Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/19/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Dinah: What are we doing here? I don't even want a Christmas tree.
Mallet: I'm not getting you a tree.
Dinah: The lot's closed.
Mallet: Oh, it's open now. Now, I'm thinking the small ones in the front, maybe for 20 bucks. The big ones in the back, maybe for about 40. But all of the generous proceeds benefit...
Dinah: No. You get yourself another volunteer.
Mallet: You're not volunteering. I didn't turn you in, remember, for breaking and entering.
Dinah: I borrowed those shoes!
Mallet: You stole a construction bid for your brother.
Dinah: All right, you know what? You punched my brother. Are we not even? You... when you called me to the station, I thought I was getting booked.
Mallet: Someway, somehow, you're going to pay for what you did, so why don't you get involved? A little holiday cheer.
Dinah: This is not paying, this is selling. And I'm not going to do it.
Mallet: You mean... is it the money? Is it making change of the money?
Dinah: No, I can't get it up for Christmas, and I mean joy. Harley! Harley! Would you like to buy a tree?
Harley: Stupid trees with their stupid pine needles.
Dinah: See what I'm saying? See, this is what the holidays do to people. Makes them crazy. Makes them rude and cold. It's freezing out here.
Mallet: Well, here.
Dinah: No, no, I don't want you to do me any favors.
Mallet: Well, the favor I'm doing you right now is the favor that's keeping you out of jail. Sell some trees, Dinah. Think about someone other than yourself for a few hours.
Harley: I have tree all over my living room. I'm about to try and clean up the rest of it. Thank you. But do you think you could just send a crew over there to fix it? That would be great. Thank you.
Marina: Hey.
Harley: Hey.
Marina: What's going on?
Harley: I... I have a little leak in my roof.
Marina: Oh, no, not again.
Cyrus: Those are big buckets for a little leak.
Harley: It's nothing. It's just my tree was right under it, of course, and now there's pine needles and decorations everywhere. I mean, trees are outside in the rain all the time. You'd think they could handle a little water, right?
Marina: So your tree's ruined?
Harley: Yeah. I guess we're going to have to finish decorating next week. But at least my... my roofing guys are coming. Now, I just have to call my contractor and the floor guy because the floor's buckling. Oh!
Marina: What?
Harley: I just keep forgetting to charge my phone.
Marina: Well, why don't you come back to our place and use our phone?
Harley: No, you guys came here to eat.
Cyrus: We'll order something.
Marina: Yeah, really, it's okay.
Harley: Guys, I can make my calls from the house, it's fine.
Marina: It's okay. Come over. Unless you don't want to.
Harley:. I do. I'll come over. I just... let me just get buckets in the... in the car, okay?
Marina: Okay.
Dinah: Let's go! I'm selling trees! I know why you didn't want a tree.
Harley: I had a tree. It drowned.
Dinah: Mm-hmm. I'm sure it did. "Peace on earth" I get. But "Good will to men"? Are you feeling any of that this year?
Harley: What?
Dinah: Yeah. No guy to help us with the tree. No guy to help with us carrying the buckets. You know where we're living right now? We're living in Singlesville and it is hell at holidays right here. Think about that. Come on, folks! Let's go! Buy your tree. They're fresh. No, I'm not selling produce, I'm selling trees! Let's go, let's go!
Daisy: Hey.
Rafe: Hey, why didn't you wait inside?
Daisy: I just... I wanted to be ready when you came, and if I go inside, I'm going to start waiting tables. And I just left my house so fast, I forgot my gloves. If we get a tree, you're going to have to carry it because my hands are numb.
Rafe: Better?
Daisy: Yeah. Thanks.
Rafe: You said "If we got a tree."
Daisy: For Company; Buzz asked if we could.
Rafe: Your hands are cold.
Daisy: Even if they weren't, I just miss this.
Rafe: We still see each other.
Daisy: Not like we used to. I mean, I know... I know things can't be how they were. We can try again, right? Things are getting better, aren't they? I mean, you obviously don't totally hate me. You're here. I... I know... I hurt you. Can you give me another chance?
Dinah: Okay, that's enough.
Daisy: He was just going to say something.
Dinah: Would you like her to beg? Is that what you want?
Rafe: No.
Dinah: You don't need this fool, Daisy.
Daisy: Yeah, I do.
Rafe: What?
Dinah: I don't even care what you did, but you are out here with your heart on the line. And, yes, he will keep your hands warm, but will he give you his gloves?
Rafe: What the hell are you...
Dinah: The hand holding? It's very cute. But when you mess up-- which will happen, because it happens to everybody-- it's going to make you wonder, "Gee, is Rafe going to be there this time to hold my hands and to keep them warm?" You want the guy that can give you the gloves, not a guy that makes you jump through hoops trying to prove that you deserve his love or glove or whatever.
Rafe: Here, here.
Dinah: Are you not tired of being somebody that you're not for him, Daisy?
Daisy: A little.
Rafe: Don't listen to her. Daisy! Daisy.
Dinah: And the gloves are off. And on.
Gus: See, this one, look it...
Natalia: That one?
Gus: Yeah. It's a nice big one.
Natalia: That’s... I don't have enough ornaments for that one.
Gus: Well, we'll buy more ornaments. Look, I just want us to have a nice Christmas, okay, with Rafe?
Natalia: Okay.
Dinah: That tree's not for sale.
Gus: Excuse me?
Dinah: Yeah, the big tree. It's Harley’s. I'm holding it for her, just in case. She was here before, said something about her tree drowning or whatever.
Gus: Did she say why? What, is the roof leaking or something?
Dinah: No, she didn't say. I'm not even sure if she still wants it, but I thought it's the least I can do between her almost dying and the divorce.
Natalia: She has a big family that can take care of her...
Gus: You know, we'll drop... we'll drop the tree off.
Natalia: She said she may not even want the tree.
Gus: Well, it's just a tree. Is it all right if we just... it's just a tree.
Natalia: It's not just a tree.
Dinah: When is a tree not a tree?
Gus: Listen, I'm getting a divorce, okay? I was ready to get an annulment. I put a ring on your finger. I don’t... when can we stop this?
Natalia: Stop what?
Gus: The testing about Harley and talking about it.
Natalia: Oh, that's why you put a ring on my finger?
Gus: Yeah, that's why I put a ring on your finger. That's not why I put a ring on your finger.
Natalia: How about... how about when we can go through a whole day without you mentioning her name. Then, that will be everything. It will be done, okay? We're gonna take the big tree.
Gus: No, that's... somebody else's tree.
Dinah: They're awfully cranky when they're on the rebound.
Marina: We can't! Harley's coming over.
Cyrus: Right.
Marina: Right.
Cyrus: Right.
(Knock on door)
Harley: Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Harley: Sorry it took me so long. I had a little more difficulty than I thought fitting the buckets in the trunk.
Marina: Why didn't you just take the... I'm sorry, I forgot.
Harley: That's okay.
Cyrus: What?
Harley: In the breakup, I kept the small car.
Marina: Here. Why don't you pick? We were trying to decide which one to listen to I'm sorry the place is a mess. We forgot to take the "Do not disturb" sign off the door, and we missed the maid service and everything else.
Cyrus: We're still battling over closet space.
Marina: Oh, yeah. But I'm gonna win.
Cyrus: That top shelf is mine.
Marina: Let's flip for it.
Cyrus: Where's my wallet?
Marina: Let's play rock, paper, scissors.
Harley: I have change.
Marina: There we go. Oh, I, um... just need the quarter. I... I have that number. Here, I got that number from Grandpa, the one that he used when that pipe burst in Coop's old bedroom. So that's that, and room service should be here soon, I ordered some food.
Harley: Thanks, I already ate.
Marina: Okay.
Harley: "Classic Christmas," huh?
Marina: Yeah. I'll put it on after you make your calls. Okay, Foley, best two out of three.
Harley: If you guys are in the middle of something, I...
Marina: No, we're just... we're unpacking. Come on, we'll flip for it.
Cyrus: Okay.
Marina: All right.
Harley: You know what, guys? I gotta go. I realize my contractor is on the way to my house and the roofer is probably on my roof, so...
Marina: Well, why don't we come with you? We'll help you clean up.
Harley: No, really, that's okay. Thank you. Thank you again.
Marina: But Harley, wait.
Cyrus: Let her go.
Marina: Did we do something?
Cyrus: No, I don't think so. She just looked like she had things to do. So what do you reckon about "Hip-hop Christmas"?
Gus: Okay, do you feel better now?
Natalia: I'm getting warmer. Again, with these two.
Daisy: Oh, great.
Natalia: We've got to go home.
Daisy: We go to the same school. We're going to see each other sometimes. We're not gonna do it on the table.
Natalia: Is that supposed to be funny?
Daisy: You have Gus now. You should be happy and leave us alone.
Rafe: Lay off, Daisy.
Gus: Hey, easy, easy.
Natalia: No, no, no. No, because I'm trying to be patient and calm and be easy, but first with the tree and now this.
Gus: What are you talking about?
Natalia: I'm talking about how all the men in my life are hooked on Cooper’s. I don't know what they put in the water in that house!
Dinah: Come on, people. Buy a tree. Come on! Buy a freakin' tree! Oh, it's freezing. It's freezing.
Zach: Dinah, you look cold.
Dinah: I am cold, Zach. I'm freezing.
Zach: Would you like my scarf?
Dinah: I'd love your scarf. Thank you. Thank you. Little sucker.
Cyrus: You're pretty good at this compromise thing.
Marina: Yeah. Okay, you can have half of the top shelf.
Cyrus: No, no, you... you keep it. You've already given up enough for me.
Marina: Yeah, but look what I'm getting in return.
Cyrus: Boxes.
Marina: Yeah, we'll unpack them and then we'll have room for our Christmas tree.
Cyrus: Oh, so that's why you want my boxes gone.
Marina: Yeah. I like Christmas, okay? Santa and the reindeer and chestnuts roasting on an open fire.
Cyrus: We have a barbecue on the beach and our Santa ditched his sleigh for a surfboard.
Marina: Oh, yeah?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Marina: What about the Christmas carols?
Cyrus: Same songs, different words.
Marina: Okay.
Cyrus: You can hardly dash through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh when Christmas falls midsummer.
Marina: This is true.
Cyrus: This is true. My brother and I didn't go caroling, anyway. My mom could sing.
Marina: So, what was your mom's favorite Christmas carol?
Cyrus: (Laughs) I don't remember. I didn't have enough Christmases with her.
Marina: I'm sorry.
Cyrus: No, no, the ones that we had were great. We didn't have much, but she always made sure that her two little boys had a Christmas tree to decorate.
Daisy: I can't watch this. You know, no offense, but Gus should be with Harley. And they were happy until your mom showed up.
Rafe: She showed up because you went and got her. She didn't even know where Gus was.
Daisy: You didn't even know who he was. I mean, is your mom such a good catholic that God just gave her this free pass to lie to you your whole life? Gus, I want to thank you for those Christmas flowers that you sent.
Natalia: Flowers?
Daisy: Yeah, he sent some flowers to my mom.
Gus: They... they were for the whole family. And I... I do that every time this... this particular time of year to the friends and family.
Natalia: Yeah, I gotta go.
Gus: Co-workers...
Rafe: Me, too.
Gus: Oh, Nat, seriously, you're not, you're not... why? Why would you that? Why?
Daisy: They were really nice flowers.
Singers: Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh...
(Ringing bell)
Woman: How much is this one?
Dinah: That looks like a fantastically warm coat.
Woman: It's so last season.
Dinah: Really? Would you like to donate it to the Benevolent Police Association coat drive? You get a free tree.
Woman: Then, how is it a donation?
Dinah: For the love of God, woman, there are children freezing around the corner. Give of your coat and you get a free tree.
Gus: Hey, hey, hey, have you seen Natalia and Rafe?
Dinah: Uh... around the corner.
Gus: Around the corner?
Dinah: Yes. That's it.
Woman: Nobody came by this way.
Dinah: You know what, lady? I know where people are, okay? Merry Christmas. Thank you for your donation. Now everybody can be alone and not fighting at Christmas. I'd like to see that. Instead of being together and fighting because that's what I want for Christmas is to be alone and not fighting. That would be good. That would be good. Or to hang out with my mother's ex-husband. Matt! Hey! How you doing? I'm selling trees. You want one?
Matt: Dinah. Hey, I... I didn't know you were here.
Dinah: Yeah?
Matt: Actually, I've been wanting to talk to you. It just never felt like the right time, you know?
Dinah: Well, now's a good time.
Matt: Yeah. I lied to you, Dinah. Vanessa and I aren't back together. We never were. It was her idea to let you think so, so that we would stay away from each other and that way you could get your life back in order.
Dinah: You're not together together?
Matt: No. Probably never will be.
Dinah: Well, that's great! That is great! We don't have to spend Christmas alone! Give me a hug!
Matt: Dinah, Vanessa was right about one thing. We're... we're no good for each other.
Dinah: Matt, we're good for each other. We're good for each other.
Matt: Dinah, it's the choices you're making. It's like... it's like you're looking for trouble. I can't have that in my life right now. Maybe if you get some help. I just... I just wanted to be honest with you.
Dinah: Well, I'm glad you got what you wanted. What I wanted, doesn't matter. You should have kept lying, really. That's my advice. You want to buy a tree? I'm busy.
Matt: I'm sorry.
Dinah: Well, that is the ugliest hat I think I've ever seen. Good thing I'm having a coat drive and a hat drive.
Man: The sign says "Tree sale."
Dinah: You know what, buddy? It's for a good cause. It's Christmas, okay? Don't be a jerk. Can I help you?
Cyrus: You need some help, Dee Dee?
Dinah: No. In fact, I am the freakin' queen of this tree lot. Maybe you need some help.
Cyrus: No, I need a tree.
Dinah: Your money's no good here.
Cyrus: Oh, thanks.
Dinah: No, I mean it -- your money is no good here. It's probably stolen or...
Cyrus: Fake?
Dinah: Yes.
Cyrus: No.
Dinah: I still don't feel like selling you a tree.
Cyrus: It's for Harley’s boys. Theirs was ruined.
Dinah: I just saw Harley. She doesn't want a tree.
Cyrus: What, she said that?
Dinah: Yeah, you think I'm making it up?
Cyrus: Well, I know you love Christmas.
Dinah: Are you kidding me? I hate Christmas.
Cyrus: You just hate being alone at Christmas.
Dinah: You were horrible company, but I wasn't alone.
Cyrus: We used to peek through people's windows.
Dinah: Yeah, to check out what we were going to steal.
Cyrus: You'd want the tree from one house, the stockings from another, and the husband and the kids from another. You'd build this fairytale Christmas out of pieces of everyone else’s.
Dinah: I'm sure it gave you a big laugh.
Cyrus: No, I was jealous. I just never had that kind of faith. When I looked through those windows, I really did see the goods. And you got your fairy tale.
Dinah: And Cinderella took a bullet to the head. The end.
Cyrus: That's not what ended it, Dee Dee. You did.
(Knock on door)
Harley: Hey.
Marina: Hey. I thought maybe you could use some help with the mess.
Harley: Oh, thanks. But I told you guys, you don't have to...
Marina: No, it’s... it's just me. Mind if I come in? What happened to the contractor?
Harley: Who?
Marina: That contractor that was supposed to come over and help.
Harley: Yeah. Well, he canceled. Typical. You can't trust anybody these days.
Marina: You can't?
Harley: I just meant in general.
Marina: Well, I don't know, maybe not a contractor. But I'd like to think that most people are pretty honest. Or do you think that's too naive?
Harley: No. I think it's good to be able to trust people like that.
Marina: It's not like I sleep with the door unlocked every night.
Harley: Well, if you should forget...
Marina: What?
Harley: I just meant, you don't live alone anymore, you know, and I know that I always felt safer knowing that somebody else was around.
Marina: Yeah, we still sleep with our door locked at night.
Alan: My final installment to you for our agreement. Our agreement which was that you would divorce my sister and also continue to search for my son Philip.
Cyrus: Nice, we can get on our feet with this. I can't take it.
Alan: Really? After you bribed and manipulated me to get this money? You know, if I didn't loathe you so much, I'd have a little respect for you.
Cyrus: We have to drop your case, Alan.
Alan: That's not going to stop me from looking for my son.
Cyrus: It's dredging up too much stuff for my colleague.
Alan: Harley? Tell me something. What's your angle, Cyrus.
Cyrus: I don't have an angle, Alan.
Alan: What man won't do for Harley Cooper.
Cyrus: Just tell Harley I'm off the case and don't tell her why. I'm not going to take another dime from you.
Dinah: What did you do? What did you just do? How many zeroes was in that thing?
Cyrus: Just give me a minute
Dinah: Four, five. Oh, my God, six.
Cyrus: I feel good about this. I do.
Dinah: Cyrus!
Cyrus: It's like giving a Christmas present.
Dinah: Man, what you did! That's what a man does when he's...
Cyrus: Working for a woman
Dinah: You know Harley doesn't pay you enough, especially now that you gave up a lot of money.
Cyrus: Can I get my tree now?
Dinah: You're going to buy her a tree now?
Cyrus: I'm going to buy her kids a tree now.
Dinah: I tell you what? I'm going to have it delivered. I'm going to have it delivered.
Cyrus: I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't think I can afford that.
Dinah: Cyrus, don't you worry. You have reinspired me. Everything you said about the fairy tale, it's a load of junk, but the idea of watching you do something so selfless and so stupid, it's got me. It got me right here.
Cyrus: Well, bully for you, Ebenezer. It's like you just saw three ghosts appear.
Dinah: No, I just saw a lot of zeroes disappear, that's even scarier.
Cyrus: I think I need to sit.
Dinah: That's all right. I've got lots of work to do.
Dinah: Hey, here's your tree!
Daisy: Well, we didn't pick one out.
Dinah: Well, as long as you guys have a tree, you can't argue. So trim your tree and be happy. Ooh, excellent, excellent. Rafe, here's your glove, the other one is somewhere else on the floor.
Daisy: You don't have to stay.
Rafe: Well, you can't do this by yourself. Get this side?
Daisy: Ok. Oh, gosh.
Rafe: You ready?
Daisy: Yeah.
Rafe: Make sure I don't put a hole in the wall, please.
Daisy: All right. One, two, three ...
Rafe: And how are you going to get the high ones?
Daisy: The tree's not that big.
Rafe: I'm taller than you.
Daisy: Yeah, fine, whatever. Whew! Ok, these are the ones that Buzz wanted.
Rafe: Hey, check this one out.
Daisy: Oh, gosh. Oh, I love those. Don't you just wish you could live in one of these?
Rafe: What? In a little glass bowl that you hang on a tree?
Daisy: No, a little glass bubble where everything is warm and safe and perfect, sort of how it was when we first got together. Nothing could touch us.
Rafe: There were bars on the windows. No, I know what you mean.
Daisy: Hey, do you think they make snow globes with little juvie halls inside?
Rafe: That'd be messed up. Ah... you know what Dinah was saying about you screwing up?
Daisy: We were doing so good.
Rafe: No, not you, me. I was the screw-up, not you.
Daisy: You were ... you were really mad at me.
Rafe: I was mad at me, too. Thinking what did I do to make her so scared she couldn't tell me she was pregnant? Like, was there something about me you couldn't trust?
Daisy: It wasn't you. I was trying to take care of myself and just keep you in a little bubble.
Rafe: I was just so mean to you.
Daisy: We both said some things. I'm just glad we're saying this stuff now. I think Buzz has some of those blinking lights in the shed.
Rafe: Ah, wait. Here.
[Rafe gives Daisy his gloves]
Gus: Hello.
Natalia: Hi.
Gus: I just wanted you to know that I was coming around here to see my friend, Olivia. Ok? Just my friend.
Natalia: Yeah.
Gus: Just my friend, and I don't have a lot of friends actually. I just have a couple, and some of them are women, and some of them are men. Ok. and I'm not bringing her any flowers this time. I'm not bringing her a houseplant. I'm not bringing her a tree.
Natalia: Why do you have to do that? Why do you have to act like that?
Gus: Why am I doing it? Because earlier you said I wasn't even allowed to ... You said I was not ...
Natalia: You make me look like I'm a crazy, psycho...
Gus: You said I was not allowed to say the other person's name.
Natalia: Gus, I didn't ...
Gus: I can't live like that. Nobody who is in a normal relationship has these ...
Dinah: Here's your tree.
Natalia: Oh, you're not even bringing her a plant, huh?
Gus: I did not .. did I order this? This is not ...
Natalia: Well, it's not my plant, tree.
Gus: Well, it's not mine.
Dinah: It's yours together.
Natalia: No, it's not our tree.
Gus: Excuse me, is this room available?
Natalia: I just cleaned it.
Gus: Well, we're going to make it ours.
Natalia: No, no, no, no. Gus? What are you doing?
Dinah: Listen to the man.
Natalia: This is so crazy. Dinah, let me out.
Gus: You're not going to get the door open. She's very strong. She's been working out. I mean she's not quite right in the head, but she's been working out. Mmm, I like this tree. Yeah, it's a cute little tree. I like this tree, because I can smell it. I can touch it. I can feel it -- the pine sap. It's here right now. This is the now. It's here. It's not some memory from our, when we were little kids. It's here right now. This is the now. This is ...
Natalia: This is the now.
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: Sorry, I was a brat.
Gus: Hmm-hmm.
Natalia: 'Cause I like the now.
Gus: Hmm-hmm.
[Gus and Natalia kiss]
Dinah: Merry Christmas!
Cyrus: Hi, Santa sent this to my place by mistake.
Zach: Mom, Santa delivers trees, too.
Harley: I see.
Dinah: And he sent this, too. Come on, check it out.
Harley: Wow, Cyrus. I... I
Cyrus. Well, you gotta have a tree.
Zach: Now can we stay home?
Harley: Yes, we can have Christmas here. Of course. I don't know what to say.
Cyrus: What do you have to say? Just having you here is enough to celebrate.
[Dinah helps herself to a glass of wine while Cyrus and Harley hug]
Cyrus: I should go.
Harley: Oh, yeah. Hey, guys, what do you say to Cyrus?
Boys: Thanks. Thank you.
Cyrus: You're welcome, guys.
Harley: Thank you, and thank Marina.
Dinah: Ok.
Harley: Don't.
Dinah: I didn't say anything.
Harley: He's just a friend.
Dinah: Hmm-hmm.
Harley: He's with Marina.
Dinah: You know how they say some things happen for a reason.
Harley: I hate when they say that.
Dinah: What if this whole Marina thing was fate's way of keeping Cyrus in town just to find you. You know, Christmas, magical, blah, blah, blah.
Mallet: I'll call you back.
Dinah: It was the only one left.
Mallet: Wow, you sold them all?
Dinah: Sort of.
Mallet: Uh-huh! Well, that one looks kind of .. it's a little runty.
Dinah: Yeah, I don't know what happened to that tree.
Mallet: That's all right. That's all right. We'll put it in the back. Someone will adopt it, you know?
Dinah: That's why I said it was the only one left, or I would have brought you a better one. I guess I should tell you that I didn't sell all of them, or at all. I think I realized that giving is better than, you know.
Mallet: Receiving?
Dinah: No selling, but it's better to receive, too. It's better than just taking or stealing someone's hat off their head. You can use this for your coat drive.
Mallet: We're not really having a coat drive.
Dinah: Ok, then I'll let you enjoy your tree then.
Mallet: Yeah, Dinah. Wow, you're standing under the mistletoe.
[Mallet and Dinah kiss]
Mallet: That tree really reminds me of our first Christmas together.
Dinah: That tree?
Mallet: Yeah, we were happy. We were happy, and I know there's no mistletoe, and I know we don't have much of a marriage left.
Dinah: We don't have much of a tree left.
Mallet: Yeah, but you and I, there's still us, and I don't know about anything. I don't know about tomorrow. I don't know what it's supposed to look like. I don't even want to think about it, but you're here right now. You're here.
Singer: You couldn't have gotten any closer to the truth. I tried to escape it, but you made me see it through. If you hadn't lost it here today, I would have gone and blown the thing away. All that you wanted is everything I needed. All I was waiting for was something just like this we're having. I'm more than all right, more than ok. I think we're gonna make it through another day.
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