GL Transcript Wednesday 1/2/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/2/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Buzz: If winning is so good, then why do I feel so bad?

Zach: Don't be mad, Grandpa.

Buzz: How did you get in here?

Zach: The basement window. I can squeeze.

Buzz: Aren't you supposed to be in school?

Zach: I want to be with you when they give you the crown.

Buzz: The crown? The crown? I'm the mayor; I'm not the king.

Zach: Whatever. It's awesome.

Buzz: It is awesome, isn't it? You know, my first act as mayor I think is going to be... to give you a day off from school.

Zach: All right! I wish I could have voted for you.

Buzz: I wish you could have voted for me, too. Give this to your teacher.

Zach: Thanks, Grandpa.

Buzz: Don't forget your coat.

Zach: And also, these were for you.

Buzz: Marina, where are you? I need to know... I need to know whether this election was fixed or not, okay? So, can you tell me, whether it's bad or good, and come back here because I need... family.

Buzz: (Knock on the door) Harley? Harley? Harley, I've... Harley, I've been calling all day, but no one's picking up. (Knock on the door) Harley, are you in there? (Pounding on door)

Harley: Is that the door?

Cyrus: Mmm. (Pounding on door)

Harley: Hey. What are you doing in my bed?

Cyrus: What? Huh?

Harley: You've got to go. Cyrus, you've got to go. You've got to go, you've got to go.

Cyrus: Mmm. Oh.

Harley: Oh, my gosh.

Cyrus: What?

Harley: You're naked!

Cyrus: So are you.

Harley: Why? Why are we naked? (Cell phone ringing)

Cyrus: I don't know. I must have gotten up in the middle of the night or something.

Harley: I don't care, I don’t... please, go get dressed. Go get dressed, go get dressed. I've got to get the door.

Buzz: Harley?

Harley: Oh! Hi, Daddy.

Buzz: I'm looking for Cyrus.

Harley: Cyrus Foley?

Buzz: Yeah.

Harley: Why would you think that Cyrus is here? He's not here.

Buzz: Well, he works for you, right?

Harley: Yeah, but he's with Marina. Why don't you check Marina's house?

Buzz: I did, but I just...

Harley: I am so proud of you. I'll see you at the ceremony.

Buzz: Thank you.

Ashlee: The Buzz Cooper era begins. Did you see this? Look, I must have done the right thing, right, you know? Come on, up on the bed. Come on, up. Up! Come on. I mean, Buzz, isn't awful, but-- I mean, he's going to be a great mayor, and my mom will be great. He's going to help so many people. And my mom, well, I mean I love her, but, really, like, she can get a little crazy dictator, you know... oh, if you're not careful. I couldn't let her win. I couldn’t. Not that I could let Ava win either, you know? Up on the bed. Come on. (Knock at the door) Who is it? Mom, hi.

Doris: Hi. What do you think, power suit or tasteful dress?

Ashlee: You want my opinion?

Doris: Yeah, I want you to help me be a good loser.

Ava: I better get out of here. I shouldn't even be here.

Bill: Wait, come on. We're having a party. Don't go.

Ava: There's plenty of time to celebrate. We have to get to the inauguration. We can't be late.

Bill: Well, if there is one.

Ava: You made Buzz an offer he can't refuse. Keep quiet about the election and work for you, and he can save the world in his spare time.

Bill: Yeah. Well, he hasn't said yes yet.

Ava: All he needs to do is take his hand and put it on the bible. That's all the yes you need, and you'll have the mayor and I'll have what I want.

Ava: Hello? Are you guys open? Hello?

Coop: Sorry, we're closed for a private party... oh, wow!

Ava: Wow, yourself. I hope I'm not intruding.

Coop: No. No, of course not. Friends and family today.

Ava: Well, I'm proud to be a part of that. I'm so excited about today. It's going to be a great day.

Bill: (Hums "Hail To The Chief") Did you get my flowers?

Buzz: What do you want?

Bill: Well, let me be the first to congratulate you. So I've got a crew waiting to begin demolition on the Main Street project. They just need an okay from our new mayor.

Buzz: Wow. You know, sometimes I've got to remind myself that you're Billy’s boy.

Bill: Well, I didn't win a fixed election. Come on, Buzz, it's like you learn in the kitchen: If you want to make an omelet, you've got to break a few eggs. So, I hear you've got Doris in your new administration. That's pretty smart. Keep your enemies close, right?

Buzz: Doris is not my enemy. Actually, I see a lot of good in Doris.

Bill: Nothing like losing to teach you humility. You did her a favor.

Buzz: I did not fix the election.

Bill: No, you didn't, but someone else did it for you. So, is Marina finding her proof? Come on, we both know she is on a mission to blow my claim out of the water.

Buzz: If you know so much, why don't you show me what you've got?

Bill: Oh, Buzz, you play poker. You never show all of your cards.

Buzz: This isn't a game. It's people's lives, their careers.

Bill: Does that really matter? If I show you iron-clad evidence, huh, what are you going to do? Are you going to call off the ceremony? Declare Doris the winner? Go back to flipping burgers? Come on, Buzz.

Buzz: You know, I might... wipe that smile off your face.

Bill: Why don't you do it then, hmm? Why don't you go do it? And I'll just cut my deal with Mayor Doris Wolfe, and I will personally be on that first bulldozer that flattens everything in sight, including Company. And you can guarantee I'll have a smile on my face then. The choice is yours.

Reporter: Mr. Mayor!

Buzz: I'm not mayor yet.

Reporter: How does it feel, the son of a Greek immigrant makes it to the top?

Buzz: No comment.

Reporter: Your parents would be proud.

Buzz: What did you say?

Reporter: Your parents would be proud.

Ava: Here you are.

Buzz: Hey, Frank!

Frank: Hey, Dad. There he is!

Lillian: Oh, do I get to kiss the mayor, or will the secret service wrestle me to the ground?

Ava: That sounds like a win-win to me. Congratulations!

Lillian: Oh, it's my turn, my turn, my turn. (Laughter)

Frank: Hey, hey, hey. You two should get a room here. Come on! Come on!

Coop: Wow! Take a breather.

Frank: Somebody call the fire department. (Laughter)

Ava: Okay!

Lillian: Are you all right? Sure. I guess I didn't embarrass you in front of your children now?

Buzz: My children?

Lillian: Are you okay?

Buzz: Yeah. I want this day to be everything everybody wants it to be.

Coop: Oh, come on, Dad. A little enthusiasm, okay? We're not at a funeral here.

Frank: Oh, well, actually, it looks like it will be for Doris Wolfe and her plans for Main Street.

Coop: Well, that is very, very true.

Buzz: Let's not gloat! Okay?

Lillian: Buzz, they're just saying what everybody in the world is saying: That the good guys finally won.

Ava: Yeah, it kind of gives you faith.

Harley: Cyrus, are you dressed? No more surprises, please.

Cyrus: Hi.

Buzz: You're not surprised?

Cyrus: No. Is this about...

Buzz: About my favorite girl, yes.

Cyrus: Buzz, I know how it looks.

Buzz: Now, now, now, don't be modest. I know you're trying to get Marina reinstated.

Cyrus: Oh, yeah, well...

Buzz: And as mayor, you know, I'll help move that along.

Cyrus: Well, we both want the best for her. I mean that.

Buzz: I believe you. And that's why I'm going to ask you a favor, with no questions asked.

Cyrus: Well, is this the mayor talking or Marina's grandfather?

Buzz: That was a question.

Cyrus: Sorry. Whatever it is, I'm in.

Buzz: Well, for a man of your skills, it should be fairly easy. I want you to keep Bill Lewis away from the ceremony this afternoon, okay? For my sake and Marina's.

Cyrus: Yes, sir.

Mallet: Oh, Buzz, good, good. I found you. Nice surprise.

Buzz: Surprise, huh?

Mallet: Yeah, I got a tip that you'd be here.

Buzz: What is it? Pothole?

Mallet: No, I wish it were that simple. We need to take a walk.

Buzz: Is that a request or an order?

Mallet: That would be up to you. Wow, Buzz, look at this. Big day.

Buzz: Yeah.

Mallet: Big day for you and the whole town.

Buzz: Yeah, big day. So what's up?

Mallet: Well, you know, I've been looking into allegations of election fraud--

Buzz: Rumors.

Mallet: Well, somebody played fast and lose with the numbers.

Buzz: Okay, so cut to the chase. What do you got?

Mallet: I've got something I can't ignore. You ever heard of a guy named Einstein?

Buzz: You mean E=MC2 Einstein? He's still dead, isn't he?

Mallet: No, no. It's a nickname for a computer hacker. Listen, we caught this guy trying to hack into some highly restricted data bases, okay? And we had him cold.

Buzz: So?

Mallet: The D.A. didn't prosecute, and the guy skated.

Buzz: I still don't get what you're saying.

Mallet: The D.A. was Doris. She let him go, and we know the rumors about her trying to steal an election.

Buzz: Okay, I know that, but that still doesn't add up to anything.

Mallet: Buzz, she let him go. She let him walk so he could help her steal the election.

Buzz: But she didn’t.

Mallet: I know. She either called it off, or he got cold feet and skipped town. But that, whatever happened, that is the source of the rumors, Buzz. So the point is, the fix was in, it just never happened. (Cheers and applause) Did you hear me, Buzz? Did you hear me? I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't know, I guess it's a happy ending and the best man won.

Buzz: Ashlee?

Ashlee: What are you doing here?

Buzz: Ah, me first. Coop said you were out of town attending a wedding.

Ashlee: I am. I mean, I'm not yet. I will be. I just thought I'd stop by and... you know, give a prayer for the bride and groom.

Buzz: Say one for me, too.

Ashlee: Are you okay, Buzz?

Buzz: I'm... wanting to do the right thing.

Ashlee: You will. I mean, you're going to be the best mayor Springfield’s ever had. And, I mean, you know, you have to be.

Buzz: Why don't you spend the day with us, huh? I mean, Coop would love it, I'd love it. Come on. Like more, but...

Buzz: But?

Ashlee: I never thanked you for what you did for my mom.

Buzz: Oh, you don't have to thank me for that.

Ashlee: Yeah. You could have declared victory and totally forget about her. Instead, you give her a job.

Buzz: Your mother is a little more complicated than I thought. I mean, she had a rough life. She's raised you, and she's kept her passion for the law.

Ashlee: Yeah, but everything that she's done, everything she threatened to do, you know?

Buzz: Well, none of us are perfect. God knows.

Ashlee: I knew it. I knew that you'd be a great mayor. You know what? Give 'em hell, Buzz.

Buzz: Wow, thanks.

Ashlee: Sorry.

Buzz: Marina, hi.

Marina: Hey, Grandpa. I'm sorry it took me so long. I just... I didn't want to call you until I was sure.

Buzz: Where are you?

Marina: New York. Believe it or not, I got a line on a guy named...

Buzz: Einstein.

Marina: Yeah, how'd you know?

Buzz: Well, Mallet's been working on it from this end, and he got the Doris connection.

Marina: And?

Buzz: And he's dropping the charges. He figures, you know, that she was going to fix the election, but she backed out at the last minute. Marina? Tell me he's right.

Marina: I wish that I could. I found this guy at some internet cafe.

Buzz: You got him to talk?

Marina: He wouldn't come right out and say it, but by the way he was bragging...

Buzz: He fixed the vote so that I'd win.

Marina: I'm so sorry, Grandpa.

Buzz: Why?

Marina: I got the feeling that he was actually doing it for someone else.

Buzz: Who?

Marina: I'll keep digging.

Buzz: Okay. Look, come on home.

Marina: Are you sure?

Buzz: Yeah, I need you.

Marina: I need to be there. I miss Cyrus more than I ever thought I would.

Buzz: Look, I've got a call on the other line. It's Zach.

Marina: Take it. I'll talk to you later. And, Grandpa, good luck.

Buzz: Thanks, baby. Zach, is that you?

Zach: Grandpa, they said I have to wear a suit.

Buzz: Is that all?

Zach: And a tie.

Buzz: Well, if that's the biggest problem we have today...

Zach: But I left my tie at mom’s.

Buzz: So, call your mother.

Zach: I tried. Can you get it for me? I think I left it in her room.

Buzz: Zach, you know, today I've been... (laughs) All right, one tie coming up. (Knock on the door) Harley! The things a mayor has to do. Harley? Harley? I'll find it myself.

(Knock on the door)

Cyrus: Harley? Harley? Hey!

Harley: I cannot believe this.

Cyrus: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Harley: Uh-huh. You have to stop showing up in my bedroom.

Cyrus: I'm sorry. I got back to my house and I realized that I had forgotten my...

Harley: Underwear?

Cyrus: Phone.

Harley: Phone.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Harley: Phone... here it is.

Voila. Here's your phone.

Cyrus: Wonderful. Thank you.

Harley: Are we done seeing each other naked for the day?

Cyrus: If you drop that towel, we'll be even.

Harley: Get out.

Cyrus: Yes, ma'am. I'll see you at the ceremony.

Harley: Okay.

Zach: Grandpa, you got it?

Buzz: What?

Zach: My tie.

Buzz: Oh, yeah.

Zach: Time to put yours on.

Buzz: Me?

Coop: Yes, you. Time to put your suit and tie on.

Frank: Absolutely. I even polished your shoes, big man.

Coop: All right. All we need is Marina, and I've only got two hands.

Ava: Two hands is all you need.

Frank: Hey, listen, Pop, come here. Speaking of Marina, has anybody seen her because... oh, my God, don't tell me. Let me guess.

Buzz: She's not with Cyrus, if that's what you're worried about.

Frank: Seriously? Oh, this day just gets better and better. So where is she?

Buzz: She's on a case, Frank. She called. She'll be home soon.

Frank: Do you know what this means then? This means you're going to have the whole Cooper clan here for your finest hour.

Buzz: There are finer ones than this, Frank.

Frank: Listen, hey, come on. You worked so hard for this day, and I'm not talking about just the election, but your whole life. Dad.

Buzz: What?

Frank: You are what this family's all about.

Buzz: Oh, Frank. That's not me; it's you.

Frank: Hey, listen, just layoff the humble pie, will you?

Buzz: Frank, I... we're not better than anybody else, that's all.

Frank: Who's saying that we are?

Buzz: I wonder, Frank.

Frank: Pop, come on. Look what's happened to this family. Really. You know what? Harley's still Harley, Coop's still Coop, Marina's still Marina. But at the end of the day, the one thing, the one thing that you can always count on... (phone ringing) ...are the Cooper’s.

Lillian: Buzz, the... TV station's on the line. They want an interview after the ceremony. What do you want me to tell them?

Buzz: You know, you could always make it rain. Doris, what are you doing back there?

Doris: I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you.

Buzz: Are you hiding?

Doris: No, I just wanted to make sure that it was right.

Buzz: That what's right?

Doris: The speech. I mean, you didn't want mine, so I thought I would work on the draft that you gave me.

Buzz: What, it's my spelling?

Doris: No, not your spelling, or your punctuation. It's just the tone.

Buzz: What about my tone, Doris?

Doris: Well, it's all wrong. It's fine, if what you want is a speech. But there's not enough of you in it. The Buzz Cooper that everyone knows and loves.

Buzz: Not you, Doris. During your campaign you hated me.

Doris: Yeah, and you know what I hated? I hated the fact that you have something that I will never have.

Buzz: Incredible good looks?

Doris: People like you.

Buzz: Oh, people like onion rings.

Doris: And you like people back. Look, I saw it every day on the campaign. You have this honest, genuine affection for the other guy. And there's not enough of it in the speech.

Buzz: Doris, are you on crack?

Doris: You know what? Go ahead and joke, okay, but I would kill for just one lousy moment to feel what it's like to be liked.

Buzz: You could be likeable, Doris. It's just a choice.

Doris: No, you know what? It is not. It is something you are either born with or you aren’t.

Buzz: All right. Take this pencil and write what I say. I mean it.

Doris: Buzz--

Buzz: Write, write. Say, "I like people, and people like me."

Doris: I am not going to write that.

Buzz: I'm the mayor, I'm your boss. You have to.

Doris: I resign.

Buzz: I don't accept. You're a hard woman, Doris. You're hard on Ashlee and you're harder on yourself.

Doris: There. It's just words.

Buzz: Well, so is an inaugural address. It's just words until you put it in practice. Until you live it.

Doris: Yeah, well, I don't know how to do that.

Buzz: Neither do I, Doris. I don't know how to be mayor. Maybe we can teach each other.

Lillian: Buzz, is everything all right out here?

Doris: Yes. Lillian, don't worry, I am not trying to corrupt your lovely mayor.

Lillian: Oh, sweetheart, you could not corrupt him if you tried. He's the world's most honorable human being.

Buzz: Lillian--

Lillian: But you are.

Doris: She's right, just be you.

Buzz: You know, I like this fierce lioness thing. I really do.

Lillian: Yes, but I maybe overstepped it a little.

Buzz: Yes, maybe you did, just a little bit.

Lillian: But Buzz, you know, I don't know politics, but I know people, and she's not a good person.

Buzz: Don't worry about Doris. I know I've got a handle on her. Put her to work and going to keep her busy. My first gift to the people of Springfield.

Ava: I am not kidding. Once Buzz is mayor, what's to stop you from following in his footsteps?

Coop: Ooh. Okay, down, girl. I am just a teacher.

Ava: For now. But you have that same little spark he has. You can do anything you want. It's just you just need to...

Coop: Need to what?

Ava: My camera. I forgot it. I left it in the car I don't want to miss one second of this amazing day.

Coop: Okay.

Ava: What part of "Stay the hell away from me," don't you understand?

Ashlee: I'm sorry.

Ava: Did you think I was bluffing? I wouldn't hesitate for one second to blow you or Einstein, the little creep, out of the water.

Ashlee: Okay, look, you got what you want, didn't you? You're with Coop today. You can have him. I just wanted a--

Ava: A glimpse? A whiff? We had had a deal, Ashlee, a deal.

Ashlee: I'm going.

Ava: You do that.

Coop: Where's your camera?

Ava: Oh, that? I decided it would be a distraction. Don't worry, I'll remember every moment. Trust me.

Buzz: Ashlee?

Ashlee: I have to go.

Buzz: Oh, not quite yet. I haven't thanked you for my victory.

Ashlee: I'm really sorry. I... I couldn't let my mom win. She was going to hurt you and Coop and so many other people.

Buzz: Did Einstein do this on his own, or did you...

Ashlee: It was me. He... well, I had leverage on him.

Buzz: Well, that's it. You can't sugar coat it. I cheated.

Ashlee: No, you didn’t. I did it all. Buzz, come on, I'll take the fall.

Buzz: I can't let Ava hold this over you. I can't do that.

Ashlee: No, I can deal with her. That's my problem. You know, I was smart enough to fix an election, I can...

Buzz: What about me? How long am I going to let Bill hold this leverage over me?

Ashlee: You're going to be mayor soon. You can call all of the shots then.

Buzz: Oh, will I?

Ashlee: You know, maybe I did wrong, but you can make it right. You can do so many good things for this town.

Buzz: Malls, sewers...

Ashlee: No, I mean parks and hospitals... and schools.

Buzz: That's what I thought, too, but you know...

Ashlee: Springfield needs you. I need you. We all... I can't let Coop see me. You're a really good man. And... try to not forget that, okay?

Coop: Dad?

Buzz: Uh-huh.

Coop: Who you talking to?

Buzz: Myself.

Coop: It's kind of a one-sided conversation, don't you think?

Buzz: You'd be surprised.

Coop: Are you okay?

Buzz: Yeah.

Coop: Hey.

Buzz: You're a writer. Tell me, who wrote the line about the king, you know, he's alone, and there's a battle the next day, and...

Coop: Yeah. "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."

Buzz: Boy, he got it right.

Coop: Well, you can't put this off any longer. It's time to put on the suit and tie the tie, okay? Let's go.

Buzz: So what do you think?

Zach: If I have to wear one, so do you.

Buzz: Yeah. Where did everybody go?

Zach: They wanted good seats.

Buzz: Don't you want a good seat?

Zach: I want to be with you.

Buzz: You want to be with me?

Zach: When I grow up, I want to be the mayor, too.

Buzz: You know, politics is a pretty rough game.

Zach: But you won. Come on, let's go.

Frank: Come on, it is almost show time. Okay? Come on.

Harley: I used to care about right and wrong. Look where that got me.

Cyrus: Coming around to my way, huh?

Harley: The only way. All that matters is that we are happy. Who cares about Marina or anybody else?

Ava: Too bad Ashlee couldn't be here.

Coop: She cares more about being with her old roommate than she cares about being with me and my family. Who needs her?

Doris: I lost the election. You lost Coop anyway. Are you happy now?

Ashlee: Mom--

Doris: Don't even call me that. You are nothing to me. Nothing!

Frank: Ladies and gentlemen. Excuse me. Nothing makes me prouder than to introduce to you the finest man that I know. I know I'm a little biased because I'm his son, but, anyway, I don't need to tell you how great he is because you obviously know that for yourselves because you put your trust in him for the next four years. So without further ado here, I would like to introduce to you the new mayor of Springfield, Frank Achilles Cooper, Sr., Commonly known as Buzz Cooper. (Cheers and applause)

Buzz: I, Frank Achilles Cooper, promise to serve the people of Springfield.

Woman: Respecting its laws and its institutions.

Buzz: Respecting its laws...

Woman: And its...

Buzz: And its institutions.

Woman: Trusting in the goodness and wisdom of its people.

Buzz: Trusting in the goodness and wisdom of its people.

Woman: So help me God.

Buzz: So help me God.

Woman: Congratulations, Mr. Mayor! (Cheers and applause)

Ava: I'm so happy for you.

Buzz: Friends, honored guests, and the people of Springfield, what you see standing before you is actually living proof of the American dream. A generation ago, my family came here from Greece with only their clothes on their backs, with their beloved culture in their hearts and their minds, and the willingness to make life better for their children. And they never lost that faith...

Mallet: He's just a little nervous. That's all.

Buzz: They never lost that faith. And if I am to continue the work they began... if I am half the man, half the citizen...

Harley: What's wrong?

Coop: Just read the speech, Dad.

Buzz: This is a very nice speech. My son, the writer, helped me with it, as did my gracious opponent, Doris Wolfe, and she remarked to me that perhaps this wasn't me, and I don't think it is me. So let's talk about me. Me. I'm a guy that's made a lot of mistakes. More than his share. Some of them were harmless and just hurt me, but some of them hurt other people. And I think when I began this campaign, I thought this might atone for it. That maybe the good I do would wipe out the bad, and my family could finally be proud of me.

Harley: We are. (Cheers and applause) We are. We are, Daddy! (Cheers and applause)

Buzz: Well, thank you, Harley. Thank you, Coop. Thank you, Frank. Thank you, Lillian. Listen, I've had many loves in my life... but there are two that will sustain me and last. And that's my family and this town. And they are both in crises now. And if I am the man I say I am, I've got to do something about it. There are some things that are so wrong that they hurt people, and words can't do anything to help that. You have to walk the talk.

Coop: What's he talking about?

Buzz: I'm so lucky to have the loyal people around me that I do, and I will never forget it. But now is the time to speak the truth. I did not win this election. Doris Wolfe won this election. The election was fixed. I'm sorry.

Woman: Buzz, you just can't walk away.

Buzz: Yes, I can.

Frank: What the hell's going on here? What did you just do? Just tell me the truth!

Buzz: I just did, Frank, finally.

Harley: Frank, stop it. Daddy, you just didn't want the job, so you made it up, right?

Buzz: I meant every word of it. Sometimes you have to take responsibility for everything. Everything.

Harley: Daddy!

Frank: What are you talking about? What...

Ava: Coop, I'm sorry...

Coop: No, look. There's got to be some sort of a mistake. There's got to be some sort of mistake.

Doris: Ladies and gentlemen, I know that I can speak for all of us when I say we have just been through a great shock. And it's going to take some time for us to recover and to get our bearings again, but we will. Springfield is more than just one man, or one woman, or one election. And I pledge to make sure that justice is done and that this town receives the leadership that it deserves. If I am, indeed, mayor, then I will make sure personally that the people responsible for perpetrating this fraud will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

I am a lonely train ready to run away

I'm gonna disappear they roll their eyes

cutting me down to size straight line I couldn't face

so I break said if I bend

I break maybe I know it

maybe I can't come through everyone's waiting

to see what I'm gonna do it's so hard to stand

under that weight hard to be eight-feet tall

tall tall...

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: I know it's what you wanted.

Marina: And then you and Harley get what you want.

Officer: Mr. Cooper?

Buzz: Officer, I've been expecting you.

Doris: Plans... it'll go far enough.

Coop: Doris is the forgiving type.

Doris: They leave Company standing.

Ava: You're going to give up, no-guilt sex, for her?

Lizzie: Find something else that starts your engine.

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