GL Transcript Monday 1/7/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/7/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: Hey. I got your message.

Jeffrey: Mm-wah!

Reva: Mwah! Mm, yum.

Jeffrey: Thanks for coming by. (Laughs) What do you think?

Reva: It's not the most romantic place in the world for us to meet, but...

Jeffrey: No, no, no, that's not what I mean. No, no.

Reva: But you look cute.

Jeffrey: No!

Reva: The job. You took the job.

Jeffrey: Well, I wanted to run it by you first, but, yeah, I think I want to do it. I want to take the D.A. job.

Reva: It’s... it's great. It’s... it's great.

Jeffrey: Are you sure?

Reva: I'm positive. I mean, look how happy you are. Of course it's okay with me besides, you've always wanted to be right smack dab in the middle of the action.

Jeffrey: Well, it is a great job, but, you know, I'm not sure that I really miss it that much, you know. I'm not sure I can go through all the rules again, upholding the law, living like that.

Reva: What are you talking about? You? You live by your own set of rules. You always have. That's one of the things I love about you. I saw Frank earlier. I'm going to go say hi.

Cassie: Hey.

Josh: Hi.

Cassie: Welcome home.

Josh: Thank you. Did I miss anything while I was away?

Cassie: Oh, just lots and lots of sledding. Will has a new hobby, right?

Josh: Hello, Will.

Cassie: I had a really great couple of days with the boys. Not that we didn't miss you. It's just that Will has been happy.

Josh: I have to tell you something.

Cassie: Okay. Something happen on your trip? Does the church need you to go back already?

Josh: The trip had nothing to do with the church.

Cassie: You told me it had to do with the church.

Josh: I know. I said it was church business, but it wasn’t.

Cassie: Oh. Okay. So where did you go?

Josh: I went to San Cristobel.

Cassie: What? Why?

Josh: Because Edmund phoned me.

Cassie: He's out of the coma? Why didn’t... why didn't you tell me this?

Josh: Just... just keep your voice down for a minute, okay? Yeah, he was only conscious for a short time and that's why I went to San Cristobel, because I was hoping he would recover long enough to tell me more.

Cassie: Tell you more about what?

Josh: About what he said to me on the phone. You remember that you thought Edmund was trying to tell you something when he was in the hospital, right?

Cassie: Yeah, he just couldn't get the words out.

Josh: Well, this time he got the words out, at least enough of them. He told me who pushed him off the balcony at the church.

Cassie: Who?

Josh: Cassie, I'm sorry, okay? But it was Will. Will pushed Edmund.

Dr. Scannell: So we just passed through the holidays-- Christmas, New Year's-- a time when people feel lonely, more pressure to be on. Is there anything you'd like to share, Dinah?

Dinah: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I was in here. It was okay. I mean, it wasn't the most glamorous Christmas I ever had, but my brother was with me, so, uh, that was good. You know what? Can someone else go? I'm not so great with all this sharing stuff.

Billy: Yeah, I'll go, 'cause I sure as hell wanted a drink.

Dr. Scannell: Because you were alone?

Billy: Well, no, I had plenty of people around me. I just didn't have my son around me because I told him to get the hell out and... that's why I wanted a drink, because I felt bad and I didn't want to feel bad.

Dr. Scannell: Well, what made you feel bad?

Billy: Well, he's been making a lot of bad decisions lately. He's been hurting people.

Dr. Scannell: Well, your son's an adult, right?

Billy: Oh, yeah. I know he's responsible for his own decisions, but I just... I couldn't help but think that, you know, somehow he was doing this on account of me. Maybe I hadn't helped him enough or maybe I hadn't set a good enough example, and now he's kind of on this self-destructive path and... I'm really afraid he's just going to hurt somebody.

Lizzie: I need an ambulance right away. I'm... I'm at Lewis Construction trailer, right off Main Street. There's been some kind of an explosion. A man's hurt. Yes, of course I'm going to stay here. What would I do? Where would I go? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, an ambulance is on its way.

Bill: I got work... I got to work.

Lizzie: Hey, hey, hey. Lay down. Lay down, lay still, okay? Okay?

Bill: Lizzie...

Lizzie: Hey, I'm right here. Bill? Bill? No, no. Come on, come on. They told me to keep you conscious. Bill. (Cell phone rings)

Billy: This better be an emergency.

Lizzie: There's been an accident in one of the trailers. Bill's really hurt.

Billy: Bill? How bad?

Lizzie: I don't know. He's unconscious. The ambulance is on its way. Can you just meet us at the hospital, okay? Billy, he needs you.

Billy: I'll be right there.

Dinah: What's wrong with Bill?

Billy: There was an explosion. Bill's at the hospital.

Dinah: Oh, my God. I'm going to check myself out.

Dr. Scannell: Where do you think you're going?

Billy: My boy's in the hospital. I got to go be with him.

Dr. Scannell: I can't let you go. You've already violated the cell phone rule. How do I know that wasn't one of your drinking buddies on his way to pick you up?

Billy: I got to go be with my boy.

Dr. Scannell: Billy. You're in here by court order. I couldn't let you go if I wanted to.

Ava: Hey. A little early to start drinking, don't you think?

Coop: (Coughs) Well, not if you're Bill Lewis or Doris Wolfe. In fact, they're probably popping the champagne bottles now, having toasts to the end of Company and anything else that's good about this town. (Siren wailing)

Ava: Man, that sounds close. So, sorry about your dad. I heard that he fixed the election. I can't believe it.

Coop: It wasn't him.

Ava: What?

Coop: Wasn't him. It was Ashlee.

Ava: She told you?

Coop: Mmm. Now they got her in custody and they won't let me see her.

Ava: Can I do anything to help?

Coop: (Laughs) "Can I do anything to help?" Please, Ava, you don't care about Ashlee.

Ava: Stop! I do.

Coop: Hey.

Ava: I do care about Ashlee. Whatever is important to you is important to me.

Coop: Oh, okay.

Ava: And you're not going to help anybody by carrying this stupid...

Coop: Hey, wait. I just got... that's a new bottle, Ava, please.

Ava: No, it's not. It's in the garbage. (Cell phone rings) Hang on a second. Ava Peralta. Oh, my God. No, thank you for letting me know. That was really close. There's been an accident on the construction site, Coop.

Coop: The Lewis Construction site?

Ava: Yeah, the Main Street renovation, on the construction site.

Coop: What happened?

Ava: An explosion, a fire. They're on the way to the hospital. Bill's going to the... Bill Lewis is going to the hospital.

Coop: Whoa, whoa, whoa. He was in there?

Ava: What?

Coop: The trailer. Oh... (groans) I didn't think anyone was in there.

Ava: Did you start that fire?

Coop: Ava... uh... look, I got to talk to Frank.

Ava: No. No, no, no, no.

Coop: Look, no. Ava, stop...

Ava: No, you can't talk to Frank, okay?

Coop: What? No, I... Ava, please. What if Bill's hurt? If he's going to the hospital...

Ava: Listen to me. He's not going to think it's an accident. People are going to think that you did this deliberately.

Reva: You're still here.

Jeffrey: Yep.

Reva: You didn't run away.

Jeffrey: I thought about it.

Reva: Well, you still can. I mean, there's no reason...

Jeffrey: I know. You can run, too.

Reva: Yeah, I know. The thought crossed my mind.

Jeffrey: So, I guess we're not running.

Reva: I guess not.

Jeffrey: That's a good sign.

Reva: It's a very good sign. But it was just a word, after all.

Jeffrey: Yeah. I ain't afraid of no word. Are you?

Reva: (Laughs) Hell no.

Josh: Where did you go?

Cassie: I went to make sure that Will is in his room so he can't hear what you're saying.

Josh: Okay. Well, we need to come up with some kind of a plan before we confront him.

Cassie: Confront him?

Josh: Yes.

Cassie: Josh, what are we going to confront him with, Edmund’s lies? I can't believe that you're even taking this seriously.

Josh: See, why would Edmund lie about this?

Cassie: Why does Edmund do anything? To cause problems, and look, it's working-- we're fighting. Obviously, somehow Edmund picked up on the fact that you didn't trust Will and I guess he knew if he pinned it on Will, you'd believe him.

Josh: We already know that Will has lied to us. Come on. Cassie, Will said that he was standing with you holding your hand when Edmund fell. That's not true. We know it's not true.

Cassie: He's an eight-year-old boy. He just saw his uncle fall from a balcony. His dad died. You don’t... you don't think it's possible that he's traumatized? I just don't follow why you're so eager to pin this on my son.

Josh: Because it makes some kind of sense, Cassie.

Cassie: No, it doesn’t.

Josh: It does! Look, look, look. I know that there are a lot of grown-ups out there, adults who have grudges against Edmund. I get that. But think about what Will was like right after Edmund fell, okay? He wasn't even upset about it. He was very calm about it, in fact.

Cassie: He was in shock.

Josh: James gets pushed off the stage, and Will gets his role. Think about when Will was locked in the barn. This is a pattern of behavior, Cassie.

Cassie: Okay, okay, okay! Just enough, Josh. You told me you want to be his father. That means you are supposed to be on his side. This kid has had nothing but tragedy in his life, and he's been without his mother, and you're... you're acting like you're prosecuting a case against him. I just... I can't hear it anymore.

Josh: We can't just ignore it, Cassie.

Cassie: Well, we're not going to ignore. Just... I... can you just let the police handle this? Frank said something about the buttons from Edmund’s shirt...

Josh: Yeah. Why don't we go search his room and see if we can find them?

Cassie: You want to search Will's room?

Josh: Yeah, why not? Come on, Cassie, if we find the buttons, will you believe me?

Cassie: If we don't find them, will you believe me? (Cell phone ringing)

Josh: It's Billy.

Cassie: So answer it.

Josh: Billy, look, I'm in the middle of something right now. Could... what? What? Okay. No, no, no. We'll go, we'll go. Yeah, I'll call you back. There was an accident at the construction site near Main Street. Bill has been taken to Cedars.

Cassie: Oh, my God.

Josh: Yeah, and they're not going to let Billy out from rehab to go see him.

Cassie: Well, then we should go.

Will: I want to go. I like Bill.

Josh: Actually, I think it would be better if you and your brother stay here, okay, Will?

Cassie: Well, R.J.'s not here. He's with friends.

Will: Can I go, Mom? I'm part of the family, right?

Cassie: Of course you're part of the family, sweetie. Of course. We'll just... yeah, we'll grab your jacket. What?

Will: Thanks, Mom. I love you.

Cassie: I love you, too, sweetie.

Josh: No, I don't actually know how he is. Billy just said that they're not going to let him out of rehab to go see him, so I figure we should get as much of the family there as possible.

Reva: No, no, I'll be right there.

Jeffrey: Yeah, okay. I'll be right down. You know what? I'm going to need to cut this short.

Reva: Five minutes and they're already hounding you, huh?

Jeffrey: No, no, it's actually... it's family. Ava's in trouble.

Reva: Yeah, actually. Me, too. Bill was in some kind of an accident and he's at the hospital.

Jeffrey: You want me to go with you?

Reva: No, no. No, you take care of your family and I'll take care of mine.

Jeffrey: Okay. Well, listen, call me if you need me, okay?

Reva: I will.

Dinah: Hey.

Billy: Hey. What are you still doing here?

Dinah: I heard they're not going to let you out.

Billy: Yeah, my boy's going to think that I don't want to... look, I got to get out of here, Dinah.

Dinah: I know, I know, but you and Bill have had your troubles, so...

Billy: He doesn't want me there right now, but I want to be there in case he does want me there, in case he wants his dad. I want to be right there for him.

Dr. Scannell: Your papers are in order, Dinah. Are you sure you're ready to leave here?

Dinah: Well, um, Doc, actually, I am a little nervous with my brother being in the hospital. I just... I don't want to relapse, so can I talk to you before I go?

Dr. Scannell: Sure.

Dinah: Okay.

Ava: Hey. Thanks for coming.

Coop: You called your dad?

Ava: You need an attorney. Somebody who's going to look out for your best interests. He's the best.

Jeffrey: You in trouble?

Ava: Not intentionally. It was a mistake.

Jeffrey: You know what? Let me stop you right there because I can't take the case.

Ava: Not even as a favor?

Jeffrey: I just signed back on as D.A.

Ava: Excuse me. Since when?

Jeffrey: About five minutes ago.

Ava: Well, you have to delay it. Come on, this is my chance to get Coop to realize that he cares about me and to make him think that he needs me.

Jeffrey: I wish I could, but I can’t.

Ava: Come on. I cannot lose Olivia and Coop at the same time.

Jeffrey: Why are you losing Olivia?

Ava: Just never mind. Never mind, okay? It’s... I just feel like an outcast with Olivia, and I feel the same way with Coop.

Jeffrey: Okay, well, if you need a lawyer, you're going to have to call Mel, and we're going to have to pretend that we didn't have this chat.

Lizzie: No. No, no, no, no, no. Don't do it. You have to keep your eyes closed.

Bill: Why? Why?

Lizzie: They put some stuff on it to help with the burns.

Bill: How about a shot of whiskey, huh?

Lizzie: They gave you some pain medicine. It should be kicking in soon.

Bill: Yeah? Not so much.

Lizzie: So you must really be hating this, huh? Stuck in a hospital with me, no one else to help you. You know, since you can't move, I think I should use this time to get a few things off my chest.

Bill: You must be loving this.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: Me in pain... like I... like I hurt you.

Lizzie: No. (Sighs) You wouldn't even believe this. I was coming to see you. I didn't like the way we left things. Locking you out of your room in your underwear was stupid. If I hadn't done that, you wouldn't be here. You'd be at home, safe. I just wish Billy would get here.

Josh: Well, he's having trouble getting out of rehab.

Lizzie: He has to be here. Who do we need to call? My grandfather knows judges, politicians, anyone. Just tell me who to call.

Reva: Lizzie, sweetie, why don't you just tell us what happened? Were you there?

Lizzie: Yeah. I was looking for Bill.

Cassie: Sweetie, why don't we get Lizzie something to drink?

Will: Okay.

Vanessa: Josh? Do we know anything? What's the news?

Josh: Lizzie was just about to fill us in.

Lizzie: I was looking for Bill, so I went to the construction site. I figured he'd be there because of the Main Street project. I had just turned the corner around the trailer, and I saw a huge flash of light in a window. It looked like something exploded in there.

Vanessa: What?

Lizzie: I didn't know anybody was in there.

Vanessa: Oh, my God. Well, is he all right?

Lizzie: We don't know. His face and his arms have burns all over them. He's with the doctor right now. They kicked me out because I wasn't family.

Billy: Says who?

Josh: I thought they weren't going to let you out of the rehab facility.

Billy: You know what? They gave me a pass.

Lizzie: Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

Dinah: I have a pass, too. Listen, Billy and I came in on the end of what you were saying. What happened?

Lizzie: I was going to look for Bill. I went to the construction site...

Will: Mommy!

Cassie: What is it, sweetie?

Will: There's a guy... there was a man on a stretcher! He looked just like Uncle Edmund!

Cassie: Honey, that's not Uncle Edmund. I told you, he's not dead, he's just in a coma.

Will: I miss him. I want him back.

Billy: Did the police show up yet?

Lizzie: Police? No, why? You think this isn't an accident?

Billy: Sweetie, I don't know. Bill's made a lot of enemies lately.

Coop: Things just keep getting worse.

Ava: Why?

Coop: I just talked to Frank.

Ava: Well, you didn't say anything to him about this, did you?

Coop: About me? No. No, I asked how Ashlee was doing.

Ava: What did he say?

Coop: Well, the judge refused to set bail because, I'm assuming, her record and probably her mom.

Ava: That's terrible.

Coop: Yeah. And she'll probably be going away for a long time. And who knows, I mean, the same thing could happen to me, too. I mean, and then what good am I going to do to her then? I mean, I can't help her from in jail.

Ava: You just need a plan.

Coop: A plan?

Ava: Yeah, a plan. At Spaulding we call it...

Coop: Really?

Ava: Yeah. We call it marketing. It's putting a positive spin on something to make it look like you weren't out to hurt Bill. Lucky for you, I'm really good at my job.

Coop: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought that you said that I needed to kind of sober up first before I talked to the cops.

Ava: I did. That was before I checked online, checked out the net. There's absolutely nothing mentioned about anything suspicious with the explosion. Actually, there's pretty much nothing mentioned at all. So it seems sensible to me that you wouldn't have any idea about this until the morning.

Coop: So you're telling me that I should... I should wait until tomorrow to go talk to the police?

Ava: Like you said, if you're locked up, what good are you to Ashlee? In jail what are you going to do? Here. I know that it's hard for you to trust me. I'm completely aware of that, okay? But this is a really tough time for you. You can't talk to your family right now. Do you remember when you and I used to share everything? When you really trusted me? I am here right now and I want to help you. Let me help you, okay? Here, trust me. Trust me.

Coop: No. No. No, no, no. I can’t... I can't do this.

Ava: Yes, you can. Come on, just have another drink. Look at you, you're so wound up. You can't make decisions like this.

Coop: Decisions? I can't make good decisions even when I drink, Ava. I mean, what the hell did I do? I lit blueprints on fire, and I threw them through the trailer window.

Ava: It wasn't just the drinking.

Coop: Really? It wasn't?

Ava: No. It was... it was, you were alone, okay? You were lonely. You wanted someone to listen to you, to validate how you were feeling and no one was there, and to keep you from... from, you know, doing something destructive.

Coop: Yeah, well, that would have been nice.

Ava: Come on. Have a glass of wine with me. I know you're still angry and you're worried. Let's just hang out and spend some time together.

Coop: No. No, I can’t. Because we would probably end up back on the bed, and I don't want to screw up my life any more than I already have.

Ava: So what are you going to do? You going to go to the police and tell them what you did?

Coop: I don't know. Ava, I don't know! I... I don't know, all right? Maybe I might do that. All right, just thank you for your help, but this is one problem that I'm going to have to fix myself.

Reva: Yeah, that's great. Okay. Yeah. Just get back to me. Thanks. Well, finally. I'm glad you could be here.

Dylan: Did I have the choice?

Reva: No.

Dylan: So what's the word on Bill?

Reva: Well, there really isn't any, but your daddy's standing over there. He'd probably like to see you.

Dylan: All right.

Reva: Need help?

Dylan: I got it.

Billy: Hey.

Dylan: Hey, Dad.

Billy: Glad you're here, boy.

Dylan: So what are the doctors saying?

Vanessa: Well, they're being a little vague right now, but we're hoping for the best.

Dylan: So, what happened? There was an explosion?

Lizzie: Yeah, apparently one of the construction trailers caught on fire and something blew up and Bill was right there.

Vanessa: No broken bones, no internal bleeding that we know of, so...

Dinah: I'm going to go to the cafeteria and get some coffee. Would anybody like some?

Vanessa: No, thanks, sweetie.

Billy: No, I'm good, sweetie, thanks.

Dylan: I'm going to go with her. I haven't eaten today.

Billy: Okay.

Dylan: Hi. Thought you were going to the cafeteria?

Dinah: Yeah, I just needed to get...

Dylan: Some air. You need some air.

Dinah: Yeah. I can't go back there. I can't go back there.

Dylan: You know, I told you you could talk to me. Are you okay?

Dinah: Yeah.

Dylan: Seriously.

Will: I want to go home!

Cassie: Okay, sweetie. I'm... I'm going to take him home.

Josh: You want me to go with you?

Cassie: No. I just think you should be here for your family.

Josh: You're family, too, Cassie.

Cassie: It's all right. I just... you should be here with Billy.

Will: Please, Mom!

Cassie: Okay, all right. We're going. Just call me if there's any news about Bill.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Everything okay?

Josh: No.

Reva: Anything I can do?

Josh: Yeah. Yeah, you could have a talk with your granddaughter.

Reva: Daisy? Why? What did she do?

Josh: Evidently, she's the one responsible for getting us locked in the mall.

Reva: How is that possible?

Josh: She bribed a repairman to get him to close down the electrical system early.

Reva: What? Why would she do that?

Josh: She said she saw us together and felt that we needed some alone time.

Reva: Alone time? You and me?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: (Laughs) I will. I'll... I'll have a talk with her about that.

Josh: Uh-huh.

Reva: Uh-huh. So, was Cassie upset that you were late?

Josh: She was disappointed and, of course, Will, you know, he didn't miss me.

Reva: He's still giving you a hard time.

Josh: Um, yeah. I need to tell you something but I need you to promise me you won't tell anybody else.

Reva: Of course.

Josh: Including Jeffrey.

Reva: I know.

Josh: Okay. Edmund woke up long enough to call me on the phone.

Reva: Really?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: What did he say?

Josh: He wanted to tell me who pushed him off the balcony.

Reva: Will.

Josh: He couldn't get words out but he said enough. I mean, he said Will pushed, and then I flew down to San Cristobel because I was hoping he would wake up, but he's still unconscious.

Reva: Did you tell Cassie?

Josh: I did, but she didn't want to hear any of it.

Reva: Well, she's a mother. It's hard to hear that kind of thing about your own child.

Josh: I know, I get that.

Reva: But Edmund could be lying.

Josh: Yes, or I could have misunderstood or there could be a million other possibilities.

Reva: But you believe it.

Josh: Yes, I do.

Reva: So what are you going to do?

Will: I don't want to go back there.

Cassie: You won't have to, sweetie.

Will: It's scary there.

Cassie: I know. I promise you, though, even if I have to go back, you won't have to, okay?

Will: I don't want you to leave me.

Cassie: Sweetie, I'm not going to leave you. I'm not, okay? How about if I make you some hot chocolate? Will that make you feel better? Yeah? Okay, good. I'm going to take the coats upstairs. You play, and then I'll get started, okay?

Will: The good prince destroyed the evil stepfather. Police, I'd like to report something suspicious about Reva Shayne.

Coop: Ashlee, hey.

Ashlee: Coop, hi. What are you, um... what are you doing here? I thought that...

Coop: I know, I know. Shh. It's okay. I don't have a lot of time. Why do they have you in handcuffs?

Ashlee: Well, I'm going... I'm being moved. I'm going to, um, prison. They set bail.

Coop: Well, that's a good thing, right?

Ashlee: It's not a little, Coop, you know? I don't think Doris is going to pay it.

Coop: Well, I'll pay it. I'll do whatever. It's okay.

Ashlee: No, Coop...

Coop: I'll take care of it.

Ashlee: No, let's not waste your money. I'm going to end up in prison anyway.

Coop: Stop, stop. Don't say that, okay? Don't even think that. We're going to get this solved, okay?

Ashlee: Why are you not mad at me?

Officer: All right, time to go.

Coop: Ashlee...

Ashlee: Bye, Coop Cooper. (Sobs)

Coop: Ashlee.

Dinah: I'm sorry, I just... seeing Bill like this has just got me worried, that's all.

Dylan: Right. I mean, you keep talking about Bill and maybe you want to tell me what's really going on?

Dinah: Yeah. You know when you die, when you almost die, you think, "Well, jeez, this is going to be the worst of it." But you wake up and you're a totally different person. You look the same, but you look in that mirror and you realize you can't handle your marriage, you can't handle your job, you can't handle anything, and you wish you had died.

Dylan: Oh. I'm sorry. That's rough. I'm really sorry.

Mallet: Hey. You all right?

Dylan: Bill was in an accident. I was really freaked out about it in there. Anyway, Dinah... Dinah’s a rock.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Well, I'm here working, so see you.

Dinah: Thank you.

Dylan: Yeah. Just looked like you needed the assist.

Billy: Hey. Look at you. I hate it that you're all burnt like this. Good thing you got some pain medication to let you sleep for a while. Won't even know how bad it is until, I guess, tomorrow. Hey, I can't even touch you. I warned you that you had to stop treating people this way. I mean, you can't step on people's toes like this and not expect them to come for some payback. And I wasn't trying to isolate you. I was trying to protect you and I hate it that I was right. I hate it! I hate seeing you filled with hurt and anger. You got Lizzie. She's wonderful, and she cares about you and you can't even see it because you're... you're so bunched up with anger and hate. Yeah, I'm mad. I'm mad. But I will see you through this. I will be here for you. I will be here for you.

Mallet: Hey, Josh. Hey, Reva.

Reva: Oh, are you looking for Dinah because I just saw her heading out the door.

Mallet: No, no. Actually, I'm here for work. I'm actually looking for you.

Reva: Me? Oh, well, I don't really know anything about Bill's accident.

Mallet: Well, this isn't about Bill. See, I have a court order which allows me to search your purse, your car, your house if need be.

Reva: Based on what?

Mallet: Based on an anonymous tip we received at the station about Edmund’s shirt and the fall he had in the church and things like that.

Josh: Maybe you should call Jeffrey.

Reva: No, no, I'm afraid it's too late for that because Jeffrey took back his old job as district attorney. I had nothing to do with Edmund’s little tumble, so search away.

Mallet: Okay.

Reva: You know, Mallet, you've already talked to me about this.

Mallet: Yeah, I know. I know. And you and Rick and Jeffrey’s stories were all identical.

Reva: Well, they were identical because they're true.

Mallet: Button, button, who has the button? Reva? If it's true, then what are Edmund’s buttons doing in your purse?

Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Olivia: See, I've made some progress with Gus. What about you and Natalia?

Mallet: You tell me how Edmund’s buttons wind up in your purse.

Reva: I must have been set up.

Josh: I think I can bring in the person who's guilty.

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