GL Transcript Wednesday 12/26/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/26/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Lizzie: In fact, Bill Lewis is the one who took charge of this project in the first place. His father Billy and I have been working on it for months and we are all set to announce it, but smart, determined, Bill Lewis got me drunk, used secrets he read in my diary to get me into bed, stole my notes, snuck out and then swiped the deal right out from under me, then he released to the press that his father was an alcoholic. If that isn't brilliant strategizing, I don't know what is. That is what people will remember, Roxie-- Bill Lewis humiliated on public TV, not all that stuff about me getting drunk and sleeping with him on our first non-date. Who would really blame me, Roxie? It had been 19 months and four days. Or something like that. Not that I want people to know that either. So what if they call me a slut? If I am a slut, I am not very good at it. Have a good day.

Dinah: Hey, tramp.

Lizzie: Hey, roomie.

Dinah: Don't tell anybody that you saw me here.

Lizzie: Okay. Is Bill in there?

Lizzie: No.

Dinah: Oh. Then who are you talking to?

Lizzie: My dog.

Dinah: Oh.

Lizzie: You know, Bill hurt me, okay? And I hurt him, too, and we are even. Actually, we're not even because he did... wait, did you just walk out?

Dinah: Yeah. Just did.

Lizzie: How is it going?

Dinah: It's not that bad. I'm in the same rehab as Billy.

Lizzie: Oh, good, then I can visit you.

Dinah: No, no. You don't need to do that.

Lizzie: I will visit you.

Dinah: Thank you. Well, at least now I know that I need help and maybe Bill will see that he does, too. I know he hasn't been himself since he's been back.

Lizzie: Okay. Well, take care of yourself. Do you think it's weird that I talk to my dog?

Dinah: Oh, you're probably asking the wrong girl, but I sort of do it, too.

Lizzie: You talk to my dog?

Dinah: No, it’s... well, you know, I have a movie that goes on in my head.

Lizzie: How do you mean?

Dinah: You know like at the movies when you hear the voice that tells you exactly what people are thinking? What do they call it?

Lizzie: Like a voiceover.

Dinah: Yes. I have one of those.

Lizzie: What do the voices tell you to do?

Dinah: Well, no. It's my voice in my head. My thoughts on my life. As if millions of people are watching and needed to know. Usually on special days, you know, like when I started dating Mallet and tried to plan our wedding. It's probably not healthy.

Lizzie: It will probably stop when you quit the pills.

Dinah: Dating Mallet and the wedding.

Lizzie: Oh, so it was before. It's not your fault. You were shot in the brain.

Dinah: No...

Lizzie: Oh, it was before that?

Dinah: Yeah.

Lizzie: Oh.

Dinah: Okay. Maybe I will see you around rehab some time.

Lizzie: I love day-after-Christmas sales. Whatever we do to Main Street there still better be... this voice in the head thing totally works for me. I don't think it's unhealthy. Kind of helpful, really. Like having a diary in my head. Try getting to my secrets now, Bill. Oh, God. People think I'm mad at a tree. Look at them. Mom, Dad and baby. Jonathan really tried with me last Christmas. I remember that morning, all Sarah’s toys. I hope she felt loved. I did. Talk about someone who was loved, Tammy was loved something fierce. But I would rather be unloved and still around. I think.

Lizzie: Wait a second, I didn't do anything wrong. He must be dying right now. Okay, don't look. Don't look. Don't look. I bet he looked and I missed it when I was trying not to look. That's a nice sweater. Is it new? Maybe he got it for Christmas. Probably from one of his trampy girlfriends. That color. Oh, it's almost unfair what it does to his eyes. Stop it, Lizzie. No more falling in love for you. Especially not with...

Bartender: Oh, I am so sorry.

Bill: Oh, that's all right. It is like you were aiming for me, though.

Bartender: It is just water.

Bill: Hi. Would you mind passing me one of those paper towels? I have a little...

Woman: Yes, I would.

Bill: Is that Sally? Sally, right? I didn't recognize you out of your uniform. How are you doing?

Woman: You've seen me out of your uniform.

Bill: That I have. Getting ready to go to work?

Woman: I don't bartend at 10:00 in the morning.

Bill: No, I don't suppose you do. You know, it's always good to see a familiar face, someone who understands me. I am going to give you my card and why don't you give me a call this time, okay? Whew.

Lizzie: I knew his reputation would take a hit, but this? This is fantastic. It made the papers. Uh... did I just say that out loud?  

Bill: Enjoying yourself?

Lizzie: I am. I think this headline is rather nice.

Bill: I didn't sleep with you to get to the top.

Lizzie: No, you stole my project and outed your dad as a drunk.

Bill: He is a drunk.

Lizzie: Well you're a... think, think, think, think.

Bill: Gah, gah, gah... are you stuck? You have a few good ones they call me in here. Unfortunately, like they say, there is no such thing as bad press.

Lizzie: Yeah, there is.

Bill: Oh, you're right, there is. Like when you go on TV and say you are drunk and easy while I am running the construction company and scoring with the ladies, oh, yes.

Lizzie: Do not give him the upper hand. Okay. Okay. Maybe you are still king of the world this morning. You saw how many clients your father lost after you went public with his problem. Do you really think that people want to work with a guy who did this? Do you? Then threw his own father under the bus? Exactly how many jobs have come in since I made my little announcement? Huh? I still have the upper hand, like my upper hand just slapped him across the face.

Bill: You are off all active construction projects.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: Yeah, you can answer phones.

Lizzie: You can't do that.

Bill: Like you said, king of the world.

Lizzie: You need me on this Main Street project.

Bill: I need you? Ha, ha, ha. Oh, sweetheart, you are window dressing. And you are very good at it and it kills me to have to let you go but how can I trust you after you sold me out? There is not going to be enough work to go around anyway, since, like you said, we could lose business because you couldn't keep your mouth shut.

Lizzie: Surprise!

Billy: Hey, little one, what's up?

Lizzie: Hey, I brought you hunting and fishing magazine, fishing and hunting magazines. Some of those snack chips that you like. More lavender linen spray, and jasmine, too. It promotes relaxed awareness.

Billy: Well, wait a minute, I thought it was the lavender that promoted relaxed awareness.

Lizzie: Now Billy is

doubting me.


Lizzie: No, lavender is for tranquility.

Billy: I could have sworn that the label said it was for relaxed awareness. Let me see.

Lizzie: Is it so hard to believe I know what I am doing? Jasmine makes you relaxed and aware.

Billy: Well, darling, then you better take some. I got television in here and I get the papers. What the hell did you think you were doing?

Lizzie: I couldn't wait the 28 days or whatever. You know, someone had to take him down.

Billy: Yeah, you really took him down.

Lizzie: He got right back up.

Billy: Hence you come in here with all the gifts. What's up?

Lizzie: I want something.

Billy: I could have guessed that. Now what?

Lizzie: I know how we could take Bill down, so he will stay down until you are out of here and you can deal with him yourself.

Billy: Oh, this sounds bad. This sounds very bad idea.

Lizzie: It’s a really good idea. Think of your father and how hard he worked to build this company.

Billy: She's so angry she's playing the do-it-for-daddy card.

Lizzie: Billy, your son called me drunk and easy.

Billy: What's the plan?

Bill: Now, Jim, if those numbers look good to you, we can break ground next week.

Man: I know you're in charge now but I thought Billy still needs to sign off.

Bill: No, he gave me his power of attorney while he's away.

Lizzie: No, actually he gave it to his other son.

Dylan: Hello, everyone, little brother, Jim, I'm Dylan Lewis. Lizzie has caught me up to speed on this whole thing.

Bill: Jim, give me a second. Thank you. What are you doing?

Lizzie: Billy gave his power of attorney to Dylan with a little help from the window dressing.

Bill: You are unbelievable, okay?

Lizzie: I am trying to protect your father.

Bill: Now, look, I am sorry that you cannot handle the fact I don't want to settle down and have kids and move out to the burbs or whatever little fantasy you have planned in that head of yours. You need to grow up.

Dylan: Is everything okay here?

Bill: What are you doing? This deal...

Dylan: It just got done. Yeah, you not the only one who knows how to run the company.

Lizzie: Why was I worried about him when Billy fired him? Why did I try to get him home when Dinah needed him? If I knew this Bill was the Bill coming back, I would have never made that call. And I'd never get that fluttery feeling in my stomach when I see him. I'd never worry about what I wear to work so I could look cute and smart at the same time. I'd never start hoping again that a guy would love me like Jonathan loved Tammy. And I wouldn't have this voice in my head because I would be writing in a diary like normal people do.

Bill: You just made everything worse.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: Because I am going to find a judge that will declare my dad incompetent and I will have power of attorney by lunchtime. Toodles.

Lizzie: Can he really do that?

Dylan: It's not going to happen. You did the right thing, Lizzie.

Bill: (Laughs) Yeah.

Lizzie: Is he laughing at us?

Dylan: Let it go.

Lizzie: No, no. I want people to know the kind of guy he is? Women people, womankind, whatever you want to call it, okay. Because he's going to do this to someone else. He's going to break someone else's heart just like he did to mine.

Dylan: He broke your heart?

Lizzie: No. It's a metaphor.

Dylan: Really? Are you sure?

Lizzie: Dylan, okay, he is a bad guy like everybody else in my life, they hurt you and leave you. I was a screw-up when I was with Coop and Jonathan but I changed. I was being a better version of myself, probably even the best version of me I can possibly be. There is no reason for someone not to love me.

Dylan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's okay. Where are you going?

Lizzie: I think the better version of me needs to sit this one out.

Lizzie: I'm not faking. I am upset. I just look really good for an upset person. So if I want to score some sympathy points, what mother wouldn't be horrified her son did this? Oh, hi Vanessa.

Vanessa: Hi. How are you?

Lizzie: You saw the news?

Vanessa: Well, I run the station, so...

Lizzie: You must have been shocked.

Vanessa: No. Actually not, because I knew before. I mean, Billy had told me right after it happened.

Lizzie: Oh. You never said anything.

Vanessa: Well, I didn't really think that you would want to talk about it, but... I don't know, I guess you did.

Lizzie: So you're okay with what your son did to me?

Vanessa: No. No. I am not at all. I think he treated you very badly and I wish he hadn’t. I didn't raise him to behave that way, but, well, he's just... he's a little lost right now.

Lizzie: A little lost is you made a wrong turn on Fifth Street. Bill is completely off the map.

Vanessa: He is a good man. He is just... he is just in the dark at the moment. He's going through a dark time but I know that he will come around.

Lizzie: So if a guy with no moral compass did this to Dinah or Maureen is that what you would tell him, he's probably a little lost in the dark, hang in there?

Vanessa: No, no, and that is not what I am telling you to do. I don't think you should hang in there. In fact, I think you should get out as fast as possible so he doesn't hurt you again, Lizzie.

Lizzie: I was right.

The better version of me is not

cut out for this. I don't think he would let me.

Vanessa: What do you mean?

Lizzie: Bill didn't just use me for himself. He's been using me as bait to get new clients. And if he thinks that I am going to make good on the promises that he's made, the favors he's promised these people... that is your son.

Vanessa: I mean, are you listening to me? I am telling you I am ashamed of you, that I don't feel as I know who you are anymore.

Bill: That is very hurtful.

Lizzie: Look at him in there. What a mama's boy. All I had to do was tell a little white lie for the greater good, for Bill's good, really. Wow. Vanessa is really telling him off.

Vanessa: You just think everything is a joke, you don't understand it.

Lizzie: He should be looking more upset.

Vanessa: ...So badly that it could really have repercussions on your life.

Bill: I wonder if they have aspirin on the menu.

Lizzie: Is he... oh, my God, he is.

Vanessa: Somehow I have raised a real louse of a son.

Bill: Sit down, I'll get you a turkey club.

Vanessa: I don't want a turkey club. I want you to listen to me and understand that I have something to say to you.

Bill: Okay, I'm listening. I am all ears.

Vanessa: Good. Then hear this, okay?

Bill: I am listening.

Vanessa: You could go to jail.

Bill: What are you talking about?

Vanessa: And I am not going to just stand around here and watch while you ruin your life.

Bill: So what are you going to do it for me? Are you going to use WSPR to run a smear campaign against me and force me out of the company? Is what you are going to do?

Vanessa: You got it. If that's what it takes, that's what I'll do.

Bill: Wow, my own mother just as bad as Lizzie.

Vanessa: You know what? You, my darling son, cannot afford one more iota of bad publicity.

Bill: Did she talk to you? (Laughs) Yes! Oh, silence is golden. Okay, Mom, listen, I love you, I do, but you have got to back off. I am not kidding.

Vanessa: Who are you?

Man: Can I buy you a drink?

Lizzie: I already have one.

Man: Well, maybe I can cheer you up. Oh, come on. You are a girl that likes to have fun, right? I can be fun.

Lizzie: Dude, I have known you for like two seconds, back up.

Man: Well, longer than that, Lizzie.

Lizzie: How did you know my name? Oh, give me a break. I'm not a slut.

Man: No one is saying you are. I wouldn't kick you out of bed to go to work. That's for sure.

Bill: Well, I didn't kick her out of bed. Just kind of left her there. Bill Lewis.

Man: Brian Faustino.

Lizzie: Brian Faustino?

Bill: Do you know each other?

Lizzie: Yeah. From grade school.

Man: Come on, you recognize me.

Lizzie: No, I didn’t. You saw the news.

Man: Well, yeah, I saw the news, too, but I came here to talk to you.

Lizzie: Uh.

Bill: I am going to leave you two lovebirds alone.

Lizzie: Do not leave me with him.

Bill: I'm not the one who broadcast to the world what happened between us. I am a gentleman. You kids have fun.

Man: Thanks, man. You know, I've already got a room here.

Lizzie: Jimmying a lock with a credit card: The best thing Dinah ever taught me. You have to be stealth. It's like breaking and entering 101. Do guys even keep a journal? A journal? That's what they call it. Men wouldn't call it a diary. Come on, come on, come on. Are you kidding me? For a guy that causes so much trouble there should be something in a drawer here. Give me a break. "I'm not the one who told the whole world about us." Like me going on TV was so wrong. What he did to me in the first place is what was really wrong. Ugh, I hate him so much! I hate him. God, his shirt smells so good.

Beth: I knew this couldn't be good.

Lizzie: No, it's not. How did you even know that I was here?

Beth: I was looking for you, but then I saw Bill's door ajar.

Lizzie: Shut the door all the

way: Another gem from breaking

and entering 101.

Beth: I had a bad feeling about this. What did you do?

Lizzie: I did nothing, yet. You take the dresser, I'm going to get the lights. Do you want to get us busted?

Beth: What are you doing?

Lizzie: I don't know if Bill keeps a journal, but that's what a guy would call it, right? A journal?

Beth: What... would you listen to yourself. What are you doing?

Lizzie: There's got to be something around here I can use against him. Not for right now, but just to have in case.

Beth: I don't understand this.

Lizzie: Did you see the news?

Beth: Yes, yes how could I miss it?

Lizzie: What do you not understand? Mom, he used me in the worst possible way. He messed up everything at work. He made me believe he was something that he wasn’t. What are you doing?

Beth: I am trying to help you before Bill gets back.

Lizzie: If you want to help me, help me get dirt on this guy. You have some. You must have some.

Beth: Lizzie, do you understand we have to get out of here?

Lizzie: Hey, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, you are too pregnant to be doing this.

Beth: What?

Lizzie: I cannot believe I didn't think of this before, you were married to Bill.

Beth: No, Lorelei was married to Bill.

Lizzie: Yes, but you were Lorelei.

Beth: I was confused.

Lizzie: No, no. But in your confusion, Mom, you hooked up with Mill, right? It wasn't your fault because you were a little schizo, that's okay, but you have to have some dirt on him. Does he have any weird habits or maybe a really, really painful childhood memory or something?

Beth: Lizzie, let this go.

Lizzie: You're right, that stuff is too small. Maybe... maybe I could... I could plant some cash, you know, at the office and say that he stole it or something. Have you ever seen him drive? Because I can tell Mallet to pull him over, give him a speeding ticket, bring him in and maybe trump up the charges and play the bad cop. Because you know Mallet would do that, he would do that because he hates the way Bill uses Dinah. That is exactly what Bill is, too. Bill is a user. Emma. Emma. She's not exactly his any more, but he would freak out if anything were to happen to her?

Beth: What are you talking about?

Lizzie: Mom, chill out, okay?. All I am saying is maybe if he lost her for a couple of hours when he is supposed to be watching her... I would take really good care of her and take her to the movies or something and just long enough to make him sweat. Yeah. Because that is personal. That is hardcore betrayal and then he would know what it feels like... the news thing was not big enough.

Beth: Stop this. You sound just like your father.

Lizzie: I am not like dad.

Beth: Oh, no? No, you already got him back but that is not enough for you and you are enjoying hurting him.

Lizzie: You should how he just left me at Towers, Mom, and what he did to Billy.

Beth: Listen to me, honey. Listen to me. You cannot do this.

Lizzie: No, no! Bill hurt me.

Bill: That's why you want to hit him again. Honey, honey, listen, this is about you, this is... this is not about Bill. This is about you. We need have to get out of here.

Lizzie: Momma! Everything was going great, Mom, okay? I got a job that I was good at. I had a place of my own. I was helping Billy and Dinah, I even helped Bill. I was being a good person.

Beth: Honey just because you are a good person doesn't mean that bad things aren't going to happen.

Lizzie: Then what's the point? I was bad and so I lost Coop and then Jonathan and then Sarah, and then granddad didn't even want anything to do with me and now I have changed and still nobody wants to... I'm still just me.

Beth: Oh, no, honey, you will always have me, you always...

Lizzie: You have her, and Rick and your stepkids.. You didn't even tell me you were getting married. That is the second time you got married without telling me.

Beth: Not like I planned --

Lizzie: I don't care, I don't care. I am not like dad. But I am so glad I am not nothing like you.

Beth: I am nobody's victim. Not anymore.

Lizzie: When Jonathan and Sarah look down and they check in on me they are going to see I am strong, that I have not fallen apart.

Beth: And you think Sarah would be proud of your behavior now, do you? I'm sorry that you lost Sarah. I am. But, Lizzie, you have to learn to live for yourself now, not just prove something to her or to Jonathan or to anybody else. You have to find what you want in life.

Lizzie: Sometimes what I want is to go back to that day and go off the cliff with them. I can do this. I just need to let my mind go to a quiet place. Like they say on the yoga DVD Aunt Alex got me last Christmas, which I only used twice because the people on there were freakishly bendy and not even sweating, which is completely unrealistic, because when you are holding downward dog for three minutes and 42 seconds, which is my record, you ache until you feel like you can't bear one more second. Lately, every day feels like those three minutes and 42 seconds. Oh, shoot. My mind left the quiet place. Whatever, I just need to do this. What did Mom say? What do I want? I should probably go with world peace. Wait, okay. I've got it. I want a lifetime of perfect hair days, and calorie-free doughnuts. I want Roxie to be toilet trained. I want Bill to get so burned. I want Dinah to get clean. I want my new little sister to have a real childhood. I want my daughter back. I want Tammy and Jonathan back, even if they'd never speak to me again. I want my dad to be how he was before he got sick, and I want... I want Bill to be how he was before I woke up.

Bill: Lizzie!

Lizzie: What are you... this is really expensive leather.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: You are going to get it dirty.

Bill: You are not supposed to jump off the roof, then?

Lizzie: Did you think I was going to jump off the roof for you? Is that what you thought?

Bill: I didn't know...

Lizzie: You have the biggest ego, you know that?

Bill: Lizzie, you knocked me down downstairs, you're crying like crazy. I come up here, I find you on the edge of a roof.

Lizzie: So what?

Bill: Your eyes are shut and your legs are wobbly, I didn't know what to think.

Lizzie: I was thinking. I was thinking. I was in the zone.

Bill: What could you possibly be thinking? You're on the edge of a roof. Are you nuts?

Lizzie: I wasn't that close to the edge.

Bill: Close enough.

Lizzie: Are you okay?

Bill: What the hell, Lizzie?

Lizzie: I was trying to get away from my mother, okay? She's too pregnant to chase me up here. It is not like you haven't done something like this before.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: Remember when we... you asked me... you asked me if I knew what it was like to stand on the edge, holding my breath, waiting for a push.

Bill: Lizzie...

Lizzie: Are you okay, for real?

Bill: What did you think I meant?

Lizzie: I don't know. I thought maybe it was some South American meditation thing. You know I wanted to get away from my mom and there are a lot of things to think about and I just thought that... Bill? Bill?

Bill: Come on, it's freezing.

Lizzie: No, no. What did you really mean?

Bill: I'm serious. Let's go, okay, before we get sick.

Lizzie: I am just going to take this, okay?

Bill: You have got to get warm, Lizzie.

Lizzie: No, I have to go back to my room.

Bill: No, wait, whoa, whoa. No. Listen, hey, hey, hey, do you really want to deal with Beth right now?

Lizzie: How do you know she is going to be there?

Bill: Because she told me. I don't know what happened but you really upset her.

Lizzie: Yeah, well you upset your mom before.

Bill: Put this on. What do you mean? Were you there?

Lizzie: No.

Bill: What's wrong?

Lizzie: I can't feel my fingers.

Bill: Here.

Lizzie: What are you doing?

Bill: Hey, hey, hey. Let me help.

Lizzie: If he thinks this is turning me on or something, he is so wrong. I can do it myself. Why aren't you cold?

Bill: You're still shaking. Come here. I want you to lay down, warm yourself up, okay?

Lizzie: No. I need to go home.

Bill: What's the rush? Just lay down and warm yourself up, that's all.

Lizzie: Okay. So I'll stay for a little bit. But just to warm up.

Bill: See? You are a mess.

Lizzie: So are you.

Bill: Well, are you warmer?

Lizzie: Why did you follow me onto that roof?

Bill: I told you, I thought you were going to jump.

Lizzie: No, that's why you tackled me. Why did you follow me?

Bill: Are you warmer or not? Hmm?

Lizzie: Yes. Interesting.

Bill: What did you think you were going to find in here anyway?

Lizzie: I didn't know.

Bill: Well, guess I can't blame you, you know. The news, the breaking and entering, everything else. I was doing the same thing, going after everyone who was hurting me.

Lizzie: You hurt me before I ever hurt you.

Bill: I know. You were just a way to get to my father.

Lizzie: I wonder if that means sorry in Bill speak. I almost turned into him today.

Bill: My father?

Lizzie: No. My father. I went too far. I am so done with that. I am done hurting people. Ugh. Ugh. I can't believe I slutified myself on TV. You're so not worth it.

Bill: Oh. Slutified? Not a word.

Lizzie: You are not listening to the important things.

Bill: I hear everything you say.

Lizzie: He's being too nice. He's setting you up. Wait for it.

Bill: I shouldn't have taken you off those construction projects.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: You do good work.

Lizzie: Is he saying that he needs me?

Bill: Watch, maybe some day we'll be partners and we'll be running the whole place together.

Lizzie: Oh, I need a translator with this guy. Or maybe I just need to trust him a little more. He screwed up, I screwed up. It kind of makes sense.

Dinah: Oh.

Bill: Lizzie, hold on. Lizzie, just wait one...

Dinah: How did this even happen?

Bill: What? I was looking for something and I just...

Dinah: Bill...

Bill: What?

Dinah: You are going to have to do a better job of lying than that, especially if you're serious about taking Billy down, all right? I already had to lie to him, to mom, to Lizzie.

Bill: Wait, what did you say to Lizzie?

Dinah: I had to explain to her why I was moving out, that I was a druggie and needed to fix my life. And maybe Bill will realize he has to fix his. Blah, blah, blah, I cannot believe you had her on that bed, ready to do it again!

Bill: What? I was not going to sleep with her.

Dinah: Lizzie is trouble for you.

Bill: She had a wakeup call today. She's no longer after me.

Dinah: That's not the kind of trouble I mean.

Bill: Do you think that... ha, ha, ha, that's funny. You are wrong.

Dinah: Okay. Falling for her right now is the worse thing for you.

Bill: Oh my goodness, I am not falling for anyone. You are wrong. And what is the problem? I thought she was your friend.

Dinah: Do you see? It is already happening, it is already happening. Lizzie is my friend. It is wrong that I lie to her. But you are my brother, and if you lose your focus, you are going to lose your chance to overtake Lewis for good.

Bill: Wait a minute, I just want...

Dinah: No. Bill, I have the raw end of this deal. I am doing recon in rehab and what you need to do is not fall in love with Lizzie.

Billy: Dylan told me how you and he went in and put Bill in his place.

Lizzie: There are all kinds of addictions.

Billy: Well, we're all in this together and we're going to get the company back. Sweetie, I am going to teach you everything I know, but you've got to end this thing with Bill.

Lizzie: What thing?

Billy: It's obvious he gets to you.

Lizzie: Billy's vice is booze.

Billy: Sweetie, you are going to be in a world of hurt if you keep going on.

Lizzie: Unfortunately, mine is

Billy’s son.

Billy: Okay, all I want you to do is tell me you won't see Bill anymore.

Lizzie: How can I say it?

How can I say it when he is all

that I think about?

Billy: Lizzie...

Lizzie: Yeah. Yeah, I promise. I don't want Bill in my life.

Billy: Good.

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Dinah: I am trying to get the dirt on Billy.

Bill: Sweet talk my dad and find out what he is up to.

Lizzie: I am not thinking about Bill.

Bill: Look, I don't want to draw this out, but I got something to say.

Ava: I feel blessed to have you in my life.

Olivia: And now you're sleeping with Bill!

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