Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/17/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Reva: Maura, honey, no, sweetie, that's just the point. We will still all be together at Christmas. No, no, Shayne hasn't exactly said he was coming home yet. But I thought maybe if you said you were coming home, then he would change his mind, too. And then he'd be... no, I understand. I do, I do. I love you, too, sweetheart. Tell Paris I said hello.
Jeffrey: 20 minutes. 20 minutes for a cup of coffee. I hate this time of year. Everything is one big line. Here.
Reva: Thanks. Let's get one.
Jeffrey: A Christmas tree?
Reva: Yes. The biggest one they have.
Jeffrey: Does this mean that Marah and Shayne are coming home?
Reva: No.
Jeffrey: Then who's the Christmas tree for?
Reva: It's for us. I want to do it up big-time, you know. Tinsel and garland and popcorn strings, and the works. (Laughs)
Jeffrey: Okay, whatever you want.
Reva: Okay. Which one do you like?
Jeffrey: The green one.
Reva: You know what? You're hopeless, absolutely hopeless. This is it. There's no need to look further. This is it. This is perfect.
Jeffrey: That's beautiful.
Reva: How much for this one right here?
Vender: It's not for sale. That guy just bought it.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Reva: Oh, but that tree was talking to me.
Jeffrey: You might want to get help for that.
Reva: (Laughs) What else do you have?
Jeffrey: Excuse me. Merry Christmas. That tree, whatever you paid for it, I'll double it.
Josh: Maybe Edmund was trying to hurt you. Maybe you didn't mean for him to fall.
Will: You never believe me.
Josh: Will, this is a whole lot more serious than you locking your brother in a barn, okay? You need to answer me. Were you in the choir loft when Edmund fell?
Will: I love Uncle Edmund. He's my friend.
Josh: Okay. But we're going to talk with your mom about this.
Will: She'll never believe you.
Cassie: Hey.
Will: Mommy!
Cassie: Honey. What's wrong, sweetie? What's happening?
Will: He's saying I did bad things.
Cassie: Bad things?
Will: I was just trying to say good-bye to Uncle Edmund.
Josh: I found him at the hospital at Edmund’s bedside.
Will: I miss him! I miss him so much.
Harley: It feels better now,
Cyrus: What?
Harley: Us. Now that we've admitted... you know, whatever this is.
Cyrus: Yeah, whatever.
Harley: And that we're not going to act on it.
Cyrus: Of course not.
Harley: Because you have a really good thing going with Marina and you love her.
Cyrus: Yeah, I do.
Harley: So there you are.
Cyrus: There you are.
Marina: I mean, you are... you're way off on this whole Harley and Cyrus thing.
Remy: I don't think so. There's something going on with them.
Marina: Yeah, they're working together. Okay, all three of us are.
Remy: It didn't look like work to me.
Marina: What is that supposed to mean?
Remy: Marina, I saw them together. He was holding her, okay? Sorry.
Marina: Look, Boudreau, whatever it is that you saw, or you think that you saw, you didn't, okay? Because Harley, she's going through a lot right now, and Cyrus was probably just comforting her.
Remy: Huh? Well, there's a lot of ways to comfort. This is what I saw. Now, does this feel like comfort to you.
Marina: Maybe. I mean, I don’t... I don't know. Did you see something? Were they kissing or something?
Remy: I couldn't tell. But what do you think a man wants when he holds a woman like this?
Marina: I don't know. Just stop, okay? Just... just stop.
Remy: Marina, I'm not trying to hurt you. You're my friend, maybe the only one I have.
Marina: Oh, really? Because you're not acting like it right now.
Remy: Why? Why, why? Because I'm trying to tell you the truth? I was there, remember.
Marina: There for what?
Remy: When Danny left you and went back to Michelle. Now, I'm telling you, you better mark your turf quick or it's going to happen again.
Marina: If you're waiting for a thank you, don’t.
Remy: Marina, I'm not making this up. Okay, I'm just trying to help you, which is a lot more than your boyfriend and aunt are doing.
Marina: What were you even doing with them?
Remy: Well, I left something at Harley’s house and I went back to get it, and I saw them together.
Marina: What were you doing at Harley’s house?
Remy: They were questioning me. Phillip hired me to drop something off to Zach, and...
Marina: Oh, whoa! Phillip? You were working for Phillip Spaulding?
Remy: I did a job.
Marina: And Cyrus and Harley busted you?
Remy: Ding, ding, ding.
Marina: And now you are trying to get back at them.
Remy: I wouldn't do that to you, Marina. Not to you.
Marina: And so you're not lying? Or even just exaggerating what you think you might have saw, just a little bit?
Remy: I swear on Tammy’s memory.
Marina: Okay. Okay, so say... that you did see something between Cyrus and Harley. He's a flirt. I mean, that's who he is. He flirts with everybody. He flirts with grandmothers and waitresses everywhere we go. But we... we have something, he and I, and he risked his life for me, and I practically lost my family.
Remy: So fight for him. Like I should have for Tammy and Natalia. Fight dirty if you have to.
Marina: Remy, she's my aunt.
Remy: So what? She's going through a divorce.
Marina: So?
Remy: So that means she's not the thinking straight. Look at my sister, calm and level-headed Mel.
Marina: What about her?
Remy: When she was divorcing Rick, it messed her up. She almost climbed into bed with Jeffrey O’Neill, and they were never even in a collapsed building together.
Cyrus: I'll get it. Here, I'll take it.
Harley: I never felt this messed up in my life.
Cyrus: It's okay to feel messed up.
Harley: Because this is what is messed up, and wrong. Because it feels...
Cyrus: What does it feel?
Harley: It should feel bad.
Cyrus: But it doesn’t. And that’s... that's a problem.
Harley: A big one.
Cyrus: Yeah.
(Cell phone rings)
Harley: Harley. Yeah. Sounds good. I'll be there. That's the guy from Remy’s card game. He has information about Phillip. He wants me to meet him at Co2.
Cyrus: You can't drive.
Harley: I have to.
Cyrus: Today was rough. You thought you were going to see your crazy ex-husband who tried to ruin your life and take your kids. It's okay to feel a little rattled. It's okay to ask for help.
Harley: Maybe it's better that we get out of here. Probably.
Reva: Jeffrey, I think I found it. Another tree. It's great!
Man: I don't want that tree anymore.
Vender: You said it was perfect.
Man: I'll get a different one later.
Vender: It's yours if you want it?
Reva: Um... yeah, sure. Why don't you go ahead and write up the ticket? Thanks.
Jeffrey: Merry Christmas.
Reva: Not for that guy.
Jeffrey: What? What are you talking about? I gave him a fair price. It was a win-win.
Reva: I get the tree, and he gets to live.
Jeffrey: What? You think I threatened him?
Reva: You didn't?
Jeffrey: Reva, it was a fair deal. Okay, it was a good deal for him.
Reva: You could have set him up for a murder.
Jeffrey: Oh, okay, I get it. This is about Edmund. Nothing like killing the Christmas spirit.
Reva: No, I just get the feeling that you like this sort of thing. That you miss it, and that maybe taking on Edmund the way you did makes you miss it. Reminds you of how much you like it.
Jeffrey: Reva, I am an honest citizen. As a matter of fact, they want me back at D.A.
Reva: I know, and that's fine. I'm mad at you. It's just that...
Jeffrey: But...
Reva: But, there's no buts. We got into this relationship with no strings, no judgments, not trying to change each other.
Jeffrey: Okay. So you're cool with it?
Reva: Yeah. Yeah, I'm cool with it. Just don't lie to me.
Jeffrey: I think he might have wet his pants.
Reva: You must be very proud.
Jeffrey: I am a little bit, actually.
Reva: Hmmm.
Jeffrey: Hey, you know I've got to have some excitement in my life.
Reva: And you think I don't want excitement? (Laughs)
Josh: How's Will?
Cassie: I don't know. He wouldn't unlock his door. What exactly were you saying to him? I thought things were going better between you two.
Josh: We just had some things we had to clear up.
Cassie: Like?
Josh: I ran into Rick and James at the hospital. James told me that he didn't just fall off the stage accidentally. He was pushed.
Cassie: And you think Will pushed James?
Josh: Well, he was near him when it happened. And Will ended up playing the role that James was supposed to play, right? The lead role.
Cassie: Did James accuse Will?
Josh: He didn't see who pushed him.
Cassie: Well, then it could have been any other boy, or James could just be wrong.
Josh: He could be. Or it could be possible that Will was the one who did it.
Cassie: Josh, it's no wonder Will's upset.
Josh: Cassie, has it occurred to you that we don't actually know where Will was when Edmund fell?
Cassie: You've got to be kidding me. You think will pushed Edmund? He's a little boy.
Josh: I'm not saying it was deliberate.
Cassie: Okay, why? Why, why would he want to hurt his best friend?
Josh: Look, this is hard for me to even bring up to you.
Cassie: Is it? Is it really? It doesn't seem like it's hard for you.
Josh: What does that mean?
Cassie: It just means that Will has been tough on you, and I think maybe you're just not seeing the best in him.
Josh: Maybe you're not seeing the worst.
Cassie: Josh, he needs us. You should see the pictures that he's drawn.
Josh: Cassie, he could be troubled.
Cassie: Of course he's troubled. Of course he's troubled. The kid's been through hell. Look at these! Look at these pictures.
Josh: It's you.
Cassie: Yes. It's me abandoning him. The only thing Will needs from us is more love, not less. All those years I thought sending Will back to San Cristobel was what was best for him, was what he wanted. And it turns out he was just saying that to make me feel better.
Josh: I can see why these upset you.
Cassie: He's been through more than any kid should ever have to go through. And if we start accusing him now of these horrible things...
Will: I'm hungry.
Cassie: All right, sweetie, why don't I get started on dinner?
Will: Okay.
Josh: Will, could I... can I talk to you outside for just a minute?
Cassie: Josh, please.
Josh: It's okay. I just want to apologize.
Cassie: It's okay, Will. Go ahead, sweetie. Go on.
Josh: Have a seat, Will. I'm sorry if I upset you.
Will: And?
Josh: And... no matter what happens, you and I both love your mom. We both want what's best for her. Now, Will, I don't believe what happened to your Uncle Edmund was an accident, and you still haven't told us where you were.
Will: That's the worst apology ever.
Josh: I understand that your Uncle Edmund has a way of making people upset, and maybe I do that sometimes, too. But if you were in the loft with him and something happened and you got upset or you got angry, and then he fell...
Will: I didn't push him.
Josh: Okay, you know what? Don't do that. No tears, no excuses, Will. If you were involved in Edmund’s fall, your mom and I can help you, but you have to be honest with us. You have to tell us.
Will: I didn't do anything. Can I go inside now?
Josh: Not yet. There is one more thing that I want to make very clear to you: If anything else bad happens around you, I'll be watching.
Reva: Hey. Hi, sweetheart, how are you? You know what really living on the edge would be about? Having Christmas at our place this year. You can even invite Ava.
Jeffrey: Well, wait a minute. What about Olivia? She might want to tag along.
Reva: Well, what the hell. It's the holidays, right?
Jeffrey: Okay. You know what I say? I say we go home and decorate this thing and get really crazy and do something like spike the eggnog. (Laughter)
Reva: All right! (Cell phone rings)
Jeffrey: Wait a second. Yeah?
Cassie: Hey, it's Cassie. Are you busy?
Jeffrey: Well, as a matter of fact, you're not going to believe this, but Reva and I just got a Christmas tree.
Cassie: Well, bring her over here, if you would. It's kind of important.
Jeffrey: Okay, we'll be right over.
Harley: This guy's going to be here soon. You don't have to baby-sit me.
Cyrus: Well, it's my case, too. Oops.
Harley: What in the world are you doing?
Cyrus: Well, you said you did it a hundred times. No matter what you order--
Harley: I don't always--
Cyrus: Sometimes four?
Harley: Sometimes not at all. Maybe today I feel like having two.
Cyrus: Really?
Harley: But, seriously, Cyrus, you should go. I'm working the case alone.
Cyrus: You don't get to decide that. I think you were right. Maybe we shouldn't work together.
Harley: It doesn't solve anything. You need a job to stay in this country, and with your record, who else is going to hire you except me?
Cyrus: Yeah, but what about this...
Harley: There is no "this." Your my niece's boyfriend, we work together, blah, blah, blah, end of story.
Cyrus: End of story.
Harley: We can do this. I know I can do this. I need a little coffee after I get through it.
Cyrus: Do you ever think of what might have happened if we'd met first?
Harley: No. Maybe once. It wouldn't have changed anything. I would still be with Gus, you know. That wouldn't have changed. And you would have still wound up with Marina.
Cyrus: Yeah, I think so, too.
Harley: I just don't see any circumstances where we could possibly wind up a couple. What? What?
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Marina: Hey. Just the people I was looking for.
Harley: Hey, Marina.
Marina: Hey, you ready to pack some boxes?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Marina: Did Cyrus tell you we're moving in together?
Harley: No, he didn’t.
Marina: Yeah, yeah. Alex signed... said that she signed off on the divorce papers, and we figured, why wait?
Cyrus: Yeah. You've got to live somewhere. (Chuckles)
Marina: Oh, it's more than just that. It's a big step for us.
Cyrus: Yeah, you're right. Think you're ready to spend 24/7 with me?
Marina: Oh, gosh, is that all there is in a day?
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Marina: So, do you have any advice?
Harley: Advice?
Marina: Yeah. I mean, I figured you've had more experience living with people than I have.
Harley: I'm the last person anybody should get relationship advice from.
Marina: Okay. Well, if you think of something, let us know. I... I really respect your opinion, and I trust you.
Harley: I am sure that whatever problems you guys face, you'll get through them no problem.
Marina: Thank you.
Cyrus: We should go back to your place.
Marina: Our place.
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Harley: Hey, you know what? I do have a piece of advice. If what you have is... is true love, you guys should hold onto it with everything that you have got because it's very rare. And I want only the best for you, my Marina.
Reva: So this talk that Cassie wants to have, do you think it's good news or bad news?
Jeffrey: I don't know.
Cassie: Hey.
Reva: Hey.
Jeffrey: Hey. Well, should we come in?
Cassie: Actually, I kind of wanted to talk to you alone, but Josh is inside.
Reva: Okay. Good.
Jeffrey: So, has something changed with Edmund or...
Cassie: No. No, no. He... he still hasn't woken up yet.
Jeffrey: Good. I mean, well, you know.
Cassie: No, no. I know what you mean. Look, I... I just really wanted to apologize.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Cassie: At the church, when I found out what your real plans for Edmund were, I just... all I could think about was Josh and Will and how Will would be affected if he lost the person that was closest to him. That's all I could think about.
Jeffrey: Well, that's what makes you a good mother.
Cassie: Well, I still... I shouldn't have torn into you.
Jeffrey: Well, I was, you know, less than forthcoming with you, so...
Cassie: Yeah, but that's because of the position we put you in. I mean, Josh came to you because Edmund started threatening us, just like I came to you about Alan. We're always coming to you.
Jeffrey: Cassie, I'm glad to help.
Cassie: I know. I know, but it just doesn't make sense for us to ask you to do our dirty work and then blame you when it gets messy.
Jeffrey: Why is it that Edmund gets to wreak havoc in everyone's lives, and then we have to stand around feeling guilty for dealing with him?
Cassie: Do you feel guilty?
Jeffrey: No. Edmund brought this on himself.
Cassie: So, you don't think Edmund falling was an accident?
Jeffrey: What?
Cassie: Like, just what you said about Edmund bringing this on himself. It sounds like you think that someone pushed him.
Josh: You're absolutely sure about that?
Reva: (Chuckles) Am I sure? You should have heard Marah going on and on and on about Paris at Christmastime, how magical it is, blah, blah, blah. And I don't think we're going to get Shayne back from Africa any time soon.
Josh: I guess I was just hoping that this would be the year.
Reva: I know. I don't think they're really quite used to the idea of you being with Cassie yet. And now that I'm with Jeffrey, I wouldn't blame them if they wanted to stay overseas forever.
Josh: We did okay with the kids, right?
Reva: I think so.
Josh: I just mean, I know that you and I had a lot of ups and downs over the years, but... but the kids, they turned out all right.
Reva: Yes. What's going on?
(Cell phone rings)
Harley: Cyrus. "Do you think Marina suspects us?" "No. What's to suspect?"
Marina: Come on, Harley, answer. Okay. "No. What's to suspect?" Hey.
Cyrus: Hey. Is it mine?
Marina: Yeah, yeah. I... I think it fell onto one of the boxes. I... I found it when I was unpacking.
Cyrus: Oh, good thing you're a snoop.
Marina: I'm not snooping.
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Marina: Cyrus, you would tell me if there was a problem, right?
Cyrus: What, you mean like you snoring?
Marina: I don't snore. I'm being serious. I mean, you... you would tell me if... if things were moving too fast, or if you felt pressured or something.
Cyrus: Do I look pressured?
Marina: Well, no. I... we just never talked about any of this, you know, you moving in. And Alex said that she'd divorce you. And then I... I just assumed that you'd want to.
Cyrus: Well, it's kind of why I brought my boxes over, so that we could live together.
Marina: I'm trying to be serious.
Cyrus: I hate serious.
Marina: I know. I know, but our whole relationship has been really unusual, you know. I mean, we didn’t... we didn't have a first date, or a second date, or... I don't know if we had any dates. And now, now we're living together, and... and I just... I just want to make sure it's what you want. I mean, because if it's not what you want, just please just tell me right now.
Cyrus: Uh, I don't know what to say.
Marina: Just be honest with me.
Cyrus: I am. I'm not very good at this.
Marina: Not good at what?
Cyrus: Talking, feelings. I mean, it's not my forte. You know, adventures, jet-setting around the globe, that kind of thing, I'm pretty great at that. But the things that you want to hear...
Marina: I just want to know you want to be with me.
Cyrus: Well, how about if I show you?
Harley: Come on, Cyrus. You asked me if Marina is suspicious, and then nothing?
Cassie: Sorry. R.J. just had a question with his homework.
Jeffrey: No problem.
Cassie: Homework. Wow, it sounds so normal, doesn't it, with everything else going on?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, that's what I wanted to tell you, Cassie. I don't think there is anything else going on. I think that what happened to Edmund was an accident.
Cassie: Are you sure?
Jeffrey: Yes. I know that, you know, Reva said that you saw her by the stairs, but I'm telling you, I saw Edmund fall, and there wasn't anyone else near him.
Cassie: But you'd probably say that even if you saw Reva push him yourself.
Jeffrey: Yeah, probably. But lucky for us, I don't have to lie. Cassie, Edmund was alone.
Cassie: Okay. So he just lost his balance and fell?
Jeffrey: Maybe. Maybe he tripped over something. You know, it was dark up there in the loft. Or maybe, Cassie, maybe he did it on purpose.
Cassie: Edmund tried to kill himself? No. I don’t... he is just way too selfish for that.
Jeffrey: Well, I don't know about that. You know, he couldn't be prince anymore. He couldn't have you anymore.
Cassie: Oh, you don't think he still wants me?
Jeffrey: What other possible reason would he have for coming to this town?
Cassie: Will.
Jeffrey: Will was a cover, Cassie. I believe that Edmund came here with the belief that he could win you back.
Cassie: After everything he's done to me, how could he possibly think that?
Jeffrey: It's Edmund, okay? That's the way his mind works. And then, once he saw how happy you and Josh were together, I mean, what else did he have to live for? And if he could make his accident look like something suspicious, well, then, that's one more way he could cause us all grief. I mean, it's not unthinkable, is it?
Cassie: No. I... I guess I hope that is all that happened, because if no one did this to Edmund, then everything can just go back to normal.
Josh: I guess I'm just feeling like maybe we didn't appreciate the kids while we had them.
Reva: I think there were several things we didn't appreciate quite enough.
Josh: That's true. Yes.
Reva: So what is going on? Did you have a parishioner come to you with some kind of kid problem?
Josh: No, no. It's actually much closer to home than that. It's Will.
Reva: Ah. Is he having trouble being here?
Josh: I think it's more than that. He's got issues.
Reva: What kind of issues?
Josh: Well, he's been acting out a lot with R.J. and with me. But I had an interesting conversation with James, who told me that his fall from the stage wasn't an accident. He was pushed.
Reva: And, what, you think Will did it?
Josh: Yes, I do.
Reva: What does Cassie think about that?
Josh: She doesn't want to believe it. She still has feelings of guilt about sending Will to San Cristobel, feeling like she abandoned him, that kind of thing.
Reva: Well, I can understand that. I certainly felt guilty about giving up Jonathan. And you know something, he didn't set those fires to have fun. He did it because he felt deserted. He wanted to hurt other people the way he'd been hurt.
Josh: But eventually, you... you called him on it, right?
Reva: Well, yes, because it was the only thing I could do to try to help him.
Josh: Well, see, that's kind of what I think this situation is with Will, but we won't be able to help him until we face the truth about what he's been doing.
Reva: Well, I'm sure you'll figure out a way to help him, because you always do. And you should just be happy that you're getting to Will early enough, which is something I didn't do with Jonathan.
Josh: Thanks. I needed that.
Reva: You're welcome. (Laughs)
Harley: Okay, just... leave it alone. (Knock at the door) Wow, am I glad to see you!
Cassie: Wow. Something wrong?
Harley: No. I just... I need a distraction.
Cassie: From Cyrus?
Harley: Could we find something else to talk about except him?
Cassie: Okay!
Harley: No, I mean, you must have come here for a reason. Do you have a problem? Something big, something that will keep me distracted?
Cassie: Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a problem. I just... actually, I wanted to set up some play dates for Will and Zach.
Harley: That's all?
Cassie: Well, I want it to be a regular thing, you know? Maybe Will could join Zach’s basketball team, or maybe the Scouts, or maybe they could do both of them together.
Harley: Okay. It all sounds good. What's going on?
Cassie: I just, I... I think it would be good for Will to be busy.
Harley: Because of what happened to Edmund?
Cassie: That and he and Josh just are kind of at odds. And I just figure, you know, the busier Will is, the less chance they have to butt heads.
Harley: It's always really hard to try to bring a child into an already existing family. I should know. I'm still working on it with Daisy.
Cassie: Yeah, I guess that's it, and Will's age, maybe, or that he's already been through so many changes, but he's just not warming up to Josh as a father figure.
Harley: That's so weird because Josh is such a dad. What does he say?
Cassie: Well, I keep reminding myself the last time Josh had to raise someone else's kid, it was Jonathan.
Harley: Oh. Well, what's Will doing?
Cassie: What do you mean?
Harley: If Josh is comparing Will to Jonathan, will must be doing something big.
Cassie: Oh, my gosh, no. I mean, Will is nothing like Jonathan. He's a little boy. How much trouble could he cause?
Josh: Will, could you come down here, please, help me set the table? Hello?
Jeffrey: Trouble? Reva forgot her phone.
Josh: Okay.
Jeffrey: Got it.
Josh: You and Reva should join us for Christmas dinner.
Jeffrey: Isn't that the busiest day of the year for ministers?
Josh: I think you're confusing me with Santa Claus. I just... I have one sermon in the morning, and then I'm done. Cassie's cooking, so you and Reva should be here.
Jeffrey: Does that mean you're not angry anymore?
Josh: Well, you should have told me that you were going to change plans. You should have consulted me.
Jeffrey: Right. You know what? I think we're going to pass on that invitation.
Josh: This is not just about us, Jeffrey. Okay, Cassie and Reva are sisters. Reva is the boy's aunt, so they should all be together at Christmastime.
Jeffrey: And you and I will just grin and bear it?
Josh: Pretty much, yes.
Jeffrey: I'll run it by Reva.
Josh: Okay.
Jeffrey: You know what? We really should all be celebrating because everyone pretty much got what they wanted.
Josh: A man took a bad fall. He was almost killed.
Jeffrey: Not just any man. Edmund. You know what? Maybe prayer actually works. Maybe God actually listened to us and helped us get rid of a madman.
Josh: Unfortunately, I don't believe God had anything to do with Edmund’s fall. Will?
Will: Aunt Reva?
Reva: Will! Who are you here with?
Will: I'm alone.
Reva: Does your mom know you're here?
Will: I'm not supposed to tell you.
Reva: Tell me what?
Will: Josh needs you.
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Ava: Look at those! Hello! Use them.
Gus: You didn't think I'd like that?
Josh: We have to be especially careful about who's watching over him right now.
Reva: Maybe we should get you home. What do you say?
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