Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/21/07
Provided by
Proofread by Tanya
[Music playing]
Zach: Hi, Mom!
Jude: Hi, Mom!
Harley: Nut cups! Did I forget the nut cups? Wow... what do you guys think of the table?
Zach: Fancy.
Harley: Fancy, right? Yeah, I thought fancy would be nice for a change. What do you think?
Zach: Sure.
Jude: Sure. Can I have a drumstick?
Harley: Yes, when we have dinner. Come here. Come sit up here. I have a job for you. Finally we're going to put out the place cards. This year I made a list here for you with all of the names of our guests. See, and we're going to write those on here. And then all mommy has to do is figure out where to put everybody so we don't kill one another.
Cyrus: I know what I'm thankful for.
Marina: Hmmm, maybe they won't miss me.
Cyrus: Are you going to give up all that food, all of that quality family time?
Marina: Let me think about it. Dinner with my father, who continues to try to have you deported, or stay here with you?
Cyrus: Mmm. Well, we do our version of Thanksgiving in March, so you and I can celebrate then. Right now you belong at Harley’s.
Marina: I hate this new, noble you.
Cyrus: Who's noble? If I went with you, I'd probably end up smashing something over your father's head.
Marina: Sounds good to me. I'll see you later, pilgrim.
Cyrus: Oh, uh, Marina, give Harley my best, okay?
Marina: I will. Bye.
Cyrus: Good-bye.
Buzz: You can always give it back to her, you know?
Frank: It's not up to me.
Buzz: You know, Frank, I don't know who has more pride, you or your daughter.
Frank: Don't you have some place to be?
Buzz: Yeah, Harley’s, and you're coming with me.
Frank: No, I don't think so. Pop, I'm swamped here, all right?
Buzz: No, I don't think so, Frank. You're coming with me. What, are you still mad at Harley because she sided with Cyrus and Marina?
Frank: Look, all I'm saying is, if I have to sit around and make nice... I'll end up throwing the mashed potatoes.
Buzz: Oh, I see, yeah. Well, everyone is supposed to put aside their differences today, except for Chief Cooper. I brought you a tie, Frank. And I wouldn't throw mashed potatoes at Harley’s. You know, those lumps could be lethal weapons.
(Knock on the door)
Coop: Ashlee, I've got the car downstairs.
Ashlee: Okay. Okay.
Coop: Wow, I'm going to need a bigger car.
Ashlee: Well, I couldn't come to Harley’s empty-handed.
Coop: (Laughing) Yeah. No chance of that, huh?
Ashlee: Well, not after everything you're family's done for me, you know.
Coop: Well, you know what my family needs most of all right now? You.
Ashlee: Oh, well, I think you're just prejudice.
Coop: True, but, look, Marina hates Frank right now, and Frank hates Marina and Harley. And Harley and Gus are splitting up, and Daisy and Rafe aren't even talking to each other, so the whole--
Ashlee: Okay, okay, stop. That's enough. That's enough, really. You're making the Cooper’s sound like Doris and me. Here.
Coop: So, are you going to miss her today?
Ashlee: Don't laugh, but, yes, a little.
Coop: Okay. Well, we can always bring her a leftover bag.
Ashlee: Yeah, I'm sure she'd love that. (Laughs)
Coop: (Laughs) Okay. True. Well, we have a party to save...
Ashlee: Yeah.
Coop: And, plus, I am ready to show you off. So we must go, all right?
Ashlee: (Laughs)
Gus: Thanks.
Natalia: (Laughing)
Gus: You know, next year we're going to have our own Thanksgiving.
Natalia: I thought we were living in the moment?
Gus: Well, we are. That's what we're doing.
Natalia: Okay. So go to Harley’s and be there for the boys.
Gus: I don't really feel right about it while you're waiting on tables.
Natalia: Nothing wrong with waiting tables. Feeding people makes them happy.
Gus: I understand that. I'm not -- I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that there is a proposal on another table.
Natalia: Uh-huh. And there's a ring in the drawer. And that's where it's going to stay.
Gus: Really? It's going to stay there until you say yes.
Natalia: No. Until you know that this is truly the last Thanksgiving with Harley.
Rafe: Hey, Mom, when do we go to work?
Gus: Hey, I was just telling your mom that this time next year--
Rafe: I'll get the car.
Gus: Remind me again of what I'm thankful for?
Natalia: Maybe that's what today is for.
Gus: Yeah.
(Music playing)
Harley: All right, guys. Where are we putting your sister?
Zach: You better get her a tray.
Jude: Daisy won't leave her room.
Harley: All right. We can't let her be sad today. Okay? We can't let her or anybody else be sad today. We're a family. We have to enjoy the good times because the bad times are going to come on their own. This is a day that we share with the people we love.
Zach: So we made one more.
Jude: For Marina's boyfriend.
Harley: You know what? Cyrus isn't going to be joining us today.
Daisy: So I guess Marina and I will be the old maids, huh?
Harley: You are not an "old maid," and neither is Marina, and neither am I, for that matter.
Jude and Zach: Ahem! (Laughter)
Harley: Am I? (Zach and Jude clear their throats)
Daisy: (Laughing) I think Itchy and Scratchy over there are trying to tell us that they're the men today.
Harley: Well, I think we can do a lot worse than those two.
Daisy: I think we have done a lot worse than those two.
Harley: I'm going to need you today.
Daisy: I need you, too.
Harley: Okay.
Daisy: Okay? Do you have everything under control?
Harley: Um, I think so. The pies are cooling, the turkey is in the oven keeping warm...
Daisy: What about the sweet potatoes?
Harley: I bought the marshmallows, and I forgot the sweet potatoes.
Daisy: We can skip the calories.
Harley: Sweet potatoes!
Daisy: Who did you kill for that?
Harley: Between me and some gray-haired granny.
Daisy: You didn't!
Harley: Hey, a perfect sweet potato casserole is worth taking out somebody's grandmother for. Besides, she was faking it with the walker.
Daisy: Okay, no offense, but you're slightly insane today.
Harley: Obsessed! A little bit obsessed, I'll give you that. But with everything going on, I need this day to be perfect. And I want everybody to be happy. I just want everybody to be happy. Even if--
Daisy: Even if we're not?
Harley: I-- I'm sorry about Rafe.
Daisy: No. You know, I'm the one who is sorry.
Harley: You don't have to apologize to me.
Daisy: Yeah, I do. I mean, all these years I've been so down on you for what you did when you were my age. Like you were supposed to have all of the answers then.
Harley: I'll tell you something, I am still looking for them.
Daisy: And I get it now, how hard it was for you to give me away.
Harley: Sweetie.
Daisy: You know, you have to make choices, and you don't always know, but you just have to do what you think is best.
Harley: Yeah. What is it about the holidays? You know, you start talking about sweet potatoes, and you end up talking about families and perfect daughters, and love --
Daisy: Okay. We can't get all sappy now.
Harley: I'm allowed.
Daisy: No. We have guests coming. We don't have time for tears.
Man: Where's my dinner?
Natalia: Oh, it's coming, sir. Just a minute.
Maître d': She's new.
Man: Unlike these rolls. They're rocks. Take them away, honey.
Alan: Say "please."
Natalia: Oh, no.
Alan: You know, you're never too old to learn good table manners. Besides, you've had enough free bread.
Man: Who is this guy?
Alan: My name is Alan, and I am your server. Consider yourself served, now get out of here.
Man: Come on, honey.
Alan: Mr. Simon, I would like a word alone with Natalia.
Maître d': Of course, Mr. Spaulding.
Natalia: You did not have to do that.
Alan: If I didn't, I would be home spending a very lonely Thanksgiving by myself. But not anymore.
Gus: Hello, people! Hey, you! I hear there's a free meal in this place. Is that right?
Jude: Mm-hm! Yes!
Gus: Wow.
Harley: Get away from him, boys. Let the man breathe.
Gus: You look, um, great. The whole place looks great.
Harley: Thanks. I love that suit. You look great, too.
Buzz: How do I look?
Daisy: Uh, Zach, Jude, come help me in the kitchen.
Gus: Hey.
Daisy: Hey.
Gus: Uh, Rafe says hello.
Daisy: Did he really say that?
Gus: Yeah.
Daisy: You know, it doesn't matter. Come on. Thanks.
Harley: Daisy, we-- we don't need to be alone. It's okay.
Gus: Well, actually, maybe we could be after dinner?
Harley: Really? It sounds important. You want to give me a clue?
Marina: Hey.
Daisy: Hey.
Harley: Hey, hey, hey.
Daisy: Oh, wow, that's an awesome dress.
Marina: Oh, thank you. I got it for Cyrus.
Daisy: I got this one for Rafe.
Marina: Well, let's put these in water and drown our sorrows in gravy.
Harley: I'll take those, thank you. They're beautiful, Marina.
Marina: Oh, you're welcome. Nothing's too good for the woman who saved Cyrus’s life.
Harley: Wow! There has to be a vase in the kitchen, for these.
Marina: You haven't told her yet, have you?
Gus: I tried to call her like five times yesterday. I'm about to tell her --
Marina: No, no, no, Gus. Not until after. After everything she's put into this meal?
Gus: I can't let her find out from somebody else.
Marina: Tomorrow. Not today.
Frank: Hey, Pop!
Buzz: Frank.
Frank: Hey!
Buzz: Remember...
Frank: What's up, you guys? What?
Buzz: Be thankful.
Gus: Help your aunt out, go talk to your father.
Buzz: Look who's here.
Marina: Hey.
Buzz: Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Marina: Dad...
Frank: Marina...
Buzz: Um, have you and Cyrus filled out the tax forms, because, you know, I could use help this time of year.
Marina: Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I got a pretty great offer. Harley is reopening the detective agency.
Frank: What? She's leaving the job?
Harley: Why don't we, um, talk about that tomorrow?
Buzz: Are you two going to work together?
Marina: Yeah. I can't wait.
Harley: Go. After her. (Knock on the door)
Coop: Hello?
Harley: Hi!
Ashlee: Hi!
Coop: Hey, there she is. Well, just in case you needed some more food --
Harley: Uh-huh. You guys are too much.
Ashlee: Oh, well, come on. You don't have any idea what it's like to be here. I mean, I've never really had a big Thanksgiving.
Frank: This one right here? Your Uncle Frank likes this one because it's really spicy. It's good.
Zach: This one?
Frank: Um, can you guys hold on for a second? So, um, where is he?
Marina: Um, he has a name. It's Cyrus, and as I told you yesterday, he's not coming. So I hope you're happy.
Frank: Oh, well, who should I thank? Harley?
Marina: No, actually, it was his idea. And if you actually got to know him, instead of spending all your time trying to get him out of the country, you might see what I see.
Harley: At the first Thanksgiving they smoked a peace pipe. How about we just play football?
Frank: I think it's going to take a lot more than just football.
Harley: That's actually a gift from Cyrus. Yeah. He said that if we act like a family, maybe we'll remember that we are one. (Grunts)
Frank: Cheese puff?
Marina: If you're offering.
Frank: I-- I can't say I'll ever accept this guy...
Marina: What did you say?
Frank: It's a nice gesture, okay, that he brought the football over for Harley, and he let you come here without him, and...
Marina: No, no, no. Not today, please.
Frank: Look, it's Thanksgiving Day--
Marina: Hey, heads up!
Harley: Ooh! Marina! Not until later. Put that in your room, please.
Marina: That's the spirit. What?
Frank: What I was trying to say is that it's Thanksgiving Day, and that if you want to invite Cyrus over here for dinner--
Marina: Are you serious?
Frank: -- It's okay by me, all right?
Marina: Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!
Frank: Now get out of here before I change my mind.
Buzz: Ooh, you get an extra piece of pie.
Frank: Yeah, well, let's hope I don't choke on it.
Alan: Well, Rafael, you didn't tell me you were going to do this yesterday, son. How's it going?
Rafe: (Laughing) How would you be?
Alan: (Laughing) Well, get busy.
Rafe: Doing what?
Alan: Clear the table. You know, your mother doesn't always know who is best for her, does she?
Rafe: Like?
Alan: Like you and me.
Rafe: Hey, you're working her too hard.
Maître d': Excuse me?
Rafe: My mother. Is this a restaurant or a sweatshop? Okay, because she has rights, too, you know?
Maître d': Okay, look, kid, I gave you a favor by giving you this job.
Rafe: Yeah, some favor.
Maître d': All right, that's it. You're out of here.
Rafe: You can't fire me. I quit.
Natalia: Rafe!
Maître d': I'm sorry, sweetheart. But I don't care who's friend you are--
Natalia: I'm sorry. What do you mean by friend?
Rafe: Come on, Mom, we're out of here.
Alan: Is there a problem here?
Maître d': Look, Mr. Spaulding, this is just not working out.
Natalia: Okay. I just -- I want to finish this shift.
Alan: All right, all right, all right. But I think Mr. Simon owes you an apology, that is, if he wants the Spaulding’s to continue to patronize his restaurant.
Maître d': I'm sorry.
Rafe: I still quit.
Alan: Ms. Rivera will be having Thanksgiving dinner with me. This should cover her station.
Maître d': Yes, Mr. Spaulding.
(Knock on the door)
Harley: I'll get it.
Cyrus: I didn't hear any gunshots.
Harley: I made Frank check his gun at the door.
Cyrus: Good.
Harley: And you? You sure you want to do this?
Cyrus: Well, I wrestled a crocodile once.
Harley: How big was that crocodile?
Cyrus: Pretty big.
Harley: Take a deep breath.
Cyrus: Thanks. Happy Thanksgiving, folks!
Marina: Hey! I saved you a place next to me.
Cyrus: Frank.
Frank: Cyrus. Just so you know, I counted the silverware.
Buzz: Frank!
Harley: Daddy, would you please say something?
Buzz: Yeah.
Harley: Wait. Children, Grandpa's going to say something. Come on.
Buzz: Come on come on. Mush, mush! Come on, guys. We're not waiting for you. Come on. Okay, all right. Everybody, let's join hands. Okay? Join hands. Frank, join hands. Everybody? In a way, we have it a lot easier than the Wapannaus and the Pilgrims had it. You know, because they had to get along or they had to die. But we -- we keep a straight face.
Harley: Yes, Daddy.
Buzz: We have cell phones and we have e-mail, and we can hide behind those. But today is an exception. Today we bring all of our gifts and our goof ups to the table. So, in that spirit, teach us to be grateful for what we have, and help us to share our blessings with those less fortunate than we. What?
Harley: What is that?
Buzz: Kids?
Cyrus: I think there's something down there.
Harley: What was it?
Gus: It's a bread roll.
Harley: What?
Cyrus: Either we've got a very strange terrorist, or someone's on a wheat-free diet. (Laughter)
Rafe: Oh! Happy Thanksgiving, Dad!
Gus: You've been celebrating, huh?
Rafe: My freedom.
Gus: Uh huh. Why? Why aren't you at your job?
Rafe: Huh
Gus: Your job.
Rafe: I quit.
Daisy: Rafe.
Gus: Oh, there she is, my little sweet flower. Wait, oh, you got room for one more?
Daisy: You want to be with me?
Rafe: With you? With your whole sweet family, huh? If it's good enough for my daddy, it's good enough for me.
Gus: All right. Let's take a little walk.
Rafe: You want to get rid of me, huh, Pop?
Daisy: Maybe if he comes in and has something to eat.
Rafe: I had turkey. Hey.
Harley: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the matter?
Gus: Nothing, nothing.
Rafe: No, what's the matter? What's the matter is all this family stuff, okay? It's all these programs and prayers and stuff.
Daisy: Rafe, please.
Rafe: What? No, it's all a crock. I'll tell you what you're really praying. "Thank God we got ours and screw everybody else."
Gus: Okay, let's go, come on.
Rafe: Hey, I don't want to take you away from your family.
Buzz: You need help, there?
Gus: No, he's my kid, I got it. It's fine.
Cyrus: No one said you couldn't, mate.
Gus: Now listen, everybody, sorry. Dinner's getting cold. Go eat.
Buzz: Well, I think we ought to listen to the man. Let's eat.
Alan: This Thanksgiving, I am very grateful that you and Rafe
Natalia: Same here.
Alan: You know something? I think Gus is an absolute fool. He thinks he can keep you waiting around forever while he makes up his mind, while some of us already have.
Harley: All right, I'll say it. He was tanked.
Daisy: He was upset.
Marina: I don't blame him.
Frank: Come on, you guys. The guy quit his job, he got drunk and he crashed the party.
Buzz: Frank, he's family, too.
Coop: He's Gus' family, which is exactly where he should be today.
Ashlee: Wait. Are you saying we shouldn't mix with the enemy? Then what am I doing here?
Coop: Look, you're not the enemy.
Ashlee: Oh, just my mom.
Coop: No. That's not what I'm saying at all.
Marina: No, I'm with Ashlee. Okay, Coop? What is this? I feel like you're trying to make us choose sides.
Frank: That sounds like a plan.
Daisy: He had to work today, so did his mom. You guys put yourself in his place for a second.
Cyrus: Daisy's right, he was just blowing off some steam.
Frank: Of course you would stand up for him.
Marina: Oh, here we go.
Buzz: Would somebody pass the damn cranberries?
Harley: Okay. I can see there's only one way to save this party. Zach, Jude, could you get the football? Cooper Bowl.
Buzz: Okay, all right. I pick Cyrus. Well, it's your ball.
Frank: All right, I take Marina.
Harley: Okay, Ashlee, you're with my dad and Coop you go with Frank.
Buzz: We're the Buzz Bears.
Frank: Come here, Jude, you're one of Frank's Falcons. Come here, big man. Absolutely!
Harley: Daisy...
Daisy: I don't feel like it.
Harley: Come on, you could be one of Buzz's Bears, I'll be one of Frank's Falcons. Please do this for me. Please, please. Come on! Come on! Let's go! Come on! (Thunder rumbling) Oh, no.
Daisy: Rainout.
Ashlee: A rainout?
Coop: Well, there goes the Cooper Bowl.
Harley: Over my dead body! I mean... um, all we have to do is move the furniture. Just move the furniture. And please move all the stuff that's breakable.
Zach: Football in the house? Cool! (Shouting)
Ashlee: Bring it on! Bring it on!
Coop: Come on, now.
Ashlee: Sorry!
Frank: Go, honey, go!
Cyrus: I got ya! (Shouting) (applause) Go! Touchdown!
Frank: Yeah, Jude! Defense! Defense! Defense...
Cyrus: Goal!
Ashlee: Touchdown!
Cyrus: Touchdown! Ho, ho, ho.
Frank: Of course you cheated.
Marina: It wasn't cheating.
Buzz: Frank, lighten up, it's just the old bread basket.
Cyrus: Where's your sense of humor, mate?
Frank: You think this is funny? You think you're setting a good example for these kids, do you?
Coop: Come on, Frank.
Cyrus: What's the matter, Frank? Hate to see another guy score? Here, you might get lucky.
Frank: You think you've got everyone fooled, don't you?
Harley: It's just a game.
Frank: No, everything is a game to him.
Cyrus: Not everything. Apologize to Harley.
Frank: Excuse me?
Harley: Don't, Cyrus, don’t.
Cyrus: See how much trouble she's gone to, see how important this day is to her? Tell her you're sorry.
Frank: I'm sorry you're not eating Thanksgiving Day dinner on a plastic tray in a prison.
Cyrus: All right, Aussie rule.
Coop: No! Wait! (Glass breaking)
Gus: Drink it.
Rafe: Go back to your party with your ex-wife, if she is your ex-wife.
Gus: Rafe, listen to me. You're my son, I love you, but you are not the only kid in my life. Okay? I helped raise Zach and Jude and I'm not going to turn my back on them. You just need to understand this.
Rafe: You're an excuse.
Gus: Really? And me bringing home to sober you up, is that just an excuse to be with your mother? I don't think so. I don't work that way.
Rafe: Oh, you work both ways all right? And maybe that's cool for Harley but that's not good enough for my mom.
Gus: Rafe, I know difference between a real family and a fake family, a pretend family, which this often times is. But I haven't given up hope for us.
Rafe: Us?
Gus: Us, yes, us. You, me, your mom, us. If I didn't know that before, today I did sitting at the Thanksgiving table. I was sad for some of the things that I've lost in my life, but I was always something else, I was hopeful. Hopeful for what we could be.
Rafe: There is no "we."
Natalia: Well, you're wrong. Is that proposal still on the table?
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: Okay. Well, then the answer is yes.
Buzz: Stop it! Frank, Frank, stop it! This is great! This is beautiful, just how the day's supposed to go. Frank, that's terrific.
Coop: Back off, both of you.
Cyrus: I knew this would never work.
Marina: It's not your fault.
Cyrus: Harley, I'm sorry, I should never have come.
Marina: Cyrus...
Frank: You know, Marina, when are you going to see him for what he really is?
Harley: What about you, Frank? What a great day! First Rafe shows up, he's drunk throwing muffins and now you...
Daisy: It's not the same! Rafe's in pain.
Harley: I assure you, there is enough pain to go around. I just thought that maybe today...
Daisy: You thought that a pretty table and nice food and us holding hands was going to solve everything.
Harley: That's not true. Daisy...
Marina: You and I, we're talking.
Frank: Oh, you want to talk to me?
Harley: Guys, come on. Come here. Grown-ups. Daddy, can't you do something?
Buzz: I saved the pie.
Coop: Make a wish. Well?
Ashlee: I got what I wished for.
Gus: Natalia, will you-- with the blessing of our son-- will you marry me?
Natalia: Rafe?
Rafe: You're asking me?
Natalia: Yes or no?
Rafe: I don’t... yeah.
Natalia: He said yes. So yes. (cell phone ringing)
Rafe: Hello? Yeah, I'm there. You okay?
Daisy: Do you care?
Rafe: I'm here, right? Oh, forget it, never mind.
Daisy: Wait. Before, when you were at the house...
Rafe: I know. I was a jerk.
Daisy: No. You were wonderful.
Rafe: I was?
Daisy: You were saying all these things I wish I could say, but I can’t.
Rafe: I was... I was drunk.
Daisy: Was?
Rafe: Maybe people deserve another chance.
Daisy: People like me? I've missed you so much.
Rafe: I've missed you, too.
Daisy: Can you miss something you never had?
Rafe: The baby?
Daisy: I mean, I wouldn't change anything because I can't, but I was with Beth and she's out to here and she's so happy! And I just started wondering...
Rafe: I think... I think about it, too.
Daisy: I mean, even if I made the right decision for me, for us, I mean, there's still this empty feeling.
Rafe: It never goes away. And I guess it never should. And all you can do is...
Coop: You know, we could still have a celebration of our own.
Ashlee: Uh, rain check?
Coop: I don't blame you. Nothing like a good old family fight to get you out of the mood, huh?
Ashlee: Well, that and I can't stop thinking about Doris because she's all alone, no one to spend the holiday with it. At least I can call her.
Coop: True. She's lucky to have you.
Ashlee: Thank you. But she's the only mother I got, so...
Coop: This is true. This is true. Okay, fine.
Ashlee: Tomorrow?
Coop: A date.
Ashlee: Good.
Coop: All right.
Ashlee: Mother.
Doris: Do you see the printout of the fourth district?
Ashlee: Mom, it's Thanksgiving, give it a rest.
Doris: Let me guess, the Cooper’s held hands and said prayers and little blue birds rested on their shoulders.
Ashlee: Well, yes, yes, two out of three. You got it. , I brought you some leftovers.
Doris: Oh, I don't need any leftovers, Ashlee.
Ashlee: You're eating it, whether I have to force you and gag you with the pie in your mouth and you’re choking.
Doris: Oh, stop it. Stop it.
Ashlee: Here we go. (Gobbles like turkey)
Doris: They had nut cups?
Ashlee: Harley went out all, Mom. Come on, try it, it's good. Uh-huh.
Doris: It's not bad.
Ashlee: And wait until you taste the apple pie. Look, here, this one's pumpkin. Here.
Doris: Oh, my God.
Ashlee: Happy Thanksgiving, Mom.
Harley: I didn't order another drink.
Man: Compliments of the gentleman.
Harley: Just what I need.
Cyrus: It was the gentleman part that threw you, wasn't it?
Harley: So who'd have thought that being buried under a ton of bricks would be easier than a simple Thanksgiving dinner?
Cyrus: I'm sorry about your table.
Harley: Oh, please. It was just a pile of junk-- like everything else in that house.
Cyrus: Well, you made it a home.
Harley: I tried.
Cyrus: You shouldn't be here wasting your holiday with me.
Harley: It's not a waste.
Take it on faith take it on love
take it any way you get it who wants to be alone
try letting go, try letting go only love can save the world
only love can save the world only love can save the world
only love can save the world only love
you'll never know until you try
open your heart, let your spirit fly
only love can save the world. Only love can save the world
only love can save the world only love can save the world only love
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