Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/27/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Olivia: Those are some jazzy new boots. You excited about your day at the planetarium?
Emma: With Bill?
Olivia: No, uh, Jane is going to take you.
Emma: When is Bill coming?
Olivia: Um, I don't know, but soon, you know. He's just really busy right now.
Emma: Like daddy?
Olivia: No, Em, Bill is not like daddy, he's going to be here for you, I promise. Listen, go get your jacket in the other room, Jane will help you.
Alan: Olivia, it's Alan. I thought you said our deal was back on, and yet every time I turn around Gus is with Natalia, not... (beep) Olivia, I was just wondering if you had heard anything from Phillip? That is why you made this deal with me, isn't it? To keep you and Emma safe?
Olivia: Hey, Bill, it's Olivia. Look, I, uh... Emma’s been asking about you. And I know you have been coming around when I'm not here. It's just that, you know, maybe it was a little easier when you were out of the country because she didn't know that you were so close. And that you're just not coming by. And, um, anyway, would you just call me, please?
Harley: Hi.
Cyrus: Hi. Boss lady.
Harley: You don't have to call me that.
Cyrus: Okay. Just "Boss," then?
Harley: Okay.
Cyrus: Where's Marina?
Harley: Um, I thought she was coming with you.
Cyrus: No, we were going to meet here.
Harley: Then I guess she will be coming soon. I mean, it's not like we can start anything without her, work-wise.
Cyrus: Right. So is this where we are going to be set up?
Harley: Yeah, just until I find some office space.
Cyrus: What's in the boxes?
Harley: These are old "Harley’s Angels" files.
Cyrus: Your agency was called "Harley’s Angels"?
Harley: Yeah. It's pretty good, right?
Cyrus: Well, yeah. But I'm no angel.
Harley: Well, we'll change the name then.
Cyrus: Right. Where do you want me?
Harley: Over there. That way Marina is in between us.
Cyrus: Okay. I'm just going to dig into one of these files.
Harley: Come on.
Cyrus: What's wrong?
Harley: My computer froze again.
Cyrus: Really?
Harley: Yeah.
Cyrus: Let me take a look. There you go.
Harley: Thank you. (Knocking on door) Come in.
Marina: Hey!
Cyrus: Hey.
Marina: Look who brought doughnuts! I know I shouldn't have. I don't even have ten cents to spare, but I thought we should celebrate our first day at, uh... what are we called?
Cyrus: Not "Angels."
Marina: Oh, no! Watch it... we're going to be coworkers now. That's sexual harassment.
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Harley: Marina, you sit right here, in the middle.
Marina: Okay. I'm going to need an extension cord.
Cyrus: Oh, let me get it for you.
Marina: Wow! You already know your way around.
Cyrus: Oh, I spent some time here when we were looking for you. Harley hid me out here.
Marina: What did you tell the boys?
Harley: Um, they were at their grandpa’s. It was just safer that way.
Marina: That makes sense. No wonder you know your way around.
Harley: Okay. I do not think this was a very good idea.
Gus: No sign?
Natalia: No, he said he would be down in a few minutes.
Gus: Well, I think we should get out of here while we can. What?
Natalia: He's your father. He should know that we're engaged.
Gus: Well, do you actually think that he would be happy for us?
Natalia: He might be happy.
Gus: You think so, huh? Except for the fact that he wants you.
Natalia: He does not want me. Not like that. It's about family.
Gus: The problem is, I know Alan a little better than you do. And when he wants something-- or someone-- he usually gets it. Who did you have Thanksgiving dinner with?
Natalia: Alan. Because you were with Harley.
Gus: Yeah, because I wanted to tell her about us. I'm sorry. I shouldn’t... what am I doing? I know that you don't want Alan. You're not interested in Alan. It's just that he's going to have an aneurysm when he finds out the news.
Alan: What news is that?
Gus: Show him.
Natalia: Should I start calling you dad?
Alan: Well, you two are engaged? Well, I really don't know what to say, other than congratulations! Good for you, son.
Natalia: Thank you, Alan. That means a lot.
Alan: Welcome to the family. You know, I couldn't be happier.
Natalia: Don't do that again.
Alan: Well, I'm sorry. I guess I was a little too forward.
Gus: A little too everything, I think.
Alan: Well, I was just welcoming your future wife into the family. That's all.
Gus: I don't remember you welcoming Harley into the family that way.
Alan: Because I never wanted Harley to be a member of this family.
Gus: Well, we're getting divorced, so you don't have to rag on her anymore.
Alan: Notice that he is still defending Harley. I thought you had come to your senses.
Gus: Okay, all right. This conversation is over, unless of course you have another comment about us getting married.
Alan: Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I want to officially welcome you and Rafael to the Spaulding family.
Gus: Except, of course, they are going to be going by the last name Aitoro.
Alan: Well, but "Aitoro" is a made-up name.
Gus: Do you really want to go down this road right now?
Alan: Natalia, I would be honored if you and Rafael chose to use the name Spaulding.
Gus: Okay, stop, stop.
Alan: "Spaulding" will open doors for you across the country. And besides, you live here in the Spaulding mansion...
Gus: We're not going to be living here after we get married. We're all moving out.
Alan: That won't be necessary.
Gus: Oh, I think it is, kissy face. I've got to go to work. You all right? Need a ride?
Natalia: No, no, I'm fine. I don't start for a while.
Gus: Hm. Keep your guard up. I'll call you later. Dad.
Alan: You are a very strong woman.
Natalia: Why, because I can find my own way to work?
Alan: No, because it doesn't bother you at all that he is going to be spending every day with his ex-wife, Harley.
Marina: So, uh, what'd you do? Piss her off before I even got here?
Cyrus: I don't think so.
Marina: Are you sure?
Cyrus: I am a very charming guy.
Marina: Oh, humble, too.
Harley: All right, bye.
Marina: So what is this? Are you backing out on us?
Harley: Marina, I don't think I've really thought this through.
Marina: Well, who were you talking to?
Harley: Your father. We still haven't talked about me taking time off yet.
Marina: Well, he's got to know that you don't want to work with Gus anymore.
Harley: Speaking of Gus, I am supposed to meet him to talk about a case that is headed for trial.
Marina: But what about us? Harley! What are we going to do if he she backs out on us?
Cyrus: You don't think you and I can run a detective agency without her?
Marina: She is the one with the license.
Cyrus: So? We'll get one.
Marina: Cyrus, um, you are an ex-con, and I left the police force on really bad terms. I'm thinking they're not going to give us one.
Cyrus: Okay, so we'll open another kind of business. How do you feel about tattoo parlors?
Marina: Cyrus, I'm serious. I need a job. And you need to stay in the country.
Cyrus: Yeah, but not just any job. I heard you listening in to the police scanner the other night.
Marina: Yeah, so I liked being a cop. And I could be looking for cases now, if Harley doesn't back out on us.
Cyrus: Maybe the problem is that we're a burden to Harley. She's got the experience and the license.
Marina: Yeah, and we are an ex-con and a moll.
Cyrus: My moll? I kind of like that.
Marina: Yeah, well we need to bring something else to the table besides your charm.
Cyrus: Really?
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Cyrus: Okay. Well, I think I know a way to scare up some money to stake the business.
Marina: That doesn't sound good.
Cyrus: It's nothing illegal. Just... unpleasant.
Olivia: Frank? Are you here on business?
Frank: Um, hi, Olivia, there was a reported break-in, so...
Olivia: Did it have something to do with Phillip?
Frank: Why? Have you heard from Phillip ever since he sent Emma that birthday present?
Olivia: I don't know, but somebody broke into my room.
Frank: Well, why didn't you call me?
Olivia: I don't know. I don't know. I've got Gus helping me and I'm having nightmares, and I'm...
Frank: About Phillip coming back for Emma?
Olivia: Yeah.
Frank: Olivia, you should have called me!
Olivia: Oh, come on, Frank.
Frank: Well, come on. I mean, why didn't you come to me?
Olivia: Well, because I think I kind of lost that privilege, right?
Frank: I would do anything for Emma.
Olivia: Thanks. So this case you're working on...
Frank: It turned out to be nothing. Just a disgruntled former roommate, so...
Olivia: Oh, good. Well, it must be pretty slow at the station if a break-in gets the police chief down here.
Frank: I just needed to make sure.
Olivia: Make sure what? Oh, that it wasn't Cyrus.
Frank: You know that Marina lives here, and, well, I have kind of had a one-track mind lately.
Olivia: So Cyrus and Marina are...
Frank: Please don't say it.
Olivia: Oh. Well, that must have made an interesting Thanksgiving.
Frank: Ah, well, if you think an all-out brawl at the dining room table is "interesting."
Olivia: I do, actually.
Frank: Yeah, well, it was ugly.
Olivia: So who won the fight?
Frank: She didn't dump him, so I guess I lost.
Olivia: And are you losing your daughter?
Frank: Olivia, I'm trying to do everything I can to save her. That's the only reason why I called Immigration.
Olivia: Whoa, you tried to have him deported?
Frank: Because I'm trying to protect my daughter.
Olivia: Frank, I would do anything to protect Emma, you know that...
Frank: Well, then, you understand.
Olivia: ...And I will only say this as a friend. You're sounding a little like Alan. The more you try to hold on to your kids, the farther you're going to push them away.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Hey.
Harley: So, Frank wants us to review our testimony before the trial...
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: ...Next week.
Gus: Got my papers right here. Can I buy you a cup of coffee before we...
Harley: Don't bother, I know.
Gus: You know?
Harley: Lizzie told me about the engagement.
Gus: Sorry. I didn't want you to hear it from somebody else. Sorry. I wanted to tell you at Thanksgiving, but, you know, Marina kept on hijacking...
Harley: Marina knows about this?
Gus: I wanted to be the first one to tell you, trust me. Look, it's actually important that you believe in the words that are coming out of my mouth, because I would never, ever-- and I need to you know this-- I would never do anything to deliberately hurt you.
Harley: Gus, I know that you would never deliberately hurt me. So when's the date?
Gus: Well, we're not rushing into anything, you know. Well, we're not. I, you know, did this because I wanted to send out a signal to my son and give him some stability.
Harley: Well, I'm sure it will be good for Rafe.
Gus: Harley, I'm just... I'm just trying to be a good dad, you know?
Harley: You're already a good dad.
Gus: Look, I have 17 years to make up for, and I wanted to do something big. I wanted to, you know, make the commitment and let my son know that I'm serious.
Harley: And Natalia. You do want to be married to Natalia, right? Because that would help.
Alan: Natalia, would you like for me to take you to work?
Natalia: No, thank you.
Alan: You know, I don't even understand why you feel you have to work. Does Gus not make enough money to support you?
Natalia: For the last time, I like to pay my own way.
Alan: I'm aware of that. But I also am aware that police do not make large salaries, and they have to spend long hours with their partners.
Natalia: Ah, gee, Alan, who could we be talking about?
Alan: Well, I'm just trying to look out after you. After all, you did hear how Gus defended Harley earlier.
Natalia: Okay, stop. Because this is not about Gus. This is about you.
Alan: Me?
Natalia: Yes. And whatever it is that you thought was going on between us.
Alan: Well, Natalia, I will admit to you that you did give me some hope, something that I had lost when Beth left me for Rick. But I... I've been nothing but respectful of you and your feelings.
Natalia: Yes. You have. And you have been very kind and generous to Rafe and to me.
Alan: That's been real easy.
Natalia: Look, Gus is my past, and now he's my future too, so I hope that you can accept that.
Alan: You give me no choice. I'll tell you one thing, when Gus hurts you, I will be right here.
Harley: It's good thing you're a cop and not a criminal.
Gus: Why?
Harley: Because you're so transparent. I can always tell when you're lying. You won't look at me. You have to keep your hands busy.
Gus: I'm not lying. I'm not lying.
Harley: Okay, "avoiding," whatever you want to call it. I know you. This engagement to Natalia is not just about Rafe, it's about her. And that's okay. You don't have to apologize for it. Hey, if we're not together any more, right? Separate lives.
Gus: I know you too, I know you're never, ever going to want to hear about Natalia, so...
Harley: Well, I guess that would depend on what you're saying.
Gus: Well, this is good, because we're making some progress here. Kind of setting some rules, you know, whether hanging out together or working together, you know. I don't talk about Natalia, and you don't talk about whoever it is you're dating-- if you're dating -- are you dating somebody?
Harley: Well, there is this one guy... no! Of course not. Too soon for me to have feelings for someone. Gus, this just happened.
Gus: Right, right, so I don't talk about Natalia, and you don't talk about-- well, you know, when the day comes you're going to have somebody that you're interested in, I'm not going to want to hear it.
Harley: You're not going to have to hear it. Because I made a decision. I'm taking a sabbatical from the force.
Gus: Well, not because of me.
Harley: Not just because because of you. No, it's my life. I just... I need something different in my life.
Gus: Good. So what... what are you going to do?
Harley: I'm going to open the detective agency again.
Gus: Oh. With Blake and Mel?
Harley: With Marina.
Gus: Good.
Harley: And Cyrus.
Gus: You want to go into business with a criminal?
Harley: I don't think we should talk about this.
Gus: No, I agree.
Harley: Okay, so let's agree that this one of the things that we agree not to talk about.
Gus: Perfect with me. Have a good time, good luck in your new business. And maybe I'll miss working with you.
Harley: Well, I'll miss working with you.
Gus: Right.
Harley: And good luck with Natalia and Rafe. I mean that.
Gus: I know you do. So the paper's in the...
Harley: Yeah. Would you just handle it alone, please?
Gus: Well, are you in a big rush to your meeting with Cyrus?
Harley: No, no, I suddenly have a headache. I'm stressed out from this conversation and I'm going to treat myself to a spa treatment.
(Knock at door)
Marina: Harley's not here.
Frank: I'm not looking for Harley, actually. In fact, she told me that you were here. Detective agency, huh?
Marina: Yup. And I'm sure you're here to tell me how much you hate the whole idea that Cyrus is involved, that Harley is going to be leaving the force, and I don't want to hear it.
Frank: Actually, I'm here to tell you that I'm sorry. Very sorry about Thanksgiving. And I hate that it turned into a civil war.
Marina: Yeah, well I wasn't all that thrilled with Olivia when you were dating her. And I don't think I punched her in the face.
Frank: You're right. You're right. And I'm sorry. The guy just knows how to push my buttons.
Marina: Yeah, well, you know how to push his.
Frank: Marina, are you really, really happy?
Marina: Dad, you know me better than anyone. You used to. What do you think?
Frank: I don't know. I really don't know anymore. And I really need to know if it's something else.
Marina: What?
Frank: I don't know. Maybe rebelling against me?
Marina: Daddy, I'm a little old for rebellion.
Frank: You are?
Marina: Yeah.
Frank: Okay. How about making a statement?
Marina: No.
Frank: Acting out?
Marina: No. The only reason I am doing this is because I'm in love with the guy. And that's it. Are you ever going to be able to accept that?
Frank: I don't know.
Marina: Then I'm going to need to ask you to leave. I have work to do. I'm a little strapped for cash, in case you haven't heard.
Frank: I actually have heard that.
Marina: What is this? I don't want your money. Who are you, Alan Spaulding? I don't want it.
Frank: I think it's time that I go now.
Marina: Yeah, I do, too. What is this? It's a case.
Alan: What the hell are you doing here?
Cyrus: Well, I still live here. I thought maybe I could spend some time with my favorite brother-in-law.
Alan: Oh you did, huh? I have no desire to talk to you. Now get out, Mr. Foley.
Cyrus: I bet I can change your mind. I've got an offer for you, Alan. And as they say, it's too good to refuse.
Alan: The first rule of business is to know the marketplace. And you have no value whatsoever to me.
Cyrus: Is this because I didn't ask for Alexandra’s hand before I married her?
Alan: Etiquette doesn't apply when it's a green-card marriage.
Cyrus: No I didn't do it properly the first time. That's why I have come to you first. To get your blessing for the divorce.
Alan: I won't give you a blessing, but I'll give you a curse.
Cyrus: If that's the way you want it. I was hoping to go quietly. But I've got to admit, I kind of like the American notion of "community property."
Alan: Oh, so you want me to pay you off for a quiet divorce? Don't you know that's extortion?
Cyrus: Is it?
Alan: What did my sister ever do to deserve you?
Cyrus: Well, she kidnapped Marina for starters. Then she left Harley and I to die in that church. But I'm willing to let all that go if she lets me go.
Alan: With a settlement.
Cyrus: It's only fair.
Alan: Fairness has nothing to do with this.
Cyrus: Maybe not. But Alexandra has already offered me a job at Spaulding. How do you think your stockholders would feel if I said yes? So turning up to board meetings, the Country Club. I've got my eye on a sporty pair of plaid pants, I'd love to hit the golf course with you. You could introduce me around.
Olivia: Jeremy said you were in here.
Cyrus: Take your time, Alan. I can stick around as long as you like.
Alan: What are you doing here?
Olivia: Well, I was concerned that my answering machine was going to explode.
Alan: Did you ever think about answering your phone?
Olivia: I don't want to mess with Gus. I don't want to mess with him. Maybe I've been overreacting to this whole Phillip thing. I haven't heard from him in a while.
Alan: Yes, because I've kept my end of the bargain.
Olivia: Are you taking credit for me not having heard from him? I thought you said you didn't know where he was.
Alan: The point is you and Emma are safe. Meanwhile, Gus and Natalia are engaged.
Olivia: Well, then congratulate them, Alan! He's your son. Aren't you always talking about how important your sons are? Why don't you act like it?
Alan: He had his chance but he couldn't make up his mind. Now it's every man for himself.
Olivia: Is Natalia really that important to you that you would give up your one last son?
Alan: I had a chance at something to make me happy with Beth. And I lost that. But now I have another chance. Natalia has helped me feel again.
Olivia: So your answer is yes.
Alan: The answer is, Gus is already gone.
Harley: Oh.
Masseuse: Carrying a lot of tension in your back. Has there been any unusual stress in your life lately?
Harley: I couldn’t... I mean, it would be... it would be too stressful to tell you what's happened. But that's why I'm here, right? A massage, a few quick trips to the gym. I'll be fine.
Cyrus: It's going to take more than a rubdown to make this all okay, don't you think?
Harley: Have you always been Australian?
Cyrus: Since the day I was born.
Harley: Oh, Cyrus, what are you doing here?
Cyrus: I'm making you feel better. You just have to stop fighting it.
Harley: What?
Cyrus: Hey.
Harley: No, no, no.
Cyrus: Just relax, just relax.
Harley: Oh! Oh, God that feels good. Cyrus! Oh!
Masseuse: Excuse me.
Harley: Huh?
Masseuse: You fell asleep.
Marina: Hey, it's me. I just got some really great news and I couldn't wait to tell you. So I thought I'd call. But you know, I should really... I'm just going to wait until you get here. Okay, that pause was just me not hanging up. Oh, my gosh, it's like I don't even want to be away from you for, like, five minutes. Okay, I'm making myself sick now. So I'm going to go. No, I really got to go. I got to go now so I'm going, I'm hanging up the phone, but I will see you soon and I love you. I'm hanging up.
Olivia: Scotch on the rocks, please.
Gus: Well, hello.
Olivia: Hi.
Gus: Nice to know I'm not the only one who needs a drink.
Olivia: Uh-huh. You know, you look like you're having a moment so I'll just sit over here...
Gus: No, no, no. By all means, stay here. I could definitely enjoy the company, too.
Olivia: You having a bad day?
Gus: Well, isn't it always a little bit bad when you run into me? I'm always up to... last time it was me preparing for the annulment, I believe.
Olivia: Well, what could be worse than that?
Gus: What could be worse than that? Well, me telling Harley that I'm engaged to Natalia, that’s... that's just wrong.
Olivia: What’s... what?
Gus: The way that just sounded, what I just... complaining about me having to tell my future ex-wife about my future fiancée, that just sounds like a guy I don't really... I don't really want to be that kind of...
Olivia: Aren't you excited about... are you happy about your engagement?
Gus: No, no, no, yeah, no, of course I am. Natalia is my first love. The idea of having a second chance, I mean, who gets that with the person who's your first love? I'm just saying that, you know, when I married Harley, I thought that would be it. I thought that would be my very first and very last time getting married.
Olivia: I know. Look, I have been divorced a lot. And every time I got married, I thought it would be the last. I had hope with Alan.
Gus: Really? Well now I know you're just talking crazy. That is crazy talk.
Olivia: It is crazy.
Gus: That's crazy!
Olivia: I just... I just saw him.
Gus: Now I know why you need a drink. Where is that bartender?
Olivia: No, actually, Gus, you don’t. But you should.
Gus: Sounds serious.
Olivia: It is.
Gus: About Phillip?
Olivia: What?
Gus: Is it about Phillip?
Olivia: Well, I mean I'm... no. I'm worried about... yes, I'm worried about him.
Gus: You're worried about him. Let me just say this, no matter what anybody says, you have to stay one step ahead of him at all times. Because it's your daughter's safety that matters most.
Olivia: Speaking of Emma, I should get home to her.
Gus: Yeah.
Olivia: Hey. Congratulations on your engagement.
Gus: Well, thank you. You know, you are the first person to say that and mean it.
Cyrus: I was just thinking about some ideas I have for Spaulding Enterprises. How do you feel about pornography?
Alan: I get it. The longer you hang around here, the more you make my life miserable.
Cyrus: Alex still likes me. I can keep her on the hook for the rest of my life, or at least the rest of her life.
Alan: And then what, you think you are going to get the keys to the family fortune?
Cyrus: I'm not asking for a fortune, just enough. Or I could spend the next ten years pawning your jewelry and your furs, pick-pocketing your country club friends, taking the limo down to the chop shop, selling it for spare parts. Face it, Alan, every day I spend in this house, I earn another piece of it. Is that your way of saying "I win"?
Alan: If you want the money, you're going to have to work for it.
Cyrus: How?
Alan: Due to recent developments, I may be losing a son, Gus.
Cyrus: Is he sick?
Alan: No, he's not sick. He won't be dead, but he will be dead to me.
Cyrus: Ah. Like your other sons.
Alan: I've got a deal for you. A job offer.
Cyrus: Okay.
Alan: Yeah, something that I think will suit your skills and talents very well. And something I think Harley will enjoy, too.
Marina: Okay, are we going to talk about this?
Harley: About what?
Marina: Anything. I mean, you just came back through the door and you sat down and you started working right away. Does that mean that the business is on, or are you just too embarrassed to talk to me because you heard that-- I'll admit-- ridiculously cheesy message that I left for Cyrus? I saw your face, Harley. I could tell it really upset you.
Harley: You did?
Marina: I'm rubbing Cyrus in your face.
Harley: No, there’s...
Marina: Yes. Am I becoming one of those really, really ridiculous, cheesy, dramatic, romantic types that just walks around and talks about how much they're in love?
Harley: No, no.
Marina: Yes, I am. And you, you're going through a divorce. And I need to be just a little more sensitive around you. Instead of running around the place talking about how great love is.
Harley: Marina, you don't have to hide anything from me. I love you. I want you to be happy.
Marina: Really? Then don't back out now. Please. It could be so great, Harley, for all three of us.
Harley: I am just not entirely convinced about all this.
Marina: Then let me convince you.
Harley: What is this?
Marina: It's a lead. And you will never believe where it came from.
Harley: Where?
Marina: My dad.
Harley: Your father gave you this?
Marina: Yes. He won't admit that he's okay with Cyrus, but I think this is the first step. Don't you see, we can't back out now.
Harley: You know, we could give it a try.
Marina: Oh, you are the best in the whole world!
Harley: Okay. Where are you going now?
Marina: I'm going to go tell Cyrus.
Harley: What am I doing?
Cyrus: Hey.
Harley: Hey.
Cyrus: I've got great news. I just got us our first job.
Harley: I think, actually, it could be our second.
Cyrus: Cool. Where's Marina?
Harley: Yeah. She'll be right back.
Cyrus: Before she gets back, I want to ask your opinion about something.
Harley: Mm-hmm?
Cyrus: Now we've got a little money, I want to do something special for her.
Harley: Oh, boy, I'm not very good at planning these...
Cyrus: I already got an idea. I want to book her in for one of those big spa days at the Beacon.
Harley: Those are supposed to be nice.
Cyrus: Yeah, but get this. I'm going to tip the massage guy so midway through I'm going to swap places with him. Pretty good, right? Well, what do you think?
Harley: You sneaking in and taking the place of a massage therapist? It would never even occur to me. She's going to love it!
Marina: I'm going to love what?
Cyrus: I got us a job.
Marina: You did? Oh, my God. See, Harley, we can't stop now. We're practically booming!
Cyrus: What's your case?
Marina: Well, actually, it's more of a lead, but it comes with really good news. It's from my dad, which means he's starting to warm up to you. What's yours? Is it a job that actually pays?
Cyrus: Yeah, pretty good amount of money, too.
Harley: Wow! So how'd they hear about us?
Cyrus: Actually, they heard about me.
Harley: Oh, no. Does this involve doing something illegal?
Cyrus: It doesn't require us to break any laws, but you might not like the client.
Marina: Who is it?
Cyrus: Alan.
Marina and Harley: Spaulding?
Cyrus: Yup.
Harley: What does he want to hire us to do, go after ourselves?
Cyrus: No, he wants us to find his son.
Harley: Please tell me you're talking about Alan-Michael.
Cyrus: No. Alan wants us to track down Phillip.
Alan: May not be too late to get you back, Phillip. And as far as I'm concerned, Gus, I never had you.
Natalia: You're in a good mood.
Gus: Yes, I am.
Natalia: Something happen at work?
Gus: Yes, it did.
Natalia: What?
Gus: Well, Harley quit the force. So we're not going to be working together, but that's not why I'm happy.
Natalia: Okay. Something with your father?
Gus: No, God. God, no, no. Huh-huh.
Natalia: Oh, it's me and my little uniform.
Gus: No, although now that you mention it, this does happen to work for me.
Natalia: Yeah. I don't know. I have no more guesses then.
Gus: It's because of our engagement and somebody said "congratulations" today. Yes. They said congratulations. I have been focusing on more of the negative stuff like what's Harley going to say and what's my father, how is he going to react? When Olivia said congratulations today, I said, yeah, it is good. It's good news. And yes, it's something that is worthy of being celebrated.
Natalia: Okay, I like that.
Gus: I like it, too. I like it, too. Because, you know, we have kind of sped up the engagement a little bit to give Rafe the stability he deserves, but it is about us as well. And we can't forget that. And that is why I wanted to come and ask you something. Because we haven't even had a first date, really.
Natalia: We did have a first date though, we had it... about 20 years ago.
Gus: That is my point. I'm here to offer you this special offer today, and say hey, I want to take care you, and take you out and do it the right way, do it right thing.
Natalia: I don't need anything fancy because I sort of still like the way we did it the first time.
Gus: Right, so you want a slice of pizza at the Laundromat watching the thing go run and round?
Natalia: You remember what we did on our first date?
Gus: I remember, and I remember what you were wearing.
Natalia: You do not.
Gus: Yes, I do, too, you were wearing... um...
Natalia: (Laughs)
Gus: No, I do, you were wearing a blue jean skirt and a little Cubs shirt.
Natalia: I wore that for you.
Gus: Yes, I know. That was the best part.
Natalia: You know, I have to get back to work.
Gus: Yeah, I know. I said good-bye. Didn't you hear me?
Natalia: Okay. I have to go now.
Gus: I know. I said good-bye twice. And I say I look forward to seeing you later.
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