Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/18/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Alan: Hey, Reva. Hello.
Reva: What do you want, Alan?
Alan: I would like to buy you a cup of coffee.
Reva: You know, we don't have to pretend to be friends anymore.
Alan: Listen, what happened in Tourmaline stays in Tourmaline. Now, can I get you a cup of decaf, here? What's the problem?
Reva: Just making sure you're not putting any poison in it.
Alan: No, not tonight. What do you got in your bag, there?
Reva: Knife, gun.
Alan: Packing weapons now, huh?
Reva: Putty knife, caulking gun. Jeffrey's weatherproofing my windows.
Alan: Really? It's kind of late in the season for that, isn't it?
Reva: So? Thank you.
Alan: End of January?
Reva: What's the big deal? That's usually the way it works.
Alan: End of January...
Reva: You go into February, yeah. What is it, Alan? What's the big deal?
Alan: It marks the first year of Sarah’s death. My God. You lost your son, you lost a granddaughter. What kind of parent are you, anyway, to forget something like that?
Ashlee: You are the worst mother ever.
Doris: You don't mean that.
Ashlee: Oh, well, you can't keep me locked up in here forever.
Doris: Better locked up here than in a state pen.
Guard: You want me to go in there?
Doris: Listen honey, I cannot let you run off with Coop, okay? You are facing serious charges for fixing the election.
Ashlee: You don't even care about me.
Doris: Yes, I do. But look, this is my first term as mayor. I can't handle the bad press. Plus, you know, what with the Lewis explosion, I've had to stop construction on Main Street. It's just not happening.
Ashlee: I want to see Coop.
Doris: Oh, she is so selfish. Look, you know what? That Henry Bradshaw is not making smart decisions for you.
Ashlee: You know, it wasn't really a smart decision to leave me in here with my cell phone. I'm going to text him.
Coop: Doris! I would like you to let Ashlee out of there right now.
Doris: Really? Over my dead body.
Vanessa: I like your housekeeping style. Here, let me help you.
Billy: Yeah, well, if you want to help, I tell you what you can do. You can talk some sense into our son. I mean, what kind of a person gets blinded and then walks around like nothing even happened?
Vanessa: Wait, wait, wait. Bill was here
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, he was acting like the big shot that he thinks he is. Sweetie, I saw that he was scared.
Dinah: You know, I never imagined faking being in rehab would bring up enough stuff to make me need rehab.
Buzz: It's a good thing you're there then, huh?
Dinah: It's just I thought I was done with it, Buzz. I thought the nightmares and the flashing people...
Buzz: Flashing people? Gee, where was I?
Dinah: No, I mean flashing back to people, and things that happened to me the day I was shot. It's like... it's like my recovery's getting screwed up because another part has had a setback because of what happened to Bill.
Buzz: What do the doctors say?
Dinah: Look, Bill has an awfully long road ahead of him. It's very difficult to see my little brother hurt and scared that someone is going to come back and finish off the job.
Buzz: Well, I don't think you have to worry about that.
Ava: Lizzie!
Bill: No, no. Look, she's not going to be around here for a while. She's probably off playing nurse or training Roxy to be my guide dog. She's not going to be here so don't even mention her name, please. Ava? Ava, it's not cool to play hard to get with a blind guy. Where are you?
Lizzie: You're a selfish pig.
Bill: Ah... Lizzie’s here.
Ava: Uh-huh.
Bill: Does she look mad?
Lizzie: I did buy you some stupid sunglasses and some groceries and some flowers so that your room wouldn't smell like a dirty sock.
Bill: My room doesn't smell.
Ava: No, no, it does a little.
Bill: What? Laundry has not been a priority, people.
Lizzie: Oh, I got you some... some CD's to listen to. I even bought you a book on how to learn how to read Braille.
Bill: Oh, that's a book. That's great. Is this some kind of joke? How am I going to read the book?
Lizzie: I have no idea why someone would write this.
Bill: Ow.
Lizzie: I was trying to help you! Why do you have to be so...
Bill: Blind?
Lizzie: No, rude!
Bill: No, you were going to say "blind." You were. (Laughs)
Lizzie: What was all that stuff about wanting to dump Ava because you wanted something real?
Bill: What about it?
Lizzie: I don't know. I don't know. I thought we were in this together.
Bill: Well, we are not. Because your eyes, they work.
Lizzie: You really have to stoop this low?
Ava: Hello? I am still here.
Lizzie: I thought you were done hurting people, Bill. I thought you wanted to start helping yourself.
Bill: This isn't some after-school special, Lizzie.
Lizzie: I have worked so hard to help you and you...
Bill: Would you stop it? Will you stop making this about you? My goodness. Do your really think I'm in bed with this girl to hurt you? You weren't even on my mind until you come walking into my place like you own it with your stupid books and your groceries, yelling at me. Who do you think you are, yelling at me, here? I've got other things to deal with, so if you're going to start acting like some jealous wife other than someone who just happened to be there when a trailer explodes in my face, get out! Is she gone? Ava? It does smell in here.
Ava: You don't have to take this so personally, please.
Lizzie: You can have him, Ava!
Ava: Lizzie, get a clue. This is a really bad time for you, right?
Lizzie: What?
Ava: Sarah. It's getting close to her anniversary, when you lost Sarah.
Lizzie: How dare you talk about...
Ava: Lizzie, I work at Spaulding. Alan has been organizing this memorial for weeks. Everybody knows that when Sarah and Jonathan died, it screwed you up. It would have been weird if it didn’t.
Lizzie: Just stop talking. Stop talking, Ava.
Ava: It's not your fault that you have a truckload of baggage. And guys-- a guy especially like Bill Lewis-- he wants to be with someone, a girl who travels light, like me. Maybe that's why he doesn't want to be with you. That's all I'm saying.
Reva: Not a day goes by that I don't think about my son and my granddaughter, not to mention my niece, Tammy. You want to throw calendar dates in my face, Alan? Today marks the first anniversary of Tammy and Jonathan’s wedding. What did you get them?
Alan: We all make mistakes with our families, Reva. I wanted to have a cup of coffee with you because I wanted to tell you about a tasteful memorial service that I'm planning for baby Sarah, and I thought you might want to participate.
Reva: You're the reason they're gone.
Alan: It doesn't stop me from honoring her memory. She's the only good thing that ever came from that thug of a son of yours.
Reva: Keep it up, Alan. Next year we'll be celebrating your memorial.
Alan: Look, let's try not to let our personal feelings get involved with celebrating what we have lost. Agreed?
Reva: What does Lizzie have to say about all of this?
Alan: Sarah's memorial will help Elizabeth reconnect with her family.
Reva: That's exactly what she doesn't need. That girl is finally standing on her own two feet, getting her life together in spite of you. Maybe that's what you're mourning, Alan.
Billy: How do you not understand? The person who did this to Bill wasn't just trying to blind him. Look, I'm going to find him and he's going to pay, I'll find a way.
Vanessa: Oh, wonderful. Great, you're going to make another big mess. And guess who gets to clean it up?
Billy: Oh, well, you think you can do that?
Vanessa: Yeah. I don't want to do it. I would like us to work together on this. The truth is that we have a boy who may not get his sight back.
Billy: Oh, come on, don't say that.
Vanessa: It's the truth. And he needs somebody who's together, who's strong, who’s... viable, who's a good, strong man. And I need that.
Billy: You need me?
Vanessa: Yeah.
Dinah: You know, it hurts when people only see the bad in you. You know what it's like. You weren't always a good guy. Luckily nobody tried to blow us up, huh? Look, I know that Bill's been a jerk, but, I mean, somebody would have to really hate you a whole lot, you know, to... what was I saying?
Buzz: That someone would have to hate someone a lot to blow them up, I think.
Dinah: Yeah. How do you even think they did it? I mean, I guess a bomb? A little T.B.S.?
Buzz: You mean T.N.T?
Dinah: Yeah. I get confused. A lot.
Buzz: Dinah, I didn't try to kill your brother.
Dinah: Did I say that?
Buzz: I'm sorry about Bill. I really am. But this kind, nice person you're talking about, he left the building a long time ago.
Dinah: He's been through an awful lot, Buzz.
Buzz: Well, so have you, but you're not still hurting people. And if you were still shooting people and robbing banks, somebody might try to off you, too, you know?
Dinah: It's funny. You know, that bullet that went in my head? Messed up just about everything but my ability to sniff out liars. Now, you need to check yourself, Buzz, because I know you're hiding something. So when I figure it out, you can pretty much bet that nobody on this planet is going to be able to save you or your family.
Buzz: What is happening to this town?
(Cell phone ringing)
Dinah: What?
Bill: I need a ride. And some air freshener or something.
Dinah: Okay. I'm on it.
Coop: I said let her out.
Ashlee: Coop!
Doris: How stupid are you, trying to run off with my daughter? Do you know how much trouble she's facing?
Coop: Doris, let her go!
Doris: No, get off. (Laughs) Go ahead, take a swing at the mayor.
Ashlee: Mom, don't hurt him!
Doris: Join your girlfriend in jail.
Ashlee: Stop, don't hurt him.
Coop: She's not going to jail.
Doris: Not going to jail? This town is falling apart because of her.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: No, don't listen to her. She's crazy.
Doris: First, she shoots Alan and now this. I mean, look, I am supposed to be the law and order mayor here, okay? How can I do that and let her run off, okay? She has got to be made an example of.
Coop: An example of? That's why you wouldn't let her go with me, isn't it? Because you wouldn't have anyone to throw under the bus, now, would you?
Doris: That is not true. This town is depending on me. She has...
Coop: She is your daughter, Doris! I swear, if you don't let her go, I am going to make you sorry one of these days.
Doris: Do you hear me, Ashlee? You cannot just go around shooting people and fixing elections and expecting everything to be okay. You'll thank me when we're living in the Governor's mansion.
Coop: Enough. Enough. Doris, I will give you the guy that started the fire at the Lewis Construction site, all right?
Ashlee: No, no!
Coop: Make an example out of him instead. Let her go, Doris, and I mean it. Let her go. No more hurting her, no more trying to control her. I want you to let her go.
Ashlee: Mom, Mom, he's bluffing, okay? He doesn't know anything. He's just lying, okay? Don't say anything more. Just shut up! Don't say anything!
Doris: Okay, hero. The Lewis explosion. I'm waiting for a name.
Coop: Henry Cooper Bradshaw.
Ashlee: Why? Why?
Coop: Come here.
Ashlee: I'm sorry.
Reva: It's been a year. Lizzie?
Lizzie: And I thought Bill was blind. He's the kind of blind where you don't see things at all. I'm the kind where you don't see things for what they are until it's too late.
Reva: Sweetie, you know what? Billy told me how you stuck by Bill at the hospital.
Lizzie: Yeah. He wanted music so I gave him my MP3 player.
Reva: Oh, that was sweet.
Lizzie: Then he broke it, right after he made fun of all the songs.
Reva: Oh.
Lizzie: I just brought him groceries, and I walked in on him in bed with Ava making fun of me for playing nurse.
Reva: Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry.
Lizzie: Why would he make fun of me? You know, maybe I just want to belong to someone too much. And I know why. I threw away all the calendars a few weeks ago. You know, like, if I don't see the date then it won't really come. Should I miss my baby this much?
Reva: I miss mine, too.
Lizzie: She's been gone longer than I had her. And it doesn't hurt every second of every day, but when it does hurt, it's like the day it happened. I just wish I was more like you.
Reva: Wow. I don't hear that a lot.
Lizzie: You are doing so much better with this than I am.
Reva: Oh, yeah, well, I don't know about that. I nearly took off your granddaddy's head just now because he mentioned the memorial for Sarah.
Lizzie: Oh, yeah. Ava told me about it, right after I caught her with Bill. You know, like I didn't feel bad enough. She is horrible.
Reva: Well, the apple doesn't fall far.
Lizzie: I should have seen it coming. I'm always the last to know. I don't think I can make it through this anniversary. (Sobs) I can't take anymore.
Frank: All right, everybody. Get back, get back, let them through.
Doris: Did you get my message, Frank?
Frank: Looks like everybody got your message.
Doris: Well, I am the Mayor. They want to hear what I have to say.
Frank: Yeah, well, you know what? I want to hear what you have to say.
Doris: Thank you all, for coming, very much. I can now take your questions, which I'm sure you have a lot of.
Frank: I got it. Thanks. Well, well, well. You two are awfully quiet. Is it true, Coop? Did you do it?
Ashlee: Look, the explosion was an accident.
Frank: I need to hear from my brother, please.
Coop: I lit the plans and I threw them through the window. I don't know, I guess I thought they were just going to burn out. I mean, Frank, I don't even know what the hell exploded, okay? And I certainly didn't think anyone was inside there. I swear, I thought it was empty.
Frank: Coop, how could you do this?
Doris: That the explosion was not an accident, well, that's shock enough. But to discover that the alleged assailant is the son of my opponent in the recent debacle of an election, well, I am speechless.
Buzz: Oh, no.
Vanessa: How are you doing?
Dinah: I'm good, Mom. I'm hanging in there.
Vanessa: All right, I'll see you later.
Billy: We'll see y'all later.
Dinah: Okay.
Billy: All right, you can sit now.
Dinah: Have a seat. Now, I did not get much out of Buzz, but he knows I know something.
Billy: Whoa, whoa, slow down, here.
Dinah: Okay, we need to crack a Cooper.
Billy: No, wait a minute, we don't even know if the Cooper’s did anything.
Dinah: Who stood to lose the most from Bill's project?
Billy: Now, wait a minute. I think I shouldn't have put you on this.
Dinah: Of course you should have. I was good...
Billy: No, but this is bad.
Dinah: We need to attack.
Billy: No, we don’t.
Dinah: Yes... what has gotten into him?
Bill: My guess is Mom.
Dinah: Are you serious?
Billy: Hey, look, wait. We don't even know if the Cooper’s are responsible for this accident.
Bill: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. If someone is responsible for an accident, that doesn't make it an accident, okay? I thought you were on my side, okay?
Billy: Wait a minute. What are we going to do, go off half cocked here? We don't even know who to attack.
Dinah: I am so pissed at my mother right now.
Billy: Darling, you're supposed to be forgiving. That's what this is all about.
Dinah: Oh, here we go. Now he's going to lay this on me. He tried it before.
Bill: Did it work?
Dinah: Now what do you think?
Billy: What are we going to do? Round up all the Cooper’s, attack them with Molotov cocktails?
Bill: (Laughs)
Dinah: Yeah, that's good. Let's talk about Molotov cocktails. What's in those?
Bill: I don’t know. Any alcoholics in the house? (Laughter)
Dinah: Gasoline. Gasoline, I know that's one of them.
Bill: Just kidding, Dad, just kidding. (Cell phone ringing)
Bill: Bill Lewis.
Buzz: Hi, Bill, it's me. It's Buzz Cooper.
Bill: Yeah?
Dinah: Who is it?
Buzz: You're going to hear about this soon enough so I thought you should hear it from me. It was Coop. It was my son who blew up your trailer. Bill, are you still there?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm still here.
Buzz: I am... I am so, so sad about what happened to you. Coop is, too. He thought the trailer was empty. He didn't set out to hurt you or anyone. I think he was upset about the restaurant closing. He was drinking, and he's explaining it to the cops and Frank right now.
Bill: And that's why I'm hearing from you, not him?
Buzz: I'm reaching out to you as an act of good faith. It was a tragic, tragic mistake.
Bill: Yeah. Well, thank you for calling. I appreciate it. It was a stand up thing to do.
Buzz: If there's anything we can do...
Bill: Thanks.
Billy: Everything okay?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, just a client calling saying he's sorry about the accident and I won't lose business. Been getting a lot of that lately.
Billy: Clients always respected you, Bill.
Dinah: Okay, whatever. Could we just get back to this Cooper thing, please?
Billy: Look, I think we have enough problems in and amongst ourselves. Why don't we just help each other out, okay?
Bill: He's right. He's right.
Dinah: What are you talking about?
Billy: Wait, wait, wait. Do you understand now?
Bill: Well, you know what? I just think I'm through talking about it. I want to go home, get a little rest, okay?
Dinah: Go home and get some rest? What, are you kidding?
Bill: I'll even let you drive this time.
Dinah: Oh, Bill.
Billy: Hey, Bill. I'm proud of you, boy. See you.
Lizzie: Sometimes I think about what she would look like now. You know, like if she'd look more like me or Jonathan.
Reva: You know what? Maybe Alan’s right about this memorial for Sarah. Maybe we do all need it to say goodbye, finally. Are you okay? Honey?
Lizzie: Yeah, just give me a second.
Reva: What is it?
Lizzie: I don't know. You know when you laugh too hard and your stomach hurts? I think that happens when you cry too hard. I've just been crying a lot.
Reva: Has this been happening a lot?
Lizzie: Not really. I've just been feeling all gross and dizzy. It's probably just what I've been eating. I thought I was lovesick. I think I just made myself sick-sick. It's not over Bill, either. I... I've been missing Sarah more than usual lately. Ever since her birthday. I just keep thinking that today, one year ago, if I had known that I only had a couple more days with her.
Reva: You know what? Listen to me. We have to stop looking in the past. We can't obsess anymore about what was, okay? It's not healthy.
Lizzie: I got to go home.
Reva: No, no, no. Oh, no, no, no, no. You're coming with me.
Coop: Frank. Look, I can't do this if you're standing there, okay?
Frank: Well, you see, this is the part where I'm the Police Chief and you're the suspect, and you're filling out the statement. And the suspect happens to be my brother.
Coop: Okay, well, if my brother was in here and not Police Chief, what would he tell me to do right now?
Frank: I'd tell him to make a phone call and get Mel down here right away.
Coop: Fine. That'll be my one phone call.
Frank: I promise you, I will do everything I can to protect you.
Coop: But?
Frank: But unfortunately, this family's in really bad shape right now, and you've given Doris Wolfe one more reason to come after us. She's always been dangerous, but with this new political clout, she can totally pull it off now.
Coop: Wait, I thought you were going to do everything that was in your power?
Frank: It may not be enough.
Buzz: Doris. Doris...
Doris: The Cooper’s are circling the wagons.
Buzz: Please, please, please don't do this.
Doris: Do what?
Buzz: Look, I know you're angry at me about the election. I know you think it's something personal against you.
Doris: Yeah, well, wasn't it?
Buzz: Coop's a good kid.
Doris: Yeah, with some boundary issues. Look, I started doing my homework on that boy the minute he started seeing my daughter. Turns out there was some bulldozing incident at the Spaulding’s front gate a while back. How does one steal a bulldozer?
Buzz: He made mistakes. He and I both know there'll be consequences.
Doris: You knew about this?
Buzz: I know now, along with every newspaper and network in this town. Look, I don't know why he chose to come forward with it now, but my gut tells me your daughter has something to do with it.
Doris: Oh, right, blame Ashlee.
Buzz: Because he was trying to save her from you! I'm sorry. Just let him take his punishment like anyone else, okay? Just let him do that. Don't exploit this to boost your own career.
Doris: You're asking me for a favor? Coop deserves what he gets.
Dinah: Hey, hey, hey, I thought you wanted to go home?
Bill: No, look, I just had to get out of there.
Dinah: I'm glad that you're not out of your mind. Look, I don't know if Billy is just running for sainthood, but, my goodness, we are going to...
Bill: Listen to me. Listen to me. I know who did this to me.
Reva: What's wrong?
Lizzie: Nothing. I... I'm just not used to anybody taking care of me.
Reva: Well, then, you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd. Oh, sweetie. Come here. You keep saying that this is all about Jonathan and Sarah. But I think it has something to do with Bill, too.
Lizzie: Maybe.
Reva: Uh-huh. You've got to let go of whatever this thing is that you have with Bill, because he's a mess right now and he's only going to drag you down with him.
Lizzie: Yeah. I am done with him.
Reva: Just like that?
Lizzie: Just like that.
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Lizzie: He makes me feel bad about myself. I was better off before he came along. I want to feel good again. So, yeah, just like that.
Dr. Flannigan: Elizabeth Spaulding?
Lizzie: That's me.
Reva: You really mean this about Bill?
Lizzie: Yes. I don't want anything to do with him anymore. But he's replacing my MP3 player.
Reva: Hell yes, he is. (Laughs)
Buzz: Coop?
Coop: Hey.
Buzz: Hey. You okay?
Coop: Yeah.
Buzz: Okay, so what do I do, Frank? Post bail, what?
Coop: Look, where's Ashlee?
Frank: She's over there. Pop.
Buzz: How bad is it?
Frank: It's bad, Pop.
Buzz: Frank, he's cooperating. Doesn't that help?
Frank: Well, you know what? I got a feeling that Doris Wolfe’s going to be piling on charges no matter how much he cooperates. He's looking at attempted murder, Dad.
Buzz: Murder?
Frank: He set off an explosion.
Buzz: Murder? He wasn't going in there intending to commit murder.
Frank: You knew about this? For how long?
Buzz: You want me to answer that, Frank? I had to pry it out of him.
Frank: Oh, my God, Dad.
Buzz: I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about him.
Frank: Well, you know, you should be.
Coop: Hey.
Ashlee: I'm scared.
Coop: Come here.
Ashlee: I'm so scared.
Coop: I did this so you wouldn't have to be. Look, you shouldn't have to wake up every day afraid that your mom is either going to lock you up or sell you out, you know?
Ashlee: What's going to happen to you? I would have stayed in that room forever if I had known that you were going to turn yourself in for me.
Coop: I'm not sorry. I'm not.
Bill: So we got Coop down there selling some sob story right now on how he accidentally blew up my trailer and...
Dinah: How do you accidentally blow up a trailer?
Bill: Exactly. "Oh, I'm sorry, Frank, I meant to burn the place down, not blow it up."
Dinah: Frank?
Bill: Ridiculous. Every other cop in this town is a Cooper. It's like turning yourself in to your own family. Buzz on the phone, I mean, he has the nerve to tell me, "Oh, Coop was upset, he'd been drinking." Give me a break. I'm probably blind for the rest of my life because your kid can't hold his liquor.
Dinah: Hey, your sight could come back.
Bill: Probably not. I could use a drink right now.
Dinah: This is rehab.
Bill: You're in here for pills, which you're pretending to be addicted to. Come on.
Dinah: Let me see if I have any left.
Bill: I hope you're not holding out on your blind brother, over here.
Dinah: Well, don't start using the blind thing or I'm going to start using the brain thing.
Bill: What?
Dinah: Here.
Bill: Mmm. Mmm. And then there's Jeffrey O’Neill. The D.A.
Dinah: He's a Cooper sympathizer.
Bill: Yes, he's a Cooper sympathizer, that's right.
Dinah: He could probably slap him with something stupid like vandalism.
Bill: Yeah, that's exactly what the Cooper’s are going to... vandalism. This was just a vandal...
Dinah: They're going to get a slap on the wrist.
Bill: Exactly. Let me tell you something- if I don't get to walk away from this, then neither does Coop.
Doris: You can't be here.
Ashlee: Mom, well, the reporters are still outside.
Doris: Now.
Coop: Ashlee.
Ashlee: No.
Coop: It'll be okay, all right?
Ashlee: No, no, it won't be. Where is she going? Why... why am I not surprised?
Doris: I would like to thank you all for coming. And now it is time to get out of the way of the Springfield P.D. and let them do their job. As you file your stories, I'd like to remind you to stay away from sensational headlines. I will be going to the D.A. O’Neill’s office and making sure that there is a fair bail set. I know that the public is anxious to hang someone for this explosion, but we know now that it was not a blatant act of violence, but rather a tragic error in judgment.
Ashlee: I can't believe you did that.
Doris: Yeah, well, that's probably what hurts most.
Ashlee: Thank you, thank you.
Frank: Let's see what we can do to get you out of here, all right?
Buzz: That was very decent of you.
Doris: Yeah. When the 11:00 news airs, I would like the public to see me as fair and merciful, not harsh and vindictive.
Buzz: Well, I'm glad we could do that for you.
Bill: Can you dial, please?
Dinah: All right, you know once we do this there's no turning back, right?
Bill: I know.
Dinah: Okay.
Bill: Hello? Hey, it's Bill Lewis.
Coop: Hey.
Bill: Your dad called me.
Coop: So, you know?
Bill: Yeah.
Coop: All right. I thought the trailer was empty. I did not know that you were in there. I am so sorry about this.
Bill: No, no, no. No need to explain, Coop. You know, it’s... at least not over the phone. Look, I don't know when you can get away, but I'm outside of Company right now.
Coop: Oh. I can come now. I'm out on bail.
Bill: You're out on bail already? That’s... that's great. Okay, good. I think if we just get together and talk it through...
Coop: Yeah. Sure, I can come now.
Bill: Great. Where's the stuff?
Dinah: Outside.
Bill: Where anyone can see it?
Dinah: Not you. Here it is.
Bill: Thank you. I think you should leave now.
Alan: What about the programs?
Ava: They'll be ready when you need them.
Alan: I want the people to remember this memorial service for a long time to come. Is there a problem?
Ava: Uh, no. Everything's fine.
Alan: Listen to me. Nothing is more important to me than this memorial service. I want the town to know that the Spaulding’s are still grieving baby Sarah.
Reva: She's literally made herself sick over it. I think the idea of a memorial service for Sarah is a good one. What? No, Jonathan, absolutely not. You cannot risk showing up here with Sarah again. Please! No, honey, promise me. Promise me you won't come here. I will look after Lizzie. I just think she's feeling overwhelmed by all of this.
Lizzie: Okay, can I go? I have dinner plans with a friend, and I... I am okay, right?
Dr. Flannigan: I want to do one more test.
Lizzie: Oh, God. If the leukemia is back...
Dr. Flannigan: No, it's not that.
Lizzie: I just can't take one more thing in my life right now.
Dr. Flannigan: Ms. Spaulding? Is there a possibility you could be pregnant?
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Marina: We are definitely getting married.
Buzz: Well, maybe because she thinks you're steeling her boyfriend.
Harley: No, Daddy. He's her fiancé.
Bill: I wanted justice. I'm gonna have to take things into my own hands.
Lizzie: You think I'm pregnant?
Doris: Maybe Buzz Cooper is one of the good guys.
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