Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/11/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Reporter: The polls are still open, but already we see a trend. Exit polls indicate that D.A. Doris Wolfe should start polishing her acceptance speech, and Buzz Cooper may want to keep his day job selling burgers.
Coop: You know what? Don't even listen to that. It's like I always say, the longer the odds, the sweeter the victory.
Ashlee: You see, but either way, I feel sorry for the loser because it's either my mom or your dad.
Coop: Ashlee, look. Whatever happens, at least it's legit, you know, and that's thanks to you. If you hadn't stopped your mom from hacking into the polls...
Ashlee: You know what? It doesn't really matter, really, because she's going to win. And she's going to take it out on your family, and... and I have just angered her even more.
(Champagne cork popping)
Doris: (Laughs) Bill Lewis.
Bill: Madam Mayor.
Doris: Shh, don't say that yet. I haven't won yet. Besides, the polls aren't even closed.
Bill: Soon enough. And once they do, the demolition trucks will be rolling down Main Street, which makes us both winners.
Reporter: And if these trends continue...
Ashlee: What do they know? It's just TV.
Lillian: That's right. You're not going to give up, right, Mayor Cooper?
Buzz: You know what? I didn't get in this for the title. I didn't, I didn’t. And not the parking place, even, at city hall.
Frank: Hey, what's wrong with that? Don't knock that.
Buzz: You know why I got in this for? Because I was trying to keep Doris from knocking down Main Street and my restaurant, and everybody else's little businesses around there. And so I started to believe little by little that maybe I could help people, like me and you and you and you and you. So if I have to wear a suit and, you know, hob-knob with the governor, well, bring it on. (Laughter)
Coop: Hey, you okay?
Ashlee: Ah, yeah, yeah. No, I mean, she's my mom, and I love her. But if she wins...
Doris: (Laughs) Well, it's about time you crossed over to the winning side. Bill, get a glass for Ms. Spaulding.
Lizzie: Keep your button and the drink. We had a business meeting.
Bill: And what do you call this?
Lizzie: You don't want to know what I call this.
Doris: Lizzie, dear, you know I owe so much to your family. I never could have won without--
Lizzie: Wait, Doris, you haven't won anything.
Bill: Okay, you're going to have to forgive my assistant here.
Lizzie: Assistant?
Bill: She's been spending too much time with my dad, which means too much bourbon and too much sentiment.
Lizzie: If you were half the man your father is...
Doris: Well, wait a minute. I don't understand. I thought your Spaulding’s were behind this whole restructuring of Main Street.
Lizzie: Oh, yes, yes. But remember, I left my family business to become senior partner at Lewis Construction. And what you call "restructuring," I call a big mistake.
Bill: Listen, listen. If it's the Cooper’s you're worried about, no need to. Okay, because I have big plans for a new and improved Company at the new mall.
Doris: I wasn't worried.
Bill: Of course not. No need to be.
Lizzie: That will make them happy. They don't want to move.
Bill: You know why they don't want to move? Because people fear change. Just ask my dad.
Lizzie: At least your father has enough courage to put himself in rehab. What's your excuse?
Nurse: What have we got?
Paramedic: Car versus telephone pole. Multiple lacerations, possible concussion, bruised ribs.
Nurse: Does he have a name? You should thank God for airbags.
Reporter: Buzz Cooper fought the good fight, but it looks like...
Olivia: You're too damn good for them, Buzz. I ought to know. (Knock on the door)
Gus: Hey.
Olivia: Hi, Gus.
Gus: I'll make this quick. I'm sorry. Are you... you're okay?
Olivia: Yeah. Don't worry, my heart hasn't stopped. It's just Buzz. I'm upset about him.
Gus: I understand. Well, perhaps this will make you feel a little better. Now, when Bill signs this, both copies, he's going to have to relinquish his rights, his paternal rights, to Emma. That’s... that's what you wanted, right?
Olivia: He... he can't be in Emma’s life, in the shape he's in, right? And when I'm gone, I just don't think he should have custody.
Gus: Right. Well... I've got to get going because I promised Natalia an early dinner, so...
Olivia: Yeah, yes. Thank you for... drawing these up. I'm just going to have to figure out a way to get Bill to sign these.
Gus: I think you will. Breathe.
Olivia: I'm sorry. I just... I mean, once in a while, I kind of get hit with the realization that I could be gone tomorrow, and I have no idea who is going to take care of my little girl, so...
Gus: Well, you're here right now, right?
Olivia: Yes.
Gus: Right.
Olivia: And so are you.
Gus: Right. Do you want me to stay for a couple of minutes?
Olivia: No, I'll be okay. I'll be fine.
Gus: Well, you're my friend, and if you need me, I'm right here.
Bill: Okay, let's not spoil Doris' big day.
Lizzie: Oh, okay, but it's okay to spoil everything else in town? You approved this demolition?
Bill: Okay. What happened to the chicklet with the stinky little dog under her arm and her Egan's gold card, hmmm? I miss that girl.
Lizzie: She grew up. You should try it.
Doris: They're calling it!
Reporter: The polls just closed, and the results are in. The south side districts looks solid for Wolfe.
Doris: The south side? (Cheers and applause) The south side is supposed to be Cooper territory. His own people are bailing on him. (Cheers and applause)
Bill: Well, things are looking good for you, Doris.
Doris: Hmmm, for us. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Bill: Ava, hey! What's going on?
Ava: Hey, you, stranger!
Bill: Get over here.
Ava: Ooh, let me get a look at you.
Bill: Take a look, take a look and tell me what you like.
Ava: Wow, wow, wow!
Bill: That's right, go ahead, say it. Too handsome to live. Is that right?
Ava: You are still modest.
Bill: Still modest, and you're still obscenely beautiful. Look at you. You look fantastic.
Ava: Listen, I don't know if you heard about me and Olivia, but...
Doris: The north side is coming in.
Bill: You know what? I really want to stick around and watch this landslide, but I have a...
Ava: Root canal?
Bill: How did you know?
Ava: I just knew.
Bill: Can we catch up later?
Ava: You better.
Bill: Okay.
Ava: Okay.
Bill: Doris, awoo-o-o-o!
Doris: I forget, Ava, which side are you working on: For me or the other side?
Ava: The winning side.
Doris: Great. Then refill my glass.
Buzz: Well, there goes the north side. (Laughs) I think we're all just going to have to accept the fact that some voters prefer the kind of person Doris is to the kind of person I am.
Lillian: Absolutely not.
Coop: No.
Ashlee: Wait, wait, wait. Guys, wait, wait, wait. Let's find the silver lining here, okay? Doris will be so hopped up on her new-found power and all of the perks, that she'll forget to level Main Street.
Lillian: Frank, will you get up here and tell your father to keep going?
Frank: You know what, Dad, Lillian is right. Everybody knows that the east side is Cooper country. Now, come on.
Reporter: This just in: We are predicting that the east side is trending heavily toward Wolfe.
Olivia: No, I can take care of myself.
Gus: Well, I know you can take care of yourself.
Olivia: Go have a nice dinner with Natalia, and I'll find Bill. (Knock on the door)
Bill: Olivia, it's Bill.
Olivia: There you have it.
Gus: Make yourself scarce.
Olivia: What?
Gus: I'll take care of this.
Olivia: Oh, no, I'm not going to let you do that.
Gus: Just let me handle it. Please. (Knock on the door)
Bill: Olivia! What is going on? Where's Olivia?
Gus: She's Christmas shopping.
Bill: She told me to come by here so we could talk. What's going on?
Gus: Well, you're going to have to talk to me now. I'm her lawyer. Come here, Bill. So you sit down here for a second.
Bill: What's this?
Gus: You're going to need to sign both copies.
Bill: "Do willingly relinquish all my paternal rights to Emma Spencer Spaulding." (Laughs)
Gus: Don't act like it's some sort of shock, Bill.
Bill: Emma and I were close, Gus.
Gus: Things change, right?
Bill: Are you telling me that Olivia gets to do this? She gets to just cut me out?
Gus: I suppose so.
Bill: Without any consideration of the kid's feelings? I mean, she loves me. Do you understand that?
Gus: You don't have to sell it to me, here, your feelings for the child.
Bill: Gus, you don't know anything about me.
Gus: Well, according to Olivia, you're not quite yourself these days. Pen.
Lizzie: Where is he? Is he all right?
Nurse: The patient's name?
Lizzie: Lewis, Billy Lewis. He was supposed to be on his way to rehab, but I got a message.
Nurse: He's been asking for you.
Lizzie: Billy, my God, what happened?
Billy: Hey, Mindy.
Lizzie: No, it's me, Lizzie.
Billy: Oh, yeah. Lizzie, hi.
Lizzie: Are you drunk?
Billy: I'm not driving anymore.
Reporter: And we are still waiting for the west side to report, but it is just a formality.
Ashlee: I could talk to my mom. I mean, maybe I could convince her that--
Ava: You don't talk to a pit bull. You put her down.
Coop: Ava, just back off, please. You can't ask Ashlee to go against her own mother.
Frank: Hey, Coop, could I talk to you for a second, over here, please?
Ava: They say that I'm selfish? Look at what you're doing to Coop's family.
Ashlee: I'm sorry, is it my fault that Buzz is losing?
Ava: It is your fault that Doris wants to crush the Cooper’s. You've been waving a red flag in front of her.
Ashlee: Mmm. Then maybe I should dump Coop. Oh, wait, then you could have him.
Ava: This is bigger than you and me and Coop. But it doesn't really matter to you because you got your guy. Who cares if the rest of us get slaughtered?
Buzz: Is that my obituary?
Coop: It's just in case.
Buzz: My concession speech.
Coop: Dad, look, this whole thing is my fault, all right? I was the one that pushed you into even running.
Buzz: Like hell it is. Come on. I wanted to do this. I'm having fun, I'm just sorry it had to end this quick.
Ava: This isn't the end.
Buzz: Thank you for saying that.
Ava: Even if we lose the election, we can still keep on fighting.
Coop: "We?"
Ava: You think that I'm going to let Doris and Bill Lewis and the Spaulding’s destroy everything this family has worked so hard for?
Frank: That's nice of you to say all of that, Ava, but the last time I checked, you were still on the Spaulding payroll.
Ava: Then look again. I'll quit.
Doris: Oh, everyone, everyone, look. It's my daughter, Ashlee!
Ashlee: Mom...
Doris: (Laughs) Oh, you know what? I am so glad you're here. Oh, I mean, I know that you weren't sure, and I know that we've had our issues. But, you know what? I don't even care today. Today is a big day for us, sweetie.
Ashlee: I'm so happy for you.
Doris: And you know what? I didn't even have to cheat to win. And you're so right. It's so much sweeter to win this thing, you know, fair and square.
Ashlee: So you're going to do the right thing, Mom, and not hurt Buzz and his family?
Doris: Why would I do that? I won.
Daisy: Oh, no, you don't know the Cooper’s. Anybody can party when they win, but we party when we lose, too. So fill that bowl up with some chips, and I'm going to go get some dip.
Rafe: Daisy, I'm the last person they want to see.
Daisy: I don't care what they want. You're with me, if you can stand that.
Rafe: I can stand it.
Daisy: You don't still hate me?
Rafe: I never hated you.
Olivia: Hi. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna help myself. Maybe to two if you don't mind. Thanks.
Rafe: Hey, wait up. I need to talk to you about some family stuff. I'll meet up with you later?
Daisy: Promise?
Olivia: I won't say anything to your dad, I promise.
Rafe: No, we're not hiding anything. Unlike you.
Olivia: I'm sorry?
Rafe: Look, my dad doesn't see it, but I do. The way you're using his friendship to get closer or close enough to make your move?
Lizzie: Damnit, Billy, you're supposed to be in rehab.
Billy: Hey, look, I was going there.
Lizzie: You were leaving a couple days ago. Where have you been?
Billy: I left the house and I--
Lizzie: What? Wait, you chickened out? You don't want your life back?
Billy: No. No, just wanted to say good-bye to a life one more time. Just once.
Lizzie: Whose car did you take?
Billy: I took Wanda’s car. She'll get a new one.
Lizzie: I don't care about the car. I care that you almost killed yourself, or you could have killed someone else.
Billy: Shh.
Lizzie: You promised that you would get help, Billy. If you go under, so does everything we've been working for, and Bill wins. Is that what you want?
Bill: All right, so I haven't been around lately. My life isn't exactly kid-friendly, but I mean...
Gus: Why don't you work on that, Bill, and prove yourself, and maybe Olivia will let you back in.
Bill: Yeah. I remember the first time she called me daddy.
Gus: Well, hang on to that, Bill, and use it as a motivation.
Bill: Motivation for what?
Gus: To straighten yourself out. Make yourself a better person, you know? It actually works. It's been working for me and my kid.
Bill: Oh, yeah? How's Harley these days?
Gus: Nice dig. Thanks, Bill.
Bill: Look, nothing lasts, Gus.
Gus: Well, maybe it doesn't, Bill, but do you really want to just fight with Olivia out of spite?
Bill: It's not out of spite, Gus. It's because Emma...
Gus: Look, Bill, for whatever it's worth--
Bill: Don't tell me I'm going to do the right thing, okay? Just... that's it? We're done?
Gus: Yes, we're done. (Cell phone rings)
Bill: Lizzie, if this is about the Main Street project...
Lizzie: It's your father. Not that you care, but there's been an accident.
Doris: Ah, soon I will be in charge of all of this. And all the little people will know it's me. I will have their respect and admiration.
Ashlee: Is that really all you care about?
Doris: You know, I gave up everything for this. My job at D.A. I almost lost you. But it's all going to be worth it. My goodness, why do you look so sad?
Ashlee: Well, maybe because I am sad.
Doris: Why?
Ashlee: I never felt like I had a home before now. I never really belonged.
Doris: But now, you will. I mean, now you'll see, people will be lining up to...
Ashlee: I want friends, Mom, not leeches. And I want to be happy, and I want you to be happy with me.
Doris: Well, I was deliriously happy until you walked in.
Ashlee: You know, the Cooper’s, they've accepted me for who I am, and they'd do the same for you.
Doris: Oh, Ashlee, happiness is not picnics and puppies, okay? It is something that you earn, like respect and admiration.
Ashlee: And fear.
Doris: Sometimes.
Ashlee: What about me? Am I just supposed to stand by and watch you crush Coop and his family?
Doris: Ah, you know what? You'll get over it. You always do. (Cheers and applause)
Ashlee: You know what? I will not let you. I won't let you do this.
Doris: You know what? You can't stop me, Ashlee, and you never could. Now, I will see you at the victory party later?
Ashlee: No, you won’t. Because I will never be happy for you. You do not deserve this.
Gus: Well, I voted for you, if it means anything.
Buzz: Actually, that means more to me than you think.
Gus: Doris Wolfe is going to be our mayor?
Buzz: Looking that way.
Gus: I'm sorry.
Buzz: No. You know, the fact is people want progress. You know, I can remember the days when I was living in the fast lane, and I wanted to live life big, but now I just... I want this. I want to save the things that work, like Main Street, my restaurant, you. You and Harley.
Olivia: Want some?
Rafe: No, thanks.
Olivia: They're sugar-free.
Rafe: Then really, no thanks.
Olivia: Okay. You've been talking to your mom?
Rafe: No. Why?
Olivia: She came by my place earlier throwing out all kinds of accusations.
Rafe: About you and Gus? Go figure.
Olivia: Gus and I are friends, and he's been a good one.
Rafe: My mom wants to marry him. Go find yourself another friend, okay?
Olivia: You know what? I'm going through a lot right now. I don't feel the need to apologize for leaning on him.
Rafe: Leaning on him? Is that... that's what you call it?
Olivia: Oh, golly, you're Alan’s grandson. He been talking to you about my reputation?
Rafe: Maybe.
Olivia: We have a very specific history, Alan and I. My advice to you is if you don't want your father hanging around me, go talk to him yourself.
Einstein: Congratulations!
Ashlee: Einstein, what are you doing here?
Einstein: Hey, I'm one of Wolfe’s sheep.
Ashlee: Actually, I need to talk to you about your skills. Come here.
Einstein: Relax, relax. No one is ever going to know that your mom wanted to hack into the voting machines--
Ashlee: Wait, about that.
Einstein: --To fix the election.
Ashlee: Well, can you do that?
Einstein: Do what?
Ashlee: Can you still do that? Can you, you know, hack into the system and change... change the outcome?
Einstein: Yeah, sure, but why? She's a shoo-in.
Ashlee: My mother will be fine. It's Springfield that I'm worried about. I need you to fix the election. I need Buzz Cooper to win.
Bill: Hey. Where is he? What happened?
Lizzie: He was driving drunk.
Bill: Uh-huh. And how bad is it?
Lizzie: You mean, do the cops know? No, they don’t.
Bill: That's not what I'm talking about. Is he okay?
Lizzie: What, suddenly you care?
Bill: Lizzie, will you tell me where he is?
Lizzie: He's okay, all right? Just some cuts, bruises, sore ribs, and you know, it could have been a lot worse.
Bill: When you said it was an accident, I thought maybe...
Lizzie: Maybe I wanted to scare you.
Bill: Why would you want to do that?
Lizzie: To see this reaction.
Bill: Look, I didn't want him working for the company, okay? Not while he's drinking, and not after what he did to me. It doesn't mean I want to see him wrapped around a pole. Dad.
Billy: Hey. Oops, sorry, no death benefits today.
Lillian: Are you sure?
Buzz: No use prolonging the agony. I'm going to call Doris and get this over with.
Ava: No!
Coop: No!
Frank: No! (Yelling)
Doris: Let me save you the trouble.
Coop: Excuse me. What are you doing here?
Buzz: Easy, Coop.
Lillian: Hey, I hope you'll be kind enough to keep your camera crew outside, Doris.
Doris: I did not bring any camera crew. As you can see, I am alone. Buzz, I just want to tell you that you ran a fine race, and I came here out of courtesy, in the spirit of reconciliation.
Coop: Oh, you know what? Don't even start with this reconciliation crap.
Frank: Doris, it's time to go.
Doris: No. Chief, I will overlook what you're saying due to the fact I know you're loyal to your father.
Frank: Please don’t. You think you've won, don't you? The people in this town are going to see you for what you really are, and you know what? They're going to turn against you. So you're going to end up being the most hated woman in Springfield. Congratulations.
Doris: Well, so much for reconciliation. I'll leave you to your family, Buzz, and your conscience. Don't worry. I'm leaving.
Buzz: You don't look like a woman who's about to win.
Doris: Well, then, maybe I'm just not used to it.
Buzz: Is this about Ashlee?
Doris: I don't know. Frank would take a bullet for you, you know? All those people in there, they would follow you anywhere.
Buzz: That's what families do.
Doris: Yeah.
Buzz: Hey, your daughter loves you.
Doris: She voted for you. My own daughter. Frank's right. I mean, I may have won the election, oh nevermind. You know, I will accept your concession call as soon as possible. I have a celebration to plan.
Lizzie: Bill is here because I called him.
Billy: Really?
Bill: She told me about the accident.
Billy: When should I expect the press?
Lizzie: Billy...
Bill: Look, you were lucky. All right? I'm glad you're okay.
Billy: For a drunk, right?
Lizzie: That's not what he said.
Bill: Look, do you want to take the gloves off?
Billy: Yeah, sure.
Bill: Fine. You know what you're supposed to be doing? Getting yourself some help. Not going out getting tanked and nearly killing yourself.
Billy: Well, I just made it easier for you. Now you can go to the board and you say, "See, I told you so. It was perfect for me to elbow him out."
Bill: Like you gave me a choice in this? It was all I could do to save the company and get you to come to your senses.
Billy: Okay. I'm a drunk, but at least I'm an honest drunk. You make a power move and you call it salvation. Come on.
Lizzie: Look, he's trying--
Billy: Wait, Lizzie! This guy will use his charm and any other part of his anatomy he can to get ahead.
Bill: Get ahead? Like you know what I would do to get ahead. Sure, whatever.
Nurse: Mr. Lewis, the doctor wants to talk to you and a family member. Mr. Lewis?
Billy: Yeah... Ms. Lizzie Spaulding will be my family today, thank you.
Gus: Happy?
Olivia: Um... no. I hated... I hated doing this. I hated having you do this.
Gus: Bill is a good guy. He just needs a little reminding every now and then.
Olivia: Well, thank you.
Gus: Oh, don't thank me until you see my fee.
Olivia: Oh, no, no, no. I owe you too much as it is. And you know what? You could have turned your back a dozen times.
Gus: Friends don't do that.
Olivia: Yeah, well, this has been a pretty one-sided friendship so far, if you ask me. How was your dinner with Natalia?
Gus: Rain check.
Olivia: Okay, that's my fault.
Gus: No, no, no, no, no. In fact, I went over to the Cooper headquarters.
Olivia: Oh. Not a happy place, huh?
Gus: Well, it's not that easy for me to go back to my old house.
Olivia: Oh. Was Harley there?
Gus: No, but it felt like she was.
Olivia: You miss her.
Gus: It's over. And I'm... I'm moving on, you know.
Olivia: As one friend to another, you don't have to just rush off and get married. You know, Natalia, if she loves you-- and I'm sure that she does-- she will wait until you're ready.
Gus: No, no. I'm... I think I'm ready now.
Olivia: If you say so.
Gus: So anyway, enough about me. The list. The list, I just want you to know that I am working on the heart transplant list, and moving you all the way up to the top.
Olivia: I don't know what to say. Thank you.
Gus: Just tell me that you... that you're going to stick around. That's good enough for me, okay?
Doris: I don't know. The red, the blue... I don't know. I need to ask somebody with some style. Oh, Ava.
Ava: Your highness. (Laughter)
Doris: For a moment there, I thought that you were boarding a sinking ship.
Ava: Nope, not me. I'm a survivor.
Doris: Mmmm, good. Smart girl. Listen, red or blue, what do you think?
Ava: Red lipstick? Power color. Blue eye shadow is a little softer.
Doris: Do I want to be soft?
Reporter: This just in: There has been a stunning development in the race for mayor.
Coop: Hey.
Ashlee: Hi, Coop. Would you tell your father to turn on the television.
Coop: Why? I mean, what's the point?
Ashlee: You never know. I mean, sometimes when things look their bleakest...
Coop: Look, Ashlee, I... I love you for still believing in this, but really...
Buzz: What is everybody so depressed about?
Frank: Well, geez, Dad, what, losing the business, and me maybe not being police chief anymore? Do you need any more?
Buzz: Hey, you'll be fine, I'll be fine. You know, the town will be fine. Besides, I'm sick of waking up every morning with burger smoke in my hair.
Lillian: Oh, I love the smell of burger smoke in your hair. I do.
Buzz: I tell you, Frank, we'll have more time to travel, go to the Greek Islands, south pacific. What's that island that the big turtles are in?
Lillian: Galapagos.
Ashlee: You know what? Okay, that's enough. Really, really, no more travel talks because... you know what? Co2, Company, they're not going anywhere, and neither are you.
Buzz: What do you know that I don't know.
Ava: Quick, turn it on! Turn it on!
Coop: What?
Ava: Turn it on! Look, look, look, look, look!
Reporter: Again, in one of the most stunning reversals of Springfield politics, the west side returns have turned this from a landslide into a photo finish.
Buzz: I don't believe this.
Frank: Will you look at those numbers! (Yelling)
Coop: Shh. Listen, listen! Quiet, quiet! Listen!
Reporter: With all districts reporting, and by the thinnest of margins, Buzz Cooper is the newest mayor of Springfield. (Cheers and applause)
Buzz: Oh, my gosh!
Billy: Come on, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Look, Billy, I really shouldn't be the one --
Billy: Look, I don't want him here, okay?
Lizzie: Bill? Bill? He... he's still drunk.
Bill: He seemed clear enough to me.
Lizzie: You know, you hurt him, and he wants to hurt you, too.
Bill: I had to give up Emma today, and now if I got this text right, then Doris managed to lose the election. This is an unbelievable day.
Lizzie: So your plans for Main Street--
Bill: Yeah, congratulations. You no longer have to save the Cooper’s from me or me from myself.
Lizzie: There will be other deals. Bigger, better deals.
Billy: Lizzie!
Bill: Go ahead. Your family's calling. Officer, I'd like to report a drunk driver.
Gus: Well, I'd better be going. I'm working on the list, okay. There are a couple of people, I think three or four people ahead of you on the heart transplant list. I'm going to stick on that, okay?
Olivia: Yeah. You know, I must have done something really special in a previous life to have a friend like you, because I certainly messed this one up.
Gus: Nope. We're all a mess.
Olivia: Some of us more than others. You know what? It's taken this heart thing for me to realize a couple of things: A, I love my daughters; and B, you are truly a great guy.
Gus: Harley would have a different opinion.
Olivia: Oh, come on. Harley's crazy about you. She would be crazy not to be.
Gus: I've got to go.
Olivia: Yes. You have dinner with... go have dinner with Natalia. Thanks for everything, really.
Gus: It's no big deal.
Olivia: No, it's a very big deal. I just wish I had found you sooner. Go.
Buzz: You know, I'm as surprised as the rest of Springfield about all of this, but I promise to do my best to make you proud. And-- where's my family? I need my family! (Laughter) Come on.
Coop: Ashlee, come here. You, too, come on, get in here.
Ashlee: No, it's just you guys. Come on.
Ava: About what I said earlier, your being selfish...
Ashlee: Nah, forget it.
Ava: It's amazing how things worked out.
Ashlee: Yeah. Right.
Ava: If the shoe had been on the other foot, I'd say Doris fixed the election. But we both know that you'd keep that from happening.
Ashlee: Why don't you go join them in the photo?
Ava: No. They want you.
Ashlee: Hey, I'm just another pretty face. Why don't you go?
Doris: My precious daughter. You have no clue, do you?
Frank: To my dad, a winner long before the votes were counted.
Lillian: Here, here!
Daisy: Does this mean I get front row tickets at the Fall Out Boy concert?
Buzz: The who? Yeah, everybody... tickets for everyone. What happened to Ashlee?
Coop: Ava said she went to go console her mom.
Buzz: She's a sweet kid. I hope her mother doesn't take this out on her.
Einstein: Who'd have thunk it? The greatest upset since Podunk beat MIT in the Math Bowl.
Ashlee: Well, what can I say? I guess, upsets happen. Just because Buzz wasn't the top choice --
Einstein: Ashlee, I did what you wanted. You have to live with yourself. I don’t. I'm leaving this town and never looking back.
Ready to run away can't go forever dear
tracks they will disappear
I'm gonna disappear they roll their eyes
cutting me down to size straight line
I couldn't fake they said I'd break
they said if I bent I'd break
maybe I know it maybe I can't go through
everyone's waiting to see what
I'm gonna do it's so hard to stand
under that weight hard to be eight feet tall
tall tall
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