GL Transcript Friday 11/30/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/30/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: First case: Find Phillip Spaulding for Alan Spaulding. Any thoughts?

Cyrus: There's nothing in there.

Harley: Yet.

Marina: I don't think we should take it.

Cyrus: You want to drop the only case we have?

Harley: We can't drop it if we haven't taken it.

Marina: It's dirty money.

Cyrus: That we're taking from the rich-- Alan-- and giving to the poor-- us. It's very Robin Hood.

Marina: Don't you think it sends the wrong message, that we can be bought?

Cyrus: Hired.

Marina: Bought!

Harley: It can be both if it gets this business up and running. That's not my problem with the case.

Marina: She doesn't want to solve the case.

Cyrus: I'm new to this, but isn't that what detective agencies do?

Marina: Especially her.

Harley: Do I really want to bring him back?

Marina: We don't have to take this case, Harley.

Cyrus: Well, we kind of do. Look at all the zeros.

Harley: Ah, let's cash that baby.

Marina: We're in business.

Cyrus: I feel like a detective already?

Marina: Okay, question: You, Alan, not friends.

Cyrus: That's not a question.

Harley: She's asking what did you have to do to get Alan to hire us?

Cyrus: I had to promise to divorce his sister.

Marina: Shut up!

Cyrus: Yep, I'm divorcing Alex.

Marina: No way. ( Laughter ) Wait a minute. Can you do that?

Cyrus: Well, I've got a job, I'm not facing charges, and I've got enough to keep me here now.

Marina: Really?

Cyrus: Yes.

Marina: So we can, like, really be together, like, go to the gas stations and post offices.

Cyrus: As soon as it's final, we'll fill up the tank and go buy some stamps. ( Laughter )

Marina: All right. Get this boy to work.

Harley: Where are you going?

Marina: I got that tip from dad. The S.P.D., they can't follow it yet, but... I don't know. If it turns out to be something, we just might have two whole cases.

Harley: So take Cyrus with you. He needs to learn.

Marina: Then he should learn from the best. You're in good hands.

Cassie: Beth looks great.

Josh: Yeah. What does she have? About 2 Months?

Cassie: Am I making a mistake, letting him stay?

Josh: You mean Edmund?

Cassie: Well, what if he tells everything, how I switched the paternity test. He could basically hand that baby over to Alan.

Josh: He won’t. I mean, not unless he wants to face charges for Alonzo’s murder.

Cassie: But Edmund didn't kill Alonzo.

Josh: Yeah, but Jeffrey has made it clear to Edmund that he can make those charges stick.

Cassie: I just can't even believe it's gone this far.

Josh: It's going to be okay. It's going to be over soon.

Cassie: What about Will? Do you think Will's okay?

Josh: Yeah, maybe a little stage freight.

Cassie: He's just shy, you know? I just wish he would make some friends. Maybe James. I'll be right back.

Josh: I'm going to grab a cup of coffee.

Cassie: Hey, James, that's certainly a great costume you've got there.

Beth: Well, I was up until 2:00 in the morning making the wings stand up straight. ( Laughter )

Cassie: Worth it. They're cool. You're the lead, right, the angel?

Beth: Yeah, that's my little star. Oops, guess who's kicking again? That's you're little sister saying hello. Feel it?

James: Whoa, cool!

Cassie: Hey, Will, why don't you come and over here and check out James' wings. Pretty good, huh?

Will: Yeah. I think they're starting.

Beth: Oh, oh. Honey, you're in the first scene. We've... we've got to go. I have to run back to the Beacon. If he finishes before I'm done, could you keep an eye on him?

Cassie: Oh, of course. Okay. Honey, don't you think you ought to head over there, too?

Will: I'm not in it until later.

Josh: I think they're ready for you. They're starting to go.

Cassie: Will, why don't you head over there and hang with the other kids?

Josh: Listen, Will, I just want to say that we are really, really proud of you that you're being a part of this.

Will: Everybody has to be in it.

Cassie: Sweetie, you're going to be great. You're going to be the best shepherd out there.

Will: Will Uncle Edmund be there to see me?

Cassie: Yeah, he'll be there, too. 

Will: Can he stay for Christmas? I already know what I want to get him.

Reva: Oh, look! They're beautiful! oh, what did I do?

Jeffrey: I got them just because.

Reva: Oh. Okay, what did you do?

Jeffrey: Well, okay, it is a little late notice, but there's going to be a houseguest today.

Reva: Really? An old friend of yours?

Jeffrey: Well...

Reva: An old girlfriend of yours? What, one of your stewardesses that you always hung out with whenever they'd have a layover?

Jeffrey: There weren't that many.

Reva: Well, you know what? It's beautiful outside. Have you taken a look? She's lying to you.

Jeffrey: It was just a few... you know what? That was a long time ago.

Reva: Yeah, well, she can't stay over here when she has a layover. You're going to have to tell her.

Jeffrey: It's not a stewardess, okay, Reva. It's, you know, someone passing through.

Reva: Okay. I was just giving you a hard time. It's okay. They can come. I'm not cooking, though. I'm not. We can order in or something. We'll have a great old time.

Jeffrey: Maybe not.

Reva: Oh, you didn't have to give me the flowers-- wait a minute. What? Jeffrey?

Edmund: I'm starving. Let's break out the menus.

Reva: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Edmund: You told me you moved on, Reva, but all you did was move the old family homestead.

Jeffrey: Sit down, and don't touch anything.

Reva: A mixed bouquet. You got me a mixed bouquet.

Jeffrey: You said you liked them.

Edmund: They're lovely.

Reva: Roses, bushels of them. A whole garden full of them would not be enough to get me to agree to this!

Jeffrey: Okay, it's the only thing that is going to keep Edmund in line until he leaves.

Reva: Until he leaves? You said today. You said we had a houseguest for today.

Jeffrey: I might have to say that again tomorrow.

Edmund: Could I have a glass of water, please?

Reva: Absolutely. Drink. What happened to you staying out of this?

Edmund: Someone's in the doghouse.

Reva and Jeffrey: Shut up!

Harley: You ready to work?

Cyrus: She said she'd be down at...

Harley: What?

Cyrus: Marina, said she'd be down on Main Street if we needed her.

Harley: Well, if you'd rather do that case instead, by all means...

Cyrus: Is it even a case yet?

Harley: Well, it is if Frank's tip pays off. You can probably still catch up with her...

Cyrus: She said I'd learn more from you, and we should get started on that Phillip stuff.

Harley: Well, I feel like, you know, if you're not going to do that case...

Cyrus: You're the boss. Where do you want me?

Harley: You're already here. So, how much have you told Marina... I mean, how much has Marina told you about Phillip?

Cyrus: Well, I know that he's Alan’s son, Zach’s father, Gus’s brother, your ex-husband. And everyone thought that he was dead for a while.

Harley: What?

Cyrus: Nothing.

Harley: Well, he wasn't always such a bad guy, you know? When he was at the top of his game, he could run Spaulding, he could put Alan in his place, and still be home to me and Zach in time for dinner. He was one of the great loves of my life, really.

Cyrus: Well, what happened?

Harley: He got sick. Mental illness. He snapped. He became more Alan than Alan, really. He bulldozed my house one day while I was out, kidnapped all his kids-- even Jude, who is not even his kid-- and Alan shot him dead, so we thought. Anyway he framed me, and I went to jail. And by the time that we figured out that Alan was the one who set it up to protect Phillip from getting even more out of control, Phillip had disappeared again.

Cyrus: When was all this?

Harley: It was a couple of years ago. Here. It was right around our wedding. That's when we started putting. The pieces together.

Cyrus: Your wedding, you and Gus?

Harley: Yes, yes. Our second wedding. Well, our second try. What?

Cyrus: Nothing.

Harley: So the good news is, we take that check, it'll help us get our business off and running. And if we can find him before he knows we're looking, I can actually protect Zach and Jude.

Cyrus: And the bad news?

Harley: Phillip's probably still sick and dangerous, and we'd be bringing that back. You ready to go?

Cyrus: Harley?

Harley: Yes?

Cyrus: Are you okay?

Harley: Yeah. This is how I am when I’m working.

Cyrus: Yeah, I've worked with you before.

Harley: When we were trying to find Marina, that was personal.

Cyrus: And this isn't? It must be pretty much hitting every raw nerve you have.

Harley: No.

Cyrus: We nearly died. You're getting a divorce, and now we're about to start looking for the was-almost-dead ex-husband who's the brother of the guy that you're divorcing now, and who could still be a threat to everything you hold dear.

Harley: You're getting divorced, too.

Cyrus: It's a little different.

Harley: Still a Spaulding. You know, by the time I finish this one, I'll have almost divorced all of them.

Cyrus: ( Sighs )

Harley: Just kidding. Cyrus, I'm fine. You know, it's like the building. You know, when that building collapsed, yeah, it was scary, but you can't dwell on it. You'd just be all messed up, and I can't be. I have kids that I have to take care of, and I have a life and I have a business that I have to run. So come on. You're not going to learn how to be a detective just standing there. 

Josh: Will, your Uncle Edmond really has to go back to San Cristobel.

Will: Why?

Josh: Well, he's been called back on a... very important assignment.

Will: What kind?

Josh: I think it might be top secret. Your mom and I don't even know what it is.

Cassie: Look, Will, San Cristobel lost a really wonderful and important person when Alonzo died, and... and your Uncle Edmund has to go take care of some business for your dad. You know, the people need him.

Will: Isn't that why I had to go away?

Josh: You know what, Will? It's kind of like baseball. you know how sometimes a player has to be traded to another team because that other team needs him? Well, you have become a very important part of our team.

Cassie: Right. Yeah, we're like the new coaches or managers or whatever of the... what team are we?

Josh: The home team.

Cassie: The home team. Exactly. But there will be no more trading on our team because now it's just you and R.J. and Josh and me forever. No more trading. And we're going to be the best team in the whole...

Will: The league.

Cassie: The league.

Josh: That's right, the league.

Will: Why can't Uncle Edmund be on our team?

Josh: Because we don't want to hold him back. Your Uncle Edmund, he's spent pretty much his whole life on San Cristobel. So for him, it's kind of like he's going back to his home team.

Cassie: Right. And as you know, there is no place like home. So he'll be happy there, right?

Will: I guess.

Cassie: All right. It looks like your teacher is rounding up all you shepherds, so get going.

Will: Okay.

Cassie: You have fun.

Josh: Break a leg.

Cassie: I'll see you soon.

Josh: Okay, do you think that worked?

Cassie: I'm sorry. I wish I could have helped you more, but, you know, I know a lot more about basketball.

Josh: You think you do? Really? I've got to go do some work on my ordination, so I’m going to head home.

Cassie: Okay. I'll catch up with you later.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: And Josh, you were really good. I think he understands now why Edmund can't stay.

Josh: Yeah, well, just as long as Edmund understands that he has to go.

Reva: Don't give me that look.

Jeffrey: Josh asked me to help him.

Reva: He did? I seem to remember him coming over here to tell you to stay out of it.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well that's before Edmund learned something about Cassie.

Reva: Cassie?

Jeffrey: Yeah, and Beth.

Reva: Oh, no. He knows about that, and you know?

Jeffrey: Josh told me, and Edmund was lurking as usual, and overheard Josh talking with Rick, and so now...

Reva: Him having that information could be a very dangerous thing.

Jeffrey: Yeah. that's why Josh came here. He wanted me to help him make the problem go away.

Reva: And what, bring the problem over here into our house?

Jeffrey: We have to look at it like baby-sitting, okay?

Reva: The devil.

Jeffrey: Just until we can get him shipped back to San Cristobel.

Reva: We may be able to ship him back, but we can't get him to stay.

Jeffrey: Well, here's the thing: If Edmund behaves himself, then he'll be going to a place called Peaceful Valley. It's a gated compound. It's very posh and it's very secure.

Reva: How secure?

Jeffrey: Think of it as a prison with perks. Edmund will be able to live out his days in captive comfort.

Reva: And that's more than he deserves. Would you stop! You can stay.

Edmund: Actually, I have to go.

Jeffrey: You're not going anywhere.

Reva: Eww, what is that?

Edmund: I fell on my sword for the good people of Springfield when I agreed to, um leave town.

Jeffrey: It was a rusty sword.

Edmund: Mr. O’Neill, you used to be a federal agent. Can you remind me what took place at the Geneva convention?

Jeffrey: I'm going to have to take him to get it looked at.

Reva: I can clean up that cut for you.

Edmund: Hmmm, with salt I’m sure.

Reva: Yeah, kind of what you left me in to drown when you chained me up in that cave.

Edmund: Ooh, look who's bearing a grudge. I see your new love hasn't softened you any. Probably still pining away for an old one.

Reva: Oh, I'm not. But you are.

Edmund: And she's married to yours. You know, the invitation still stands, Reva. You and I can get rid of this whole Josh-Cassie charade.

Reva: You're leaving for good, and it won't be soon enough for me.

Jeffrey: All right, let's go.

Edmund: Ow!

Jeffrey: Oh, oops.

Cassie: Harley's starting a new detective agency?

Marina: Yeah.

Cassie: That's strange she didn't mention it. Are Blake and Mel, are they still in?

Marina: No, no. This one is just Harley, me, and Cyrus.

Cassie: Whoa. Really?

Marina: What?

Cassie: I mean, is that a good idea, just... I mean, the three of you?

Marina: I thought you were okay with Cyrus? I mean, I know a lot of people...

Cassie: Oh, no, I am. That's not it.  I mean, I get you and Harley wanting to build a business together, you two are pros. But to just lump Cyrus in...

Marina: It is not exactly just lumping him in. You know, I mean, he needs a job, too, so...

Cassie: I'm just thinking of you. I mean, it's not always a great idea to work with someone you're involved with. It kind of puts a strain on a relationship, and I know you've already been through so much.

Marina: It worked out for you and Josh.

Cassie: Right, it did. But I mean, look at Harley and Gus.

Marina: Well, Harley and Gus, that wasn't work that came in between them. Another woman did.

Cassie: Yeah, yeah.

Beth: Harley.

Harley: Hi, Beth. Thank you for seeing me.

Beth: I don't know if I made it clear enough when you called, but it's not like I've seen Phillip.

Harley: But you think he's seen you.

Beth: Or found out that I'm pregnant. He sent me this. 

Harley: How did he send it?

Beth: Bike messenger.

Harley: Really? Was there a note?

Beth: No.

Harley: Hmm. so there's nothing you can tell us about the package?

Beth: No. Sorry.

( Cell phone rings )

Harley: Sorry. Oh, Zach’s school. Let me take this first. Hello?

Cyrus: Can I do anything for you?

Beth: Like what?

Cyrus: I don't know. Harley filled me in on Phillip. It must be very stressful for you, especially in your condition. Here.

Beth: Yes.

Cyrus: I can see why you might not want to find Phillip.

Beth: Well, that's not exactly true. My connection with Phillip is very different from Harley’s.

Cyrus: Mm-hmm.

Beth: I told Harley when she called, I didn't know how much help I could be to you.

Cyrus: No, you are doing great. I want to help you the two of you.

Beth: The two... oh, right.

Cyrus: You look great, by the way. It really suits you.

Beth: Thanks. ( Laughter )

Cyrus: So this messenger. You don't know where he's from?

Beth: No.

Cyrus: So he brought his bike to the door?

Beth: What?

Cyrus: Well, you said bike messenger.

Beth: Oh, right. Okay, fine. He's the guy that does all of the bike deliveries for the Beacon.

Cyrus: That helps, thank you.

Beth: Okay. I know Harley. She's like a dog with a bone. Would the paper that it came in help?

Cyrus: Yeah. you sit. I'll get it. Where is it?

Beth: There it is, right there. 

Cyrus: Okay. No postmarks.

Harley: All right. I'm sorry about that.

Cyrus: Here's the paper that the gift was in. We can run it for prints.

Harley: How would you like run it for prints? Do it in my kitchen?

Cyrus: We're not exactly C.S.I.

Harley: No, we're not. So back to the bike messenger, could you describe him?

Cyrus: Well, he's the same guy who does all of the runs for the Beacon. We should really let her get some rest, Harley.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Beth: You know, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for being so gentle.

Cyrus: Oh, you've been a tremendous help.

Beth: Your partner here has quite a way with an interrogation.

Cyrus: Well, Harley taught me everything I know.

Beth: He's a keeper.

Cyrus: Nah, just a flirt.

Harley: No kidding. I want to thank you, Beth, for your help, and we will definitely check that lead on the bike-in beak messen... Beacon bike messenger. Thanks.

Beth: Is Harley okay?

Cyrus: Yeah. She's fine. Thanks again.

( Knock at the door )

Reva: I don't like what Edmund’s doing to you.

Josh: Reva, I’m busy right now, really.

Reva: What, preparing to be sworn in as a man of God?

Josh: You want Edmund to stick around?

Reva: No. Especially not in my house. But I also don't want you to be the one responsible for getting rid of him.

Josh: Well, Jeffrey.

Reva: Yeah, Jeffrey, I know. Jeffrey's the one getting his hands dirty, and I'm not really crazy about that either. But you're the one who's making the call. Does Cassie know what you're doing?

Josh: Cassie is grateful.

Reva: Because Edmund knows that she switched the paternity tests.

Josh: Yes. I was sitting here with Rick Bauer having a conversation. I didn't know that Edmund had snuck into the house and... I put everyone in danger, Reva.

Reva: So what, now you're going to do anything you can to make up for that mistake?

Josh: No, not anything.

Reva: Close to anything.

Josh: It's my family, okay? When someone threatens my wife... is that what this is about? I mean, because I'm doing it for her?

Reva: No. It's because you're doing it at all. A trumped-up murder charge?

Josh: It's just a threat.

Reva: You hope.

Josh: Reva, when did you become my conscience? I mean, you're the one who has been calling me sanctimonious, right, holier than thou.

Reva: Well, maybe right about now I'd like you to be holier than any of us, especially now.

Josh: It's Edmund.

Reva: I know. But once you go over the edge, you can't go back. What you're talking about doing with Edmund, it will haunt you. and you can remove yourself as far as possible from it, but it never goes away.

Josh: What exactly are we talking about now?

Reva: I went over the edge not too long ago.

Josh: What did you do?

Reva: I'm not going to say any more about it, but let's just say what I live with now, every day was enough to bring me over here to keep it from happening to you.

Edmund: I feel a little wheezy, too. As if I've been breathing too much dank basement air.

Rick: You'll live.

Edmund: Much to your chagrin.

Rick: No, not just mine.

Edmund: Aren't you going to ask me why I”ve been spending so much time in dank basement places or how I got this cut on my arm?

Rick: No.

Edmund: Don't you need that information to make a diagnosis, Doctor?

Rick: No.

Edmund: How's my ex-wife?

Rick: Which one?

Edmund: The one you're married to. Ow!

Rick: Oh, I'm sorry. I should have told you that was going to sting a little bit. Now, that's going to sting a little bit.

Will: Hi, Mom!

Cassie: Hey, you, how did it go?

Will: Good.

Marina: I'm going to take off. Thank you, and nice halo, Will.

Cassie: Yeah, where did you get that halo?

Will: Oh, I'm the angel.

Cassie: I thought James was the angel.

Will: He dropped out of the play.

Cassie: Oh. Well, you know that's the lead, right?

Will: Yeah.

Cassie: Are you going to have time to learn the lines?

Will: I know most of them. Can I, Mom?

Cassie: Sure. I don't see why not. I think you'd make a great angel. You're certainly my little angel. Let me see. Cute!

Beth: Oh, you're going to be okay. We're going to get you some x-rays. Honey, were you standing on the stage when you fell, or on the stairs going up to it? Hey, I know that you're sad about the play, honey. It's okay. Let's go find Uncle Rick.

Harley: So, you're Bruce, the guy who does...

Bruce: I'm on the clock.

Harley: Yes, and we will let you get back to work as soon as you answer a few questions for us. You delivered a package to Beth Bauer’s room--

Bruce: All I do is deliver packages, lady.

Cyrus: Show some respect, Bruce.

Bruce: Who are you people?

Cyrus: Detectives.

Harley: I am a detective. He's in training.

Cyrus: You're hurting my street cred.

Harley: You are not supposed to talk.

Bruce: Can I go?

Harley: Do you know Phillip Spaulding?

Bruce: I know the name.

Harley: Have you seen him? Have you met him? Have you met anyone he sent your way?

Bruce: No, no, and no. Now, can I go? I'm behind schedule.

Harley: I”ll get that.

Cyrus: Did you see any unusual packages, something not marked like it should be?

Bruce: There's always weird ones. What day? I could look it up if you give me the date.

Harley: The day?

Bruce: Yeah, like the delivery date. Or even the week would work. Do you know the week it was sent? Well, then let me go. I'm going to get fired.

Cyrus: Do you have a delivery log, or something like that?

Bruce: Yeah.

Cyrus: Get it. Fax it to this number.

Bruce: I can't just do that.

Cyrus: You don't want me coming after you again.

Bruce: Okay. Fine.

Cyrus: Go. Are you okay?

Harley: Don’t.

Cyrus: What's wrong?

Harley: I don't know. I don’t... I don't feel right. Something's not right.

Cyrus: Let's get some fresh air...

Harley: No, just stop! Just stop! Just stop, please!

Cyrus: Hey, hey. It's okay.

Harley: I can't let go or I'll fall.

Cyrus: It's all right. You're not going to fall.

Harley: I can't breathe.

Cyrus: Yes, you can. You can breathe. You are breathing. Now, look at me. Look at me, Harley. Open your eyes. come on. I'm going to take you out of here, okay? All right, it's okay. It's all right. Okay. That's it, that's it. It's all right. I've got you, I've got you. I've got you.

Harley: Okay.

Cyrus: That's it. Just one step at a time. One more. One more. That's it. Now just keep breathing. There we go.

Cassie: All right. Slow down. Slow down.

Reva: Will, how are you?

Josh: How was rehearsal?

Cassie: It was great. He went in as a shepherd, and came out an angel.

Will: It's the lead.

Reva: That's terrific.

Josh: Congratulations.

Cassie: Yeah. He said James had to quit or drop out or something.

Will: Look.

Reva: I think that's really cool.

Josh: Yeah, I like the halo.

Will: Can I try it on?

Cassie: Yeah, sure. Here, take it.

Josh: Hey, hey, don't run.

Cassie: Careful. Don't run.

Reva: That is one happy kid.

Josh: For now, at least.

Cassie: Well, I'll take it. So what's going on here?

Josh: Reva's not happy with her new houseguest.

Cassie: I am sorry.

Reva: Oh, no, no, no, no. Really. I mean, I know why he's there. I guess we're all just kind of in this together.

Cassie: Thank you. He will be gone soon, very soon.

Reva: Yeah, it looks that way. Okay. Hey, thanks for the coffee. You'd better hit those books. Come over here. See you, sis.

Cassie: Thank you. Is she okay?

Josh: She's about as okay as anyone could be with Edmund living in their house.

Cassie: Well, is it awful to say better her house than ours?

Josh: Yes, that would be awful.

Cassie: Well, what are we going to do? We cannot have him here. Will would never let him go.

Josh: I'm just kidding. And maybe this is a good time for this play to be happening for Will. He'll be rehearsing, and I'll continue to teach him how to play baseball.

Cassie: Yeah, and, you know, then he'll be sure that this is his new home.

Josh: And it will make it easier for us to send Edmund away for good.

Harley: I'm fine. Really. I don't know what that was.

Cyrus: Well, has that happened before?

Harley: Ah... no. No, that was weird. I don't know what that was.

Cyrus: Wait, wait, wait. Just give it a minute.

Harley: I'm fine.

Cyrus: Do you want a doctor or something?

Harley: For that? No. No.

Cyrus: Was it vertigo?

Harley: I told you I don't know. I don't know.

Cyrus: You said something about falling.

Harley: I just missed breakfast.

Cyrus: What?

Harley: I skipped breakfast, you know, so when you bend over and you haven't eaten anything, and then you get back up, and you're like, who, you know? It was nothing.

Rick: Poor, poor Edmund. The sooner you leave town, the better off you'll be.

Edmund: You know, your bedside manner leaves something to be desired.

Rick: Well, that's because you're a lost cause. Hey.

Beth: Oh, hey!

Rick: What are you guys doing here?

Beth: We were looking for you.

Rick: Oh. What's going on?

Beth: He fell off the stage during play rehearsal.

James: No, I didn’t.

Beth: We are waiting to get some x-rays.

Rick: I'll tell you what. Come on, let's go to the exam room. Let me take a look at you and see what's going on, okay?

Edmund: Hello, Beth. Hello, Beth’s baby.

Beth: What happened to your arm? Oh, that's right. I don't care.

Edmund: You never mentioned when you're due.

Beth: None of your business.

Edmund: Pick a name yet? How about Edmund or Phillip or Alan?

Beth: It's a girl.

Edmund: Oh, I have to... ow, send a present.

Beth: You helped Cassie get Will back. Your work is done here. Why don't you leave? You're useless to us now.

Harley: Wow, a fax is coming through. Nobody even has this number yet.

Cyrus: Maybe it's from the bike messenger. His delivery log? You were right there when I gave him the card and told him to fax it.

Harley: I know.

Cyrus: You don't remember.

Harley: Yes, I do.

Cyrus: That's probably because you skipped breakfast.

Harley: Cyrus...

Cyrus: The most important meal of the day. Pass on those corn flakes, and you freeze up, freak out. Then you tell your partner that you're fine.

Harley: Employee.

Cyrus: A-okay. When he doesn't have to be a detective in training, or a detective at all, to know that you're not.

Harley: Are you done?

Cyrus: What the hell happened back there?

Harley: I told you ten times, I don't know.

Cyrus: You don't know. And the falling thing, no idea where that came from?

Harley: Hmmm, well, it's just junk mail. But hey, at least it's something to put in that empty envelope. Maybe the bike messenger doesn't have the right fax number.

Cyrus: Don't worry. He'll be here. I have nightmares. I haven't woken Marina up yet, but I'm sure one of these nights I will.

Harley: And when you do, I'm sure you'll tell her you're fine.

Cyrus: Yeah, I would. Because she wasn't trapped in that building, thank God, and so she can't really understand. I'm glad she can't understand. And I hate that you can. I hate that you have to go through this, whatever it is we're going through, whatever happens to you when you get that close to the end, and then you end up sticking around after all. But you, it's like you try not to feel anything.

Harley: I'm not trying not to feel...

Cyrus: You can't even admit that anything's wrong.

Harley: Because nothing is wrong, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Oh, come on!

Harley: We're alive. Why are you so mad?

Cyrus: Because it feels like I'm all alone in this, and I know I'm not.

Harley: I don't know what set it off! Or if it just happened. But the floor was moving. Okay? Like water, like waves. Like I was standing on water. And I thought that if I looked up, it would stop. But nothing made sense, not you, not the walls. So I got scared. And I don't know if that made it worse or it just got worse on its own, but suddenly my heart was pounding and my stomach dropped, and I couldn't breathe. No, not I couldn't breathe. I forgot how to breathe. And then suddenly everything was just falling away. Around me and under me. And the only thing that seemed real to me was that rail. Me and that rail, and I was so afraid that if I let go of that rail...

Cyrus: I know, I know. It's okay.

Beth: I know that you're sad about the play. There's going to be other ones. You're still an angel to me. A fallen angel.

James: I was just saying my lines and then bam!

Beth: Yeah. Well, you fell. It happens.

James: I think one of the shepherds tripped me.

Cassie: How about a study break? You can teach me about baseball.

Josh: Okay. What do you want to know?

Cassie: I don't know. Just, you know, if you're going to be using baseball metaphors to teach Will about everything, I'd like to keep up.

Josh: Okay. I've got one for you. How's this: Three strikes and Edmund’s out. Out of our lives and in prison for good.

Rick: Stay away from my wife.

Edmund: Go ahead and kill me, Dr. Rick. The way you knock off patients, no one would suspect a thing. While you're at it, why don't you give Josh Lewis a call, have him come over here and give me last rites. You're old pals, right? You get together and chat every now and again? Just like a few days ago, over at the farmhouse. You see, I happened to be getting my own spiritual guidance that day, my own shot at redemption. But who needs redemption when you've got ammunition, someone was firing blanks when they made the beast with two backs with Beth, and it wasn't Alan Spaulding. I know the baby isn't yours. I know it's Alan’s. But don't worry, Doctor. Your secret's safe with me. I wouldn't want to watch you lose your new daughter and your newest wife. Unless, of course, you push me too far, and then I'm more than happy to watch you lose everything. I won't be billed for this, will I?

Reva: How's the patient?

Jeffrey: Well, he's not dead yet.

Reva: Damn. I'll have to put out the guest towels, I guess. And you're going to have to bring me better flowers the next time.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: You really think he's going to take this deal?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: Because if he doesn't, things could get a little out of hand.

Jeffrey: It's all covered.

Reva: I hope so. Because this whole Pleasant Valley safe compound thing sounds a little too good to be true.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well... it is.

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: It doesn't exist. Edmund thinks it does. That's why he's behaving. He doesn't want to blow his chance to get in.

Reva: I don't understand.

Jeffrey: Well, it doesn't matter what he does. He's going back to San Cristobel to face murder charges.

Reva: Even if he didn't do it? So when you said before that he's not dead yet?

Jeffrey: He will be soon.

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