Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/9/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Reva: Hey. Any news?
Billy: No, not really. He's still sleeping. I guess we won't know anything until they take off the bandages. You think there was something else I could have done?
Reva: Billy, it was an accident.
Billy: Yeah, I know, but I just... I keep thinking, "Where did I go wrong? Could I have loved him better, could I have taught him better?" I mean, there must be something else I could have done.
Reva: It doesn't stop, does it?
Billy: What?
Reva: Wondering how to save a kid.
How could this ever happen? This unexpected blur
the future's gone all that's left to hold on to
are the times that were. The state of desperation...
Jonathan: Who am I?!
Who am I to you?!
Reva: You're my son.
Jonathan: Do I look more like your son now? (Sobs)
You left me.
You abandoned me.
I have always wanted to hurt
you more than you hurt me.
Reva: You really are my son. Don’t be afraid. What you did today was incredibly foolish.
Jonathan: You mean possibly saving your life?
Reva: Giving up your child is
going to tear you up inside!
Jonathan: I know what you're
trying to do, Reva!
It's over!
This is done!
Reva: Jonathan! (Crash)
Steal light from my every day.
If someone would only take me far away
far from here so far away from here
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: Is this going to be about Will?
Josh: Yeah, it's going to be about Will. We can't not talk about it, okay?
Cassie: Please, Josh, can we just not today? Let's just be for a little while, okay?
From the ache that awaits my soul
steals life from my every day if some one could only take me
far away
R.J.: Ah!
Josh: R.J., Are you okay?
R.J.: Game's on. We just scored.
Josh: Oh.
Will: Can I have a juice box?
Cassie: Yeah, honey, of course. What did you think was happening?
Josh: I don't know, Cassie, I guess I just...
Cassie: You overreacted?
Josh: Yes, maybe I did.
Cassie: Like yesterday.
Josh: Well, I thought that something was going...
Cassie: You thought what? You thought he pushed R.J. like you think he pushed Edmund and James?
Josh: Look, do you think I want this to be true? Do you think that I want it to be that your son, our son, is the kind of kid who would deliberately hurt people?
Cassie: I don't now.
Josh: Come on, you don't mean that.
Cassie: I don't know, I don't know. Sometimes I think maybe you need Will to be problematic or troubled or whatever it is you think he is.
Josh: Why would I want that, Cassie?
Cassie: Because saving people is your M.O.
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: All right. I just... I don't want you to ever bring this up again.
Josh: Wait a minute. We're married, Cassie...
Cassie: Yes!
Josh: We're husband and wife, we're sharing a life together.
Cassie: Exactly. So you should know that I meant it when I tell you I cannot have you making accusations like this against my little boy.
Josh: We can't talk about this?
Cassie: No, we can’t. It's pointless... there's no point. Josh, even if you were right-- which you're not-- even if Will had something to do with Edmund’s fall, I still would defend him until the day that I die. He's my son, he's my little boy...
Josh: You can't keep blaming yourself for...
Cassie: Yeah, I can. I can and I don't think I'll ever stop. I have to drop R.J. off at practice. Will you stay here with Will?
Josh: Yeah, sure. I love you and I love Will. I care about Will. That's why I'm doing this. You get that, right, Cassie? You know that?
Cassie: I do. I know that. I just... it doesn't mean that I'm okay with this.
(Cell phone ringing)
Reva: Hello?
Josh: It's me.
Reva: Hey, what's going on?
Josh: That plan we talked about...
Reva: I remember.
Josh: I think it's time.
Reva: Are you sure? Because, you know, Cassie...
Josh: Will be mad at me. Yes, I know that. And she'll probably never forgive me. I just feel like it's something I have to do. To save Will and to save my family.
Reva: I know.
Josh: Bye.
Will: Where's mom?
Josh: Uh, she had to take R.J. to his practice.
Will: Oh.
Josh: Yeah. Here, put this on. Here you go.
Will: What are you doing?
Josh: Well, we have to go someplace.
Will: Where? I don't want to.
Josh: Yeah, you know what? Neither do I, actually. Let's go.
Will: I want to go home.
Josh: Yeah, well, we will go home, Will, soon, okay? Just as soon as we're done with..
Reva: Our secret mission.
Josh: Yes, exactly.
Reva: For the government.
Will: What kind of mission?
Reva: Well, now, if I told you, it wouldn't be secret anymore, would it?
Will: Is my mom here?
Reva: No, no, she's not. You know what, Will? I need you to do something for me. There's paper, crayons, in the other room. Can you draw a picture for me? I would really love that. And then when you're done with it, then we can take you out for a treat. Absolutely anything you want. How's that sound? Deal?
Will: I guess.
Reva: Okay.
Josh: Okay. All right, she's going to meet us at Company in about 20 minutes.
Reva: And exactly who is "she"?
Josh: Linda Marcus. She's in charge of admissions at the Fairmount Academy.
Reva: Oh, wow. You really are going to go through with this.
Josh: Well, I've gone over it in my head about a million times, Reva. I don't see any other way. Look, if there had been a school that you could have sent Jonathan to, to help to deal with his rage...
Reva: He did go away to school and it didn't help him.
Josh: Well, maybe it wasn't the right kind of school.
Reva: What do you think Cassie’s going to do when she finds out about this?
Josh: I don't know. I just know that this morning she said that even if she did believe that Will was capable of something like this, she would defend him no matter what.
Reva: Of course. She's his mother.
Josh: Yeah, and sometimes that makes you blind. I hate this, Reva, I do.
Reva: I know you do, but Cassie’s the only person who can make a decision like this. Even if Will does get accepted at that school, then...
Josh: Let's just get past this part and then we'll deal with the rest later.
Reva: You mean getting Will to confess. Because if he did push Edmund and planted those buttons in my purse...
Josh: Yeah, I'm not going to let you go to jail for this, Reva.
Reva: He's a kid, Josh.
Josh: Yeah, but that's why they're going to go easy on him. Especially if he was provoked by Edmund or if it was an accident.
Reva: Was it?
Josh: I don't know.
Reva: Here I thought you ministers had all the answers.
Josh: I've only been at this a couple of weeks. Cut me some slack, please. Will, time to go.
Reva: Hey. Wow, look at that! Is that a picture of you and your mom?
Will: Uh-huh.
Reva: It says "My family." Where's everybody else?
Josh: Why don't you find us a table, okay? Are you sure-- hi-- are you sure you're okay with this?
Reva: No, but then there's a part of me that thinks about Jonathan, how things might have been different if I'd gotten to him at Will's age.
Will: I don't want to eat, I want to go home.
Reva: Oh, sweetie, you know what? If you stay with us just a little bit longer, then I will make sure that your momma takes you on a special day trip, just the two of you.
Will: Where?
Reva: Anywhere...
Josh: The zoo... museum, any place you want.
Will: And no R.J.?
Josh: No, just you and your mom.
Reva: Why don't I get you something to eat?
Linda: Reverend Lewis.
Josh: Hi.
Linda: Hi, Linda Marcus.
Josh: Oh, call me Josh, please. It's nice to finally meet you, I just wish it were under different circumstances.
Linda: I understand. Look, you're not the first parent to be worried about his child. Let's take a seat?
Josh: Yeah, please. Really, I appreciate you meeting me on such short notice.
Linda: Oh, well, I did make an exception when I heard how well-respected you are in the community here.
Josh: Well, I don't know about that.
Linda: I'm sorry, is that your son?
Josh: Yes, that's Will.
Linda: Oh. Can I meet him?
Josh: Yeah, I just wanted to say first that he's been through a lot, you know? I mean, he's just a kid. And for instance, recently, he just lost his father, and that's a lot for any kid to have to deal with.
Linda: Reverend Lewis, all of the kids who go to our school are good inside, no matter how much they act out. You're not a bad parent for wanting to get your child the help he needs.
Josh: Yeah, well, that's probably easier said if you're not the parent.
Linda: True.
Josh: Will? Could you come over here for a minute, please? I want to introduce you to somebody. This is Ms. Marcus.
Linda: Hello, Will. I've heard a lot about you. That's okay. I don't like meeting new people that much, either.
Josh: Okay, I'm sorry about that.
Linda: Don't be. Anyway, we don't interview the kids, it's the parents who get the third degree.
Josh: Ah.
Linda: So, it looks like your paperwork's all in order.
Josh: Wonderful.
Linda: Oh, there's just one more thing.
Josh: Okay.
Linda: Our school has a policy. We have to meet with all legal guardians before we can consider admitting a child. That leaves Will's mother. Is she here?
Josh: Um...
Reva: Uh, yes. That would be me. Cassie Lewis.
Linda: Hello, Linda Marcus. Hi.
Reva: Nice to meet you.
Will: Daisy, it's me, Will. You have to come get me.
Josh: I'm sorry, I should have introduced my wife right off that bat, but she's shy.
Reva: Very. You want something to eat? The Buzz burgers here are really excellent.
Josh: This young lady was just about to ask some questions about Will.
Linda: Yes. I want to know about your home life. It's important that we understand where our potential students come from, the challenges they may face at home.
Reva: Well, Josh is a great dad.
Linda: What's it like being the wife of a minister?
Reva: I hate it.
Josh: (Laughs)
Reva: Well, I did. I mean, it's a challenge. You know, I'm not really much of a churchgoer myself.
Josh: Honey. (Laughs)
Linda: You two seem very close.
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: Oh, definitely. We are like that!
Linda: Well, I will be sure to tell the board that you are providing Will with a stable, secure family environment. Now, can you tell me a little bit more about Will's history? It says here that he lived with his biological father in San Cristobel before moving back to the states?
Reva: Yeah, that actually was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, giving my son up like that.
Josh: But she did it at the time because she felt it was the best thing for him, but then when she realized that he needed to be home with her, she fought to bring him home.
Reva: And he helped.
Linda: Sounds like you are very devoted to your children.
Reva: He is.
Josh: And Reva’s nothing, if not devoted.
Linda: Who's Reva?
Reva: That's me. That’s... it's a little pet name he calls me. It's always "Reva this" and "Reva-that."
Josh: Mm hmm. Reva, Reva, Reva!
Mallet: Reva? I got to talk to you.
Reva: He calls me Reva, too. We used to date.
Mallet: I have some questions for you.
Linda: I'm... I'm sorry, is he a police officer?
Reva: I will be happy to come to the police station and answer any questions you have, just not right now. We're in the middle of something.
Mallet: Tomorrow morning, 9:00 A.M., don't be late.
Reva: I will be there.
Mallet: Thank you.
Reva: You're welcome.
Linda: Well, thank you. I am late for my next appointment...
Josh: Oh, okay.
Linda:...But it has been a pleasure. Reverend.
Josh: Thank you very much.
Linda: Mrs. Lewis.
Reva: Nice to meet you.
Linda: We'll be in touch.
Reva: Okay.
Josh: Okay. Thank you. (Laughs) What am I doing?
Reva: You owe me so big time.
Josh: Yes. I know, I know. Let's just get Will home, okay? Will?
Rafe: Hey.
Daisy: Hey.
Will: Can we go home now?
Daisy: In a second. How was your New Year's?
Rafe: Okay. Yours?
Daisy: I watched movies with Harley and the boys. It was nothing special.
Rafe: Oh. At least your mom didn't make you watch that stupid ball drop on TV.
Daisy: I love that stupid ball.
Rafe: You're so lame.
Josh: Cassie will understand.
Reva: Yeah, whatever you say.
Daisy: Reva?
Reva: What's wrong?
Daisy: It's Will. He ran off.
Daisy: You do?
Josh: We're looking for him.
Daisy: Oh. Right, no, he's with me... he was with me like five minutes ago. He stole my keys. I was talking to Rafe, I didn't realize. He must have reached in my purse and grabbed them. You don't think he'd try to drive, do you?
Josh: Where's your car?
Daisy: I can see it. It's still there. Are you mad at me?
Reva: No. No, no, not mad, just surprised. You know, what was with locking us up in the mall on Christmas eve, Daisy? Not a great idea. Neither is this.
Daisy: The mall... it wasn't me, okay?
Josh: It wasn't you?
Daisy: I was covering for Will. I'm sorry. I just felt so bad for him! He feels like nobody understands him and I know what that's like, to be in a family that you feel like you're not a part of.
Reva: Well, maybe you're just hearing one side of the story.
Daisy: What do you mean?
Josh: Daisy, I need you to send a text message to Will from your phone asking him to meet you.
Will: Daisy, I'm here!
Josh: Hello, Will.
Will: Where's Daisy?
Josh: She's at her home. I asked her to text you because I needed to talk to you alone.
Will: You tricked me?
Josh: Well, I really did need to talk to you. With no one else around so we don't get interrupted, you know? Not R.J., Not your mom. Your Aunt Reva has been questioned in Edmund’s fall. Did you know that? Look, Will. I know it's been hard for you since you came back here. Maybe scary, confusing. I know that you lost your dad and your best friend. It's okay, Will. I won't be mad at you for saying that you don't want me to be part of your family if it's the truth. In fact, I won't be mad at you at all, about anything, as long as you're telling me the truth, and right now, I need the truth. I need to know what happened the night Edmund fell. I need to hear it from you, Will. Now, I was standing over there, by the pulpit. Your mother was still here, and she was happy. She had just watched her son play the lead role in the Christmas play. She was proud of you. In fact, I don't know that I'd seen her that happy since your sister died. Now, you were supposed to be standing right there, next to your mother, but you weren’t. We don't know when you left, we don't know exactly where you went, and neither one of us could remember. Will, you told me that you were standing there holding your mom's hand when your Uncle Edmund fell, but I know that's not the truth. I know that you were up there in the choir loft with Edmund when he fell.
Reva: Hey. Hey, Will. How you doing? Where you going?
Will: I want to go home!
Reva: Yeah, I know. And you can go home. Just as soon as you tell Josh and me what happened the night your Uncle Edmund fell. Huh? What happened?
Will: Nothing happened. You're mean!
Reva: Oh, sweetie. Do you know why you're here? I mean, we didn't bring you here to be mean to you, Will. We love you, and we don't want to be mean to you. We don’t. We just want to know what happened that night. We know that when Edmund fell off the loft, he didn't just fall. He told us that somebody pushed him. It was you, wasn't it, Will? And it was you, too, that put your Uncle Edmund’s buttons in my purse? It's okay. It's all okay, but you just... you have to tell us the truth about what really happened that night.
Josh: Did your Uncle Edmund try to hurt you, Will? Because if he did, you can tell us.
Reva: Did he make you mad, or upset, or say something to you that made you feel scared?
Josh: Did he try to make you go home with him? Something like that?
Reva: Did he threaten your mom, or maybe someone in your family?
Josh: Will, you have to know that whatever you say to us right now, we're still going to love you. That's not going to change. Nothing will change that. But sooner or later the police are going to find out the truth, so you might as well tell us right now, yourself.
Will: He said he was going to hurt my mom and I couldn't let him do that! I didn't mean to push him, but I was just trying to get away.
Josh: Hey, son, it's okay. It's okay.
Cassie: That's enough!
Will: Mommy!
Cassie: Come here. What were you saying to him?
Josh: He told us the truth, Cassie, he told us what happened the night that Edmund fell.
Cassie: Yes, I heard that part.
Reva: We would have told you, but...
Cassie: Please stay out of this.
Jeffrey: Okay, I'll take him down to the police station.
Will: No!
Cassie: It's okay, sweetie. It's all going to be okay.
Josh: Cassie, it was an accident. He said that Edmund wanted to hurt you. He was only trying to protect you.
Cassie: Can't I just take him home?
Jeffrey: We really should talk to the police.
Cassie: Sweetie, do you think you can do that? Do you think you can tell the police what you told Josh and your Aunt Reva?
Josh: I'll go with you.
Cassie: No. He's my son, I'll take him. I don't want you to be there.
Reva: Do you have any idea what he's been through today? Trying to get to the bottom of all this to protect you? To protect your family?
Josh: Reva, it's okay.
Reva: No, it’s...
Jeffery: Can I talk to you? Are you sure you want to get in the middle of this?
Reva: I'm already in the middle.
Jeffery: Well, then maybe you're crossing over a line.
Reva: Am I? Really? Like I did the night I pushed Edmund out of the loft, is that it? Oh, that's right, I didn't do it, though, even though you thought I did.
Jeffrey: I didn't say that you did. I said that if you did, I would stand by you.
Reva: Yeah, that would have been nice. You should have known that you didn't have to do that.
Jeffrey: You want to do this now?
Reva: No, I don’t. I don't want to do this now. I want to help Will.
Cassie: Will is being a very, very brave boy and he said he would go with you to the police station. Mommy'll be there in just a few minutes, okay sweetie?
Josh: Cassie, it's over. We can start the process of helping Will to heal.
Cassie: I don't even know what to say to you right now.
Josh: I know it seems bad that I brought him here without telling you but, see, that's the thing, I'm his parent too, Cassie. I want what's best for him just like you do, but sometimes what's best isn't what's easiest.
Cassie: Why didn't you come to me?
Josh: I did come to you. I've talked to you about this. You haven't listened.
Cassie: I've listened.
Josh: Then you didn't like what you were hearing.
Cassie: Okay, you were right about Will. He's been living with this awful secret. How he's been living with this all this time, I don't know. And I didn't know about it.
Josh: Yeah, but Cassie, we know now so now we can help him.
Cassie: How could this have happened to him? How could Edmund have done this to him?
Josh: We both knew what Edmund was capable of before we let him come back into our lives.
Cassie: Before I let him come back into our lives.
Josh: That's not the point. The point is that we can help Will now, okay? We can do something now. Cassie, there's a school, okay? In fact, I talked to a woman today who's with admissions and I think we can get him in.
Cassie: A school?
Josh: Yeah, yeah. For problem kids.
Cassie: You talked to someone from a school...
Josh: Yes.
Cassie: ...About kids with problems?
Josh: Yes. It might be the solution, Cassie, that we're looking for. It might be the way that we can help Will to get through all of this.
Cassie: Problems? Josh, you heard Will. He said that he was trying to get away from Edmund, he was trying to protect me. It was an accident!
Josh: Yeah, but he's also been through more than any kid his age should ever have to go through, you know that.
Cassie: Was Reva with you?
Josh: Just now? Yes, you saw her.
Cassie: No, I mean when you went to see this person at the school.
Josh: Yeah, she was helping me.
Cassie: Well, I have to go catch up with will and I think... I think you should sleep in your office tonight.
Josh: Wait, you can’t... you can't be serious.
Cassie: I'm just worried about you making things harder for Will.
Josh: You're kicking me out of the house?
Cassie: No, Josh. No. Please? It's just for tonight so I can have some time with him. Because he gets very upset when you're there.
Josh: Cassie? Please.
Cassie: I have to catch up with him.
Josh: Wait. Just don't do this. Please.
Cassie: I'm sorry.
Reva: There's your coat.
Mallet: Hi. Hi. Hey, Will. How's it going? All right. This is what I'm going to do, Will. This isn't going to take long, okay? I just want you to tell me everything that your remember about the night that Edmund fell from the church, okay?
Will: Okay.
Mallet: All right. Thank you.
Reva: Oh. Hey. Sit.
Will: Edmund wanted to hurt my mom. I was scared. My mom means everything to me in the whole wide world.
Jeffrey: Will you excuse us? So, we'll wrap this up as soon as we can. Will I see you when I get home?
Reva: I don't know. Jeffrey: Are we still fighting?
Reva: There's nothing to fight about. What happened, happened. You automatically assumed that I was guilty.
Jeffrey: Okay, what does that mean for us?
Reva: What does it mean? I don't know what it means, I just know that I need some time to think.
Jeffrey: Okay. Take as much time as you need.
Reva: Thanks for going easy on Will.
Jeffrey: Did you think that I wouldn't?
Reva: No. Maybe that's the difference between the two of us. I know who you are.
Josh: Yeah. Here we go. (Knocking on the door) Cassie? (Laughter)
Reva: You can't go home, either, huh?
Reva: Well, are you going to invite a girl in?
Josh: Come on in, Reva! Grab yourself a beer out of the fridge.
Reva: Ooh!
Josh: Hey, you know what? Take two.
Reva: Yeah, well, it has been that kind of day, hasn't it?
Josh: Yeah. Do I need to ask how things went with Jeffrey?
Reva: Nope. I would rather just make a toast.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: Here is to trying to do the right thing and getting kicked in the ass. How does that sound?
Josh: (Laughs) Sounds dead on to me. Thank you.
Reva: Cheers.
Josh: This was supposed to be a sort of a turning point for us, you know? As a family? Cassie and I should have taken Will to the police station together, then we should have all gone home together, as a family, worked through some of this.
Reva: So she told you not to come home?
Josh: Pretty much, yeah. She said she wanted to be alone with her son. That's the way she puts it these days. Which is fine. I understand that, I get that, because she couldn't say it that way for such a long time and I know she doesn't mean that in a way to exclude me, but sometimes that's the way it pretty much feels. What did you think of Will's confession today?
Reva: (Groans)
Josh: Yeah. That's kind of what I thought, too.
Reva: You mean...
Josh: That it seemed a little too convenient, like he understood what would happen to him if he didn't confess to pushing Edmund. There's more to it, isn't there?
Reva: I've been asking myself that same question. How troubled can a little kid be? And then I think about Jonathan.
Josh: Yeah, but, you know, that was a different situation. I mean, Jonathan, he was beaten up on a regular basis by Alfred. You know, Will... for one thing, he's a kid. I mean, he's only eight years old, but he's calculating and manipulative and he looks at me sometimes and scares the daylights out of me. It's weird. And today, I thought... I thought that, you know, for a minute, finally everyone would understand, Cassie would understand exactly what happened. I don't know what happens now.
Reva: We get drunk.
Josh: (Laughs) Okay. Well, that's not a solution, but, you know, hey, it works for me.
Reva: Wow, look at that! I'm getting the good reverend plastered.
Josh: That's really a surprise to you, Reva?
Reva: No. Exactly something I would do!
Josh: (Laughs) I hope things between you and Jeffrey, they... I mean, was that about... today, was that about us taking Will and...
Reva: Nah. It really had nothing to do with that.
Josh: Good, I'm glad. Because, you know, I'm really thankful. I appreciate it. I needed you, and you were there for me. Thank you.
Reva: Yeah, don't mention it. Except, of course, you do owe me big time. So the next time I need help staging a kidnapping, you will drop everything to be there for me, including your Sunday sermon.
Josh: You know I would.
Reva: Yeah, I know.
Mallet: Okay, Cassie, if you would sign there. Jeffrey, I'm going to need yours here. Okay.
Jeffrey: Are we done here?
Mallet: Yeah, I think we are. As far as I can tell, what we got here is that Edmund took advantage of Will's innocence. He threatened you, he threatened your family, you pushed him in self defense and Edmund fell from the choir loft. It's fairly standard so I think we're good to go. Thank you, Will. Isn't it amazing that it took an eight year old to get Edmund out of our lives?
Cassie: So I can take him home now, yeah?
Mallet: Yeah. Take him home.
Cassie: Okay, sweetie, it's over. It's over.
Will: I love you, Mommy.
Cassie: I love you, too. Hey. I am so glad you told the truth today, sweetie. You know that? You're... Josh and I are both very proud of you, that you did that. You know, you can tell us the truth about anything because we are going to love you no matter what. We're not mad at you. You know, we know you only pushed Edmund because you thought he was going to try to hurt me.
Will: That's not why I pushed Edmund.
Cassie: It isn't?
Will: It wasn't an accident, Mommy. I'm glad Edmund’s gone. I wanted him to fall.
(Knocking on the door)
Daisy: Hey, Will-Bo. How's it going?
Will: Daisy, can you read me a story before bed?
Daisy: Yeah, sure. Let's go.
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Bill: Well, I remember it wasn't an accident.
Buzz: It never occurred to you that this wasn't an accident?
Billy: Who hates him enough that they would want to blow him up?
Marina: I'm thinking that maybe Phillip was involved.
Coop: Do you still have access to the Spaulding checking accounts?
Ashlee: No, Coop, we can't do that. That's illegal.
Bill: Lizzie, I said dim the lights, not turn them off.
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