GL Transcript Monday 1/14/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/14/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: I just want to be me again.

Cyrus: You will be. Just give yourself some time. And until then, you know, I'm here and...

(Cell phone ringing)

Marina: Remy, do not try to talk me out of this, okay? I have to come clean to Harley and Cyrus about this whole Phillip thing. Yes, even if it means telling them that I lied about Phillip. I'm not going to be some suspicious girlfriend, and worse yet, I'm not going to keep my aunt thinking that her ex-ex is coming after her and her children.

Harley: Cyrus. No. No.

Cyrus: No, what? No more? I'm not going back.

Marina: Cyrus, I need to... to tell you something.

(Knock on the door)

R.J.: Hey, it's pizza. Oh, it's you.

Rafe: Thanks a lot, dude.

Daisy: We ordered a large pie with extra cheese and pepperoni.

R.J.: Call me when it's pizza.

Rafe: You got them all trained, huh?

Daisy: I have a way with boys. Some boys.

Rafe: So, I was thinking. I could use a little tutoring myself.

Daisy: Oh, History?

Rafe: The midterm is coming up and I... you know what? Actually, forget it.

Daisy: No, no. Rafe, I'd love to study with you.

Rafe: Yeah?

Daisy: Yeah.

Rafe: So, you're babysitting, huh?

Daisy: Yeah, trying to save up.

Rafe: That's good. You got a way with kids.

Daisy: So, I guess you think I should have had ours?

Jeffrey: We can watch it again. We can watch it ten more times, if you want. I don't think it's going to change anything.

Josh: I just don't know that there's even enough on this tape to prove anything one way or the other.

Jeffrey: There's enough.

Josh: But him pushing Edmund off the balcony, that's one thing. Who knows what he did to provoke Will? But this...

Jeffrey: His own father. This changes everything.

Josh: It could have been an accident. Look, the tape's dark, you can't hear anything.

Jeffrey: I thought Cassie was the one making excuses.

Josh: We're talking about an eight-year-old boy here, a kid. Are we now suggesting that this kid purposely knocked his own father into a circuit box?

Jeffrey: If he were an adult, I would call it murder, first or second degree.

Will: Uncle Edmund wanted to hurt you.

Cassie: But you can't solve problems that way, honey, and until I'm sure you understand that and when I'm sure it's safe to bring you home again, we're not leaving here.

Will: I don't want to talk anymore.

Cassie: Honey, I know you're my good boy. I know that. I saw it with your brother and sister when you were younger.

Will: Tammy's dead.

Cassie: Yes, I know. But you're alive and your sister would want you to be the same, sweet, caring brother that she knew. So whatever it takes, however long it takes, we're staying here, just the two of us. And it's not going to be easy. We're going to have to face some hard truths, but I'm going to be tough on you. And it's all going to be worth it. You understand?

Will: I'll try.

Cassie: That's good. That's my good boy. Okay, so I'm going to get some wood for the fire and then we're going to sit down, we're going to have ourselves a good talk, okay?

Will: Okay.

Cassie: Okay.

Marina: You're dripping on my carpet.

Harley: Sorry. I almost called you.

Marina: Did you?

Harley: Thank God for Cyrus. I thought that Phillip had Zach.

Cyrus: It was a false alarm.

Harley: I was a complete wreck.

Marina: And Cyrus was there.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Cyrus: You... did you have something to tell me?

Marina: Yeah, it's about Phillip, actually. I...

Harley: What? What? What is it?

Marina: I leaned on Remy, and guess what? Phillip made contact again. He actually wants Remy’s help when he makes his move, so I guess it could be soon.

Cyrus: Oh, it's easier than we thought.

Harley: Well, then, we have to be ready for him.

Marina: "We"? Harley, this is police matter.

Harley: The man took my kids once before. You can't count me out of this.

Marina: I'm not counting you out of anything, okay? If anything, you're the bait.

Cyrus: Hey, wait a second.

Harley: No, no, no, she's right. I mean, if Phillip went after Bill, I could be the next target.

Marina: Well, we don't know that Phillip set the fire, but...

Harley: But if I can help to lure him out...

Cyrus: Fine. You be the bait and I'll spring the trap.

Marina: No.

Cyrus: What, you want to leave Harley out on an island?

Marina: No. No, of course not. First things first. Harley needs to move into the boarding house with the boys.

Harley: Well, I don't know if that's necessary...

Marina: Yeah. I want you around family 24/7.

Cyrus: It makes sense, but we want Phillip to come.

Marina: Well, I'll set up surveillance. Harley won't be alone, don't worry.

Harley: Yeah, but surveillance. Don't you think that's going to scare him away?

Marina: No. You'll just go about your life. You're going to take the boys to school, the usual.

Harley: Well, what about work?

Marina: You let Cyrus handle it. Phillip will see that he's not there to have your back. Maybe that's when he'll make his move.

Cyrus: You got it all figured out.

Marina: Pretty much.

Mallet: Hey, Rosey. Has Cooper punched in?

Officer: Haven't seen her.

Mallet: What's a guy got to do to get a partner around here? Oh, file. Lewis Construction fire. Do you have that?

Officer: Sorry, man.

Mallet: No, nothing to be sorry about.

Officer: Your lawyer faxed them over. I made sure nobody saw them.

Mallet: Yeah, okay. Thanks, man. I guess I'm not surprised, I'm the one who pushed for the divorce. Okay. Well, Rosey, I guess I'm a free man. Free and clear. Thanks.

Daisy: It's bad enough. I have to live with this every day. I have to beat myself up over whether I did the right thing or the worst thing ever.

Rafe: Daisy...

Daisy: No. And then you take something good that I'm doing, like helping my cousin with his homework...

Rafe: I wasn't talking about the abortion.

Daisy: You weren't?

Rafe: Do I wish that you'd gone ahead and had the baby? Yes. And I know how my mom feels, but I can't live there forever. And I wasn't saying anything about our kid.

Daisy: You weren't?

Rafe: It was just us, okay? And everything was cool and easy like it used to be and... it was just us.

Daisy: Don't forget R.J. and History.

Rafe: I'm not too worried about History.

Josh: Just...

Daisy: Oh, sorry. We were just...

Rafe: History.

Daisy: Look, R.J.'s upstairs with his homework and Cassie said I could have a friend over.

Josh: Cassie asked you to watch R.J.? Where's Will?

Daisy: Cassie took Will to the Bauer cabin.

Josh: When?

Daisy: Not that long... they should be there by now. She didn't tell you? That's weird.

Josh: She's alone with him. Did she take her cell?

Daisy: I think so. Is Will in trouble again? He's a sweet kid, he's just kind of mixed up.

Jeffrey: Not answering?

Josh: No, no. I don't want to leave a message, either. How do we even know she would get it?

Jeffrey: Okay, I'll drive. You keep trying.

Josh: Okay. If you hear anything from Cassie, you let me know, okay? And keep an eye on R.J. (Cell phone ringing)

Cassie: So, it's like solitaire. I ask you a question and every time you answer, I give you a card, okay?

Will: Do I have to?

Cassie: First one's free. Who are you mad at?

Will: Nobody.

Cassie: What about James? Are you mad at him because he got the lead in the school play? Is that why you pushed him? Okay, what about Josh? Are you mad at him because he married me?

Will: Sometimes.

Cassie: And Edmund? Are you mad at him because he threatened me?

Will: I don't want to play.

Cassie: Sweetie, the game's not over. What about me?

Will: You?

Cassie: Yes, me. You're mad at me, too.

Will: You're my mom.

Cassie: Well, what kind of a mom leaves her little boy on an island with a bunch of strangers where he has to wear a uniform and live in an old, lonely palace?

Will: I'm not mad at you.

Cassie: Yes, sweetie. Yes, you are. Honey, hey. It's okay to be angry. It's okay to be angry. It's how you deal with it that matters. Some people can't deal with it, like your Uncle Edmund. Do you want to grow up to be like him?

Will: No.

Cassie: Honey, we have to get this out of you...

Will: Let me go!

Cassie: All this darkness that comes out in all the wrong places. If you're afraid you're going to hurt someone, it's fine. You hurt me. Just me, okay?

Will: No. Don't make me.

Cassie: Honey, Edmund couldn't face his pain, but you can. You're braver than he ever was. Yes, you are. You are my brave, brave boy. You can do this.

Will: Let me go.

Cassie: I just need you to be brave enough to hurt me. You have to be brave enough to tell me whatever it is that you don't want to say, okay? Come here. Come here. Sweetie, say it.

Will: I hate you.

Cassie: Louder.

Will: I hate you!

Cassie: Okay, why, son? Why do you hate me so much?

Will: Stop calling me that. I'm not your son. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!

Cassie: Okay. Okay, that's good, that's good. That's good. That's good, sweetie. That's good. That's good. It's okay, sweetie.

Will: I'm sorry, Mommy.

Cassie: I know. I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry, so sorry, I sent you away. I'm sorry I made you feel like I wanted your brother more. R.J. is my son, but, Will, you are my son, too. Just because I didn't give birth to you, I chose you. You're my special gift. You're a big, big boy. You're big enough to understand that I lost a child and it was terrible for me. It was the worst. But then there was you. This sweet, wonderful baby who needed a home just as much as I needed him. And you gave me my life back.

Will: I did?

Cassie: Yeah, you did. You made everything better. That's when my fairytale world ended and I knew it was up to me to take care of you and R.J. and Tammy. You were my strength.

Will: Me?

Cassie: Yeah. So, you see, we're not strangers, Will, you are my son. You are my hope, my strength. Do you believe me? Will you say it out loud? I need you to say it.

Will: I believe you. I'll be good, I promise.

Cassie: I know you will, sweetie. I know you will. Hey, what do you say we head back into town?

Will: No, please?

Cassie: Okay, we can stay a little while, I guess. I just have to... I have to call Daisy, check in on R.J., and I've got to call Josh. That's odd. I had my phone here.

Will: Can we take a walk?

Cassie: Honey, it's really cold outside, you know.

Will: Please. Before we go back?

Cassie: Okay. Sure, I guess we can take the path around the lake. Yeah?

Will: Is there ice on the lake?

Harley: Hey, Lynn. I need a bowl of my dad's chili.

Lynn: Coming up.

Harley: Oh, thank you. How did you know?

Mallet: Some things you just don't forget.

Harley: Well, hello, stranger.

Mallet: Hello, stranger. I bet you want to chase that hot sauce with an ice cold beer?

Harley: I need a beer.

Mallet: Lynn, can we get two more beers?

Lynn: Coming up.

Mallet: And you know what? Give me some of that chili.

Harley: So?

Mallet: So.

Harley: Long time no see.

Mallet: It's been a long time. A lot has changed. Thank you.

Lynn: Here you go. Just like old times.

Harley: Such a born romantic.

Mallet: Oh, boy, she is. Maybe we should fill her in on all our horror stories.

Harley: No, don’t.

Mallet: Buzz's chili. Only one way to eat it-- lots and lots of onions. You got to have some onions.

Harley: No onions.

Mallet: You should have some onions. The chili's better with onions.

Harley: No onions, thank you.

Mallet: Okay, no onions.

Harley: I mean...

Mallet: Why aren't you having onions? You got a hot date?

Harley: Why would you even say something like that?

Mallet: I'm sorry. I just assumed...

Harley: Just because someone doesn't want some onions doesn't mean that they're priming for a kiss.

Mallet: Okay, okay, forget the onions. I'll have the onions.

Harley: How's it going?

Mallet: I like onions.

Harley: Obviously. How's your life?

Mallet: Don't you mean how's my love life?

Harley: If you know what I mean then why are you going to make me ask the question again?

Mallet: Ask the question. Just say it.

Harley: Just answer the question the way...

Mallet: Oh, whatever. God, we sound like an old married couple. Sorry.

Harley: Do-over.

Mallet: All right. You're right. This is a do-over. Harley Cooper, it is a pleasure to see you.

Harley: You too, Mallet.

Mallet: Thank you.

Harley: How are you?

Mallet: I'm good. I forgot to tell you I'm sorry about you and Gus.

Harley: Oh. Yeah. I can't exactly compete with the son he never knew he had.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, not to mention the mother that came with the kid.

Harley: Yeah.

Mallet: Yeah.

Harley: So, you and Dinah? Any chance there?

Mallet: That would be slim at one time and probably nothing now. Oh. I did get a late Christmas present.

Harley: Wow. Handing them out like party favors. I got one of these recently myself.

Mallet: Sorry.

Harley: You, too.

Mallet: Thank you. Yeah, I don't know. I can't keep kicking myself about it. I guess, in the end, it's what we both wanted.

Harley: Well, what do you want now?

Mallet: Well, I got my onions, so work, friends, beer. No entanglements. You?

Harley: No entanglements.

Marina: I'm glad that Harley and the boys are at the boarding house. She'll have my dad and my grandpa to take care of her, nothing to worry about.

Cyrus: Yeah, you're right. Nothing to worry about. Besides, we've got something to celebrate.

Marina: Oh, we do, do we?

Cyrus: Yep. Your official return to the force, although I like you better out of uniform.

Marina: Oh, this old thing?

Cyrus: You look amazing.

Marina: It's the candlelight.

Cyrus: Guess again.

Marina: Cyrus?

Cyrus: What?

Marina: Remember that talk that we had about not trying to change each other.

Cyrus: You're with the good guys and I reserve the right to be a bad guy. What's not to like about that?

Marina: Is there something you want to tell me?

Cyrus: Like what?

Marina: Well, there was a jewelry heist at Towers last night. Some pretty special diamonds. What are you laughing about?

Cyrus: Okay, Detective Cooper. Let's say I took the diamonds. What then?

Marina: Then I would only have one thing to say.

Cyrus: And that is?

Marina: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you.

Jeffrey: Josh.

Josh: Cassie? Hello? Anybody upstairs? Hello?

Jeffrey: I saw footprints in the snow.

Josh: Will loves Cassie. He wouldn't hurt her.

Jeffrey: Did he love his father?

Josh: Cassie!? Will!?

Mallet: Lynn, can I get another one of these?

Harley: Two more.

Mallet: What?

Lynn: You're dreaming, Mallet. Drink up.

Harley: I think you're right. I think you're on to something. We're all just lost souls, you know? We're like... we're these little lost birds looking for a nest.

Mallet: Maybe. It could be fish. I think we're salmon. We're salmon.

Harley: Or salmon.

Mallet: We're swimming upstream and we're looking to spawn.

Harley: I haven't had a good spawn in a while.

Mallet: That makes two of us. We'll regret it in the morning.

Harley: I'm regretting it right now.

Mallet: Oh, man. We need it easy. Don't you wish you ever had it easy? Marina and Cyrus, they're easy.

Harley: Easy?

Mallet: Yeah, good girl, bad guy, no joint checking account.

Harley: So you approve of them?

Mallet: I got my partner back, she clocks in, in the morning, she's smiling.

Harley: I... I'm going to cover the beer.

Mallet: What are you doing? What's the matter?

Harley: I just remembered there's some place I have to be.

Mallet: You're not going in... you're not driving. You can't drive.

Harley: I am going to walk. And, you know, the next time you want to take me for this little stroll down memory lane...

Mallet: Yeah?

Harley: Just don’t.

Marina: I'm going to ask you again. Where are the diamonds?

Cyrus: What diamonds?

Marina: Okay. Are we going to have to do this the hard way?

Cyrus: I ate them.

Marina: Okay. So after you retrieve them, then what? Who's your partner?

Cyrus: The wealthy woman I know.

Marina: Alexandra? You do business with that old cow?

Cyrus: There are other wealthy women and they all seem to like me.

Marina: Oh yeah?

Cyrus: Yeah.

Marina: You're not going to be smiling once I throw you in jail.

Cyrus: Yeah, and throw away the key?

Marina: How did you do that?

Cyrus: My little secret.

Marina: What? Cyrus, come on, I'm serious.

Cyrus: You having fun yet?

Marina: No, let me out of these. I'm the cop, you're the criminal.

Cyrus: Really?

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Cyrus: Hmm. (Knock on the door)

Mallet: Marina, it's me. Open up.

Marina: Go away. (Knock on the door)

Mallet: What's going on in there? (Laughter)

Josh: They could be anywhere. Hello?

Jeffrey: Only one place we haven't looked.

Josh: The lake.

Jeffrey: One phone call, Josh.

Josh: I just can’t believe that he would...

Jeffrey: You don't have to believe. Josh, what if something happens to Cassie?

Josh: Okay. Make your call, okay? Get the State Troopers here, the Rangers, anybody you can. Where's your mom?

Cassie: Hi.

Josh: Are you okay?

Cassie: Of course I'm okay.

Jeffrey: We were, you know, worried. With the weather.

Josh: Yeah, yeah. We heard there was a storm coming in.

Cassie: How did you guys even know we were here?

Josh: Daisy told us. Will, would you mind going upstairs for a little bit? We just need to talk to your mom. Thank you.

Cassie: Okay, you two, I know you both mean well...

Josh: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Listen to me, because you don't understand...

Cassie: I do understand. I'm telling you. We had a huge breakthrough. We took a walk around the lake and he told me everything.

Jeffrey: Everything?

Cassie: Yes, he told me everything, including what happened to Alonzo. Alonso didn't, you know, want me to take will home and so that night when the lights went out, Alonzo tried to grab him and Will was terrified.

Josh: Terrified?

Cassie: Yeah. He reacted. He didn't know what was going on and he tried to pull away and he lashed out.

Jeffrey: And then Alonzo fell into the circuit box?

Cassie: And he's never done anything like this before and it wasn't just to anyone, it was to his own father.

Jeffrey: It must have traumatized him.

Cassie: Yes, exactly. So, when this happened, it started to happen again with Edmund and the church.

Jeffrey: Yeah. Then he pushed Edmund, too.

Cassie: Why are you saying it like that? It was an accident. Everything has been an accident, what happened with Alonzo, Edmund. Josh, I'm telling you. He told me everything. He cried. He swore to me.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry, Cassie, we're going to have to take him in.

Mallet: Marina! It's me, open up.

Marina: We are busted. Come on, you have to take them off.

Cyrus: I'm sorry.

Mallet: Come on, don't make me pull rank out here. Let's go.

Marina: I am serious. Cyrus, take them off of me now.

Cyrus: Well, the thing is, I can get off my own wrists, but when it comes to someone else...

Marina: Cyrus!

Mallet: All right, that's it. I'm coming in.

Cyrus: Hey!

Mallet: Hi.

Cyrus: Hi. Sorry. We were... tied up.

Marina: I was... we were... practicing protocol.

Mallet: Uh-huh.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Marina: Okay, come on, you guys. Mallet, use your key and take these off of me.

Mallet: Uh-huh. Key. What key?

Marina: You guys!

Mallet: You got a key?

Cyrus: No, I don't got a key.

Marina: Come on!

Mallet: All right, let me think about this. Let's see, she's my partner, I can't let her walk around like this, it's a really bad reflection on me. Well, look, a key.

Marina: Nice. Nice to see you're still that same humble partner I know and love.

Mallet: And I see that you're still running around and tied up with Springfield’s most wanted.

Marina: Okay. If we're going to be partners, you better get used to him.

Mallet: Relax, everything's fine. Like I said to Harley-- keep those there-- if you're happy, I'm happy.

Cyrus: How is Harley?

Mallet: She's nursing a hurt. We have something in common.

Marina: Did she say what about?

Mallet: I just assumed it was Gus. Why?

Cyrus: Well, Gus is the least of her worries. She's got another ex out there.

Mallet: Phillip?

Cyrus: Yeah. Marina's got some information that could link Phillip to the attack on Bill Lewis.

Mallet: Phillip? Oh, no wonder Harley was so upset. Marina, we got to go work on this. Come on.

Marina: Actually, not tonight. Cyrus has a case and I promised I would review it.

Cyrus: That's right. She did.

Mallet: Really? Right, okay. Maybe I'll leave the key for you, huh? Listen. Phillip. Everything you've got on him, all right? For me, first thing tomorrow.

Marina: I promise. Everything I have.

Mallet: All right.

Cyrus: Mallet, if you run into Harley again, just tell her that I'm working independently like we agreed.

Mallet: Okay.

Marina: Maybe you just want to tell her yourself.

Cyrus: So what's this case I'm supposed to be working on?

Marina: Forget about it.

Cyrus: Or was that just an excuse to get him to leave?

Marina: No.

Marina: No. You know, I thought maybe you'd want to be alone with me, but... stupid me.

Cyrus: Marina?

Marina: No. Cyrus, you know, I... forget the handcuffs. I just wish I had some mace.

Cyrus: Come here.

Cassie: If you want to arrest someone, you can arrest me. I wanted Edmund gone.

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: Just like Reva did and you did and you did. Any one of us could have done this.

Jeffrey: But we didn't, Cassie. Will did.

Josh: If it was just Edmund it might look like self-defense, but, Cassie, this is his father we're talking about.

Jeffrey: It's a pattern, Cassie. Look, it's only going to get more violent, not less.

Cassie: He's not violent, he's confused, he's angry, but he's not some calculated killer.

Josh: Not yet. But if we don't intervene now, who knows what...

Cassie: Oh, and what does that mean? That means sending him away again to an institution? You really think that's going to make him better?

Jeffrey: We can't just look the other way.

Cassie: I'm not looking the other way. I'm telling you, we had a breakthrough.

Josh: You know what? He can be very convincing sometimes.

Cassie: It wasn't an act. It was not an act. I can tell the difference. All right, fine. Give me a chance to prove it to you. Let me have some time with him tonight, to reach him.

Josh: Leave you here alone with him?

Cassie: No. You can stay. Josh, we'll be like a family. I'm telling you, he opened up to me. He confessed about so many things.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry, Cassie...

Josh: No, no, wait. Wait a second. If we agree to this, if we run into a stone wall, if he shows any signs of violence at all, we have...

Cassie: Then we'll call Jeffrey, we'll call the police, we'll do what we have to do.

Jeffrey: I think you're both nuts.

Josh: Just one night. Then we'll know what we're dealing with. Okay?

Cassie: Okay.

Josh: We owe it to her.

Jeffrey: All right. One night. Oh, and try not to let anyone misplace your phone, okay?

Will: Are we going home?

Cassie: Nope, we got a change of plans, sweetie. We are going to camp out here tonight. Just the three of us.

Cyrus: Hey, beautiful.

Harley: Cyrus, what's going on?

Cyrus: You want an adventure?

Harley: I can't have what I want.

Cyrus: Who says?

Harley: Where is everyone?

Cyrus: I reserved the place. Sent everyone home. Except for the band, they're in the kitchen, blindfolded. (Laughter)

Harley: What about Marina

Cyrus: We had a good talk, open and honest. She knows how we feel about each other.

Harley: She hates me.

Cyrus: No, no, she loves you. She only wants you to be happy.

Harley: She said that?

Cyrus: May I?

Harley: It's like a dream.

Cyrus: You want me to wake you?

Harley: No.

(Cell phone rings)

Marina: Let it ring.

Cyrus: No, it might be...

Marina: Well, aren't you going to get it?

Cyrus: No, I'm not. Just let it ring. Come here, come here.

Marina: Oh. I'm... I forgot to tell you. Immigration called today.

Cyrus: Immigration? For me?

Marina: I'm sure it's nothing.

Cyrus: G'day.

This is Cyrus, but you knew


Leave your name, your number,

and a really short message.

(Knock on the door)

Daisy: Rafe?

Jeffrey: Hi.

Daisy: Hi, Jeffrey. Oh, Cassie called.

Jeffrey: Yeah, she's staying up at the cabin with Josh and Will.

Daisy: She told you? Then why are you here?

Jeffrey: Actually, I'm here because I want to speak with you.

Daisy: With me?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything. Can I come in?

Daisy: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Thanks. You know, I signed back on as D.A.

Daisy: Congratulations.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Daisy: There's cold pizza. You want to help me with my political science paper?

Jeffrey: Pizza. You know what? Maybe I can help you. And if I help you, maybe you can help me.

Daisy: With what?

Jeffrey: How much is Cassie paying you?

Daisy: Ten dollars an hour.

Jeffrey: Well, how would you like to make double that?

Daisy: What would I have to do?

Jeffrey: Well, it's real simple. When Will gets back here, I want you to keep an eye on him. And if he does anything weird or act strange, pick up the phone and call me.

Cassie: He's asleep.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: No matter what, Josh, he is still just a little boy.

Josh: Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself.

Cassie: Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark.

Josh: Not the dark, no.

Cassie: Josh.

Josh: Cassie, when I realized that you were alone with him, it scared the hell out of me, okay? I didn't know what to do.

Cassie: You're a father. You're a minister.

Josh: It doesn't matter. All the faith in the world, all the experience in the world doesn't matter. I just know that I'm not going to let anyone hurt you.

Cassie: Will would never. So, you saw the security tapes, huh?

Josh: Yeah.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I refused to believe, I'm sorry I fought you so hard. It’s...

Josh: It doesn't matter now.

Cassie: This is new territory for me, you know? The one thing I know is that if we stick together, we can do this. We can save my little boy.

Josh: Our little boy.

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Alan: Olivia is Olivia.

Rafe: And my mom is strong. They're getting married.

Natalia: My wedding is off?

Marina: I won't let anyone take you away from me.

Remy: You've got to get Harley out of town.

Harley: You know something about Phillip?

Remy: He's in New York.

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