GL Transcript Thursday 11/29/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/29/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Olivia: I always thought that I would get to watch Emma grow up.

Gus: Well, of course you will.

Olivia: You know, the prom, her wedding. I was going to get her a car for graduation. And I know that's, like, silly, superficial stuff. It's just I always wanted her to have all of the things that I never had, including a mother who...

Gus: A mother who what?

Olivia: Didn't die young.

Gus: All right. Hold up a second. I came in here, and I see you saying good-bye to Emma, and is it the Phillip thing? Are you this afraid of Phillip?

Olivia: It's not Phillip. It's me. I'm dying, Gus.

Natalia: Rafe's not here.

Daisy: Okay, I'll come back later.

Natalia: Oh, please don’t.

Daisy: Why not?

Natalia: You know why not.

Daisy: We're not going to hop in bed together. I mean, what happened, it changed all that. Now I just want to see if I can help.

Natalia: You want to help?

Daisy: Yeah. He's, Rafe, he's different. He could do something crazy. And there is this boy, Justin Dunlap, at school, and he took a bottle of pills.

Natalia: Do you really think that Rafe would want to hurt himself?

Daisy: Would you just let me finish? He took a bottle of pills and went over to his ex's house, okay, with a baseball bat, and started breaking in all of the windows on her car. He was angry.

Natalia: Rafe's not...

Daisy: Rafe is angry, and you know it.

Natalia: Rafe is angry at you.

Daisy: He's angry at everyone. And I might be the only one who can reach him. You have to let me try.

Natalia: Daisy...

Daisy: I'm getting straight A's and B's at school, and I got elected vice president of the student council. Gus, he trusts me. Rafe needs me. And so do you.

Josh: Look at that. A perfect fit.

Cassie: Uh-huh. How does it feel to be a shepherd?

Will: I'm a prince.

Cassie: Yes, honey, but it's just a Christmas pageant, it's make believe.

Josh: Yeah. Everyone is going to be pretending to be someone else.

Cassie: And you don't have any lines to memorize.

Josh: It will be fun.

Cassie: Yeah. Baby, what's wrong? Hey.

Will: I miss my dad.

Cassie: I know, sweetie...

Will: And Uncle Edmund. I don't want to be a shepherd!

Josh: Well, it looks like we're down a shepherd. Fortunately, the pageant's still a week away, and I think we have a donkey costume sitting around here somewhere from when...

Cassie: Josh...

Josh: He'll be okay.

Cassie: I'm not sure. I mean, I hate to say it, but I wish Edmund were here.

Josh: Well, then, you would be wishing for a very long time.

Cassie: What is that supposed to mean?

Josh: It means you don't have to ever worry about seeing Edmund again.

Cassie: Why? What did you do to him?

Edmund: It's about time you showed up to get your hands dirty. So come on, why don't you go ahead and do it? Kill me and get it over with.

Natalia: I know you mean well, but Rafe has got to figure this all out by himself.

Daisy: What if he can't?

Natalia: I've seen him do this before. You know, he withdraws, and then he acts out, and eventually he'll be fine.

Daisy: Fine? I met him at juvie. Will you look at me? The Spaulding’s have maids. Why are you doing this?

Natalia: It helps me think!

Daisy: Okay, well, then think about all of the trouble Rafe is going to get in if you don't let him see me.

Natalia: You need a lot of attention, Daisy, I know that. But Rafe is not like that. He grew up and he had to be very independent, very young, and he's learned how to deal with his own problems.

Daisy: Oh, by getting drunk and cutting class and punching people. No, we lost something. We have to talk about it.

Natalia: You didn't lose something. You ended that pregnancy by yourself.

Daisy: You're right. Uh-huh. Hey, do you have a cross? Maybe we can put it to my head. Let's do it, see if it sizzles.

Natalia: Daisy, why...

Daisy: You look at me, and all you see is evil, bad, like I'm the class slut. Is that one around your neck?

Natalia: Okay. You know what? You should go.

Daisy: You think I sinned.

Natalia: Yes.

Daisy: Okay. What about you? What did you do to my mom's marriage, huh? What do you call that?

Natalia: Are you going to go, or do I have to call security?

Gus: We've got... we've got to get the best doctor for you, okay? We've got to get the best specialist that can take care of you to fix this up.

Olivia: I need a heart transplant, Gus.

Gus: Well, then, we'll get you a heart transplant.

Olivia: ( Laughs ) You can't just get a heart. People wait forever for a heart.

Gus: Not when you're the mother of a Spaulding. I know you're not going to like this, but we don't really have another choice. We have to call Alan.

Olivia: No. No, no, no. You can't do that. You can't tell any of them. If Phillip finds out about this, he's going to come after Emma. Do you understand? You can't say anything to anyone, please. I need you to swear.

Gus: I swear.

Olivia: Thanks. So, what do you think I should do?

Gus: We're going to figure this out, okay? Just, try not to worry.

Josh: Cassie, I was hoping this would go away, but we needed help. So I went to someone who knows how to get things done.

Edmund: You know, I really miss your henchman. Leave me his address, drop him a thank you note.

Jeffrey: You're lucky I kept him on a leash.

Edmund: Why? Save all of the fun for yourself?

Jeffrey: I would love to finish the job. But you're not worth it. Gum?

Edmund: No, thanks.

Jeffrey: Luckily, I don't have to worry about that today.

Edmund: You don't?

Jeffrey: No. You see, Cassie is married to a man with morals. Now, if you were to die naturally, say in a car accident, he'd be fine with that. But if the brakes were severed, not so fine. So we came up with a compromise.

Edmund: Mr. O’Neill, I hate to seem inquisitive, but will this compromise leave me breathing?

Jeffrey: That depends on your decision.

Cassie: So Jeffrey’s going to make Edmund leave.

Josh: Yeah. And Edmund will leave if he knows what's good for him.

Cassie: And if he doesn't?

Jeffrey: Now, if you agree to keep your mouth shut and leave the country tonight, you'll live.

Edmund: Leave for where?

Jeffrey: A quiet little compound in San Cristobel called Peaceful Valley.

Cassie: Sounds like a funeral home.

Josh: Well, Jeffrey showed me pictures. There's a ocean view, swimming pool, that kind of thing, and big iron gates that Edmund will never walk out of again.

Jeffrey: You won't ever call, write, or see Cassie again.

Edmund: And I'm supposed to just live out my days under house arrest?

Jeffrey: It's more than you deserve.

Josh: It's better than he deserves.

Cassie: Probably. But are you going to be able to live with yourself?

Josh: I've prayed about this.

Cassie: And?

Josh: We both know Edmund should be locked up for what he's done. This way, he'll be able to spend the rest of his days looking in a mirror at the man he loves the most, while I look at you.

Cassie: What if he refuses to leave?

Josh: He'll leave.

Edmund: Exile myself? You must be delusional.

Jeffrey: Well, a secure compound, that was Josh's idea. Here's mine: Either you leave tonight, or you'll be convicted of murder.

Edmund: Murder?

Cassie: Murder?

Jeffrey: The electrocution death of your brother Alonzo.

Josh: Alonzo was royalty. Edmund would face the ultimate penalty.

Jeffrey: You'll get the firing squad, Edmund.

Josh: Don't worry. He'll take the deal.

Jeffrey: I really hope you don't take the deal.

Edmund: I didn't kill my brother. Del did.

Jeffrey: Del, as in “The Farmer In The Dell”?

Edmund: Del Wirmuler, a psycho with links to the country. You were there. I wasn't standing anywhere near Alonzo when he died.

Jeffrey: But you were in the room, Edmund.

Edmund: I wouldn't hurt my brother. What possible motive could I have?

Jeffrey: Oh, other than the fact that he locked you away, left you there to rot. I could name 100 motives.

Edmund: Alonzo was electrocuted. He was pushed into the circuit box. I was standing by Cassie. She'll tell you. She'll tell everyone.

Jeffrey: It was dark, Edmund. Does she really know what happened? Do you really know what happened? No, I don't think you do. And I know you won't remember when I'm finished.

Edmund: Finished? Finished with what?

Jeffrey: Oh, I forgot to tell you, didn't I. When I'm finished resetting the crime scene. You know, like I used to do when I worked for the agency. Lift a fingerprint from room "A," and place it into room "B." "B" as in bin, for looney bin.

Edmund: You've been watching too many spy movies.

Jeffrey: Oh, but I did manage to impersonate your brother for years and get away with it, didn't I? I'm good, Edmund.

Edmund: They have Del in custody. The case is closed.

Jeffrey: No, no, no. The case is very much open. As a matter of fact, they are investigating that crime scene as we speak.

Edmund: My fingerprints won't prove anything. I admit I was in the room.

Jeffrey: Oh, but your psycho buddy Del wasn’t.

Edmund: The hell he wasn’t.

Jeffrey: Oh, no, no, no. Edmund, I have a tape. I have a tape that proves that he was in a lockdown ward at the time of the murder.

Edmund: You're bluffing.

Jeffrey: Oh, stay and find out. And by the way, you can never say a word about the paternity of Beth’s baby.

Edmund: This is criminal.

Jeffrey: That depends on how you look at it.

Edmund: You're... Ah! You're setting me up for a murder I didn't commit!

Jeffrey: Well, that will make up for all of the crimes that you did commit and got away with.

Edmund: I'm an innocent man.

Jeffrey: Well, whatever works for you, Edmund. Now, do we have a deal or not?

Edmund: What do you think?

Jeffrey: I think you'd be a fool to say no, but then, again, you are a fool.

Edmund: This is about Cassie, isn't it? You just want her back. That's why you're persecuting me.

Jeffrey: Maybe it's about Reva. Maybe I want to protect her sister and her family and keep her safe. Maybe I just don't think that you deserve anything. Do we have a deal or not, Edmund?

Edmund: Yes, yes! I'll accept your damned deal.

Jeffrey: Good boy.

Cassie: Are you hungry, sweetie? I can make you something.

Josh: Hey. You want to go outside and shoot some hoops? You know, Will, you don't have to be a shepherd in the Christmas play. You can be a donkey.

Cassie: Or you can be a rooster. You know, you're great at cock-a-doodle-do-ing. Hey, hey, hey. Come here. Honey, I know how much it hurts to lose someone you love. You know, I think about your sister Tammy every single day.

Josh: And your mom also knows that Tammy is in a safe place, a wonderful place, that is filled with light and love every day. Your dad's there, too.

Will: And Uncle Edmund?

Cassie: No, honey. Your Edmund-- your uncle's not in heaven.

Will: He's gone.

Cassie: Yes, because he wanted to go home. And you want him to be happy, right?

Will: I want him back!

Cassie: We have to do something.

Josh: Maybe we can plan a vacation, I don't know, around Christmastime, go to a beach, something like that.

Cassie: Um, that's not the trip that Will needs.

Josh: Cassie, please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking.

Alan: Is everything all right?

Natalia: Yeah. Why?

Alan: I just saw-- I just saw Daisy.

Natalia: Yeah. What did she say?

Alan: Well, she didn't say anything. She just passed by me. Did something happen?

Natalia: You know, she just doesn't get it.

Alan: Of course she doesn't get it. She's Harley’s daughter. She never will get it.

Natalia: Did you know that she was elected to the student council?

Alan: Would you like for me to get her unelected?

Natalia: No. She's getting good grades. She's actually doing really well. You know, it's just like this whole pregnancy and abortion didn't even happen. And meanwhile, there is Rafe, who is up in his room and... last night I heard him crying. Please don't ever say anything because he would die.

Alan: Well, of course I won’t.

Natalia: You know, he never cries. He's always been this little man his whole life, you know. And then to hear that.

Alan: It must have broken your heart.

Natalia: Yeah. And then there's Daisy, and she's here, and she's just great. She's doing so well. You know, she doesn't give a damn.

Olivia: Emma's asleep, there's a little smile on her face. She's so sweet. Hey, you don't have to stick around, you know that?

Gus: I know.

Olivia: I'm serious, Gus. I'm not going to fall apart, I did that already.

Gus: What kind of prescription does your doctor have you on? Medicine?

Olivia: You know, I can walk, talk, drink, drive, you know. Actually, I can't drink anymore, but you know what? I've been doing everything right my whole life. I've been eating right, vitamins, exercises, so I'm going to die anyway. What the hell! ( Laughs ) ( knock on the door )

Gus: I'll get it.

Olivia: No, no, no. If it's Phillip, I'm taking him out. You know what this is?

Gus: What?

Olivia: Emma's bicycle for Christmas.

Gus: Why would they just leave it outside?

Olivia: Because nobody's going to steal anything here. I've got it.

Gus: I've got it.

Olivia: No!

Gus: Just let me just...

Olivia: I don't want to be coddled. I'm not Reva, okay? I'm not going to go off to some clinic while my husband nails my sister.

Gus: You don't have a husband. Or a sister. Sorry.

Olivia: I'm not going to feel sorry for myself, okay. I put in my three or four hours, and I'm done. It's back to business. I'm not going to change because of this.

Gus: It doesn't mean you have to lug around a box like this, you know, just tempt fate.

Olivia: That's interesting let me ask you something. Do you believe it's already planned?

Gus: What, everything?

Olivia: Yeah.

Gus: Ah, well, I think we have choices. I think that we have options.

Olivia: But what if they don't matter? You know, like, it's all written in some book. I mean, let's say, that I'm going to die three weeks from now on a Tuesday at 3:55 P.M., And you're going to die at 4:00.

Gus: Well, I certainly hope not because my book club meets Tuesdays at 4:00. I'm lying. I've got no book club. ( Laughter )

Olivia: I'm picking up this box.

Gus: All right. But you don't have to. You don't really trying to live on the edge. Come on.

Olivia: Yeah, that's a start.

Gus: You're just acting crazy.

Olivia: Well, maybe I am.

Gus: Whoa. Wow.

Olivia: Sleep with me, sleep with me. You know, in case you die at 4:00. I want to be with you, Gus. I want to be with you.

 Gus: You don't want to be with a guy who's heart is some place else.

Olivia: I'm not after your heart. ( Laughter )

Gus: Um...

Olivia: I'm making you blush.

Gus: No, no, no. No, you're not.

Olivia: It's really adorable.

Gus: Olivia...

Olivia: No, I'm sorry. No, I didn't expect you to say yes. In fact, I don't even know if I wanted you to. I just felt I needed to be with somebody, so I thought I would ask. It's definitely kind of liberating that way.

Gus: Well, I'm very flattered. And, you know, it's not like haven't maybe fantasized about you once, maybe. And if this were another time and place, you know, I wouldn't let you come up for air even.

Olivia: That is so sweet.

Gus: Thanks. So, um, yeah...

Olivia: I'm making you uncomfortable.

Gus: No. No, no, no, no, no, no--

Olivia: And after everything you've done for me, that is the last thing I want.

Gus: Well, I do... I should probably...

Olivia: Yeah. Listen, thank you for being here, even if you were a gentleman.

Gus: You're going to be okay?

Olivia: Yeah.

Gus: Yeah. Good. And you're not going to die.

Olivia: How do you know?

Gus: Because I don't want you to die.

Olivia: That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. So... you're a good man, Gus. Get out of here. Go on.

Gus: All right. So, you know, if you need anything at all.

Olivia: I just need some time to figure out what I'm going to do.

Gus: Okay. Well, I'm right here. If you need me.

Olivia: Okay.

Gus: Anything, any time.

Olivia: Thanks.

Alan: The trouble with Daisy is that she's got too much of Harley in her. Of course, Dylan’s blood line is no better.

Natalia: No, thank you.

Alan: She's part Cooper, part Shayne, part Lewis. If she were a mutt in the pound, they'd put her to sleep.

Natalia: Gus thinks I'm too hard on her.

Alan: Well, what would Gus know? He also thought that Harley was the love of his life, and now they're getting a divorce. And you know the reason why.

Natalia: You mean...

Alan: No, no, no, not you. Harley. She's nothing but trouble.

Natalia: All I know is I don't even want Rafe with Daisy, but, I don't know, Gus seems to think...

Alan: Gus is naive about all of this. Look at Rafe and Daisy's history. Rafe's been caught shoplifting, they had sex, they were in jail. I mean, those two should not be together.

Natalia: I don't want to hurt my son.

Alan: Did you ever hear of tough love?

Natalia: Rafe!

Alan: We'll be helping him.

Natalia: Rafe! Rafe! What's the matter? Why are you all out of breath? ( Cell phone rings )

Alan: Oh, it's my sister. I need to take this phone call.

Natalia: What's going on?

Rafe: Nothing.

Natalia: Don't lie, Rafe.

Rafe: Mom, let's split.

Natalia: What?

Rafe: Move back to Chicago, all right? We were happy there.

Natalia: What about your father and your grandfather and your family? Just be honest with me. Tell me what is wrong.

Rafe: I don't want you to marry Gus. We... we can't depend on him.

Natalia: Why would you say that?

Rafe: Because.

Natalia: Because why?

Rafe: He abandoned us once, and he'll do it again. I just don't want to see you get screwed, Mom.

Natalia: You don't understand. He didn't abandon us. He wouldn't have left if he had known about you.

Rafe: Are you sure about that?

Natalia: Yes.

Rafe: How much do you even know about him? About what kind of guy he is?

Natalia: He asked me to marry me. He made a commitment to both of us.

Rafe: Mom, I'm sure that's what he says.

Natalia: Okay, I know that you're upset about Daisy, but you have no right to take it out on everyone else.

Rafe: Why won't you just listen to me?

Natalia: I am listening to you. A week ago, actually, an hour ago, you loved the idea of us getting married.

Rafe: I liked it better when it was just the two of us, Mom.

Natalia: Well, you know, that's just too damn bad. You have got me running ragged, all of us, with your mood swings. You're up one minute and you're down the next minute. You know what, Rafe, get over it because Gus and I are getting married. Anything else?

Rafe: I just, I don't want to see you get hurt, okay?

Natalia: It's not going to happen.

Rafe: You're wrong. I love you, Mom, but you're wrong.

Cassie: Will is grieving.

Josh: For Alonzo.

Cassie: Well, can you bring him back from the dead?

Josh: If I had a choice between Edmund and Alonzo, and I would give it my best shot.

Cassie: I just..., I just want to make things okay for Will. And, really, what can Edmund do? Nothing. Right? Not with the threat of Alonzo’s murder hanging over his head.

Josh: You really want to test him?

Cassie: Josh, all I just want, I want Edmund to tell him why he is leaving. You know, my country needs me kind of thing, and we'll see each other soon.

Josh: But they won't see each other soon, Cassie.

Cassie: He's a little boy who just lost his father.

Josh: And he's better off without Edmund in his life.

Cassie: But it's ten minutes. That's all it will take, it will take ten minutes.

Josh: Cassie. Okay. All right. I don't think this is a good idea, but...

Cassie: But you'll do it. You'll do it for me, for Will.

Josh: It might be too late already.

Natalia: It's your mother. You didn't tell me where you were going. Please call me. Hi, Gus.

Gus: Hey.

Natalia: Is everything okay?

Gus: Whew.

Natalia: You know, Daisy stopped by.

Gus: Sh-sh-sh. I don't want to talk about kids. I just want it to be us.

Natalia: Okay. Is there something.. is there something on your mind?

Gus: Well, yes. You're on my mind. You, all dressed in white, walking down the aisle and all of that gorgeous, gorgeous fabric against your beautiful skin. Yeah. Hmmm? Come on, let's leave right now. I want to take you to Vegas, Mexico, the Bronx, I'll marry you right now. I'll fly there right now and I'll make you mine. Come on, right now.

Natalia: Have you been bad, Nick?

Gus: No, but I'm working on it.

Natalia: Did you do anything that you feel guilty about?

Gus: No, but I'm working on it.

Olivia: Okay. Just slow down. Slow down. Okay. Slowing... good. I'm not going to leave you Em. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about. Reach for the stars. Why not? Why the hell not? I don't want to die. I don't want to die!

( Knock on the door )

Cassie: I'll get it.

Josh: I'll get it.

Edmund: Somebody misses me?

Jeffrey: Clock's running.

Cassie: All right. Jeffrey explained everything to you, right?

Edmund: At nauseam.

Cassie: So you're going to talk to him, and you're going to leave like you agreed, right?

Edmund: I'm here because I care about the little boy, and not because of some deal.

Cassie: Edmund...

Edmund: Yes, to everything above. Do you want it in blood?

Josh: Okay.

Jeffrey: That's a good idea.

Cassie: So tell him that you have to leave. You can't wait to get back. And that he needs to be brave and let you do your duties.

Will: Uncle Edmund!

Edmund: Hey! Come here! Who's an airplane?

Will: I am!

Edmund: Who's a prince?

Will: Me!

Edmund: What's your name?

Will: Prince William Winslow of San Cristobel!

Edmund: That's right. All bow.

Will: All bow.

Edmund: All right. Parliament is now in session. And the first order of business is: my trip back to San Cristobel.

Will: I don't want you to leave now.

Edmund: I know, I know, I know. But, Will, sometimes princes have to do things they don't want to do.

Will: Not you.

Edmund: Yes, me. Come here. Your father was a great ruler. He was a great man. And the people loved him. We loved him. But he's gone now, and someone has to take his place. And you're just a little too young to take his place right now, which means that falls to my responsibility, and you don't want me to let down our country, do you?

Will: Yes. No.

Edmund: No. ( Laughs ) No is right. I have to go back for the sake of our people. I have to go back to guarantee your future, especially your future. You know why?

Will: Why?

Edmund: Because I love you that much.

Will: I love you, too.

Edmund: All right. Now, will you be a very brave soldier for me? Good. Because I'm counting on you. You see that beautiful lady over there?

Will: Mom?

Edmund: Uh-huh. I'm entrusting you to her care. She loves you very much, and she is going to take very good care of you. I would stake my life on that. And so, my little prince, shake my hand until we meet again.

Will: No, you can't leave now!

Edmund: Will, look, please.

Will: I'm in a play.

Cassie: He's in the Christmas pageant.

Will: You have to stay and see me.

Edmund: Will, I can’t.

Will: Please. I can't do it if you're not there! Make him stay! Mom!

Daisy: Don't freak out and run away, okay, because then I'll have to chase you.

Rafe: Yeah, like you could catch me.

Daisy: Oh, big words, Vent boy.

Rafe: What's this about?

Daisy: I miss juvie.

Rafe: You're nuts.

Daisy: Why? I mean, we could talk to each other there. And the hotdogs were good. And... we looked out for each other. You were my best friend until... until, you weren’t. How could something like that just disappear?

Rafe: Hey, here. Daisy?

Daisy: Yeah?

Rafe: Don't drink it all.

Daisy: Okay.

Natalia: You just said you loved me. Gus, I want you to know that... me, too. I love you, too.

Gus: One more. One more. Hmmm.

(Cell phone rings)

Gus: No, no, no, don’t.

Natalia: It could be Rafe. Hello? Um... right now? Okay. Yeah, no, I'll be there.

Gus: Be where?

Natalia: I have to change and go to work.

Gus: What, are you kidding me? This late?

Natalia: I know, but Cindy got sick, and there is no one else to cover.

Gus: Cindy? Who's Cindy? I'll pay you double. Stay with me. What are you talking about?

Natalia: You know I can't be bought.

( Cell phone rings )

Olivia: Yeah?

Gus: Hey, did I wake you?

Olivia: No, I'm just laying here.

Gus: So how are you holding up?

Olivia: I'm amazingly calm.

Gus: Oh, I could use a little of that in my life, some calm. A little calm and a nice steak dinner. That would be nice. We should grab a bite. One of these days.

Olivia: I could eat.

Gus: Well, just, you tell me when.

Olivia: Hey Gus.

Gus: Mm-mm.

Olivia: It was really nice of you to check in on me.

Gus: Well, now, Olivia, I am an engaged man, in case you forgot.

Olivia: Well, remember, I come with a warning. Read your instructions carefully.

Gus: Now, you have yourself a nice night. ( Loud knock on door )

Olivia: Who's there?

Alan: Room service.

Olivia: Aren't you supposed to be in your coffin until midnight?

Alan: Aren't you supposed to be out stalking someone? What's happening with Gus?

Olivia: He was here earlier.

Alan: And he's already gone? Olivia, you're going to have to try a little harder. You've always had your way with men when you want to. When you turn it on, the target doesn't stand a chance.

Olivia: Fine.

Alan: What? We have a deal. Remember that.

Olivia: And I said fine. Gus is a great, great guy. And just to spend some time with him, it will be just fine.

Josh: We'll send your Uncle Edmund a tape of the Christmas pageant.

Will: No. I need him there!

Josh: Cassie. Look, you cannot say yes to this.

Cassie: It's only a few more days. Edmund can watch Will in the play and then go.

Josh: He knows. Edmund overheard me talking to Rick Bauer, and he knows that you switched Beth’s paternity test. Do you understand now why we have to get rid of him?

Will: Mom, please!

Cassie: Sweetie...

Will: My dad would let Uncle Edmund stay.

Jeffrey: Shall we?

Edmund: Goodbye, Will.

Will: No! Don't go! Don't go! I won't let you. Mom, make him stay!

Cassie: You can stay. He doesn't have to go.

Josh: What?

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: I want you to stay.

Edmund: Well... I have a lot of obligations elsewhere. But you're my nephew, so I think I can do it. Merry Christmas!

Josh: Okay, okay. So, what do we do now?

Jeffrey: We watch him.

Josh: We trade off?

Jeffrey: Until he gets on that plane.

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