GL Transcript Wednesday 12/5/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/5/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Josh: That can't be right. Hello, Will.

Will: What are you doing?

Josh: Um... wow, I didn't hear you walk up. I... I'm just trying to figure out how this thing is supposed to work. I don't understand why it doesn't feel like it's fitting properly. What do you think? Does it look okay?

Will: I think one of my wings is crooked.

Josh: Well, maybe we can help each other. Here we go. Okay, crooked wings, let's see. Okay. I think that looks good. Now, how about me? Can you help me out here?

Will: Hmm.

Josh: Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's much better. Thank you. You're very good at this. You're a good person to have around in a pinch.

Cassie: I'd say you're both looking pretty good, if you ask me.

Josh: How long have you guys been there?

Cassie: Oh, long enough. Although, you know, these guys think they're so ready-- I don't think I've heard any rehearsing all morning, have you?

R.J.: Guess not.

Cassie: So, get to it, boys. Time's clicking away.

Josh: "The three wise men followed the star, the brightest star in the heavens, right to the humble manger in Bethlehem."

Will: “And I solemnly declare that I do believe the holy scriptures of the old and the new testaments”. (Laughter)

Josh: Okay. I think that one's yours. There you go.

Cassie: Well, you two sound about as ready as you'll ever be.

Will: Almost ready. Where's Uncle Edmund?

Reva: Eat up. What? You said two eggs over easy.

Edmund: I'm just remembering the good old days when I had a food taster.

Reva: The only thing dangerous on that plate is the cholesterol.

Jeffrey: Don't worry, Edmund, we're not going to murder you. Well, at least not until after Will's pageant.

Edmund: Comforting.

Reva: Where are you going?

Edmund: Back in civilization, we used cream for our coffee, not skimmed milk.

Reva: Good luck finding cream. He thinks we want him dead.

Jeffrey: So long as he knows otherwise.

Reva: Peaceful Valley?

Jeffrey: That's what we're calling it.

Reva: Death row is so much catchier, though.

Jeffrey: Reva...

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: He needs to believe that he is going to a safe compound where he will live the rest of his days. That's the only way that we're going to get him out of our lives.

Reva: We're going to be late for the pageant, and that's going to screw up Josh.

Jeffrey: Nothing is going to screw up Josh.

Reva: It's his ordination day...

Jeffrey: He doesn't have to know anything.

Reva: He's a part of this.

Jeffrey: Reva, Josh came to me because he knew that I would do what needed to be done. Edmund will hurt Joshua if he gets a chance. He'll hurt all of us if he gets the chance.

Reva: Nobody knows what he is capable of better than me. All I'm saying ... (knock at the door) What?

Guard: Mr. O’Neill, we found him trying to leave out the back way.

Edmund: Can't blame a man for trying.

Beth: Rick, come on! Why aren't you dressed? I don't want to be late for this thing.

Rick: What? Honey, are you sure you want to go to this thing?

Beth: Where is this coming from?

Rick: It's coming from the fact that the weather is going to be turning bad later on, that's where it's coming from.

Beth: What is on television that you don't want to miss? Whatever it is, it is not worth missing the Christmas pageant or Josh's ordination.

Rick: Honey, there is no football game, I'm telling you. I saw the weather report, it's going to turn icy. I don't want you to slipping and falling. You're walking for two people now, that's all.

Beth: You're cute. You're full of it, but you're cute.

Rick: So there is no talking you out of this?

Beth: Not like that you can’t. So, come on, cowboy, grab your coat and jacket, and let's get going.

Rick: All right, let me grab the bag first, okay?

Beth: What do you need that for?

Rick: It's, um ... I'm on call at the hospital, so I have to bring this with me. It'll... just give me a second.

Beth: Okay.

Jeffrey: Reporting as ordered.

Cassie: Thanks for delivering the purchase.

Will: Uncle Edmund!

Edmund: Hey, look at you! You make me very proud!

Jeffrey: All right, then, I guess we better get going. Everyone will be waiting for Will.

Edmund: The star of the show.

Will: Can I run my lines with Uncle Edmund first, please?

Cassie: For a few minutes.

Josh: Coffee?

Jeffrey: Can you make mine Irish?

Josh: Uh-huh.

Edmund: Any word on James?

Will: No. I'm acting sorry about it, like you told me.

Edmund: Good boy. Good boy. Now, I'm glad to have this moment alone. You know I don't want to leave you tomorrow. Maybe you can help me with something.

Will: What?

Edmund: Just before the end of the show, just before you take your final bows, I want you to read something. I want you to read it to everyone.

Will: What is it?

Edmund: It's a plea... for understanding, for mercy. You'll be standing there in your angel outfit, who could possibly resist? And I want you to make as much eye contact with the Reverend Rutledge as you possibly can. And then... and then... don't forget the tears.

Josh: I just can't tell you how much it means to me to have you here.

Stephen: Well, I'd already committed to direct the children's Christmas pageant, and I figured I couldn't miss that, could I?

Josh: Heck no.

Stephen: Plus, there was something else going on, some small thing I thought I would stick around for. (Laughter)

Josh: (Laughing) That's very funny, very funny. Hey, Billy. You remember my brother Billy, right?

Stephen: Yes, of course I do. Listen, I'm going to let you take care of the guest of honor. I'm going to make sure the kids have everything they need.

Josh: You didn't have to come. I know you have some place else to be.

Billy: Oh, come off it.

Josh: I... I mean it.

Billy: Look, you know, what I'm going to get from today is going to help me make it through rehab.

Josh: You don't need me. You're going to be fine.

Billy: You get out of here before I get mushy.

Josh: I'll talk to you after all this is over.

Billy: You bet you will. What the hell?

Alan: I don't think this is a proper place to use that kind of language, Billy.

Bill: Hey, Dad.

Billy: What the hell is he doing here with you?

Alan: Nice to see you, too. Is there a problem?

Billy: Why are you doing this to Josh and Cassie?

Bill: What am I doing to them?

Alan: I'm feeling ignored.

Billy: You know exactly what you're doing.

Bill: Well, maybe I'm trying to bridge some bad blood between the families. Christmastime in a church-- sounds like a good place to start to me.

Billy: Or maybe you knew this would ruin everything for everybody, and that's why you came.

Alan: I think you two need a little private time.

Billy: Look, why don't you just get out, okay?

Bill: You're serious?

Billy: Yeah, I am absolutely serious.

Bill: So you're going to kick your own son out of a family event? You don't even see the irony in that, do you?

Billy: Why don't you earn your way back into the family instead proving to everybody what a big jerk you can be, and then we'll talk, okay?

Bill: Yeah, how do you think mom would feel about that?

Billy: I think your mother would have you out in the street right now.

Bill: Okay, so, I'm out because my mere presence is going to make some sort of scene?

Billy: Pretty much sums it up, yeah.

Bill: Is that right? Well, I hope they've got the wine locked up because once you get your paws on it, that’ll make some sort of scene?

Billy: You think I like doing this?

Bill: I don't think you know any other way.

Alan: You certainly do light up a room, Beth.

Beth: Hardly.

Alan: Didn't being a Spaulding all those years teach you that false modesty will get you nowhere? So, James is at home, huh?

Beth: And very disappointed.

Alan: Well, he didn't need this pageant. After all, he would have stolen the show. Listen, I... I didn't know if you were going to be here today. I'm delighted that you are. So, I... I brought you this.

Beth: Oh, um...

Rick: What's going on?

Beth: Um... well, we were just talking.

Rick: Looks like you were passing my wife a note. What is this, Alan, high school?

Alan: You tell me, Rick.

Rick: She won't be needing this.

Alan: James might need it. He might enjoy it. It's a get well card for my grandson. That's all right. I'll put a stamp on it.

Rick: You do that.

Beth: It was just a misunderstanding.

Alan: I would think you'd have bigger things to worry about, Rick, but I guess not.

Cassie: All right, Reverend Rutledge is getting all you kids together. So, I think it's time to go, huh?

Will: Okay.

Cassie: Can I get a hug first?

Josh: (Laughing)

Cassie: And what's this? Oh, lines? Just in case?

Will: Yeah, just in case.

Cassie: Good. Well, I wouldn't worry about anything. I think I'm more nervous than you are.

Josh: Hey, we are very, very proud of you.

R.J.: You'll be great.

Will: I know.

Cassie: All right, why don't you go grab us a couple of seats up front?

Josh: You look good!

Cassie: I haven't forgot about you, you know?

Josh: Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but...

Cassie: Thank you.

Josh: For what?

Cassie: Edmund. It really does mean a lot to Will.

Josh: The less said about him today, the better. Yep. This way.

Edmund: Dr. Bauer?

Rick: What do you want?

Edmund: May a man not say hello?

Rick: Not when that person follows it up with a threat.

Edmund: You seem to handle it like a pro. I'm still feeling the effects of that drug.

Rick: Good. I hope you learned your lesson. So, just keep your mouth shut about what you know and stay away from my wife, or next time, I won't be so careful with the dosage. Nice tie.

Reva: You know, it looks like they're about to start. We should sit.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm just waiting to see where he lands.

Reva: You don't think he's going to try to make another break for it, do you?

Jeffrey: Well, I don't think he's going to go easily, that's for sure. But he thinks he's going to be leaving at the end of Josh's ceremony, so we have the element of surprise on our side.

Reva: More surprises?

Jeffrey: Yeah, because he is actually going to be leaving before the end of the pageant.

Reva: But Will thinks he's going to be here for the whole thing.

Jeffrey: Well, Will is going to have to learn to live with some disappointment.

Reva: When did you decide this?

Jeffrey: It's always been the plan.

Reva: Great. Abduction in a church, a wonderful way to start off a holiday season, don't you think?

Stephen: Excuse me. Could I have your attention? Could we all just be seated, please? Come on, there are plenty of good seats in the back. (Laughter) And welcome. Welcome to the annual Christmas pageant here at St. Mark’s. We're going to begin in a few minutes. If you could just stay seated, we'll let the show begin.

Jeffrey: Enjoy the show.

Will: Behold, I am an angel of the Lord.

Children: O little town of Bethlehem how still we see thee lie

above thy deep and dreamless sleep

the silent stars go by yet in thy dark streets shineth

the everlasting light ...

Alan: There's a much better view from here, Rick.

Woman: Shh.

Children: The hopes and fears of all the years

are met in thee tonight. (Cheers and applause)

Will: Joseph and Mary had traveled far, a long, hard journey across the desert to the little town of Bethlehem. But when they arrived, they found the town was full. Joseph and Mary went to every Inn they could find, but the answer was always the same: There was no room; they were not welcome. Joseph did not understand why no one would help them. They were good people. They were desperate, but the answer was always the same. Until finally they met an innkeeper who took pity on them. Though he had little to offer, he told them he would give them shelter because it was the right thing to do. And in this manger, this humble place, our Lord and savior was born! (Pitch pipe hums)

Children: Hark, the herald angels sing

glory to the newborn king peace on earth and mercy mild...

Rick: Hey, hey, what are you doing? Leave her alone.

Alan: I was just asking her if she was comfortable. I mean, after all, it's a long time to sit on these hard benches when a woman is pregnant.

Woman: Shh. Can't you be quiet?

Rick: Just go sit somewhere else.

Beth: Rick, it's fine, okay? It's fine.

Alan: I'm very comfortable here, Rick.

Rick: Oh, good. Well, just watch yourself because I'll be watching you.

Children: Christ is born in Bethlehem

Hark, the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king. (Cheers and applause)

We wish you a merry Christmas we wish you a merry Christmas

we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

good tidings we bring to you on your kin

Jeffrey: Let's go.

Edmund: Go?

Children: Good tidings for Christmas and a happy new year. (Cheers and applause)

Stephen: Weren't they wonderful?

Will: Wait! Uncle Edmund! (applause)

Stephen: Thank you! Thank you! We're all so happy you enjoyed this year's pageant. And we'd like you to stay for a short while afterwards, because today we have something very, very special. St. Mark's will be ordaining it's new pastor, Joshua Lewis. And now we would like to also recognize our featured angel today, William Winslow. (Cheers and applause)

Will: Where's Uncle Edmund?

Josh: He's right...

Will: He left, but he didn't want to!

Josh: Okay, you know what, Will, you're right. I agree with you. I don't think he wanted to leave.

Will: Jeffrey's making him. You all are.

Josh: Look, we should have talked to you about this a long time ago. But the fact is that your Uncle Edmund doesn't just want to go back to San Cristobel; he has to. That's a fact.

Will: Why? It's not fair!

Josh: Your Uncle Edmund has done some things in his life, some bad things, and he's got to answer for them. And when he gets back to San Cristobel, they're going to keep an eye on him, okay? They're going to watch him.

Will: You mean put him in jail.

Josh: No, he's going to be very comfortable, okay? You just have to trust me on that.

Will: Why did you let this happen?

Stephen: I'm sorry if I'm interrupting.

Josh: No, no, that's fine.

Stephen: But, Will, we need to take some pictures.

Cassie: This is not ... not at all how I saw this happening.

Josh: Look, maybe this is for the best. Jeffrey knows what he is doing.

Cassie: Did you see the look on his face?

Josh: Yeah, yeah. But people are going to be telling him all day what a great job he did in this pageant. He'll forget about Edmund.

Cassie: Oh, come on, even you can't think that. Edmund is gone.

Reva: Yeah, I know.

Cassie: And Will's a wreck. And he's going to blame us for not giving him an opportunity to say good-bye. I have to do something.

Reva: What do you mean?

Cassie: Well, can you call Jeffrey? Can you get a number for Edmund so Will can talk to him once he's settled in ...

Reva: I really don't think that's such a good idea.

Cassie: Why not?

Reva: I just don't, okay?

Cassie: Well, why don't you let me decide whether something's a good idea ...

Reva: Please, Cassie, let it go. Edmund's gone.

Cassie: He's a phone call away!

Reva: Actually, no, he's not.

Jeffrey: Okay. Bon voyage, don't forget to write.

Edmund: I'll miss you, too.

Jeffrey: Oh, you're going to miss a lot where you're going, I guarantee it.

Edmund: You could have let me say good-bye to the boy.

Jeffrey: Well, let's at least give the kid a decent shot at a normal life, shall we? The less of you, the better.

Edmund: Do you think he realized he dodged a bullet when you and Cassie went your separate ways?

Jeffrey: Okay, in the car.

Edmund: Ooh, didn't hit a nerve, did I?

Jeffrey: I just don't want you to be late for your next gig, Edmund.

Edmund: Well, at least I leave knowing that, no matter how bad things get for me, being locked up for the rest of my life, it is going to pale in comparison to what you'll be going through.

Jeffrey: (Laughing) Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine.

Edmund: I'd pay to see it, you know? Oh, I'm sure you found some measure of happiness with Reva, but you're just a stand-in, you know. She loves Josh. And Cassie ... Cassie ... Cassie was the one for you, but now she's gone.

Jeffrey: This isn't working, you know.

Edmund: And with a minister, no less. Do you think there's something subliminal going on here, O’Neill? That she's had to choose someone as different from you as possible?

Jeffrey: Straight to the airport, no stops.

Edmund: Maybe I'll get on Cassie’s Christmas email lists, get all of those end of the year-roundups she's so fond of writing, and find out how wonderful and fulfilling her life is with Josh, and just how miserable your life has turned out to be.

Jeffrey: I wouldn't count on many emails where you're going.

Edmund: Oh, come on, O’Neill. They have computers in the gulags now.

Jeffrey: I wouldn't count on much of anything, as a matter of fact.

Edmund: Why? What's that supposed to mean?

Jeffrey: Have a nice flight.

Edmund: What's that supposed to mean?

Jeffrey: Well, you know sometimes when you get stuck at a hotel because you believe what you saw in the brochure, only to find out that it didn't live up to the hype.

Edmund: English, O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Peaceful Valley, that secure compound where you're headed, you might be a little disappointed.

Edmund: We had a deal!

Jeffrey: Yeah. I didn't like that deal. Here's a new deal: You will stand trial for Alonzo’s murder, and you will be convicted. I like that deal a lot better.

Reva: I shouldn't have said anything.

Cassie: Jeffrey's framing him?

Josh: I don’t... I don't understand. How can he possibly justify this? Edmund may get the death penalty.

Cassie: And Edmund didn't kill Alonzo.

Reva: I know, but when you think about what he has done and what he is capable of doing...

Josh: What kind of a rationalization is that?

Reva: It's Jeffrey’s rationalization.

Cassie: Okay, what do you think about it?

Reva: It doesn't matter.

Josh: It does matter, Reva. It absolutely matters. You're complicit. I'm complicit. I'm the one who got Jeffrey involved in this in the first place. I'm the one who asked him to take care of the Edmund problem. What have I done?

Edmund: You'll never get away with this!

Jeffrey: I already have. If he gives you any trouble, you know what to do.

Edmund: I didn't kill Alonzo!

Jeffrey: Well, tell it to the judge, Edmund. You know what? But he might not be able to listen to you because he is going to be very busy looking at all of that evidence, you know, the fingerprints, the surveillance video ...

Edmund: The evidence you falsified. You heard everything. You heard everything. I didn't do anything!

Guard: I'm sorry, I didn't hear any...

Jeffrey: Albert here-- you see, you put Albert’s father away for speaking out against you all of those years ago. Yeah, justice moves slowly Edmund, but it does move.

Edmund: I'm innocent.

Jeffrey: Hardly. You're going to die, Edmund. Get used to that. They say that some people find faith when they realize that all hope is lost. Hey, maybe Josh will autograph a bible for you.

Edmund: Come back here, O’Neill!

Reva: Joshua ...

Josh: Reva, please, please, please don't talk to me right now, okay? Please don't say anything else.

Stephen: Josh, I wanted to tell you we'll be done with the kids in a few minutes, and then you're up.

Josh: I'm sorry. I'm up?

Stephen: The ordination.

Josh: Right. Right.

Stephen: Listen, I'll find you, okay?

Josh: Okay, okay.

Stephen: It won't be long.

Josh: That's fine. Thank you. Cassie ...

Cassie: This isn't your fault. It isn’t.

Josh: No, I don't get to think like that just because it's convenient or because it makes me feel better.

Cassie: Well, think it because it's true. The reason Jeffrey didn't tell you what he was doing is because he knew that if he did, you would stop him.

Josh: Cassie, I made a choice. Edmund had to be dealt with, right?

Cassie: Yes, he did.

Josh: Well, I didn't choose a guy, just any guy to help me out with that. I chose a guy who has a history with Black Ops.

Cassie: Well, it's not like you have a P.D.A. full of people you can go to with something like this. Jeffrey's a logical choice.

Josh: I lit the fuse. I put Jeffrey and Edmund together. I lit the fuse. And now, who the...

Jeffrey: Oh, Josh, good. I hope I haven't missed your thing.

Josh: Look, look, you've got to stop this, okay? You've got to make a phone call right now and stop it, now!

Jeffrey: I'm sorry, Josh, I... I can't do that. What's done is done.

Josh: Jeffrey, I have to get up in front of these people, in front of God, in a few minutes, I need to take an oath.

Jeffrey: You can take it. Take it!

Reva: I had to tell them.

Jeffrey: Well, I wish you would have waited just a little longer.

Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Does that mean that there is still time?

Jeffrey: Josh, I respect your faith, I do. But even you cannot believe that this guy is redeemable.

Josh: If I do this ... if I do this, I'm no different from him, and neither are you.

Will: Why did you lie to me?

Cassie: Honey, it's complicated.

Will: He's my friend! I love Uncle Edmund!

Cassie: I know.

Billy: Hey, Will, that was some performance you gave.

Cassie: Yeah, it sure was. Would you keep an eye on him for a second? I just have to talk to somebody.

Billy: Sure, absolutely.

Jeffrey: Josh, I understand why you're not comfortable with this, but this is the right thing. You will see that, eventually.

Cassie: Will is beside himself. And what about Josh? Do you realize the position you've put him in?

Jeffrey: I am taking full responsibility for this. I have said that from the beginning. We're doing the right thing.

Cassie: Josh, you have to get ready now.

Josh: No, I don’t.

Cassie: Yes, you do. This is important to you.

Josh: This is important, too, Cassie. You have the cover for me with Stephen.

Cassie: What do you mean? Where are you going? Where are you going?

Josh: I have ... I'm going to find Edmund before it's too late.

Beth: Excuse me. Hey, something is definitely going on here. Did you see the way they hustled Edmund out of here?

Rick: No. I was too busy enjoying the show.

Beth: Huh. You were too busy trying to pick a fight with Alan.

Rick: Oh, no, sweetie, you got that backwards.

Beth: Okay. Well, either way, it gave me a headache.

Rick: It did?

Beth: Uh-huh.

Rick: You okay? You want to sit down?

Beth: No. Really, I'm serious, I want something for my head.

Rick: It's your lucky day. I've got the medicine bag.

Beth: Good.

Josh: Edmund!

Stephen: There he is. I thought you changed your mind.

Josh: No, no. I just... I had something to handle. That's all.

Stephen: Well, now you're going to have something bigger to handle.

Josh: Okay.

Stephen: But I have little doubt but that you'll be able to handle it. Are you ready?

Josh: Yes. Ah, just give me a minute to get this on. Can you help me with this?

Cassie: Sure.

Josh: All right, thank you.

Stephen: Of course.

Cassie: What happened?

Josh: He's gone.

Cassie: What do you mean? You were too late?

Josh: No. I mean, he's gone. He got a hold of the syringe somehow, and he got away from the guard that Jeffrey had left him with.

Cassie: Oh, my God. We have to call the police.

Josh: I left word for Frank already on the way here. Cassie, Edmund is out there somewhere. He's out there somewhere, and he's angry.

Cassie: Do you think he'd say something?

Josh: What, about you and Beth and the baby and all that? I don't know. I think we have to prepare for that as a possibility.

Cassie: Okay, I don't care about me. I don't want you hurt. I don't want this to hurt your reputation.

Josh: My reputation doesn't matter.

Cassie: You know what, you need to just let the police handle this. Okay, the good thing is that Jeffrey’s plan didn't pan out. So you cannot feel guilty about anything that happens to Edmund.

Josh: Okay.

Stephen: Everyone, it is my pleasure to ask you to take your seats. We are ready to welcome one of God's servants to this church and to his service.

Jeffrey: I can understand him being a little upset, but Josh did come to me to ask me to solve his problem for him.

Reva: I'm sorry I said anything.

Jeffrey: I'm not mad at you.

Reva: It's just that Cassie kept insisting on a phone number to reach Edmund in San Cristobel, and I knew that was going to be impossible ...

Jeffrey: Reva, I'm not mad at you. I'm not even mad at Josh. I mean, you did what you had to do. It's just...

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: I was just, you know, hoping for a thank you from someone.

Reva: I know what you did was right, and I respect you for it.

Jeffrey: I did this town a favor.

Reva: And if he is history, then maybe what we need to do is not dwell on it anymore.

Jeffrey: Right.

Reva: And we're going to be okay.

Jeffrey: Hm. I'm feeling a little better already.

Reva: A little? (Knock on the door)

Rick: He's gone. Edmund is gone. He stole my syringe with the sedatives that I had in my bag. He's gone.

Reva: Oh, my God!

Jeffrey: We have to find him!

Rick: And we've got to make sure to do it before Josh gets involved again. Because, you know, he will try to protect Edmund at the expense of my wife, and I'm not going to let that happen.

Jeffrey: Rick, slow down. One thing we do know is that he won't go far.

Rick: Well, he's got to be stopped, and I'll do it myself if I have to.

Cassie: Reverend Rutledge, I present to you Joshua Lewis, to be ordained minister in Christ’s holy church.

Stephen: Has he been accepted according to the cannons of this church? And do you believe the manner of his life is suitable for the exercise of this ministry?

Cassie: I certify to you that he has satisfied the requirements of the cannons, and believe him to be qualified for this order.

Stephen: Will you be loyal to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of Christ as received by this church?

Josh: I am willing and ready to do so, yes. I solemnly declare that I believe the holy scriptures of both the old and the new testaments to be the word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation. And I do solemnly engage to perform to the doctrine, the discipline, and the worship of the church.

Stephen: Dear friends in Christ, you know the importance of this ministry, and the heavy weight of responsibility you take on by presenting Joshua Lewis for ordination. Therefore, if any of you know any impediment or crime which would prevent us from proceeding, speak now and come forward. Before we conclude today's ceremony and move on to the celebration...

Will: I thought you were gone.

Edmund: That was their plan, to get me out of here before I could say good-bye to you.

Will: I was worried.

Edmund: Well, you had every reason to be.

Will: What do you mean?

Edmund: They're all going to hurt me, very badly. They are all after me, William, all of them, Jeffrey and Rick and Reva and Josh and Cassie, too. Oh, yes, Cassie, too.

Will: No!

Edmund: Yes! It's true. That was all part of the plan. They wanted to get me, especially the worst of them was Cassie. And I'm going to have my revenge, too. She pretended to be my friend. She pretended to care about me, to have a bond with me through you. It was all part of the plan, but they want me dead. They want me dead. And now she's going to find out what it means to cross me.

Will: No! You can't hurt my mother!

Stephen: Father, through Jesus Christ, your son, give your holy spirit to Joshua Lewis, fill him with power and grace, make him a priest in your church. Make him a faithful pastor, a wise counselor, and a patient teacher, and grant, above all, that he should do all things without reproach. Amen.

Josh: Amen.

Stephen: The peace of the Lord be with you always. (Applause)

Edmund: Cassie will never love you, William. She's just not capable of it.

Will: You're lying!

Edmund: No. I know... I know this is hard to hear. I know it's hard to hear. But she is selfish. She's a born liar.

Will: No!

Josh: My heart is full, bursting, and I am humbled to be standing up here before each and every one of you. I am honored to accept this bible. I am honored to accept this charge. And I will pray each and every day to live up to it.

Will: My mom loves me. You can't hurt her.

Edmund: Will... Will, what I do, I do for you.

Will: That's what my dad said. He wanted to hurt her, too. But I showed him. I showed him good.

Edmund: Alonzo? Will, what do you mean? What do you mean you showed him?

Josh: My friends, my promise to you today is that I will serve and love...


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