Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/27/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Cyrus: Uh-huh. Yeah. Last night? You waited until now to tell me? All right, yeah. Yeah, I'll check it out. All right, thanks. Laptop bandits strike again.
Harley: At Towers?
Cyrus: Uh-huh. I've got to check in with that maid we've been paying off.
Harley: The one who was probably stealing them herself.
Cyrus: No, she's not.
Harley: I will go with you.
Cyrus: No, that's okay. It'll give me something to do while Marina's away. I've seen the way that maid looks at me. You stay here, enjoy the kids.
Harley: The kids are camping out with Grandpa.
Cyrus: Oh, so you're on your own?
Harley: Pretty much.
Cyrus: Fine. We'll question the maid and then we can grab a drink or something.
Harley: You want to grab a drink?
Cyrus: Unless you want to come straight home, that's fine.
Harley: Yes... no. I mean, no, I don't want to come straight home. I would love to grab a drink.
Cyrus: You sure?
Gus: Whoa! Aitoro zigzagging, at the 30, at the 40...
Olivia: Whoo!
Gus: Thank you, thank you. So, what's the matter? You didn't get what you wanted from Santa this year?
Olivia: No, I got everything that I wanted. I got to spend the entire day with my daughter.
Gus: Well, that's nice, the whole day.
Olivia: Yeah, counting every heartbeat. It's hard to imagine this could be my last Christmas with her.
Gus: You've got to stop talking like that.
Olivia: Yeah. I just bought all of these presents. I could barely fit all of them under the tree. I just kept thinking, "I've got to remember all of this." I've got to remember details, and take mental pictures." That way I can just... I can take them with me wherever it is that I'm going.
Gus: But you're not going anywhere, so you don't have to take any pictures.
Olivia: Don't be so nice, okay, because I don't want to cry. I cried once yesterday, and I'm very proud of that. I've worked very hard to make things good because I want her to remember me.
Gus: Hey, hey, hey, see what you do to yourself, hmm?
Dinah: This is rehab, not prison.
Nurse: Take off your shoes.
Dinah: No, I'm sorry, that's where I draw the line.
Nurse: Shoes.
Dinah: You know what? I need to make a phone call. Thank you. (Cell phone rings)
Bill: How's my favorite sis?
Dinah: She's trying to take my damn shoes.
Bill: You're in rehab already?
Dinah: Yeah, I'm in rehab. I'm trying to get the dirt on Billy. That, you know, is not feeling so nice. Please stop looking in that! Thank you. Look, I don't know how long I'm going to make it in here, okay? I have no idea with all of these drunks and druggies.
Bill: Okay, listen, you're going to be fine. You just sweet talk my dad and find out what he's up to.
Dinah: Yeah. You want me to do that while I'm playing bingo with the heroin addicts?
Bill: Sis, did I tell you that I love you?
Dinah: That's nice. You need to save that bull for Lizzie. If and when you ever see her again, right?
Bill: Uh, right.
Dinah: Bill, you promised no more Lizzie. You can't afford to be distracted right now.
Bill: I am not going to be distracted, okay? And my focus is the same as yours.
Dinah: Same as mine? I don't think so.
Billy: Hey, sweetie.
Dinah: Hey, Billy. I am so ready to get better.
Lizzie: I am not thinking about Bill. And I'm definitely not thinking about how good it feels. (Laughs) It wasn't real. It wasn't real, no matter how good it felt. No matter how good his arms feel when they're around me. (Knock on the door)
Bill: Room service!
Lizzie: What? Are those for me?
Bill: No, for Roxie.
Lizzie: Thank you. I didn't know if you'd come by today.
Bill: Yeah. Last night was...
Lizzie: Yeah.
Bill: Yeah. Look, I don't want to draw this out, but I've got something to say.
Lizzie: Okay.
Bill: You're fired.
Lizzie: You bring me flowers and then tell me that I'm fired.
Bill: It just seemed like the right thing to do.
Lizzie: I can't believe I fell for your stupid tricks a second time. You want to talk about an idiot, I am an idiot.
Bill: You are not an idiot.
Lizzie: I almost slept with you.
Bill: Really? You did?
Lizzie: Yes. No, no. You're playing with me. Out! Get out!
Bill: You realize how cute you are when you're upset?
Lizzie: Go, go, Ava is waiting for you, and probably her mom, too. You've got a whole line around the block.
Bill: All right, listen to me.
Lizzie: Go, go.
Bill: Will you just stop it? Let me explain for one second, okay? Let me explain. I like you. I do. Especially when your eyes light up like that, right there. Like that. Like that. Just like that look you give me when you want to kill me. That is so sexy, it makes my heart race.
Lizzie: What is this? What is this?
Bill: You realize... you know why we can't do this, we can't work together anymore. It's the golden rule of business: You don't mess where you make a living. Come on.
Lizzie: Oh, oh, so you follow the rules now. What, are you done hurting me, too?
Bill: Hurting you? This isn't about hurting you.
Lizzie: I hate you.
Bill: Well, hate's a strong word.
Lizzie: I hate you. I hate you for making me care. It has been one year since I lost Jonathan and Sarah. I was myself again... I was better than myself, and then you... I wouldn't sleep with you...
Bill: ...If I was the last man on earth. Yeah, I know.
Lizzie: You are mean and you're cruel and here... for the record, you're not firing me because I quit.
Gus: You okay?
Olivia: Yeah.
Gus: All right. So, did you girls at least have a nice Christmas eve dinner?
Olivia: Yeah, we did. It was good. Ava and I are getting along really well.
Gus: Does Ava know?
Natalia: Does she know what?
Gus: Hi, babe.
Natalia: Hi.
Olivia: Phillip is... I just was filling her in about Phillip. I did tell her some things, but I don't want to scare her.
Gus: That's smart.
Olivia: I have some more Christmas decorations if you have the time to help me take them down to storage.
Gus: Sure...
Natalia: No, no. Gus has an appointment at the bridal boutique.
Gus: I do?
Natalia: Mmm-hmm.
Gus: Oh, I do, I do. Yeah, I do. (Laughs)
Natalia: I saw Mario downstairs. I can get him to help you if you want.
Olivia: I thought it was his day off. Sure, that would be great. Thank you.
Natalia: No problem.
Gus: Okey-doke. Well, I'm on my cell if you need me.
Olivia: Yeah, I'll be fine. Have fun.
Gus: Come on, babe.
Olivia: Ava?
Ava: Hi.
Olivia: Hi.
Ava: Hi, Olivia.
Olivia: Isn't that... that's Bill's room.
Billy: Here you go.
Dinah: Sorry I was negative before. I was just a little...
Billy: Nervous?
Dinah: Yeah, about making it through here. The check-in nurse, she confiscated by stash. By tomorrow I'm going to be seducing orderlies for an aspirin.
Billy: Now we've all been there. Just keep thinking no and just try and focus on why you're here.
Dinah: Right.
Billy: The meeting will help a lot because you'll get familiar with the program and, oh, you can invite family, you can invite friends. How about Vanessa?
Dinah: Mom and I are shaky.
Billy: How about Mallet?
Dinah: Even shakier.
Billy: Invite him. There's a real air of forgiveness in these meetings.
Dinah: Yeah? Who forgives who?
Billy: Yeah, I've been there. I know what you mean.
Dinah: Mom fired me from my job, and my husband thinks I'm brain-damaged, which, technically, I am. But I don't think a hole in the head makes me, you know...
Billy: Yeah, I understand.
Dinah: ...Incapable. I would like people to see me the way I was.
Billy: You want them to show a little respect.
Dinah: Yes.
Billy: Sweetie, you will get there.
Dinah: Have you ever gotten in a car and started driving but but forget where you're going?
Billy: Yeah, once or twice. (Laughs)
Dinah: It happens to me every day. I just... I forget. I hate it when people think I'm...
Billy: Hey, look, it's okay. In here, everybody's damaged.
Harley: Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? We should be using two tin cans for this thing.
Roc: Here, let me help you with that. These are a little bit tricky. Sometimes you've got to just slide this over. There, that should work.
Harley: Oh, thank you.
Roc: You're welcome.
Harley: You into electronics?
Roc: No, actually, I fancy myself a writer. Roc, Roc Hoover.
Harley: Hi, Harley Cooper.
Roc: Cooper? There sure are a lot of Cooper’s in this town.
Harley: Yes there are. Oh, that's my partner over there. Excuse me. Can you hear me now?
Cyrus: Loud and clear. They're working.
Harley: Okay. How about now? Now, now, now?
Cyrus: Move towards me. Walk towards me.
Harley: Why would I walk towards you? This supposed to work for five miles, it says. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Back up. Back up. Oh! What's that?
Natalia: It’s my wedding gown.
Harley: When is the happy day?
Gus: January. Just a small ceremony, the two of us and Rafe, some friends.
Harley: Friends? Well, good luck with that.
Gus: Who have you been talking to on that thing?
Harley: Mission aborted. Mission aborted.
Cyrus: Me. All set for Towers?
Harley: Yeah, let's get going.
Gus: You guys working a case, huh?
Harley: We’re always working a case.
Gus: She's the best.
Cyrus: I've noticed. Shall we?
Harley: Yeah, let's get going.
Gus: See you around. Hey...
Natalia: Don’t. It's fine. I know you're where you want to be.
Gus: You're damn skippy. This is exactly where I want to be. Don't let me see this thing, because it's like 80 years bad luck.
Ava: I can't believe how grown up Emma is. She picked out all of your presents herself.
Olivia: Did she? Or did you and Bill help her?
Ava: Bill... I was just leaving him a note.
Olivia: From inside his room?
Ava: Uh-huh.
Olivia: About what?
Ava: About things?
Olivia: Really? What things?
Ava: If you want to accuse me of something, then just, please, ask me.
Olivia: I'm not accusing you.
Ava: Well, maybe you should.
Olivia: Really?
Ava: Please don't be mad at me, okay? You know that I love Coop, right? I love him. You know I love him. And sometimes a girl has needs, you know, gets lonely, that sort of thing. This happened, and I was there, and Bill was there. Before you know it, one thing happened and clothes were coming off, and, you know, leopard skin underwear. I slept with your ex-husband, and I'm very sorry about that. You're probably going to call me a whore right now, aren't you?
Olivia: No. It's a little weird...
Ava: It's not serious. If there were any kind of indication that you were in love with him, you know that I would have nothing to do with that. And if you ever want me to help you to get back with him, I would totally do that because you are much more important to me on any day than Bill is. So just tell me to stop if you want me to stop.
Olivia: I want you to stop.
Ava: Okay, done. Never again.
Olivia: No, I want you to stop talking. Look, you're a big girl. You've got to make your own decisions and Bill's available, though I think you really need to be careful with him right now. But, you know, if you're alone and lost and looking for some comfort, well, look, why not?
Ava: That's it?
Olivia: Yeah. Consider Bill part of your inheritance.
Ava: Oh, stop, don't talk like that.
Olivia: Just be happy. That's all I want is just for you to be happy, okay?
Ava: I am happy. I love you. I am so happy we found each other. It was difficult to love you at first, but we're so much alike.
Olivia: Don't be so proud of that.
Ava: I am proud of that. And I'm proud that you're my mom and I feel blessed to have you in my life.
Olivia: And now you're sleeping with Bill.
Ava: Would you stop? This is about Gus, isn't it?
Olivia: Gus?
Ava: It's totally about Gus. It doesn't matter what happens with Bill or Jeffrey or anyone else, because are falling for Gus.
Olivia: Gus is special, and he might just save my life.
Gus: After the wedding...
Natalia: That is so wrong.
Gus: After. You're wrong.
Natalia: You're wrong. Thank you for being straight with Harley. I think that was the first time that you ever talked about our wedding without apologizing.
Gus: You think that I apologize for that?
Natalia: You know what I mean, just worrying about her feelings more than mine.
Gus: Baby, baby, if I have ever come off like I apologize for that, I apologize for that. Life is so funny. One moment you think that something is going to be forever, and then the next...
Natalia: This is forever, right?
Gus: This is forever, yes, me and you.
Natalia: You sure?
Gus: I'm sure. I'm so sure that I secretively wish that we were married a long time ago, before Rafe even came along. And I am going to spend the rest of my life proving that to you, and to our kid.
Ava: Call Gus.
Olivia: No. He's out with his fiancée making wedding plans.
Ava: How much time have you got? Call him.
Natalia: You better not peek in here. (Cell phone rings)
Gus: It's Olivia. Probably about the wedding plans.
Olivia: Melinda is coming over.
Gus: Yeah? It's about the wedding planner.
Olivia: Uh-huh. She has some arrangements she wants you to look over.
Gus: All right. I don't want to miss her. You tell her I'm on my way over. Okay? All right. So, if you go take care of the wedding dress problems, I'll go take care of these regular problems with the wedding planner, is that okay?
Natalia: Uh-huh.
Gus: All right, good.
Dinah: "Believing in a power greater than ourselves can restore us." Yeah, that would be the key to the exit door.
Billy: What did you say?
Dinah: I was just talking to myself about this amazing guy, Bill W. Not like our Bill, huh?
Billy: No. Actually our Bill, is a little off the mark right now.
Dinah: You still mad at him?
Billy: Nah, I'm kind of disappointed.
Dinah: But you love him?
Billy: I'll always love him. He's my boy, even when he's acting like a butthead.
Dinah: Look, I know that you guys have had your problems, but you know what? I say just let it go and move on.
Billy: If it were just up to me, I'd do that. But, you know, I really feel like the company is in jeopardy, so I... we...
Dinah: What?
Billy: Lizzie said that maybe I should give Dylan power of attorney for awhile just until I'm out of the hospital. After I thought it all over, I thought, "You know, Dylan is actually doing a bang-up job with the company, so why don't I just put him in charge?" And that little blonde girl will be number two.
Cyrus: Wow, that went well with Gus. You sure you're all right?
Harley: I'm fine. I'm good.
Cyrus: Okay. Then we will grab a drink, and then we'll deal with the maid. Harley?
Harley: It's all good.
Cyrus: It's happening again, isn't it?
Harley: Uh-uh.
Cyrus: Talk to me. Talk to me.
Harley: Are there little stars in here?
Cyrus: No.
Harley: Is it getting darker?
Cyrus: No, it's not.
Harley: I was afraid you would say that.
Cyrus: It's okay, it's all right. Just close yours eyes and breathe. Take a deep breath. How's that?
Harley: Passing out right now.
Cyrus: Hey, I got you, I got you. You are not going to die. You're not having a heart attack. You just need to get through this, all right?
Harley: I hate this. I hate being so out of control. What is this? What is happening to me? I have to face this, whatever it is.
Cyrus: Okay. It started when we were trapped in that building, right?
Harley: Yes. Yes. Two feet of space, that's what it was. And the walls closing in.
Cyrus: Just breathe, breathe.
Harley: Everything in moving in on me now.
Cyrus: Deep breath. Deep breath.
Harley: You know what it is? I know it's illogical, but I feel like I'm going to die.
Cyrus: You are not going to die. What can I do?
Harley: The elevator.
Cyrus: What about it?
Harley: Lock me inside.
Dylan: Hey, Dinah.
Dinah: Hi. Bye.
Billy: Hey, what about the meeting?
Dinah: I've got to call my mom.
Billy: Good girl. Work the program.
Dinah: Yes, working it. Working it.
Dylan: Is she okay?
Billy: Detox.
Dinah: Hey, it's me. Are you ready for this?
Bill: What you got?
Dinah: Your father is putting Dylan in charge of the company.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, given him the power of attorney. I already know and my lawyers are on it.
Dinah: No. In charge, charge. With Lizzie. The two of them are running the company.
Bill: What? Are you crazy? Are you sure?
Dinah: Yeah. They're here now acting like long-lost relatives. If they get together on this, it's bye-bye, Bill.
Bill: All right, fine, you know what? We just split them up.
Dinah: My thought exactly. I will handle Dylan, you work on Lizzie. And you know what? This time, you be nice to her.
Bill: Excuse me, I am always nice.
Dinah: Bill...
Bill: I just fired her. She hates me.
Dinah: They all do now.
Bill: No, not all.
Gus: Wowzers! Hello.
Ava: Hi, Gus. Nice to see you. See you later.
Gus: Good to see you, too. How you doing? You changed your clothes.
Olivia: Yeah. Going out later.
Gus: Ah, good. You look good.
Olivia: Thank you. So do you. Come on in.
Gus: Where's Melinda.
Olivia: Huh?
Gus: Melinda.
Olivia: Oh, yeah, she's late. What do you know?
Gus: That's cool.
Olivia: Would you like a coffee or a soda or something?
Gus: Well, no. Actually, I got you something to drink. A belated Christmas present.
Olivia: I didn't get you anything.
Gus: That's all right. Open it. Open it.
Olivia: Oh my gosh, it's alcohol. You must think I'm a lush.
Gus: No, nothing like that. This here bottle of wine, this is a 15-year bottle of wine. So, in other words, it takes 15 years to mature, right, about the time that Emma graduates. And so at that time you can celebrate.
Olivia: Gus...
Gus: Well, I'll celebrate with you. I'll raise a glass with you there in the room to celebrate.
Olivia: That would be truly amazing.
Gus: What would be amazing is if you just keep up your end of the bargain. And then I'll get my money's worth out of that bottle of wine.
Olivia: Well, I hate to ruin a nice bottle of wine.
Gus: That's right.
Olivia: Why is it that your faith gives me faith?
Gus: Just hold onto that.
Olivia: I will, thank you. This is the nicest gift anyone has given me.
Gus: (Laughs)
Olivia: Seriously.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Natalia: Trick or treat.
Seamstress: What?
Natalia: It doesn't even feel real. It's too beautiful.
Rafe: You are.
Natalia: Where did you come from?
Rafe: Housekeeping told me you were here. I don’t... I don't know the word.
Natalia: It's weird, right? Me, a bride. Can you believe it? It took me long enough.
Rafe: It could have been sooner. Lots of guys liked you, Ma. You just... you wouldn't go out with them.
Natalia: I was busy. I was working.
Rafe: You were waiting.
Natalia: I guess part of me was always hoping that your father would come back.
Rafe: The part of you that would... that would cry at night? I heard you sometimes.
Natalia: We are going to be so happy now.
Rafe: That's what I wanted to see, Ma-- you, happy.
Melinda: Suckers weigh 30 pounds. Who needs a trainer?
Natalia: Where's Gus?
Melinda: I can find you cakes and flowers, but a groom, you're on your own.
Natalia: But I thought he was supposed to be with you and with Olivia.
Melinda: Olivia? I haven't seen or talked to her all day.
Harley: Put on your walkie-talkie.
Cyrus: Harley, I really don't think this is such a great idea.
Harley: Don't worry, I can do this. I am Harley Davidson Cooper, I snack on danger. But if I... if I... if there's an earthquake or if the elevator should plummet, would you call... never mind.
Cyrus: What? Say it.
Harley: 15 minutes, no matter what! (knock on the door)
Lizzie: Hello?
Bill: Can we start over?
Lizzie: Are you kidding me?
Bill: Look, I only fired you because I was scared.
Lizzie: Scared?
Bill: Yes. I was terrified, okay, of the way I feel about you.
Billy: Thanks a lot for coming. Oh, wait a minute. I want to give you some project notes, just wait right here.
Dinah: Hey. Look at me, huh?
Dylan: Any meeting that keeps my dad sober is a good meeting, so... you okay?
Dinah: Yes. I just had to steady myself, that's all. It must be the pills.
Dylan: Withdrawal, huh?
Dinah: I guess. So, what was it like for your father, huh?
Dylan: Which time?
Dinah: Yeah, I'm sorry. I know that he's been through this a lot. Drinking and promising he's going to quit.
Dylan: Days of sobriety, and falling off the wagon.... I could write a book.
Dinah: Well, I wish I had somebody like you, just a friend, someone who could support me through this.
Dylan: What about Mallet?
Dinah: We're getting a divorce. I already put my mom through enough. But, you know, I'll get through this on my own, and, hey, if I don't, who's going to care, right?
Ava: Hi.
Roc: Hi.
Ava: Are you a writer?
Roc: Yes, I am.
Ava: I love writers.
Roc: Do you now? So do I. Can I buy you a cup of coffee?
Ava: Sure.
Natalia: Hey, did someone throw a party and forget to invite the bride?
Gus: Honey. What are you doing here? I thought you were doing the thing with the dress and the... hey.
Natalia: I just wanted to see for myself. Where is she?
Olivia: Who?
Natalia: Melinda.
Olivia: Ah, Melinda. She's late.
Natalia: No, she's not late. She's up the hall in the bridal suite and she says she didn't speak to you all day.
Olivia: Well, obviously she forgot. She's a little flighty sometimes.
Natalia: Or maybe you just made it up.
Olivia: Why would I do that?
Natalia: I can give you a couple of reasons.
Olivia: I think you're being a little jittery. Melinda was supposed to be here, and she obviously forgot.
Natalia: Oh, it's not so obvious to me.
Olivia: Fine, then let's just get her down here and let's clear this up, okay?
Natalia: That's a good idea. You should call her.
Cyrus: Okay, you're locked in and the main lights are off. Harley, are you okay?
Harley: Yeah. There's a fly in here. I think it just expired.
Cyrus: All right. Go.
Harley: 14-and-a-half minutes. Ha, no problem. I can do that, no problem. Whoa. Cyrus... Cyrus, you're not going to believe this, but there's a snake in here. There's a snake in the elevator, so you should open the door.
Cyrus: There's no snake, Harley.
Harley: Well, it's got beady eyes and it's got scales and it just ate that fly, so I think you should open the door, Cyrus.
Cyrus: That's very creative, but you made me promise.
Harley: Break the promise. Break the promise. Go ahead.
Cyrus: Okay. Just close your eyes and imagine that you're someplace else. Okay, what are you imaging?
Harley: I see myself in a casket with a poisoned, purple leg.
Cyrus: Okay. Now open your eyes, and now what do you see?
Harley: Oh, my God, I see a snake. I'm not imagining this. There is a snake there. What if there are more snakes. Oh, my God, what if it's poisonous. What if he's hungry? You've got to open the door. I could die in here, Cyrus.
Cyrus: You're fine. Just listen to the sound of my voice. I'm going to tell you a story.
Harley: Tell it to the snake. Oh, oh, he's doing the snake thing with the tongue. Please open the door, this isn't a joke anymore.
Cyrus: Did I tell you about that farm that I want to buy in France? It's beautiful. It's like a picture postcard. Just close your eyes and let your mind drift there with me.
Harley: Forget about drifting, he thinks I'm a rat. It looks like a cobra.
Cyrus: There are no cobras over there. Just clear a blue lake and trees, the greenest trees you've ever seen. 12 minutes to go. You're almost there.
Harley: A snake could breed in 12 minutes. Cyrus, you've got to let me out. This isn't a joke anymore.
Cyrus: Routine maintenance. We're just checking the panels. (Knock on the wall)
Harley: Don't do that. You're scaring him.
Cyrus: Yup, they're solid.
Harley: Okay, he's kind of following me here. He's making eyes at me, Cyrus.
Cyrus: Well, if he does, we'll sue. All right, now, you're almost there. It's okay. What are you seeing now? Pink elephants? Harley?
Billy: You find something interesting?
Dinah: Yeah. It's kind of weird, all of this recovery stuff, talks about being powerless. It's how I have felt lately.
Billy: That's the first step, admitting that you're powerless. You just keep working those steps and they will work and you will feel better.
Bill: Okay, can I come in for one second? Just will you let me explain? All right, fine, Lizzie, we can do it right here, okay? I came back here to stick it to my dad, okay? I wanted to take over Lewis. And I was so focused, my eye was on the prize, and then you know what happened? You entered the picture, okay? Yes, you, with your gorgeous body and your beautiful face, kissable lips, and I just couldn't get you out of my mind. I still can’t. Lizzie, it scared me. Okay, those feelings scared me. So in order to save myself, I felt that I had to just...
Lizzie: Fire me?
Bill: Yes, fire you. Yes. And it was stupid and it was dumb, and I regretted it the moment I left here. Because I can't stop seeing you. Who am I trying to kid? I need you in my life. And I hope... I hope you feel the same way about me. Maybe you can forget all that stupid stuff that I said before and just give me a second chance. Well?
Lizzie: I have no good reason to trust you. So I'm going to go with my gut on this one, okay?
Bill: Okay.
Lizzie: My gut... my gut is telling me that I should kick your sorry, pathetic butt out of here.
Bill: Okay, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. What is it going to take for you to admit that you want me, too?
Lizzie: No way am I falling for this again. Out!
Bill: Hmm.
Lizzie: I'm all he can think about.
Ava: So it's kind of been one of those crazy days. My mom, she's going through this stuff, and then she had to find out that I sort of had this little thing with her ex-husband, which she was very cool about. She was good about it. I'm sorry. Okay, I'll shut up. Writer... yes, you're a writer. You just passing through town?
Roc: Actually, work keeps bringing me back here. That and all the gorgeous women.
Ava: (Laughs) Writing work?
Roc: No, actually, I'm doing some other projects for an old colleague of mine. Jeffrey O’Neill, do you know him?
Ava: Jeffrey is my father.
Roc: (Laughs) He's your father. Well, then, dinner is absolutely out of the question. Jeff is a good friend, but he also happens to be a trained killer.
Ava: I would have said yes to dinner.
Roc: Well, thank you. I appreciate that. But it sounds to me like your life is complicated enough. Take care.
Ava: Like mother, like daughter.
Olivia: Connect me to the bridal suite, please?
Gus: All righty. Can we just... ladies, honestly. A little misunderstanding. I'm sure that's all it is. How did the dress look at the fitting, honey?
Natalia: It was great. It was perfect.
Gus: Good. Like anything could ever look bad on you, right?
Olivia: You bet.
Gus: Yeah. So, why don't we just drop the dress off and go get a little bite to eat. Get our blood sugar up here.
Olivia: I can store it for you, if you want. I do it for everyone else.
Gus: Store it?
Olivia: Yeah.
Gus: Really? That's great. That's great, right?
Natalia: Will you be careful with it?
Olivia: I'll treat it like it's my own.
Gus: Done deal. Excellent. Okay, well, thank you very much. And we'll reschedule the Melinda thing. Bye. Talk to you.
Olivia: Bye. Wow.
Cyrus: Harley? Come in, Harley. Answer me.
Harley: Nice snake. Nice snake. Shoo. Shoo, snake. Go play with your snake friends.
Cyrus: Harley, can you hear me? Have you dropped the walkie-talkie or something? What is going on? Harley?
Harley: I blacked out, and the snake is on my head. He's looking at me.
Cyrus: What is the snake saying to you?
Boy: Have you seen a snake anywhere?
Cyrus: A snake?
Boy: Yeah, a snake. I got it for Christmas and it was in my bag and now it's not.
Cyrus: Oh, boy. Hang on, Harley. I'm coming in. I'm coming in.
Boy: You didn't hurt him, did you?
Harley: No, no. I think we were actually getting along really well.
Cyrus: I am so sorry. When you said a snake, I just thought that...
Harley: "What is the snake saying?"
Cyrus: I'm sorry.
Harley: Just hold me.
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Harley: So they get to see if it's worth it.
Cyrus: Was it worth it?
Ashlee: Hey, Ava. What do you want now?
Ava: I want you to make him take me instead.
Cassie: Now that this whole Edmund situation is behind us, things are just going to get better and better for him.
Josh: There's definitely something weird about that kid.
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