GL Transcript Thursday 1/10/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/10/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: Cyrus.

Cyrus: Hey.

Harley: What are you doing?

Cyrus: What are you doing?

Harley: Why are you here?

Cyrus: Why are you here?

Harley: Are we going to keep doing this all afternoon?

Cyrus: I don't know.

Harley: It's the cop in me. Your turn.

Cyrus: It's the boyfriend in me.

Frank: You know, it's not every day a father gets to give his little girl a lethal weapon.

Marina: Gee, thanks, Dad.

Frank: Well, there you go, honey, you're reinstated. Welcome back, Detective Cooper.

Marina: It has been a while since someone's called me that.

Frank: I know. I mean, you do want your job back, right?

Marina: Absolutely. Absolutely. It's just... nothing. It's nothing. I absolutely want this job. When do I start?

Frank: Right away. I want you to look into the explosion that injured Bill Lewis, see if there's any foul play.

Marina: You're thinking it wasn't an accident?

Frank: Well, I don't know, but this day and age, you can't put anything past anyone.

Marina: Yeah.

Buzz: Hi.

Lillian: Hi.

Buzz: Bill Lewis-- no change?

Lillian: No. Rick hasn't been in to see him yet.

Buzz: Wow. It was supposed to be a harmless little election, and here my name is mud, and Ashlee is in jail, and Bill...

Lillian: Well, what does Bill have to do with your election, your harmless little election?

Buzz: He was blackmailing me.

Lillian: Yeah?

Buzz: He hasn't made any friends since he's got into town, you know? I suspect I'll be losing a few because of the mess I've made of this mayoral race. Could I be losing you?

Lillian: Do you want to be losing me?

Buzz: No. I'm smarter than I look.

Lillian: And I'm tougher than I look, so.... oh, God, I guess, we'll be all right.

Buzz: Oh, good. Good. Well, I guess I owe you some flowers for just putting up with me.

Lillian: Mmm. I like white roses. I love them. You know where to send them.

Buzz: I do. You'll get them. I must take better care of my friends.

Lillian: Good.

Lizzie: Is he still asleep?

Billy: Yeah.

Lizzie: Nana said nothing new?

Billy: Well, Rick hasn't come to see him. I think they're going to take the bandages off in a little while.

Lizzie: Good.

Billy: Hey, Officer Tobias. Don't tell me why you're here.

Officer: I've got to take you back, Mr. Lewis.

Billy: But this is my son.

Officer: You've got to go back to rehab or it's another meeting with the judge.

Billy: How about you just go away for a little while?

Lizzie: Billy, Billy...

Billy: I want to stay... I want to stay with Bill.

Lizzie: Can't he just stay? They said they're taking the bandages off later. He needs to be here.

Billy: What if this was your boy?

Officer: You're lucky you're not going to face charges for leaving rehab unauthorized. Don't make this any harder than it is.

Billy: Okay. Lizzie...

Lizzie: I'll stay. I'll take care of him.

Harley: Hey, why don't you work over there.

Cyrus: I'm just checking out this burn mark. Okay.

Harley: I thought we agreed to work separate cases.

Cyrus: Which is bad for business since I've only been a P.I. for two seconds, but you're the boss. Hey, who hired you to look into this?

Harley: I'm working pro bono.

Cyrus: For who?

Harley: For me.

Cyrus: I knew it.

Harley: Well, I don't see how you're scoring any boyfriend points being here.

Cyrus: Sure you do.

Harley: Does Marina even know you're here?

Cyrus: What do you think?

Harley: Would you stop answering my questions with your own questions?

Cyrus: Investigators investigate. I'm just doing my job.

Harley: It's not your case.

Cyrus: It's not your case, either.

Harley: I was here first.

Cyrus: Well, maybe we just think alike. Is that so hard to imagine?

Harley: So you think somebody in my family is involved in this, too?

Cyrus: I wouldn't say that out loud, but your family's business was about to be knocked down by the guy whose trailer just blew up.

Harley: Yeah.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Harley: It wasn't always like this. Bill... you know, he actually used to be a really good friend of mine.

Cyrus: Well, maybe it was just an accident.

Harley: What were you hoping to find?

Cyrus: I don't know. I'm new at this. You?

Harley: Well, anything that clears my family, obviously. I did notice... there's a lot of glass. See?

Cyrus: Yeah, well, there was an explosion.

Harley: Which would cause the glass to blow out, not in.

Cyrus: Right. So there should be more glass outside.

Harley: I could be wrong.

Cyrus: Well, let's take a look.

Harley: You take a look. Or I'll take a look. But we can't take a look. We just... I said... we cannot keep doing this. I told you that. I can’t. Cyrus! Forget it.

Cyrus: What? What am I doing? I'll stop.

Harley: I... I just... I just want to get you out of my head.

Cyrus: Okay.

Harley: So this case is mine, just... okay? This case is mine.

Bill: Dinah?

Lizzie: No, no, it's Lizzie. You're still in the hospital, but you're okay.

Bill: What is this?

Lizzie: They're bandages. Rick is going to come by later. He's going to take them off, see what's going on under there. Bill, do you understand me?

Bill: Why are you talking to me like that?

Lizzie: Sorry. This is the first time you've been awake awake. I just didn't know.

Bill: And the first person I'm stuck talking to is you? That's great.

Lizzie: I can get someone else. A doctor, if you're in pain. I can call your family. They've been here the whole time. They just left.

Bill: Lizzie, I'm kidding. By the way, you look great.

Lizzie: Thanks... hey.

Bill: These bandages making you nervous?

Lizzie: No, I'm not.

Bill: You were probably sitting there the whole time making faces at me like that.

Lizzie: No, but I did shave your head.

Bill: You what? Well, you know, I do have the perfect head for being bald.

Lizzie: No, you've got a big head.

Bill: Be nice.

Lizzie: Billy just left. They came to get him. He broke out of rehab. He's been by your side the whole time.

Bill: How about you?

Lizzie: Me? Are you kidding? I went skiing yesterday, had a facial, clubbing all night. You know, I'm probably still drunk.

Bill: Nice, nice.

Marina: Lizzie, how is he?

Bill: He's fine.

Marina: Hey, Bill, it's Marina. How are you feeling?

Bill: Super duper. Yourself? Hello?

Marina: I'm good. I'm good, actually. I'm just here on police business.

Bill: Oh.

Marina: I had a few questions.

Lizzie: Can it wait? Can it wait? He literally just woke up. He hasn't even seen a doctor yet.

Marina: Yeah, no, I can wait. Or I can come back.

Bill: I'm fine. What do you need to know?

Lizzie: Bill...

Bill: Hey, don't give me that look. Come on, talk to me, Marina.

Marina: Okay. Okay, let's start with whatever you remember from the accident.

Bill: Well, I remember it wasn't an accident.

Lizzie: Someone did this to you?

Bill: Well, unless you call a flaming missile crashing through your window an accident.

Marina: A missile?

Bill: Yeah. It was one of those tubes, you know, we put blueprints in. It just came crashing through the window. It was in flames. I got up, the next thing I knew, there was an explosion. That's the last thing I remember.

Coop: Frank.

Frank: Oh, hey, Coop.

Coop: I need to talk to you for a second.

Frank: Whoa, have you been drinking?

Coop: Yeah, last night. Look...

Frank: Listen, if you're here to see to Ashlee, it's not going to happen. She's got her bail hearing today.

Coop: Frank, I did something.

Frank: Coop? Hello?

Coop: Yeah...

Frank: You said you did something?

Coop: Yeah, I drank way too much last night.

Frank: Yeah, well, I see that. What are you doing here, anyway?

Coop: I wanted to help Ashlee.

Frank: Not like this you're not. I hope you walked here and didn't drive.

Coop: Yeah, yeah, I did.

Frank: Well, you know what, you walk yourself back home, take a cold shower and drink a hell of a lot of water.

Coop: Frank...

Buzz: Billy, hey.

Billy: What are you doing here?

Buzz: I was just over at the hospital, so...

Billy: Yeah, yeah, I was there, too, and then the cops dragged me back here.

Buzz: I am so sorry about young Bill. I really am. You must be in hell.

Billy: When he gets in the hospital, it's pretty bad. You know that.

Buzz: There's nothing worse.

Billy: They say he's going to get better and they'll take the bandages off and then he'll probably be able to come home.

Buzz: Good. That's good news for all of us. Maybe all of us will learn a lesson from this?

Billy: What do you mean?

Buzz: Well, I mean, put everything behind us-- you know, the election, Bill going after my family. Maybe he'll be able to see that, you know...

Billy: Wait a minute, are you saying this is some kind of a karmic punishment for my son?

Buzz: Maybe somebody else's doing. Didn't it ever occur you to this was an accident?

Billy: No, not until right now.

Buzz: Billy, I'm not going to get into this.

Billy: Wait a minute. You didn't come here to sympathize with me, you came here to gloat, didn't you?

Buzz: Oh, come on. After all we've been through together? You know me better than that.

Billy: Maybe I don't, Mr. Mayor. Maybe you enjoy seeing my boy get hurt.

Buzz: I never enjoy seeing anyone get hurt.

Billy: Well, wait a minute. Didn't you just come here and tell me before that if I didn't get rid of Bill, that you were going to.

Buzz: Billy, your son was blackmailing me. Come on! He knew about the voter fraud. He was holding it over my head so I'd sign off on Main Street. And the only thing I asked him was to spare Company, and he wouldn't even keep good on that promise. So this should answer your questions about Bill bringing these things back home to roost.

Billy: No, no, actually, it brings up more questions. You know what they are? I'll tell you what they are: Who would want my son and this project stopped? Who hates him enough they would

Buzz: Are you accusing me?

Billy: I think you better leave.

Ava: Hey, thanks for calling me.

Coop: Hi.

Ava: Oh, this is for you. It looks like you could use it, too.

Coop: Thanks. I'm fine, really.

Ava: I still want to help out with this Bill Lewis thing. And I was thinking, actually, maybe you and I could...

Coop: Ava, look, I'm not coming forward. If I do, I will be arrested and then there's no way I can help Ashlee. Do you still have access to the Spaulding checking accounts? The money wouldn't be gone for very long.

Ava: Are you asking me to steal from Spaulding? Do you know what happened to the last guy who did that? Your niece almost ended up getting killed.

Coop: Ava, I need the money.

Ava: No, I can’t. Okay, listen to yourself right now.

Coop: Ava, please. You should've seen the way she looked, okay?

Ava: Ask me anything else. I have money. I have money.

Coop: Ava, you don't have enough money. Thank you, anyways, okay.

Marina: Hey.

Cyrus: Hey. Us devoted cops. The story of my life.

Marina: What?

Cyrus: Oh, we're on the wrong side of the yellow tape. I thought today was your first day back at work.

Marina: It is.

Harley: We're working, too. Small world.

Marina: Guess so. Great minds think alike.

Harley: We're just seeing if we could see anything suspicious.

Marina: You didn't mess anything up?

Harley: No, nothing at all.

Marina: Because dad just put me on this case, and if evidence is disturbed...

Cyrus: We were very careful, Detective. I get to call you that again. ( Laughter)

Marina: So, did you find anything?

Cyrus: No, we didn’t.

Harley: No, we didn’t.

Marina: I talked to Bill.

Harley: He's okay?

Marina: He's coherent at least. He's all bandaged up, but...

Harley: Did he say he remembers anything?

Marina: Actually, I think that maybe you should check on Zach. I'm thinking maybe Phillip is involved.

Lizzie: He is cracking jokes and everything.

Rick: Oh, I bet they're really funny jokes, too. So, I hear somebody is awake.

Bill: Hey, Rick. Can I request another doctor? One who wears less cologne?

Rick: I bathe in that stuff, request denied. And by the way, Lillian’s here.

Lillian: How are you feeling?

Bill: I'll be fantastic once you get these things off of my head.

Lillian: Okay.

Rick: All right, good luck.

Lillian: Will you dim the lights, please?

Lizzie: Yeah, yeah.

Rick: Don't open your eyes until I tell you to, okay?

Bill: All right, okey dokes.

Rick: All right. All right. Now.

Bill: It hurts a little.

Rick: Okay. Looking good, Lewis. Looking good.

Bill: The ladies are mighty quiet.

Lillian: We think you're gorgeous.

Lizzie: (Whistles) Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Rick: Easy, easy. Open those eyes really slowly, okay, and blink a couple of times to help you focus.

Bill: Blink a couple times?

Rick: Uh-huh.

Bill: (Laughs) Lizzie, they said to dim the lights, not turn them off.

Lizzie: I didn’t. They're still on.

Ashlee: Coop, wait, what are you... you can't be here.

Coop: Let's go, come on.

Ashlee: You know, jailbreaks are frowned upon.

Coop: You're out on bail, all right? You're free to go.

Ashlee: Wait, no, no, no. I was told to wait here.

Coop: Yes, while I was bailing you out.

Ashlee: What? Wait, wait, did you win the lottery when I was locked up?

Coop: No, no. Dad had some money left over.

Ashlee: Left over?

Coop: Yeah, from the campaign.

Ashlee: Coop, you can't do that. That is illegal.

Coop: Ashlee, I don't care. Come on, let's just go. Let's go.

Ashlee: Okay. Wow!

Harley: What makes you think that Phillip caused the explosion?

Cyrus: What do you need?

Harley: My phone.

Marina: I don't know, it was probably just a hunch. Just a hunch on my part.

Harley: Well, did Bill say that he saw him?

Cyrus: Here, here.

Harley: No, no, I got it. I got it.

Marina: No. I mean, I just... I think that you should just check on Zach, make sure he is safe.

Harley: Hi, this is Harley Cooper. I'm Zach Spaulding’s mom. There is an emergency, a family emergency.

Coop: Go. Dad, Dad...

Buzz: Ashlee, you're out.

Ashlee: Hi. I'm so sorry. You must be so mad at me.

Buzz: Why would I be mad at you? I'm glad to see you. You don't belong in prison.

Ashlee: Well, I kind of committed, you know, electoral fraud.

Buzz: Oh, Ashlee, you know, we're going to have a talk some day and then you'll understand why I understand. (Laughter) Your heart was in the right place.

Ashlee: Yeah, my heart was. My common sense was on vacation.

Coop: Well, now that that's all over with, everything's fine, right?

Buzz: I've just seen Billy.

Coop: Is Bill okay?

Buzz: The hospital says no change, but Billy thinks he's going to be just fine. Billy also did everything short of accusing me of putting Bill in the hospital.

Ashlee: What? Here.

Buzz: No, no, no, you don't have to do that.

Ashlee: Let me do something helpful.

Buzz: It was my fault. I brought it up. I was just sure it was going through his mind.

Coop: Wait, whoa, whoa. I don't understand. Brought what up?

Buzz: That the accident might not have been accidental. Just think of all the things this guy's done since he's been to town. He wanted to tear this restaurant down. Ever since Lizzie went on the show... on the news show, there's not a woman in town that trusts him as far as she can throw him. Even his own father. He steamrolled Billy to get control of Lewis. And those are just the things we know about.

Ashlee: But Billy can't seriously be accusing of blowing up a trailer with someone in it, let alone blowing up a trailer... blowing up anything.

Buzz: The poor guy is in detox, his son's hurt, he's angry.

Coop: Well, he better not come after you. I mean, you didn't do it.

Vanessa: Oh! Well, hello.

Billy: How come you're not with our boy?

Vanessa: Because I thought you might need somebody.

Billy: I'm no good to anybody here, least of all myself.

Vanessa: Yeah, well, wait a minute. Just calm down. There are plenty of people with him. You need to think about yourself.

Billy: Hey, remember when I used to take Bill down to the lake, and the gulls would come in and I would let them feed out of his hand.

Vanessa: That's not why he got sick.

Billy: No, that is. He got it from the gulls!

Vanessa: Billy, he was a little, tiny boy. It was a virus. He probably picked it up from the sandbox.

Billy: But those seizures scared the hell out of me.

Vanessa: I know, they scared me, too. He was the only one who wasn't scared.

Billy: You know why he wasn't scared? Because I was right there, his dad was right there with him. How am I going to help him now?

Vanessa: I don't know.

Billy: You know, Buzz came here just a little bit ago and he had the gall to tell me Bill brought this all on himself, that somebody did this to him. You think that, too?

Vanessa: I don't know. It's possible. He's hurt a lot of people.

Billy: He's hurt a lot of people recently, but what about the past? He's been a good guy...

Vanessa: Either way... either way.

Billy: Either way what?

Vanessa: Either way, this whole, horrible thing could be a blessing in disguise.

Bill: I can do it. I don't need my eyes to find my ears. I'm good, thank you. I'm good.

Lizzie: I know. Let me just get you to the playlists.

Bill: No, I'm good. I can... I can... I can do this. They're all the same. ( Laughs) This is bad.

Lizzie: It's going to get better. Rick says that it's probably just temporary.

Bill: No, I mean this. This is bad.

Lizzie: I like that song.

Bill: When I get out of here, we're going to have a long talk about your music library, you got that?

Lizzie: We can talk about it right now.

Bill: No. You know what? I'm just going to take a nap before the eye guy gets here. Okay? But thanks for sticking around. Hey, you two, don't you have some other patients?

Rick: I can stick around for a while if you want me to.

Bill: No, you know what, I'm good right now.

Lillian: Well, if you need me to read a book or you need me to do anything...

Bill: That's great, Lillian, no, thanks. If I need anything, I'll just fumble around for the buzzer. I'm good.

Rick: Listen, I'll check in with you later, okay?

Bill: You, too, princess.

Marina: I shouldn't have said anything.

Cyrus: It would have been worse if you knew something and you didn't tell her.

Marina: No, it was just a hunch about Phillip, Cyrus, nothing else. I should call her.

Cyrus: Marina, you did the right thing.

Marina: I don't know. Right and wrong, it's not so easy to tell the difference any more.

Cyrus: Was it ever?

Marina: Yeah, for me.

Cyrus: Before I came alone.

Marina: You are the one thing that I am sure about. I know I want you in my life more than anything.

Cyrus: Well, you've got me. I've got an idea.

Marina: Good, because I am sick of work already.

Cyrus: Well, it's kind of work-related. This Phillip thing, I don't even know the guy and I already want to bust him up. You know, we've been back and forth about whether or not to find him.

Marina: Yeah, and we decided not to. You did, because of Harley.

Cyrus: But now, maybe it would be better for her, for everyone, if we did find him. I mean, Phillip’s still hanging around somewhere, so we're forced to deal with him. It comes down to the enemy you can see or the one that you can’t.

Marina: I really... it was just instinct, Cyrus. I shouldn't have said anything. It just... it came out.

Cyrus: Look, if your gut's telling you something's wrong, it usually is.

Marina: I hope not. Not all of the time.

Cyrus: I know you don't want this to be true for your family's sake, but let's just get it over with, shake this hold he has over Harley and all of the other people who waiting for him to show up and do whatever he does.

Marina: We already tried to find him.

Cyrus: Yeah, but we didn't try to bait him. Let's set a trap. We'll make Phillip come to us.

Buzz: I'm going to go check out the construction on Main Street.

Coop: Well, there better not be any.

Buzz: If I know Doris, she's going to push this project through, no matter what happens to Bill.

Ashlee: Oh, I know Doris. She will.

Buzz: See you later.

Coop: Dad, good luck down there.

Buzz: Thanks.

Ashlee: You know, Coop, it's okay to feel worried or anxious about what Billy said to your dad.

Coop: No, it's not that at all.

Ashlee: You know we're going to be okay, right? I mean, even if I have to go away for a little while.

Coop: What? No, you're not going anywhere. I'm going to do everything that I can to stay here and make sure that...

Ashlee: What? Wait? Where would you be going?

Coop: Look, my dad didn't cause the explosion.

Ashlee: No, I know. I believed him when he said...

Coop: Ashlee, my dad didn't cause the explosion.

Ashlee: You did? Oh, my God...

Coop: No, not here. Not here, okay? Get your stuff.

Ashlee: What?

Coop: Come on.

Vanessa: Look, we were... we were really losing our son. And now we know that he's okay. He's going to be okay.

Billy: We really don't know that.

Vanessa: Yes, we do. We do. And the way I see it is that, you know, this is a chance for us, for our family, to kind of regroup and... I don't know, work better, be a better family. I mean, the intervention, that was a disaster.

Billy: Yeah.

Vanessa: And we could use this time and show him that we love him.

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that. Everybody would be there. I'd like to be a united front. I mean, maybe... maybe then we could get our boy back.

Vanessa: Yeah.

Billy: Yeah.

Vanessa: He's the best part of both of us.

Billy: Oh, yeah. (Laughter) Yeah.

Vanessa: It's good to see you smile. Okay, I've got to go.

Billy: You going to go see him?

Vanessa: Yeah, I am. Look, get well, Billy. I need you.

Billy: Okay.

(Loud crash)

Lizzie: What's wrong?

Bill: What's wrong?

Lizzie: I mean, besides...

Bill: Lizzie, I told you to go.

Lizzie: I know, I went outside.

Bill: I meant really, just go.

Lizzie: I know what you meant. I don't follow directions very well.

Bill: I think I broke your...

Lizzie: I don't care. Here. You want it back?

Bill: So I can just throw it again?

Lizzie: Whatever. I don't even care. Hey, hey, hey, where are you going? Where are you going?

Bill: I need your help. You've got to get me out of here.

Lizzie: Bill, that's not a good idea.

Bill: Come on...

Lizzie: Okay, okay. You got yourself a seeing eye dog.

Bill: The blonde leading the blind.

Lizzie: Be nice or I'll run you into stuff.

Bill: You got to get this thing out of my arm, right?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Ashlee: So, we're both criminals?

Coop: Um, hi. What do you want to know?

Ashlee: Well, I know that you didn't mean to hurt anybody.

Coop: Look, if I had known someone was in there, I never would have... look, I was angry, all right? I was drinking, I torched the plans, and I threw them inside. So let's just go, all right?

Ashlee: Let's go where?

Coop: Look, nothing of what is in here is going to even matter. People will always talk about us. They'll talk about what you did; they'll talk about what I did.

Ashlee: Wait, but no one knows what you did.

Coop: Some people do. But you know what, I don't even care about that.

Ashlee: Who knows? Who have you...

Coop: Come with me. We'll get out of here. We'll just get in the car and take off. We'll find the computer hacker; we'll pin the entire fraud on him or whatever we need to do to get away from this stuff.

Ashlee: Wait. You are talking crazy, okay? Relax.

Coop: I just want us to get away, just the two of us, all right? I just want it to be us.

Ashlee: You want to go away with me?

Coop: Yeah. We can leave right now.

Ashlee: We can't do that.

Harley: Marina didn’t... she didn't get specific, but I thought you should know.

Rick: Why would Phillip do something like this to Bill Lewis? It doesn't make sense.

Harley: Because Bill adopted Emma. So maybe this is his way of saying he is still around and still dangerous.

Rick: This is unsettling.

Zach: Mom, you going to my basketball practice later?

Harley: Maybe.

Zach: Can I go get a soda.

Harley: Yes, you can go get a soda, but I want you to come right back here. I don't want to have to look for you.

Zach: Okay.

Rick: Okay. I'm sorry, I had had no idea.

Harley: No, no. I don't want to scare him, but I don't want him out of my sight for very long.

Rick: This is scaring me. I need to call Beth and let her know what's going on.

Harley: Rick, while I have you here, ever since the building collapsed, I've been having some problems.

Rick: Some health problems?

Harley: No, it doesn't happen all of the time. It's just that I'm feeling a little off. I'm dizzy, and I have a little difficulty breathing. I'm wondering if I inhaled something from the rubble and that's why this is happening.

Rick: When is this happening?

Harley: At random times.

Rick: What are you doing when this is going on?

Harley: Different things. And once it starts, it is really hard to stop it. But then it does pass, eventually. Do you think it could be asthma?

Rick: Well, how do you feel during it?

Harley: What do you mean?

Rick: Well, are you feeling panicked or anxious about anything? You know.

Harley: I just... I don't know. I just don't feel like myself, I think, mostly. Maybe I should just talk to somebody.

Rick: I think that's a good idea. Look, this guy is really good. Call him, okay?

Harley: Thanks. I probably just need an inhaler.

Rick: Let me know how it goes with him.

Harley: Okay. Thanks. Call Beth.

Rick: All right.

Harley: Okay.

Cyrus: Hey, we saw your car in there. Is Zach all right?

Harley: Yeah, he's getting a soda. I just wanted to tell Rick what was going on. What's going on?

Cyrus: We have an idea.

Marina: He has an idea.

Cyrus: We need to smoke Phillip out.

Harley: Did we do that already?

Marina: That's what I said.

Cyrus: This waiting around, wondering where he is, is getting to you. I know it.

Harley: I'm much better.

Cyrus: We get him here on our own terms, and we find out what he is doing. And then you and the boys can get on with your lives.

Marina: I told you, it's a bad idea.

Harley: No, wait. Wait.

Marina: I don't think we should be doing anything. We should wait it out.

Harley: What if Phillip did set the explosion?

Marina: That's a pretty big if.

Harley: How would we lure him out?

Cyrus: I don't know that yet.

Harley: Let's do it.

Buzz: Lillian, what are you doing out here. It's cold?

Lillian: I know, but I wanted to see you. And I wanted to be the one to tell you about Bill.

Buzz: Oh...

Lillian: No, no, he's alive. And he's okay, but he can't see.

Buzz: Oh, God.

Lillian: Rick says that it could be just temporary.

Buzz: I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Lillian: Of course you wouldn't.

Buzz: Oh, dear. I have made so many mistakes, and there are some I don't even want to talk about.

Lillian: I know. I understand.

Buzz: I think you do. I just don't have the stomach for revenge anymore, you know. I don't care what Bill tried to do to my family. I hope he and his father know that.

Billy: Look, I don't know the room number. The patient's name is Lewis, Bill Lewis.

Bill: Dad.

Billy: Wow, you got here... my God. Oh, my God.

Bill: I think my senses have gotten better. I just heard your chin hit the floor. Lizzie, can you give us a minute?

Lizzie: I'll be right outside.

Bill: Dad, I need your help.

Billy: It's okay. I'm here. We'll get the best doctors.

Bill: No, no. I need you to help find who did this to me, and help make them pay.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: There is something terribly wrong with Will. If they arrest him, it could just push him over the edge.

Jeffrey: Do you trust Will with Cassie?

Marina: I'm not going to lose him, especially to Harley.

Cyrus: Maybe you just need to let go. What would it be like to just lose control for once?

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