Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/11/08
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Proofread by Tanya
(Knocks on door)
Cassie: You don't have to knock. This is your home.
Josh: Except last night.
Cassie: I'm sorry. Did you sleep okay?
Josh: Um, fine, yeah.
Cassie: Here, let me take this for you.
Josh: Thank you. How did things go with Will?
Cassie: He looked so sweet and innocent in this. I don't know how I could have suspected.
Josh: Suspected?
Cassie: You were right. You were right about everything. There's something terribly wrong with Will.
Harley: I'm tired of being a victim. Waiting is not my thing. It's making me crazy. I think I'm getting sick.
Cyrus: So let's talk about what we can do to smoke Phillip out.
Marina: I say, let's drop it. Why shake a stick at a rattlesnake?
Cyrus: If Phillip’s the one who went after Bill Lewis...
Marina: I said maybe, okay? Possibly. It was a hunch.
Cyrus: And if... if you're right, the snake's already close.
Marina: Do you really want Phillip here?
Harley: Well, what's the alternative? Just sit back and wait? I say we put an ad in the newspaper. Let's offer him what he wants. Let him know that I am ready to talk.
Cyrus: No, he'll know it's a setup. He wants to make contact, but not directly.
Harley: That's why he went through Remy.
Cyrus: Yeah. He needs someone who's close but on the outside. And someone who's willing to work dirty. Who else do you know like that?
Marina: Oh, wait a minute. Are you suggesting that you use yourself as bait? No, no! This is a bad idea.
Harley: I agree, I think it's a bad idea. I need some lemon.
Marina: This'll be... it's okay. Harley will handle herself.
Frank: How's the new D.A.?
Jeffrey: Overloaded, like the old D.A.
Frank: (Laughs) Not having second thoughts, are you?
Jeffrey: I'm just trying to keep my head above water, you know? Get my job done.
Frank: Yeah, well, good luck. Hey, listen, Jeffrey, these just came in for me, but I thought maybe you could take a look at them.
Jeffrey: Oh, thanks. Congressman Lampley. Congressman Lampley. Lampley. Are these all from Lampley?
Frank: Yeah, they are, actually. Seems like our congressman likes to vacation in San Cristobel. Courtesy of Edmund Winslow. Now he wants the answers about the accident. Jeffrey! (Knocks on table) Welcome back, buddy.
Cassie: You watch him sledding or throwing a snowball, and he's just like any other kid his age.
Josh: What happened?
Cassie: I always tried to do what I thought was the best thing for him. His whole life, I did.
Josh: Cassie, what did he do?
Cassie: He's not sorry.
Josh: About what?
Cassie: He told me that he wanted Edmund to fall.
Josh: So it wasn't just an accident?
Cassie: No. And the look on his face when he told me, Josh? I mean, it was empty. It breaks my heart!
Josh: At least we're both seeing the same thing now.
Cassie: Tell me that this is going to be fixed... that everything is going to be okay. Please, just promise me. Promise me we're going to save my little boy.
Cyrus: What does Phillip want more than anything?
Marina: To be left alone.
Harley: No. His children.
Cyrus: So, I'll make contact somehow, and I'll offer to deliver them for a price.
Harley: Phillip doesn't know you.
Cyrus: Oh, if he's around, he knows me. And he knows about my marriage to Alexandra.
Harley: And, he knows that you tried to leave the country with Alexandra’s money...
Cyrus: ...So kidnapping his kids...
Harley: Exactly.
Cyrus: ...Won't seem like a stretch.
Marina: Okay, if he knows all of this stuff, he also knows that you're my boyfriend, and maybe, even, that you're working with Harley.
Cyrus: Yeah. I'm using both of you until I figure out my next goal.
Marina: He's not going to buy it!
Harley: Well, you could always tell him that you're...
Harley and Cyrus: ...Dumping marina...
Cyrus: ...And I need cash to make my escape...
Harley: ...Escape, because you want to go back to Australia.
Cyrus: And if what you've said about him is true, he'll get off on using someone that you both trust.
Harley: It's not bad.
Marina: It's bad.
Cyrus: Do you have a suggestion?
Marina: Yeah. Let's drop it, before somebody gets hurt.
Harley: Why are you so against this?
Marina: Because I remember what happened last time.
Harley: You don't think I can handle Phillip?
Marina: Can you?
Harley: Guys, last night I was taking a shower, the boys were asleep. I thought I heard a noise. Now, I'm not the kind of person who freaks out about noises. Well, the old me didn’t. But this time, I couldn't breathe. Felt like my throat was closing up. I can't live like this! I hate these panic attacks. I need my life back.
Cyrus: So, let's do it. Unless you want out. Maybe you're not comfortable because you're on the job again.
Marina: No... I'm in, okay? I'm in, I'm in, I'm in.
Harley: Okay. You guys find Remy. Shake him down. See if he has any idea where Phillip is. I'll talk to Beth and Olivia.
Cassie: Do we have to tell anyone about this? I mean, can't we just bury it?
Josh: Isn't that what we've been doing?
Cassie: But, I mean, Jeffrey believes that it was an accident.
Josh: Cassie, what if Will tells someone else what he told you? We have to stay ahead of this.
Cassie: So tell Jeffrey?
Josh: No one wants to press charges against an eight-year-old boy.
Cassie: I don't know. I don't know. How do you know that?
Josh: We can't keep sweeping this under the rug. Edmund almost died. He still could.
Cassie: Will just reacted. He just... he just reacted like a child.
Josh: We can't keep making excuses for him.
Cassie: Well, he's fragile. He’s... he's not going to survive a trial or... if they arrest him, it could just push him over the edge. I just... I don’t... I can't lose him right now. I don't want to lose him now when I just understand how serious this is.
Josh: Do you, really?
Cassie: Yes, I do. I felt guilty... I feel guilty. But I... I can see it now.
Josh: Will needs help. I'm going to talk to Jeffrey.
Cassie: Okay. Thank you. You know what? This is all going to be fine, right? This is all going to be okay, and I'll just... I'll talk to Will.
Josh: Be careful.
Cassie: (Sighs) Josh, he's still my little boy.
Frank: Hey, you, uh... you looking for this?
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Thanks.
Frank: Cassie's kid, Will Winslow, you got his name scribbled all over Edmund’s file here. Something I should know about?
Jeffrey: No.
Frank: Okay, here you go.
Jeffrey: Thanks.
Frank: Yup.
Jeffrey: Nothing you should know about yet.
Cassie: Hey, you. Want to come look at some of your baby pictures with me?
Will: Nah.
Cassie: Why not?
Will: I'm working on a project.
Cassie: What do you need? Some pencils, some crayons?
Will: No, I got it.
Remy: So, how does it feel to be back in blue?
Marina: Great! You know, you should try it.
Remy: Ah, no thanks. So where do you want to go, to? I was thinking that we... what's he doing here?
Cyrus: I live here.
Remy: Why does this feel like a setup?
Marina: We just want to ask you a couple questions.
Cyrus: About Phillip Spaulding.
Remy: How few?
Cyrus: What if I told you we were doing this for Harley?
Remy: I'd leave.
Cyrus: Listen, mate...
Remy: Don't call me "mate."
Marina: No, wait. Wait. Do you mind?
Remy: What's the deal?
Marina: Okay, I... I... you have to save me! I'm so in it!
Remy: What happened?
Marina: Look at me. Here's the deal: I went over to the construction site where the explosion happened and where Bill got injured, and I when I walked in, there they were, together.
Remy: Who?
Marina: Them!
Remy: Oh, Cyrus and Aunt Harley.
Marina: Yeah.
Remy: (Groans)
Marina: Yeah, and I... I totally freaked, right? I mean, I just... I just wanted them away from each other. I wanted her out of there, and so I maybe, sort of, kind of suggested that Phillip was the one who caused the explosion.
Remy: But he didn't?
Marina: No. I mean, not that I know of. But I knew that it would send Harley running for her kids.
Remy: And you'd be alone with Cyrus.
Marina: Totally pathetic.
Remy: (Laughs) Totally.
Marina: Thanks.
Remy: Well, look at the guys you choose!
Marina: I don't choose them, okay? They just happen!
Remy: You love him?
Marina: Of course I do. Do you think that I would do something like this if I didn't? No! Okay? The whole thing about Phillip, it just... it came out! And I thought it would go away, but now Harley and Cyrus are setting up this sting. And if something happens...
Remy: You won't be able to look yourself in the mirror.
Marina: Yeah.
Remy: Yeah.
Marina: Something like that. What... what am I doing?
Remy: Well, you already told me. You love the guy.
Marina: But it's wrong. It's wrong, Remy. And Harley has kids. I can't do this to her.
Remy: Sure, you can.
Harley: It's a pretty simple plan, really. Cyrus offers up the kids.
Beth: I don't want to do this again, Harley.
Harley: But Phillip never actually gets a chance to pick them up. Okay, ever since we found out that Phillip was still out there, what have you been thinking?
Beth: When's he coming home? We've already been over this.
Harley: Well, now we'll know!
Beth: Do you think they have pumpkin pie over there?
Harley: (Sighs) That's not what you want to ask me.
Beth: Lizzie and James have already been through enough.
Harley: We'll protect them. Just like Zach and Emma. I promise.
Beth: Why... why do you want... why now?
Harley: Because Marina believes that Phillip is the one who blew up Bill Lewis' trailer.
Beth: Why would Phillip go after Bill?
Harley: He's still upset that Bill adopted Emma.
Beth: He wouldn't do that.
Harley: We haven't seen him in a long time, Beth. We don't know what he's capable of doing.
Beth: Harley, Phillip is still Phillip underneath. And you... you cannot believe that he could do something like that.
Harley: I know that you're hoping that Phillip is still the same wonderful guy that we both loved, but what if he comes back and you're wrong?
Beth: I know. Especially now that you're pregnant with his best friend's baby.
Harley: Well, I just don't think it's going to go over well.
Beth: Okay, look. I know... I know that the dream of Phillip could just be a dream. But haven't you ever wanted something... haven't you ever wished and wished for something so much, that you just wanted the reality and the circumstances to be completely different from what they were?
Harley: Every day. But sometimes you just can't have something.
Beth: I know.
Harley: So, you deal.
Beth: So you deal.
Harley: Does that mean you're in?
Beth: Can I just grab myself a piece of that pumpkin pie and... olives?
Josh: Any interesting cases?
Jeffrey: Hey. Oh, well that depends on your definition of "interesting." How's Cassie?
Josh: Well, how's Reva?
Jeffrey: Reva is, uh... Reva.
Josh: Okay. Sounds like your night went about as well as mine.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) Yeah.
Josh: Um, about Will?
Jeffrey: Yeah, you know, I was just re-reading his statement.
Josh: Has anyone else, uh, read it?
Jeffrey: No, but it's going to be kind of hard to keep it, uh, under wraps for long. You see these? Congressman. Friend of Edmund’s.
Josh: Seriously?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I guess even people like Edmund have friends. Anyway, he wants answers.
Josh: Um, once you tell people about Will, how will it work?
Jeffrey: Well, I'm still trying to nail down one or two things, but you know, I really don't want to cause Cassie any more grief or Will any more trauma.
Josh: But?
Jeffrey: But, you know, this is a pretty big case. There's going to be a lot of publicity, a lot of interest. The way we'll present it is that Edmund threatened Will and his mother, and Will was trying to defend himself, and, you know, it was just a terrible accident.
Josh: Yeah.
Jeffrey: People will understand.
Josh: Will there be any charges brought against Will?
Jeffrey: No, no, no. Will will have to come in, you know, and give a sworn testimony, sign a confession...
Josh: Why does he have to give another statement? I mean, he already talked to Mallet.
Jeffrey: Well, it's just paperwork, Josh, I mean, you know. The kid's story checks out. Is there something else? Because if there is, you need to tell me.
Josh: Will said something to his mother last night. That there might be more to the accident than...
Jeffrey: Well, what did he say? Josh, if it comes out later, it's going to be worse for the kid. What did he say?
Josh: He said he wanted Edmund to fall.
Jeffrey: He "wanted?"
Josh: There might not have been any struggle.
Jeffrey: No struggle?
Josh: Yeah, I'm not sure of the exact details of what did happen, but...
Jeffrey: Well, Josh, I mean, it makes a big difference, because if it wasn't self-defense, if Will just pushed him, it changes everything.
Cassie: Will, now, careful with the fingers.
Will: It's all right, Mom. I'll be careful.
R.J.: Hey, I need those!
Will: I'm cutting out pictures for school.
R.J.: That's what I have to do.
Cassie: Okay, give me the scissors.
Will: I'm doing my homework.
Cassie: Will? Please, give me the scissors. Thank you. I'm going to get you some that are safe so you won't accidentally cut yourself. Here you go, sweetie. Now, when is your project due?
Will: Two days.
Cassie: Oh, well then you have some time.
R.J.: Can I just go outside and play?
Cassie: Sure, honey. That's a great idea. Why don't you both go out and you can play catch with a football.
R.J.: Do we have to?
Cassie: R.J.
R.J.: Okay.
Will: Hey, why don't we go up in the barn and play in the hayloft?
Cassie: Hey, you know what? Why don't we just stay inside, and we could play a game. We could checkers. Wouldn't that be fun?
Will: The barn is so cool. Especially up in the hayloft.
R.J.: Can I just go up in my room and read?
Cassie: Yeah, sure, honey. So, we just, you know, we'll have to play a game another time. I guess your brother's tired, Will.
Will: Yeah, whatever.
Cassie: Hey, R.J., can I just talk to you for a second?
R.J.: Am I in trouble again?
Cassie: No, and you shouldn't have been in trouble before when Will told us that you locked him in the barn. All right? You tried to tell us the truth, and I just couldn't listen. So, I'm sorry.
R.J.: It's okay.
Cassie: Sweetie, Will is just going through some things, and we know that now, and I think we all need to be extra patient with him. Can you do that for me?
R.J.: I'll try.
Cassie: Thank you. But if anything else happens, I want you to come to me.
R.J.: Maybe.
Cassie: What do you mean "maybe"?
R.J.: I just don't want to get him mad.
Jeffrey: Now, I do not want put a kid in the system because if Edmund, but if what you're telling me is true, then maybe he needs more than what you and Cassie are able to give him.
Josh: Professional help?
Jeffrey: See this stack of files? Most of them are not first-time offenders. As a matter of fact, most of them started when they were juveniles. What do you think Edmund was like when he was Will's age?
Josh: Well, we're not going to let Will grow up to be like Edmund.
Jeffrey: No, no, of course not. But I understand, Josh. You don't want to look too closely. You don't want to believe. But sometimes, some kids are just damaged, you know? And they need help. And if the parents are in denial, then he's got no shot. And this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
Josh: How much worse?
Jeffrey: Let me ask you a question. Do you trust Will with Cassie?
Josh: He loves Cassie.
Jeffrey: And what about with you and R.J.?
Josh: (Sighs)
Jeffrey: Okay. You know what? You need to take care of this. Now. I do know, you know, of some facilities.
Josh: An institution?
Jeffrey: Well, they're programs, you know? They're medically supervised. And they're no walk in the park, but it's better than juvenile hall.
Josh: Cassie's going to hate that.
Jeffrey: (Sighs)
Josh: She's going to hate that idea. It's going to make her feel like she's sending him away again.
Jeffrey: Josh, how do you feel?
Josh: Like I have to defend my family.
Josh: Cassie, you know I love Will. I do. And I want him to live here with us, with his parents. But we can’t... we can't watch him 24 hours a day. And I know you don't like hearing this, but you have to listen.
Cassie: Is this what Jeffrey told you to do?
Josh: It's what I've decided.
Cassie: Will there be charges filed against him?
Josh: Jeffrey has promised that he'll do everything he can to protect Will. But yeah, they're going to come after Will for an official confession, and he can't lie to them.
Cassie: Well, you had to tell Jeffrey.
Josh: Look, wait a minute. Just... nobody... look... look, just stop. Stop and look at me. Nobody's saying that Will is a bad kid. But he's been through way too much in his life and he needs help. He needs the kind of help that we can't give him. There are schools out there, okay? Special schools that can give him round-the-clock supervision.
Cassie: You know, these scissors I use to cut the string away and bundle the papers for recycling, I mean, I look at these every day. Will took these out of the drawer today and I saw them in his hand, and it's like, I don’t... I don't even know how to act around my own son.
Josh: You love him, but he scares you.
Cassie: He's just not the same boy that he was before I sent him away. I don't know what happened to him, Josh. What happened to him?
Josh: He's going to be okay.
Cassie: Yeah. As long as we send him away. Again.
Josh: It's not the same thing.
Cassie: It's exactly what I told him I wouldn't do to him. It's exactly that. I don't think I can do it.
Josh: That little boy that you remembered, do you want him back?
Cassie: Yes!
Josh: Then we have to do this.
Cassie: What is it going to do to him? He's going to be all alone...
Josh: We'll visit him. As often as we can. Every day, if we can.
Cassie: He's not going to have his mother.
Josh: Where is he right now?
Cassie: He's out in the barn.
Cyrus: It's freezing out here, can I come in yet?
Marina: Just one minute, okay, Frosty?
Remy: When you lied about Phillip, what was he doing with Harley?
Marina: I told you, they were investigating the scene where Bill got injured.
Remy: But they're not cops.
Marina: No, they were just trying to protect the family.
Remy: Mmm-hmm.
Marina: You're not very reassuring!
Remy: Yeah, I call it like I see it.
Marina: There is nothing to see, okay? There's nothing to see. I'm making things up in my head because I've been burned before, okay? It's just Cyrus and me, and we're together and there's no one else. And I... I am a world-class tool, and I need to tell Harley that there is no...
Remy: Wait. If you tell Harley, she'll figure out you lied, and she'll use that to...
Marina: She’s... hey!
Cyrus: Hey! Still okay in here?
Remy: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm going to give you the goods on Phillip Spaulding.
Marina: Remy...
Remy: No. No. Let me handle this.
Harley: Pickles and pumpkin pie? (Laughs) It's a girl.
Beth: Oh, come on. You don't believe that stuff.
Harley: Not really. I'm just... I'm making polite conversation while I wait for your answer.
Beth: (Sighs) Phillip just sent me a baby gift, that's all.
Harley: Great! More reason for you to help!
Beth: Okay, okay, fine. Before he sends me a bassinet.
Harley: Beth, thank you. You have no idea. Thank you so much. And if you should, you know, hear from Phillip...
Beth: Yes, you will be the first to know.
Harley: Thanks. What time is it? Oh, my gosh, I've got to go. How time gets away. I just keep losing track of everything!
Beth: Yeah, I can imagine. Look, Harley. I am sorry that things didn't work our between you two.
Harley: Oh. Well, you know, Marina has to come first.
Beth: Marina? I was talking about you and Gus.
Harley: Yeah. Because I was looking for Marina, Gus and I didn't get to spend enough time together. And, um, it's such a long story, but you get it. I've got to run. Thanks, Beth. Hi. It's Zach’s mom. I'm so sorry I'm late picking him up! Can you just watch him for five minutes? I can be there in five... what do you mean, he's gone? Who picked him up?
Cyrus: I'll call when everything's in place.
Remy: If you need me before that...
Marina: I'll be fine!
Cyrus: I know you're not sure about all of this.
Marina: I just don't want anyone to get hurt.
Cyrus: That's what this is all about. If you hear any rumors about me, don't listen.
Marina: What kind of rumors?
Cyrus: Phillip needs to get the word that I'm broke and desperate.
Marina: Desperate?
Cyrus: I'll make it up to you.
Marina: Cyrus? Cyrus?
Cyrus: Harley?
Harley: He's not there, he's not there, he's not there!
Cyrus: Who? Who?
Harley: I called Justin’s mom, she didn't answer her phone, so I went to Justin’s house, no Zach! Justin's there. I tried Timmy’s, I tried Christopher’s...
Cyrus: All right, slow down, slow down, stop. Zach's missing?
Harley: Somebody picked up Zach from soccer practice. His coach doesn't know who... who it was. What if it was Phillip...
Cyrus: I bet we'll find him. We'll find him...
Harley: What if it was Phillip? What if he heard us when we were talking over there and he's way ahead of us? Zach knows the rules...
Cyrus: Come on, let's go...
Harley: ...He knows that he's not allowed to get picked up by anybody else...
Remy: What, are you following me?
Marina: No. Have you seen Cyrus?
Remy: Oh, you lost your Australian again? Not a good sign.
Marina: I didn't lose him again. He just, he had... never mind.
Remy: Well, did you check at Harley’s? Maybe he's over there.
Marina: I hope so. Then I can tell them both at once.
Remy: You're going to tell them you're a liar?
Marina: I tried telling him before he left, but he...
Remy: (Laughs)
Marina: I have to go!
Remy: Okay, wait. Just make sure you tell Cyrus I said goodbye.
Marina: I'm not going to lose him. Okay? Especially to Harley. It's all in my head.
Remy: You sure?
Marina: Yes! I'm sure! And I'm not going to go all psycho-jealous on him because you have nothing better to do with your time than to egg me on!
Remy: So you're no sure.
Marina: Remy!
Remy: Okay, well, just... I bet you 20 bucks he's over there right now.
Cyrus: Marina?
Harley: Why are we here? My son could be missing!
Cyrus: And you're not going to find him by yourself. Not if he's with Phillip. We need Remy and Marina can call for back up.
Harley: Wait, wait, wait... hello? Zach! Zach, where are you? Who is Marty? Oh, right, right, right. I forgot. Well, who's there? Is his mother there? Okay, you have one hour. One hour, and I swear, if you ever do this to me again... I didn't know where you were! I'm going to kiss you in front of all of your friends. I would do that! Okay. One hour. I love you. Thank God. Thank God, thank God, thank God.
Cyrus: Is he all right?
Harley: He got a ride with the new kid!
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Harley: He got a ride with the new kid! I have to tell you, I was envisioning this whole life...
Cyrus: I know.
Harley: ...Without Zach, you know? No more last-minute requests for water before bed, no more string beans.
Cyrus: String beans?
Harley: He hates string beans, and he hides them in his pants and...
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Harley: ...I let him get away with it, because the truth is, I hate string beans, too.
Cyrus: You are such a good mother.
Harley: I am a wreck! I'm a wreck. I am so run down. I'm so run down, I can't even think straight. I couldn't even think straight when I thought Phillip had my son!
Cyrus: Anyone would have been upset.
Harley: Yeah, but I'm not anyone. I am a cop. I've never lost it like this. I am running around Main Street peering into windows like some freaked-out idiot!
Cyrus: Oh, that's not how an idiot freaks out.
Harley: I don't know how to fix this. Cyrus, how do I fix this? How do I... how do I get back to being me again? And why am I asking you, of all people?
Cyrus: What are you most afraid of?
Harley: I... you know me, you know what I'm afraid of! You know I'm afraid of losing control. And how can I control being afraid of losing control, when I can't control things like that coming out of my mouth?
Cyrus: Maybe you just need to let go.
Harley: I can't just let go.
Cyrus: Ask yourself this: What would it be like to lose control for once?
Harley: Dangerous.
Mel: Oh! So sad! So sad you're lost without me.
Jeffrey: How's it going?
Mel: It's okay. Oh, I'm glad I ran into you, because I have all this stuff here, and I was going to drop it off, but I'll just give it to you.
Jeffrey: I feel like we're breaking up.
Mel: Yeah. You know, we're going to be on opposite sides of the courtroom, now.
Jeffrey: (Whistles) That's kind of a sexy dress you got there. Is that new?
Mel: You know what, don't even try it, okay? I'm upset about this.
Jeffrey: Cup of coffee?
Mel: Why? Why are you doing this? I mean, we made such a great team, and now you're crossing over, for what? Less money?
Jeffrey: Mel, look, you're not losing a partner, you're gaining a D.A., okay?
Mel: You know what? You know what I won't miss is all of this stuff. Why do you keep this around anyway? Crime scenes, depositions, security tapes, what? Creeps me out.
Jeffrey: You never know.
Mel: You never know, huh? And what’s... what's this? Your old racquetball partner, what?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Mel: Yeah?
Jeffrey: Sorry, I'm just...
Mel: Yeah, you're busy. Okay. Well, you need to call me before you cross over, because I've got to talk to you about something. Okay? So just go over the files and give me a call later, will you? Okay.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Mel: Bye.
Jeffrey: Bye. Uh, Mel. Thanks! Yeah, Frank, I'm on my way back. We're going to need a DVD player. Well, find one and hook it up. It's important.
Josh: Cassie. We can't do that forever.
Cassie: We just... we don't need knives for soup.
Josh: We have to do this. We have to do it for Will, and for R.J. And for all of us.
Cassie: You know, Josh, he's a kid. We'll talk to him. We'll teach him.
Josh: Yeah, but a trained therapist can do it better, Cassie. You don't want him to turn out like Edmund, right?
Cassie: You really think this is the right thing to do?
Josh: I do, and so does Jeffrey.
Cassie: Okay.
Josh: Years from now, when he graduates from college, he'll thank you. (Cell phone ringing) Hello?
Jeffrey: Hey. You need to get down here right away. Oh, and you might not want to tell Cassie just yet.
Josh: Uh, hold on. Um, it's a weak signal. I'm going to see if I can do better outside.
Cyrus: See, I told you a walk around the lake would make you feel better.
Harley: I feel great.
Cyrus: You do?
Harley: Uh-huh. Great.
Cyrus: Yeah. No more panic, no more racing heart?
Harley: You just want my ice cream cone and you can't have it.
Cyrus: Why not?
Harley: Because. Because.
Cyrus: Because why?
Harley: Because... because I sometimes I feel like you're the only person I can talk to, and I shouldn't feel that way...
Cyrus: Harley...
Harley: I shouldn't need you that way, Cyrus. You know, I've been thinking, maybe it's Gus. This, you know? Maybe it's pretending that that whole thing didn't matter. But it did matter, you know? I loved him. And maybe I should say that more. You know, say that I needed him? Only I never needed him the way I need you to keep me sane and I... I never needed that or wanted that. I just want to be me again.
Cyrus: You will be. Just give yourself some time. And until then, I'm here, and...
(Knock on door)
Jeffrey: What did you tell Cassie?
Josh: That there's a problem at the church. What did you want to show me?
Jeffrey: Look, these are security tapes from Edmund’s old clinic.
Josh: Alonzo.
Jeffrey: Yeah. And that...
Josh: And Will.
Jeffrey: See it?
Josh: Well, it's kind of hard to tell, but I...
Jeffrey: It's very dark, and it happens fast. But Will pushed Alonzo into that circuit box. Just like he pushed Edmund. Only Alonzo’s dead.
Josh: Wait... I can't say for sure what just happened there. Can you just play it for me again?
Jeffrey: There. I've watched it nine or ten times already. Will... Will killed his father. And walked away from it like nothing happened.
Cassie: Come on in, sweetie. You're going to love this place!
Will: Cool! It's just you and me, right? R.J.'s not coming?
Cassie: That's right. It's just you and me. Daisy is watching R.J. and Josh has a lot of work to do, so...
Will: All right! Can we take a hike? Can we? And go sledding?
Cassie: We can do that. We can do all those things, honey. But first, we are going to talk about why you wanted to hurt your Uncle Edmund.
Will: Uncle Edmund wanted to hurt you.
Cassie: Yes, well, you can't solve problems that way, and until I'm sure you understand, until I'm sure it's safe to bring you home again, we're not leaving here.
Next, on "Guiding Light":
Marina: Is there something you want to tell me?
Daisy: Cassie took Will to the Bauer cabin.
Josh: Did she take her cell?
Will: I'm not your son! I'm not!
Josh: Will loves Cassie. He wouldn't hurt her. Cassie?
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