Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/4/08
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Proofread by Tanya
(Heavy breathing)
Harley: Please.
Marina: I'm sorry to drag you out like that.
Cyrus: You didn't drag me out.
Marina: I just... I need to find my grandpa and see how he is and what's happening.
Cyrus: Yeah, I'm with you.
Marina: Oh, shoot. Maybe he left a message.
Cyrus: Well, whether he did or not we'll find him and we'll give him whatever help he needs. We're in this together.
Marina: Thank you. (Phone ringing)
Marina: Maybe that's him.
Cyrus: Here, I've got mine. Hello? There's nobody there.
Marina: Great. And of course no message. Okay. I'm going to wash my face and then we'll head out of here again. Maybe we should split up.
Cyrus: No, no, no. No splitting up. We'll find him.
Marina: Okay.
(Phone ringing)
(Heavy breathing)
Harley: Oh, thank God. Thank God. I need you.
Ashlee: You need to let him go. I'm the one you want.
Buzz: Ashlee!
Coop: Ashlee, what are you doing?
Ashlee: I was the one that rigged the election. It was me.
Coop: What? Is that true, Dad?
Ashlee: Yes. No, Buzz did nothing. You need to let him go, come on.
Coop: Look, Ashlee, I know what you're doing here, okay?
Ashlee: Okay, then let me get back to it.
Buzz: Ashlee, don't do this!
Coop: That's what I'm trying to tell her!
Frank: Okay, you know what? We need to go talk about this. Come on.
Ashlee: Yeah.
Coop: No, no, no. Wait. You believe her?
Buzz: Ashlee, go.
Ashlee: I need to do this.
Frank: Okay, let's go talk. Come on.
Ashlee: Good.
Doris: Chief Cooper, I just came from a meeting at the D.A.'s office. It is my first priority as mayor to get to the bottom of this election rigging business. Those responsible will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Buzz: Doris...
Doris: And my office will not tolerate anybody failing to live up to their responsibilities because a family member is involved, do you understand me?
Buzz: Doris, look, would you listen to me?
Doris: Ashlee, what are you doing here?
Coop: She was just leaving.
Ashlee: No, no.
Coop: Come on, let's go. Let's go.
Ashlee: No, wait!
Lizzie: Come on. Tell me. Tell me, I need to know.
Bill: Next to the bed, in the drawer.
Lizzie: No, no. Me. Tell me how you feel about me. Come on, just say it. Tell me that I'm the only one for you. Tell me.
Bill: Tell you what, baby?
Lizzie: That you're committed.
Bill: I am committed... to getting this shirt off you right now before I go crazy.
Ashlee: So then Ava found out and I... I felt like I had to come in and confess because Buzz couldn't be here anymore. So that's the story, really. That's the whole thing.
Doris: You know what? I don't believe it. I'm sorry. I mean, you put her up to this, didn't you?
Buzz: If only, you know?
Doris: It's not your style. But it is yours. You never even cared about Ashlee. You're just protecting your precious daddy.
Frank: Doris.
Doris: That's "Your Honor," to you.
Frank: Doris, listen to your daughter.
Doris: You know what? I would start thinking about a new career, Chief.
Ashlee: Mom, stop it. Stop going after these people. I'm telling you the truth.
Doris: Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't believe this. I mean, this is just not something that you...
Ashlee: Something that what? What?
Doris: It takes far too much calculating and planning and...
Ashlee: And brains. Well, I'm sorry I topped your expectations.
Doris: You know what? I don't have any time for this.
Ashlee: You know what? I met the guy who could set this all up from you. Through you, remember?
Coop: Ashlee, don't say anything more.
Doris: You're serious?
Ashlee: What was I meant to do? You were going to go after these people.
Doris: Oh, that's simply not true.
Ashlee: Mother, you're bulldozing their restaurants.
Doris: I am simply bringing progress to a vital and neglected part of this city.
Ashlee: I was trying to set things right, to do something good. Buzz was going to be a great mayor. But you know what? There was one thing, just one thing that I didn't count on.
Doris: Yeah, what are you talking about?
Ashlee: You became human. But only for a little bit. You were human.
Frank: Okay. Listen, sorry to break this up.
Buzz: Doris, don't let this happen.
Coop: Look, this is your daughter. All right, do something about it.
Doris: I told the D.A. to pursue this case no matter where the trail led. Nothing's changed.
Frank: Ashlee Wolfe, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent.
Coop: Oh, come on, Frank, stop it! Don't do this!
Frank: Anything you can and will be used against you in a court of law.
Ashlee: I'd do it again. That's what I'd like to say. Only I'd do it better.
Frank: Let's go.
Lizzie: Mmm. Gotcha!
Bill: Right where I want to be.
Lizzie: This is where you want to be, isn't it?
Bill: Let me up and I will show you how much.
Lizzie: We already know that we have got this right, but what about everything else?
Bill: Everything?
Lizzie: I think we could be great together. You just have to really want it.
Bill: Well, like I said, let me up and I will show you how much. Where are you going?
Lizzie: I am going in here for one minute. I just want to look really special for you.
Bill: I think you look pretty okay to me right about now.
Lizzie: Wait right there. And Bill?
Bill: Yeah?
Lizzie: I want those pants off by the time I get back out.
Bill: (Hums)
Harley: Please. God, please, where are you?
Marina: It's okay. It's okay, I'm here now. It's going to be okay.
Lizzie: Are you decent?
Bill: Absolutely not.
Lizzie: Ooh, just the way I like you.
Bill: Come over here.
Lizzie: No.
Bill: I think it's a little late to play hard to get, don't you think?
Lizzie: We already did it in the bed once.
Bill: It seemed to go okay.
Lizzie: Yeah, but maybe we should mix it up a little.
Bill: Oh. Afraid of getting in a rut?
Lizzie: I just want to start it out the right way.
Bill: Well, the way you look right now, I think we are there.
Lizzie: Maybe I want it to be a little more exciting.
Bill: That sounds good to me.
Lizzie: What do you got?
Bill: Shower.
Lizzie: That's always nice.
Bill: Then let's do it.
Lizzie: Yet, it's a little cliché though.
Bill: Floor.
Lizzie: Eww, it's a hotel room floor.
Bill: Desk?
Lizzie: Desks are overrated.
Bill: Then maybe you have something in mind.
Lizzie: Hmm.
Bill: Outside?
Lizzie: Are you afraid someone will see us?
Bill: It's January, you realize that?
Lizzie: I think we can generate some of our own heat.
Bill: You want to re-visit the shower, maybe?
Lizzie: Are you a chicken?
Bill: It's that a dare?
Lizzie: (Clucking like a chicken)
Bill: You don't think I'll do it?
Lizzie: (Clucks)
Bill: You don't think I will do it, do you?
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Bill: All right.
Lizzie: (Clucks)
Bill: Follow me. What? Hey!
Lizzie: Something wrong?
Bill: Um, what is this all about?
Lizzie: Yeah, Bill. Exactly. What is this all about?
Bill: Lizzie, come on. Let me in.
Lizzie: You don't care about me.
Bill: Right now, I care deeply.
Lizzie: Hmm, yeah. This was just you trying to get me on your side again. You didn't mean a word you said.
Bill: Yes, I did!
Lizzie: The only person you care about, Bill Lewis, is yourself.
Bill: Come on, Lizzie, we were having fun.
Lizzie: No, you're doing to me what you're doing to the Cooper’s.
Bill: Lizzie!
Lizzie: How is it out there? Is it cold out there?
Bill: Lizzie, just open the door. Come on!
Frank: All right, Ashlee...
Coop: Frank, Frank. Wait, wait, wait.
Frank: Stay out of this.
Coop: A minute. That's all I ask. Please, Frank. Just a minute.
Frank: All right, brother, you got your minute.
Ashlee: You know there's nothing to say.
Coop: There is, there is, Ashlee. Look, I am so sorry.
Ashlee: Don't, please.
Coop: Look, I know that you just wanted to help me. You wanted to help my family, I know that.
Ashlee: You know what I'm sorry for? I'm sorry it didn't work.
Coop: I just... I just wish you would come to me first, you know?
Ashlee: And get you in trouble, also?
Coop: I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do.
Ashlee: There's nothing to do.
Frank: Let's go.
Coop: No... no, Frank. Please.
Ashlee: You know, I'm going to be fine, don't worry.
Coop: Please, Frank, no. Ashlee!
Cyrus: Well, they said it was room 53.
Dinah: Well, the people in charge here need more help than we do.
Cyrus: Good to know.
Dinah: Thanks for coming.
Cyrus: Still not sure what I'm doing here.
Dinah: I'm making a list.
Cyrus: Oh, checking it twice? Seeing who's being naughty and who's being nice?
Dinah: No. That was last month.
Cyrus: Didn't you get my present?
Dinah: I'm talking about a tree. I'm talking about a tree, a Christmas tree, the one that I helped get for you and Harley.
Cyrus: Yeah, I haven't forgotten.
Dinah: Well, I figured that you owed me.
Cyrus: Okay. It's lucky Marina had somewhere to be, otherwise I'd be too busy. It's a busy day.
Dinah: Yeah, I heard. Buzz?
Cyrus: Yup. Marina needs me right now, so...
Dinah: Harley does, too, I bet.
Cyrus: Excuse me?
Dinah: You know what? Let's focus on the list.
Cyrus: Well, why don't you tell me what's on it?
Dinah: Well, it's a rehab thing. I have to draw up a list of everybody that I've wronged, and then I have to make amends.
Cyrus: And I'm on it? I'm flattered.
Dinah: Well, I need you to help me come up with some of those names.
Cyrus: You can't be having that much trouble.
Dinah: Well, I think the more that I have on here, the more they're going to think I'm taking this seriously.
Cyrus: Yeah, you wouldn't want to give your doctors the wrong impression.
Dinah: I am serious.
Cyrus: I really have a lot of other stuff to be doing, Dee Dee.
Dinah: Oh, no. Come on, help me out. I can't remember any of the names of the people we ripped off in Europe, okay?
Cyrus: You want me to list my crimes? In print?
Dinah: Yeah. This has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with you.
Cyrus: I'd like to keep it that way.
Dinah: Come on, just help me out. I'm not asking for much.
Cyrus: Sure you're not.
Dinah: Maybe you should make a list up of your own. You could put Marina right at the top, or doesn't she know how you feel about her aunt, yet?
Marina: Come on, we need to get some air. Make it outside? Come on. Tell me what happened.
Harley: I... I didn't know who else to call. And I couldn't do it alone.
Marina: Okay. Can you sit?
Harley: No.
Marina: All right, breathe. Just breathe.
Harley: Yeah, I'm trying to breathe.
Marina: Sorry.
Harley: Thank you.
Marina: Please.
Harley: It's been happening... it's been happening since the church.
Marina: You mean since the explosion?
Harley: Mm-hmm. They come on without warning.
Marina: It's like a panic attack.
Harley: I hate that word.
Marina: Okay.
Harley: It's just, I think, you know, with grandpa and the election and everything, it's just too much. It's just all too much and I've really been trying to keep it to myself, you know?
Marina: Oh, I understand.
Harley: I didn't want you to know.
Marina: Harley, you can count on me.
Harley: I just... I didn't want you to...
Marina: You think I'm going to think anything less of you because you're having a problem?
Harley: It's just so... weak.
Marina: No. No, no, no. You can count on me. Yeah, we all go through stuff.
Harley: No, but I'm your aunt. I'm supposed to be somebody you look up to.
Marina: You are. And I do.
Harley: Cyrus knows.
Marina: That makes sense.
Harley: He's helped me before. He's helped me get through it, you know? When I thought it was something that would just go away.
Marina: But it didn't, did it? But it's okay because I'm here now and I want to help you, okay? Let's just breathe. Breathe, all right?
Frank: Where's pop?
Coop: He’s... I don't know.
Frank: What do you mean you don't know. Where the hell's Doris?
Coop: What am I Frank? Huh? Am I the concierge?
Frank: Look, I'm sorry, Coop. I know this stinks for you.
Coop: What can you do for her?
Frank: I can't do anything for her.
Coop: Frank, you run this place.
Frank: Did you not hear Doris going on and on with the press about how she wants this case handled?
Coop: Yes. I heard. I remember. What's going to happen to her?
Frank: She's got a record.
Coop: Oh, come on, Frank. Don't give me that.
Frank: What, you don't think judges look at that kind of stuff?
Coop: She was in juvie! All right? It was juvie, it wasn't like it was sing sing.
Frank: She shot someone. It counts. Listen, she's in for the long haul, here. You understand that? And there's no way around it. I'm sorry.
Coop: Don’t. Don’t. Don't you give me that, "I'm sorry." All right, everybody is sorry. Ashlee is in jail, Bill is just waiting to knock down Company, the world is falling apart. Yeah, you're sorry. Everybody is sorry, Frank.
Bill: Come on, Lizzie, let me in.
Lizzie: Hey! Turn around. I'm getting dressed!
Bill: (Laughs) Oh, is this really about the Main Street project?
Lizzie: Did you hear a word I said earlier?
Bill: Yes, I heard everything you said. I care about you, baby.
Lizzie: You care about me when you've got me underneath you.
Bill: Oh, just let me in so we can talk about this, huh?
Lizzie: You know what, Bill? I'm done talking.
Bill: You realize I can get frostbite.
Lizzie: Frostbite, huh? Frostbite. Ugh. That starts in the extremities, doesn't it? God, that would be awful if they had to chop something off.
Bill: Lizzie.
Lizzie: See you later.
Bill: Lizzie, come on!
Lizzie: Bye bye!
Bill: No, it's not funny. Ha ha! Not funny. Not funny. Oh. Well, here we go.
Lizzie: I wonder if we have an incinerator in this building.
Dinah: Now, come on. Come on, just give me a break. I didn't mean to make you so mad.
Cyrus: I'm not mad.
Dinah: The truth is a little tough to take sometimes, I get it.
Cyrus: The truth?
Dinah: Yes. Now, come on. Let's just go in, okay? We'll start all over, okay? I need to get this list together very soon.
Cyrus: What truth?
Dinah: If it helps you, I want you to know that I am on your side.
Cyrus: Dinah, I don't know what you're talking about.
Dinah: You and Harley could be really good together, okay? You are good together.
Cyrus: We're not together.
Dinah: I'm not judging you.
Cyrus: We are not together.
Dinah: Not yet. Look, Marina, she is a very nice girl. She is fun, she's feisty, but Harley, she's like one of those safes that you used to have trouble with. The German ones. Once you crack it, it's like nothing else, huh? You remember? I think it could be like that for you and Harley. I mean, I think she's complex.
Cyrus: What is wrong with you?
Dinah: You're the one who seems out of sorts.
Cyrus: There is no me and Harley.
Dinah: Well, you're the only one who doesn't see it, then. Guess that's a "no" on the list.
Marina: Here.
Harley: You must think I'm so weak.
Marina: Because you can't handle this?
Harley: I can handle it. I just have to figure out how.
Marina: Oh. I admire you so much.
Harley: Marina.
Marina: No, you're so strong. But you're vulnerable, too. And you have feelings and you're not afraid to show them.
Harley: Can we talk about something else, babe?
Marina: You said before that you wanted to be someone for me to look up to. I always have. It's never been that hard. I always wanted to be more like you.
Harley: I'm not feeling so great about myself these days. It's very hard to hear that.
Marina: Because of this?
Harley: And other stuff.
Marina: Harley, you've got people who love you to lean on. Just until you get through this, you know? I mean, that's what family's for, right?
Harley: My family.
Marina: Yes. We're here for you. (Cell phone ringing) That might be Cyrus. Hello? Hi. Yeah. She's right here. Okay. All right. Bye. That was Grandpa.
Harley: Oh.
Marina: Um, he's about to give his speech on Main Street. I guess there's been some new development.
Harley: Well, did he say what it was?
Marina: No. We... we just have to go. Can I help you?
Harley: Oh, my gosh. You have done so much already.
Marina: Let's go. We'll go together.
Buzz: It's my fault Ashlee did what she did! But I shouldn't have let her.
Marina: Grandpa...
Buzz: Doris won the election. I should respect that. I should have respected her from the beginning. I'll make it clear now.
Frank: Hold on a second. Aren't you going to wait for Coop?
Buzz: Well, I want to, but he hasn't called back.
Marina: I'll try him again.
Buzz: Look, we've got to put this thing in motion, you know?
Marina: Grandpa, I'm so sorry.
Buzz: It's nothing for you to be sorry for, baby.
Frank: Pop, come over here. You can make your speech over here. Come on.
Cyrus: Hey. I got Marina's message.
Harley: My father's going to make a statement.
Cyrus: But he's not going to jail?
Harley: I think Marina should fill you in.
Cyrus: But you're right here.
Harley: She helped me today.
Cyrus: What do you mean?
Harley: I had another thing.
Cyrus: Oh, that was you who called? Why didn't you say something?
Harley: I was trying to reach her, not you.
Cyrus: You didn't want me?
Photographer: Can I get a picture? For the paper. You are Buzz Cooper's daughter, right? And you're, what? The boyfriend.
Marina: No. No, he's mine.
Harley: Yes. They belong together.
Bill: Fabulous.
Doris: (Laughs) Okay. This is different.
Bill: I got locked out.
Doris: Yeah, yeah. Well, happens to everyone, I guess.
Bill: Probably not like how it happened to me.
Doris: You've been working out.
Bill: Thank you for noticing. Can I have your coat?
Doris: Oh, no, no, no. It's cold outside.
Bill: Yeah, I noticed.
Doris: Mm, I bet you did.
Bill: Thank you.
Doris: Excuse me. Stealing? You know, you are so lucky that I am not D.A. anymore.
Bill: Are you telling me you wouldn't cut your partner a deal?
Doris: Yeah, well, only if he had a really interesting story to explain why he's running around town half naked.
Bill: (Laughs) Interesting?
Doris: Yeah.
Bill: Yes. That... that it is.
Doris: Oh, good. You know, I could use something like that after the day I've had.
Bill: Really?
Doris: Yeah.
Bill: Well, would you like the "G" version or the "R" version?
Doris: Ooh, a choice. Sounds good.
Bill: Oh, where do I begin? It's really good.
Doris: (Laughs) Well, come on, partner, tell. Give me all the information.
Bill: Hey, hey, hey. Don't even think about it.
Coop: Your daughter is sitting in a jail cell right now. Do you even care about it? No!
Bill: Okay, let's wrap it up, huh?
Coop: It's much more fun yukking it up, here, with your partner about how you're just going to walk over everyone in this town.
Doris: You don't know what you're talking about.
Coop: Is that true?
Bill: Oh, yeah?
Coop: You know what, don't touch me! Don't even touch me! Doris, you're not going to get away with this. All right? No one is going to stand around and watch you bulldoze my dad's restaurant.
Doris: You know what? People are not on your dad's side like you think they are. Stealing an election will do that.
Coop: You know what? Her, I get. Bill, what the hell happened to you?
Dinah: You know, anybody who says that relationships are simple, I don't think they get it. I mean, it's not black or white, it's neither good or bad. You know, men and women, they just don't work that way.
Patient 1: I don't think so.
Dinah: Oh, I do.
Patient 2: I thought we were...
Dinah: You have to wait your turn.
Patient 2: I thought we were going to go over our lists.
Dinah: Well, I think that we need to discuss stuff like this, okay? Here it is. I mean, people think that I'm complicated. That's what I'm known for, along with a few other things.
Patient 1: The list?
Dinah: I want to talk about this, all right? I mean, first of all, my guy was complicated. He is complicated, but you know what? That's okay. That's okay because we found each other and we saved each other. I mean I even couldn't follow myself. He couldn't follow me and, you know that, when we hooked up, it was great. It worked. We saw what we needed in each other.
Patient 2: Then why aren't you together if everything worked out so perfect?
Dinah: You know what? Let's get back to the list. Let's drop the subject.
Photographer: Thank you.
Buzz: That's enough of that. Thank you. We have to get started.
Frank: What about Coop?
Buzz: Look, we can't wait forever. If he's too upset to answer the phone, you know...
Harley: Sorry about that, before, with the photographer and Cyrus.
Marina: Nah, that's all right. I set him straight.
Harley: Yes, you did. Can I ask you something?
Marina: Sure, you can ask me anything.
Harley: Did you send me a text from Cyrus' phone so I'd think it was Cyrus.
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, I did.
Harley: Are you worried about us? You trying to set me straight, too?
Marina: I don't know. Do I have to?
Harley: There's nothing going on, okay? He is with you.
Marina: Maybe. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it.
Harley: Well, I mean, we do see each other. We get thrown together. That's how it works out.
Marina: I know.
Harley: And, you know, we did almost die together so that makes...
Marina: I know. I know, and I'm really trying not to be paranoid about it. And I told you before. I really do look up to you.
Harley: Oh, Marina.
Marina: Can I ask you something? You asked me something before.
Harley: Of course.
Marina: You know, he's a flirt, right? I mean, it's what he does.
Harley: I know.
Marina: So if you know that, then...
Harley: Well, flirting is flirting. I don't take flirting seriously.
Marina: You don't? Because I'm not the only one who sees things.
Harley: You listen to me, and I mean this, okay? I love you. I would never hurt you and I would never try to take away a man from you. I wouldn't go after a man that you were with, because I love you. And that would be wrong, okay? That would just be plain wrong. (cell phone ringing)
Marina: Maybe this is Coop. Finally.
Buzz: Can I ask you a favor?
Harley: Of course. What is it?
Buzz: Um, I asked Frank to introduce me, but he'd rather not, so um...
Harley: No problem, Daddy.
Buzz: I mean, I don't blame him. If you don't want to, you know, don’t.
Harley: I would be proud to.
Weeks: Okay, pictures next.
Ashlee: Do I get a set? It was a joke.
Keegan: Yeah, well, here. Wipe your hands with that.
Ashlee: Thank you. Could you, um, get a message to someone for me?
Weeks: That's against the rules.
Ashlee: Well, no, I know, but this is Henry Cooper. I just want him to know that I'm okay. His brother is Chief Cooper.
Keegan: Yeah, we know who he is.
Ashlee: Okay.
Weeks: Sorry.
Ashlee: You're just doing your job.
Weeks: Yeah, okay. Downstairs. We've got to do these again.
Doris: Officer Keegan.
Keegan: Ms. Wolfe.
Doris: You're taking good care of her? Take very, very good care of her. Very carefully. There are some prisoners who may know that she's my daughter and have some bright ideas. Just take very good care of her.
Keegan: Yes, ma'am.
Harley: Thank you for coming and thank you for listening. My father, Buzz Cooper, would like to say a few words. Daddy?
Buzz: Well, you know, here we are. Outside of an apology, I guess what I owe you is an explanation. The thing is, I got a lousy one. I wanted this job, I wanted to be your mayor, I wanted to... do what I could for this city that I love. And you know what? This place, this great city, decided not to take me up on it. I should have respected that. I... I... but I didn’t. I wanted it so badly that I was willing to step on everybody or anything and that's just wrong. And I knew that. And I chose to forget it. You know what they say about hindsight? We all wish we knew then what we know now. We want to go back and fix something before it gets out of control, but... before it becomes too big to handle. Because you know what the stakes are. But you can’t. It doesn't work that way. So now, where are we? Well, we're where we should have been on election night-- with a duly elected mayor ready to be sworn in. And hopefully... and because, well, that's all we have is hope... hopefully, Springfield will move forward because Springfield deserves good things. And all I have left is hope, because I'm walking away. I'm walking away from here and what you have to do when that happens is let go, because that's the right thing to do. I know a lot of people are disappointed. They're angry, they're looking for what to do with that anger. But you know, we all need to realize, anger doesn't help. It doesn't move us forward. It's, you know, never a part of the solution. So I ask, everyone, if you can, take a deep breath. Help us all to find a way past all this. And then we can do it, because of who you are, who we all are. Everyone, tomorrow's a new day for all of us. I say embrace it. Embrace it and hold it tight.
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Reva: It's one of the things I love about you.
Jeffery: That's a good sign.
Lizzie: You think this isn't an accident?
Billy: Bill's made a lot of enemies.
Ava: Did you start that fire?
Coop: I didn't think anyone was in there.
Ava: Let me help you. Here, trust me.
Cassie: You're so eager to pin this on my son.
Reva: Alone time, you and me.
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