Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/3/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Lillian: Oh, that's good. No, a little on the right. Right, right. Up on the right.
Buzz: You’re always like that.
Lillian: Oh, that's good. That's perfect.
Buzz: That's good.
Lillian: Good. Oh, it looks beautiful. There you go.
Coop: Oh, it's inspiring.
Buzz: You know, who is going to vote for Buzz, anybody named Buzz? You know, my name is actually Frank.
Doris: I do hope you have a permit for that thing.
Buzz: Why don't we go work on the mailers?
Doris: Of course, that would be like getting a permit for littering.
Coop: Yeah, I get it.
Doris: I made a vow to rid the streets of hideous blight. When I win, that will be the first thing.
Lillian: You know, if you're going to start getting rid of garbage, why don't you keep your big mouth shut?
Buzz: Don’t. It's not worth it.
Doris: (Laughs) I hope you don't think you're going to jump from the Spaulding mansion to the mayor's mansion by hooking up with this guy. Because aside from being sad, it's misguided.
Buzz: Doris!
Lillian: Listen, Buzz, she can't get to me about doing things like that. I mean, the only way she could get to me is if she actually could beat you, and she doesn't realize she's been sliding badly in the polls.
Doris: Hm. The only polls I care about happen on election day. Okay, Einstein, we have got to talk today. I'm slipping in the polls, and I will not lose to that...
Ashlee: Mom! I'm sorry, but isn't it against the law to fix an election?
Harley: I don't know what set it off or if it just happened, but the floor was moving-- like water, like waves. And I was standing on water. And I felt that if I looked up, it would stop. But nothing made sense-- not you, not the walls. So I got scared. And I don't know if that made it worse, or if it just got worse on its own, because my heart was pounding and my stomach dropped, and I forgot how to breathe. Not that I couldn't breathe. I forgot how to breathe. And then everything was falling away, around me and under me. And the only thing that seemed real to me was that rail, you know, me and that rail. And I just thought that if I...
Cyrus: Come on, it's okay.
Harley: ...If I let go of that rail...
Marina: Harley?
Harley: Marina. Cyrus and I...
Marina: Cyrus and you what?
Cyrus: Your eyes don't lie. We obviously didn't think you were coming back so soon. What can we say. We're in love. (Laughter)
Marina: Okay. All right. Now that that is out in the open, what is going on here?
Cyrus: Harley is just upset. Gus and Phillip...
Marina: I'm sorry. Is that what happened? You must have been so glad to have Cyrus here then.
Edmund: You're old pals, right? You and the Reverend Josh get together and chat every now and again, like a few days ago at the farmhouse. You see, I was waiting my turn for spiritual guidance, my turn for a shot at redemption. But really, who needs redemption when you got ammunition. Someone was firing blanks when they made the beast with two backs with Beth, and it wasn't Alan Spaulding. I know the baby isn't yours. I know it's Alan’s. You know, you and Josh really should have kept your voices down. Easy, Doctor. Your secret's safe with me. I wouldn't want to watch you lose your new daughter and your newest wife-- not unless of course you push me too far, and then I'll happily watch you lose everything. I'm not going to be billed for this, am I?
Rick: What do you want?
Edmund: You insult me.
Rick: So you're not going to tell everybody what you know because we're such good friends. Is that it?
Edmund: All right, I suppose if I had to ask for something...
Rick: Say it!
Edmund: I like it here. I always have, Rick. I want to stay. I don't want to go back to some country club prison in San Cristobel. Arrange that for me, will you?
Reva: You've been lying to me?
Jeffrey: Well, I didn't enjoy it.
Reva: So this whole Pleasant Valley safe compound thing that you've been talking about sending Edmund to...
Jeffrey: Actually, it's Peaceful Valley, and it exists in Edmund’s mind, where it needs to exist until he gets on that plane.
Reva: When he finds out, he's going to be facing murder charges and the death penalty.
Jeffrey: If he finds out, then the whole thing is going to blow up in our face. But he's not going to find out, is he, Reva?
Edmund: You're a doctor. You can think of some reason to keep me off that plane. Inner ear infection, maybe? It's dangerous to fly home with one of those, I bet.
Rick: Do you know that if you tell everyone what you know, you're not just going to destroy my life. You're going to destroy Cassie’s. And you were in love with her at one point, weren't you?
Edmund: Wait, what about that guy who flew around, was so sick, everyone got mad at him? What did he have? TB, wasn't it? I don't think I'd like TB.
Rick: Cassie just lost her little girl, and you would do this. You're a sick man.
Edmund: It's been a long time, Doctor. Perhaps you've forgotten you just can't appeal to my better nature.
Rick: Alan is going to get this baby if you do this. You hate Alan.
Edmund: I hate being locked up worse. An excuse, Doctor, that's all you need-- an excuse to keep me off that plane, and you get to raise that baby. Get cracking.
Reva: So you came up with this plan all on your own?
Jeffrey: What, he doesn't deserve it?
Reva: He didn't kill Alonzo.
Jeffrey: Did you forget that he tried to kill you and your boy?
Reva: But he didn’t.
Jeffrey: And did you forget that he tried to kill me. He left me to burn to death in that barn.
Reva: And yet, here you are.
Jeffrey: I could go on all day, Reva. Don't worry, the punishment will fit the crimes-- all of them.
Reva: Fine, fine. You can live with it. But I've been compromised. So has Josh. Did he sign off on all of this?
Jeffrey: I will happily take all of the responsibility.
Reva: But not the blame, because there won't be any if Edmund is dead and the case is closed.
Jeffrey: See, it's getting easier by the minute.
Reva: No, I can’t... I've got to go.
Jeffrey: Reva.
Reva: No, I just... I need... I need to talk to someone. I just... I need to talk to someone.
Jeffrey: Reva!
Doris: I am not going to stay here and be insulted. I have a campaign to run.
Ashlee: Don't you mean an election to steal?
Doris: I don't know what you're talking about.
Ashlee: Mom, you've told me on several occasions what you're going to do.
Doris: Well, you must have misunderstood.
Ashlee: You made it pretty clear.
Doris: You know what? You just want to think the worst of me. You're going to hear you what want to hear.
Ashlee: Mom, that's not true.
Doris: What is this? Oh, a flyer for Buzz. Great.
Ashlee: Mom, we've been over this.
Doris: You know, and then you wonder why I don't confide in you?
Ashlee: Yeah, yeah, so something is happening, isn't it?
Doris: You know what? It really hurts to feel betrayed.
Ashlee: Yeah, I know what it feels like to feel betrayed, Mom.
Doris: You know what? I have to go.
Ashlee: Mom, I love you.
Doris: You know what? This will all make for great therapy someday.
Coop: Hey, are you all right?
Ashlee: What?
Coop: Well, it just looked like you and your mom were really going at it.
Ashlee: Yeah. No, I'm fine. I'm good. I have to go. Mom needs a PDA. Some things are just so easy. Let's see what you've got, Doris.
Marina: So this was about Gus?
Cyrus: Five minutes before you came in, Harley gets this big, awful telephone call from the lawyers about the divorce.
Marina: I'm so sorry.
Cyrus: You know what they're like. They drag it out, trying to up their billable hours, never mind how their client feels afterwards.
Marina: You must have been glad to have Cyrus around when that was all over with. Is there anything I can do?
Harley: No.
Marina: Sometimes it helps just to talk about it.
Harley: I think I've done enough talking, more than enough. I made a mistake today.
Marina: Mistake?
Harley: Yes, I brought my personal affairs into what is supposed to be a professional situation. This is not my home. It's our office space, for now. And we're going to be solving cases here, and we all need to stay focused.
Marina: Don't overreact.
Harley: I'm not. But I made a mistake. And it won't happen again.
Einstein: Just reboot the program and run it. I'm here to meet someone.
Maitre d': And that would be?
Einstein: Miss Wolfe. I'm late, but I don't see her.
Maitre d': You must be Mr. Einstein. She requested privacy. She's on the terrace.
Ashlee: Mr. Einstein, thank you for coming.
Einstein: Who are you?
Ashlee: I'm Miss Wolfe. I told you that we should meet here. We spoke on the phone.
Einstein: But you're not...
Ashlee: No, I'm not actually. You're confusing me with my mother, Doris. I'm Ashlee.
Einstein: I only deal with her.
Ashlee: You're dealing with me now.
Einstein: I should go.
Ashlee: You know, don't you want to make sure your next stop isn't jail? This is how it's going to work. I know that Doris hired you. I know that she wanted you to hack into the voting booths so that the election would tilt in her favor. But I also know that from now on, you're going to use your powers for good and not evil.
Einstein: You can't prove anything.
Ashlee: Do you think I'd be stupid enough to do this and not record it? Yeah, it's over. Okay, so why don't you call... if she calls, which she will, just tell her something came up. Tell her that there was some firewall you couldn't breach or something. With a name like Einstein, I'm sure you'll come up with something.
Einstein: Doris is going to be furious.
Ashlee: Of course she will. Ain't that a kick?
(Cell phone ringing)
Marina: I should get this. Harley...
Harley: It's all right. I'm done. Why did you do that?
Cyrus: That was a pretty awkward silence to fill.
Harley: I mean, why did you make that up about Gus? Why didn't you just tell her the truth?
Cyrus: Because you didn’t.
Harley: I was startled. I didn't know what to say. I...
Cyrus: Neither did I.
Harley: I didn't want her to think something was wrong. She's devoted to you.
Cyrus: I know. It goes both ways.
Harley: Well, I would have said something eventually.
Cyrus: I'm sure. Look, I'm sorry if I stepped over the line. I just thought...
Harley: What?
Cyrus: I don't know. I figured that if you didn't want to talk about freaking out in the staircase, then you probably wanted to keep it under wraps. It's not a big leap, is it?
Harley: I don't know. I don't know what I'm thinking right now. I'm still a little bit messed up.
Cyrus: I've only known you for a little while, but I assume that is exactly what you don't want people thinking about you-- that you are off or not on top of things. Anyway, it's all in the past.
Harley: Yes, it's in the past. That's a good way to put it.
Cyrus: But you're still not right, are you?
Harley: I said I wouldn't do it again. I meant it.
Cyrus: Which, losing control or letting me help you through it? It's an honest question.
Harley: Both.
Reva: I wish you were here right now. You might know what to do. Oh, Richard, everything just seems wrong. It just seems so wrong. You remember how hard it was to try to handle Edmund? How hard it is when you're up against him to keep yourself from becoming just like him?
Jeffrey: So he told you he knows about the baby. Yeah, I know, too.
Rick: He was going to say something. If I didn't help him out, he was going to tell everybody about the baby. So I...
Jeffrey: So you...
Rick: No, no, he's just unconscious. Found something to shut him up. Yeah, he's going to be out for a while.
Jeffrey: Not long enough.
Rick: I am not going to let this man turn my life upside down.
Jeffrey: I understand.
Rick: Beth and the baby belong to me. They belong to me, and not Alan.
Jeffrey: Hey, Rick, I'm with you, okay?
Rick: Okay. So we've got to move him to a room to let him sleep it off for a while. But we've still got a problem. He's still going to wake up. And I can't keep on giving him shots, can I?
Jeffrey: No. It screams for a more permanent solution, doesn't it?
Rick: Okay, so what are you suggesting?
Jeffrey: Get a wheelchair and some tape to keep him upright. We're going to take him to a place where he can make all the threats he wants to, and it won't make one bit of difference.
Reva: I know what you're saying right now. You're saying that you didn't have any special talent for handling Edmund; that he was as hard on you as he was on everyone else-- harder even. But you just did the best you could. But that's not true, really, because you two grew up together. You did handle him best. You had an instinct about him. You knew how far you could go with him, and you knew when to let up. I mean, he's a crisis waiting to happen. We all know that. It's just that everybody is going to breathe a whole lot easier once he's gone. But how much relief do we really deserve? Despite everything that Edmund’s done and everything that he may do, how far can you go before the solution becomes too much? I know you'd know the answer to that. And I'm afraid I know it, too.
Marina: Hey, I'm sorry about that. So let's get back to work.
Harley: It's getting late, isn't it?
Marina: Really? I thought we could still get some stuff done.
Harley: Well, I feel like we got as much of that bike messenger as we could.
Marina: Well, we could brainstorm, you know, the three of us.
Harley: I don't mean to be a big bore, but if I don't get dinner started for those kids, my whole evening is going to fall apart.
Marina: Okay, I hear you. I think she wants us to go.
Cyrus: Huh?
Marina: Where were you just now?
Cyrus: Right here.
Marina: Didn't seem like it.
Cyrus: I was just thinking about the case.
Marina: Well, let's think about it on our way home, and get out of her house before we overstay our welcome.
Cyrus: We wouldn't want to do that.
Marina: Harley, if one of the lawyers calls tonight, just let the machine get it, okay?
Harley: Thanks, you guys, for everything.
Cyrus: Off we go.
Marina: That was weird.
Cyrus: What?
Marina: Well, it kind of felt like Harley was just trying to get rid of us.
Cyrus: Her mind was just still on what happened.
Marina: The call?
Cyrus: Yeah-- the call, Gus.
Marina: I guess. I just need to find out a way to be more considerate about her situation, like you are.
Cyrus: No, I was just here. It could've been you just as easy. Speaking of which...
Marina: Yes?
Cyrus: Well, maybe you should partner up with her. Let me work solo.
Marina: Why?
Cyrus: Well, two is a crowd, as far as I'm concerned.
Marina: But you and Harley make such great partners.
Cyrus: Based on what? We were partners for one day.
Harley: Well, you'll learn a lot working with her, things that you need to know to be good at this.
Cyrus: Things that I already know. It's like the flip side of my old job, when you think about it.
Marina: Not exactly.
Cyrus: Okay. How about you and me team up? Harley's the most experienced. She can handle the load by herself.
Marina: Now you want to be my partner.
Cyrus: Yeah, why not?
Marina: Okay, what happened to the guy who flies solo, thinks two is a crowd?
Cyrus: Oh, there's no pleasing you tonight, is there?
Marina: Well, you can try. Tell me why you don't want to be Harley’s partner.
Cyrus: I don't know. Just we don't get on all that well.
Marina: Okay. Now you've lost me.
Cyrus: I have a hard time trusting her. Maybe she's been a cop too long.
Marina: Or you've been a crook too long.
Cyrus: I can just feel it. I think that she would prefer to work with you.
Marina: Okay. I just... just seems weird.
Cyrus: Not everyone gets along with everyone else.
Marina: Yeah, but you guys were locked up together for days. You almost got buried together.
Cyrus: Sure. But we fought all the time.
Harley: Where did it go? Shortness of breath. Double vision, yes. Feeling weak. Post-traumatic stress. Panic attack? I don't do panic attacks. A lot of things I don't do.
Doris: Robert, I trust that everything is set for my victory party, yeah?
Maitre d': Of course. But you should know that...
Doris: Later. I have something important to handle. My martini, please. Oh, I was just looking all over for that. Where did you find it?
Ashlee: Oh, I didn't find it. I stole it.
Doris: Stole it?
Ashlee: Yeah. Seems like there is going to be an honest election after all.
Doris: What did you do?
Ashlee: Something that I should have done a long time ago. I put a stop to it before you got hurt.
Doris: I don't know what it is you think you did, but I did not influence the election.
Ashlee: His name is Einstein, isn't that right? The one you were talking to before, the guy that you hired to hack into the voting booths. There's really no point in denying it, at least not now. Einstein-- that can't be his real name, can it?
Doris: You will do anything for that family.
Ashlee: I did this for you, believe it or not. I didn't want to see you go to jail.
Doris: Damn it. This is my... you know, I am supposed to win. This is our chance, and you ruined it.
Ashlee: I am sorry you feel that way. I really am. But you did not raise someone that would let you get away with this. So Einstein seemed smart enough to keep his mouth shut. And I didn't even tell the Cooper’s. I thought I could fix this on my own.
Doris: Funny way of putting it.
Ashlee: So I guess we're agreed that the two of us will keep quiet?
Doris: I love you.
Ashlee: What?
Doris: And you love me. In spite of everything, I know you do.
Ashlee: Yeah, of course I do.
Doris: Then let me have this.
Ashlee: We've gone over this.
Doris: Do you know what this struggle has been like all these years?
Ashlee: No, not this again!
Doris: I have not even told you the half of it! Damn it, hear me out!
Ashlee: Oh, do you want a violin? Do you want me to play you a little song?
Doris: Do you know what will happen to me if I lose this election? I will have nothing. I have already given my notice to the Governor's office. My days as D.A. are numbered. If I lose this election, I will be humiliated. I have been down that road before, and I will not go back.
Ashlee: You don't think it's humiliated having to cheat to get your job?
Doris: You know what? Don't even bother to tell me that you're doing this because you love me, because that is a joke. You love that family so much more. You love Coop because he has somehow convinced you that he loves you, too. But all of them, all of them will disappoint you more than I ever could.
Ashlee: You know, if you think you're going to have nothing if you don't have this, then maybe you probably won't have anything. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe you can start fresh, clean slate. Maybe you can change.
Doris: (Scoffs) Change?
Ashlee: Yeah, everyone needs to, if just a little bit.
Doris: Except for your beloved Cooper’s. You know what? Let me tell you something. I am going to win this election. And when I do, I will go after those Cooper’s.
Ashlee: What?
Doris: Do you think they've suffered now? Just wait until I have real power. I will crush them, Ashlee, all of them-- Buzz, Frank, and Coop, especially Coop.
Ashlee: Hey, Mom, you're behind in the polls, remember?
Marina: This place is happening.
Cyrus: Tell me why we left the room again?
Because I need to talk to Coop about something. I'll be a minute.
Cyrus: Hey.
Buzz: Hey. Hey.
Cyrus: I'd offer to help, but if I'm spotted, I'd probably cost you some votes.
Buzz: No, actually, you know, you look respectable. You look too respectable for this campaign. Do you two know each other?
Cyrus: Yeah, we were ships passing in the night at the Spaulding house. But you and Alexandra are friends, so I'm probably not your favorite person.
Lillian: Hey, I am a great believer in true love. But now we are concentrating on the election, right? We don't have enough envelopes.
Cyrus: Buzz, have you got a minute?
Buzz: No, I don’t.
Cyrus: Come on, I've got something to tell you.
Buzz: Yes? You don't have to stuff envelopes with me.
Cyrus: No, it's not that. It is Harley.
Buzz: What about her?
Cyrus: Well, it's a tip, that's all. You know, she's been through a tough time, and maybe it's weighing on her a little.
Buzz: Are you talking about Gus?
Cyrus: That's only one of the two buildings that came down on her.
Buzz: Well, you know, we all know she's going through a tough time. It's just getting her to accept it. That's sort of a different thing, you know.
Cyrus: Well, sometimes just knowing your dad's thinking about you is enough.
Buzz: Sometimes it is. You know, you're a good egg.
Marina: Liar. You told me you didn't even like Harley. You can't fool me, you softy.
Cyrus: Well...
Harley: Long time no see.
Bike messenger: You again? I have a job to do, you know.
Harley: Yeah, you were supposed to fax me your delivery log so I could do mine.
Bike messenger: That was, what, five hours ago?
Harley: A fax takes a minute. You delivered a package to Beth Bauer from Phillip Spaulding.
Bike messenger: I remember.
Harley: Okay, I need to know where you got the package.
Bike messenger: I'll get it to you when I get it to you. I don't work for you.
Harley: Good thing you don't, because I'd have fired you a long time ago. Am I going to get what I want?
Bike messenger: Yeah.
Harley: Am I going to have to wait for it?
Bike messenger: No.
Harley: Good! We understand each other then.
Bike messenger: You've got to prove you're tough. Is that what this is about?
Harley: What?
Bike messenger: If that's your trip, okay. I don't know who you're showing off for, though. Nobody here but us chickens, you know?
Beth: Oh. Oh, okay. Ooh. Okay, well, we've got one Pampers. Okay, well, somebody ordered too many wipes, but that's okay. We'll use them. Won't need those for a while.
Rick: Hey, guess who's home?
Beth: Oh! I thought you weren't going to be home for hours.
Rick: I know, I know. I just couldn't stand being away from my beautiful wife and my baby girl. Honey, I was driving home, and I had this great idea.
Beth: Uh-oh.
Rick: Where's the trust here? Where is the trust? We're good, right?
Beth: Yeah, of course.
Rick: Honey, let's just go.
Beth: Just go?
Rick: I know this is last second, but let's just... let's travel. I want to travel. I want to have some fun. Let's go.
Beth: What does that mean, "Just go?"
Rick: What do you mean, "What does it mean"? Honey, you're always the one who's hinting that I'm not spontaneous enough.
Beth: I am not! I don't do that.
Beth: All right, all right. Maybe I'm the one who's hinting. Okay. But either way, honey, I just... I want to do something fun. Let's travel. Let's go someplace.
Beth: Rick...
Rick: Come here, come here. I want to go to Europe. We can stay for a while.
Beth: Okay. What's a while?
Rick: How fun would it be for our little girl to be born in Paris, the greatest city in the world?
Beth: Okay, okay. You know, that's a while. That is a while.
Rick: The time will fly by like that.
Beth: Big problem with this. Well, actually, there are many problems, but one main one.
Rick: Beth, Beth, there's no problem that we can't overcome. Just...
Beth: Look at me! I can't fly now. I'm too far along. And what's really weird about this is that you didn't know that.
Rick: Honey, who says we have to fly? We can take a cruise.
Reva: If that's a corpse, we have issues.
Jeffrey: It's not a corpse. Rick had to give him a little something, you know, to remind him that silence is golden.
Reva: So he couldn't just keep his mouth shut about the baby.
Jeffrey: Well, at least he only told Rick, as far as we know. Reva, we've got to get rid of him.
Reva: I've been thinking about that, your little plan for our friend.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? I can put him back in the wheelchair and get him out of here, if that is going to make you feel more comfortable. But I've got to tell you, Reva, this has been set into motion, and I'm going to see it through. And when it's done, that night, I am going to sleep the sleep of the righteous.
Reva: You had to add that last little part there, didn't you?
Jeffrey: Sometimes I get carried away.
Reva: Tell me about it.
Jeffrey: So? You want me to leave, or...
Reva: Stay-- on one condition.
Jeffrey: Uh-oh.
Reva: Remind me never to get on your bad side.
Jeffrey: I didn't know I had one.
Buzz: Hey.
Ashlee: What's up?
Coop: Ash, hey. Just a minor setback-- temporary, I'll bet.
Ashlee: Wait, what do you mean?
Buzz: The polls just came out, and the lead I had last week, that's sort of a thing of the past.
Ashlee: You're losing.
Lillian: Hey, this is early. I mean, the real thing hasn't happened yet.
Buzz: You know, with all the family stuff and everything, I just have been ignoring my campaign. I should have seen it coming.
Ashlee: But you're going to do whatever it takes to fix it, right? Like, you're going to take back the lead and keep it, right?
Buzz: You seem more upset about this than I am.
Coop: Hey. Ashlee, you really look upset about all this.
Ashlee: Coop, I think... I think I made a really big mistake today.
Marina: That is for caring enough about Harley to talk to my grandfather about it.
Cyrus: Wow! You want me to mention it to anyone else? That was a pretty spectacular kiss.
Marina: So you'll think about staying her partner?
Cyrus: I liked the conversation more when it was about kissing.
Marina: Yeah?
Cyrus: Mm-hmm.
Marina: Me, too.
Cyrus: All right. That's a lot of buttons.
Marina: You, too.
Cyrus: Yeah. They come off pretty easy though.
Marina: Oh, yeah?
Cyrus: Yeah. Let me do that for you.
Marina: Oh, thanks.
Cyrus: All right.
Harley: Panic attack. Hmm.
Beth: Honey? This is today. This is when I'm due. Now, I am staying here from now until then-- no cruises, no plane rides, no rides in carriages, for that matter.
Rick: It was just an idea, sweetie.
Beth: I think I know what's going on here.
Rick: And what's that?
Beth: Phillip is not going to come back to stake his claim or kidnap the kids. And even if he does come back, we're not the kind of people... hey, we are not the kind of people who run from our problems, are we?
Rick: No, we're not.
Beth: We're the kind of people who face our problems head on and solve them.
Rick: You're right. You're exactly right.
Edmund: I had a dream I was being pursued by a two-headed beast.
Jeffrey: Someone hasn't been behaving themselves, Edmund.
Edmund: You must be talking about Dr. Rick Bauer, because I think he filled me with a syringe full of something. I have half a mind to report him to the AMA.
Jeffrey: No doubting the "half a mind" part. I'll put on some coffee. He's going to need it.
Edmund: You know, I wouldn't mind having a certain amount of my personal space back.
Reva: It's last chance time.
Edmund: Excuse me?
Reva: Will's Christmas pageant is tomorrow. So is Josh's ordination. Your last two Springfield events before you jet your way back to the islands.
Edmund: Thanks for the recap.
Reva: And between now and then, it's your last chance.
Edmund: Last chance? You keep saying that. What do you mean?
Reva: To prove it. To prove that you deserve a last chance, by behaving yourself before someone uses it as an excuse to...
Edmund: Excuse? Excuse to what?
Jeffrey: Pot's on.
Reva: Good. I hope it's a big one. It's getting a little chilly. Maybe we can make a fire.
Jeffrey: A fire?
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: Fire it is.
Reva: I'll help.
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