GL Transcript Thursday 12/6/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/6/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya


Edmund: Cassie never loved you, William. She's just not capable of it.

Will: You're lying!

Edmund: No, I know, I know that's hard to hear. I know it's hard to hear, but she's selfish. She's born a liar.

Will: No!


Josh: My heart is full, bursting, and I am humbled to be standing up here before each and every one of you. I am honored to accept this bible. I am honored to accept this charge. And I will pray each and every day to live up to it.

Will: My mom loves me. You can't hurt her!

Edmund: Look, Will, what I do, I do for you.

Will: That's what my dad said. He wanted to hurt her, too, but I showed him. I showed him, good.

Edmund: Alonzo? Well, what do you mean? What do you mean, you showed him?

Josh: My friends, my promise to you today is that I will serve and love...


Gus: Yeah, I've had enough of that. We can do a little more shopping after we eat, though, if you'd like.

Natalia: No more shopping. I don't like the crowds.

Gus: Oh, was there a crowd? I didn't really see a crowd. Because when I'm with you, it kind of all just fades into the background there.

Natalia: Oh, you're such a charmer.

Gus: I'm being honest. It's the truth.

Natalia: I'd tell you to quit the act, but I like it.

Gus: You do?

Natalia: Mm-hmm.

Gus: I do want to... I do want to make one other little stop on the way home, if that's okay. I would like to get you your own Christmas tree, okay? And set it up in the house. Not... not like one of the trees that my auntie puts up, like it just came from the department store all perfect. I mean, like, a real tree.

Natalia: I'd love that.

Gus: And with real lights...

Natalia: Yes.

Gus: ... That we string ourselves.

Natalia: And I have some old decorations that'd be perfect.

Gus: Old decorations? Perfect. Now, is it really true that we're not going to wake up together that morning, Christmas morning?

Natalia: Gus...

Gus: We're waiting-- we're waiting, that's right.

Natalia: Yeah.

Gus: I keep forgetting that.

Natalia: You know how you keep asking me what I want for Christmas?

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Natalia: I finally thought of something.

Gus: What would you like?

Natalia: I would like for us to set a date. Seriously, no more waiting, Gus, for anything.

Olivia: Hey, Emma, this looks pretty good here, right?

Emma: Yeah. (Cell phone rings)

Olivia: Oh, hang on. Oh, that... that silly banquet manager.

Emma: He always calls.

Olivia: I know. You know what? Let me handle him. You... you make a pretty centerpiece there in the middle? Put the ornaments in there, okay? I'll be right outside. It's Olivia Spencer. Yeah. No, I've left a lot of messages. I... well, I just... I... I... can you see me? I really don't want to wait until tomorrow and... I know he has a lot of patients, it's just I'm kind of anxious... okay, well if you get an opening, will you call me? Thank you.

Bill: Hey, perfect timing.

Olivia: What are you doing here?

Bill: Emma. I got her some ice skates, a little Christmas present.

Olivia: Oh. Um, you know, it’s... they're not wrapped.

Bill: Well, she's only going to tear off the paper anyway, right?

Olivia: Could we not do this? Do you mind just not doing this today? I...

Bill: Um, yeah, sure, fine. When would be a good time, because I'd really love to see her.

Olivia: I don't want you to see her anymore, Bill, not ever.

Josh: Everybody just stay back. Give him some air. Rick? Rick Bauer, are you here?

Rick: Right here. What happened?

Will: Uncle Edmund!

Cassie: Will! Will, don't look, honey.

Bill: Okay, that's very funny...

Olivia: I'm not... I'm not... I'm not joking.

Bill: She's my daughter.

Olivia: Technically, yes.

Bill: No, any way you slice it. What is going on with you?

Olivia: You've barely seen her since you've been back.

Bill: I've stopped by. She hasn't been here.

Olivia: What's it say when you can't plan ahead, when you can't take the time to wrap a present, okay. Besides, it's weeks early.

Bill: So what? The pond is frozen now.

Olivia: Bill, she deserves more than a part-time dad.

Bill: Oh, my goodness. I am trying...

Olivia: No, this isn't you trying. This is you being a mess, and then showing up, hoping that Emma is going to make you feel better.

Bill: Can I see her or not?

Olivia: Not like this. You're just going to hurt her, and she deserves more.

Bill: You keep saying that.

Olivia: What if something should happen to me?

Bill: Nothing's going to happen to you. What would happen?

Olivia: Anything, anything can happen to me at any time!

Bill: So what? Anything could happen to me at any time.

Olivia: See, you have to think this way when you're a parent, and the fact that you don’t...

Bill: What, it proves that I'm not worthy? I mean, this is the second stupidest conversation I've had all day...

Olivia: All right, all right, what if you suddenly had to take care of her?

Bill: Then I would handle it. I would get my family to help out.

Olivia: Your family can't stand you, with the exception of Dinah, who can barely take care of herself. Bill, what's her favorite color? What does she like for breakfast? What's her shoe size?

Bill: Oh, so that's what's important?

Olivia: Yes, it's all important. It's all important. This could have been casual for us, and I would have liked you, Bill, but I can't afford that now, and neither can Emma. So, please, if you can't commit to her 100%, don't do it at all.

Bill: Tell her I said Merry Christmas.

Gus: Okay, so you would like to actually set a wedding date.

Natalia: Yes, a date.

Gus: A date.

Natalia: We'll get everything planned. We'll figure out where it's going to be, everything.

Gus: Okay, and you don't want to wait through, you know, the holidays?

Natalia: No, because then something else will just pop up.

Gus: Yeah.

Natalia: Okay.

Gus: Okay.

Natalia: And then the sooner we do that, the sooner we will have no more nights like last night, sitting in front of the fire...

Gus: Nights like last night?

Natalia: Kissing for hours.

Gus: I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong because...

Natalia: No, no, no. I'm talking about when we had to stop.

Gus: Oh, when we had to stop. Okay, then, I... you know, I know exactly the right person to talk to about all this, all right? I'll just carry this one, you take the other one.

Paramedic: Nothing out of place but a couple of buttons missing.

Josh: Okay, could I have everybody's attention, please? These guys have work to do, and I think the best way we can help them, and Edmund, is to get out of their way, okay? So, thank you for coming.

Cassie: Will, just stay with Reva for a second, okay? Do you think the hospital is the right place for Will right now?

Josh: I think it's where both of us have to be, don't you?

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: Okay. Can you help me get this off?

Cassie: Sure.

Beth: Where did you go?

Rick: What do you mean "go?"

Beth: Go... before. Before the ceremony, you were nowhere to be found, and now that this happens, then you're here.

Rick: It's a long story. I have a lot to deal with right now. So, let's just drop it.

Beth: Okay. I'm going to go to the hospital with you.

Rick: No, I don't think that's a very good idea.

Beth: Why?

Rick: Because there's a lot of chaos there. You don't need that right now, and the baby doesn't need it. So just stay put, please.

Alan: Rick, I couldn't help overhearing. Does Beth need a ride somewhere?

Rick: She... just... if you could just take her to Towers, I would appreciate it.

Alan: It would be my pleasure. Come on, Beth.

Jeffrey: Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, huh?

Reva: Huh? Oh, yeah, right.

Jeffrey: What do you think he was doing up there?

Reva: Probably trying to find the perfect place to shout out what he knows about Cassie switching Beth’s paternity test.

Jeffrey: He must have been pretty mad about being sent to San Cristobel to stand trial for Alonzo’s murder.

Reva: Must have.

Jeffrey: Good thing he took the spill then, for everyone concerned. I need a drink. Towers?

Reva: Yeah, or three or four.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Cassie: Sweetie, I promise we won't keep you there long. We just need to go to the hospital to see what Edmund’s condition is.

Will: Can we go now?

Cassie: I don't think he's processed any of this yet.

Josh: Well, it's a lot for a kid.

Cassie: Well, we need to shield him from as much of this as possible, because he loves Edmund.

Josh: Yeah.

Lizzie: Hey, hey, hey! Where have you been?

Bill: What do you mean?

Lizzie: We were supposed to be meeting. To discuss the Andrea Daniels proposal?

Bill: Oh, is that today?

Lizzie: She's going to be here in less than half an hour, Bill!

Bill: Half hour-- then relax, I'm early.

Lizzie: No! We were... we were supposed to be having a strategy session.

Bill: You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to wing it. Because you and I, we're good.

Lizzie: Have you been drinking? Tell me that you're late... you are late, you blew me off to have a drink?

Bill: Oh, my goodness, will you stop it already? My day has not been the greatest.

Lizzie: Your dad is going to rehab today. I'm just saying...

Bill: I already have a mother.

Lizzie: Good. I don't want to be your mother.

Bill: You tell me, Lizzie, what do you want to be?

Lizzie: Could we just get back to work?

Reva: The choir loft. That's quite a fall.

Jeffrey: Sure is.

Reva: It's not exactly the kind of perch that you just automatically or accidentally fall off, is it? I would assume that the police are going to start questioning people.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I wonder what they'll be asking then?

Reva: Where we were.

Jeffrey: You, me, and... oh, yeah, and Rick. We were the only three unaccounted for.

Reva: Oh, but we were, remember? We split up to search for Edmund.

Jeffrey: That we did.

Reva: Awful lot going on unsaid in this conversation, isn't there?

Jeffrey: Yep.

Rick: He's been unconscious since the fall. Whole body x-ray, MRI. He's got internal injuries, I'm sure. Let's go. Move it.

Doctor: Dr. Bauer?

Rick: Yeah?

Doctor: We've got this covered.

Rick: What... what are you telling me? He's my patient.

Doctor: This is coming from upstairs.

Rick: Upstairs? What are you talking about?

Doctor: Look, Charles Grant knows you have a history with this guy.

Rick: So what? That's ridiculous. I'm a professional.

Doctor: What do you want me to say?

Mallet: Well, I guess you can't blame him, Rick. I mean, this thing is going to get a ton of publicity, and the littlest thing goes wrong, I mean, you're looking at a liability nightmare.

Rick: Yeah, makes sense. So, what are you doing here?

Mallet: This.

Rick: This? What, somebody called the police?

Mallet: It would be more surprising if somebody didn’t. I mean, come on, the most hated guy in town takes a tumble from on high.

Rick: Well, you got to be kidding me. You think this wasn't an accident?

Mallet: Well, I think it's a little too early to tell, but I'm going to have to get your statements. Actually, I'm going to have to get a statement from everybody that was there. Going to have my hands full.

Rick: Yeah, it looks like it. Listen, I'll give you some time. I need to check on my wife. I'll be back in a minute. Excuse me.

Mallet: Okay.

Josh: Mallet?

Mallet: Hmm, they've got him in the exam room. No news yet.

Josh: I take it you're here for statements, right?

Mallet: Yeah, if you got a minute, that would be great. Okay, listen, I've got... let's see if I heard this correctly: Edmund just landed at your feet?

Josh: Yeah, that's pretty much what happened. Will, give us a minute with this officer, okay?

Cassie: Yeah, sweetie, why don't you have a seat right here, and we'll find out how Edmund is doing really soon, promise.

Nurse: Is he ready for x-rays, doctor?

Doctor: Yeah. Have surgery prepped, too.

Will: Do I look sad enough, Uncle Edmund, like you told me? You wanted to hurt my mom.

Cassie: Will, honey! Edmund! He's awake.

Mallet: Edmund. Edmund, can you speak? Edmund? Edmund, did someone push you? Hey, Edmund, did someone do this to you? Come on, Edmund.

Cassie: Okay, Mallet, don't push him.

Mallet: Edmund, speak, come on. You can do it. Edmund.

Nurse: You shouldn't be in here.

Mallet: Just hold on, okay? He's trying to tell me something about maybe how this happened. Just come on...

Nurse: Well, he won't be doing any talking now.

Mallet: I'd like to get the story.

Nurse: Please leave.

Cassie: Okay. Honey, we should get out of here and let the doctors do their job.

Josh: What happened?

Cassie: Edmund came to for a minute.

Josh: Did he say anything?

Cassie: Not while I was in the room, but Will was with him before I got there.

Mallet: Hey, Will. So, how about all of that in there? I mean, did Edmund say anything to you?

Will: No. He just looked sad.

Cassie: Okay, sweetie, come here.

Josh: Will. Excuse us.

Lizzie: Ms. Daniels. Hi, Lizzie Spaulding, Lewis Construction. So pleased to meet you.

Ms. Daniels: Is it just us?

Lizzie: Well, my boss just stepped...

Bill: Bill Lewis.

Lizzie:... Is right here.

Ms. Daniels: Andrea Daniels. I'm sorry, I got the sense you were older.

Bill: Oh, that's my father. I'm in charge now.

Andrea: So you are.

Lizzie: We should get started. Ms. Daniels, I think that when you see our figures, you're going to see that our company is the best choice for your new development.

Bill: And that is a great color on you, by the way.

Andrea: Oh, this old thing?

Bill: And very form-fitting, very nice.

Lizzie: Um, the figures. I have the figures right here.

Bill: I was just thinking about that, the figures.

Andrea: You were?

Bill: I was. It's cold out here, don't you think?

Andrea: It's a little chilly out for a meeting.

Bill: Yeah, maybe we should just go some place warmer. My assistant here could put the numbers together, send them to your office while you and I go talk a little more strategically.

Lizzie: Bill!

Andrea: Sounds like a good plan.

Lizzie: Bill!

Bill: I've got a place at the Beacon not far from here. We can do that. You can handle that now, can't you, Lizzie? I don't know what I would do without her. Shall we? Yeah. Oh, and Lizzie, when you're done with that, you can take the rest of the day off.

Natalia: Oh, there are so many selections. Thank you for letting us see this, Olivia.

Olivia: Sure, no problem.

Natalia: Do you mind if I use your washroom?

Olivia: Not at all. It's right through there.

Gus: Um, how are you?

Olivia: I tried to see my doctor and I had some new tests done.

Gus: Yeah and what... what did they say?

Olivia: I'm going to find out.

Gus: You're going through this alone. I don’t... I don't really think you should be.

Olivia: You know what? I just, I really don't want Natalia or Phillip or anyone else to find out. I mean, you're the...

Gus: Exception.

Olivia: Yeah.

Gus: And I... well, I think that’s... I respect that, but if I'm the exception, why don't you let me, you know... I could help you handle some of this.

Olivia: No.

Gus: Really? And what if I said you don't get to say no?

Olivia: I don't want you to lie to Natalia.

Gus: Well, no, it wouldn't be that kind of lie... I mean, friends, right. I want... I want to do this, so just take...

Olivia: I...

Gus: No, hear me out. You take this and wait outside for two minutes, and I'm going to come with you. All right? I think you should just give me two minutes.

Natalia: Thanks, I... where's Olivia?

Gus: She got a call. She had to go. She said we should just go ahead and look through all her books and...

Natalia: Oh, that was nice of her.

Gus: So you can see what you... and I just got a call from work, and they want me to come in.

Natalia: It's your day off.

Gus: I know. It's just so typical. Well, you know what? You look through everything, and, you know... until you see what you like.

Natalia: Oh, yeah.

Gus: And then you run it by me a little... I just want you to be happy. I love you. Come here.

Natalia: I love you, too.

Gus: For as long as it takes. I'm sure she won't mind. And then we'll go over it later, tonight, okay?

Natalia: I don't want to do this alone.

Rick: What's the matter, sweetheart?

Beth: Um, nothing, nothing. I was just saying good-bye to Alan.

Rick: Yeah, I saw that. It just seemed like it was a pretty involved conversation.

Beth: You know, I really need to sit down. I'm going to get us a table. Could you get me some mineral water?

Rick: Sure.

Beth: Okay.

Reva: Hi.

Jeffrey: Hey. Any news about Edmund?

Rick: Nothing. Nothing yet, but...

Reva: But... but?

Rick: Well, apparently the police are involved. Mallet.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, we were anticipating that very same thing.

Reva: Mallet-- he's a good detective, isn't he?

Jeffrey: He's one of the best, actually.

Reva: I... I'm sure he's going to start by trying to figure out who would want to see Edmund dead.

Jeffrey: Mmm. Well, if he started at this table, he might never feel the need to look elsewhere.

Mallet: Well, the doctor says that Edmund is unresponsive.

Josh: What does that mean?

Mallet: Well, you never know in cases like this. What they're going to do is take him to surgery now. They're pretty confident they can stabilize him, and then I guess after that, it's just a big waiting game.

Josh: It makes your job harder, I guess.

Mallet: Yeah, I've kind of got nothing.

Josh: Okay.

Mallet: The witnesses were telling me that Edmund was dragged out of the church after the Christmas pageant and... so, do you guys know where Jeffrey was taking him? Did you hear anything before it happened? Sound of a struggle?

Cassie: No.

Mallet: Did you notice anything out of the ordinary? I mean, anything, anything at all?

Cassie: No, nothing. Can we go?

Josh: Cassie?

Cassie: I... my focus was on Josh the whole day. I just... Will has been here long enough. I really just think he's had a huge shock today.

Mallet: Yeah, that's fine. Of course he has.

Cassie: You don't mind?

Mallet: Not at all.

Cassie: I just want to get him home.

Josh: Yeah. No, I think you're right. I think you're right. If we think of anything else...

Mallet: Yes, here, take my number.

Josh: You got it.

Mallet: Thank you.

Rick: That was a friend of mine in Radiology. Edmund has slipped into a coma.

Reva: Well, did he say anything before...

Rick: He didn't say a word.

Reva: So, Mallet is going to have to piece this all together.

Jeffrey: Only with what people have to say to him.

Reva: Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, we were... we were all three of us in the back of the church. We had a clear view of the loft where Edmund was alone in the loft. The three of us, together, alone on the ground.

Rick: And from where I was standing, he seemed very upset, overwrought, in fact.

Reva: Definitely upset. Desperate.

Jeffrey: Desperate to get a look at Cassie and Josh on the ground.

Reva: Right, which means he would have had to lean over...

Rick: Too far.

Jeffrey: Dangerously so. And that's when I think I saw him slip.

Rick: And before he knew what was happening, he just went right over the edge.

Jeffrey: He leans over, it happened like that, okay? So, I mean, I don't think we need to go over this again. I mean, are we clear on this?

Rick: I think we... I think we're very clear.

Reva: Yeah, I think we all agree on exactly what went down.

Rick: So, what about Josh?

Jeffrey: What about him?

Rick: Is this the same thing that we tell him, the same story?

Reva: Word for word.

Lizzie: Vanessa, hi! I'm sorry, I don't mean to be bothering you.

Vanessa: That's all right. What's up? What is it about?

Lizzie: I don't want to... I don't like doing this, but you know that Billy and I have grown really close. And while he's my friend, I know his faults, his weaknesses, and I just can't watch Bill go down the same road.

Vanessa: What road are you talking about? I mean, is it his drinking?

Lizzie: To say the least.

Vanessa: Well, you know, if it's anything else, he's a grown man.

Lizzie: I know he is, but that is what we said about Billy, and now he's going to rehab.

Vanessa: Okay, I'll... I'll speak with him.

Lizzie: I just don't want to see it affect his work.

Vanessa: Yeah. I'll talk to him.

Lizzie: The sooner the better. Thanks.

(Knock on door)

Vanessa: Bill! (Laughter) (knock on the door) Bill, honey?

Bill: Okay, ready? Any minute now. (Laughter) There you go, there you go. Did you want some of that?

Andrea: Who are you?

Bill: Uh, Mom?

Andrea: This is your mother?

Vanessa: Yes, I'm his mother.

Andrea: I should be going.

Bill: No, no, no, whoa, who, whoa. Mom, Mom, Mom, wait, wait, wait. Do not leave. I... I didn't even make I... I didn't even make introductions.

Andrea: Bill.

Bill: Yeah, come here. This is, uh... this is, um... a really nice girl, a girl who is so nice, she's worth taking home to mom. And thank you for saving me the trouble.

Andrea: It's Andrea, jerk!

Bill: (Laughs)

Vanessa: I will talk to you later.

Bill: I... okay. Wait a minute, where you going?

Andrea: I have to go.

Bill: But we didn't even, you know.

Andrea: That's right, we haven't even.

Bill: Oh, come on, that... come on! You!

Lizzie: I decided not to take the day off after all.

Alan: Oh, Natalia. Natalia.

Natalia: I'm sorry. Hi, Alan.

Alan: Is everything all right? Is something wrong?

Natalia: I'm just trying not to overreact to something... something I saw.

Alan: You have a moment to talk about it?

Natalia: It's nothing. I know it's probably just... it was nothing.

Alan: All right, then.

Natalia: So, you know Olivia pretty well, right?

Alan: Uh, yeah, you could say that I do. Is she being hard on you at work? She can be a pretty tough boss.

Natalia: Work is fine.

Alan: Then... oh!

Natalia: Oh, what?

Alan: Rafe came to me the other day, he was wondering about Olivia and Gus' relationship.

Natalia: He was?

Alan: Yeah. Are you concerned about them in any way?

Natalia: No, I'm not concerned. I know Gus... and I know that he's helping her out with the whole Phillip situation, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Alan: Absolutely not.

Natalia: I just... I got this odd feeling today. It was nothing.

Alan: You don't want to know what I think.

Natalia: Why?

Alan: Well, you can trust Gus, but...

Natalia: But?

Alan: Gus is the only Spaulding male that Olivia has not sunk here fingers into.

Olivia: You know what? They tell you to rush over here, and then they just...

Gus: Olivia, Olivia... I know, they make you wait. That's Med School 101. I think it's a required class.

Olivia: (Laughing)

Gus: I got a small smile out of you. We don't know what they're going to say.

Olivia: I know I'm dying. I am, it's a fact.

Gus: Well, you have a lot of living to do as well.

Olivia: It's not just this.

Gus: What is it?

Olivia: It's Bill, you know. He’s... he's changed, and now I'm worried about Emma.

Gus: So, if something were to happen, he becomes the legal guardian.

Olivia: He can’t... he can't get custody of her. He's not in any condition to be a father right now.

Gus: Well, maybe... maybe I can help out in this department. You know, I did go to law school, and hopefully it wasn't for nothing.

Olivia: Okay. I'll pay.

Gus: Oh, you'll pay. (Laughter)

Doctor: Ms. Spencer?

Olivia: Hi.

Doctor: Thanks for coming in.

Olivia: Sure, I...

Gus: Want me to stay?

Olivia: Yes, please. So, how did those tests come out?

Doctor: We were hoping for better numbers, to be honest.

Olivia: Okay. Um, when I first met you, you said something about a heart transplant.

Doctor: Yeah, I have to be honest about that, too.

Gus: Is this where you talk about the really, really long list that she has to get on?

Doctor: Excuse me, you are?

Gus: Detective Aitoro. Gus Aitoro. I'm Alan Spaulding’s son.

Doctor: Ah.

Gus: Oh, I got your attention. I see. Well, see, Ms. Spencer here is the mother to one of Alan Spaulding’s most favorite granddaughters, and I think my family bankrolled this hospital. And if I'm not mistaken, the money got spread around to all of the departments, probably including yours.

Doctor: That it has.

Gus: Oh, good. Well, here's my question: Would that have anything to do with her placement on this list, sir?

Cassie: I know it's been a roller coaster day, honey. Why don't you take off your pageant costume and we can just sit down and talk for a little bit, okay?

Josh: Maybe we can sort out what we're all feeling.

Will: I feel tired.

Cassie: Of course you do. Sweetie, why don't you just lie down for a while? I don't know what to do.

Josh: Well, obviously, we can't push him, you know, not after something like this. Listen, listen, I made some phone calls earlier.

Cassie: Calls?

Josh: Yeah. I made some arrangements... for Edmund. I don't want Jeffrey in charge anymore. Edmund was supposed to be locked up, not framed for something he didn't do.

Cassie: I'm really sorry that all of this got so out of control. I know it's because of me.

Josh: No, no, don't say that.

Cassie: I know it's because of what I did.

Josh: Stop saying that, because it's not, okay? Right now, all I want is to protect my family from him.

Bill: So, what is the big idea of bringing my mother here?

Lizzie: We were supposed to be working. I guess I don't like to be ditched.

Bill: Yeah, well, did you it ever cross your mind that getting her into bed was my way of closing that deal?

Lizzie: Are you going to put your pants back on?

Bill: Do I need to?

Lizzie: Yes.

Bill: Look, I'm sorry if you don't like the way I do business, and I am sorry if you're jealous.

Lizzie: I am not jealous!

Bill: You are not jealous?

Lizzie: No!

Bill: Oh, okay, whatever you say. And by the way, that was a fantastic job earlier with that presentation, really. I mean it, I am so happy that I kept you around. Oh, Lizzie...

Lizzie: Ooh!

Alan: Well, son, what a surprise.

Gus: Dad, I'm in a rush.

Alan: I just wanted to tell you that I saw Natalia earlier and we had a nice talk.

Gus: We are getting married, okay? That's the end of it.

Alan: Yeah, well, you sound pretty sure of that, don't you?

Gus: Dad, I know that you think you had a shot with her, or you think you have a shot with her still, but why don't you do everybody a favor, and for once in your life, come to terms with the fact that this time you lose.

Alan: Oh, no, I don’t.

Natalia: Leave him alone.

Olivia: Excuse me?

Natalia: Can you just be honest with me? I want to know what is going on with Gus.

Olivia: With Gus?

Natalia: Mm-hmm, because we are this close to getting married, so why are you going after him?

Mallet: Right, and you are saying that he was leaning over?

Jeffrey: Yeah. I think he was trying to say something.

Mallet: Like what?

Rick: He was just acting... just crazy, really. I mean... I think that he would have done or said anything to try to ruin that day.

Jeffrey: Anyway, that's when he... he slipped.

Rick: He just... he fell right over the banister.

Reva: Landed right smack in the middle of everything.

Mallet: Is that the way you saw it, Beth?

Beth: No, no. I was... I was up front focused on Josh. I think that everyone was.

Mallet: Well, everyone except you three. You all have such similar recollections about how all this went down.

Jeffrey: Well, we were looking at it from the same vantage point.

Rick: Right. Is that it? Because I'd like to get my wife home.

Mallet: Uh, yeah. I might have more later but... after I sift through this. Thanks.

Rick: Yeah, you know how to reach me, right? Let's go.

Reva: Bye.

Mallet: Bye.

Beth: Is he right?

Rick: Right about what?

Beth: Rick, I'm not stupid. He obviously thinks you three are lying. Now, I asked you where you disappeared to before the ceremony; you never gave me any answer.

Rick: Sweetheart, okay, look, the bottom line is Edmund showed up to cause some problems, okay? And the one thing that the three of us agreed on is that we weren't going to let him do it. That's the bottom line. Let's go.

Jeffrey: So, you got everything you need?

Mallet: Yes. You three were very helpful.

Jeffrey: It was an accident.

Mallet: Yes, as you keep saying, but Edmund can't confirm nor deny that.

Reva: You really seem to be pushing this pretty hard.

Jeffrey: You're not being handled.

Mallet: Okay. I'll be the judge of that.

Josh: Cassie?

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: Um... I'm just curious... in fact, I don't even know quite how to ask this, but today, when we were talking to Mallet...

Cassie: At the hospital, yeah?

Josh: Yeah. You seemed to tense up a little bit when he asked if you had seen anything.

Cassie: I was just focused on Will, you know. I just wanted to get him home and make him feel safe.

Josh: Yeah, that's kind of what I figured. Just wondering.

(Phone rings)

Reva (on answering machine): Hi, it's me, Reva. Leave your name and number, and I'll call you back.

Cassie: Reva, it's me. I need to talk to you. It's about Edmund and it's important.

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