alan: Come with me.
Cassie: Stay away from her!
Tammy: No! Mom!
Cassie: Tammy?
Alan: She's mine now.
Cassie: No! Tammy! No, I can't let you go!
Tammy: Mom! Help me!
Cassie: No! Tammy! (Yelling) No! (Gasping)
Will: Mom, are you okay?
Ava: Okay, so, I have your reports and your mail from the office. Is there anything else I can do?
Alan: Yes. How is Sarah’s memorial service coming along?
Ava: Great.
Alan: Good.
Ava: It's all set. Other than the guest list.
Alan: Well, I'm still working on that. Uh, that'll be all.
Will: Was it a dream?
Cassie: Yeah, sweetie. It was just a dream.
Will: Do you miss her? You kept on saying Tammy’s name.
Cassie: Yeah, sweetie, I miss her. I miss her a whole lot. Come here. Give me a hug.
Will: So do I.
Cassie: I know.
(Hammer banging)
Reva: Well, well, you can take the man out of construction...
Josh: I'm just trying to fix this for tomorrow.
Reva: Ah, tomorrow. Anything I can do to help?
Josh: Actually, I kind of feel like I should be asking you that question. Tomorrow's the anniversary of Tammy’s death, and everyone's focused on that, but we lost Jonathan and Sarah less than a week later.
Reva: You don't have to tell me that.
Josh: You want me to organize something here for them?
Reva: Oh, no. No, no. That's too much.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: But thanks.
Josh: How about something, you know, just at the house? People coming by? I know that Alan’s planning something for Sarah...
Reva: No, no please, Joshua, no.
Josh: I could call Lizzie, or...
Reva: No! Please don’t.
Josh: You really want to be alone that day, Reva?
Bill: Oh.
Lizzie: Here. I figured you could probably use another one.
Bill: Oh, you're not drinking, are you?
Lizzie: Absolutely not. I would never put our baby in danger like that.
Bill: Oh, but it's okay if I do, right?
Lizzie: Yeah, I think we're okay.
Bill: Good.
Lizzie: You know, when I got pregnant with Sarah, I was a total freak. I was lying to Jonathan and lying to Coop, and just running around acting like I had any idea what I was doing and...
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: Yeah, I scrambled around, and when I finally realized that I really loved her, it was too late.
Bill: I know, it was like a year ago, right?
Lizzie: Next week.
Bill: Are you, uh...
Lizzie: Okay. I'm okay. But days like this, I'm really okay. I know it's your first time, and I actually get to help you navigate through this. So you can ask me anything, and if I don't know the answer we can figure it out together.
Bill: Yeah, listen, I... I, um...
Lizzie: Yeah, it's like we're going to be a team.
Bill: Yeah, Lizzie...
Lizzie: You are going to be great at this. We're going to be great at this.
Bill: Okay, Lizzie, will you just listen to me one second, please? I never said I wanted any part of this. Look, look, listen to me. Don't get so excited...
Lizzie: You think I'm excited?
Bill: Look, what I'm trying to tell you...
Lizzie: Because excited doesn't quite describe it, Bill. "Excited" means "happy," and I know you can't see the look on my face right now, so let me give you a little clue. I'm not smiling.
Bill: Exactly, I cannot see your face right now, that's what I'm talking about.
Lizzie: Oh, you want to try that again? Oh, what does he get if he gets the answer right? Ladies and gentlemen, he wins a brand new car!
Bill: All right, will you just stop it for one second and listen to me? You're going to be better off without me, and that's what I'm trying to tell you...
Lizzie: Oh! Am I? Am I, Bill?
Bill: I can't even take care of myself! How am I going to raise a kid?
Lizzie: You are going to get your sight back. You are!
Bill: Lizzie, let's be realistic. I might not.
Lizzie: Good! Good! You know what? Right now, that sounds fine by me.
Bill: And we're not even a couple...
Lizzie: We are two people who made a baby.
Bill: And Lizzie, maybe that's all we are. Two people who happened to make a kid.
Lizzie: Be a man.
Bill: Listen to me. A man would never lead you on.
Lizzie: Oh! Here it comes...
Bill: Look, look. I am going to support this child. All right? And this kid will never want for anything. But I'm not ready to be a father, all right? Just not a... not a real father. I'm just... I'm not up to it.
Lizzie: Well, that's just the truest thing you've said all day.
Reva: So they, uh, pay you extra for all these little repairs you make, right?
Josh: Uh, actually, I think all these little repairs are the reason that they hired me in the first place.
Reva: (Laughs) No!
Josh: It's okay. No, no, no. I'm very happy getting my hands dirty with this kind of work. I mean, at least you see results. Tangible results.
Reva: You, uh, referring to Will?
Josh: No, no. In fact, a lot has changed since you and I last spoke. Thank you for everything that you did to help out, but Cassie’s come around. Or at least, she's trying to.
Reva: So she understands how troubled Will is?
Josh: Well, uh, we're on it. Together.
Reva: And that's it? I mean, you were prepared to go a lot further.
Josh: Maybe that won't be necessary now. Excuse me.
Reva: Maybe?
Josh: Reva, um...
Reva: Well, it's just that he seemed to worry you more than Jonathan ever did.
Josh: I just think that as long as Cassie and I are together, where Will is concerned, it'll be enough. And as far as what I said about Jonathan, that was insensitive. Especially considering the timing, and I apologize.
Reva: No, you don't need to apologize.
Josh: With Will, I just think everything's going to be okay.
Reva: How is Cassie with all of this?
Josh: Um, it's the anniversary, and it's hard for her. She's getting stronger all the time, but, well, you know. I mean, of all people, you know.
Reva: Yeah, about this time last year was rough on all of us.
Josh: Yeah. I got to get going back to the house. I got to check in.
Reva: I, uh, I think I'm just going to hang out here for a little while, if you don't mind.
Josh: Of course I don’t. I'll see you. The offer's still open to do something for Jonathan and Sarah.
Reva: Oh, thanks, but that won't be necessary.
Josh: Okay. See you.
Alan: Reva?
Reva: (Sighs)
Alan: Put that down. I need to talk with you.
Reva: What is your problem?
Alan: Phone calls in the middle of the night, and no one's there, and now this.
Reva: Well, I'm not the one stalking you.
Alan: Of course not, it’s not your style, but you and I know who’s doing this.
Reva: Oh, now wait a minute...
Alan: Don’t deny it, your worst fear has come true.
Reva: Alan, listen, you have no idea.
Alan: Your sister is sick, she has not moved on since a year ago. It’s been festering inside of her.
Reva: Wait a minute, you think Cassie...
Alan: Of course I do, I saw the look on your face when I showed you this.
Reva: Cassie?
Alan: Yes, who else would have done this?
Will: Who’s that with Tammy?
Cassie: That’s Jonathan, remember, I told you about him.
Will: Oh, yeah.
Cassie: They loved each other so much. It took me awhile to see it, but those two were meant for each other. Just like Josh and I are. Do you want to help me pick out some of these for the service?
Will: Who’s going to be there?
Cassie: Everybody who loved Tammy.
Will: What about Alan Spaulding?
Cassie: What about him?
Will: He made Tammy die, right?
Cassie: Who told you that? Edmund?
Will: Yeah.
Cassie: Okay, you know what, it’s very complicated and we were going to talk to you about that when you get older. He is going to have to live with that his whole life and sometimes that’s enough. You know what, I can’t talk about it right now because I have to make a phone call.
Josh: Hey. What’s going on?
Cassie: Nothing, we were just talking.
Will: We were talking about Tammy.
Josh: Do you want to sit down or something?
Cassie: No, I’m fine.
Josh: You don’t look fine.
Cassie: Well sometimes it all comes flooding back. You know?
Josh: Yeah. Will, could you give us a minute.
Will: Is Mom okay?
Josh: This won’t take too long.
Will: Mom?
Cassie: Will, I’m fine.
Josh: Look, these next few days are going to be tough for everybody and you understand that, right? Your mom and I just need to talk. Can I take that from you? Thanks. Go ahead. What brought this on, was it this?
Cassie: I just had a dream before. About Alan.
Reva: Take a deep breath, Alan, you're getting yourself all worked up.
Alan: Because I'm being harassed!
Reva: Yeah, well, even you have to admit it's justified.
Alan: Well, I don't have to admit anything, because your sister is very twisted and she's become a terrorist!
Reva: Oh! Try saying that three times fast.
Alan: You think this is funny, Reva?
Reva: No. Believe me, I don’t.
Alan: I'm going over there right now and make sure that this stops.
Reva: Would you just let me handle it?
Alan: Why you?
Reva: Because I... I need to be there, to hear it from her.
Alan: All right. Come on, let's go.
Billy: Okay, what’s... what's now?
Perry: Oh, we sign you in, I got the hospital rep to witness and cosign, and then I take the whole thing to the judge.
Billy: He stamps it and then I'm in the program?
Perry: As an outpatient, you get to come and go as you please.
Billy: All for the modest basement price of $600 an hour.
Perry: Yeah.
Billy: No, no. Perry, seriously. Thank you. I... I mean, it's worth every penny. I was really having a rough time squeezing my family and my friends into those short visiting hours.
Bill: Lizzie. Lizzie, will you wait?
Lizzie: What the hell for?
Bill: Look, I'm trying to be honest with you...
Lizzie: Oh, okay, okay! So you're a jerk, but you're an honest jerk. Great! I've got it!
Bill: I'm not a jerk. I'm just trying to tell you...
Lizzie: Oh, what? Tell me, tell me what you are. Tell me. I'd love to hear it. I bet it's good.
Bill: All right, look, I am sorry that I am not the person you thought I'd be. Okay? But that's the way it goes sometimes.
Lizzie: Are you the person that you thought you would be? Or are you okay setting your sights so low?
Bill: Here we go. All right, look. I'm a horrible person. You couldn't do any worse. Yet you manage to, don't you?
Lizzie: What?
Bill: Well, look at the long list of losers you've been with. Coop, Jonathan, I mean, give me a break!
Lizzie: Jonathan?
Bill: Compared to Jonathan, I'm Gandhi, alright?
Lizzie: Jonathan?
Bill: Yes, I've heard the stories...
Lizzie: Jonathan?
Bill: Yeah.
Lizzie: He was a lot of things, okay?
Bill: Uh-huh.
Lizzie: Okay, you know? And some of them were lousy. And a few of them were okay.
Bill: Mm-hmm?
Lizzie: But one of them? One of them was great.
Bill: Oh, here it comes.
Lizzie: Jonathan was a great father.
Bill: Oh.
Lizzie: He was a great father to my baby. That is something you will never be.
Reva: No, no, no.
Alan: No, what?
Reva: I said no. I'm going to go in there. You stay put.
Alan: Why would I agree to that?
Reva: Because I'm the only one that can keep this from turning into world war III.
Alan: Well, it's already started.
Reva: You go charging in there, then Cassie’s not going to have a choice. She's going to start denying everything.
Alan: Well, then she'll deny all she wants to. It won't change the facts.
Reva: You'll go in, you'll get angry, you'll start making threats and then Josh will physically have to remove you. What's that going to accomplish?
Alan: I will have put an end to this.
Reva: Is that what you think? Just let me go in. Let me talk to Cassie sister-to-sister and find out what's really happening.
Alan: We know what's really happening.
Reva: I will put a stop to this.
Alan: All right. You go in there. But when you come out, I want this to be over, Reva.
Reva: I can't make a promise. The minute I walk out the door it's going to be over, but I will stay on it. I'll be back.
Alan: Oh, by the way, if she denies it, tell her I traced one of her phone calls to the Bauer cabin. I know that she and her son were there.
Reva: The Bauer cabin?
Alan: You heard me.
Reva: Yeah. Well, that's good to know. Okay, now let me do this thing. You stay close. I can't believe I'm saying this, but please let it be Cassie.
Josh: You just lean on me. I'll get you through these next few days, okay? (Knock on the door)
Cassie: It's Reva.
Josh: That's funny, I just left her at the church. Hi.
Reva: Hi. I'm sorry to barge in like this, but...
Cassie: But?
Reva: Alan's outside.
Cassie: Alan?
Reva: Yeah.
Josh: Did you bring him here?
Reva: No, no, he was on his way anyway.
Josh: Well, fine, he can just turn around and leave then.
Reva: Josh, wait. He's here for a reason. He's trying to find out if...
Cassie: What?
Reva: If you did this.
Josh: Oh, please.
Cassie: He thinks I...
Reva: Yeah, he thinks you. Well, that’s... I mean, are you doing this? Are you stalking him again? Are you doing things like this? Making calls because of Tammy?
Cassie: Well wouldn't he deserve it? And more?
Will: You're not allowed to smoke here.
Alan: Who is that? Oh. It's you.
Will: My mom doesn't allow it.
Alan: Well, I'm sure that your mother would make an exception for me. It's freezing out here. Don't you think you should be inside?
Will: Why'd you kill my sister?
Alan: Isn't it past your bedtime? Look, I'm sorry your sister's dead, but I had nothing to do with it.
Will: My mom's real sad.
Alan: If I killed someone, do you think I would be walking around? People who kill people go to jail.
Will: Not always.
Josh: Cassie, did you do this?
Cassie: No, I didn't do it. I don't know who did and I don't care!
Josh: Cassie, you understand why I had to ask.
Cassie: A year ago, yes, this would have been me, but Will is here now and I have to set a good example for him.
Josh: You do.
Cassie: He needs to learn that he can't lash out when people hurt him, and I need to be the one to teach him that.
Josh: I shouldn't have made the assumption. I'm sorry. I apologize. I'll talk to Alan. If he wants a suspect, he’s going to have to look some place else.
Alan: I’ll tell you what, I’m going to put away my cigar and my lighter and I’m not going to smoke. So, are we done?
Will: I don’t know. Are we?
Alan: If I gave you a dollar, would you leave me alone?
Will: Five.
Alan: Five, huh?
Will: See you later.
Alan: No. I’m giving you five dollars and I want you to leave me alone, period.
Lizzie: Hey, I came as soon as I got the message.
Billy: Well, hey. Thank you. My lawyer offered to give me a ride home, but I think that was just so he could keep himself on the clock.
Lizzie: So, you’re out?
Billy: Until I screw up.
Lizzie: You are not going to screw up again.
Billy: I probably won’t because they have me checking in five times a week.
Lizzie: Come on, stop.
Billy: Well, there’s always the weekend.
Lizzie: Billy.
Billy: Well, darlin’, I just like to ruffle your feathers. Come on.
Lizzie: Well, it doesn’t take much effort today.
Billy: Hey, what’s going on?
Lizzie: Nothing.
Billy: What, what, what?
Lizzie: My scarf was in here before.
Billy: Well, this thing is huge, oh look, there’s Mary Poppins in there.
Lizzie: It’s not funny.
Billy: Okay, I’ll buy you a new one.
Lizzie: I don’t want a new scarf.
Billy: Well then, we will just back track. Think, where were you last night, maybe you left it there.
Lizzie: I’m not going back there.
Billy: No? Hey darlin’, this isn’t about a missing scarf, is it?
Lizzie: No, it’s about a missing brain. Mine.
Ava: Are you okay? Bill?
Bill: Yes, I’m fantastic. I’m great.
Ava: Well, what are you doing? Come here. Let me help you out. Come over here and sit down, please. Right here, thank you. What did you do?
Bill: All sorts of things.
Ava: Yeah?
Bill: Yeah. Have you seen my shoes anywhere?
Ava: Shoes? You don’t have to get dresses on account of me, by the way.
Bill: You never know when Coop’s gonna show up, might ruin your shot. So, I don’t want to...
Ava: Well, it’s a little too late for that.
Bill: Ava?
Ava: It’s a long story.
Bill: Is there a short version?
Ava: Let’s just say that getting my hopes up, probably not the brightest idea.
Bill: A lot of that going around lately.
Ava: Really, do tell.
Bill: I don’t think so. You are better off about the Coop thing though. He’s got an explosive personality.
Ava: Are you talking about the trailer thing?
Bill: You know about that?
Ava: I've known about it for a little while, actually, yes.
Bill: Then why didn't you tell me about it? I thought we were one the same side.
Ava: Well, we are. I just thought maybe I could use it with Coop.
Bill: Okay.
Ava: Okay?
Bill: Yeah.
Ava: Okay? Okay, you're not angry? Is that all you're going to say to me?
Bill: Why am I going to get angry? I mean, I probably would have done the same thing.
Ava: You were frustrated before. What’s... why were you frustrated?
Bill: I told you, I stubbed my toe.
Ava: That's it? You stubbed your toe?
Bill: Isn't that enough?
Ava: Well, I don't know. I thought maybe that there was something more. You seemed a little...
Bill: All right, look, I just don't want to talk about it right now. Okey dokey.
Ava: Okay.
Bill: All right, good.
Ava: You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to talk about.
Bill: I cannot see your face right now, but I know that look in your eye.
Ava: I thought you didn't want to talk about anything.
Bill: What, what, what, what, what?
Ava: Oh, nothing. Just garbage.
Bill: Oh. Where are you?
Ava: It doesn't matter.
(Knock on the door)
Bill: (Groans)
Ava: Just ignore it. Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it. It's fine.
Bill: Wait, wait, wait. I just...
Kelly: Excuse me, Ava? Are you in there?
Bill: Who is that?
Ava: That's Emma’s babysitter, Kelly. It's fine. I left a note on my door saying I was here.
Bill: Oh, so you didn't just happen to be in the neighborhood when you...
Ava: Well, we're in the Beacon. We're all kind of, you know, in that same neighborhood. Let me... I can't leave Emma waiting. I thought I'd have a little bit more time to do what I wanted to do here.
Ava: Hi! There you are.
Emma: Hi, Ava.
Kelly: The school play got out early. I hope that's okay.
Ava: Oh, it's fine. It gives me more time to spend with my best friend. Are we on for the sleepover?
Emma: Yeah!
Bill: Is that a familiar voice I hear?
Emma: Hi.
Bill: Hey. Now, what's this about a play and why was I not invited?
Emma: It was good. I'm getting tired.
Ava: Yeah? Well, why don't you go get ready for bed and then I'll meet you there? You don't mind, do you?
Kelly: Of course.
Ava: Thanks.
Kelly: Thanks. Bye.
Ava: I'll be there.
Bill: Bye, Emma.
Ava: All right.
Bill: What was that all about?
Ava: What? She's just tired.
Bill: Are you kidding me? She couldn't get out of here fast enough.
Ava: Oh, Bill, she's just a little shy.
Bill: Shy? Around me, she's going to be shy?
Ava: Well, you haven't been around very much. She just really doesn't know how to act around you.
Bill: Well, that's a hell of a thing to say to someone who used to be her father.
Ava: I better catch up with them.
Bill: Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Do you think I'm a good father to her?
Ava: Well, you're not her father, right?
Bill: Technically, no. But, I mean, we used to have a relationship. We used to... we used to have fun.
Ava: Fun?
Bill: Yes.
Ava: I'm no expert on parenting, but I think that being a parent consists of more than just having fun. You really have to step up to the plate and do something. I mean, I hate to be blunt about it.
Bill: Well, what about you and Jeffrey?
Ava: We were really, really close, just not... you can't even see what I'm... you know what I mean.
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Billy: Yah, hah, hah, hah! Woo-hoo-hoo! Woo! That's amazing, amazing!
Lizzie: Did you hear what I just said?
Billy: Oh, I heard every word you said, girl!
Lizzie: I'm not joking. Bill is the father.
Billy: Yeah, and just think of the amazing D.N.A. that's mixed...
Lizzie: Billy!
Billy: Oh, sweetie, this little girl is going to be one staggeringly beautiful little baby!
Lizzie: You're actually happy about this?
Billy: What's not to be happy about?
Lizzie: This is... this is the reaction I wanted your son to have.
Billy: Well, you've got to give him time.
Lizzie: I don't think that's going to help.
Billy: Oh, well, sweetie, wait. You don't know that. Come on.
Lizzie: You... you did not see it, the look on his face when I told him.
Billy: He was nervous and he's got a lot he's dealing with.
Lizzie: He was pretty clear, Billy. This is not something that he wants.
Billy: You know, Bill got all the good things he has from his mom, except for his smile, which he got from me, and you're going to see it real soon! (Laughs)
Lizzie: Thank you, thank you.
Billy: I know what time of year it is and I... I know you're thinking about Sarah. Nothing can ever replace her, but the timing of this, I mean, you know it's something amazing.
Lizzie: I know! I know, this is what I said!
Billy: I'm going to let my boy be...
Lizzie: Thank you so much. Okay, that's it. Let's get you home, you big softy.
Billy: Okay. I will race you! (Laughter)
Josh: Out.
Alan: Well?
Josh: Did you hear what I just said?
Alan: I'm being harassed and I want it to stop, Josh.
Reva: Alan, listen.
Josh: No, no, no. Don't try to reason with him, Reva, because you know what? It doesn't make any difference. You leave Cassie alone.
Alan: I am the victim here.
Josh: She didn't send you the newspaper, she didn't make any calls.
Alan: Then who did?
Josh: I don't know. Maybe you're making this whole thing up.
Alan: Why would I do that?
Reva: Josh, what's the point? Just let me get him out of here.
Josh: Fine. You just stay away from this house, you stay away from that memorial service, too.
Reva: He gets it. He gets it. Come on, it's getting late.
Josh: You opened a wound tonight. I hope you're happy.
Alan: We both know what your wife is capable of, Josh. I knew you would get nothing but denials.
Reva: Then why did you come here?
Alan: You haven't helped me at all tonight.
Reva: No, but I will. I'll tell you what. I'm going to stick by your side from now until the anniversary's past. Because if anyone wants to get to you, they're going to have to come through me first.
Alan: So you do think Cassie could be behind this?
Reva: Let's just get through tomorrow.
(Knock on the door)
Bill: Ah, who is it? Hold on a sec. Lizzie?
Billy: Uh, not quite. Hey.
Bill: Hey.
Billy: Hey, I'm a free man. Sure glad I caught you here.
Bill: Yeah, well. Where am I going to go?
Billy: Lizzie's, maybe?
Bill: Lizzie's? Don't think so.
Billy: Well, it seemed like you were expecting her when I came.
Bill: No, no, I think she might have left something here and I thought maybe she's coming back for it, so I...
Billy: Yeah, a scarf.
Bill: How did you know that?
Billy: Ah, son, son. I know.
Bill: She sent you here, didn't she?
Billy: Nope.
Bill: Yeah, she did.
Billy: Came on my own.
Bill: Really?
Billy: And I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do.
Bill: Probably wouldn't listen, anyway.
Billy: But I will tell you this.
Bill: I'm sure you will.
Billy: Boy, you have one hell of an opportunity here. Don't blow it.
Bill: (Laughs) What sort of opportunity would this be, huh? I wouldn't really call it an opportunity.
Billy: Yeah, I guess you wouldn't call it an opportunity. I see that.
Bill: I'm not in the best of places right now.
Billy: Well, who is in the best of places?
Bill: Lost of people.
Billy: No, no. It sneaks up on most people. Most people, they don't know it's a perfect time. They kind of have to make it a perfect time. I'm telling you, when you came along, I wasn’t... I wasn't ready. You ask your mom. You know something? I knew I had to pull it together, I owed that to you, and I did.
Bill: You did, huh?
Billy: Yeah.
Bill: And how long did that last?
Billy: Okay, I had that coming. But you're going to miss your shot.
Bill: (Laughs) Shot. Shot at what?
Billy: Shot at going your old man one better.
Cassie: You coming up?
Josh: Hey. Just making some notes for tomorrow.
Cassie: Thank you for taking care of Alan.
Josh: Throwing Alan Spaulding off the property was the highlight of my day.
Cassie: This is the highlight of my day.
Josh: Kids asleep?
Cassie: They're waiting for you to say goodnight.
Josh: Really?
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Josh: Both of them?
Cassie: Will was really great today. I think he sensed that I was hurting and he, you know, tried to help.
Josh: How so?
Cassie: Just by being there.
Josh: That's great. I'll be up in a few minutes.
Cassie: Mm! This hug.... to be continued.
Josh: Uh, your mom said you were in bed.
Will: I just came down to find a toy.
Josh: Which one?
Will: My businessman doll.
Josh: You have a businessman doll?
Will: That's what I call him. He's very rich.
Josh: Okay. Well, um, maybe... wait, here’s... it doesn't really look like a businessman. Oh, here we go. What happened to your doll?
Alan: Reva, I really don't like you watching over me like this.
Reva: Well, get used to it.
Alan: Well, then I want you to do me a favor. I want you to make sure that your sister stays away from me along with that weird little boy of hers.
Reva: Who, Will?
Alan: Yeah, I don't like him.
Reva: I'm sure the feeling's mutual.
Alan: If he wasn't a child I would put him on the suspect list. I'm going to go in here and have a cup of coffee.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know what? I'm going to make a quick call. I won't go far, though. You might want to keep an eye on the back door, though, just in case.
Alan: I should never have told you that.
Reva: Bauer cabin, Bauer cabin, Bauer cabin. Come on, Jonathan. I know you're there.
Lizzie: Sarah. You know, I think about you every day. I miss you, baby. I will always love you.
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Billy: You like it or not, you going to be a daddy.
Lizzie: This one must be broken. This is a bum test. Every single one of those tests defective? I have to be pregnant!
Tammy: Hi, it's me, Tammy.
Reva: I think that Jonathan is the one who's been stalking Alan.
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