Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/16/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Harley: Zach, you tell your brother that you are older, and he has to listen to you. You both have to listen to Grandpa. I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you, too. You give yourself a big hug for me. Okay, bye.
Peg: It's okay. It's okay. Detective Cooper?
Harley: Peg Montera?
Peg: That's me. Diaz from your department told me to keep an eye out for you.
Harley: He's not actually in my department anymore.
Peg: Excuse me?
Harley: I'm here unofficially. But I could use all of the help I could get. I'm looking for this man.
Peg: I thought this was supposed to go through channels.
Harley: I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, but I really could use your help. This guy kidnapped my kids, and several other kids. He's a head case. I don't know what he'll do next. Please.
Peg: Can I keep this? I'll pass it around, I'll see if anybody has seen him. But I can't promise anything.
Harley: Every little bit helps.
Peg: Who are you working with?
Harley: I'm kind of on my own.
Peg: Well, if this guy is as dangerous as you say...
Harley: I don't have a choice in this matter.
Peg: Suit yourself. You got my number.
Harley: Thanks. Guess I'll get started.
I am a shadow I am invisible
I know it's hard to see it. You think you're looking at me
sorry to tell you but you're not even warm at all.
You keep on trying but you can't even touch me
you're colder than you were a minute ago
I am floating through the walls all around you
you are talking to a ghost don't try to get inside the head
of a phantom you might be disappointed
you think you're getting to him
maybe you wish that you could bring me back from the dead
you keep on trying, but you can't even touch me
you're colder than you were a minute ago
I am floating through the walls all around you
you were are talking to a ghost
hear me coming.
Harley: Wait! Oh! Oh!
Cyrus: I'm here. I'm here. You're all right. It's okay.
(Phone ringing)
Harley: Hello?
Mallet: Hey, are you awake?
Harley: Awake?
Mallet: Yeah. You've been napping for like an hour. I thought you would be out, like, 15 minutes.
Harley: Who is this?
Mallet: (Laughs) Okay, you're killing me. Very, very funny.
Harley: Mallet?
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, you're really out of it, huh?
Harley: I don't understand.
Mallet: Uh-huh. Right. Well, would you get down here, okay? Because we're only in town for two days, and you've been sleeping for, like, half of it.
Harley: In town? Where are you?
Mallet: Where am I? The police station. Would you get down here? Frank's waiting.
Harley: Frank's waiting for what?
Mallet: To see us. Come on, time's a-wasting. We go back to Florida tomorrow, remember?
Harley: We're going to back to Florida... together?
Mallet: Yeah. Is it so weird that I want to go back home with my wife?
Mallet: Hey, we missed him.
Harley: Missed who?
Mallet: Frank. He went out on a call with his partner. We missed him.
Harley: Partner? Frank is Chief.
Mallet: (Laughs) Frank is Chief of Police? Are you kidding me? Frank, a leader of men? Come on. In his dreams! What's wrong with you? You still waking up? What's going on with you?
Harley: Nothing.
Mallet: Are you sure you're all here? What's going on?
Harley: Just give me a minute.
Mallet: Right. Right, right, that must have been some nap. Does this have anything to do with what I found in Florida?
Harley: Why, what did you find in Florida?
Mallet: I don't want to get into it right now, all right? I don't want to get into it. Okay, what I found in Florida-- you know what I found in Florida, Harley? I found a suitcase under our bed, your suitcase, and it was packed with all of your clothes, ready to go.
Harley: You knew about that?
Mallet: Yeah. I found it. And I've been around a little bit. I kind of know what that means.
Harley: Don't be so sure.
Mallet: So what is it? Do you always have to have a safety net, always got to have a way out, a quick exit?
Harley: You know what? Maybe I do. And I was right.
Mallet: You were right? To what, spend your whole marriage with one foot out the door?
Harley: Well, wasn't I justified? You did cheat, and we did get divorced.
Mallet: Yeah, guilty. But what comes first, the cheater or the complete lack of trust?
Harley: Oh, please, so it's my fault that you cheated?
Mallet: Do you know what it is like to love someone who is convinced that it's probably not going to work out anyway?
Harley: That's not fair.
Mallet: You know what's fair? Having a bag packed and ready to go at all times. That's not fair.
Harley: Mallet, I loved you. I loved you so much. I... I...
Mallet: Harley?
Harley: I... I've got to go!
Dylan: Hey, where you been?
Harley: Dylan.
Dylan: Our beautiful baby girl is in the maternity ward right now waiting for you to hold her. Come on.
Harley: Whoa, not so fast.
Dylan: What's the problem?
Harley: Outside of whiplash?
Dylan: She's perfect. She's the most perfect, beautiful little thing I've ever seen. You know, our little Daisy...
Harley: Okay. Stop. Stop!
Dylan: You're going to love being a mom.
Harley: Back it up. The trip down memory lane is one thing, but, Dylan, you're rewriting history here.
Dylan: She's got these dimples, these two, cute, little, perfect dimples right when she smiles.
Harley: Dylan, we were not proud parents in some hospital. You weren't even there! I was the one who saw those cute dimples in the backseat of a car when she was first born.
Dylan: Hey, you know what? When she looked at me, I swear-- I swear-- she knows who I am. She does! She knows who I am!
Harley: That didn't kick in until years later, trust me.
Dylan: You could have found me, told me. You didn't have to give her away.
Harley: Yes, I did. We were too young. We were kids ourselves. We couldn't raise a baby.
Dylan: So what? So you're just assuming we couldn't handle it, huh?
Harley: If we had raised her, think of all the crazy stuff she would have gotten into. Hey, they probably would have taken her away even if we hadn't given her away.
Dylan: You know what? News flash: She got into crazy stuff anyway. We had a chance to be part of something amazing!
Harley: But?
Dylan: But... you had to be practical, sensible, adult.
Harley: I was alone.
Dylan: Just think about this for a second, okay? Think about what you missed out on because you played it safe. Just think about that. Hey, Harley, we're not done here!
Harley: Oh, yes, we are!
Harley: Gotcha! Daddy!
Buzz: I didn't know it was illegal to window shop, you know.
Harley: I'm so glad it's you.
Buzz: (Laughs)
Harley: Oh, you don't know the day I've had!
Buzz: Well, you know, days, they just, they come and they go. But, you know, what about life? How is your life these days?
Harley: I've got a handle on it.
Buzz: Oh, you always did. Is it me?
Harley: Well, I mean, it looks like you, but with the day I had, I don't know.
Buzz: It was my fault, leaving Frank when I didn't even know Deenie was pregnant with you. I mean, making you two grow up faster than any kids should.
Harley: Oh, Dad, that is not an issue anymore. I don't look back.
Buzz: Maybe so, but things linger. Got a pop quiz: Half empty, half full?
Harley: Daddy...
Buzz: Answer the question.
Harley: I think there's backwash in there.
Buzz: Oh, that's nice!
Harley: Daddy, I am glad I had to grow up early because it made me strong. I look at the world and I deal with it based on what I know, not what I wish for. And I think my kids are stronger for it, too.
Buzz: Harley...
Harley: Daddy, you didn't give me false hope. Maybe that's the best present you ever didn't give me, huh?
Buzz: If you say so.
Harley: You don't sound convinced.
Buzz: I think maybe sometimes false hope is better than no hope at all.
Cyrus: Harley? Harley, can you hear me? Harley? Come on.
Harley: What? Gus!
Gus: Hi, I'm sorry. I wish I could talk, but I'm running late.
Harley: Wait! Where are you going? It's your wedding day?
Gus: Yes.
Harley: I'm sorry.
Gus: What are you sorry for?
Harley: Because maybe if I'd never been in the picture, you and Natalia would be celebrating an anniversary today instead of your wedding day.
Gus: Oh, give me a break.
Harley: Are you saying it's not possible?
Gus: I loved you. I loved being married to you. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.
Harley: You did trade it, for Natalia!
Gus: I am not going to let you do this, okay? I wanted us to work out. You're the one that said that it couldn't be.
Harley: It couldn't be because I couldn't share you. I couldn't do that again, share somebody with their memories, their first love...
Gus: No, it wasn't like that. It wasn't like that at all. It was always you and me, always. And it still could be.
Harley: Well, you got down on one knee pretty darn fast for somebody who says he is still in love with me.
Gus: Well, what was I supposed to do? Huh? What was I supposed to do? You made it very final.
Harley: I made it final?
Gus: Yeah, you made it final.
Harley: You know what I wish? I wish... I wish that... I wish I could know in advance what was going to happen in a relationship, how it was going to play out before I commit. That's what I wish.
Gus: Well, they call that a superpower.
Harley: Because I would go back to the beginning. I would go back to the very beginning of us.
Gus: I don't think you could say anything that would hurt me more than what you just said right there.
Harley: I'm just saying, I wish... I wish I knew all this.
Gus: Well, maybe next time you'll get your superpower with whoever, Mr. Right, until he becomes Mr. Wrong. And that will be great. Then you'll know in advance, and you can choose to be alone, and then maybe you'll be happy.
Harley: Gus!
Harley: Blake! Blake!
Blake: Oh, hi.
Harley: I am so sorry.
Blake: Oh? What did you do?
Harley: I'm sorry for all of the times that I said you were crazy, because clearly I am the person who is nuts here.
Blake: Well, that's very refreshing, but I think I need some more information here. Come and sit down, relax. Just breathe.
Harley: Where am I?
Blake: Oh, God, you didn't hit your head, did you?
Harley: No, seriously, I don't know where I am.
Blake: Okay.
Harley: I have been running. I'm out of breath. I've been running and running...
Blake: From?
Harley: My past and my future.
Blake: Like you're running on the yellow brick road with the scarecrow and the lion?
Harley: Uh-huh. Yes. Only it's Mallet and Dylan and Gus.
Blake: Oh, you had one of those dreams about all the men in your past?
Harley: Yeah.
Blake: I've had those. They can be fun; I mean, well, sometimes.
Harley: No, this was not fun. And I don't think this is a dream, because I was just talking to Mallet... am I still married?
Blake: Technically, no, I think.
Harley: Because he was talking to me like we're still married.
Blake: Well, you could do worse-- you have done worse.
Harley: Thanks. Well, I'm not going back there, no. No. I belong... well, I belong...
Blake: Think. It will come.
Harley: Well, I... I don't know. Love scares me. I just want to feel safe. I thought I'd found somebody I thought I could love and feel safe with, but I should not feel safe with him.
Blake: I found love and safety with Ross.
Harley: Not a lot of Ross’ left in this world. So I think I'm just going to go home and I'm just going to crawl under the covers, and I'm just going to feel safe.
Blake: No, no, no. You can't do that, Harley. That's not living. You have to take risk. Love is the only thing that matters.
Cyrus: Harley, can you hear me? Harley? Hey, hey.
Harley: Cyrus?
Cyrus: Yeah. How're you feeling? I'm going to get you to a doctor, all right?
Harley: I can't get up.
Cyrus: It's okay. I've got you. I've got you. Come here. It's okay. It's okay.
Cyrus: So what's the scoop? Tell me, Doc.
Doctor: Almost done.
Cyrus: You all right? Do you want anything?
Harley: Why are you here?
Cyrus: More water?
Harley: I mean, one minute I'm alone, and the next you're caring for...
Doctor: If I can interrupt, Ms. Cooper, you've been having these attacks for...
Harley: I never said they were panic attacks.
Doctor: Well, you said at times of stress, you've been having incidents of heartbeat acceleration, trouble breathing, dizziness, vertigo...
Harley: I was there, okay?
Doctor: How long have you been having these incidents?
Harley: A few weeks, I guess. Sometimes I don't have them for days.
Cyrus: They started just after we were in an accident together. We were trapped in a building that was being demolished.
Doctor: So it's safe to say that you're lucky to be alive.
Harley: Can I say something? We were in that building together, but we are not together.
Doctor: Okay.
Harley: Just pointing that out.
Cyrus: So, what could she do about these things? They're really affecting her life. Today she actually passed out.
Doctor: Well, you might try these sedatives. I'll write up a scrip.
Harley: I don't want to be on pills the rest of my life.
Doctor: Well, I don't think you have to be, but you do have some work to do.
Harley: Work?
Doctor: Well, not to generalize, but attacks like this happen when you don't feel safe. And we've all got checks and balances working in the background that help keep us functioning. And yours need some fine-tuning.
Cyrus: Well, we passed an auto mechanic on the way in here.
Harley: Keep going.
Doctor: Well, for some reason you don't feel safe, secure in yourself and your life. It's not like being safe and unsafe in the building, but you need to take a step back, and figure out what has got you slipping and adjust, or it will become worse.
Harley: How many of these things can I take at once? (Laughs)
Cyrus: You better take that pill the doctor gave you.
Harley: Yeah. Is this bottle half full or half empty?
Cyrus: Huh?
Harley: Never mind. What are you doing here?
Cyrus: Why, did you think I was going to let you go off and confront your psycho ex-husband by yourself?
Harley: You followed me. You spied on me.
Cyrus: You lied to me about even coming here.
Harley: So what?
Cyrus: So, you owe me the real story.
Harley: Since when?
Cyrus: Since right now.
Harley: Cyrus...
Cyrus: When I caught you before, when I looked at you lying there on the pavement...
Harley: What?
Cyrus: That's when I knew.
Harley: Knew what?
Cyrus: Don't do that. You know it, too.
Harley: But we've been over this...
Cyrus: Not really.
Harley: This isn't just about us. There's another person in this equation. Do I have to say her name?
Cyrus: It's different.
Harley: Don't say anything else.
Cyrus: What if I have to?
Harley: What if I can't tell you to stop?
Cyrus: Then don’t. We're not here by accident.
Harley: I know. I know.
Cyrus: We need to stop talking.
Harley: I'm scared.
Cyrus: No, you're not.
Harley: No.
Cyrus: Come here. Come here.
Harley: No, no, no. Really, Cyrus, I mean it. We're kind of getting carried away here. And, um, one of us just needs to think about what it is we're doing.
Cyrus: I don't know. I don't know what we're doing.
Harley: So you don't know what we're doing, and I don't know what we're doing, which means this is probably a mistake.
Cyrus: Look, I have to tell you something.
Harley: Is it bad?
Cyrus: After we kissed yesterday, my mind was all over the place. I went from kissing you to making love to Marina.
Harley: Wow. Ow. It's okay. Of course you did. You know, you love her.
Cyrus: I love Marina, I do, but this, between us, this doesn't feel like a mistake.
Harley: It feels right.
Cyrus: It feels right. Look, I don't understand any of this. Let's stop trying to define it and jump. I don't want to hurt Marina, and I know you don't want to hurt her either, but there's something real here, Harley. Something big. So let's just jump together and see where we land.
Harley: I can’t.
Cyrus: You want to.
Harley: I want a lot of things. It doesn't mean I'll get them all.
Cyrus: You can have this.
Harley: I can’t.
Cyrus: If you really feel that, then...
Harley: I know.
Cyrus: ...That's it. I mean, if we quit, we quit.
Harley: I know.
Cyrus: I don't want to.
Harley: I will decide for us.
Cyrus: You already have. What about Phillip?
Harley: I thought I saw him.
Cyrus: When?
Harley: Forget it. I mean, I was probably mistaken.
Cyrus: So, are you staying?
Harley: No... um, I think it's time to go home.
Cyrus: Because we could go back together. I mean, unless it's inappropriate.
Harley: I actually... I have my rental car, I have to return that, and all this stuff. I'll be fine.
Cyrus: You'll be fine.
Harley: You know what I mean.
Cyrus: Well, just in case...
Harley: No, don’t. That's yours. It means something to you.
Cyrus: Well, maybe now it will mean something to you. They've always brought me luck.
Harley: Luck, huh?
Cyrus: Yeah, some people pick up pennies, and I carry this around.
Harley: Yeah, but, weren't you wearing that when that building collapsed on us? (Laughs)
Cyrus: (Laughs) Yes, I was. I was lucky that day. You kept me alive.
Harley: Why are you doing this?
Cyrus: Does everything have to have a reason?
Harley: Well, the important things do.
Cyrus: Well, I guess that's where we agree to disagree. Because I think sometimes things just are. So, I'll see you back in Springfield.
Harley: Not if I see you first. That was a joke.
Cyrus: I'll take your word for it. So...
Harley: Button?
Cyrus: Good-bye.
Harley: (Yawns) Oh, great, perfect. Come on. Yeah, I guess they only work for Cyrus, huh? Oh, my gosh. I know I shouldn't, but... (laughter)
Buzz: Oh, she's here!
Gus: Finally!
Mallet: Somebody turn down the music!
Harley: What's going on?
Frank: What's going on? Well, we've been waiting for you, sis.
Gus: I thought you'd never show up.
Harley: What's with that sign?
Mallet: We heard about Cyrus.
Gus: And how you put on the brakes.
Harley: You did?
Dylan: You did the right thing, Harley, you played it safe.
Mallet: Not that we had any doubts.
Frank: You did the right thing, sis.
Gus: Just like you always do.
Buzz: You could have taken the risk, you could have put yourself out there for love, you know...
Frank: Yeah, without even knowing how it was going to turn out!
Gus: You didn't even have a way of looking into the future.
Dylan: But you knew what the smart play was.
Buzz: After all, something could have gone wrong, you know, any time, you know?
Frank: Yeah, anything at all.
Mallet: Yeah, I mean anything. I mean, the guy could have cheated on you!
Gus: Or found a long, lost love.
Dylan: Right, you can't count on a guy like that, because all of the adult decisions you have to make every day.
Frank: And Harley, we're not even going to mention to what this would have done to Marina if she found out...
Buzz: Oh, Harley. Hope is overrated. You know it, in your heart, you know it in your soul. I know what I said before, but now I know you were right.
Harley: What are you saying?
Buzz: Do you think it's too late for me? Because I want to be just like you.
Harley: Okay, just stop! Stop! Stop! Stop the insane celebrating!
Gus: What we're saying is we admire you.
Dylan: You were right, and we were wrong.
Mallet: Let's have a toast to Harley, "Queen of the safety net!"
Harley: Listen to me! Listen to me, all of you! I was wrong! Do you hear me? I don't to be rational about this. I don't want to be the grownup here.
Dylan: Harley, you should really sit down, okay?
Harley: No. I can't believe I walked away from something great because I was scared. Because I was afraid of hurting Marina, and because I'm always so afraid of dividing my family. And because I'm always so afraid of everything that could possibly go wrong! What kind of a way is that to live?
Gus: But that's the way you've been living your whole life.
Harley: No. Don't you see, Cyrus tried to tell me. His feelings for Marina have obviously changed, and I'm not helping either one of them by ignoring that, or by insisting that they stay together. I'm not helping me. He held out his hand to me, and he said, "Try, just try." And I said, "Keep moving." I told him to take love and adventure, and, yes, risk and uncertainty and everything else, and sell it somewhere else because we ain't buying here. I was an idiot! (Yelling)
Frank: Hey, hey, what are you doing?
Buzz: Harley, wait. What if...
Harley: Yes, Daddy, what if?
Peg: You okay?
Harley: I don't know. Wait. Maybe.
Peg: You were so out of it, I didn't know what to think.
Harley: The doctor gave me a pill...
Peg: I thought the guy that you were looking for had found you instead.
Harley: Oh, Phillip... you're talking about Phillip?
Peg: Who else would I be talking about?
Harley: Listen, forget it. I need a tow truck. Can you call them for me and get them here right away?
Peg: Where are you going?
Harley: Home.
Peg: What's there? What about...
Harley: Phillip? No. He's not here. Or if he is, he's sure not going to let me find him.
Peg: I don't understand.
Harley: What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to spend my whole life afraid that somebody that I haven't seen in years is going to come after me? Come on.
Peg: Okay.
Harley: So my car will not start. It won't start, and I've got to get back to Springfield.
Peg: What's there?
Harley: Everything.
Peg: You sure about the car?
Harley: Yeah. Yeah, see for yourself. (Engine starting) Are you kidding me?
Peg: Are you wearing dog tags?
Harley: Yes, I guess I am. Maybe they are lucky after all. Thanks. Okay? Really. I appreciate everything. I'll see you around.
Harley: Blake! You were right.
Blake: Oh, for once! (Laughs) What about?
Harley: You know, our conversation before, when we were talking about men and choosing love or staying with something safe.
Blake: Okay. I don't know what you think we talked about, honey, but, well you know me, I'm always going to vote for love every single time. It's the only thing we've got. Besides, I haven't even given up on it, after everything I've been through, right? We deserve it. (Cell phone rings)
Cyrus: Hello?
Harley: Cyrus, it's me. I just wanted to say...
Cyrus: I gotcha! G'day. This is Cyrus, but you knew that. Leave your name, your number, and a really short message. (Beep)
(Knock on the door)
Cyrus: Harley?
Harley: Hi.
Cyrus: Hi. What are you doing here?
Harley: I'm back, and I have to talk to you.
Cyrus: I have to talk to you.
Marina: No! No, wait! Let me tell her. Okay. We have news.
Harley: News?
Marina: We're engaged! Can you believe it?
Harley: Engaged? Since when?
Marina: Well, Immigration called, and we decided not to chance it. I mean, Cyrus said we were just putting off the inevitable anyway, so why not do it?
Harley: (Laughs) Why not?
Cyrus: Are you all right?
Harley: Yes. (Laughs) I had a pill. I took a pill before, and I'm feeling so groggy from it. Oh, my gosh, you're engaged. Congratulations. It's so wonderful.
Marina: Well, we were going to have a drink to celebrate, so you should stay.
Harley: Oh, I am not going to be the third wheel. This is for the two of you. No way!
Marina: You're not! Please.
Harley: I am always the third wheel. It's so wonderful. I'm going to call you after you celebrate, okay? Congratulations!
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Natalia: Nothing is going to stop me from marrying you tomorrow, Nicky.
Ava: We going to stop Gus from eloping or what?
Lizzie: I am not here to have sex with you. I look really hot today, too, by the way.
Dinah: I say we bust out of here and get a little payback.
Billy: I want somebody to hurt, and I want to be the one who causes it.
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