Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/14/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Josh: Come over here have a seat with us. Right over here on the couch.
Cassie: We have some news.
Josh: It's about Edmund. And we want you to take it slowly. So whatever your feeling... whatever you're thinking...
Cassie: Just say it.
Josh: And then we'll all just talk about it, okay, the three of us.
Cassie: Right. Like a family should.
Will: What?!
Cassie: Your Uncle Edmund is going back to San Cristobel today. And they're going to take very good care of him there, but he won't be coming back, ever.
Will: Oh. Mom?
Cassie: Yeah, sweetie?
Will: Are there anymore cookies?
Lillian: I don't know which Buzz I should kiss more: This one, or this one. Where does you want me to put this?
Buzz: In the closet!
Lillian: Oh, stop it, stop it, stop it. You just won't be happy. Enjoy the moment. Power is very sexy. I'm going to put it here. Okay...
Buzz: What?
Lillian: I have to go to the hospital because I have to work a shift, okay?
Buzz: Okay.
Lillian: So I'll see you when I get back later. Thank you.
Buzz: Well, hello! Welcome to the scene of the crime.
Marina: You haven't done anything wrong, but I'm still not sure what Bill even knows.
Buzz: But he's decided it's about time to use it.
Marina: What do you mean?
Buzz: Well, he gave me a choice: Either I've got to approve the redesign of Main Street, or he's going to come forward and say that I knew the election was fixed.
Marina: You didn’t.
Buzz: It doesn't matter. The only way to minimize damage is for me to come forward before the does.
Marina: Are you ready to face all of that, just hand the job over?
Buzz: No.
Marina: Okay. Well then just give me some time, okay, to figure this thing out. Until then, no one else needs to know.
Doris: So let's take a poll, right here, right now. Why win an election when stealing it is so much better. So, to our so-called mayor!
Waitress: (Gasps)
Harley: Grab his legs.
Cyrus: I've got them.
Harley: You are going to tell me what your big plan is, Phillip. You are going to tell me what you are up to and you are going to tell me now!
Remy: My big plan? Impersonate an old white guy. How am I doing? What the hell, Harley?
Harley: Remy. We... we thought you were...
Remy: Yeah, Phillip Spaulding. I got that part.
Harley: Yeah, we were here. We were waiting for him...
Cyrus: What are you doing here, anyway?
Remy: It's the house of worship. Public place. If I have to explain that, then we're all in trouble.
Harley: We're so sorry.
Cyrus: What's with the hoodie?
Remy: Have you been outside lately? You know what? I'm done explaining myself to you people. You attacked me.
Harley: Yes, we did. We're sorry. We were acting on some information we had about Phillip. We thought he was coming here.
Cyrus: Cut her some slack. Last time he was around, he tried to kidnap Harley’s kid...
Remy: I don't need a history lesson. I'm going to get my stuff and get out of here. No, it's okay. I got it!
Harley: Wait! Zach? What is this?
Remy: It's mine, that's what it is.
Harley: It's not yours.
Cyrus: What is it?
Harley: It's Phillip’s.
Cyrus: Phillip's?
Harley: It's his junior high school jacket. He got a letter in basketball.
Cyrus: Are you sure?
Harley: I am positive. I found this in the attic at the Spaulding mansion. I'm positive.
Cyrus: Do you mind telling us where you got it?
Remy: Don't worry about it.
Cyrus: Wrong answer.
Beth: Hey, you. I'm waiting. Oh, oh, okay, okay. No, no, I'll wait for you. I don't want to go to the party alone. I have the pamphlets that you gave me, and I'll read them while I'm waiting for you. Okay, I'll see you soon. Hmm. Mel, hi.
Mel: Beth, hi, how are you? How is everything?
Beth: Fine. Um... I want to speak to you, actually. I wanted to thank you for your generosity at the Bauer house.
Mel: Oh, you know, I was ready to move on. Plus, you and Rick need a house to raise your baby in. So it's kind of cold to be sitting out here, isn't it?
Beth: Oh, not for me.
Mel: Come to think of it, I was always warm during my pregnancy.
Beth: Yeah, warm, hungry, emotional. I'm all over the place this time around. I'm sorry.
Mel: No. It's okay, Beth. I'm fine. There is life after Rick. So what are you reading?
Beth: Oh, it's information on Autism. I didn't realize it was so widespread in this country. One out of every 150 kids is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Mel: 67 every day. It's the fastest growing developmental history in this country.
Beth: Of course you know about it. You're a doctor.
Mel: And a mother. I did a lot of reading when I was expecting Leah.
Beth: Yeah. You did everything right during your pregnancy. I remember Rick bragging about it-- vitamins, pre-natal yoga, reading. It just wasn't quite that way for me with my first two pregnancies. But I'm determined to do everything right this time around.
Doris: Do you care about this town? Do you care about how this town is being run? Then ask yourselves, how can a candidate who is leading in every single poll suddenly lose to this?
Marina: Okay. Doris, that's enough.
Doris: Oh, no, no. I'm just getting started.
Marina: No, this is a private party.
Buzz: Marina, it's okay. It's all right.
Doris: Just look. Look at your grandfather. Look at his face. Look at his face. He knows why I'm here. He knows exactly why I'm here.
Mallet: All right maybe I can handle this.
Marina: Where did you come from?
Mallet: Let's take a walk, Doris. Come on.
Doris: Don't handle me!
Mallet: You don't want to make a scene, okay?
Doris: Why do you think I'm here, dimwit!
Mallet: Okay, right, outside.
Doris: For what, so this can be just swept under the rug like everything else? Reporter, you know, you are missing the story. I was robbed.
Mallet: Okay, okay! You've had your say. Let's go.
Doris: You know what, I have not had my say. He sure has, though.
Buzz: He's just trying to help. Wait a second. Look. Relax.
Doris: Relax?
Buzz: Calm down.
Doris: Relax? You want me to relax? You stole the election! You stole the election!
Buzz: What are you doing?
Mallet: Doris, that's enough!
Doris: Where are you taking me?!
Mallet: I've got no choice now... to jail!
Doris: Do you see this? He's got the police in his back pocket. Ask yourself why.
Mallet: You're in for assault.
Marina: Are you okay?
Cassie: You're being really grown up about this, honey. I'm very proud of you.
Josh: Yeah. We both are. I'm just a little surprised, though.
Cassie: Josh.
Josh: Well, your mom and I... I think we just expected you to be more upset, that's all.
Will: There is nothing I can do about it, can I? (Knock on the door) Can I go play upstairs?
Cassie: Of course, honey, yeah.
Josh: Hi, Frank, come on in. What brings you here?
Frank: Hey, Josh. I assume you heard Edmund is on his way down to San Cristobel.
Josh: Yeah, we know.
Frank: Well, he's out of commission for now, but when he wakes up, we're going to send an investigator down there talk to him to see if his fall is an accident.
Josh: Or not.
Cassie: You know what, Frank, a part of me thinks it'd be better for everybody if you'd just let this go.
Frank: Why would you think that?
Cassie: Well, I think we all need to move on, you know, instead of letting Edmund have so much influence on all our lives.
Frank: Yeah, well, I agree with that. Cassie, you know, if a crime has been committed, then...
Cassie: Yeah. Why don't you two hash this out. I just want to check on Will.
Josh: She's a little freaked out about all of this.
Frank: Yeah, well, it's understandable.
Josh: Frank, can I ask you a favor? I don't want to impose or anything...
Frank: What's up?
Josh: Whatever you find out about Edmund, could you give me a heads-up first before it gets out there?
Frank: Any particular reason why?
Josh: I just want to have the opportunity to talk to the boys about it before they hear it from some place else.
Frank: All right. It makes sense. Excuse me. (Cell phone rings) Yeah, Cooper here. What? All right. I'm on my way. Oh, Josh, I'm sorry. I've got to go.
Josh: No problem. Listen. Tell your dad congratulations and we'll try top stop by the party later if we can.
Frank: Yeah, absolutely. It should be interesting. Take care.
Josh: You, too.
Cassie: Josh! Will's gone.
Josh: What do you mean gone?
Cassie: I mean he's not in his room. He's not out back.
Josh: Wait a minute. There's a million places he could be.
Cassie: Yeah, well, none of them are here!
Josh: I'll look outside. Will! Cassie, anything at all?
Cassie: No. He's gone.
Josh: Okay, let's not panic. Let’s...
Cassie: Something could have happened to him. He was acting like he was fine, but he was not fine.
Josh: Look, maybe he just went on exploring, you know. That's what boys do, unless...
Cassie: Unless?
Josh: When Frank was here talking about Edmund, do you think Will heard anything at all. I mean, Frank talking about staying on the case or Will is going to have to make a statement?
Cassie: I don't know. What difference does it make?
Josh: Maybe it doesn't make any difference at all. I'm trying to get inside Will's head. Figure out what he was thinking when he left. When is R.J. due back?
Cassie: Not for a couple of hours.
Josh: Hopefully this will be a memory by then.
Cyrus: All right, let's have it.
Remy: Oh, it's good cop, bad cop time, huh?
Harley: We couldn't decide which part to play, so we both decided to be bad cop.
Remy: You know, this stuff doesn't work on me. I was on the force, remember?
Cyrus: Gave a whole new definition to the words "bad cop," I hear.
Remy: Did you hear the last Australian I met ended up in a hospital bed?
Harley: Why are you doing this?
Remy: Doing what?
Cyrus: Covering for Phillip.
Remy: Who says that's what I'm doing?
Harley: Stop treating us like we're idiots. Remy, Jude is practically your nephew. Don't you care at all?
Remy: Of course I do.
Harley: Did you forget what Phillip’s done, the kidnapping?
Remy: Who says he is going to do it again?
Cyrus: So you were in touch with him?
Harley: Just tell us what is happening?
Remy: What difference does it make. You're not going to believe it anyway.
Harley: Try us.
Remy: He misses his kids.
Cyrus: And?
Remy: And that's it. I made a delivery. He wanted Zach to have the jacket and couldn't give it to him in person.
Cyrus: Why not?
Remy: Maybe he didn't want to get tackled by Harley’s enforcer from down under.
Cyrus: Listen, if you're going to be a total smart ass...
Harley: So you just told him you'd do it for him?
Remy: No, I ran into him. It was a total accident.
Harley: Where?
Remy: A big card game in Clayton.
Cyrus: He was playing cards?
Remy: No, no. He was outside, and I came out.
Harley: You didn't think that was weird at all?
Remy: Sure, I was surprised, but I was kind of just thinking how I lost five grand.
Cyrus: Let me guess. Mr. Spaulding asked you if you wanted to make some money.
Remy: Yeah, man. Easy money, my favorite kind.
Harley: And you're willing to put all of us at risk for a few bucks? What did he say? Did he say anything else? Did he say when he was coming back?
Remy: No, but I got the feeling he was leaving. He wanted to see Emma for her birthday and wanted to see Zach, but he thought better of it. For now, anyway.
Mel: You know, I have a couple books on Autism if you would like to borrow them.
Beth: Yes, I would love that.
Mel: Okay. I'll drop them off at the hospital with your mom.
Beth: Thank you, that's great. My mom will be very happy. She has done a lot of Autism awareness with Dr. Sedwick. It's just something you don't think about it, unless your a parent or you know somebody with a child on the spectrum. I just want to be informed now.
Mel: Well, it's good to know what to look for. It's all right here. The flags... the red flags of Autism. It just tells you what to look for, loss of language, or any language delay. No pointing or gesturing. If they're not meeting their social milestones. And then once you're informed, there is all kinds of help that is available, so... well, Beth, I am so glad that you are looking out for your baby. I have to go.
Beth: Thank you. Thank you, Mel. Take care.
Mel: Bye.
Beth: I am going to do everything right this time around. I'm going to give you everything that you need, sweetie.
Marina: You did not fix that election...
Buzz: Marina...
Marina: ...But that doesn't mean that you don't take an opportunity when it is dropped in your lap. Do you remember all of Doris' threats, do you remember what she was going to do to this place, to our family?
Buzz: Marina!
Marina: Come on, you wouldn't know about any of this if Bill hadn't snooped around and started dropping hints.
Buzz: So this is a good rigged election, as opposed to a bad rigged election.
Marina: Bill could be lying.
Buzz: Do you really believe that?
Marina: Since when are you obligated to confess to a crime you didn't commit?
Lillian: Oh , Richard, how’s the patient?
Officer: I hear he's being transferred today.
Lillian: That's the plan. And you were on the morning shift. We know the drill, don't worry, go have lunch. I'll turn up the intercom, and if I hear even a peep, I'll run over from the nurses station.
Officer: Thanks, Mrs. Raines. (Monitoring beeping)
Josh: Will, what are you doing?
Will: Doing?
Josh: Here with Uncle Edmund?
Will: Saying good-bye.
Josh: Well, you left the house without telling us.
Will: I know. I didn't think you would let me come. It would be the last time I would get to see him.
Josh: Your mom is worried about you. Let's get you home.
Will: Bye, Uncle Edmund. Hope you get better.
Cassie: Where is he? Oh, Beth, hi.
Beth: Is the party still going on?
Cassie: Party... um, yeah, it's inside.
Beth: Is everything okay?
Cassie: I'm looking for Will.
Beth: Were you guys having lunch here or something?
Cassie: No, no. He left from home.
Beth: And you think he made it all the way into town?
Cassie: I don't know what to think, Beth. He seemed fine, but I'm really worried about him. If you see him, if he comes looking for James, will you let me know?
Beth: Absolutely. Anything else that I can do...
Cassie: No. Thank you.
Beth: I have something you should see. It's about Will. I was going to wait until after the holidays, but I think maybe now I shouldn’t.
Doris: What did you come for, to make sure the coffin is nailed in tight?
Marina: Nobody likes a sore loser, Doris.
Mallet: Hey, you care to make a statement?
Marina: No. Actually, I just wanted to thank you for stepping in before.
Mallet: It comes with the job title.
Marina: Yeah, but, still...
Mallet: Yeah, something else comes with the job title, too. First things first: Let's state the obvious and get that out of the way. That woman is a total crank.
Marina: Tell me something I don't know.
Mallet: But still, all of this yacking about the election. Don't you think it was kind of weird how she had this incredible lead, and all of a sudden, poof, she loses it and it just all goes away.
Marina: Things like that happen all the time. I mean, polls are wrong.
Mallet: Yeah, I guess. I'm thinking about looking into it.
Marina: What about her being a total crank?
Mallet: I think if I look into the election, and there is nothing wrong, the skeptics have nothing to stand on and she goes back to where she comes from and everything is legit.
Marina: Can I talk to you for a moment?
Mallet: Sure.
Doris: Hey, come back here. You don't get to just leave me here. You know what, I am all alone in this. All alone.
Buzz: Hi. I brought you some cake.
Mallet: So why are we here?
Marina: It seemed like a quiet place to talk.
Mallet: Well, the station is pretty quiet, except for, you know, the Wolfe.
Marina: Okay, so I didn't want a quiet place to talk. It didn’t seem fair to do it there in your place of business.
Mallet: This sounds serious.
Marina: Let it go.
Mallet: The election?
Marina: Yeah, the election.
Mallet: But what if something happened?
Marina: I'm telling you it didn’t. And if you continue to pursue this, you'll be giving Doris something to talk about. And you'll be putting this center stage.
Mallet: This is kind of a funny request coming from a cop.
Marina: I'm not a cop anymore. Just a concerned granddaughter.
Cyrus: Mark where you last saw Phillip. If you saw him more than once, the last place is good.
Remy: I'm not good with maps.
Cyrus: I really wouldn't test us on this one.
Remy: I told you, he's gone.
Harley: That means he is busy figuring out when he is going to come back to town next.
Remy: If you were separated from your kids, wouldn't you try everything you could to see them again?
Harley: Yes. That's exactly what I'm afraid of.
Cyrus: The map, Remy.
Remy: That was it. Once when he hired me to make a delivery. And the other, to pick up the cash. Oh, and it was cash, I'm sorry. I guess he figured you'd try to trace a check.
Harley: Would you please stop enjoying this?
Remy: Does it look like I'm having fun?
Harley: What happened to you? You were so great, Remy, and now you're helping a kidnapper, you're running errands for him, you're taking money from...
Remy: Don't lecture me on taking money from a Spaulding. Who hired you to go find Phillip? Oh, wait, Alan. Yeah, that's right. Phillip went a little nuts, Alan is a killer.
Harley: He did more than just go a little nuts, Remy!
Remy: Are we done? Next time I want to get harassed, I'll know where to go.
Harley: We'll be in touch. (Door slams)
Cyrus: Maybe his head will freeze off.
Harley: I wish I could joke about this. I wish I wasn't scared to death that my... my nut of an ex-husband wasn't plotting to take my kids away from me right now. I wish... I wish... I wish.
Harley: I can't ... I can't do this. I can't let him do this to me.
Cyrus: Just take a minute. Keep breathing.
Harley: First I lose Gus, and then I'm trapped in a building, and now Phillip is hovering around waiting to make his next move.
Cyrus: At least he is not in Springfield.
Harley: We don't know that. We don't know that. We don't know what Remy said is true. Maybe he told him to say that. Maybe it has all been planned from the beginning.
Cyrus: Harley, come on, don't spin out on me. We'll handle it. We will. We will. (Crashing sound)
Marina: Just let my grandfather and Coop figure a way to counter this quietly.
Mallet: Oh, well, you brought me to a church to ask me to do this, so I can't question your sincerity. Okay, I'll do it.
Marina: Thank you. I knew I could count on you.
Doris: I can't even believe that you're here without cameras. It is a photo op of a lifetime...
Buzz: Doris, I'm not the one who put you behind bars.
Doris: No?
Buzz: You pretty much did that on your own.
Doris: I am not the reason that I am here. Losing is the reason I am here. How did I get here?
Buzz: Doris...
Doris: You know, when I was ahead in the polls and everything was clear sailing, I could see taking the oath of office.
Buzz: Well, it didn't work out that way.
Doris: Hand on the bible, flags fluttering in the background, people cheering.
Buzz: It's not the end of the world...
Doris: It is! It is to me, okay? What am I supposed to do now? What's going to happen to me?
Buzz: You keep plugging away like you always do.
Doris: It was all about this, Buzz. This was the thing that was going to turn everything around because it was finally about me. I was finally going to get recognition and validation.
Buzz: Doris...
Doris: You know, get out of here. No, no, sulking is so much more fun when you do it alone.
Buzz: Officer, this woman's under arrest for assaulting me, and I'm dropping the charges, so can you let her go?
Cassie: I don't understand.
Beth: I was a parent at the school fair day. And we had had a table with crayons and paper, you know, encouraging kids to be creative.
Cassie: And these...
Beth: Were Will's. He left them there, and I thought that you should see them.
Cassie: He's so sad. And every one of them, they're all just variations on this?
Beth: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.
Cassie: No. I'm glad you showed them to me. I'm really glad. I mean, I thought that Alonzo taking over Will's care was a positive. He was going to be a prince and he was excited about it, but, I mean, it's obvious he felt like I abandoned him. And that never went away.
Josh: I'll call your mom in a few minutes and tell her you're home safe.
Will: Am I in trouble?
Josh: No, you are not in trouble. We were just worried about you, that's all. You took off, you didn't tell us where you were going. Somehow you made your way to the hospital. Why don't you go have a seat over there by the coffee table. I know your Uncle Edmund means a lot to you, Will, or at least I thought he did. Look, um... I know getting settled back here in Springfield has been a challenge for you. It's been very difficult, I'm sure. Considering where you came from. But you have to know that your mother loves you very much, and I love you very much. And we're both happy you're here.
Will: Okay. I'm happy, too.
Josh: But I also think that this adjustment for you has been more difficult than you're saying it is. I think that you're holding something inside.
Will: I'm not.
Josh: Will, it's okay to say if you are. You see, I'm just trying to figure out how some things fit together here. And I keep coming back to what you might be feeling.
Will: I'm not feeling anything.
Josh: Will, what happened to James?
Will: He got hurt. He fell.
Josh: Right. But you got to play the part that he was supposed to play in the Christmas pageant. And that was a big deal to you, right? So you... you say James just fell. Did Edmund just fall, too?
Will: I'm hungry.
Josh: Will, at the ordination, one minute you were there and the next minute you weren’t. Now, I know I was very focused on my vows and all of that, but I did not see you there at one point. And then the next thing I knew, Edmund came falling off the choir loft. Now, people don't just fall from places like that. Did you push him?
Will: Edmund is my friend.
Josh: Well, that's not what I asked you, Will. I asked you if you pushed him. And I realize that's a pretty tough question to ask. But were you up there with Edmund? Is that where you disappeared to?
Will: I don’t want to talk to you anymore.
Josh: Well, you're going to have to sooner or later. Because I need to know what happened to James, and I need to know what happened to Edmund. And when your mom gets here, we're all going to talk about this.
Will: You never try to get between me and my mom, ever.
Lillian: Oh, our guest of honor is back.
Frank: Where did you disappear to?
Buzz: I had to take care of something.
Lillian: We heard some rumors, but you haven't had second thoughts about wanting to be mayor, have you?
Frank: She's right. You pulled off the election upset of the year. What? Oh, no.
Buzz: Doris, what are you doing?
Doris: You must have something to clean up here somewhere. I mean, I made a mess making that scene before.
Buzz: You don't have to do this.
Doris: You know what, Buzz, I strangled you and called you a liar in front of the whole town and what do you do? You spring me lose.
Buzz: You don't have to do this.
Doris: Yes, I do. Try and stop me.
Buzz: Marina?
Marina: Hey, Gramps, I wanted to catch you up on a couple of things. It's about what almost happened. Mallet wanted to launch a full investigation about the election, he just wanted to put the rumors to rest.
Buzz: This is getting out of control.
Marina: Well, not yet it’s not. Because I think I stopped him from doing it. But that's not why I'm calling.
Buzz: Well, why are you calling?
Marina: He was only going to get involved in any of this because Doris won't shut up about you stealing the election. My advice: If we don't want anybody else to get the same idea at Mallet, we need to shut Doris up.
Buzz: Oh, I'll have a hit put out on her.
Marina: You know what I mean.
Buzz: I am hating this more by the minute.
Marina: Well, just think about her being mayor. That ought to cancel it out. Look, I know this stinks, but I just don't know any other way to play it right now.
Buzz: I think I do. Doris...
Doris: Just let me do this.
Buzz: Come on. This is a waste of time.
Doris: Well, I have nothing but time to waste.
Buzz: Not if you're working for me, you're not.
Doris: I don't know anything about running a restaurant.
Buzz: Who said anything about the restaurant? I'm talking about city hall. You can work for the mayor, okay? You're part of the team.
Mallet: Hey, how you doing? This is Detective Mallet. Can you set up a meeting for me to meet with the election board. Yeah. I want to get a feel for how hard it is or for how easy it is to rig votes.
Harley: Thank you for before.
Cyrus: I didn't do anything.
Harley: I no. And thank God for that.
Cyrus: What?
Harley: This is crazy. We can't keep doing this. It was bad enough just me having all these feelings...
Cyrus: It was never just you, not since the cave-in. That's what I was trying to tell you...
Harley: Don't say anything else.
Cyrus: Look, we both want the same thing, me with Marina. And this, whatever it is, to just go away.
Harley: Yes. It's passed time. Way passed time.
Cyrus: So we just... we just decide, and we admit it to each other, and then we just say we're moving on.
Harley: Moving on.
Cyrus: That's just the way it's got to be. Shake on it. Deal?
Harley: Deal.
Marina: Hey, Remy, Merry Christmas to you.
Remy: Not now, okay.
Marina: No problem. You know, maybe it's time for you to step out from underneath that dark cloud that seems to follow you around.
Remy: Thanks for the tip. I might have a chance at it once your aunt gives me a break.
Marina: Excuse me?
Remy: You're aunt. She's bad news.
Marina: I don't think so.
Remy: I think so. It's time you wise up about her.
Marina: What does that mean?
Remy: It means open your eyes before she steals your boyfriend away from you.
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