GL Transcript Wednesday 12/12/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/12/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Nurse Kimberly: See you back here later this evening, Mr. Lewis?

Billy: Okay.

Lizzie: Call him. He's your son! You need to call him.

Billy: I took my first drink when I was 14. Jimmy Dalton snuck a bottle of his father's bourbon into the church picnic, and I took a big swig because I wanted to impress Reva and all the other girls. And it was all I could do to keep from spitting it back out. It was like fire going all the way down my throat. And then, you wake up one morning, and all you can think about is that fire and how much you want it and how much you need it. It's not just the alcohol that gets you hooked. They talk about blood levels and alcohol content-- that's all just chemistry. It's life that gets you hooked, that switch that goes off in your head. And you're completely okay. You don't care about anything until you start hurting people- strangers, friends, family, yourself. But even then, you... you don't stop drinking. See, that's the little dirty secret that all drunks know. You found the love of your life in a bottle. Once you realize you're okay with hurting people, you make choices. If your old friends look at you with sympathy or disappointment, you make new friends-- ones that don't judge, ones who are just as lost as you are. After a while, you forget who you used to be because you're reborn, a whole new man, untouchable. Regrets? You have them. They... they're like... they're like ghosts; they haunt you. Like a... like a scar that you thought had healed. And sometimes you... you're tempted to reach out for someone or somebody that you knew from the past, but you don't because you know that you're too busy keeping your own head above water to try to save anybody else. They just might bring you down. Like everything else, freedom isn't forever. Sooner or later, you're nailed again.

Lizzie: Is that really necessary?

Billy: It starts all over, facing the judge, admitting you're weak, waiting for the axe to fall. But the judge, he's no fool. He's not burdened by love. He's got the law on his side, and the law says you're going away. You go to jail or you go to rehab. And just when you think you've sunk as far as you can go... you realize you can always sink even lower. You made your choice. You're on your own. And when you go down, you go down hard.

Vanessa: Sweetheart, it's just a dream. It's just a bad dream.

Bill: It's not just a dream, is it? Huh?

Vanessa: No, it's not. Your daddy has to go away.

Bill: To jail. I heard you.

Vanessa: Yeah. Well, he made a mistake. It was a bad mistake, a serious mistake, so...

Bill: I don't want him to go.

Vanessa: I know. I know, I know it's hard.

Bill: I hate him. I hate him.

Vanessa: No, you don't hate him. He's not a bad man. He's just a man. Just a man.

Bill: Ma?

Billy: So, am I healthy enough to be locked up now?

Lizzie: You're going to rehab, not prison.

Billy: You can call it what you want, but they got a lock on the door and you can't open it.

Nurse Kimberly: You're healthy as a horse, Mr. Lewis, with the brains of a mule.

Billy: Ooh, I like when you sweet-talk me like that. (Laughter) You love me, don't you?

Nurse Kimberly: This time stay in rehab. I don't want them wheeling you in here again.

Billy: Okay. See, she's crazy about me!

Lizzie: I know! And when you clean your act up, you can put the moves on her.

Billy: I think she likes me just the way I am. How about you, Officer Bennett? What do you think?

Bennett: I think you're lucky you're not going to prison.

Billy: Oh, boy, this is a regular old "picking on Billy Lewis" day!

Lizzie: No! This is "wake up before it's too late, Billy" day.

Billy: Hey, you know... I mean, I know I need... I went all the way down to that rehab and I looked at it.

Lizzie: Oh, no! (Gasps mockingly) You're cured! I'm sure that was enough!

Billy: Okay, okay. Enough with the sarcasm.

Lizzie: I don't want you to go to prison or end up dead on the highway, okay? I want you to get better, Billy. You cannot do that on your own. This is your last chance. I need you, and so does Lewis Construction, and so does the rest of your family.

Billy: Well, there's one person in my family that doesn’t.

Bill: Officer Bennett.

Bennett: Thanks for the tip, Mr. Lewis. I know it must have been tough.

Bill: Yeah. Well, my dad needs help, okay? Not that guy.

Bennett: Say no more. I'll take care of it. Okay. Let's go.

Reporter: Ever hear of the fourth amendment? I have a right to be here. Billy Lewis driving drunk, that's news.

Billy: What are you doing here?

Bill: Where's Lizzie?

Billy: She's getting my release. I've got to be tip-top shape before they can lock me up.

Bill: All right. Come on. I'm getting you out of here.

Billy: What are you doing?

Bill: Look, there's a photographer waiting to snap shots of you, all right? Now, is that what you want?

Billy: Oh, that's perfect for you. That means, what, a feather in your hat? You'd be the hit with Lewis Construction.

Bill: Enough. You want to be humiliated, then you can stay here, or you can come with me.

Billy: What's the catch?

Bill: Dad, there is no catch. My car is in back. Now, why don't you come with me.

Billy: You're taking me right out of the frying pan, putting me in the fire, right?

Bill: You know what? If you want to stay here, that's fine with me.

Billy: No, no, no. No, no, wait, wait, wait. There's a door over here. It's unlocked. Come on.

Bill: All right.

Billy: So, now that you've got me here, what is the plan?

Bill: Well, there is no plan.

Billy: Oh, okay! (Laughs)

Bill: I'm just going to keep you here until the gossip-mongers go home, and then I'm going to drive you to a rehab myself. You got a better idea?

Billy: Hey, wha... is this the same Bill Lewis who sicced the... the press on me? What's going on here?

Bill: Cassie has some coffee over here.

Billy: Oh, I'm sober enough already. Just answer the question, boy.

Bill: All right. Look, me first.

Billy: Okay.

Bill: What is going through your head? What are you doing? It's one thing to quit rehab, Dad, but then to have drinks and go taking a car?

Billy: Sounded like a good idea to me.

Bill: Come on!

Billy: What do you want to know? I got scared. I... I wanted to talk to somebody.

Bill: Did you ever hear of telephones?

Billy: Oh, no. I wanted to talk to somebody face-to-face.

Bill: Well, I'm sure if you whistled, Lizzie would have come a-running.

Billy: Didn't want to talk to Lizzie. Wanted to talk to Vanessa.

Bill: She... she still means that much to you, huh?

Billy: Not as much as you.

Bill: Me? What do you mean, me?

Billy: Hey, you asked the question. Let me answer. The other day, when I kicked you out of Josh's ordination, I said, "Billy, you're well on your way to becoming that world-class butthead dad that you've always been." And I said, "Who would understand..."

Bill: So you thought you would get mom to help.

Billy: Yeah. Who better than your mom?

Bill: Well, that's not her job anymore, Dad. Now, if you have something to say to me, why don't you just... why don't you say it?

Billy: I do have something to say. Do you know what time it is?

Bill: What?

Billy: Yeah... no, they took my... took my watch and my keys and my cell. You can't go into rehab with anything but your addiction.

Bill: Yeah, well, I think time is the least of your worries, right now. You still like your coffee black?

Billy: No. I don't need any coffee. Thank you. Got what I need right here.

Bill: What are you doing? Hey! Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Billy: No, no...

Bill: Are you serious?

Billy: Hey, even a condemned man gets a nice, hearty breakfast.

Bill: What are you thinking? You know what? Maybe I should let you drink it. Go and drink all the beers you can find, get so drunk you fall off the porch and break your neck.

Billy: Now that sounds like a plan to me!

Bill: Yeah, well, you know what? You can kill yourself on your own time, all right? It's not going to be on my head.

Billy: Hey, what happened to you, buddy? You know, you used to be such a sweet kid, you wouldn't even put the worm on the hook.

Bill: Yeah. Well, you know what I remember?

Billy: Yeah?

Bill: I'd still catch more fish than you.

Billy: (Laughs) In your dreams!

Bill: Boy, are you telling me. Every time we went up to Lake Francis, not only would I catch more fish than you, I'd walk away with the big winner, setting records. You telling me you don't remember that? You think I'm making that up

Billy: No, no. No. I'm just surprised.

Lizzie: (Scoffs) There you are! Do you know that the police are looking for you?

Bill: Yeah, well...

Lizzie: But I had to promise them that I was going to find you and bring you back myself.

Billy: Slow pit-stop on the way to rehab.

Lizzie: Was this your idea?

Bill: Well, as a matter of fact, it was.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Billy: He was keeping... he was keeping the press off me.

Lizzie: Oh! Out of the goodness of his heart, I'm sure. Did he mention to you that he's the one that told the cop you were driving drunk? Did he?

Billy: That true?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah.

Lizzie: Your own father?

Bill: You wouldn't understand. He's all yours.

Bill: Congratulations, Mr. Mayor! Where's the family?

Buzz: The family's at Harley’s. I'm going to go inside and thank some friends, so, you know...

Bill: Well, I hope you'll think of me as a friend, as well. Even though we might have disagreed on some issues. Buzz you are an honest guy, and you care. And Springfield is in good hands.

Buzz: (Laughs) Forgive me for asking this, but if Doris had won, would you've made this little speech to her?

Bill: Now, there's no use speculating, Buzz.

Buzz: No speculation. And you were counting on her to win.

Bill: What are you talking about? I made a contribution to her campaign. It's no big deal.

Buzz: It's not what you do for her, it's what she would do for you. She'd fast-track your plans to destroy Main Street and my place of business.

Bill: (Laughs) Ah! Who told you that?

Buzz: Somebody I trust. Are you going to look me in the face and deny it?

Bill: Please, Buzz. Politics, it's a game. I give a little to her campaign, a little to yours. May the best man win. And obviously, he did. Yes, okay, I discussed my plans with Doris when she was up ahead in the polls. But, I mean, what kind of businessman would I be if I hadn't, huh? Nothing personal.

Buzz: No, losing this place is personal. Replacing Main Street and Company with a sterile shopping mall, that's very... that's very personal.

Bill: Okay. I... I... listen. Listen to me. You won. This is great news. You know, you and I, we can sit down and we can rework my plans.

Buzz: Yeah?

Bill: Yeah. Make it more, I don't know...

Buzz: People-friendly, right? (Laughs)

Bill: Exactly. Exactly! See, now, if you'll keep an open mind, I will. With your integrity, my vision, ooh!

Buzz: Yeah, we'd both be rich!

Bill: Well...

Buzz: Yeah!

Bill: It's just a by-product. What's important here is that you see that I have your interest and Springfield’s at heart.

Buzz: Yeah. I see all right, but my mind is closed and so is this conversation.

Ava: Catch him again when it's not so public. He's a smart guy.

Bill: If Buzz was smart, he would have jumped on my offer.

Ava: Buzz needs to believe that he is a man of the people. But once someone shows him their merits...

Bill: Yeah, you have someone in mind?

Ava: Buzz listens to me.

Bill: Oh, I'm sure he does! Just like when you told him that I was working with Doris.

Ava: Oh, but...

Bill: And do not deny it. You were there when I was discussing my plans with her.

Ava: What did I overhear you say to Buzz? "It's nothing personal"?

Bill: Well, looks like I'm not the only one who's changed.

Ava: For the better. Besides, I may have found a little leverage for you to use, whoever is mayor.

Bill: What are you talking about? The election's over.

Ava: Yeah, well... (cell phone rings)

Bill: Excuse me. Yeah, Mom?

Vanessa: Bill? Honey, I... I heard about your dad's accident.

Bill: Yeah, just a few cuts and bruises, that's all.

Vanessa: Well, yeah, thank goodness for that. But, you know, this situation is just... it's just impossible.

Bill: Yeah, well, don't worry, because soon dad's going to have to spend his days in rehab and won't be able to get out until he gets his head on straight.

Vanessa: Well, I have to worry, you know. As a matter of fact, a lot of us who care about him are worried. We... we want to have an intervention at Reva’s.

Bill: (Scoffs) Well, good luck with that.

Vanessa: Bill, I need you there.

Bill: Mom, dad's going to take one look at me, he's going to run for the door.

Vanessa: Your father needs you, and I need you.

Bill: (Groans) All right, I'm on my way.

Ava: Family stuff?

Bill: Yeah. Looks like our business will have to wait.

Ava: Well, sometimes good things are worth waiting for. Good luck.

Bill: Hmm.

Vanessa: Oh, honey, good. I'm so glad you're here. I hope and pray this works.

Bill: Prayer? That's one solution.

Josh: That's only part of the plan, Bill.

Bill: Hey, Josh. I thought you were away.

Josh: I was. She called us.

Bill: Us?

Matt: Hey, Bill, welcome home.

Bill: What's up?

Vanessa: I asked them all to be here.

Bill: I mean, no offense, you guys, but this is a strange group to intervene with my dad. I mean, where's Mindy, Dylan, Reva?

Dinah: Bill, just for the record, I want you to know that I am against this.

Vanessa: Dinah...

Dinah: I want him to know that I'm here to support him.

Bill: Me? No, no, no, no. Look, this isn't for me. This is... well, Ma, where's the sacrificial lamb? Where is dad?

Billy: Bill, this isn't about me. This intervention is for you.

Bill: Out of my way, Josh.

Josh: Bill, Bill, you're outnumbered, okay?

Bill: If you think the holy collar you wear's going to make any difference, it's not.

Josh: I'm not here has a minister. I'm here as your uncle.

Vanessa: Bill, there... there are a lot of people who are very worried about you.

Dinah: You know what? Some of us.

Vanessa: Dinah...

Matt: Come on, Dinah. Bill's hardly the same guy he was before he left town, you know.

Bill: You know what? I realized who I can count on and who I can’t.

Billy: Is that your excuse?

Bill: Well, at least I don't carry mine around in a bottle.

Vanessa: Bill, just cool it and hear what we have to say.

Bill: What you have to say? Ma, I don't need to hear what you have to say because I know how this scenario is going to play out. We have Reverend Josh, who's going to tell everyone about the prodigal son. He went away, lost his way, only to come crawling back and beg for his father's forgiveness. Praise the Lord.

Josh: If you really know that story, Bill, then you know that the father loves his son even when he's lost.

Bill: No, he and I, we're more like Abraham and Isaac. He's ready to carve me up, aren't you, Abe?

Billy: If I was, would I be here?

Bill: And Mom, thank you so much. Thank you so much for setting this up. And what are you going to do? Appeal to the little boy in me? "Bill, remember when we played knights in armor and you'd save me from the dragon?" (Giggles mockingly)

Vanessa: You did.

Bill: And Matt, I don't even know what you're doing here. What, you thought you could come in, smack me around if I make mommy cry?

Matt: (Laughs) You've pretty much already done that. You proud of yourself?

Bill: Yeah, yeah, I did that. And look who's here. Last but not least, there's Lizzie, here to testify how cruel I am. Well, I confess. I confess, everybody! I took her to bed because she wanted me to, and I didn't call her in the morning!

Josh: Are you finished?

Bill: Guilty as charged!

Josh: Are you finished?

Bill: I don't know. The moose hasn't said anything. Hey, I didn't shoot you, Waldo. That'd be my granddad, so you can take it up with H.B.!

Josh: You are at a crossroads, Bill.

Bill: (Laughs) Oh, am I?

Josh: Yes.

Bill: Why is it always a crossroads? Why isn't it ever at a truck stop? Or maybe a petting zoo?

Josh: You can stay on this road you're on right now and keep throwing the people who love you under the bus, or you can stay here, you can listen to us and walk out of here with a clean slate.

Bill: (Scoffs) Clean slate?

Josh: Yes.

Bill: Like it never happened?

Josh: Yes.

Bill: Hmm.

Lizzie: Wait, I never signed on for that.

Vanessa: Lizzie, this isn't about retribution.

Lizzie: Well, it is for me.

Vanessa: No.

Matt: What if he promises to change, make a fresh start?

Dinah: Why does he have to change? It's not like the rest of us are all saints.

Matt: Some of us know how to admit when we screw up.

Dinah: Oh, yeah, like when you slept with me?

Vanessa: Dinah, will you just shut up!

Dinah: I'm just saying...

Vanessa: This is not about you!

Josh: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Can we just stay focused on why we're here?

Lizzie: I thought we were here to teach Bill a lesson.

Dinah: Oh, Lizzie, shut up. You know what? You need to grow up. You're not the only girl who took a little tumble, okay?

Lizzie: Excuse me?

Bill: Ha! I take it back. This is fun!

Billy: Okay! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's focus. This is about Bill, Bill's life.

Bill: That's right. And my life is okay.

Billy: Your life is empty.

Bill: Like the bottles in your room?

Billy: Yeah, that's right. I have crutches. So do you. You know, if I thought this was really the way you wanted to be, I'd let you be. But you're miserable, and you know it.

Bill: Oh, listen to this. Five minutes in rehab, and he's a shrink, everybody.

Billy: Oh, no, no. I'm an expert on lost souls. I see one in the mirror every morning when I shave. You are a lost soul.

Bill: What you see right now is someone who is trying his damnedest not to turn out like you.

Billy: I... I'm for that, too. Go ahead. You don't have to turn out like me, but I don't think this is what you want to be. Do you want to be this person who spits in the eye of all the people who care about him?

Bill: How could you possibly know what I want? How could you know anything, except where to get your next drink?

Lizzie: Bill, stop.

Billy: No, that's good. That's good. You can lay it off on me. You can dump it on me. I can take it. But keep it away from your mom and Matt and Lizzie and Josh. Let's you and I have the war. Let's have it out. We'll bury our dead. We'll... we'll hammer out a... a treaty, we'll come to a resolve.

Bill: You think it's going to be that easy?

Billy: No! No! No, I know it's not easy. But you've got people here, right here, who care about you, who love you.

Bill: (Scoffs)

Vanessa: And there are a lot of people who aren't here who care about you and love you. Michelle was just ready to jump on a plane.

Bill: Michelle?

Vanessa: Yes, she was! She couldn't come because her little girl's sick, but she's very worried about you.

Bill: Well, I'm going to call Michelle, and I'm going to tell her not to worry. Tell her she did the right thing there, stay with her family and take care of them. And thank her lucky stars that she does not have a family like mine.

Bill: (Growls)

Ava: You're back.

Bill: Yep, back where I started. (Laughs) Do you ever feel like just breaking something?

Ava: You'll feel better for two seconds, then you get arrested.

Bill: What's it to you?

Ava: I'm just trying to save you from doing time. I hear those jumpsuits are itchy.

Bill: What are you doing? You're waiting for me?

Ava: Yeah. I know how families are. Do you want to hang out?

Bill: Do you like martinis?

Ava: Yeah. (Laughs) Nice.

Bill: I still cannot wrap my head around it.

Ava: Around what?

Bill: You working for Alan Spaulding. I mean, when I left town, you were this...

Ava: (Laughs) I was a good girl?

Bill: Yeah, a good girl. That's right. Well.

Ava: Now, I guess, we've both changed. Or we figured out who we both really were.

Bill: And it really made that much of a difference, to find out that you're the daughter of Olivia and Jeffrey?

Ava: You tell me. Did it affect you, being the son of Vanessa and Billy?

Bill: Touché.

Ava: Touché. We've both have something to prove. Mm-hmm.

Bill: So your interest in my Main Street plans isn't just business?

Ava: Ah, no. I'm interested in turning a profit, for sure, and impressing the boss. But...

Bill: Mm-hmm. But there's someone else?

Ava: There used to be. Coop. We had something good, but then she came along.

Bill: She? I cannot believe there's another woman.

Ava: No, believe it. She took something from me.

Bill: And you want to take something from her?

Ava: Hmm.

Bill: So this information you have must really be something.

Ava: It's able to rock her world. But if I go to the press...

Bill: I got you. Coop's going to find out, and he'll never forgive you, or whatever. Look, I... I have a feeling that this information will hurt more than just Coop. Like his whole family.

Ava: A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.

Bill: Then tell me.

Ava: Nope.

Bill: Tell me.

Ava: Not now.

Bill: Why?

Ava: Not until the Cooper’s are finished with their big night.

Bill: Well, that's fine by me, as long as we enjoy ours.

Ava: Ooh! (Laughs) Oh!

Bill: Now, it's just you and me in this bed.

Ava: Yeah?

Bill: Okay?

Ava: Okay.

Bill: So, there are no secrets.

Ava: No.

Bill: We're beyond that.

Ava: And what makes you think I'm going to believe you if your family doesn't?

Bill: Because you want to.

Ava: Uh-huh.

Bill: You can't keep it inside. It's only going to kill you.

Ava: And if I tell you? Then what will you do? What I want, when I want, and not one second before?

Bill: I'd walk on broken glass for you.

Ava: I mean, after.

Bill: Scout's honor.

Ava: Yeah. You are a liar! (Laughs) Yeah!

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: Yeah? Okay. Well, I guess I have to tell somebody at some point, right?

Bill: Go ahead, tell me.

Ava: I think the election was fixed.

Bill: Beautiful.

Ava: Yeah?

Bill: Yeah.

Lizzie: He's ready.

Billy: Oh, boy, rehab. Vacation of a lifetime.

Vanessa: You can do this.

Billy: I couldn't even help my own boy.

Josh: You don't know that. At least Bill can't say that nobody cares.

Lizzie: Right now, you just need to take care of yourself.

Billy: Yeah, okay.

Josh: For the record, I'm proud of you.

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: I love you.

Vanessa: So am I.

Lizzie: Wait.

Billy: Watch out for my boy. I know he doesn't deserve it, but, hey, nobody does.

Bill: Ah! Talk about an intervention! (Laughs)

Ava: Whew! Yeah. Boy, I needed that just as much as you did. Why do I feel so used?

Bill: Because you were, and so was I. (Laughter)

Ava: Can you imagine if my mother walked in the door right now?

Bill: No. Please, do not talk about that. But don't worry, your secret's safe with me.

Ava: Good. Which secret is that? The one I told you before, or this big secret?

Bill: The secret about the birthmark in the inner thigh? Is that the one we're talking about?

Ava: Stop! No! I'm talking about the election.

Bill: Oh...

Ava: That one.

Bill: I forgot all about that one.

Ava: The reason you brought me to bed in the first place, right?

Bill: Well, one of the reasons.

Ava: Are you going to use it against Buzz?

Bill: Buzz?

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: Oh, God, I like Buzz.

Ava: So do I. Then what's the plan?

Bill: Well, I like you, too. So the less you know, the better.

Ava: Mm-hmm?

Bill: Mm-hmm. Hmm. Yeah. I'll be right back. You hungry? You hungry...

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: ...'Cause, well, I'm starving.

Ava: Me, too.

Bill: So, here's the plan: I'm going to go get us some takeout, you are going to order us some wine...

Ava: Wine.

Bill: ...And then we're going to have a little picnic right on the bed.

Ava: Well, why don't we just order both?

Bill: Because I got a craving, and then I will be right back...

Ava: Hurry.

Bill: ...For dessert.

Ava: Hurry!

Lizzie: I told your dad I'd look out for you. Looks like somebody beat me to it.

Bill: Well, thank you for stopping by. It means a lot.

Lizzie: Yeah, I can see how you're suffering.

Bill: Do not tell me that you are jealous.

Lizzie: (Scoffs) Of her? I may be ambitious, but I've never had to sleep my way to the top.

Bill: Well, that's because you were born there. But, really, it is nice to know that you care.

Lizzie: I don’t. Like I told you before, I promised your dad that I would look out for you, whether you deserve it or not.

Bill: And how is Billy, hmm? Where is he right now? Closing a bar?

Lizzie: He's on his way to rehab.

Bill: Really? No tricks this time? No stealing cars, no getting drunk, nothing?

Lizzie: Officer Bennett is taking him, and this time he'll be staying.

Bill: Well, here's hoping. Now, she and I, we... we go way back.

Lizzie: Right. What, like ten minutes? That's a lifetime in your world.

Bill: I am loving this. Admit to me right now that you are jealous.

Lizzie: She can have you. Yeah, I... I thought after the intervention and everyone being there for you, maybe that would make a difference. But obviously you are...

Bill: Free and happy, all of the above. Hmm?

Lizzie: Keep telling yourself that, Bill. Maybe you'll start to believe it.

Bill: Quite a night!

Buzz: You're back?

Bill: What?

Buzz: To pitch the same proposal? Is that what it is? Because the answer's just the same.

Bill: Nothing's quite the same, Buzz, or ever will be, now that I've got some new numbers.

Buzz: Look, please, your specs, your projections, I don’t...

Bill: I'm talking about the election numbers. I mean, don't you think it odd that the exit polls are so off- base?

Buzz: Well, you know, the experts are every now and then.

Bill: Look, I don't want this to come out wrong or make you feel...

Buzz: If you have something to say, say it.

Bill: Well, Buzz, it's come to my attention...

Buzz: Yes?

Bill: ...That there were some irregularities in the voting.

Buzz: Irregularities?

Bill: Mm. The election was fixed, Buzz.

Buzz: (Laughs) You and Doris? I mean, it's a little late. I mean, now, Doris...

Bill: I'm not talking about Doris. (Clears throat)

Buzz: That's a lie.

Bill: (Laughs) Oh, no, no, no, no. I'm not talking about you, Buzz. You never would have allowed this. But it happened all the same. So, the victory for the little guy, nothing more than a fraud. And I can prove it.

Buzz: That's it.

Bill: Oh, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, of course, this proof may hurt someone that you care about, maybe even more than one someone. Now, you don't want that happening, do you? Huh? Will that make you any better than Doris Wolfe?

Buzz: Assuming there's a grain of truth in what you...

Bill: Okay, see? See, that's more like it. I like what I'm hearing here, because you don't want to give up your newfound power, do you? Nah! Wouldn't blame you. But I'm sure we can work something out.

Buzz: Are you blackmailing me?

Bill: (Laughs) It's called negotiating. Now, if Doris takes over her seat as mayor, my deal will go through as planned.

Buzz: So, what's stopping you?

Bill: Well, honestly, the woman, she makes my flesh crawl. I don't want her on top anymore than you do.

Buzz: (Laughs)

Bill: Yeah.

Buzz: I'm not going to play ball with you!

Bill: Okay.

Buzz: I'll launch my own investigation.

Bill: Yeah. You know what, Buzz? You go do that, okay? You go and prove that someone cheated to make you mayor. Yeah, stand by your principles. That's the Buzz Cooper everyone knows. And then you watch how Doris comes and destroys everyone and everything you care about, huh?

Buzz: Why the hell did you come back to town?

Bill: Oh, maybe it was for this, Buzz. Now, look, I hope you have a nice little sleep tonight, wake up early, fresh in the morning, and come to the realization that you and me can make a very good team. Buzz Cooper.

(Knock at door)

Billy: Yes! Oh, good, something to... come in, come in.

Buzz: Hey, Billy.

Billy: Hey, Buzz, how are you? What are you doing here?

Buzz: Well, they told me I could bring you something to make you more comfortable. So, you know...

Billy: If you brought me bourbon, I will be your slave. I will do anything.

Buzz: No, I didn’t.

Bill: No, I'm kidding.

Buzz: They went through this stuff, so, I mean, I had to keep the girlie magazines and the...

Billy: Yeah, okay.

Buzz: But I brought you, like, an mp3 and books and chocolate chip cookies.

Billy: Oh, so it's come to this? Chocolate chip cookies, huh?

Buzz: Hey...

Billy: Yeah?

Buzz: ...You're gonna get through this.

Billy: Yeah, or I'm going to die. And I think dying sounds pretty good right now.

Buzz: Don't say that. Look, get well. We need you back home.

Billy: Look at me, I'm focused on myself. How about a big, hearty congratulations, Mr. Mayor!

Buzz: Oh.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey... what, did I miss something here? You got elected, right?

Buzz: So they tell me.

Billy: Oh, I get it. I get it. This isn't just about bringing me chocolate chip cookies, is it?

Buzz: No. It's about your son. Look, I know you've got your hands full here, but I... you know, you're my friend, so I want you to have the option.

Billy: Well, this sounds like a threat.

Buzz: No. I'm the mayor. I'm above all of that.

Billy: What's he done?

Buzz: It's what he might do to me, my family, my friends and the whole town that we both love. I mean, Billy, he's got to be out of the picture, you know? Either you get rid of him, or I will.

Billy: You did it. You make your choices. You live with them. You tell yourself you can accept the consequences like a man. Sounds good. You believe in yourself, until you look around and you discover you're all alone.

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