GL Transcript Thursday 1/3/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/3/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

(Knocking on door) (Hard knocking on door)

Marina: Mmm, surprise!

Cyrus: Marina.

Marina: I missed you. I missed this. This is the part where you tell me you missed me more.

Cyrus: No, of course I did. It's just been--

Marina: Oh, the inauguration. It happened without me. How did it go?

Cyrus: You better sit down.

Marina: He couldn't go through with it, could he?

Cyrus: How did you know that?

Marina: That's why I was out of town.

Cyrus: Buzz sent you out of town?

Marina: My grandpa sent me to see who fixed the election.

Cyrus: So you knew that it was fixed?

Marina: Well, it wasn't my grandpa, but even if it was, who cares?

Cyrus: Well, that's against the law.

Marina: You're cute when you're law abiding. But you taught me a very important lesson when it comes to the law and love.

Cyrus: Well, that's me. This is you. You're Detective Marina Cooper.

Marina: Ex-detective.

Cyrus: Not anymore. When you were away, I worked a little magic. They're going to give you your badge back. I know it's what you wanted.

Marina: Yeah. And then you and Harley get what you want-- you can run the agency without me.

Coop: Hey. Why aren't you at the wedding?

Ashlee: I got to the airport and it was cancelled. And so I figured I'd come down and see your father get sworn in. See your happy family...

Coop: You heard. I still can't believe this. I can't believe that my dad stood up there in front of the entire town...

Ashlee: No, it's just not true! It can’t...

Coop: It's not true? What are you saying, that he made it up? That the election itself wasn't fixed?

Ashlee: Buzz wouldn't do that.

Coop: Look, I don't care if he ordered this or if he just decided to look the other way, Ashlee. The bottom line...

Ashlee: Okay, you can see that something is wrong, okay? And then you find out the reasons behind it, and you find out what's at stake for the per...

Coop: I never knew you thought about my dad that way.

Ashlee: I care about him, and I care about you. And I care about being a part of your family, particularly since I probably don't have mine anymore.

Doris: Where is Chief Cooper?

Ryan: Take a number.

Doris: My name is Wolfe, Mayor Wolfe. I was just sworn in. And you are?

Ryan: Officer Dale Ryan, sir... ma'am.

Doris: Well, Officer Ryan, why don't you find Chief Cooper and tell him that I want an immediate investigation into this election. And if his father had anything to do with rigging the vote...

Bill: Off with his head. Congratulations, Madam Mayor.

Doris: Well, thank you. Now you show up. When I was the loser, you couldn't return my phone calls.

Bill: Well, I'm training a new girl.

Doris: Listen I have to talk to you. It's about these plans for Main Street...

Bill: Yeah.

Doris: There's a problem.

Bill: Yeah, we're good to go, though. I've got the bulldozers ready to clear an area. I've got a construction trailer...

Doris: It's that the plans themselves, they don't go far enough. They leave Company standing. I don't think so.

Lizzie: Turn-down service?

Ava: I'm not the one he turned down.

Lizzie: Actually, I turned him down. Let me do you a favor, Ava.

Ava: No, Lizzie, don’t.

Lizzie: Bill is cute, but he's not boyfriend material. He'll take what he wants and leave you talking to your dog.

Ava: I don't have a dog.

Lizzie: You'll get one.

Ava: Lizzie, I am not like you. I don't need some man to fill a void in my life. I'm happy. I have Coop.

Lizzie: So it's just meaningless sex with Bill? Does Coop know that?

Ava: I don't know. Does Bill know that you're so into him?

Lizzie: I'm not.

Ava: Tell that to your face.

Harley: You should not be alone right now.

Buzz: Apparently, I'm not.

Harley: So, it's a big mistake, right? Somebody got to you and they, what, threatened our family?

Buzz: The election was rigged. And I found out.

Harley: How? Who would do that?

Buzz: Who cares? What matters is I almost went along with it. I need... forget about everybody else. But sooner or later you have to take responsibility.

Harley: Are you trying to say something to me?

Buzz: Yeah. What the hell are you doing?! I was at your house! I saw you and Cyrus!

Lizzie: Hi. My card isn't working, and I forgot my keys.

Maid: It happens all the time.

Lizzie: Thank you, you are a lifesaver. Thanks. Dylan, I'm in. Don't ask me how. If we want to run Lewis, and stay one step ahead of Bill, we need to know... let me call you right back. Self control. Self control. Have some self control.

Doris: The people want justice, leadership, action.

Reporter: Revenge?

Bill: Let me answer that. Lewis Construction is thrilled to be working with someone as experienced and proactive as Mayor Doris Wolfe.

Doris: (Laughs) Nice save.

Bill: It's called PR. Admit it, it's payback.

Doris: Yeah.

Frank: Get that camera out of here.

Doris: Oh, excuse me, Chief. I actually asked the cameras to be here. I want to show the people that you and the police are not turning a blind eye.

Frank: Okay, well, not tonight you're not. We'll deal with this tomorrow.

Doris: This? This? This is robbery, okay? We will not let the people be denied their right to a fair vote.

Bill: Amen, sister! Go get 'em.

Frank: You may be the new mayor, but you're on my turf right here. So get out.

Doris: Of course, Frank. God, I hate that color. Note to self: A new memo to the new chief-- go royal blue.

Coop: Look I... I got to go talk to Frank, okay?

Ashlee: You know, I'll go with you.

Coop: No, I don't want you getting mixed up in any of this.

Ashlee: I'm already...

Coop: Ashlee, look, I don't want you coming between your mom and my family, okay? You're going to be the one who gets hurt. Do me a favor? Go... go fire up the cappuccino machine, okay?

Ashlee: Okay.

Coop: Looks like the white house is going to have to wait. We're back in the coffee and muffin business.

Cyrus: I've got to admit, I expected a more positive reaction.

Marina: I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm surprised, that's all. I thought things were going so well at the agency.

Cyrus: But I knew that you missed being a cop.

Marina: Don't you like working with me?

Cyrus: I'm not sure I like working, period. I might bail on the agency myself.

Marina: Why, did something happen with Harley?

Cyrus: No, nothing.

Marina: Then why?

Cyrus: You know me. I get bored easily.

Marina: You like knocking over banks more.

Cyrus: Just like you like chasing bad guys. I've seen you listening to the police scanner, going over cold cases with Mallet.

Marina: I like being with you more.

Cyrus: You are with me. We don't have to carpool to the office to prove it. And that's why Harley and I pushed the commission to reinstate you.

Marina: You and Harley?

Cyrus: Yeah, she knows that you're a born cop, just like I do. It wasn't easy, but we kept at it until they gave in.

Marina: I bet.

Cyrus: Come on. Let's go down to the station and pick up your badge.

Marina: Later. I need to find my grandpa first. Do you think you can hold off on robbing a jewelry store until then?

Cyrus: For you, anything.

Harley: Daddy, there is nothing going on between me and Cyrus.

Buzz: Oh, come on. Come on! I was there. I was there to get Zach’s tie. I was in your bedroom. Cyrus walked in...

Harley: Ewww, you were hiding in my room!

Buzz: Well, what do you expect, from somebody who stole the election? But you... (chuckles) ...stealing Marina's boyfriend while she's away.

Harley: Daddy, I swear. I swear. I swear it's just... there's something that's like this between us.

Buzz: Yeah, a very large towel, thank goodness.

Harley: It is not what it looks like. I know what it looks like. Nothing happened, okay. There was nothing. We didn't do anything like that.

Buzz: Oh, great. Well, you get your medal right after I get mine.

Harley: You're just going to throw away your dream?

Buzz: What dream? What's a dream if you have to become something you're not? Or watch it happen to you?

Harley: I don't know what is happening to me. Ever since Natalia came back to town, I've been in this free-fall. And then when Cyrus and I were trapped in that building... you have to understand, Daddy, we shared something. Nobody can understand that.

Buzz: Honey, sometimes it just comes down to what's right and what's wrong.

Harley: Well, how did you do it? How did you just walk away?

Buzz: (Chuckles) I wanted it. I wanted, wanted, wanted it. But I want you more. And Frank and Marina and Coop. You're shaking.

Harley: I'm upset! I'm going to throw some water on my face.

Officer: Mr. Cooper.

Buzz: Officer. I've been expecting you.

Lizzie: The body's not even cold.

Bill: Well, the king is dead. Long live the queen.

Lizzie: Even if that means long nights with Doris, her hand in your pocket in more ways than one?

Bill: Oh, I have to work with her, okay? I don't have to sleep with her.

Lizzie: Oh, right, because you only sleep with women that you care deeply for, like Ava Peralta.

Bill: (Laughs) Oh, baby, this jealous thing is so cute.

Lizzie: I hate the thought of the two of you together.

Bill: It's no big deal.

Lizzie: That's why I hate it. Just like tearing down Company and paving over Main Street. It's no big deal.

Bill: Oh, it's business.

Lizzie: And Ava is?

Bill: Sex. Look, I keep everything simple, because once you complicate everything...

Lizzie: With real, decent emotions.

Bill: Okay, Lizzie, give me a break, okay? You've done things much worse to get what you want.

Lizzie: You know what the joke is?

Bill: Mmm?

Lizzie: I left my family to be more like yours.

Bill: Well, that's a complete waste of time, because your dad...

Lizzie: Hey, my father is a very sick man, and you know that.

Bill: Well, I am not sick, okay? And I'm not vindictive. I just have plans, and don't tell me... you don't go for a part of this, huh?

Lizzie: I do want to build things, I do. But not this way.

Bill: It's the only way.

Lizzie: Bill, don't do it. Come on. You've already proven to your dad that you can stand on your own.

Bill: Oh, my goodness. See, you think this is personal? It's not.

Lizzie: Make it personal between you and me.

Bill: Are you making me a counteroffer?

Lizzie: Drop the Main Street project, find something else that starts your engine.

Bill: Well, if I remember correctly, you turned me down.

Lizzie: Like you said, let's keep it simple. The project goes and I stay.

Bill: Mmm.

Doris: Main Street, as we know it, will cease to exist. And let's face it, if you're like me, you're tired of being hot in the summer and cold in the winter. And who wants it raining on you while you're shopping? And you know what? Why don't you get a picture of me in front of the Cooper dump? We'll title it...

Reporter: "Winners never cheat, cheaters never win."

Doris: I do need a press secretary. Very good. (Laughs)

Ashlee: I'm sorry.

Doris: No, no, no. I want you in the picture, sweetie, but without the apron, okay?

Ashlee: Ah, no, I'm working.

Doris: Don't you have something to say to me?

Ashlee: Do you want your usual latte? Congratulations, Mom.

Doris: I won. Baby, I won. I mean, finally they did the numbers again, and I came out on top.

Ashlee: Yes, I'm so happy for you.

Doris: And you know what? I hope you that finally see the Cooper’s for what they really are: Hypocrites and cheaters.

Ashlee: Mom, don't blame this on the Cooper’s, please?

Doris: Okay. Well, I'm sure it wasn't just Buzz. I mean, I'm sure he got a lot of help from all of the people that hate me.

Ashlee: Mom, just relax. Come on. Let it go, you won.

Doris: Relax? Let it go?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Doris: Let it go after all of the things that those people said about me? All of the lies?

Ashlee: You said so much more.

Doris: Yeah, well, at least I never stooped to rigging the election.

Ashlee: You tried.

Doris: Why are you still insisting on defending Buzz?

Ashlee: I'm just saying that...

Doris: You know what, Ashlee? You are going to need a new job and new friends, okay?

Ashlee: Hey!

Doris: Because this place is coming down, okay? And Buzz and Coop and all of the Cooper’s are going down with it, okay? One more picture, please.

Ashlee: No.

Doris: One more picture, and let's do it without the apron, okay?

Ashlee: Just pull, Mom, pull. Ow.

Doris: Here we go. Good. I'm going to want copies of that one. And Ashlee, remember what I said about never making cheerleader? This is so much better.

Frank: Good. Now maybe you'll talk to me.

Buzz: Nothing to talk about, Frank. You've got a job to do, do it.

Frank: Where's your lawyer?

Buzz: I don't need one.

Frank: Yeah, you do. You know me, Pop, I don't play favorites and I can't fix cases.

Buzz: And I don't fix elections.

Frank: You knew that election was rigged and you didn't say anything about it.

Buzz: I've said all I have to say.

Frank: What, does that make you look like a standup guy to yourself? Is that what it is?

Buzz: Come on, Frank, that's what I'm doing. I'm trying.

Frank: You're not about that.

Buzz: I got into this election to help people, you know, people like you and me, like our family. I know we're not a perfect family, God knows, but we stand for something. We mean something, Frank, and that's why I'm here now.

Frank: A lot of people voted for you, and some of us actually believed in you.

Buzz: I know that, Frank.

Frank: Really? So what, are we fools? Idiots? Your silence isn't noble. It's covering a crime. Who are you protecting, Dad?

Marina: Grandpa?

Cyrus: Something tells me he was here.

Marina: Yeah. Maybe he's upstairs. I'm going to check. Will you try the kitchen?

Cyrus: Yeah, will do.

Harley: Cyrus.

Cyrus: Are you okay?

Harley: No. My dad...

Cyrus: I can see. It must have killed him, having to give up something that he fought so hard for.

Harley: He didn't think he had a choice.

Cyrus: Someone was going to bust him?

Harley: He didn't think he had a choice morally.

Cyrus: What, ill-gotten gains?

Harley: Yeah, that was some of it. See he's not the only person in this family facing a moral dilemma.

Cyrus: I don't understand.

Harley: Cyrus, it's about choices, you know, and responsibilities... and right and wrong and temptation.

Cyrus: Temptation?

Harley: My father thinks we're having an affair.

Cyrus: Well, I hope you told him that we're not.

Harley: The man is not blind, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Harley, come on.

Harley: No. We've got to keep a distance here. I can't go to you every time I have the shakes.

Cyrus: But if I can help...

Harley: No, you can’t. You can't, because I'm not sure it would stop there. And I don't think I want it to.

Cyrus: Look, you're upset. Your father just lost everything he's been working so hard for.

Harley: It's not just my dad, Cyrus. It's me. You know, it's who I am. Or thought I was.

Cyrus: We said that we'd work separate cases, different hours. So it's going to be easier for us to...

Harley: It's not enough. The way that I feel about you...

Cyrus: So you kick me off the payroll? Pretend we're strangers?

Harley: I don't know, I know that you need a job to stay in the country...

Cyrus: Don't do me any favors.

Harley: Just because we make a great team doesn't make it right.

Cyrus: Right? That's just a label. I don't care about that.

Harley: Well, I do.

Cyrus: We're friends, we connect. That's what I care about.

Harley: And Marina? Do you care about her?

Cyrus: You know I do.

Harley: Because she's my family. No, no, no. She's my niece. And I'm supposed to be the grownup here, Cyrus. I can't hurt her. I won't let you hurt her. I think you should go.

Cyrus: Yeah, and what happens when you have another attack? When you can barely stand or get up a flight of stairs? Who's hand are you going to hold? Who's going to talk you down...

Harley: That's what this is to you? That's all this is? Thanks, I have Frank, I have my dad. And you have Marina.

Cyrus: Right, right. Well, that's it then. Nice knowing you, Harley. I'm sorry.

Harley: I'll always be so grateful to you. I just can't do it.

Cyrus: Right.

Marina: I couldn't find grandpa anywhere. It's like he disappeared.

Ava: This place is a mess.

Ashlee: Leave me alone, Ava.

Ava: No can do. We have a deal.

Ashlee: Well, I tried to leave town.

Ava: Yeah, but you just couldn’t. You had to stick around and share in the Cooper celebration.

Ashlee: You know, pardon me for wanting to see Buzz sworn and his happy, proud family so I could be reminded as to why I'm doing all of this.

Ava: It's just too bad that blew up in your face. I guess you didn't count on Buzz's conscience.

Ashlee: At least he has one.

Ava: Which is all he’s going to have left after your mother gets through with him.

Ashlee: You know, I used to envy you. How beautiful you are. You can have it.

Ava: Excuse me? I'm not the one who stabbed my mother in the back, humiliated Buzz and left Coop to pick up all the pieces.

Ashlee: I was just trying to do what was right for everyone.

Ava: Tell that to Doris when she drives the first bulldozer through this place.

Ashlee: Before she'd do it, I would rather...

Ava: Throw yourself in the middle of the road? Ha, that won't stop Doris.

Ashlee: Nothing stops Doris.

Ava: So why don't you confess? Tell Coop that you rigged the election. He'll love it.

Ashlee: You know what else he'll love, really? To find out that you held this over my head.

Ava: Spill your guts, Ashlee. Let's see who he believes. Good luck, darling.

Coop: Back off, Frank, all right? He's my dad, too.

Frank: We're talking about the law here. What do you want me to do, look the other way, like he did?

Buzz: Frank's right. I'm responsible, I should pay the price.

Frank: Oh, no, no, no, you don’t. You don't get to fall on the sword here. Somebody helped you.

Buzz: Would you tell your brother to shove the conspiracy theory.

Frank: You can't even operate a TV remote let alone be hacking into voting machines. Come on, that takes a certain skill. Doesn't it, Coop?

Coop: That's right, which is why he didn't do it.

Frank: You're absolutely right. But you could have.

Buzz: Frank, that's crazy.

Frank: Really? Well, he's the scholar in the family, he's the one that got into Oxford. And guess what? He's got the motive to go after Doris!

Coop: Yeah, well, what the hell's your motive, huh? Trying to get in with the D.A. just so you can go ahead and keep your job, going after your own family!

Buzz: The two of you stop it! Stop it!

Doris: Where is my photographer when I need him?

Lizzie: You said you wanted me in the worst way? Here I am.

Bill: Ah, Lizzie, Lizzie...

Lizzie: Unless those were just words. Were those words just to get me back to work? Were they?

Bill: Listen to me. Lizzie, I meant everything I said to you before I had had to fire you because you're making my life much too complicated.

Lizzie: Well, thanks to Billy, I keep my job, and you get the rest of me.

Bill: Oh, no, no, no. You know what? I can't do this. I can't do it.

Lizzie: The Main Street project means more to you than I do? Really?

Bill: Look, I want you badly, I really, really, really do, but not like this.

Lizzie: Until you get a sofa?

Bill: No. Listen to me. You're doing this because you think I'm going to drop my plans.

Lizzie: So?

Bill: So?

Lizzie: So?

Bill: I want something more. I need to hear you say that you want to be with me, and mean it.

Ava: Hey, working late again?

Bill: Hey, Ava, we were... we were just...

Ava: Spitballing?

Bill: Yeah. We need to talk. Okay, look... everything that we've been doing, it’s... been very fun, but it has to stop.

Ava: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I get to break up with you for Coop. You don't get to...

Bill: Okay, listen. Listen, listen, listen. We are both adults here, okay, and we knew what we were doing, but I want something more. Something permanent.

Ava: Are you serious? You're going to give up no-guilt, no-fault sex, fat-free, for her? For her?

Bill: Well, maybe I should be in rehab with my dad, but yeah. I guess I am.

Ava: So much for having no interest in him.

Lizzie: We were just working, Ava.

Ava: But yet he dumps me for you. Interesting.

Lizzie: I never asked for that.

Ava: But you wanted that.

Bill: Ladies, ladies, ladies. Let's not turn this into a steel cage grudge match.

Ava: Huh, you would love that, wouldn't you? Throw in a couple of bikinis, a little bit of wrestling, a little bit of mud.

Bill: A little bit of spaghetti. Hmmm, let me visualize.

Ava: Go ahead.

Bill: Look, don't be so bitter. You know that I was a pit stop. The one you really want to be with is old, what's his name?

Ava: Henry Bradshaw...

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: ...Is ten times the man you are, in and out of bed.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Bill: I'd hate to be his tailor.

Ava: Okay, go ahead. You think that's funny, don't you? You had the chance with Coop and you lost, and you'll lose again. You'll come back.

Bill: Hey. I hope we can separate our personal and business lives.

Ava: You're serious?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, I've been impressed by the way you've been doing business. And as this Main Street project progresses...

Ava: Bill, you know what? There is a word for guys like you.

Bill: Winner? Ooh, I think she handled everything reasonably well considering. Where were we?

Lizzie: So how much of that was real, and how much of that was just for show?

Bill: If I say 60/40, does that get me a kiss?

Lizzie: You could have lied and said 80/20.

Bill: Yeah, but would you have believed me?

Lizzie: What makes you think I believe you now?

Buzz: Okay, put on the cuffs. Book me and lock me up, but I have one request.

Doris: I hope he’s a good lawyer.

Buzz: I want to speak to Doris alone.

Frank: Well, guess what? That's just not going to happen, okay? You know I can't do that.

Coop: Frank, look around you. Where is he going to go, skip town?

Frank: That's enough from you. Enough from both of you.

Buzz: Frank, Frank. Frank. Please?

Frank: Sure, Pop, why not? Why the hell not? Coop.

Buzz: Doris.

Doris: What do you want?

Buzz: I'm sorry.

Doris: Sorry for stealing the election or sorry you got caught?

Buzz: I wasn't caught. I made a full disclosure on my own.

Doris: Oh, you want kudos for that?

Buzz: Look, you know hate me if you want, but I never meant to hurt you.

Doris: If you're trying to appeal to my good side, forget it. I don't have one, remember?

Buzz: Oh, yes you do. We worked side by side, I've seen it. We both worked because we love this city.

Doris: Well, unlike you, I don't pretend to love Springfield.

Buzz: What, are you afraid it won't love you back? They admire your legal skills. They admire your leadership. But if they saw the Doris that I know...

Doris: Don't you dare. I thought I had lost everything.

Buzz: That's why you seemed so human.

Doris: So defeated, you mean? Well, don't worry. I will not be letting my guard down again.

Buzz: Well, that's too bad. You say you want people to like you, here's your chance.

Doris: So I let you off the hook, and wham, instant popularity?

Buzz: You can do whatever you want to me, but my kids have nothing to do with this. Neither did all of the people who work for Company. Or all of the people who think of Company as a second home. You use your clout to help make their lives better, they're not going to just like you, they're going to love you.

Doris: Wow. That's a beautiful sentiment, Buzz. But I recently had a revelation: Popularity is not all it's cracked up to be. I'm going to tell the D.A. to throw the book at you. And as for Company, your eggs are salty.

Harley: Marina, where have you been the last few hours?

Marina: I know. I know, Cyrus told me. How is grandpa?

Harley: Oh, your grandfather, you know him. He's going to be strong for the rest of us.

Cyrus: Marina was working for him.

Marina: I was just trying to prove that the election wasn't rigged.

Harley: Did you find out who rigged it?

Marina: What does it matter now?

Harley: You think that Doris is not going to try to pin this on your grandfather? No, no, no. We're a family. We have to stick together.

Marina: Right. Together.

Cyrus: Any idea where he is?

Harley: Well, if I know your grandfather, he is not going to wait for Doris to drop the hammer, so...

Marina: You're right. He probably went down to the station already to spare dad.

Cyrus: We can stop by the station, and you can pick up your badge.

Harley: Oh, yeah. Did Cyrus... he told you...

Marina: Yeah. I really owe you, Harley.

Harley: You don't owe me a thing. Just take care of your grandfather, okay?

Marina: Okay. Aren't you going to come with?

Harley: I'll catch up to you guys.

Cyrus: Are you okay?

Harley: Yes.

Marina: What's going on?

Harley: No, no, no. I'm just... I'm just so worried about my dad, your grandfather. I have to call a lawyer because we really need to get some advice about this, okay? You should go. Go ahead.

Marina: Okay.

Lizzie: (Laughs) Oh! I wish I had a picture.

Bill: Oh, come on. Ava's a good sport.

Lizzie: Oh, spoken like a true guy. She flips her head, she laughs it off, but trust me, that stung.

Bill: Hey, she wants Coop.

Lizzie: She's Olivia’s daughter. She wants everything.

Bill: And what do you want?

Lizzie: Same thing you want.

Bill: Really? That would be success, vindication, maybe dinner?

Lizzie: (Laughs) Those are all good.

Bill: Yeah?

Lizzie: But right now I want something a little more basic.

Bill: I'm all ears.

Lizzie: Gee, I hope not. (Laughs) I forgot my key again.

Bill: Oh, well, good thing I have a spare in my pants.

Lizzie: (Laughs) So, you're going to remember what you said to Ava, right?

Bill: What did I say?

Lizzie: "No more casual sex" for you?

Bill: Yeah.

Lizzie: This time it's serious. Very serious.

Bill: Very serious.

Marina: What's going on with Harley?

Cyrus: Huh? Nothing. I just know how worried she is about Buzz.

Marina: Yeah, we all are.

Cyrus: I wish you'd told me the real reason you left town.

Marina: It was just something I had to do on my own.

Cyrus: What I mean is I would have tried to stop you.

Marina: Stop me? Cyrus, you know me. I had to find out for sure.

Cyrus: And then what? If Buzz kept silent would you have kept his secret?

Marina: He's my grandfather.

Cyrus: That's not an answer.

Marina: When it comes to the people I love, I will always go to the wall for them. Don't you know that by now?

Cyrus: Marina...

Marina: No. I let them take my badge away. I could have fought for it, Cyrus, but I never wanted to have to choose between you and the law.

Cyrus: The law's a part of you. It's like your family business, even more than Company.

Marina: You are my family, too, okay? I'll admit it, I miss chasing the bad guys. You can't deny the fact that you miss being one.

Cyrus: You know, the best thing about being a bad guy?

Marina: Hmm?

Cyrus: Getting caught by you.

Marina: Well, maybe we can go back to that.

Cyrus: Yeah, maybe we can.

Harley: I can't, I can't, I can’t. I said I wouldn’t... I have to get a grip. I have to get a grip for my dad.

Coop: Frank, look, I don't want to fight with you, okay?

Frank: Really? Well, you know what? You could have fooled me.

Coop: You've got a job to do, all right? I know that, but would you just look at him? Frank, look at the man. He came forward on his own and admitted that he made a mistake. Huh?

Frank: It's voter fraud. It's a felony.

Coop: Yes, yes. I know that, but he blew the whistle on himself, Frank. He didn't have to do that.

Frank: Yeah, well, you know what? Maybe the judge will take that into consideration.

Coop: Damn it, Frank! Would you stop talking to me like I'm a cop? I am your brother. Go out there. Find out who rigged the election, who rigged it, who committed the fraud. I am telling you this, though: It wasn't me, and it certainly was not him.

Frank: Then who the hell was it?

Ashlee: Ask me.

Buzz: Ashlee, get back in the hall.

Ashlee: No, I'm sorry, Buzz. This has gone on long enough.

Buzz: Ashlee, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you!

Ashlee: Buzz didn't fix the election.

Buzz: Ashlee!

Ashlee: I did.

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Lizzie: Maybe we should mix it up a little. Gotcha!

Doris: This is different.

Frank: You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent.

Coop: Oh, come on, Frank, stop it!

Marina: It's like a panic attack.

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