GL Transcript Monday 12/24/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/24/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Cassie: How's that?

Will: Sure.

Cassie: That's what I like to hear. I am about a perfect Christmas eve, you know? We have a lot to celebrate this year. You're home, it is Christmas, and it is R.J.'s birthday tomorrow. Just wish that Josh would get back. Can't imagine the mall is still open. What are you working on over here? Who is that? Is that Josh and me? Is that you or R.J.?

Will: It's R.J..

Cassie: Well, sweetie, you need to draw yourself in there. Why don't you draw yourself in there right next to me. Okay? Because you are a very big part of this family, you know. I am so happy you are here with me for Christmas.

Josh: How does Santa get out of places after he shoots down the chimney?

Reva: I think he just flies right back up again.

Josh: Yeah, that is not helpful.

Reva: Maybe there is a door that is unlocked.

Josh: I am pretty sure we tried them all.

Reva: Where the heck... where the heck is security?

Josh: Probably at home right now having Christmas dinner.

R.J.: This is so unfair. This is probably like the worst Christmas eve ever.

Reva: That's right. It is your almost birthday, isn't it? Happy almost birthday.

R.J.: Thanks, Aunt Reva.

Josh: Hey, R.J., I don't know how we got locked in here, but we will get you out of here and get you home with your mom and your brother. Which reminds me I should probably call Cassie and tell them we will be a little late.

Reva: A lot late.

Cassie: Hi, where are you?

Josh: Well, you are not going to believe this, but we kind of sort of got locked in.

Cassie: Locked in where?

Josh: Well, at the mall.

Reva: So? Are you okay?

R.J.: Yeah.

Reva: I wonder how many other people are locked in here.

Beth: Hello? Anyone? Why is everybody gone already, they should be shopping. Hello? Listen, I am pregnant and I am starving, I just want a slice of pizza.

Alan: Has it come to this, Beth? What happened? Did you run out of the allowance that Rick gave you?

Beth: Is this you, Alan? Are you the reason I am trapped in here?

Alan: I wish I could take credit for it, but I can’t. It is like a Christmas miracle being trapped in here with you.

Beth: More like a nightmare before Christmas, wouldn't you say? Have you found a way out of here?

Alan: No, not yet.

Beth: Make yourself useful and help me get to this ice cream.

Gus: Springfield, P.D. Anybody in here?

Olivia: Is somebody else there?

Gus: Springfield P.D. What are you doing here?

Olivia: Have you seen my seamstress?

Gus: How long have you been here?

Olivia: I don't know, is it still summer?

Gus: What happened?

Olivia: I came in for a fitting and she said she could shorten what I already had on, so she took my clothes and I am waiting for my dress.

Gus: Hmm. Would this be the dress?

Olivia: Yes. Hmm. So where is everybody?

Gus: An alarm went off and everybody split and the gate is locked down and I guess you didn't hear it because you were in here.

Olivia: No, no.

Gus: So what are you wearing?

Olivia: What do you think I am wearing?

Gus: By that skimpy dress, probably not a lot.

Olivia: Nope.

Reva: You know what? I used to have this dream all the time about getting locked in a department store. You know why? Because you get to try on all of the clothes, you get to jump on all of the beds.

R.J.: I want to go home to my mom.

Josh: I know you do.

R.J.: Can I get a drink from that water fountain over there?

Josh: Yes. Go ahead. No problem. This is exactly what he needs right now. Especially with everything that has been going on with Will and Billy in rehab.

Reva: I thought you were hoping for a nice quiet family Christmas.

Josh: Just like the ones I used to know.

Reva: Why hasn't Shayne called yet?

Josh: I don't know. Maybe he is having trouble getting a connection right now. We will hear from him.

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: What do we do now? Just sit around and wait for the cops to show up to get us out of here?

Reva: We could make the most of it.

Reva: We could.

R.J.: You guys check this out. Come on.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Wow, this is...

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Yeah. ( Laughs )

R.J.: Can I put some more tinsel on the tree?

Josh: Sure. Yeah, go ahead. I love it, the way kids just live in the moment. A little while ago he was worried about getting home.

Reva: I think he's worried about a lot more than that. He's not the only one.

Josh: This is your first Christmas without Jonathan.

Reva: And Tammy. I wish we could just live in the moment, too.

Josh: Yeah. ( Laughter )

Reva: What?

Josh: I was just, you know, watching R.J. here, with boxes everywhere and thinking about that Christmas eve when Shayne was just about R.J.’s age and we had promised to let them open one gift.

Reva: Of course.

Josh: It took like three hours to figure out which one they would open. And when Shayne finally figured out which one he wanted of course he picked the biggest one, the heaviest one which was a remote control car...

Reva:...That you had put the batteries in another package.

Josh: That's right, so he had to open another and another and another.

Reva: And by the time he was done he'd opened every gift that we had gotten for him.

Josh: And I had to go out and get him something else so he wouldn't feel left out on Christmas morning. That's Shayne. Hello? Hey, hey, son, it's good to hear your voice. No, I am standing here with your mother right now. Hang on, hang on. I'm going to put you on speakerphone.

Shayne: Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad.

Beth: This may be one of the best things I've ever tasted.

Alan: Then Rick has not taken you to the right places.

Beth: Do we have to do this now, Alan? You're ruining this moment for me.

Alan: I wouldn't want to step on this ambiance.

Beth: What are you doing here anyhow? You never do your own Christmas shopping.

Alan: I always bought the things that were important to me, Beth.

Beth: Like people.

Alan: I didn't buy you. You have a little something here.

Beth: I can't do this. Can't we just get out of here? I mean don't you have Bruno waiting outside with a crowbar or something like that?

Alan: I am all alone, I gave the staff the night off.

Beth: Then we should find a way out of here. Did you buy this for my baby?

Beth: Of course I did. I almost bought the entire store.

Reva: Shayne? I was starting to think we weren't going to hear from you.

Shayne: I was starting to think that too, Mom.

Josh: Hey, is everything okay? You know, I have been reading a lot of stories about what is going on there. I can't even imagine.

Shayne: No, you can’t. Some day I'll have time to tell you about it.

Reva: Are you staying safe? Because I know what you are doing is very important but every time I think about you over there...

Shayne: Mom, I...

Reva: Shayne, what? Shayne, can you hear us? Shayne, please, hello? ( Cell phone static )

Josh: It is what? Are you okay? Is there something going on right now? Shayne? Shayne?

Reva: Please talk to us. We love you too, honey. What is going on? What?

Josh: He is gone.

Reva: Well, what did he say? Did it sound like he was in trouble?

Josh: I don't know.

Reva: Well call him back. Call him on the damn phone.

Josh: I'm trying, I'm trying. I'm doing what I can, okay?

Beth: This was very...

Alan: Very what?

Beth: Sweet. What made you decide to do this?

Alan: Well, I... I was on my way to a jewelry store to buy Natalia a present.

Beth: Natalia? Okay, your soon-to-be daughter-in-law. Oh, Alan.

Alan: Beth, she is a very strong, independent, wonderful mother. She's a great woman. I mean, she and I also have a special connection. Anyway, I was on my way to the jewelry store to buy her a present and I walked right by the jewelry store and into the baby shop and bought you and the baby all of this.

Beth: Alan, you know that I can’t...

Alan: I can't shake you and the baby, Beth. It's very hard.

Beth: Oh.

Alan: I know you don't want to hear me talk...

Beth: No, no, Alan. I think I'm having a contraction. Oh!

Lizzie: Hello, Mrs. Hepworth?

Ashlee: Come on, Liz, it's Christmas, everyone's with their friends and family.

Lizzie: You don't seem freaked out at all.

Daisy: Well, I'm stuck in a mall with my best friends. What's cooler than that? It's good to see you, Lizzie. We haven't hung out in a very long time.

Lizzie: I know, I have a life now. When you have a life you don't hang out.

Ashlee: I see. I would much prefer a best friend to life.

Lizzie: Gag me, gag me. You are. You are like a jolly elf. You are always cheerful. So I guess you have a good reason, right? You have a cute boyfriend, you're honorary Cooper. And Buzz is the mayor so you get to be in the middle of everything. You had a good year. You had a good year.

Ashlee: Are you kidding? This has been the hardest year of my life. I can't wait for it to be over.

Daisy: Me neither.

Lizzie: Wow. Yeah. I wish I could go back and do it all over again. I mean, change it.

Gus: Probably a way out of the garage.

Olivia: You are not planning on driving. Because you had most of this yourself.

Gus: Really? I will take a cab.

Olivia: Well, that is a plan.

Gus: You got something better?

Olivia: Well, what do you mean? We have good champagne. The company is not so bad.

Gus: So you don't have a problem being in here for Christmas eve?

Olivia: No. Yes. Yes. We should go up and see if the parking garage door is open.

Gus: The door's up a couple of flights. Why don't you stay here and I will check it out.

Olivia: Are you afraid I may have a heart attack? There may be a day I can't do anything, but today is not it. My heart's failing, but my will is strong. Aitoro, don't forget it.

Gus: Like you'd ever let me.

Olivia: Don't hog it.

Gus: How about we stop talking and do a little drinking?

Olivia: Okay.

Reva: Anything?

Cassie: If Josh doesn't get here soon, he's going to miss the service. This is his first year as a minister. That's a pretty big deal. I cannot believe it is taking this long to unlock a few doors.

Will: I'm sorry you're so sad, Mommy.

Cassie: I'm not sad, sweetie. I don't want you to think I am not having fun, you know, being here with you. We always have fun, right? I missed out on a few Christmases with you.

Will: Not anymore.

Cassie: That's right, not anymore.

Will: If they don't show up we will have a good Christmas anyway.

Cassie: They'll be here soon.

Reva: It's not like I believe anything happened to Shayne.

Josh: It's not knowing.

Reva: Not to mention all of those horrible images that are rumbling around in my brain.

Josh: Remind me again, why didn't we steal his passport when we had the chance?

Reva: I don't know. Because he probably would be working at Lewis in a nice, safe office.

Josh: Right. And he'd be miserable.

Reva: Right now I don't really care.

Josh: Yes, you do.

Reva: Is our boy going to be okay, Bud?

Josh: It's just a lousy phone connection, that's all. Happens all the time.

R.J.: Are you all right, Aunt Reva?

Reva: Yeah, sweetie, I just... I just miss my kids.

R.J.: I wish I could go home now.

Josh: Well, we can't go home yet. Even if they unlocked the doors right now we couldn't go home yet.

R.J.: Why not?

Josh: Because we haven't had our locked-in-the-mall Christmas yet.

R.J.: What's that?

Reva: You've never experienced the locked-in-the-mall Christmas? Oh, my goodness. I mean that's like a Lewis and Shayne family tradition. It's a new one, but it's a good one. So what do you say we get back to that tree, okay, kid?

R.J.: Okay.

Reva: Okay, let's go. ( Laughter )

Lizzie: Wow. You know, this time last year, I thought that I was going to have a whole life of my own and I lost everything.

Daisy: I'm sorry, Lizzie, I know how that feels.

Lizzie: You couldn't possibly know.

Ashlee: Actually you are not the only one who had to make tough decisions. There was tough stuff this year.

Daisy: I got pregnant and I decided not to have the baby.

Lizzie: Wow. That is hard.

Daisy: It was. But, you know, I am okay.

Lizzie: I only got to have Sarah for a little while. Maybe I would have been better off.

Ashlee: You know, you guys are my heroes. I didn't like that one. You guys really jump into life and you live. I feel like I'm just hovering.

Daisy: You've got a guy who's crazy about you.

Lizzie: See, it just goes to show, guys are not so great. They are not. It is true. I don't care if I ever care or get close to another guy for the rest of my life.

Daisy: Even bill Lewis?

Ashlee: Oh, hello, he is hot.

Lizzie: Okay, the only thing that I want in my life right now is a field trip to the food court. Let's go, ladies. Take whatever you want. I have an account here.

Beth: I am having this baby, Alan.

Alan: No, you are not.

Beth: Yes, I am, I know contractions and this is real.

Alan: You can't have the baby here, Beth.

Beth: Get me out of here, and get Rick on the phone.

Alan: Why would your husband allow you out when you're this pregnant?

Beth: You can yell at him later but for now get me help, get me to a hospital.

Alan: Okay, okay, I will be right back, I promise.

Olivia: I got it, I got it.

Gus: Please.

Olivia: No, no I got here first.

Gus: Yeah?

Olivia: With a heart condition.

Gus: I gave you a two-flight lead is what happened.

Olivia: You're so whiny.

Gus: Does your daughter know you're here?

Olivia: I can't catch my breath.

Gus: Everything is going to be okay, all right? I am right here.

Alan: Hey, excuse me, sir. I need some help. My wife is having... I mean there's a woman having a baby in there and we have to get her to the hospital now. Please.

Josh: So, see we always had a tradition in our family that Marah and Shayne got to open one gift each on Christmas eve.

Reva: Oh. Thank you.

R.J.: But we only bought presents for mom, Marah and Will.

Josh: That's what you think.

Reva: It just so happens that I have a gift for you. Right here.

R.J.: Can I open it now?

Josh: Wait, wait, there's one more tradition though and that's no presents get opened until after the snowball fight.

Reva: Oh, Joshua.

Josh: I know what I'm doing.

Reva: There's no snow.

Josh: Actually, there is plenty of snow right here! Here, here, here. ( Laughter ) Oh, wait. Boom. Boom. Boom.

Reva: Let's see if we can find more snow. Go, go, go. Go far. This is exactly the kind of snow I like. It's not wet or cold.

Josh: Or cold.

Reva: What is this? Hello. Shayne, Shayne, it is Shayne, it is Shayne, it is Shayne.

Josh: Hi, son.

Reva: I thought we wouldn't hear from you again. I was so worried. What? You don't have what? Christmas music. He wants Christmas music. Let me see what I can do. Here. Put it on speaker again.

Shayne: Hey, Dad.

Josh: Hey, son. It's good to hear your voice again.

Shayne: Could you turn on the music and put the phone by the speaker for me? Where I am there is not much Christmas going on, and I guess I just sort of miss it.

Josh: Merry Christmas, son.

Reva: Merry Christmas.

Shayne: You, too. You guys are dancing, aren't you?

Reva & Josh: No.

Shayne: Liar. I always liked watching you two dance.

Josh: Who said we were dancing?

Reva: More like swaying.

Josh: Yeah, swaying to the music, that's all.

Shayne: You made my Christmas. I'll call you the next chance I get. Tell every one I said hi, okay?

Reva: You come home soon, baby.

Josh: Real soon, Shayne.

Reva: We love you.

Shayne: I love you, too.

Reva: Thanks. I always liked watching us dance, too.

Josh: Christmas has a way of bringing up a lot of memories, doesn't it?

Reva: Feelings.

Josh: Are you going to come by the Christmas service?

Reva: I don't know. You got an open bar? ( Laughter )

Josh: Open invitation.

Reva: Then I will be there. You remember that game we used to play every Christmas eve after we put the kids to bed?

Josh: I haven't thought about that in a long time.

Reva: We would walk out of Marah’s room.

Josh: And you would ask me, what was my favorite Christmas ever?

Reva: And you always said the exact same thing. "My favorite Christmas ever is this one. Because you're here and so am I."

Josh: You always said I was predictable.

Reva: So, Bud, what's your favorite Christmas ever?

Josh: What's going on?

Alan: I think Beth is going into labor.

Reva: Well we have to get her out of here.

Alan: Is there an exit over there?

Josh: Everything is locked.

Beth: My contractions are coming closer together.

Reva: Sit down,, sweetie.

Josh: Did you call 911?

Alan: Yes I called 100 times. They assure me they are on the way.

Josh: Beth, Beth, it's okay we will get you out of here.

Beth: Yes, but maybe not in time. Who's going to deliver this baby?

Daisy: Good thing we got here when we did. Whoever was here before, they cleaned the place out.

Ashlee: Right? ( Laughter )

Daisy: Look at you, Lizzie. You're a dainty eater. Is there a trough up there at the Spaulding mansion? ( Laughter )

Ashlee: Chew. Swallow, swallow.

Lizzie: I have been sticking to my diet, okay. I have been. What you eat when you are trapped in a mall doesn't count. It's in the rules.

Ashlee: Looks like your life is looking up, really. Because we have carbs, cookies, a new job, a new family, sort of. Not an evil one.

Lizzie: I sort of like them.

Daisy: If you could wish wish for one thing, besides carbs, what would it be?

Lizzie: That would be easy. I'd want Sarah back. And a boyfriend. A man... a man that loves me for me. And then I still want a present.

Ashlee: You do? What about you?

Daisy: Look, I would want to go back to before, tell Rafe I am pregnant and figure it out together.

Ashlee: I wouldn't want to go back at all, actually. I would want to go forward and I would want to not think so much about moving forward and all of my decisions because it gets me into trouble.

Lizzie: I thought it was not thinking that got people into trouble.

Ashlee: Oh, but, see, I'm special.

Daisy: I hope we get out of here before Christmas.

Ashlee: Let's go see what's going on.

Lizzie: Wait a minute. I had one too many lattes. I need to use the lady's room. Wait for me. Promise?

Ashlee: Promise.

Lizzie: Okay. I will be back.

Ashlee: It is Christmas. She has a bladder like that big. She is this big and her bladder is that big.

Olivia: You feel my heart beating?

Gus: Very strong.

Olivia: I don't feel very strong. I hate this. I hate this.

Gus: I think you are the strongest person that I know.

Olivia: Yeah. Well, I've tried to be strong my whole life. Ever since I was a kid I tried to be impervious.

Gus: Being impervious is not a good thing to be.

Olivia: It keeps you from being hurt.

Gus: How has that worked for you?

Olivia: Not so good.

Gus: I don't think I would be as strong as you if I was dealing with everything you are dealing with. Trying to run a hotel and trying to raise a child and planning the future.

Olivia: I am just dancing as fast as I can because I'm afraid to stop.

Gus: I think the champagne has made you sound a little mushy...

Olivia: It doesn't make me mushy, it makes me horny. I'm kidding.

Gus: You're kidding? That's a good sign.

Olivia: I don't like dying.

Gus: I'm not going to let you die. I'm not going to let you die.

Olivia: Funny thing is, when I'm in your arms, I actually believe that.

Gus: We should see if they are any closer to opening the doors.

Olivia: Yeah.

Gus: There are a lot of people looking for us. Natalia is probably worried about me. You've got to make a phone call and call the doctor and tell them what happened today.

Olivia: Okay.

Alan: Okay, Josh, you're not putting enough into it.

Josh: Would it kill you to help me?

Alan: You're doing a fine job.

Josh: Come on.

Beth: Oh, will you two shut up?

Reva: Hey, I'm with her, shush.

Beth: Reva, if the baby comes I want you to deliver it.

Reva: Me?

Beth: I don't want them one of -- right now I don't want them to do it. Right now I hate all men, especially Rick, who should be here right now.

Reva: I will do whatever you want me to do. But you need to keep breathing slowly.

Beth: Why the hell did I come out tonight, and why are the doors locked?

Alan: Because the world is controlled by idiots, Beth. Maybe it was meant for me to be here and run into you tonight.

Beth: Alan, that is a load of crap!

Gus: Hey, someone start a party without us? Uh-oh.

Reva: She's in labor.

Olivia: She is going to have a baby, really.

Josh: Gus, have you ever delivered a baby?

Gus: Actually I have. I delivered Jude.

Reva: Oh, then I am going to turn this over to you, and Alan, take her hand.

Gus: All right. Josh, let's get this cotton. I need something to cut the umbilical cord with. Are there gloves around here?

Beth: Do you really know how to do this?

Gus: Let's do it together.

Beth: I am willing to trust you right now.

Josh: Think of the stories you will be able to tell your daughter one day, Beth.

Alan: Finally, they are here. Come on in. Quickly. Rick. Oh, Rick, Rick.

Beth: Rick, it's happening?

Rick: Are there contractions? What is going on?

Beth: I think it stopped.

Rick: The contractions just stopped?

Beth: Yes. I think -- are you okay?

Rick: Are you okay?

Beth: Yeah, yeah. I think it just...

Gus: Just like that?

Beth: Yeah. It was a false alarm. I'm sorry.

Gus: Are you okay? Are you sure you are okay?

Beth: I couldn't have done this without you. Oh. ( Laughter )

Jeffrey: Well, I guess we can all go home.

Gus: I've to get going. Natalia's going to pick me up.

Olivia: Yeah, well don't forget your gifts for Natalia and Rafe.

Gus: This wasn't exactly what I was expecting when I left for the mall tonight.

Olivia: No, I guess not. Thanks.

Gus: Don't thank me. I didn't do anything. I didn't deliver a baby, I didn't get the door open for anybody.

Olivia: You know, that stuff I said, I don't share that with just anybody.

Gus: You okay for a ride?

Olivia: Yeah. Reva offered to take me home, but thanks.

Gus: Any time.

Olivia: Merry Christmas, Gus.

Gus: Yeah, merry Christmas.

Olivia: Hey, you. Merry Christmas.

Ava: Merry Christmas, almost.

Olivia: You guys hungry? Hey, are you ready to eat?

Ava: I am. I am starving.

Olivia: Me, too.

Rick: I didn't know you were such the holiday shopper, Alan.

Alan: You are going to check her out to make sure it is a false alarm.

Rick: I can take care of my wife and child just fine, thank you.

Beth: Rick...

Rick: What is it, honey?

Beth: It's nothing, nothing. It's nothing. I'll see you around, Alan. Have a nice Christmas.

Alan: You too, Beth.

Rick: Ready to go?

Beth: Yeah.

Rick: Okay.

Alan: Oh, Beth, wait. You forgot your presents.

Josh: So...

Reva: So, you got your white Christmas after all.

Josh: Just like the ones I used to know.

Reva: Just like the ones you used to know.

R.J.: Can we go home now? It's almost my birthday.

Josh: Yeah. We can go home.

Reva: Love you.

Josh: See you at church?

Reva: Yeah. You bet. We'll stop by.

Josh: Okay. Bye.

Reva: Bye, Bud.

Jeffrey: Hey, I'm trying to track down the incompetent staff...

Reva: Oh, no, no, no, no. Can we just get out of here?

Jeffrey: You got it.

Lizzie: Hello? Daisy, ash? I told you guys not to go anywhere. Oh, great. ( Screaming )

Ashlee: A traditional Christmas like you always wanted.

Josh: Hey, we are here, we made it. Yee-ha!

Will: You were supposed to be...

Josh: What? What were you about to say, Will?

Cassie: I am so glad you made it.

Josh: Hey.

Cassie: I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it.

Josh: Well, me too.

Cassie: So who all was there with you?

Josh: Well, let me see. Alan was there. And Olivia, Beth, Gus, Reva...

Cassie: Reva?

Josh: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, hey, we got a phone call from Shayne from Africa. It was great, it was great to hear his voice.

Cassie: That's great, that's great. That must have been amazing for both of you.

Josh: It was. So R.J., hey, I don't know about you, but I am ready for cookies and hot chocolate and maybe getting into reading that Christmas story we talked about. How does that sound?

R.J: Okay.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: I am just going to make a couple of calls before we get started.

Josh: Sounds good.

Olivia: Hey, would you mind taking Emma to the car? I want to talk to Gus before we go.

Ava: Do you think it is a little late to go out to dinner?

Olivia: I promised the girls a night out and that's what we are going to do.

Emma: Yay!

Olivia: I got a "Yay" from the younger daughter.

Ava: Okay, that's a "Yay" from the older daughter, too.

Olivia: Hip hip hooray. I want to hear Christmas carols.

Ava: I think we can do that.

Emma: Let's go.

Josh: Okay. Here we go. See, my father, H.B., he used to read the Christmas story to us from this very book every year. So when I read from it, first of all it makes me miss him. But secondly, I imagine that it's his voice, you know, it's his words that are coming out through me. So, you guys ready for this?

Cassie: We're ready.

R.J.: Yeah.

Josh: Okay. All right. Here we go. And she brought forth her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn. Come on in. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night and, Lo, the angel of the lord came upon them. And Lo, the angel of the lord came upon them and the glory of the lord shown about them. And they were so afraid. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger." And suddenly there was an angel, a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men."

Next, on Guiding Light...

Lizzie: No more falling in love for you.

Bill: He gave me power of attorney while he was away.

Lizzie: Actually, he gave it to his other son. He has been using me as bait to get new clients.

Vanessa: I have raised a real louse of a son.

Lizzie: I hate him much!

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