Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/18/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Ava: That dress would look great on you.
Natalia: I'm so sorry. I don't know what I... I'm so distracted, I keep vacuuming the same spot over and over again. I'm just... I'm sorry. My boss is going to kill me.
Ava: Your boss. So, looking for a dress to impress Gus?
Natalia: You're good.
Ava: It's a little talent I have. So what's the occasion? Going out for a Spaulding dinner? Something special?
Natalia: Actually, it is our first date.
Ava: What? I thought you guys were engaged.
Natalia: Yeah, well we did things a little backwards.
Ava: Look at this one. You want to borrow it? It would look great on you. Short.
Natalia: I don't know. I mean, I've already got a ring, so I don't have to dress like a...
Ava: Like a Spaulding?
Natalia: Exactly.
Ava: Trust me. I know exactly what I'm talking about.
Nurse: Miss Spencer?
Olivia: Yes, that's me, unfortunately.
Nurse: The doctor is going to be taking some blood. You might leave here feeling a little weak. Is there someone who could pick you up?
Olivia: That's okay. I'll take a cab.
Gus: You've never taken a cab your whole life.
Olivia: What are you doing here?
Gus: A little something for you just to make you smile. Did you talk to the doctor?
Olivia: No.
Gus: You didn't? Okay, because I want to talk to him. I want to talk to him about making sure you're at the top of that transplant list. It's going to take a little finagling, but I'm sure that...
Olivia: Okay, stop. Stop. You're being very nice to me, and that's sweet, but you know, you give flowers like this to a girl like me and my heart skips a beat, and I don't think that's so good for someone with a heart condition.
Gus: Well, at least it tells us that your heart's still got it, right?
Olivia: Yeah, I hope so.
Gus: ( Laughs )
Olivia: Hey, do me a favor. Have dinner with me tonight. I mean, know it's crazy and it's last minute, but after my appointment I would love some fried food. I know I'm not supposed to eat it, but I could use some...
Gus: I would love to, Olivia, but tonight I have a little special thing going with Natalia. It's actually our first date, so...
Cassie: I thought you said you had to work at the church tonight.
Josh: Yeah, a little later on I have to go. Casserole's in the oven and bread's almost done and the table's set.
Cassie: Josh, I'm sorry.
Josh: For what?
Cassie: I... I've just been edgy with you. I mean, I... so you had the talk with Will?
Josh: Yes, I did.
Cassie: And?
Josh: I told him that... I just reminded him that we're there for him and if he needs to talk about anything, he can come to us, and that we both love him.
Cassie: Thank you. I'm so glad you understand now that Will couldn't possibly have done the things... the things you were talking about earlier. R.J., Will, dinner time.
Josh: R.J.'s at Pete's house, remember?
Cassie: Oh, right, the birthday party.
Josh: Yeah. And Will took his new skateboard outside to try it out.
Cassie: Well, I'm sure he'll come running when he smells your cooking. ( Knock on door ) Hi.
Daisy: Hey, Cassie.
Cassie: Are you okay?
Daisy: Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I actually came to ask you guys a favor.
Josh: Come on in. You want to stay for dinner?
Daisy: I probably shouldn’t.
Josh: Well, I'm cooking. So think about it.
Daisy: About the favor. It's not so much a favor as a kind of job that pays money. What do you think of me as your new babysitter? Before you say anything, I know Mrs. Chitwood, she's going away for the holidays. I mean, she told me herself, so you can't say you don't need the help. And if you're worried about experience, I've been babysitting Zach and Jude, and I'm really good.
Cassie: I'm sure you're great.
Daisy: I don't know how much R.J. wants me hanging around, but Will is so adorable. I'd really like to spend more time with him.
Josh: No. You can't do that. You just shouldn't be alone with him right now.
Will: Josh needs you, Aunt Reva.
Reva: What for?
Will: To make his smile go back again.
Reva: I don't understand.
Will: My mom and Josh just keep on fighting over me.
Reva: Oh, honey, adults fight sometimes. I'm sure it's not about you. I have an idea. What do you say we go get some hot chocolates and some cookies?
Will: It is about me. They've been fighting ever since I came home. I just want Josh to like me.
Reva: He does like you! I know he does! But I think I can help.
Daisy: That's great, thanks.
Josh: Excellent.
Cassie: Daisy, would you excuse us for just a moment.
Daisy: Sure. Wait, no. If this is about... juvie and... the abortion, I know I've made mistakes, but you know, I've grown up a lot recently.
Cassie: No, it's not that, sweetie. We know you have.
Josh: Help yourself to whatever you want in the fridge, okay? Excuse us for just a second.
Daisy: Okay.
Cassie: I thought you said things went okay with Will.
Josh: Yeah, they did. But don't you think, given everything that's happened, we have to be especially careful about who's watching over him right now?
Cassie: Okay, do you mean for his sake or for theirs?
Josh: I mean for his sake, of course. Cassie, come on, I know I don't have the history with Will that you have as a parent, but I'm his parent, too, now. And I care about him. I want what's best for him. You know that, right?
Cassie: Yeah. I just... I think if anything, Daisy would be a good influence on Will.
Daisy: He could spend a lot of time at my house, because I know Zach and Jude love hanging out with him. And the deal is, I really, really need to earn enough money to buy a car because I can't keep begging Harley for hers anymore. ( Laughs )
Josh: You in the market for a slightly used minivan?
Daisy: Something like that.
Cassie: So, Josh?
Josh: You're the mom.
Cassie: So, as the mom, I say you're hired.
Daisy: Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're not gonna be sorry.
Cassie: All right. Well, before we go signing any contracts or anything, what exactly is the going rate for babysitters these days?
Daisy: Well, let's see, I need benefits, 401(k) thingy. No, I'm kidding. $10 an hour and full fridge privileges.
Cassie: Done. Done.
Reva: Hey, where'd you get this?
Will: After Josh was reading it.
Reva: He was reading it? When?
Will: After the fight.
Reva: The fight with your mommy?
Will: Yeah.
Reva: ( Sighs ) You know, maybe we should get you home, what do you say?
Daisy: Hey, buddy.
Reva: Hi.
Daisy: Guess who your new babysitter is? Your mom and Josh just hired me. Isn't that great?
Ava: It's a necklace not a spider. Come on!
Natalia: It's great. I think dress will be more than enough.
Ava: Oh, whatever. Look at you. You're young and beautiful. Use it.
Natalia: Thank you. But I think that Nicky likes me the way I am.
Ava: All men like an occasional surprise.
Natalia: Really? Is that what works for you?
Ava: All right, well, forget the earrings or the necklaces, and whatever.
Natalia: Ava, I do want to have fun. I want to have a good time, but it's just I am somebody's mother.
Ava: Mother? Whatever. Look at you. Look at those! Hello? Use them. Put them out there.
Natalia: Thank you. I am going to try, and thank you for this.
Ava: Just have fun. I know that you want to set an example for your son, but he needs to know that you have a life. A fun life.
Natalia: Okay.
Ava: Bye.
Natalia: Bye.
Olivia: Okay, your tie is atrocious. I just need to fix it. You want to look good for her, right?
Gus: I look fine, thanks.
Olivia: So where are you going, anyway? Where are you taking her?
Gus: I'm going to do the Towers thing. What? I like Towers. What? Are you going to say it's an older person's place like my father?
Olivia: No, I go there. I like it.
Gus: It's good food. I do, I got to... I should... I should go.
Olivia: Well, you look... reasonably presentable.
Gus: Well, thank you.
Olivia: I hope she knows what a great guy she's getting.
Gus: I'm not that great a guy. Oh, the... the doctor. The doctor, I want to talk to him about the list.
Olivia: No, you know, go. It's not important right now.
Gus: No, of course it is.
Olivia: No, I'll get his number and I'll have him... or you call him, or whatever. But go, this is important.
Gus: Well, I'm going to do that.
Olivia: That's fine. You have... fun. Have fun. Bye. Go. Hey, Robert. It's Olivia Spencer from the Beacon. I was wondering if you would do me a favor? Could you bump a reservation from your list? Gus Aitoro.
Gus: Hello. Hi. Look at you.
Natalia: What about me?
Gus: I just wish it was Christmas eve and we were standing in a door jam, and it was snowing and there was a piece of mistletoe right here.
Natalia: Oh, God, you're so cute and romantic. Since when?
Gus: Since... right now. What do you got going on under here? Huh?
Natalia: I did something a little different. I don't know if you're going to like it.
Gus: Well, let's have a look. I'm intrigued. You didn't think I'd like that?
Natalia: Is it too much?
Gus: You think it's too much? It makes me want to do very naughty things. Wait a second. Wait. I hope you don't mind. Nice. I'll take that. So you ready?
Natalia: I've been ready. For 17 years I've been ready. ( Cell phone ringing ) It's the restaurant. Hello? You don't have any other table? There's nothing you can do for us? What's your name? It's all right. Thanks anyway.
Natalia: What happened?
Gus: The restaurant says a big fancy party came in and they had to bump our table. But don't worry about it, I've got another... I always have a plan.
Natalia: What are we going to do? It's late.
Gus: It's a little place I know. It's a little place. How can I describe it? Let me just say it's the type of place my father would never go to.
Natalia: Now I'm intrigued.
Olivia: That looks great on you. You should wear it more often.
Ava: Oh, hi. What's up?
Olivia: You know, I like this one, too. This is beautiful on you.
Ava: Yeah, Natalia liked that one, too, but you should have seen the one that she borrowed. The little black one, and she's wearing it on a date with Gus tonight.
Olivia: You gave her the dress?
Ava: Yeah.
Olivia: Oh. Well, you know, what about this one? This would have been nice.
Ava: But it's a suit.
Olivia: But it's black, it's very thinning.
Ava: It's like from the eighth grade or something. It's boring.
Olivia: Oh, come one. She's going to look so great. Gus is going to take her to Vegas and marry her tonight, Ava.
Ava: Mom, are you okay?
Olivia: No.
Ava: Sit down, you look a little stressed out.
Olivia: It's not stress.
Ava: What's going on? Are you okay?
Olivia: Can I trust you?
Ava: Of course.
Olivia: Can I really, really trust you?
Ava: Of course you can really, really trust me.
Olivia: I'm sorry. I'm acting so freaky, worrying about things that seem crazy. It's just... I may not be around much longer.
Ava: Where are you going?
Olivia: It's my heart. It's not so good.
Ava: I don't know what you're talking about. What are you talking about?
Olivia: It's a medical condition, sweetie, that I've had since I was born. It's called dilated Cardiomyopathy. What that means is that my heart could give out any moment. I'm sick, Ava. I'm dying. I'm sorry.
Reva: Are you sure that you have enough time to baby-sit and get all your schoolwork done?
Daisy: Yeah, I'm only babysitting until Mrs. Chitwood gets back. I can do my homework after I put the guys to sleep. We're going to have so much fun together.
Reva: He's a little upset today. He's having trouble adjusting.
Daisy: I know what that's like. It's going to get easier, Will, I promise.
Will: Can you take me home, Aunt Reva?
Reva: Oh, sweetie... actually, I have an errand I have to run.
Daisy: Oh, I can do it. I've got Harley’s ride.
Will: Cool, you can drive?
Reva: Is that okay with you if Daisy takes you home?
Will: Yeah.
Daisy: Oh, hi.
Reva: I guess you have a fan. You can have that.
Daisy: All right.
Cassie: That was Reva. She said that Daisy will be bringing Will home because he ran off again.
Josh: That's the second time today, Cassie.
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Josh: Look, we have to talk to him when he gets back here, okay? We have to get him to open up about what's bothering him.
Cassie: What's bothering him is that his father died and his favorite person on the planet is in a coma. What part of that don't you understand?
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: You know what? I don't want you to talk to him when he comes home, not if you're going to accuse him of things.
Josh: I'm not going to accuse him of anything, okay?
Cassie: But you're watching him. You're waiting for him to make a mistake or do something horrible.
Josh: I kind of think we need to keep an eye on him. You know, get him on the right path, that kind of thing.
Cassie: Okay, is that from one of your sermons?
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: Because Will is not one of your sinners, Josh. He's a little boy. He's an innocent little boy. He's my little boy, and he's hurting right now. Maybe you can't deal with the fact that he's taking some time to figure out how to adjust to you and to accept you into his life, but that isn't Will's fault.
Josh: I think I better go to the church. I have some work to do there.
Cassie: Good, good. I think that's a good idea. ( Laughs ) "Dear mom, yesterday my horse and I jumped over a fence. Dad was proud. I wish you were here to see it. I miss you so much. The palace is big and sometimes I'm lonesome. But I am trying to be good being a prince. I know that will make you proud. Love, Will." ( Knock on door ) Hey.
Daisy: Hi.
Cassie: You cannot go running off like that, even if it is just to go see your Aunt Reva.
Will: Daisy's a cool babysitter.
Cassie: Yeah?
Daisy: Yeah. What can I say? He likes me.
Cassie: Yeah, I knew you'd be a pro. So tomorrow after school?
Daisy: Yeah, I'll be there. Bye, Will.
Will: Bye, Daisy. Mom?
Cassie: Yeah, sweetie.
Will: Do you promise never to send me away again?
Cassie: Honey, yes. I promise. I promise, I promise, I promise.
Josh: Wow, she is really beautiful.
Woman: I think so, too. We're all set for the christening?
Josh: Yeah, yeah, three weeks from Sunday. So why don't you call me tomorrow or stop by my office and we'll work out the details okay?
Woman: I will. Thanks again, Reverend.
Reva: Must be strange hearing people call you that, Rev.
Josh: Yeah. I don't know that I'm ever going to get used to it.
Reva: Well, I wouldn't worry about it. You'll have us all calling you "Reverend" before too long. Reverend Lewis, your holiness, could you please take out the garbage?
Josh: Take a look at that.
Reva: Oh, what a sweetie.
Josh: Seems like only yesterday that we had kids that were that tiny, huh? And how is it that it seemed so much easier back then?
Reva: It wasn’t. They just put something in the water to make all parents forget the bad stuff and only remember the good stuff, like the piano recitals and the ball games. I know this is hard for you right now. With Will. But I also want you to know that if you ever want to talk about it, any of it, I'm there for you.
Natalia: Do you really have to take a case?
Gus: I'm sorry. Crime doesn't stop just because we want to crack open a bottle of wine. We'll just do another rain check, all right?
Natalia: Okay.
Cop: Aitoro, glad you're here. The perp's getting rowdy, I think you better talk to him.
Natalia: I'm just going to go.
Cop: Actually, I think you might be the right person to calm him down. The two of you. Come on.
Natalia: ( Laughs ) Loser.
Gus: What? You remember?
Natalia: Yeah, I remember. I love it, it's like the first time.
Gus: Uh-huh. You don't like it?
Natalia: No, I love it. I liked it then; I like it now.
Gus: Well, then, ladies first.
I was going to say you looked the same...
Ava: How long have you known about this?
Olivia: I don't know. Like a week or two. Time is kind of a blur these days, I guess, since every moment counts.
Ava: Stop it. Wait, wait. Okay, I don't understand what you're talking about. Your heart? What is going on?
Olivia: It's sudden cardiac... death.
Ava: Are you talking about that stuff like the athletes on TV when they...
Olivia: When they collapse on the field. Yeah, that's it.
Ava: Isn't there something somebody can do about this?
Olivia: Sure. A heart transplant.
Ava: What? Olivia!
Olivia: I know. I know, and I'm not really high on the list, so it's not looking very good.
Ava: How long do you...
Olivia: See... we don't know. It's a day or two, or weeks. A couple of years.
Ava: I just found you and I know that you and I, we've had our... we were just starting our relationship together, and I'm going to lose you?
Olivia: I know. I know.
Ava: That's why. Now it makes sense to me. That's why you said that to me about spending time with Emma. That's why...
Olivia: Can you do that? I mean, I know.... for more than one day? I don't want to...
Ava: Of course, of course. Of course you can count on me for anything you need.
Olivia: There's something else. I... you can't tell anybody. You can't, because if Phillip ever found out, he would...
Ava: No one else knows about this?
Olivia: I told someone else that I think I can trust. I... that's part of the reason I was so upset with you helping out Natalia.
Ava: I don't understand what you're talking about. Oh, my God. Gus?
Olivia: He's been good to me, that's all.
Ava: I thought that Gus was getting married.
Olivia: He's getting divorced. I just feel like he's marrying her out of some kind of obligation.
Ava: Well, they have a kid together. I mean, you know how that goes.
Olivia: You don't see me marrying Jeffrey any time soon.
Ava: Fine, fine. I just don't want you to get your hopes up.
Olivia: He's not married yet, okay? I still have time.
Ava: Time for what? To make him fall in love with you?
Olivia: Just time. Time, Ava. Time to spend with him, time to get to know him a little better. He makes me laugh. I want him to get to know me, you know, a better me. You don't know what it's like to know that you're not going to wake up. Thinking one day that you're not going to see your baby graduate from high school, that I may not see you dance at your wedding.
Ava: You don't know that. Nobody knows that.
Olivia: Honey, yes, I do.
Ava: And if Gus marries Natalia, then...
Olivia: I can't think about it.
Natalia: We had pizza that night.
Gus: Well, it wasn't the pizza I was after because we had pizza every night.
Natalia: And then you spray-painted on the wall, "Nicky loves Natalia" a really big, red heart.
Gus: That's right. And that's the night they cuffed me and took me away for destroying public property and defacing... defacing...
Natalia: Stop!
Gus: What? That's what it was. ( Laughter ) ( champagne cork popping ) Nothing happened, don't worry.
Natalia: And I wore the little red dress. I remember I bought it that day you asked me out.
Gus: Yes, with the little... actually, it wasn't so little. The white bow in the back.
Natalia: I'm sorry. That was awful.
Gus: It was huge. You were gorgeous.
Natalia: Yeah, to you because you were a teenaged boy with raging hormones.
Gus: No, you were the hottest girl in the school, if I recall correctly.
Natalia: I wasn't so hot when I tried to bail you out, and I had makeup smudged all over my face. I was a mess.
Gus: You talked to that old police officer and you begged him, you talked him into letting you come to visit me.
Natalia: He was like a hundred years old.
Gus: Very old.
Natalia: And I think I told him I would give him a kiss.
Gus: He had dentures, didn't he? Well, you would know. ( Laughter )
Natalia: We thought we were Romeo and Juliet.
Gus: And I... I put my hand through the bar.
Natalia: And I took it.
Gus: Yeah, and I said... I said "Hey, let me out of here, you pigs. I'm Joe August’s son."
Natalia: And they told you to shut up or they were going to spray you with the hose.
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: But the old guy let me into your cell because he said he believed in true love.
Gus: He was a nice guy. Like an angel.
Natalia: And we just sat there and we were huddled in our little jail cell, just you and me, and... I don't know, it was just... you were so sweet. You kept telling me to go home, but I just wanted to stay by your side. I still do.
Gus: ( Laughs )
Natalia: We were so passionate.
Gus: We were kids, you know? And... I don't know, I'm sure everybody thought we were a couple of idiots.
Natalia: It didn't matter what everybody thought. It was just you and me.
Gus: Yeah. ( Cell phone ringing )
Natalia: It could be Rafe. And it's work. Hello? Yeah, I guess I could come in. Okay, bye-bye. I'm sorry. I know you went to so much trouble and everything. She is going to fire me.
Gus: No, it's all right. It's all right. We can just pick this up tonight when you get home.
Natalia: I can't wait that long.
Gus: Really?
Reva: So this is the place that holds all the answers, huh?
Josh: I wish that were true. That woman that was in here before, you should have seen the look on her face. I mean...
Reva: Well, that's the way mom’s look at their kids.
Josh: Yes, it's the way Cassie’s looking at Will right now. It's why she doesn't believe that he could be troubled or make a mistake.
Reva: Well, I didn't want to believe it, either.
Josh: With Jonathan.
Reva: You tend to be even a little more protective, I think, when there's guilt that goes along with it.
Josh: I just want to help her, you know? That's all I want to do. I don't want to be the bad guy. But if she continues to believe that he can do no wrong, I...
Reva: Well, I believed the same thing about Jonathan.
Josh: You ended up being right.
Reva: Thank you for saying that. And you will work through this. If anyone can, you can. But you can't do it sitting here.
Josh: I know that. I just needed to think. I needed to figure this thing out. You know, being a father again. Being a husband. Doing both well and not letting down either Will or Cassie. Right now, he needs unconditional love from his mother, there's no doubt about that. But kids, you know, they also need... all of them need someone to tell them about right and wrong and show them that the world is a big place and there's a lot of people in it and there's good and there's bad and you've got to learn to work with others. It's not just that they need that, but they want it. Even when they don't realize it, they want it.
Reva: Wow! ( Laughs ) You're really good at this! Did that get you?
Josh: Good at what?
Reva: At this. This, this whole minister thing.
Josh: Yeah, well, sometimes it seems easier than the parent thing.
Reva: Ah, you're damn good at that, too.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: I'm sorry. I meant darn, really.
Cassie: Beth gave me these today. Do you remember drawing these? In the pictures, you look really sad, honey, and I'm really far away from you. I want you to tell me the truth, okay? Are you worried that we'll be separated or that I'll send you away and we won't get to see each other anymore? Is that why you drew these? I thought I was doing the right thing for you, sweetie. I thought you wanted to be the prince of your country. But I guess it just... it wasn't the way you thought it would be, huh?
Will: It was... it was lonely. I just wanted to come home. Every day I'd wake up and think you'd come and get me, but you never did.
Cassie: So you were waiting for me to come and get you all that time? But you just... you didn't tell me because you thought that I... I wanted you to be the prince or that would make me proud of you? But all that time, what you really wanted was to be here where you felt safe and loved and happy? All that time, that's all I wanted, too, just to have you here. Come here. Oh, sweetie. What did I do? Hey, I don't want you to ever, ever think that I would send you away again because I want you here with me always. And I would do absolutely anything to make you happy. Do you believe me?
Will: I love you, Mom.
Cassie: Oh, sweetie, I love you so much. Hey, how about we go find Josh?
Will: Why?
Cassie: Well, because I was a little unfair to him earlier. You know, he was my number-one supporter when I said I wanted to get you back. He was so strong and determined that you should be here, right here where you belong.
Will: What about the story?
Cassie: I will read it to you again when we come back. We both will, me and Josh.
Gus: Hello.
Olivia: Hi.
Gus: How did the appointment go?
Olivia: No news is good news, right?
Gus: Well, I hope so, yeah.
Olivia: How was your night with Natalia?
Gus: Well, I can't even begin to tell you.
Olivia: Do you know she came to see me the other day? I don't think she's particularly happy that we're hanging out together, Gus, and you know, if our friendship is a problem...
Gus: Hold on, wait, wait, wait. Let me save you a couple breaths. She's fine with us. She knows that we're just friends. It’s... she's fine with it.
Olivia: You sure about that?
Gus: I would think with everything that's gone down, especially lately, that yeah, she knows she's number one with me. You want me to walk you home?
Olivia: Yeah, if it's not too much trouble.
Gus: No, no, not at all.
Olivia: Okay.
( Knock on door )
Natalia: Hi, I was just returning your dress. Thank you so much for making me wear it because I never would have picked it out.
Ava: You might want to take on another shift. You're going to be needing a bunch of these.
Natalia: What do you mean?
Ava: Gus. He's a Spaulding, right?
Natalia: Oh, no, he wasn't raised...
Ava: Close enough, right? It's a part of him. I know, I dated his brother. They're all the same.
Natalia: Well, I don't think that you know Gus very well.
Ava: I don't think that you know the Gus I know. You know the old Gus, but the new Gus doesn't stick with one woman for a long time. If you ever want to borrow any more dresses, I have tons of them. Good night.
Daisy: Hi.
Natalia: Hi.
Daisy: You okay?
Natalia: Yeah, I'm fine.
Daisy: Good. I was on my way to find my dad. I have to tell him I got a job. It's just babysitting, but a job's a job, right?
Natalia: A job is very good. It's a good thing.
Daisy: Yeah, I'm trying.
Natalia: That's all we can do, right, is try. I have to go, but you take care of yourself, Daisy. ( Cell phone ringing )
Daisy: Rafe? Oh, my God. Hello? Yeah, hi. No, no, I'm just on my way to see my dad. How are you? I just saw your mom. So what's going on? You were? That's nice. What? Well, I told my grandpa that I'd go pick out a Christmas tree for Company. Really? I mean, sure, I could use a hand but... okay, I will see you tomorrow. Bye, Rafe.
Josh: And then Marah came home with the belly button ring.
Reva: Of course, you told her to take it out immediately.
Josh: Yeah, but then I found out that you went with her to have one put in in the first place, and you almost had one put in yourself. What was that about?
Reva: Oops!
Josh: We did okay with them, right?
Reva: Better than okay. The best. Only it wasn't us; it was you, Joshua. You're the one who made those kids strong and kind and generous, just like you. And you're going to get through this thing with Will. If anyone can, you can. I've got faith.
Josh: Really?
Reva: Well, I'm in the church, aren't I? ( Laughter )
Next on Guiding Light...
Dinah: I need a friggin' tree! We're living in singlesville and it is hell at holidays.
Natalia: All the men in my life are hooked on Cooper’s. I don't know what they put in the water in that house.
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