Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/28/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Harley: Is it gone? Please tell me it's gone.
Cyrus: Snake's gone, promise. I should have gotten you out of there sooner.
Harley: I did not mean to freak out, but oh, my gosh...
Cyrus: No, no, no.
Harley: ...There was a snake in the elevator.
Cyrus: Anyone would have freaked out. Just keep breathing. Breathe. Are you breathing? It's all right.
Harley: Cyrus.
Cyrus: It's all right. It's all right.
Harley: Is it? I mean this. Because I don't think it is.
Cassie: Harley?
Coop: That's great. No, thank you very much for handling that. I appreciate that. Um, all right, thanks. There she is, the fixer.
Ashlee: What? The what?
Coop: You got the band that dad likes, to agree to play at the inauguration tomorrow night.
Ashlee: Right. Yes, that.
Coop: Yes, yes, that. You should be put in charge of special projects. You get things done. Speaking of which, here is your key.
Ashlee: What are you doing with my key?
Coop: Um, confession time. I borrowed it.
Ashlee: Stole it.
Coop: No... because, no, I, well, borderline, okay.
Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Coop: There is something waiting for you in your room for the party tomorrow night. It's a dress. Ashlee, it's a dress. There's a dress waiting for you.
Ashlee: But, Coop, why?
Coop: Why? What do you mean why? Ashlee, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn’t be celebrating. Come here, come here.
Ashlee: Thanks.
Will: Where’s Mom?
Josh: She had to go out. Will, hang on for just a second. I was just reading about the night that I got accidentally locked in the mall with your Aunt Reva.
Will: Oh.
Josh: Will, why were you so surprised that I got out in time for Christmas that night?
Will: I wasn’t.
Josh: No, I think you were. Will, tell me what's going on. There's a big mystery about shoppers getting locked in a mall on Christmas eve. No one who works there can explain how that happened. Now, you were... you were downtown shopping with Daisy, right? Will, I just keep thinking about how you acted when I got back. You seemed very surprised. You started to say something like that I was supposed to be somewhere. Where did you think I was supposed to be?
Will: I don't remember.
Josh: Was it at the mall, Will? Did you think I was supposed to be at the mall? Is that what you were about to say? Hey, look, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Will, tell me what you did.
Will: Nothing! I was just happy you weren't here. I just wanted mom for Christmas, just mom, not you!
Josh: Will! Will!
Harley: So, I made Cyrus promise not to let me out.
Cyrus: She was adamant.
Harley: Yes. And now I'm begging him to let me out. Because... because this snake is slithering all over the place.
Cyrus: Like I'm going to believe there is a snake in there. I was just trying to do my job.
Harley: Yes. That's a word, right? Slither? Somehow that doesn't sound like a word. That's a word.
Cassie: Yes.
Harley: Yes, that's a word.
Cyrus: Lucky it wasn't poisonous.
Harley: Yes. And there I was, I was freaking out. I mean, I was freaking out. I still am. Look at me, my hand, it's just shaking. It's awful. Really.
Cyrus: I think Cassie gets the picture.
Harley: Yeah. So now you know my whole sordid story.
Cyrus: Look, I need to have a word with Frank. Are you okay? Do you mind, if I...
Harley: About what?
Cyrus: Marina. I just want to see what's going on.
Harley: Oh, yes, of course.
Cassie: So, panic attacks?
Harley: Yes, it's true. I hate saying it, but it's true. It's been happening since the building collapse. And it's hard... it's so hard to get through them sometimes. But, um, don't tell anybody, please.
Cassie: I won’t. I won’t.
Harley: Don't tell Gus. Because I feel like I can work through it, I can get through them.
Cassie: Well, at least you won't have to work through it alone.
Harley: Exactly. What do you mean? Come on.
Cassie: I'm sorry, I'm just going on what I saw. You turned like five shades of red when I walked in on you guys.
Harley: Well, it's not like we are in bed together or anything.
Cassie: He is dating your niece.
Harley: And he's over there right now trying to help her, look.
Cassie: Oh, good for him. Not feeling guilty, is he?
Harley: Cassie, you're this close to crossing the line a little bit.
Cassie: I'm sorry, but...
Harley: I mean, come on.
Cassie: ...If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
Harley: Even if what Dinah said is true.
Cassie: Wait a minute? What Dinah said?
Harley: Yes, Dinah has known Cyrus for a long time. And she said that Cyrus and Marina probably wouldn't make it in the long term.
Cassie: Oh, I do not believe you.
Harley: What?
Cassie: First you tell me nothing's going on, and then you make an excuse.
Harley: It's not an excuse!
Cassie: You make an excuse based on something Dinah said? You can't have it both ways.
Harley: It's what Dinah said. It's not what I said.
Cassie: You just floated it out there, like to see what I would say about it.
Harley: No. No. I'm not floating anything.
Cassie: Really? Okay. Then why? Why did you say it?
Harley: If you would let me finish, what I was going to say was that even if what Dinah said is true, it wouldn't make a difference because it's not right for us to be together anyway.
Cassie: Fine.
Harley: Why are you being so hard on me?
Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm not. I just... you know, we are always honest with each other.
Harley: I'm trying to be honest with you.
Cassie: Why don't you call me when you're ready to talk, okay?
Coop: With the inauguration on Main Street, it sounds perfect, right?
Ashlee: Ah, yeah. I feel like the whole town is coming.
Coop: Well, everybody loves a winner. It seems like everybody I talked to said they voted for dad. It was a close election, though.
Ashlee: Yeah.
Coop: It almost went the other way.
Ashlee: Right. Almost. Mom?
Doris: Hey. Listen, did you take that suggestion that I had?
Ashlee: What suggestion?
Coop: Thank you for the name. The personal shopper was definitely the way to go.
Ashlee: Personal shopper?
Coop: Your mom saw me flipping through a catalog when I was looking for the dress for you.
Ashlee: You helped Coop pick out a dress for me?
Doris: Yeah. I just made one single suggestion. You did all of the rest.
Ashlee: Okay, okay. Where's Ashton Kutcher?
Coop: Hold on a second. The caterer, I've got to take this phone call. Thank you. Hello?
Doris: Don't stare, Ashlee. It's not polite. What was I supposed to do, sit around and sulk because I lost?
Ashlee: Well, yeah.
Doris: Well, you know what? That was my first impulse, okay? But, you know what, then Buzz reached out to me and he offered me a job in his administration, an important one, and I... you know, it explained a lot. I saw what people see in him. They respond to him. They voted for him. I mean, hey, he did win the election.
Ashlee: Mom...
Doris: You know, I would have had to cheat to win. And if you hadn't, you know, I would have.
Ashlee: Mom.
Doris: You know, and I really think that I can help Buzz navigate the sharp edges of politics. I mean, he's an amateur, really. And I happen to be good at that. And I think that, you know, I could learn something from him.
Ashlee: So you're saying that losing was the best thing that ever happened to you?
Doris: Well, I wouldn't go that far. I just... you know, in the end, it turned out not to be so bad. Oh, you know what, I do have to get over... oh, you know what, I have to work on these notes for Buzz for his speech. I'll catch up with you later.
Ashlee: Mom, um, thank you for helping Coop with my dress.
Doris: I am your mother.
Ava: Hey, Ash. How are the plans going for the big celebration?
Ashlee: Well, they're great, actually. It looks like we were call for --we're calling for good weather so we can hold this outdoors.
Ava: Oh, good. Great, wonderful. Great weather is wonderful, but, um, it might be a little stormy for you. Recognize that?
Ashlee: What do you want?
Ava: It’s you and that computer geek, the one who’s so good at hacking into election computers.
Ashlee: Oh, you see I’ve seen the photo.
Ava: Oh yeah, I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I hadn’t misplaced it.
Ashlee: Look, I need you to know that you are gonna hurt people and Buzz if you let anyone know and I know or at least I thought that you liked him.
Ava: I like his son more. I’m actually really excited about this party for Buzz, it’s gonna be a lot of fun, but I am a little bummed...I don’t have a date.
Ashlee: Ava.
Ava: What is Coop wearing to the party?
Ashlee: I don’t know. But he is taking me and he bought me a dress.
Ava: Right, you should save that for your arraignment.
Ashlee: Okay Ava, what do you want now?
Ava: I want you to tell Coop that you’re not gonna go and I want you to make him take me instead.
Ashlee: Should I shine your shoes while I’m at it?
Daisy: Cassie, hi.
Cassie: Daisy, hi. What brings you by today?
Daisy: I hope you don't mind, but I just wanted to remind you guys that I'm available for baby-sitting whenever you need me.
Cassie: Okay, thank you. We haven't forgotten.
Daisy: Will and I, we had a really great time the other day. It was fun.
Cassie: Good. I'm glad to hear it. I want him to feel like he has a lot of friends here.
Daisy: Definitely.
Cassie: I just think it can't be easy, you know, moving back to a town where he used to live, and life has really just gone on without you. But you know how that feels. You went through that.
Daisy: Yeah. Maybe that's why we clicked.
Cassie: Maybe. Well, I really think now that this whole Edmund situation is behind us, things are just going to get better and better for him, so do you want to come in? Say hi?
Daisy: Sure.
Josh: Will, we are going to get to the bottom of this. I'm telling you.
Will: Mom!
Cassie: Hey, what is going on? Why are you holding onto him like that?
Josh: Cassie, look, I... I don't know how he did it, but I'm pretty sure that Will is the one that got me locked in the mall on Christmas eve with Reva, okay?
Cassie: What? That's crazy.
Josh: I know it sounds that way, but he was there, and it fits with the way he acted when he saw me that night. Now, Will, I just want you to admit it.
Daisy: But he didn't do it. I did. I was the one who got everyone locked in the mall. Not Will.
Timmons: Excuse me. Harley Cooper?
Harley: Yes, can I help you?
Cyrus: So what are the chances?
Frank: You actually want Marina to become a cop again?
Cyrus: It's what she wants, so, yeah.
Frank: It's what I want, too, but unfortunately, it's not up to me.
Cyrus: Well, maybe it's time to call in the mayor for one of those shady backroom deals.
Buzz: Something only a politician could love.
Cyrus: Hey, just in time. We had to corrupt you before you're even sworn in.
Buzz: Oh, a little late for that. Ah, how are you two getting along?
Frank: We want to help Marina.
Cyrus: Wouldn't it be great to have her badge waiting for her when she gets back?
Buzz: Yeah.
Frank: Has anybody seen her? Do you know where she is?
Cyrus: Well, she said it was a case for Buzz.
Buzz: It's nothing big. She's just tracking down a campaign donor.
Cyrus: I should get back to Harley. Cheers, you guys.
Buzz: Cyrus. Away from Frank, I want to thank you for helping Marina.
Cyrus: Oh, it's not a surprise, is it? I'd do anything for her.
Buzz: I know you would. I'm telling you how grateful I am. She's, you know...
Cyrus: She's what?
Buzz: She’s... well, at the risk of being sentimental, Marina hasn't had an easy time with men. It's nothing you don't know.
Cyrus: No, it's not.
Buzz: But I think you're going to be different, you know. No pressure.
Cyrus: No, no, not at all.
Buzz: You mean a lot to her. Harley means a lot to her. So if she wants to go back to the force, I'm 100% behind her. But if she wants to stick with you two guys, the guy she loves, the aunt she idolizes, she could do worse.
Cyrus: Yeah, I appreciate that, Buzz, Mr. Mayor. Well, I don't want to keep you from Frank, all of stuff with this election.
Buzz: See you later.
Cyrus: See you.
Timmons: You're all set, Ms. Cooper.
Cyrus: What's this?
Harley: This is the gentleman you were looking for.
Timmons: Great. Saves me a second trip.
Cyrus: I don't get it.
Harley: This is Mr. Timmons. He's a lawyer.
Timmons: I work for Spaulding Enterprises.
Harley: And he was kind enough to bring over the paperwork.
Cyrus: The paperwork?
Harley: I'm officially divorced. And these are yours from Alex.
Cyrus: Wow.
Harley: Came through on the same day. How about that?
Cyrus: I don't believe this. I wasn't expecting this to come through for months.
Harley: The Spaulding’s work pretty quickly when they want to.
Cyrus: I should call Marina, or text her or something.
Harley: You do that.
Cyrus: She's never going to believe... oh, Harley, I'm sorry.
Harley: No, don't be sorry.
Cyrus: Harley...
Harley: Forget about it.
Cyrus: No. I'm standing here like a kid in a candy store, meanwhile, celebrating is the last thing that you want to do.
Harley: Not true. It's not true. Gus and I are over.
Cyrus: Yeah, but it doesn't mean that you want to celebrate when the papers come through. I'm sorry.
Harley: You're entitled to be happy. Be happy.
Cyrus: No. I'll text her later. Or I'll surprise her when she gets back. I'm sorry. Look at it this way, it took your mind off the snake. And the panic attacks, and that awkward moment with Cassie before.
Harley: Yes, it did.
Cyrus: Did you, um, sort it through with her, told her it was nothing?
Harley: It is nothing. What are you doing?
Cyrus: Friends don't let friends drink alone.
Harley: Whoa, whoa!
Cyrus: You had a major head start on me. I'm just trying to catch up. Ooh!
Harley: Well, get two straws. (Laughs)
Coop: You know what? I don't even get this.
Ashlee: I'm really sorry.
Coop: You're sorry? Ashlee, today is my dad's big day.
Ashlee: I know, but this is her wedding, and I feel like you should only, hopefully, have a wedding once. So I can't miss it.
Coop: So this girl, whatever her name is, calls you up, out of the blue, no notice, no nothing, says, "Hey, Ashlee, come on, can you be in my wedding party?"
Ashlee: Well, yeah, her name's Nancy, and her bridesmaid is sick, in the hospital, and, and she was a really good friend to me in high school.
Coop: Ashlee, if she is such a good friend, why didn't she tell you about this months ago? Hmm?
Ashlee: She lives in Chicago, okay? So I...
Coop: Chicago?
Ashlee: I have to go pack.
Coop: Ashlee, this is... Ashlee, I can't believe this is happening.
Ashlee: Look, I can't let her down.
Coop: You can't let her down? You're going to let me down.
Ashlee: Why are you putting that kind of pressure on me?
Coop: I'm not... I'm not trying... I'm sorry. Okay, I just really wanted to celebrate with you. If you're not going to be here, what's the point of me even being there, you know?
Ashlee: I'm sorry. I know that you bought the dress and everything.
Coop: No, just forget that. Just...!
Ashlee: You know, since you can't go with me, maybe you could, you know, take someone else.
Coop: What's that supposed to mean?
Ashlee: Well, I don’t... I mean, I don't know. There are people, like, you know, Ava.
Coop: Ava?
Ashlee: Well, yeah. I mean, I'm sure she'll say yeah, and Buzz really likes her.
Coop: That's great. But you can't stand her.
Ashlee: No, I'm getting over that, though. I mean, let's think about it, if Doris can change, then maybe Ava can, too.
Coop: You say that with such conviction.
Ashlee: Yeah, well. Just promise me you'll think about it.
Coop: Fine. Okay. But I'm telling you this: This doesn't mean I'm going to say yes, okay? (Cell phone rings) I've got to take this, but... hello?
Daisy: So it was an impulse, okay? It was a dumb impulse. I admit it. It was Christmas, and, um, I was feeling bad for Reva. I mean, she misses you, Josh.
Cassie: Wait a minute. So you did it to give Reva and Josh time alone together?
Daisy: Ask anybody, I act first and then I think about it later. It's my M.O. I saw my chance, and I went for it.
Josh: Will didn't know anything about it?
Daisy: He's eight, Josh. I felt really like a dope when I read about all of the people who got stuck in there.
Cassie: Were you ever going to say anything about it?
Daisy: I'm really sorry. I mean, I hope this doesn't mean you can't trust me with Will anymore. I swear I'm never going to do anything like this again.
Josh: We're going to have to talk to Harley about this.
Daisy: I know. I'm going to go. It was a crummy thing to do. I swear, I'll make it up to you guys.
Cassie: Will, will you give your dad and me a minute alone, please?
Will: Can I say goodbye to Daisy?
Cassie: Sure. But just...
Will: She feels real bad.
Cassie: Just for a minute, okay? What were you thinking?
Josh: It was the only thing that made sense, Cassie.
Cassie: An eight-year-old boy getting you locked in a mall. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, Josh.
Will: Thanks.
Daisy: You did it, didn't you? I mean, I could tell by your look. Josh had you so bad.
Will: He's mean sometimes.
Daisy: I've been there. I've got to say, that's going too far, even for me. How did... how did you do it?
Will: There was a guy who worked there.
Daisy: And you had some money? Speaking of which, you know that car I wanted to buy, something tells me I just got a little closer to my goal.
Will: I'll give you some.
Daisy: You bet you will. And I won't say anything. But if they let me baby-sit you again, you can't pull another stunt like this. I can only cover for you so much. Deal?
Will: Deal.
Josh: I mean it, okay. I'm sorry.
Cassie: You realize we're going to have to do something about this distrust you feel towards Will.
Josh: Cassie, come on. You saw his face the night I got back from the mall. How could you not... you know what, we're going to have to do this later because I have a meeting at the church.
Cassie: All right. Well, while you're gone, maybe you can think of a way to make this up to Will.
Josh: Yeah, maybe I will. I'll see you.
Edmund: Saint Mark's. Saint... Mark’s.
Frank: Hey, Ashlee. What's wrong?
Ashlee: Me? Nothing.
Frank: Are you sure?
Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah. I actually have to run. But I have a question.
Buzz: I hope I have an answer.
Ashlee: Is this what you want, really? This being mayor?
Buzz: Well, that's generally why one runs for office, you know.
Ashlee: You're going to do good things for this town, right? Really good things, right?
Frank: (Laughs) I'm surprised you have to ask.
Buzz: It's a legitimate question. You're entitled. If I'm sworn in, I promise to do my best to be the best mayor this town has ever seen.
Frank: Hey, uh, what do you mean, if?
Ashlee: Um, I need to go.
Buzz: Whoa!
Ashlee: Congratulations. Break legs today, okay?
Buzz: Thank you.
Frank: She's a strange kid sometimes, you know?
Buzz: Sometimes.
Frank: Maybe she's suffering from post-election depression. You know, they say you can even get it when you win.
Buzz: Ah, maybe.
Frank: But you know what?
Buzz: What?
Frank: I'm feeling great because my dad...
Buzz: Oh, no. Oh, no.
Frank: I'm so proud of you. I've never been prouder, Pop.
Buzz: I don't know what to say.
Doris: Well, then I guess I'm just in time.
Buzz: Excuse me?
Doris: I have some suggestions. I was working on your speech. I hope that's okay.
Buzz: Is this...
Doris: Yeah. Well, it was what I was going to say, but...
Buzz: I can't steal your speech.
Doris: Well, it's not stealing if I give it to you. Besides, it's good stuff. Somebody should say it.
Frank: You know, I've got to say, it's a little strange that you're working for my dad now, you know.
Doris: Yeah, it's a little strange for me, too.
Frank: Well, it makes sense. You did get a lot of votes.
Buzz: Doris, I can't use this. I mean, I couldn't write anything better, but...
Doris: But what?
Buzz: But it's yours.
Billy: Hey, thanks. I haven't read this one.
Josh: I figured you'd have a lot of downtime here.
Billy: Yeah. Or a lot of time to be down.
Josh: How you doing?
Billy: Eh, I'm going to make it. It's kind of nice knowing you're going to be out there when I do. However, I'm looking at you, and you don't look so good.
Josh: It's been a long day.
Billy: So are you starting at the church, is that it?
Josh: No, it's not the church. Remember I told you that thing that happened on Christmas eve?
Billy: Yeah, Reva.
Josh: Well, somehow I got it into my head that Will was the one responsible for making that happen.
Billy: The kid?
Josh: Yeah. I know it sounds crazy, but there was something about the way he was... it doesn't matter. The thing is I confronted him about it before I knew the whole story, and I ended up looking like the jerk of the day. But I can't help but wondering, um...
Billy: What?
Josh: There's definitely something weird about that kid, but I wonder if there isn't something off about me, too.
Billy: Josh, now... (laughs) Wait a minute. Okay. Give this to me straightforward.
Josh: I had a good time with Reva, probably too good of a time, you know. It kind of had that feeling of a...
Billy: Like putting on an old shoe, sure.
Josh: Yeah, exactly. And it seemed fun at the time, you know, when it was happening, but then later on I felt guilty about it.
Billy: Yeah, Cassie!
Josh: Cassie. She's the one I'm with. She's the one I want to be with, and so here I am feeling guilty about something I probably shouldn't feel that way about, but I do anyway. And then there's this kid, you know. And it almost seems convenient, maybe.
Billy: Yeah, if you could blame the kid.
Josh: Then I don't have to blame myself.
Billy: I see. Blame the kid. (Laughs)
Josh: (Laughs)
Cassie: Who wants hot chocolate?
Will: I do!
Cassie: Mm-hmm. I thought so. Will, I have an idea. Josh has to be at the church for a while for a meeting, but how about we go down there and surprise him? Because, you know, R.J. is going to be at practice for a while. Then we could go down there and surprise him, and the three of us could go out and do something fun together.
Will: I don't feel so good.
Cassie: Honey, I know things were a little tense here before, but don't worry, we are going to get everything back on track. So what do you say?
Will: I think I have a fever really.
Cassie: Okay. I'll tell you what, we will take your temperature. And if you have a temperature, of course we won't go out. We'll stay here and just the two of us will hang out. But if you're okay, open up. Under your tongue. There you go. Okay. I'll be back in a second.
Harley: Here's what they need to do.
Cyrus: Who's they?
Harley: The people who make all the rules.
Cyrus: Are you thinking there's to be a new rule?
Harley: Yes, I do.
Cyrus: This is going to be good.
Harley: So people who are getting married, they need to get into a box.
Cyrus: A box?
Harley: Mm-hmm. And that box will take them into the future, to today.
Cyrus: But today's not the future.
Harley: The day they're getting divorced. So before they get married, they get to see how it ends. And they get to feel how it feels in advance.
Cyrus: I don't get it.
Harley: So they get to see if it's worth it.
Cyrus: The divorce?
Harley: The marriage!
Cyrus: Oh! (Laughs)
Harley: (Laughs)
Cyrus: Okay. Okay. I got it. I'm with you. So...
Harley: So what?
Cyrus: So, was it worth it?
Harley: I am so drunk I don't know how I feel. (Laughs)
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Harley: I just know... oh, my gosh, I feel right now.
Cyrus: What? What do you feel?
Harley: I feel like I should go home.
Cyrus: Well, there's no way I'm letting you drive.
Harley: Well, there is no way I'm letting you drive me.
Cyrus: Well, there is no way we are not getting a cab.
Harley: Okay.
Cyrus: And there is no argument.
Harley: Oh, come on. Arguing with you is half the fun all the time.
Cyrus: Ha ha. Sorry, I didn't quite catch that.
Harley: That's too bad because I don't remember what I said. (Laughter)
Cyrus: See? No snakes.
Harley: Couldn't we take the stairs?
Cyrus: Okay. Upstairs. Upstairs.
Harley: I have done enough stairs for one day.
Cyrus: All right. I'm going to get another cab right after I've gotten you to bed.
Harley: Get out.
Cyrus: Okay. (Laughter) Now we turn right. No, not yet. Come on. (Laughter) Just a little bit more.
Cassie: Okay, let's see how you are. What do we got? Huh, sweetie, you might be right. You're running a little high.
Will: Do we have to go?
Cassie: No. No, sweetie, not if you're sick. We can just stay here. But do you want to just climb into bed?
Will: Can I just stay down here with you?
Cassie: Sure, sweetie. Why don't we just sit back and get cozy and the two of us can watch something together. What do you think about that?
Josh: Well, I really like these proposals. I think we should put them into effect right away.
Molina: I'm glad you like them, Reverend.
Josh: Okay, here you go. Listen, would you all excuse me for just a minute? I'm going to make a quick call to my home. I'll be right back.
Mary: Reverend Lewis, I think you should take this call.
Josh: Who is it?
Mary: It's overseas. I'm not sure, but it sounds important.
Josh: Okay. Thank you. Excuse me. Yeah. Hello? This is Joshua Lewis. Can I help you?
Jensen: Reverend Lewis of St. Mark's?
Josh: Yeah, what can I do for you?
Jensen: I'm Jensen, Edmund Winslow’s caretaker. I think he's been asking for you.
Edmund: Josh...
Josh: Edmund? You're awake.
Edmund: Josh...
Josh: Edmund, you're going to have to speak up. It's a bad connection. I can barely hear you.
Edmund: Josh...
Jensen: I'm getting the doctor.
Edmund: Listen...
Josh: I'm listening, Edmund. Talk to me.
Edmund: Will... pushed...
(REM's "Everybody Hurts" playing)
When the day is long and the night
the night is yours alone and you're sure you've had
enough of this life
hang on don't let yourself go
'cause everybody cries.
Everybody hurts sometimes
everybody hurts sometimes
so hold on...
Josh: Edmund, are you still there? Hello? Edmund?
Hold on hold on
hold on hold on
hold on everybody hurts.
Next on "Guiding Light."
Ava: It's gonna be a great day.
Harley: You're naked.
Cyrus: So are you.
Daisy: You're going to be the best mayor Springfield’s ever had.
Mallet: It's a happy ending, and the best man won.
Buzz: Why do I feel so bad?
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