Guiding Light Transcript Monday 11/26/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Lizzie: Hey! That was a great dinner, by the way.
Cassie: What, are you leaving?
Lizzie: No. I'm just... I'll be right back. I just have to get a pie.
Cassie: Oh, well, I made an apple.
Lizzie: Billy is kind of a fiend for pumpkin pie, and the one that I made kind of turned out tasting like a sock. So... (laughs)
Cassie: Oh, yum!
Lizzie: Yeah.
Cassie: Well, you know, last year, we had to throw out the whole turkey and get a pizza, so... you've really... you've really been good for him, you know, especially with everything going on in the news.
Lizzie: Yeah, I... I owe him. I mean, not just for the job. He's been like a dad. And I know he misses Mindy, so...
Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, I'm... I'm really missing my daughter, too, every day.
Lizzie: Today's Sarah’s birthday.
Cassie: Oh, that's right.
Lizzie: I... I always thought I was going to, you know, do a birthday cake shaped like a turkey. Cornucopia party hats. I wasn't totally sure about the party hats, but... I can't believe that a year ago today Tammy and Jonathan were here, and they were helping me bring her into the world, and now I'm the only one left.
Cassie: Yeah. Tammy was... she was keeping me from falling apart last year, you know. Everyone was arguing and...
Lizzie: I... I was really afraid of losing Jonathan, but I just assumed that I would always have Sarah.
Cassie: Well, I'm glad you're here this Thanksgiving.
Lizzie: Think they're really up there, looking down on us?
Cassie: Oh, I hope so. I mean, I'd like to think that they're up there together. I just wish they were down here together with us.
Lizzie: Me, too. Pie.
Cassie: Pie, pie! Do you need money?
Lizzie: No. No. I called ahead to Towers.
Cassie: Oh, even though you were going to bake one?
Lizzie: I don't really have a good track record in the kitchen, so... (laughter)
Cassie: Do you know, is Josh in there with Billy?
Lizzie: I didn't see him.
Cassie: Hmm. All right.
Lizzie: Bye.
Cassie: Bye.
Edmund: If these haystacks could talk.
Josh: It's Thanksgiving, Edmund.
Edmund: And I'm very thankful that you'll soon be out of Cassie’s life-- if you want to keep her secret safe. Oh, I'm doing you a favor, Josh. I'm an old baby-switcher from way back, and I know that Cassie is just not cut out to be a minister's wife. In fact, I think that she's starting to realize she's more like me than she cares to admit.
Josh: This is your last chance to do the right thing, Edmund.
Edmund: As far as I'm concerned, I am.
Josh: No, wait! He's dead.
Jeffrey: Well, you asked me to take care of him. Hay.
Josh: What?
Jeffrey: Grab a rake. We're going to bury him under the hay.
Billy: Hey, you okay?
Josh: Yeah. Yeah. I just... I'm fine. I... I guess I... I had a lot of turkey.
Billy: (Laughs) Oh, that stuff will knock you right out.
Josh: Yeah.
Lizzie: Hey, Roy. I think I have a pumpkin pie waiting for me.
Roy: I'll check, Ms. Spaulding.
Lizzie: Okay. Oh, it's under Lewis. It's for a friend.
Bill: Well, well, Lizzie Spaulding. Happy Thanksgiving.
Lizzie: You outed your own father as a drunk and tried to make me think it was my fault.
Bill: I didn't make you think anything.
Lizzie: Billy already told me. You knew he was drinking.
Bill: Well, if I hadn't, your little slip would’ve tipped me off. But if you want to take credit, fine.
Lizzie: No. You're the one who takes credit for other people's work.
Bill: Like I said, baby, it's just business.
Lizzie: I thought you were different, but you're nothing special. You should get used to this whole spending holidays alone thing, because you don't deserve the pleasure of anyone's company, especially mine.
Mallet: Hey. Turkey day at the Cooper’s is a very sacred event. What are you doing here? Did you sneak out at halftime?
Marina: Oh, the football game. Yeah, things, they got a little dicey around the fourth quarter, so Cyrus and I called a timeout.
Mallet: Ah-ha. From the family?
Marina: And each other.
Mallet: Oh. Oh.
Marina: No, it’s... it's good. I mean, it's like a real football timeout. We each go back to our respective sides until we can come up with our next play. I'm actually going back to him now. I just want to drop this off.
Mallet: Hmm. What are you doing? I was going to order turkey lo mien.
Marina: Eww! They actually make that?
Mallet: Yes, they do, on Thanksgiving, and it's very, very special.
Marina: (Laughs) That's disgusting! Look in the bag.
Mallet: "Look in the bag!" What do we got in the bag? Oh, you brought the good stuff.
Marina: Yeah. And there's extra pie in there, too. Double-shift, I figured you can use the energy.
Mallet: Oh. Wow! Thank you. Thank you.
Marina: No problem. I will see you later, part... friend.
Mallet: It's okay, you can say it: Partner. You can say it. It's all right. You'll be back.
Marina: I'll be back. Yeah, I'll be back. Okay, eating Thanksgiving dinner alone is sad.
Mallet: Well, I'm not going to share my yams.
Marina: That's all right. I... I lost my appetite hours ago.
Mallet: You just going to sit here and watch me eat?
Marina: Yeah. You got a problem with that?
Mallet: No.
Cyrus: The cranberry sauce...
Harley: So easy.
Cyrus: Yeah, but the sweet potatoes...
Harley: Store-bought.
Cyrus: Wait, you pulled them out of that casserole dish!
Harley: (Laughs) Mm-hmm!
Cyrus: Or you took it out of a box and then put them in a dish?
Harley: No! I bought them in the dish, and then I warmed them up in the microwave for that fresh... that home flavor. (Laughs)
Cyrus: That's classy. (Laughs) Oh. I'm really sorry that I screwed up what you were trying to do today, getting your family together.
Harley: You and I are the ones who have the most to be thankful for anyway.
Cyrus: Yeah. The beer. (Laughter)
Harley: I'll tell you, all that time trapped in that building, trapped under that building, I never saw you snap like that.
Cyrus: Hmm. Not the best way to score points with your girlfriend's father.
Harley: Well, you pretty much fumbled that one.
Cyrus: Yeah. Well, I hate that game, anyway. Tell your boys they can keep the football.
Harley: Well, you probably want to get back to Marina.
Cyrus: Or I could stay here with you.
Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. You don't get to smack me down and then just walk away.
Lizzie: Oh, why not?
Bill: It's Thanksgiving.
Lizzie: So what?
Bill: Well, I don't know. Don't I get a say?
Lizzie: No, you don't get a say.
Bill: Why not?
Lizzie: Every time I'm nice to you, I get screwed.
Bill: Really? Every time?
Lizzie: Eww. I'm talking about what happened on Main Street and what you did to Billy. Great way to treat your dad, by the way.
Bill: Oh, look, how is your relationship with your dad these days, hmm?
Lizzie: What did Billy do to you?
Bill: You don't know the whole story.
Lizzie: Then tell me! You know, or don't tell me, because I don’t... I don't care, okay? Today's a really hard day for me.
Bill: Is that right? Why?
Lizzie: You should know. You read my diary.
Bill: Not the whole thing. I left out the boring parts. What is it, your family?
Lizzie: No, it's not my family. They've been great. Actually, I stopped by to see them, and then I spent the rest of my day with your family. And they're doing just great without you, in case you were wondering.
Bill: Great. I wasn’t.
Lizzie: You have no idea how lucky you are. If I had a fam... what?
Bill: You want to stick around?
Lizzie: (Scoffs) Why? So you can use me again?
Bill: Do you want me to use you again?
Lizzie: No, I don’t.
Bill: No? Okay.
Lizzie: No, I don’t. Ugh.
Bill: You can use me.
Lizzie: You know, I used to be just like you, just really selfish and manipulative. And you want to know where that's going to get you?
Bill: Running Lewis?
Lizzie: Alone on Thanksgiving.
Billy: Hey, Will, why don't you come on up here for a second? Now, how about if I give you a crash course in American football?
Will: I like baseball.
Billy: Yeah. Well, but, you know, my son Bill was about your age when I taught him to throw a really good spiral and...
Will: Can I go now?
Billy: Yeah, why don't you?
Jeffrey: Shouldn't you be carving a turkey or something?
Josh: Can you talk?
Jeffrey: You've got a minute before Reva wonders where I am. What's going on?
Josh: You said that you took care of the Edmund problem.
Jeffrey: Yes.
Josh: But you didn't say what that means.
Jeffrey: It means I took care of it. It means Edmund won't be bothering Cassie.
Josh: Is he still breathing?
Jeffrey: Don't worry, Reverend, we haven't had to go that far, yet.
Edmund: So, how long do you plan on keeping me this way?
Roc: Until Jeffrey says he's done with you.
Edmund: Ah. So, where's our friend Jeffrey, anyway?
Roc: He's enjoying a little Thanksgiving.
Edmund: Really? Good for him. So, what's the big plan? Put a scare in me? Threaten to kill me and then run me out of town?
Roc: Nope. I played some ball myself.
Edmund: Really? Do tell.
Roc: Got thrown out of the game. I was too violent.
Marina: God! It's quiet around here.
Mallet: Tryptophan. Tryptophan. I think it slows down criminals.
Marina: Yeah. I wish it did the same thing to my family. Mind if I peek?
Mallet: Uh-uh.
Marina: I'm making everyone miserable, and Cyrus isn't thrilled, either. There was another bike stolen again on Fifth Street?
Mallet: Yeah.
Marina: That makes how many this month?
Mallet: That's like four. I'm still looking for a pattern.
Marina: Jeez. And I think Cyrus, he signed up for this wild, independent, go-get-'em cop-type, and what he got was a girl who likes to call her daddy every night.
Mallet: Wild?
Marina: Have you recovered any of them?
Mallet: Well, what do you mean by wild?
Marina: Focus. The bikes.
Mallet: The bikes. Recovered? No, not yet.
Marina: Do you... do you know if they had new tires? And I'm... I'm wondering if maybe the thief is stealing them for parts, and that's why they're not showing up.
Mallet: No. That's good. Yeah, that's good. I'll think about that, yeah.
Marina: Well, and I'll... you should check the local schools. I don't know, I think it looks like a kid, and kids talk.
Mallet: You know, Cyrus knows he's got it good because he's got you.
Cyrus: I'm not done with that.
Harley: You go. I will finish this.
Cyrus: Drink your own.
Harley: You don't even want to stay. You're just pretending because you feel sorry for me because I'm a big, fat divorcee who's drinking her Thanksgiving dinner.
Cyrus: Well, I haven't been divorced. Actually, I'm quite looking forward to it. But if you've survived what we did...
Harley: Oh, I'll survive. Hey, this is my... hmm.
Cyrus: (Laughs)
Harley: Anyway, if you're not staying out of pity, what is it?
Cyrus: I'm hiding.
Harley: From who?
Cyrus: I'm not going home until I know what to do when I get there.
Harley: (Laughs)
Cyrus: When Marina and I first started seeing each other, it was like one big, hot game of cops and robbers. Really hot.
Harley: All right. She's my niece.
Cyrus: Okay! But this Thanksgiving thing?
Harley: You're such a baby. It's once a year!
Cyrus: Pulling off a bank heist is easier than pulling up a chair at your family table.
Harley: Speaking of my family table, the...
Cyrus: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's all right. I'll buy you a new one.
Harley: Thank you.
Cyrus: I mean, it was a big enough leap deciding to spend my life with one person, but she comes with all of you.
Harley: I guess we can be a little overwhelming.
Cyrus: Just a little. I really tried with Frank.
Harley: I thought the tackle was a bit much, but that's just me. Don't feel bad. Gus had trouble fitting in in the beginning, too. And, like you, he... he was all alone before he met me. (Chuckles) And now he has all of these people from his past popping up all over the place.
Cyrus: Hmm, more people, more drama.
Harley: Sometimes it just takes one people, and it doesn't help if she shows up at your door looking like a swimsuit model.
Cyrus: You could take her.
Harley: (Whispering) See, I think so.
Cyrus: (Whispering) Yes, I think so.
Harley: What are you... right here?
Cyrus: Can we get a couple of tequila shots?
Harley: Oh, no!
Cyrus: Oh, yes!
Harley: Tequila, bad. Me, no!
Cyrus: No, no, no. Tequila, you, good! Here, this for you.
Lizzie: So, you gave away my pie? You gave away my pie! Look, can you go and see if you can find another pumpkin pie, please?
Harley: We've just been tiptoeing around all of this important stuff, you know, and I want to just sit down with him and hash it out, pilgrims and Indians-style, you know.
Lizzie: Harley? I'm sorry, I...
Harley: Hey.
Lizzie: I just wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry. Your Thanksgiving must be ruined forever.
Harley: Oh, my gosh. (Laughs) That's a little dramatic. Does everyone know that my Thanksgiving tanked?
Lizzie: I'm... I'm just saying that I... he could have waited another day. You know, Gus and Natalia getting engaged?
Edmund: Excuse me. Pebbles?
Roc: It's Roc, wise guy.
Edmund: Right. This is just bizarrely cruel. Did you plan on starving me to death? Did you come up with that idea all on your own?
Roc: You're going to sit here till you wipe that smug smile off your face and start to realize that you're in deep trouble, pal.
Edmund: I don't want any trouble.
Roc: Well, it's a little late for that.
Edmund: I haven't done anything.
Roc: You've been causing trouble for people who mean a lot to my friend Jeffrey. So, when Jeffrey returns here, you're going to do what he says one way or the other.
Josh: Okay. All right. Just... now that I know what the plan is... I have to go.
Bill: Hey, there he is! Uncle Josh, how are you doing? Happy Thanksgiving.
Josh: Happy Thanksgiving? That's all you're going to say?
Bill: I brought pumpkin pie?
Josh: Bill...
Bill: What?
Josh: I... I'm not sure you're welcome here. Hey, come on, you come back into town, you humiliate your father, Lizzie Spaulding, you bring a pie, and you think everything's going to be okay?
Bill: I did what I had to, to prove a point.
Josh: You outed your father as a drunk, you jeopardized the company. What point, exactly, were you trying to prove?
Bill: It's Thanksgiving, okay. Are you going to let me in or not?
Billy: Let him in.
Will: Mom, why won't R.J. come out of his room?
Cassie: Honey, R.J. is going through a really rough time right now. But don't you worry, he's going to come around. (Cell phone ringing) Did you just beep?
Will: I've got a message.
Cassie: I cannot believe I agreed to get you that thing. Who is calling you on Thanksgiving?
Will: Oh, it's a friend. It's a text.
Cassie: (Laughs) I'm sure it is. Wow! I'm glad you're making friends at school, honey, but five minutes because it's still a family holiday.
Will: I want my family!
Cassie: Sweetie, we... we're all right here.
Will: Uncle Edmund isn’t.
Cassie: (Sighs)
Marina: All right, so I'm going to head out, make sure Cyrus hadn't called Immigration and begged to be deported.
Mallet: That's the spirit.
Marina: I think I have the right to be a little cynical.
Mallet: You know, Cyrus loves you.
Marina: How did that get in there?
Mallet: How did that get in there?
Marina: I don't know! Whatever.
Mallet: Bye.
Marina: You know, I came in here, and... and I just started talking about me, me, me, and I never asked about you.
Mallet: Well, let's put it this way...
Marina: How are you?
Mallet: Let's just talk about you, you, you.
Marina: Mallet, there could still be hope. Maybe you and Dinah can catch up for a late-night turkey sandwich somewhere.
Mallet: Yeah, I don't know. I think I've had my fill.
Marina: I don't believe you.
Mallet: Well, I miss her, and I'll always love her, but I just... I can't play her games anymore. I think next time I get involved with someone, I'd like to... would like it to be somebody that I don't always have to chase, you know? Someone who just shows up.
Marina: I miss this.
Mallet: Yeah, yeah, the cases.
Marina: The company. Happy Thanksgiving, partner.
Mallet: Happy Thanksgiving.
Lizzie: What, he didn't even give you a heads up? I mean, I don't want to call him a jerk, but I only know because they went to visit my Aunt Alex-- who is alone today, by the way.
Cyrus: Go.
Lizzie: I... I don't even like her ring. Yours is so much prettier.
Harley: He bought her a ring?
Lizzie: A total rebound ring.
Harley: A ring takes time and effort.
Cyrus: That place is crawling with jewelry. He probably just picked something up off the floor.
Harley: He got her a ring, and she said yes.
Lizzie: I don't know what else she would say.
Cyrus: I work for Harley now.
Lizzie: Okay, well, I think this trumps that.
Cyrus: Well, we're having a business meeting.
Lizzie: On Thanksgiving?
Cyrus: Yeah, I get paid double.
Lizzie: Oh, you know your wife says hello.
Cyrus: Thank you, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Okay, I am waiting for a pie.
Cyrus: Goodbye.
Lizzie: Harley, I'm really sorry. I know what it's like to lose your whole family.
Cyrus: Goodbye, Lizzie!
Lizzie: I need a pumpkin pie!
Cyrus: She doesn't know what she's talking about. It may not even be true. And guys, they... they chat up girls all the time, promise marriage, give rings to them just to get them off their backs. This is all talk, and you don't know that she's actually telling the truth. So, I wouldn't put any value on it.
Cassie: Your Uncle Edmund is fine. We can call him tomorrow, okay?
Will: He's the only one left I can see. My dad's gone.
Josh: What's wrong?
Cassie: He wants to see Edmund.
Josh: (Laughs) Wait, Will, Will, we've got a big night planned here. I mean, your Cousin Bill, he brought some pie.
Will: I'm full.
Josh: Well, maybe we'll watch a... a holiday movie later on on TV, huh?
Cassie: Or, you know what? We could get started on your list for Santa.
Josh: I think that's a fine idea.
Cassie: Yeah. I know we can't keep caving.
Josh: Cassie, Cassie...
Cassie: But this will be his last Thanksgiving with him.
Josh: No, no, no. He's got to learn. Listen, he's been living in a country where there is no Thanksgiving.
Cassie: Okay, look, Edmund knows that I want him to leave. But as long as he's here, Will is going to want to see him. So I'll just take him. I'll just take him for a for minutes. --A few minutes.
Josh: This is not a good idea.
Cassie: I have to do it. I have to do it, Josh. Will... Will, get your coat.
Will: We're going?
Josh: Yeah. We're all going.
Harley: Oh, my God! I'm so embarrassed. I cannot believe I just did that. Uh, I hope we don't throw up-- not the kiss; the tequila! I said it was a bad idea. Yes, I told you! Good thing that bartender wasn't standing there. I probably would have kissed him, too.
Cyrus: You had too much to drink, and then the... the Gus thing. You were just upset, so...
Harley: I'm so upset. Yes, it's the Gus and Natalia thing. It's just...
Cyrus: Yeah, I get that.
Harley: ...The stress from that. What time is it? You should probably meet Marina.
Cyrus: Yeah, I should.
Harley: So, I will call you about the job, your new job, and Marina's new job-- your new jobs.
Cyrus: Yep, I'll tell her.
Harley: And so I'll call you... well, I'll call her and she can call you, and we'll talk.
Cyrus: Okay, all right. So, I'm... I'm going to go.
Harley: Okay.
Cyrus: And you'll call a cab?
Harley: I will call a cab.
Cyrus: Okay, good.
Harley: Yes, that's a very good idea.
Cyrus: All right.
Harley: I'll call a cab. So, good night.
Cyrus: All right. Good night.
Bill: Pumpkin pie. Still your favorite, right?
Billy: You know, I'm having a hard time looking at you, boy. I mean, you've been in town five minutes, and all you've managed to do is hurt people.
Bill: Well, Dad, I'm just trying to get back on my feet, that's all. Okay? You fired me, I'm starting from scratch. This, by the way, not from scratch. Towers.
Billy: Yeah, well, I sent Lizzie over to Towers for pumpkin pie.
Bill: Did you?
Billy: Yeah. Bill, this isn't you.
Bill: Look, let's not make this bigger than it has to be, okay?
Billy: No, wait, wait, wait. It's already big.
Bill: I'm not looking to go to war with you or the family.
Billy: Well, what... what exactly are you looking for?
Bill: Right now?
Billy: Yeah.
Bill: Just a piece of the pie.
Cassie: Will, where are you going?
Will: He's in here!
Josh: Why do you think that?
Cassie: No, honey, this is the wrong room.
Will: No, it isn’t. Uncle Edmund!
Cassie: Sweetie, it says "Do not enter." This is not your Uncle Edmund’s room.
Will: Uncle Edmund! Mom, he's in trouble!
Cassie: Honey, he's not even in there.
Maid: Is everything okay?
Will: My Uncle Ed... my Uncle Edmund’s in there, and he's hurt.
Cassie: He's just confused. We have the wrong room. I'm sorry.
Will: You have to let us in.
Cassie: Could you maybe just let him see that his uncle's not inside?
Maid: It says "Do not enter." It's not a guestroom.
Cassie: I... I know. I'm sorry. He's just confused. He lost his father, and he thinks his uncle's hurt inside.
Maid: I shouldn’t.
Josh: Actually, you know what, Cassie? I think we should just go. Really, you don’t... you don't have to do that.
Will: Where is he?
Josh: Can I use this phone?
Will: Where'd he go?
Cassie: Come here. What are you doing?
Josh: Just a second. Yeah, front desk, please. Yeah, I'm inquiring about a guest that you have here, Edmund Winslow. He's a friend of mine. I would like to know what room he's in. I have his nephew here. Really? I... I didn't know that. Okay. Thank you very much. We have the situation under control. Thank you very much.
Cassie: Well, what's going on?
Josh: We should just go. Come on. Come on. Will... thank you. Your Uncle Edmund checked out yesterday. He left a forwarding address in San Cristobel.
Will: No, he didn't!
Cassie: Will, I don't know what is going on with you.
Josh: I think you just miss your uncle, right? I’ll tell you what? Your mom's going to take you back to the house.
Cassie: Well, what... what about you?
Josh: I'm... I'm going to stick around here just to make sure this is all for real.
Cassie: Let's hope it is.
Josh: Yeah.
Cassie: Okay, Will, let's go.
Josh: I'll see you later.
Jeffrey: What now?
Josh: We have a problem.
Billy: Oh, man!
Bill: Oh, the ref blew the call! That's unbelievable.
Billy: That's not right! It should be first down, Dallas.
Bill: That's unbelievable!
Billy: I think that... I think that ref's a girl. (Laughter) It's not that funny.
Bill: No, it's not. But, you... do you remember when I was playing Pop Warner football?
Billy: Yeah, yeah.
Bill: Yeah, in the Thanksgiving bowl game there?
Billy: Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I taught you how to throw a really good spiral that day.
Bill: You did, you did. But remember the time when mom was there?
Billy: Oh! She got mad at the ref?
Bill: Yes.
Billy: She went running out on the field.
Bill: On the field, yeah.
Billy: Yeah, she got hit in the face.
Bill: In the face. You yelled, "Vanessa, catch that ball with your hands!" (Laughter)
Billy: Hey, what about the peas?
Bill: The frozen peas.
Billy: (Laughs) Your mother had...
Bill: Yes! That lump on her head! Huge! You kept taking pictures of her.
Billy: Oh, that was huge. I did?
Bill: Yes, you did.
Billy: (Laughs)
Bill: She was so mad at you. How could you not remember that? (Laughter)
Billy: Hey, have you been drinking?
Bill: Have you?
Billy: No. No, I haven’t. Oh, I... I don't know what's wrong here. I mean... I just wonder what we can do to fix it. What do you think?
Bill: You want to fix this thing?
Billy: Yeah, I do.
Bill: You're not going to like what I have to say.
Billy: Well, you go ahead and say it anyway.
Bill: (Clears throat) Well, you can start by getting rid of Lizzie Spaulding.
Marina: Hey.
Cyrus: Hey. Are you all right?
Marina: It's kind of late.
Cyrus: Yeah. I went out for some drinks.
Marina: Alone?
Cyrus: No. I ran into Harley at Towers.
Marina: Oh, okay.
Marina/Cyrus: I'm sorry.
Cyrus: I should never have got into it with your dad.
Marina: No. I'm sorry that he dug into you like that.
Cyrus: Well, then, I... I went... I walked out like that.
Marina: It's my fault for making you go.
Cyrus: It's not your fault. Look, we can go on like this all night, but that's not what I want.
Harley: What am I doing? (Knocking on door) Oh, Cassie, hi!
Cassie: Oh, happy Thanksgiving!
Harley: Hi. Happy Thanksgiving.
Cassie: I hope we're not interrupting.
Harley: No, no. Please come in. Hey, Will, how's it going?
Cassie: He's kind of having a tough night tonight. He found out that his Uncle Edmund left town.
Harley: Wow! Oh, that's a surprise. Wow.
Cassie: So I was hoping that maybe, you know, he could hang out with Zach, and then we'd cheer him up.
Harley: I'm sorry. The boys are at their grandpa’s.
Cassie: Dang! We should have called first.
Harley: No, no, no. It's okay. Actually, we've got that game, that video game that you guys like, the one with the... the lasers and the aliens.
Will: Can I, Mom?
Cassie: Sure, if Harley says it's okay.
Harley: Yeah, go ahead. It's up in Zach’s room. Can I make you some coffee?
Cassie: No, no, no. I don't need a thing.
Harley: I could certainly use some.
Cassie: I have been trying not to look too happy in front of him, but it's like my wishbone wish came true. Edmund got the hint, he got the message, and he left town! You don’t... you don't look very good. Are you feeling okay?
Harley: I don't know what I'm feeling.
Josh: Mr. Hoover, it's Josh Lewis.
Roc: Did Jeff tell you? We had a little change of plans. He got to my cell phone. It won't happen again.
Josh: Hello, Edmund. Happy Thanksgiving.
Roc: Do you want to talk with him or at him?
Josh: With him will be fine.
Edmund: Thought this was all Jeffrey’s doing. Wow. They're going to let you be a minister?
Josh: No, it's okay. I'm just a man protecting my family, Edmund.
Edmund: What have I done to your family, Josh, since I've been here, other than get Cassie her son back?
Josh: You threatened to expose Cassie’s secret. You've tried to blackmail me, and you've been talking to Will.
Edmund: I didn't give the boy a cell phone.
Josh: Don't do it again.
Roc: Jeff says while he's gone, you call the shots. How do you want me to do this?
Josh: Has he been cooperating?
Roc: No. He's not looking to leave any time soon.
Josh: Okay. I think you should continue to baby-sit him until Jeffrey’s plan can be put into action.
Edmund: Plan? What... what plan?
Bill: You're kicking me out?
Billy: Yeah, as long as you keep bad-mouthing Lizzie, I am.
Bill: Dad, she cannot be worth all this trouble.
Billy: Man, you have no idea what that girl is worth. She saved my butt plenty of times.
Lizzie: Do you know somebody took my pie?!
Bill: You're going to choose her over your own son?
Billy: Doesn't have to be a choice.
Bill: Well, it looks like you already made it.
Billy: Okay, look, stop fussing like an eight-year-old over football. Just grow up, okay?
Bill: You noticed, huh?
Billy: Yeah, I did. Good. Now, get out!
Marina: Mm. Almost midnight.
Cyrus: What's at midnight?
Marina: Thanksgiving will finally be over.
Cyrus: Oh, I'll give thanks for that.
Marina: I think it's going to be better now.
Cyrus: Yeah?
Marina: Yeah. Everything will be better with my family and us, those new jobs Harley gave us. The three of us working together, it's going to be great.
Cassie: Yeah, I wasn't going to ask about that.
Harley: Yeah. Cyrus said he'd replace it. What is that? Why does he keep popping up in my conversations? Why does he keep popping up in my head?
Cassie: I don't know. Edmund's been popping up in my head like that lately. It sure doesn't mean anything. Unless it does.
Harley: I think I might have feelings for him. I don't know what they are. I... and I hate myself for feeling it. I hate myself for saying it.
Cassie: Because of Marina?
Harley: Of course. She's not just somebody else. That's my Marina. Maybe... you know, he's with her, so he's around all the time. And, you know, we went through some heavy life and death stuff together, so I'm... I'm thinking about him because I'm thinking about what happened. Because something happened, you know. When you're 99% sure you're going to die...
Cassie: Sure, I know. I... I wrote my goodbye on the tower wall, but, you know, I was alone.
Harley: I couldn't have done it if I was alone.
Cassie: Harley?
Harley: Cassie... I couldn't have done it without Cyrus. Am I lonely? Is that what this is? Is it... is it loneliness because I'm missing Gus? And so I'm thinking about a man, any man, to just distract me.
Cassie: So these feelings, whatever they are, just try not to stress yourself out about it because, most likely, they're just going to go away.
Harley: (Laughs) You're right.
Cassie: Will, pack it up. Time to go.
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