Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/8/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Gus: What about 50 cent?
Natalia: For our wedding?
Gus: It's very romantic. If you listen... listen to the words. He's very romantic.
Natalia: Don't you have to meet up with Frank?
Gus: You don't really want my help at all.
Natalia: You are so not helping.
Gus: Let me tell you this. Any song that you pick, I love that song, too. It becomes my favorite song. If you like it, I like it.
Natalia: I never had a wedding before.
Gus: I know that.
Natalia: And you've had weddings before.
Gus: Just the one. That actually, you know, happened.
Natalia: Mm-hmm. So I want this one to be special, and I want it to be about us.
Gus: That's reasonable.
Natalia: So... okay, only one 50 cent song.
Gus: Right, because it's only 50 cent. It's not a lot, really.
Daisy: You saved me, Uncle Frank.
Frank: Well, it's nice to finally be able to help someone in this family, you know?
Daisy: Thank God the car died near the restaurant. Anyway, I owe you.
Frank: Hey, you know what? No worries. My pleasure. I'll tell you what, why don't we call it even if you can make that big guy smile.
Daisy: Hey, Grandpa.
Buzz: Hey.
Daisy: I'm sorry about everything blowing up.
Buzz: Which blowup were you talking about?
Daisy: I... never mind. Forget I mentioned it. I'm not very good at the comforting thing.
Frank: You certainly are Harley’s daughter, aren't you?
Daisy: I'm working on it, though. I want to be able to help you guys... you know, everyone, be okay. I better go. I'm taking Will to karate class.
Frank: Okay. Oh, hey, listen. What do you think of that kid?
Daisy: I like him. I mean, he's different, but so am I, so I guess I get him. I like kids and I like the idea of helping Tammy’s little brother. I've made a lot of mistakes and I'm not trying to make up for all of them, but...
Buzz: Oh, come on, we all make mistakes. That's why they call it a learning curve.
Frank: Absolutely.
Rafe: Whatever.
Frank: What is that all about?
Rafe: Well, they're right. You don't have to make up for anything, Daisy. If you know the right people in this town, you can skate no matter what you do.
Nurse: You look a little shaky, Ms. Spencer.
Olivia: Yeah. Well, that's because every time I see you I think that maybe Dr. Lane has made a mistake. A misdiagnosis, because that happens, you know? I've seen it on TV. A woman gets diagnosed and then she's treated and, you know, and then it changes her life, and then she's fine.
Nurse: I'm sorry.
Olivia: Yeah. I guess I'm watching too much TV. Anyway, I guess the good news is I'm mostly symptom free, you know, except for Christmas eve when I thought my heart was going to jump out of my body. But I'm babbling. I'm sorry. And I should really go. Thank you.
Nurse: Please call Dr. Lane if you have any questions.
Olivia: I will, thanks. Alan.
Alan: Olivia. I assume that you're here visiting your ex-husband, Bill.
Olivia: What happened to Bill?
Alan: Well, I don't know, but there seems to have been some kind of explosion in a trailer at one of the Lewis job sites.
Olivia: Oh, my God, is he all right?
Alan: I don't know. Are you all right?
Olivia: What?
Alan: Well, I saw you talking to the nurse, there.
Olivia: Yeah, no, I'm fine. Her boss is thinking about having an office space at the Beacon. What's going on with you? You know, you and Natalia? Have you gotten her away from Gus yet?
Will: Good prince wins again!
Cassie: Will, hot chocolate's ready. Okay now, be careful, okay? It's hot. Your brother is going to be very jealous, you know.
Will: R.J. Went out to the movies with Greg.
Cassie: Yeah, he did. So I think maybe we should make some more of this so he and Josh can have some when they come home later.
Will: How come Josh hates me and loves R.J.?
Cassie: Sweetie, he does not. He loves you just as much as he loves your brother.
Will: He doesn't act like it. He treats other people better.
Cassie: Like who?
Will: Reva.
Cassie: Well, honey, you know, Reva and Josh were married and they have kids together.
Will: Does he love her?
Mallet: Reva, this looks like this makes you the top suspect in the attempted murder of Edmund Winslow.
Reva: Based on what? An anonymous tip?
Mallet: Yeah, sometimes they pay off, like tonight.
Josh: Wait a second, wait a second. Mallet, this is Reva. You know her.
Mallet: You're right, I do. I know she has a long history of hating Edmund, and I know she's capable of lashing out when her family is threatened.
Reva: I didn't push Edmund off the balcony.
Mallet: Okay, I'm all ears. You tell me... you tell me how Edmund’s buttons, torn off his shirt the night he fell, how did they wind up in your purse?
Reva: I must have been set up.
Josh: Look, Bill was just involved in an explosion, you know that. We don't even know what his condition is right now. Can't we just do this another time?
Mallet: No, Josh, not another time. We can do this another place. Reva, you can come down to the police station and answer some more questions if you want.
Reva: Fine, I'll go.
Josh: I'm going, too.
Daisy: Well, you're Alan Spaulding’s grandson, so I guess that makes you what, an Olympic skater?
Rafe: I wish. I get nailed for jaywalking in this town because I don't know the secret password or handshake or whatever gets you into that club that lets you get away with murder-- like Ashlee.
Daisy: Stop. Leave Ashlee alone.
Rafe: She messes with your family and you defend her?
Buzz: Ashlee didn't mean to hurt anybody.
Rafe: Wow, you know, my mom's right. You people are unreal.
Buzz: What?
Rafe: Ever hear of right or wrong?
Daisy: Why are you here?
Rafe: I don't know. I don't know.
Daisy: Okay, well, I'm late. I have to go get Will.
Rafe: Will? That weird little dude?
Daisy: I guess not everyone can be as perfect as you. It must be nice, though.
Rafe: I saw her car and I thought... well, maybe we could start over?
Frank: Hold on one second. What the hell was that? I mean, is that your way of sweeping her off her feet?
Rafe: I got nervous.
Buzz: Try flowers next time.
Rafe: Yeah.
Mallet: Come on in, Reva, have a seat. Coffee, water?
Reva: How long is this going to take?
Mallet: Well, that depends on you.
Josh: Reva, don't say anything at all. Thank you very much. Okay, tell her it's important. That was Mel’s clerk. Mel's in a meeting right now, but she's going to call us as soon as she gets out.
Mallet: Josh, I'm not arresting her. It's standard questioning.
Josh: Is she allowed to have an attorney present?
Mallet: Yeah.
Josh: Fine, then we're going to wait for Mel.
Mallet: Okay.
Josh: Okay, thank you.
Reva: Joshua...
Josh: And if I can't get Mel, then I'm going to get you another attorney.
Reva: Joshua.
Josh: And I'm sure Jeffrey knows other people...
Reva: Josh! Stop, please. All that stuff that Mallet just said about my hating Edmund and how I tend to go overboard at times, all that stuff is true.
Josh: I know, Reva, that's why I want you to wait until there's an attorney here before you say anything.
Reva: I didn't push him.
Josh: I know that.
Reva: Don't just say it. I need for you to believe me. Not that long ago, you were standing here claiming that you were the one that shot Alan because you weren't sure whether or not Cassie had done it. I don't want you turning out to be the hero in all this.
Josh: I'm just trying to protect you.
Reva: Look in my eyes, Bud. I mean, look in my eyes. No matter how much I hated Edmund, no matter how happy I am now that he may never be able to hurt anyone again, I didn't push him. It was your big day and I never would have done anything to ruin that for you.
Josh: I believe you.
Reva: Good. Now that that's settled, go out there and get me the best lawyer that your money will buy.
Josh: I'm going to do that, but I think I can do better. I think I can bring in the person who's guilty.
Cassie: Sweetie, it's important that you know that Josh does love you. I understand that when you see him with R.J. or Billy...
Will: Or Reva.
Cassie: ...Or Reva. He loves all those people. And I know that you feel like the new guy around here, but I think that makes you special.
Will: Is that why Josh had me paint chairs in the church and not R.J.?
Cassie: Sweetie, I think Josh was trying to have some special time with you, and that's the kind of thing that he did with his dad. I'm sure you would have been happier if he just took you snowboarding, but that's Josh and he's worried about you.
Will: Why?
Cassie: Well, because he wants to make sure that you're happy with us, just like I do. (Knock on the door)
Daisy: Hello. Ready for karate class?
Will: Thanks for the hot chocolate, Mom. I like it when it's just you and me.
Daisy: All right, come on. Let's get your stuff.
Will: Bye, Mom.
Cassie: Hey, Will, I was thinking that I might clean your room while you were gone. Anything you want me to leave alone? New toys or anything?
Will: Nope. See you later.
Olivia: Are you waiting for me?
Alan: Olivia, you know I have a lot of money invested in this Main Street reconstruction. Now if there's going to be a delay because of Bill's accident, I need to know about it.
Olivia: You're all heart, Alan. They don't know anything yet. It's amazing to me, you know, I mean, how your life can change so quickly. One minute everything is fine and then the next, it blows up and you just have to hang on to what you can.
Alan: You and I don't have to hang on because we make things happen.
Olivia: Really? See, I've made some progress with Gus, but what about you and Natalia? You've got to carry your own weight, Alan.
Alan: I am carrying my own weight. I'm protecting you and Emma from Phillip and you know that.
Olivia: What about Natalia?
Alan: I have plans for her today. But tell me, why are you so passionate all of a sudden?
Olivia: Because, Alan, we have a deal, remember?
Alan: I think there's more to this deal.
Olivia: Goodbye.
Alan: Oh, Olivia, you could never resist a Spaulding man, could you?
Olivia: Gus is the best of all of you.
Alan: Well, I'm sorry I'm late, Natalia.
Natalia: Not a problem. Gus and I were just looking over wedding songs. You just missed him.
Alan: Really? Well, let me... let me see the list. I don't recognize one of those songs.
Natalia: Oh, these are all the songs that Nick and I used to listen to when we were first dating.
Alan: "Nick"? You're calling him "Nick"?
Natalia: Yeah, sometimes, I... force of habit.
Alan: Oh.
Natalia: So, what's up?
Alan: Well, I needed your help. I'm thinking about buying kind of a father-son wedding gift for Gus to kind of help patch our relationship up, but I don't want him to think I'm bribing him. I want to show him that I really care. Maybe you can help me pick out something.
Natalia: Okay, well what did you have in mind?
Alan: Well, I was thinking about getting him a watch, but time is not really something he's into.
Natalia: No.
Alan: Do you see something there?
Natalia: No, I was looking at that pendant because your sister has one exactly like that and she always looks so elegant when she wears it.
Alan: Well, then that is what I will get you for your wedding.
Natalia: No, you won’t. That is not what I meant.
Alan: Look, if you're going to become a Spaulding, you need to get used to being spoiled rotten.
Natalia: I don't know what to say.
Alan: I love seeing you this happy, and I must admit, I envy you and Gus.
Natalia: You know, you're going to find someone, Alan.
Alan: I'm not talking about that. You're getting to relive your youth-- pretend to be 16 again.
Natalia: Oh, no, I don’t... I wouldn't say that we were...
Alan: Of course you are! Look, you're calling him Nick, you're picking out songs that you used to listen to when you were young, I mean, you're living in the past. I think it's great.
Natalia: No, this... our wedding is not about the past. This is a wedding about the present and the future because Nick-- or Gus-- chose to spend his life with me.
Gus: Hello there, ma'am.
Olivia: Gus.
Gus: Medical police. Let me ask you a couple of questions. Did you go to the doctor today?
Olivia: (Laughs) Yes.
Gus: Mm-hmm. Are you taking the proper medication?
Olivia: Yes. Shh, Emma’s inside. Get in.
Gus: All right, then, very good. There she is! Hello, beautiful. Let me give a little hug to my little tiny niece. How are you?
Emma: I'm doing homework, so not good.
Gus: Mm-hmm. I know the feeling. Maybe you should get back to the homework because someone's going to get mad at somebody if you don't do your homework. So it's not because of me. Get out of here!
Olivia: (Laughs) Oh, yeah. Great, thanks a lot!
Gus: So what did the doctor say?
Olivia: Oh, you know, heart's getting weaker. There's no real miracle cure just yet. Truth is, I can feel myself getting worse a little every day. You know, I took a flight of stairs, one flight of stairs, and I was winded.
Gus: Well, you know what I say-- you should take the escalator.
Olivia: (Laughs)
Gus: Or the elevator. It's a tough room. Sorry.
Olivia: No, I'm sorry. Hey, I had a nightmare about Phillip.
Gus: I thought you said you'd call me if you had any dreams.
Olivia: In the middle of the night?
Gus: Call me whenever.
Olivia: Yeah.
Gus: What happened? In the dream?
Olivia: Well, I was already... and I watching from above and I...
Gus: Oh, you were watching from above. Should I write this down? You were watching from above.
Olivia: Hey, you know what, it could happen, it could happen.
Gus: Mm-hmm. Where was the little one?
Olivia: With Ava, but Phillip was coming after her. This time, Alan was helping him and she tried to push him off, but she was no match for them, and I woke up and I realized this could actually happen.
Gus: Hmm. Well, I thought when it came to Emma that Alan was actually on your side.
Olivia: Well, today, yeah, but tomorrow, who knows? I mean, you know, Phillip was his golden boy and if Alan’s granddaughter is the prize... how do you fight a battle when you're not even going to be here?
Gus: All right. You got to stop saying that, okay? Because you are going to be here.
Olivia: No, I can’t. See, I have to face reality on this. Especially when it comes to Alan and Phillip.
Gus: Well, I'm not going to let anything happen to her, right? I'm her uncle.
Olivia: So you could help Ava?
Gus: Honey, when it comes to Emma and you, I would do anything. I'd step in and be a dad to her, if that's what you wanted.
Olivia: I can't believe you would do that for me.
Gus: Of course I would do that for you. It would give you peace of mind, right? You deserve to have peace of mind.
Olivia: I don't know what to say. I know that that's so much to ask, I just don't know who can stand up to Phillip and Alan, but you could. You could.
Gus: And I would.
Olivia: And you would love her, and you would treat her well, the way she deserves to be. Hey, baby.
Gus: Hey.
Emma: Gus, can you quiz me in Spanish?
Gus: Quiz you in Spanish? I'm an excellent quizzer. Yeah. Sure.
Olivia: Don't go so easy on her, okay? She's smart.
Gus: Okay, we'll see. Crack it up on what you got. What you got? What you got? What you got? Spanish. Holy pequena por cuentamente ! I don't know any of that stuff.
Olivia: (Laughs) No!
Gus: You know what we should do? We should call Natalia. Do you know Natalia? She's fluent in Spanish. No, you haven't met Natalia. She should meet Natalia, don't you think?
Olivia: Yes, absolutely.
Daisy: Oh...I... I...
Buzz: What?
Daisy: I'm not sure it's a good idea to eat before karate class, but Will says he needs a sugar fix.
Buzz: A sugar fix?
Daisy: Yeah, maybe like an oatmeal cookie or something?
Buzz: Okay, I'm on it.
Rafe: So, maybe we should talk.
Daisy: Um, no, not until you grow up. I was just telling Will that, actually.
Rafe: You talk to that kid about your love life?
Daisy: "Love life?"
Rafe: You know what I mean.
Daisy: Yeah, well, he's a lot easier to talk to and more mature than you are. Um, okay, yeah, thank you. I got to go. Why is Rafe still here?
Buzz: Oh, kid has some picture in his mind of this Daisy girl, you know? She's ripping his heart apart. He's dying. You can't leave him here. He's dying! He's dying!
Daisy: (Laughs) Bye.
Rafe: She talks to that weird little kid about me!
Buzz: Well, at least she's talking.
Mallet: Any word from Mel?
Reva: No.
Mallet: You mind if I hang around in here? Because Doris is driving me crazy with that camera crew.
Josh: Look, I'm going to go talk to Cassie and make sure that we're doing everything we can to help you.
Reva: I understand.
Josh: Okay.
Mallet: I don't understand.
Josh: Reva's not the one you're looking for.
Mallet: Hmm. So, now, Reva, is he going to come back in here and claim that he's the one who pushed Edmund?
Reva: (Laughs) No.
Mallet: He's not?
Reva: No.
Mallet: Okay, good.
Jeffrey: What the hell's going on here?
Mallet: Well, I don't know. You tell me. Are you here as the D.A. or as the boyfriend?
Jeffrey: You brought her in here for questioning based on an anonymous tip?
Mallet: Yeah. A tip that led to the buttons missing from Edmund's shirt that I found in her purse.
Jeffrey: Have you read her her rights?
Mallet: I haven't arrested her yet! No, not yet.
Reva: Look, I don't know how those buttons got in my...
Jeffrey: Wait, don't say thing.
Reva: No, I just want Mallet to know that no matter how much I hated Edmund, I...
Jeffrey: Please, don't say another word. Detective Mallet, would you mind if I spoke with Reva alone?
Mallet: Why not?
Reva: Hi.
Jeffrey: Here's what we'll tell the police, okay? You've been under a lot of stress lately, you're coming up on the anniversary of your son's death and your granddaughter's death. We'll get you out of here. We'll take care of this tomorrow, okay?
Reva: You think I'm guilty, don't you?
Cassie: Hey. How's Bill?
Josh: We don't know yet. Are the boys here?
Cassie: No. R.J.'s off with friends and Daisy took Will to karate practice. Why, did something happen at the hospital?
Josh: Yeah, not to Bill. With Reva.
Cassie: What about Reva?
Josh: After you left, Mallet showed up. He took Reva down to the police station and he's questioning her about Edmund’s fall.
Cassie: So... Mallet thinks that Reva pushed him.
Josh: Cassie, it's time, okay. It's time for us to face the truths about Will. We cannot let Reva take the fall for something that he did.
Cassie: What am I supposed to face the truth about with Will? Reva is the one who is dreaming up scenarios of how to get rid of Edmund.
Josh: She was just talking, you know that! All the evidence points to Will.
Cassie: What evidence?
Josh: Edmond said to me...
Cassie: Okay, I don't want to hear about Edmund. Okay, the buttons? You wanted to go search Will's room for the buttons? Well, I told will that I was going to clean his room while he as gone and it didn't even phase him. Don't you think if he was hiding something he would have reacted?
Josh: Not if he had already hidden them someplace else. Cassie... Cassie, Mallet found them in Reva’s purse.
Cassie: Oh, so Will planted them on Reva? Josh, he's an eight-year-old boy. He is not a criminal mastermind.
Josh: He's a very smart little boy.
Cassie: Yeah, and he's also a loving little boy, and I cannot believe that you would sacrifice my son for your ex-wife.
Jeffrey: Make sure no one's listening. We don't want you to say anything to make you look bad in front of the police.
Reva: What about you? Aren't you the D.A.? Won't you be prosecuting me?
Jeffrey: No, that would be a conflict of interest.
Reva: Well, then that's a good thing. I mean, since you think I gave Edmund the heave-ho.
Jeffrey: Look. Okay, maybe you went up there to talk to him, to convince him to leave town because you knew if he didn't, I might do something, you know, more extreme. It's not that hard to believe that things got out of control, they escalated, you struggled, he fell.
Reva: I told you that Jonathan and Sarah were alive.
Jeffrey: Actually, I had to piece that together.
Reva: Yeah, well, whatever. I also told you what happened in California with Alan and that sheriff. Jeffrey, after everything we've shared, why would I keep something like this from you? You still don't believe me, do you?
Cassie: Nope. Not in there. Gosh, you know, they're not in here, either.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: Do you think we're even going to recognize Will's super-secret hiding place when we find it?
Josh: Okay, okay, I get it. This is hard for you, I understand that.
Cassie: You're asking me to turn my son into the police.
Josh: We have to talk to him, Cassie. At the very least...
Cassie: So that he will free Reva.
Josh: This is not about Reva. We have to do this because it's the right thing to do! If he pushed...
Cassie: How can you be so sure? How can you be so sure Reva didn't do it?
Josh: Because she told me she didn't do it.
Cassie: That's it? She told you? The woman who lied to us about having cancer and wanting to leave you and now suddenly her word is gold?
Josh: I believe her.
Cassie: Okay, what about Will? You said you want to adopt him, you want to be his father. If he tells you that Edmund was lying, will you believe him?
Josh: It's not the same thing, Cassie.
Cassie: Don't push me on this, Josh. You know, I saw Reva go up the stairs to the balcony just before Edmund fell. You want me to tell that to the cops?
Josh: Okay. I understand. I know that you feel guilty about sending Will away, and I know that you want to do everything you can to make it up for him, but if he did this, if he needs help, he needs help!
Cassie: I don't know who did what! I don't know who did what. All I know is I am not going to lose another child.
Daisy: Come on, Will, or you're going to be late for your class.
Will: I don't want to go.
Daisy: I thought you liked karate.
Will: I don't feel so good.
Daisy: You're going to have to do better than that. You know how many times I've used that excuse? Come on, what's going on?
Will: Josh doesn't like me. He's telling Mom I'm doing bad things.
Daisy: Oh. Well, I know how that goes. I've been called "bad" a lot, too. Maybe you could miss one karate class.
Will: Hey, there's R.J. Let's go say hi.
Alan: We were picking out a wedding present for you, Gus, when you called.
Gus: Hmm. Lucky me.
Natalia: So, what's going on?
Gus: Oh, I'll tell you what's going on. The little one's having some Spanish issues with the homework. And I thought maybe you could help out and, you know, since you know some Spanish.
Natalia: Oh, sure! Necesite ayuda?
Emma: Uh-oh.
Natalia: We'll start slow. We'll go very slow.
Gus: (Laughs) See?
Natalia: Let me see...
Gus: Olivia. Olivia, it's Gus.
Olivia: Gus?
Gus: You fainted on me. Here. Get up, sit on the bed.
Alan: I'm going to get a doctor.
Natalia: Oh, please.
Gus: Hon, you okay?
Olivia: Yeah, I think I am.
Emma: Mommy.
Olivia: Em, I'm fine. Don't worry, okay? I just... I didn't eat today, so, you know what? There's so cookies in the other room. Would you go get them for me? Okay, cool. Thank you.
Alan: You know, maybe we should all get out of here and just give her some space.
Gus: Yeah, yeah. That's a really good...
Olivia: No, would you, Gus... would you just stick around for a minute? I need to talk to you.
Alan: Natalia, I can walk you out. Come on.
Natalia: Are you kidding me?
Gus: What?
Natalia: Both of you, she is so obviously faking this. No, no, I'm serious. Every time I turn around there is some excuse where she needs you alone, she needs you for something. She runs this hotel, Gus, by herself. She is not some weakling who needs to be rescued.
Gus: Don't do this right now.
Natalia: Don't do what? Don't point out the fact that she's a user and you're being a sap?
Alan: Maybe you two should go and have this conversation outside. I'll stay here with Olivia.
Olivia: Oh, please, please do. I'll be fine.
Gus: Good night. Honey?
Alan: Wow. I'd almost forgotten how good of an actress you are.
Jeffrey: (Knocks on door) It's me. Okay, I paged Mel again.
Reva: Wait, I'm sorry, but is this off the record, because I don't want to say anything that could be used against me?
Jeffrey: Reva, I'm trying to help you.
Reva: Whether I'm innocent or guilty?
Jeffrey: The important thing here is to keep you out of jail, isn't it?
Reva: Well, yeah, that may be difficult, since you don't believe what I'm saying.
Jeffrey: Look, I'm not Josh, okay? I can't look into people's souls and see the goodness.
Reva: So what do you do? You look into their eyes and you see the guilt?
Jeffrey: Well, a lot of people are guilty, Reva, okay. That's why they go to jail, that's why we have them arrested, okay. I can see what people are capable of doing. That's what helps me to prosecute, that's what helps me to defend them. And that's a good thing for you right now because right now, the police think that you are guilty.
Reva: Well, I'm not.
Jeffrey: Well, fine, then help me prove it, okay? How did those buttons get into your purse?
Reva: I don't know. Okay, Josh seems to think that somebody planted them in there.
Jeffrey: "Josh seems to think..." how does he know that? Did he look into your soul, he knew that you were telling the truth?
Reva: Yes, he did!
Jeffrey: Reva, I am standing by you either way, okay? That should count for something. Isn't that what Josh did last year when he didn't know if Cassie shot Alan Spaulding? He stood by her. Why was that a good thing then and not a good thing now?
Reva: It's not the same thing. It's not.
Jeffrey: It's not?
Reva: No, no.
Jeffrey: Because Josh couldn't look into Cassie’s eyes, right, and see if she was telling the truth, okay? He couldn't look into her eyes and know for sure. His magical powers don't go that far. No, no, no, that only works when he looks into your eyes.
Reva: I never would have thought that you were threatened by Josh Lewis.
Jeffrey: I'm not, Reva. I'm being realistic. Not that long ago, you came to me and you asked me to cover up a murder.
Reva: So what do you think? I'm some kind of serial murderer now? Thanks for having such faith in me.
Jeffrey: I didn't say that.
Reva: You said plenty and I think I'm just going to wait for my lawyer.
Jeffrey: Reva, please.
Reva: No, really, Jeffrey. I don't need your help. I will handle this on my own.
Jeffrey: Right.
R.J.: Let me go! (Struggling)
Josh: Will, let him go, right now!
R.J.: We were just fighting over the ball, Dad.
Daisy: Will, are you all right? Josh, I was right here. They were just playing. Next time you need to cut Will a break. Come on, I'll take you home.
Cassie: He was our little boy, Richard. Our gift. I can't let you down. Or him.
Olivia: Well, I think Emma believed me. She's back to studying and I got my cookies. You want one?
Alan: What an extraordinary performance you gave! You know, for a moment there I almost got down to catch you. (Laughs)
Olivia: Glad you didn't put yourself out.
Alan: You saw them bickering, which is very good. Obviously your driving a wedge is working. It may take a little longer to keep them apart, but...
Olivia: Alan, I don't have time. I mean, the wedding is not that far off. Isn't it going to be harder to separate them once they're married?
Alan: Well, I suppose so, yes.
Emma: Granddad.
Alan: Well, looky! What have you got there? Oh, my goodness, did you do this, Emma? Can Granddad have this? Come here, sweetheart. I want to tell you something. You are a Spaulding, and I want you know that whatever you want, all you have to do is come to your Granddad and ask, okay? Good. Come here! Oh!
Gus: I'm just saying that if you have a problem with Olivia, you can just tell me in private. You know, what you did before-- that wasn't nice, what you did.
Natalia: I have a problem with Olivia. How's that?
Gus: Why didn't you just say so?
Natalia: Yeah.
Gus: Why do you have a problem?
Natalia: I have a problem because she wants you.
Gus: That’s... well, it would take two people, right? And I'm not interested, honey. I'm just not interested in her.
Natalia: Okay, you know, I believe you, but she's using you. First with this whole Phillip thing and then she uses the oldest, lamest trick there is, with the phony fainting routine. I don't understand how you don't see through that.
Gus: Look, she's alone and she's scared and there's no more to it than that and that's all there is.
Natalia: No, she's lonely and she's playing you. Cut her loose.
Gus: Honey.
Natalia: I'm serious. You are way to involved in her life and I don't trust her.
Gus: Well, do you trust me? Where's the girl that I used to drive around for hours and hours until we ran out of gas? Where is she?
Natalia: You know, I am so not the same little innocent girl that you took to the prom.
Gus: What did you do with her?
Natalia: I'm not her anymore, Nick. You see, now I'm doing it, too.
Gus: You're doing what?
Natalia: I'm calling you "Nicky."
Gus: Well, I like it when you call me that.
Natalia: And that's not your name anymore. You changed your name. You want to be with the girl from back then, and I am not that girl anymore. I am not the perfect little girl that you left behind because I had a life when you weren't around and I grew up. And if you want to marry me, I think that you should get to know the girl that I am now.
Rafe: So, I'm going to get better at this girl thing when I get older, right?
Buzz: No.
Frank: Absolutely.
Buzz: I didn’t. You got better at this, Frank?
Frank: I never got better.
Buzz: Come on. Show him a little hope, will you?
Rafe: Sometimes it takes awhile for people to get it together. I mean, look at my mom and Gus, though. Sorry, you guys have bigger things to worry about.
Frank: I'd actually like to take a break from the bigger things.
Rafe: Everything in this place is just so complicated, you know? I thought things in a small town would be easier.
Will: Mommy!
Cassie: Will, sweetie, what's wrong?
Will: Josh is saying I did bad things.
R.J.: Don't ask me.
Will: R.J. and I was just playing a game. Josh shoved me.
Cassie: Thank you, Daisy.
Daisy: Anytime. And, for the record, I believe Will.
Josh: I thought the boys were fighting.
Will: It was just a game. Josh shoved me.
Josh: I was trying to separate them. I thought Will was hurting R.J.
Will: I told you, he hates me.
Cassie: He doesn't hate you. Can't you see how upset he is?
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: Just... would you leave us alone? Just give him a chance to calm down. (Cell phone rings)
Josh: Hello?
Reva: Hey, it's me.
Josh: How's it going?
Reva: Well, I don't know. Mel's not here yet, and they seem intent on questioning me. Have you seen Will? Is he okay? Has he come clean?
Josh: No, he didn’t. And Cassie’s in denial. I feel like I'm going to have to do something. I came across Will and R.J. earlier, and Will was wrapped up all around him.
Reva: Did he hurt R.J.?
Josh: I don't think so. I pulled them apart, they claimed they were just playing. But there was this look in Will's eyes. It... it made me wonder what he's capable of.
Reva: Well, what can you do?
Josh: I don't know. He's manipulating Cassie perfectly. She doesn't believe anything I say about him.
Reva: Well, if it means anything, I believe you.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: He's just a kid, Joshua. It just makes me think that some terrible things must have happened to him when he was away from Cassie. And then it reminds me of Jonathan. I just can't believe this is happening all over again.
Josh: I have to help him before it gets any worse. If Cassie won't do anything, I'm going to have to.
Cassie: Will, do you want some water before bed? Hey, what are you doing with that?
Will: I want to leave before Josh sends me away like he did to Uncle Edmund.
Cassie: Come here, sweetie. That's not going to happen. I'm not going to let anyone take you away, not ever again.
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Josh: That plan we talked about.
Reva: I remember.
Josh: I think it's time. I care about Will, that's why I'm doing this.
Will: I don't want to!
Reva: What do you think Cassie’s going to do when she finds out about this?
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