GL Transcript Monday 12/10/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/10/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Jeffrey: Is that the spot?

Reva: Uh-huh.

Jeffrey: You got a knot the size of Oklahoma.

Reva: Huh?

Jeffrey: I said you've got a knot the size of Oklahoma. Reva, are you with me here?

Reva: I'm sorry. I was just thinking about Edmund.

Jeffrey: What about him?

Reva: The fact that nobody saw him get pushed off that balcony.

Jeffrey: Well, who says he was pushed?

Reva: Oh, that's right. I probably should have said that nobody saw him fall off that balcony, ripping off three of his own shirt buttons on the way down and then hiding them.

Jeffrey: So what's your point?

Reva: That it's probably only Edmund who knows who pushed him.

Jeffrey: And the pusher.

Reva: Yeah.

Jeffrey: You want to ask me if it was me?

Reva: No, that's not what I was...

Jeffrey: Yes, it was. You were wondering. You can't stop wondering.

Reva: How do you know that?

Jeffrey: Because I would wonder about me, too. You want an omelet?

Josh: Hey, Will, I was just thinking. You want to have another baseball lesson tomorrow, if it's not too cold?

Cassie: Josh...

Josh: Yeah?

Cassie: He seems okay, right?

Josh: Yeah.

Cassie: I just... I would think he would talk about it more. I mean, just seeing Edmund fall like that.

Josh: We'll keep an eye on him.

Cassie: Okay. Mrs. Chitwood is going to be here any minute, and I need to pick up a casserole dish I left with Reva. So we'll need that for dinner tomorrow night. I'll be back in a little bit.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: I love you.

Josh: I love you. Hey, Will... we can talk about... you know, anything you want. You know, about what happened to your Uncle Edmund whenever you want to, okay?

Will: Can I read my book now?

Josh: Sure.

Mallet: Well, that was a stupid fight. My hand doesn't even hurt.

Marina: Make a fist.

Mallet: Make a what?

Marina: Make a fist! Put it in here and sit down.

Mallet: I'm fine. I appreciate this. I just want to go and crash.

Marina: After I fix your hand. Sit.

Mallet: What about Cyrus?

Marina: What about him?

Mallet: I'm sure he doesn't want a visitor at this hour of the cop variety.

Marina: He's not home.

Mallet: Look at this. What am I doing here? Look at this. I'm sorry. I'm interrupting dinner with your imaginary friend.

Marina: Okay, shut up and give me your hand. I'm trying to save your career as a concert pianist.

Mallet: (Chuckles) A what?

Marina: So is this about Dinah?

Mallet: Isn't it always about a woman?

Marina: And a man. Sit still, Rocky.

Harley: I remember when I was little and sick and Frank would stay up with me all night, and I just want to feel that way again. I just want to feel safe and secure.

Cyrus: I'll stay here with you tonight.

Harley: No. That isn't necessary. I mean, what would you do?

Cyrus: Sleep.

Harley: Well, you can do that at home with Marina, where you belong.

Cyrus: But you need somebody and I'm the only somebody in your living room.

Harley: I'm fine.

Cyrus: Harley. Look at me. You can keep up that act with your family and everyone else. But with me? You and I, we've faced death together in that building. And I don't know about you but sometimes I just need somebody around who gets it. Now give me a pillow. I'm an expert couch crasher, and if you and the boys need me...

Harley: Are you sure?

Cyrus: Very.

Harley: What about Marina?

Cyrus: Not expecting me tonight.

Harley: Okay. Okay. The blankets and the pillows are in the linen closet and if you want to watch TV, you have to actually...

Cyrus: The big remote turns it on and the volume on the little one. I remember.

Harley: Okay. I'll be upstairs. Cyrus...

Cyrus: Don't worry. I... I know how to jiggle the toilet handle.

Harley: Good night.

Cyrus: Night. (Sighs) Harley?

Harley: (Groans) Cyrus? Cyrus, can you hear me? Cyrus?

Cyrus: Harley. Hey, come here. Wake up.

Harley: I'm trapped.

Cyrus: Wake up. No, no, no, no, you're not.

Harley: I'm trapped, I can't get out.

Cyrus: No, you're at your place.

Harley: I can't get out.

Cyrus: You're at your place. We're not in the building anymore Harley. Wake up. Come on, it's all right. It's all right. Wake up, everything's going to be fine. You're fine. It's okay, it's okay. It's okay.

Harley: I was in the church again and we were under all that rubble and we were trapped and we couldn't get out.

Cyrus: It's all over. It's all over, and we're never going back there. It's okay.

Marina: Go ahead and pick at the food. It's going to get cold anyway.

Mallet: So what's the real reason Cyrus isn't here?

Marina: Uh-uh, you first. Bloody hand?

Mallet: I punched Bill. I punched him. I... I went a little nutty on him. I went a little crazy on him. It's the way he's using Dinah.

Marina: Why? What did he do?

Mallet: It doesn't matter. You know, I think I took my anger and I...

Marina: Misplaced it just a bit, huh?

Mallet: Yeah, I think so. It was weird, because right after I punched him, I had this moment where I kind of floated out of my body and I saw myself and I thought "Boy, do I look pathetic because here I am fighting for the girl, and the girl just wants me to get the hell away from her."

Marina: Mallet, you know that she doesn't really feel that way.

Mallet: I know that the bullet scrambled a piece of her brain and maybe it was the piece that needed me.

Marina: Mallet...

Mallet: You know, it's a good thing I didn't throw any left hooks.

Marina: Why?

Mallet: Well, because this hand would be swollen and then I wouldn't be able to do this.

Reva: Where are you going?

Jeffrey: Out.

Reva: Just like that?

Jeffrey: Yup, just like that. I don't think that we should be talking about this anymore. Besides, we told Mallet that it was an accident, and eventually he's going to have to believe it.

Reva: And if he doesn't?

Jeffrey: I'm not that worried about it. Are you?

Reva: About the investigation?

Jeffrey: No, about me. (Knock on door)

Cassie: Reva, you home?

Reva: This really isn't the greatest time.

Jeffrey: It's fine, I was just leaving.

Cassie: Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: Sorry, I'm late. I've got to go. See ya.

Cassie: What is he so late for?

Reva: For leaving the conversation we were having.

Cassie: Oh.

Reva: And I don't really think he wanted to see you, either.

Cassie: Reva, he went too far. He crossed a line that never should have been crossed.

Reva: So what? Everything's black and white for you again? Ever since you switched Beth’s paternity test...

Cassie: That is not the same thing.

Reva: Look, Josh came to Jeffrey for help with the Edmund problem in the first place. Jeffrey wanted to stay out of it.

Cassie: Okay, look, I did not come here to fight with you.

Reva: Really. So what did you come for, your casserole dish?

Cassie: Forget about the dish. I came here to tell you that I appreciate everything that you've done for me, for Josh, for Will.

Reva: You mean about letting Edmund stay here?

Cassie: Not just that. You kept the secret about Beth’s baby. You protected me then. And I know that you love me enough to protect me now, but you have got to be more careful. I saw you. I saw you near the loft in the church.

Reva: So, what? You think I pushed Edmund?

Cassie: Do you have the buttons?

Rick: Listen, you really don't need to preoccupy yourself with this, Josh. It was just some accident, that's all.

Josh: Well, I want to believe that, actually, I really do. But it just... it seems like bad luck for him, don't you think?

Rick: Oh, it was. But I saw him fall. He just tripped and lost his balance and, believe me, I see a lot more cases like this in ER than you would think.

Josh: You... you saw it happen?

Rick: Yeah.

Josh: And there was nobody up there in the balcony with him when he took the fall?

Rick: No, not that I could see. (Cell phone ringing) Sorry.

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: You know, I was just kidding the other day when I said that I was going to drive Edmund out to the Grand Canyon and push him off. And the church loft wasn't nearly steep enough.

Cassie: I saw you go to the stairs in the church right before Edmund came flying down.

Reva: It wasn't me, Cassie. But it's good to know that you think I could do something like that.

Cassie: I don’t.

Reva: You just said...

Cassie: I... I just wanted to know so that I can help you, so that I can protect you.

Reva: It wasn't right, what you and Josh did: Using Jeffrey like that and then turning on him.

Cassie: Wait a minute. It was Josh's ordination. You don't even... you have no idea what it was putting him through to think that he might have sent a man to his death.

Reva: I think I do know.

Cassie: Well, then you know that it's too much. I mean, Jeffrey can live with a lot more than most people can.

Reva: I don't know. I really don't know whether there is all that much difference between him and the rest of us.

Cassie: It's getting late, I've got to get home.

Reva: Give the boys a hug for me.

Cassie: I will.

Reva: Night, sis.

Rick: Hey, you still here?

Josh: Yeah, I... I don't think we're done talking yet.

Rick: Okay.

Josh: You... you brought a syringe with a sedative to the ceremony, is that right?

Rick: Yes, I did, and Edmund stole it.

Josh: You were going to use it on him?

Rick: Well, only if I had to. I mean, if he was planning to hurt me and my family, I would do anything.

Josh: You mean by outing the paternity of the baby.

Rick: Josh, can we please not talk about...

Josh: I'm just asking, okay?

Rick: I wasn't the only one who saw him fall. Jeffrey and Reva saw the same thing that I did.

Josh: So they say.

Rick: Come on, what are you implying? Are you... are you implying that one of us pushed Edmund over the railing? Is that what you're saying? Your ex-wife?

Josh: No, not Reva.

Rick: Okay, process of elimination. Jeffrey?

Josh: The man who wanted to send him back to San Cristobel and face a death sentence? Yeah, I think it's possible.

Rick: Hey, little buddy. How are you doing? So what did Dr. Lockman have to say?

James: Six more weeks.

Rick: Six more weeks? Well, that just gives you more time to have people sign your cast. I have to go see a patient of mine, okay? And your mom's on the way. Could you just wait with Reverend Lewis for a few minutes until she gets here? Good. All right. I'll see you in a little bit.

Josh: Can I sign your cast?

James: I guess.

Josh: Come on over here. Have a seat. It's really too bad that you took that fall, huh? Maybe next year you'll get to be the angel in the Christmas pageant.

James: I didn't fall. One of the shepherds tripped me.

Mallet: That works really well. Dinah would never let me do that.

Marina: See? Now there's a perk already.

Mallet: You know, you're right. No wife, nobody to greet me at home, but I can open beer bottles.

Marina: Well, you always have me. I mean, if you need me. I know it's not the same thing, but we could take that ring and we can hawk it at that old abandoned house over on Fifth Street. Knock out a couple windows.

Mallet: Yeah. Been watching that old Jimmy Stewart movie lately, haven't you? "It's a wonderful life until your wife gets a brain injury."

Marina: Yes, that very one. You'll find someone else, Mallet.

Mallet: Eh...

Marina: No. Someone who comes along and sticks around. I mean, look how long it took me, but I finally did it.

Harley: The kids are asleep. They didn't even wake up.

Cyrus: Good.

Harley: You should go back to bed. I mean, the couch. And I should get dressed.

Cyrus: Now? What are you going to do, go grocery shopping? You need to rest.

Harley: I'm not... I'm not tired.

Cyrus: You were finally sleeping.

Harley: Yes, but not well. So I figure, you know, I'll just get up and do some work. I'll start doing some stuff on that Phillip case.

Cyrus: It's late and you're exhausted, and there's no way I'm going to let you work right now.

Harley: What does it matter when I work?

Cyrus: You're running yourself ragged. You didn't see yourself just now, but you were really freaking out. I was worried about you.

Harley: You were?

Cyrus: What do you think?

Harley: I'm hungry. I didn't even eat dinner so I am starving. I'm going to make myself a sandwich.

Cyrus: You are an odd person.

Harley: Because I'm hungry?

Cyrus: Because you'd rather start a fight than admit that you're in trouble.

Harley: I'm not in trouble.

Cyrus: See, there you go.

Harley: What do you want me to say? That every time my head hits the pillow I think about the fact that my crazy ex-husband could come back and kidnap my children? And the fact that my marriage is a disaster, and the fact that I was trapped inside of a building and...

Cyrus: Come on, Harley, come on.

Harley: You can't do that. You... you can't comfort me.

Cyrus: Why not?

Harley: Because you'll just make it worse.

Cyrus: Make what worse?

Harley: These feelings.

Cyrus: You mean the feelings about being trapped?

Harley: And other stuff.

Cyrus: I should probably go back downstairs.

Harley: I think that's a good idea.

You're too quiet now it's 2:00 A.M.

Lying beside you don't want to lose

this reckless feeling scared out of my mind

what does it mean that look in your eyes?

What are you thinking? Come on, say something

before I fall in love with you

unless you want me to don't let me fall in

love with you unless you want me to

I have never wanted anything more than I want you

but I'm still holding on tight to the edge

I don't know what else to do don't let me fall in

love with you unless you want me to

don't let me fall in love with you

unless you want me to don't let me fall in

love with you unless you want me to...

Harley: Cyrus, you can go home now. I'm feeling so much... What are you doing here?

Marina: What are you doing here?

Harley: I can explain.

Cyrus: I called her.

Harley: Oh.

Marina: What's going on, guys?

Cyrus: Harley needed some help, and...

Harley: I asked him to stay. This is my fault.

Marina: What is it? Is it the boys? Are they okay?

Harley: No, no, no, no. They're okay, they're fine. They're fine.

Marina: Was it Phillip? Did you get a lead?

Harley: Sort of.

Cyrus: Harley got a postcard from Phillip, a warning.

Marina: Harley, I am sorry.

Harley: It's fine.

Marina: Well, do you think anyone's in danger? Do you think he's going to come for Zach?

Harley: I... I don't know. I've been feeling kind of freaked out, you know?

Marina: Even before this?

Harley: Even before this, yeah. You know, I've been having trouble sleeping. You know, it gets your head going, these thoughts...

Cyrus: Your aunt wants everyone to think she's so tough.

Marina: I know.

Cyrus: But you're family and she needs you.

Harley: I think that he's being a little bit dramatic. I've just been stressed out, that's all.

Cyrus: She's understating it. She's been really freaked.

Harley: Cyrus!

Cyrus: I told you before, I'm tired of you acting all tough when you've got all kinds of well-meaning people around you who are more than willing to step in.

Marina: He's right, okay? And I'm here now and I'm going to help you get through this even if I have to camp out here on the couch.

Harley: I'm not some sort of basket case.

Marina: I'm not saying that you are, but you are my aunt, okay? And I love you. And you're, like, the only one who has been there for Cyrus and me through all this, right?

Cyrus: Right.

Marina: So I think that you need to let Cyrus handle the Phillip case from here on out. He's less emotionally involved and...

Harley: I can handle Phillip. It's not the Phillip thing...

Cyrus: Harley...

Harley: It's just part of it, you know. It's everything right now.

Cyrus: It's late. Let's go home.

Marina: I don't want to leave her here alone. She’s...

Harley: She's fine.

Marina: I know you're fine, but I really want to know you're okay.

Harley: I am okay. I'm sorry I snapped before.

Marina: Please, no. I just want to be able to help you, okay? Please? Tell me what I can do.

Harley: You could go check on the kids and make sure they're tucked in okay.

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, it's good to see you.

Rick: Hey.

Mallet: Do you have a second?

Rick: Did you jog here?

Mallet: Brisk walk. I wanted to ask you one more question... question, question about Edmund.

Rick: I don't know anything about Edmund. I mean, I was... I was just at the ordination for Josh, just like everybody... what in the world?

Mallet: What?

Rick: Does Frank know that you hit the bottle while you're on the job? I mean, P.U.!

Mallet: Rick, come on, you know me, I'm off the clock. Oh, you're the doctor on call tonight, right?

Rick: Yeah.

Mallet: I wanted to ask you about Edmund’s injuries. I wonder, is it possible, can I take a look at his records? Can I do that?

Rick: Yes. Yes, you can. And I'm sorry about the crack about hitting the bottle. It's just been a long, long day. So I'll just... I'll see if I can find them here.

Cassie: Will, it's time for you to get back to bed. But before you go, Santa made an extra-early delivery for you this year.

Will: Really?!

Cassie: Yes, he did, because he thinks you're such a good boy and he wants you to know how proud he is of you for the way you did in that Christmas pageant. You need help?

Will: Wow!

Cassie: Yeah. Okay, but not in the house. Not in the house.

Will: Okay.

Cassie: You can take it out tomorrow and give it a test spin.

Will: I love it, Mom.

Cassie: I'm glad.

Will: Thank you.

Cassie: Well, don't thank me, you thank Santa. But you go on up to bed, and I'll check in on you in a couple minutes, okay? I know, I know I shouldn't be spoiling him like this, but I think about everything-- thank you-- that he's gone through in the last few weeks: Losing his dad and seeing Edmund fall like that.

Josh: Yeah. Do you remember where Will was when Edmund took that fall?

Cassie: I don't know. He was in the first pew, wasn't he?

Josh: I just don't remember him being there.

Cassie: Maybe not. It's just another thing for me to feel guilty about.

Josh: No, no, Cassie...

Cassie: I can't help it. I do. You know, I went to the library, I got all these books on how to help your kid deal with loss and trauma. Have you noticed that he hasn't said anything about Edmund? He doesn't unless we bring him up.

Josh: I have noticed that, yes.

Cassie: Is he just pretending it didn't happen or maybe it's just too painful for him?

Josh: Maybe.

Cassie: Can you imagine being eight years old, losing your dad, and then seeing the uncle that you love hanging on for dear life?

Josh: Come here. I ran into James over at the hospital. He was getting his arm looked at.

Cassie: Poor kid. It's just really bad luck.

Josh: Very bad luck, yes.

Reva: Come here often?

Jeffrey: Actually, I'm more of a weddings and funerals type of guy.

Reva: Look, Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: No. You know what? Let me start, okay? I tried the family thing before with Cassie, and I don't think I have to tell you that it didn't end too well. But I would never hurt her. Just like I would never hurt anyone that I cared about. And that's the difference, Reva. That's the difference between someone like me and someone like Edmund or someone like Alan Spaulding. And that's also why I... I can sleep at night, no problem. Or maybe I'm just lucky that way. I don't know.

Reva: Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: No, I'm not going to change, Reva. I am not going to change.

Reva: I'm not asking you to.

Jeffrey: I know you're not. I'm just saying you might find yourself lying next to me unable to sleep at night wondering, wondering what someone like me is capable of doing to someone like Edmund or to someone like Alan Spaulding or to anyone who tries to hurt someone I care about. So... you know, if you want to, go ahead.

Reva: Go ahead what?

Jeffrey: Walk away.

Rick: Okay, this should be everything you need.  You have any questions, just give me a call.

Mallet: Rick, thank you so much. Thank you.

Rick: You're welcome.

Mallet: Hey, Beth, I'm sorry to bother you. This is A.C. Mallet. I was... I was wondering if I could ask you a few more questions about your husband and his relationship with Edmund Winslow?

Cassie: You are supposed to be sleeping.

Will: Can I hear the story again?

Cassie: Sure, sweetie. Okay, let's get cozy. Here we are. "There once was a little prince who lived in a big, tall tower of a castle. But he was sad because he wanted to go out into the world and make new friends. But his father, the evil king, wouldn't let him leave." Do you know how happy I am right now?

Josh: Kind of, sort of.

Cassie: Very. You're up, too?

R.J.: What's that?

Cassie: That is a special present for Will that Santa brought.

R.J.: How come he gets a special present?

Cassie: Because he's very sad right now, and Santa wanted to cheer him up. He lost his dad and soon he won't be able to see his Uncle Edmund any more. But if you look in the armoire, there just might be a special present for you, too.

R.J.: Really?

Cassie: Yes, really. Santa would never forget his favorite fourth grader.

R.J.: Awesome!

Josh: You're good.

Cassie: It's my job.

Will: Mom?

Cassie: Yes, sweetie?

Will: It's okay about Uncle Edmund. You're my best friend now.

Reva: It's really amazing, isn't it? How quiet it is here even after everything that went on.

Jeffrey: You were never really on board with it, huh? Setting up Edmund, putting him on trial for Alonzo’s murder.

Reva: Edmund should have been prosecuted a long time ago.

Jeffrey: Yeah, but Josh...

Reva: Yeah, well, I never really wanted him mixed up into all of this, but...

Jeffrey: I'm no Josh, Reva.

Reva: No. No, you are no Joshua. And you know what I say about that? Hallelujah.

Jeffrey: (Chuckles) Is that church humor? Really?

Reva: Josh... he wasn't the guy who was there for me when I needed help with Jonathan. And it wasn't Josh who stood by me and didn't judge me when things went down with Alan, when everything looked worse than it could possibly ever look again. And it wasn't Josh who cooks me omelets for dinner. Or takes me on surprise trips to see my son. You did that.

Jeffrey: Well, my omelets are pretty good.

Reva: Cassie and I had a talk. She... she thought it was me who pushed Edmund. And I felt so angry, you know, because she was accusing me of that. And then I realized that I deserved it. I deserved it, to feel that way, to feel that guilt, because what it... it's exactly what I did to you. Will you forgive me, Jeffrey? Really, will you forgive me for judging you when you never judged me? You never judged me, not once.

Jeffrey: I will on one condition.

Reva: (Laughs) Here? In church?

Jeffrey: Well, actually I was thinking of waiting until we got home.

Reva: Okay, okay. Okay. But before we do that, I... I want you to know that it doesn't matter to me if you pushed Edmund or if you didn't push him, because I know the kind of man you are.

Jeffrey: The kind who makes kick-ass omelets.

Reva: You and your omelets. Exactly. Let's go.

Jeffrey: I didn’t. I didn't push Edmund. But whoever did deserves a medal.

Harley: Some sandwiches for the road.

Cyrus: Zach and Jude woke up, Marina's upstairs telling them a story.

Harley: You didn't have to call her, you know? I mean, I can handle this on my own. She's going to be worried about me all the time now.

Cyrus: I didn't do it for you. I mean, I did it partly for you, but the other part... you're not the only one, Harley.

Harley: The only one what?

Cyrus: The only one who had thoughts, and not just about being trapped.

Marina: The boys are asleep now. Sorry I woke them up. Loud shoes up the stairs, I guess. Did you make sandwiches?

Harley: Yep.

Marina: Harley, you're not supposed to do this. We are taking care of you. Call me tomorrow, okay? Or tonight or any time. 2:00 in the morning, I don't care. Good night.

Harley: Good night.

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