GL Transcript Tuesday 11/20/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/20/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Dylan: Daisy? Are you in there? Hello! Daisy!

Daisy: Hey.

Dylan: Can you turn that down?

Daisy: Oh, yeah, sure. Okay. Um, which of these sounds better? "As your student council vice president, I want to encourage you all to participate in the upcoming charity event," or... "Hey, losers, you need to get out there and volunteer."

Dylan: Um, they're both nice?

Daisy: I think I like the first one better. It's more like presidential or something. I'm making this speech at our pep rally next week, and I want to sound like I know what I'm talking about. Why are you staring at me like that?

Dylan: She's back, folks.

Alan: You're late.

Rafe: You're lucky I'm even here. I got grounded.

Alan: Grounded, huh? By your mother?

Rafe: What do you think?

Alan: Gus, huh?

Rafe: I cut class, and the guy freaks out. He's not here the first 17 years of our lives, and he thinks he can make up for it? So, you going to rat on me?

Alan: Of course not. I'm on your side.

Gus: Delivery! We have a delivery for a one Ms. Rivera.

Natalia: I did not order anything.

Gus: Oh, are you sure? This is a cinnamon roll if I'm not mistaken.

Natalia: Mm! From Halber's?

Gus: Where else? Take it easy. He's still working.

Natalia: No, I cannot accept this very expensive gift from you.

Gus: Really? Well, how about my other gift?

Natalia: Gus.

Gus: I just wanted you to know that I will wait for as long as you need me to.

Natalia: I know you will.

Gus: But that doesn't mean I'm going to wait to show you how I feel. See? So if you don't mind, I just thought maybe it'd be really nice to tell you that for Thanksgiving-- that it would be nice for all of us to spend Thanksgiving together, you, me, and Rafe. What do you say?

Natalia: You'll have to find him first.

Gus: What do you mean, find him?

Natalia: He took off. I know you grounded him, but it just did not stick. I don't know where he is, and I've never seen him like this before.

Gus: I'll, I'll make that right. But I think this will be a really nice Thanksgiving.

Natalia: Okay.

Waiter: You're not supposed to pay.

Marina: Did my Grandpa Buzz tell you that? No, no, no. Here.

Frank: Oh, that's okay. I've got it covered. Don't argue with me. Just keep that. You're out of work.

Marina: Gee, I wonder how that happened.

Frank: Well, I didn't cause you to lose your badge.

Marina: No, Dad, but you certainly didn't help.

Frank: Are we just going to keep doing this?

Marina: I don't know. Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving.

Frank: That's your favorite holiday.

Marina: Well, my second favorite, after my birthday.

Frank: Your birthday. Of course. You know we're due to crush Coop and Harley in touch football.

Marina: Well, after last year's massacre, we should. I don't think there's going to be much of a game this year, Dad. I should probably go.

Frank: Marina. I can't keep doing this, honey. I love you, and I miss you.

Marina: I miss you, too.

Alexandra: Yes, I think I said the very same thing to myself, you know. But you really don't fool me. You don't have to deny it because I do know better. You've got a thing for Cyrus.

Harley: You're crazy.

Alexandra: Possibly.

Harley: Alex, Cyrus and I are...

Alexandra: Are what, dear?

Harley: Friends. That's what we are. We are friends. We worked together looking for Marina, and we-- yes-- became close.

Alexandra: Close? Well, there's a loaded word.

Harley: We were trapped in a building together that collapsed on us, and we almost died. So, yes, we have a bond. I think anybody would. But Cyrus is in love with my niece, and she's in love with him. So even if I did have feelings for him, which I don't, what kind of person would I be if I acted on them?

Alexandra: Well, I guess that would depend on what happened in that building.

Daisy: And this is the poster for the shoe drive that we're doing. Because, I mean, people have like, what, 20 pairs of shoes in their closet they don't even wear, right? If we can collect them all up and give them to families who need them...

Dylan: You know what? You're incredible. You are.

Daisy: Oh, no, it's not that big a deal.

Dylan: It is. It is absolutely a big deal, yeah.

Daisy: Well, I mean, after lying in bed for two weeks crying and thinking my life was over, I just figured I have to get on with it, you know? I will do something that means something. I should not let that choice mean everything. I can't let it, you know, define me. I can't do what Rafe’s doing.

Dylan: What's Rafe doing?

Daisy: He just... he can't get past it. It changed him. The abortion changed him. And I don't know how to get him back.

Alan: Why don't you order the escargot? It tastes very good, as long as you don't think about what you're eating.

Rafe: Fine.

Alan: You know something, Rafe? It's none of my business, but I don't like the way your father is treating you these days.

Rafe: You don't?

Alan: No. He's being extremely hard on you, and it seems as if he's trying to make some kind of a point.

Rafe: Well, I did skip class.

Alan: Yeah, you did skip class, but Harley’s children also made a lot of mistakes. He never disciplined them the way he's been disciplining you.

Rafe: Yeah, well, he's a cop, right? It's like in his blood, or whatever.

Alan: Yeah, whatever. By the way, did your mother tell you where you would be spending tomorrow, Thanksgiving?

Rafe: No. I haven’t... I haven't really seen her.

Alan: I've asked cook to prepare a very special Thanksgiving meal for you, your mother, and me. I'm assuming that Gus will be spending his Thanksgiving with Harley and her family?

Rafe: I don't know.

Alan: Of course you don’t. You never know which family your father's going to choose, you and your mother or Harley and her family.

Rafe: You know, I think I'm going to try those snails.

Marina: Then you made that awesome back lateral right before Harley tackled you.

Frank: And who scored the winning touchdown?

Marina: Pretty impressive.

Frank: My little girl? Yup, absolutely.

Marina: For an eight-year-old.

Frank: It was.

Marina: I cried when I got on that plane to go back to mom.

Frank: Me, too. You know, we always made a great team.

Marina: We did. He's not coming tomorrow.

Frank: Cyrus? Okay.

Marina: It doesn't mean that we're not together, and that we don't love each other very much, because we do, more than ever.

Frank: Even after everything that he's done to you?

Marina: No, Dad, he didn't do anything. You're the one who lied and tried to have him deported.

Frank: He let you get kidnapped.

Marina: He searched for me for weeks.

Frank: That's why your badge got taken away from you...

Marina: Dad, that is not what happened!

Frank: So he didn't steal the money from the charity? Right? And made you look like an accomplice? Because, see, that's what I saw. Look, I, I've got to get back to the station.

Cyrus: Hey, Chief, or should I say "Dad"?

Harley: No. Thank you for calling me, Cassie. Are you sure he's all right? Okay. I'm on my way. Tell him I'm on my way. Okay, thanks.

Alexandra: Your son?

Harley: Yes, as if you cared. Jude fell off the swings. He's a little scraped up, but he'll be fine.

Alexandra: Good. Good.

Harley: Have a nice life, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Uh, Harley, hang on a minute. You still didn't answer my question. What did happen in that building?

Harley: We played rock, paper, scissors. In those last few moments, when we thought we were going to die, we played rock, paper, scissors. Do you want to play a few rounds?

Alexandra: You go ahead and protest all you want, but it still doesn't change the look in your eyes.

Harley: Okay, I don't have time for this. I have to go pick up my children. I have to bring them home, and then I have to make Thanksgiving dinner in the next 24 hours, so...

Alexandra: Good look with the dinner. Also good luck with getting Cyrus out of your head.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Hey.

Frank: I have a case to go back to. I will see you at Harley’s.

Marina: Dad, you're actually going to do this? You're just going to walk away from us?

Frank: I have absolutely nothing to say to you, except that you are very, very lucky to be still here.

Marina: Dad.

Cyrus: It's okay, Marina. It's fine. Do you know what you're doing to your daughter? Do you know how your hurting her?

Frank: I'm not the one that's hurting her.

Marina: Well, that was awful.

Cyrus: Well, I thought it was a step up from the last time I saw him.

Marina: How can you even joke? You guys can't even be in the same room together.

Cyrus: Well, that's his fault, Marina, not yours.

Marina: I know, but it doesn't help. I'm just so angry with him, for everything that he has done to you, and to us. He's my dad. And, I don't know, it's silly, and maybe I shouldn't care so much, but...

Cyrus: Well, he's your father.

Marina: Yeah. He's my dad.

Beth: Oh, oh, oh, hold that. Susan?

Daisy: Beth!

Beth: Oh, I'm sorry. You go by "Daisy" now. It's still hard to get used to.

Daisy: It's okay.

Beth: So, um, I was just thinking about you the other day.

Daisy: Oh, yeah? Why?

Beth: I was thinking about your dad, Jim, and thinking how much he would like to see you now.

Daisy: I still miss him so much.

Beth: You're so grown up.

Daisy: Well, I'm still in high school.

Beth: It seems like yesterday we were still shopping for Lizzie for games and dolls when she was in the hospital.

Daisy: Yeah. I don't really remember that too well.

Beth: Oh, you must! I just came across a box with all of that stuff-- with Lizzie’s baby book. And... oh!

Daisy: What's the matter?

Beth: Oh, no nothing. She just kicked, and it was a big one. She's practicing to be a Rockette.

Daisy: Why is this taking so long?

Beth: Did we stop moving?

Daisy: I think so. Come on, open up.

Beth: Ooh, there she goes again.

Daisy: Does she always kick so much?

Beth: Oh, I think sometimes she just senses when something's up.

Daisy: Really?

Beth: No, probably not really. I think you fantasize a lot about your baby when you're pregnant. What's going on in here?

Daisy: I don't know. Should I use the phone thingy?

Beth: Well, yeah, I guess maybe we should, right?

Daisy: Yeah. No harm in calling, right? Hello? Is there anyone there? We're stuck in here. Okay, thanks. We'll be here, obviously. They said they're on their way.

Beth: Okay, good. Oh, oh!

Daisy: Oh! Careful!

Rafe: Isn't it your lunch break?

Natalia: Not until I finish this room. So where were you just now? We were worried.

Rafe: Who? You and Gus?

Natalia: Yes, me and Gus. We're your parents. We worry about you. We don't know where you are. You're supposed to be at home studying.

Rafe: I was with my grandfather, okay? Is that not allowed or something?

Natalia: No. That's allowed. Okay, so, my little angel, what do you think about maybe having Thanksgiving out? We can go out. I hear that Towers is really nice or...

Rafe: Mom, we can't afford that.

Natalia: It's a dinner for me and you and for your father. He just stopped by and asked if we would join him.

Rafe: He did?

Natalia: Uh-huh. Of course he did. He wants to spend the holiday with us.

Rafe: So he's not spending it with Harley?

Natalia: I guess not. So is that a yes?

Rafe: Uh, yeah, I guess so.

Harley: So I guess we're back to just a straight divorce. That's good. We can watch our lawyers strangle each other over who's getting the couch and who's getting the flat-screen TV.

Gus: We never did buy that flat-screen.

Harley: Not that you know about. Hmm. Do you want to come for Thanksgiving? I have tons of food. You know I buy everything in bulk.

Gus: Uh-huh.

Harley: And half of it will probably end up burned, anyway, which is not bad because you're really good for covering for me and pretending that you really like everything. You've had years of practice.

Gus: Uh-huh.

Harley: And half the people are going to be mad at each other, so our pending divorce will seem pretty benign in comparison. And your children will like to see you.

Gus: Well, somebody needs to organize the touch football game, right?

Harley: I think that might be on hold this year. But I'm an idiot. You probably already have plans with Rafe and Natalia, right?

Gus: No, I'll be there.

Harley: Great! You could come early... or late or not at all. But come. ( Laughter ) And you could bring Rafe and Natalia.

Gus: That's nice of you.

Harley: Well, we're family, right? Anyway, I should go. I need to...

Gus: Baste? You have to do that, right?

Harley: Baste! That turkey, that I actually forgot to buy, believe it or not. ( Laughter )

Gus: Are you kidding?

Harley: Yeah, so I've got to get to the store before it closes. I'll see you tomorrow?

Gus: Yeah... I'll see you tomorrow.

Daisy: I thought that I had a bottle of water in there.

Beth: Oh, it's okay. I'm sure that somebody is going to be here soon. Ooh, there she goes again. ( Laughter ) You want to feel?

Daisy: Um... are you sure?

Beth: Hey, I let the guy at the supermarket do it, and I know you a lot better than I know him. Go ahead. She's not going to bite.

Daisy: Oh, no, that's okay. I'm sorry, I guess, um... babies kind of weird me out a little bit.

Beth: Okay. Okay. You don't have to.

Daisy: What's it like?

Beth: What's what like?

Daisy: Being pregnant?

Beth: Well, I guess it's different for everyone every time.

Daisy: What's it like for you?

Beth: Well, the physical stuff, sometimes it's great, sometimes it's not. Just like it was with Lizzie and James. Um, the emotional stuff... well, I guess this time it feels, um, more settled and calmer.

Daisy: Because you're with Rick?

Beth: Yeah. Yeah. You know, Rick is Rick. And, um, I just... I know what I'm going to do to make sure that this little girl has the kind of life every little girl should have. ( Phone rings )

Daisy: Hello? Yeah, we're still here. Yeah, sure. Whenever you get a chance. Not to scare you or anything, but they just asked if we were still here after I answered. Are you okay?

Beth: Yeah. I'm just, um -- just a little woozy, that's all.

Daisy: Maybe we should call someone, 911?

Beth: No, no, no. Um... I'll call somebody to get us out. ( Cell phone rings )

Alan: Beth? What a nice surprise.

Beth: Alan. Oh, I meant to call...

Alan: Is something wrong? Are you and the baby okay?

Beth: Daisy and I are trapped in an elevator at Towers, and no one seems to be coming. So if you could just call...

Alan: I'm on my way. Hang on.

Daisy: Why did you call Alan?

Beth: I, um, called the wrong number.

Daisy: He's okay with helping us?

Beth: He thought the baby was his, so he'd want to protect her.

Daisy: Wow.

Natalia: Hey.

Gus: Hey. I'm glad you're here. I want to... we have to talk about Thanksgiving.

Natalia: I told Rafe about it. He seemed pretty excited.

Gus: Oh, good. Good.

Natalia: I mean, he didn't say "whatever," so that's good.

Gus: So as it turns out, Harley asked us to go over to the house as well, for Thanksgiving.

Natalia: Oh.

Gus: Yeah. Because it's going to kind of be tough on the boys and everything.

Natalia: I know that. You don't have to say explain.

Gus: But she asked all of us to go over, you, me, and Rafe. So what I figured is we can go to Towers at about 5-ish, and then we can maybe pop by her house around 7:30-ish --

Natalia: I think you should go. You go. You definitely go. Rafe and I really have no business going over there.

Gus: No, no. She invited all of us.

Natalia: No. That was thoughtful of her-- it was-- but I'm not going to do that. I think, obviously, Harley doesn't really want me there, and Rafe and Daisy in the same room. It's still...

Gus: You can understand why I need to see the boys, though, right?

Natalia: No. Of course I understand why you need to see the boys. I know you. That's the kind of dad you are. And you want to let them know that you're still a part of their lives, an important part of their lives. And you should. That’s... you should, you should definitely have dinner at Harley’s with the boys. Please don't worry about me and Rafe because it is not a big deal. And we will have Thanksgiving dinner with you next year.

Gus: What are you talking about? No, no, no. I'm not canceling our dinner. I'm saying, why can't we... can we just do both?

Natalia: Hmm.

Gus: All right. Look, we'll have our little dinner, and then I'll just pop by her house when I'm done.

Rafe: Nah, don't worry about it. I eat really quick. And my mom and me will shovel everything down so you can have enough time with your other family.

Marina: Harley?

Harley: Hey. What's up?

Marina: Oh, you know, the usual: Dad still hates Cyrus; Cyrus still hates dad. Other than that, things are peachy. Cyrus told me that you offered us jobs.

Harley: Yeah.

Marina: You are the absolute best! Seriously, first you keep him here in the country, and now you're like the only person who's on our side. Can I bring anything for Thanksgiving?

Harley: Oh no, I've got it all. I've got everything here. Look, look, loads of stuff -- everything except the turkey, which I keep forgetting, and I hope that's not a bad sign. I sort of invited Gus tomorrow...

Marina: You did?

Harley: Yeah. Do you think it's a bad idea?

Marina: No, no. No, I don't think it's a bad idea at all. I think it's a great idea. Maybe you guys can, you know, finally work some things out. He'll come to dinner, he'll be with the family, he'll remember how cool we are.

Marina: ( Laughing )

Harley: ( Laughing )

Marina: And then maybe instead of that divorce...

Harley: Marina...

Marina: Hey, I never thought that Cyrus and I would work it out, but look at us.

Harley: Okay. I didn't invite Gus thinking we would get back together. There are children involved here.

Marina: Of course, children. And maybe you kind of wanted him there, too.

Harley: Yeah, I wanted him there, definitely, to break up the fights between your father and Cyrus.

Marina: Cyrus isn't coming.

Harley: He's not?

Marina: No. No, he's not. He thought he would ask dad for the sweet potatoes and accidentally punch him.

Harley: Ha. It's probably a good idea.

Marina: Really? I thought you wanted him there.

Harley: Of course I wanted him there. But don't you think there is enough tension between you and your father and me and your father and me and Gus...

Marina: It won't be boring. I know. Actually, I should probably go. I'm meeting up with Cyrus.

Harley: You go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow.

Marina: Harley? I didn't think it was going to be like this. You know, with dad and I barely talking to each other. It's hard, but when I was with Griggs that whole time, all I could think about was Cyrus, and being with him and finally being able to start our lives together. And now I can, thanks to you. See you tomorrow.

Rafe: So, let me guess: Harley asked you after you asked us, and now you're stuck with us.

Natalia: Don't make this into some big thing...

Gus: Give us a second. A second.

Natalia: Okay. I'll be outside. Please behave.

Rafe: You gonna ground me again?

Gus: No.

Rafe: Then what? I have to stand here and listen to another lecture, when you know that you're the one who messed up.

Gus: Can I tell you my side?

Rafe: What side? That you keep leading my mother on, having her think that you guys have some kind of future together, when we all know you're just waiting for Harley to take you back.

Gus: Harley and I are getting a divorce.

Rafe: Then why are you having Thanksgiving dinner over there?

Gus: It's complicated, Rafe.

Rafe: Try me.

Gus: Because Harley’s boys are like sons to me, like you are my son. And it is very difficult for them, since I've moved out of the house. They don't know whether I'm going to show up for a little league game, or if I'm going to show up for their birthday...

Rafe: Yeah, well, they'll live, right? I did.

Gus: Rafe, look at me. Look at me, please. Ever since you and your mother moved to this town, have I not been there for you? Ever? Have I let you down?

Rafe: Yeah, you have. And you're letting me down right now. And every other time you screw my mother over. You know what else? Zach and Jude, they have dads. All right? Let them visit on Thanksgiving. But my mother and me, we have you. And most of the time, we don't even have that.

Cyrus: Whoa! Let me help you. How big is that bird, 50 pounds?

Harley: 50 pounds.

Cyrus: I didn't know that Americans had ostrich for Thanksgiving.

Harley: You're supposed to be with Marina.

Cyrus: Yeah, well, I thought I would come here and break into your house and see if there is any loose cash lying around.

Harley: Ha, ha, ha.

Cyrus: Give me the turkey...

Harley: I've got it.

Cyrus: "I've got it. I've got it." When are you going to learn to accept people's help?

Harley: When I'm dead.

Cyrus: Oh, so I'm going to have to kill you? Just get inside. Geez, this is a heavy bird. No, really, he's stuffed. I'm going to have to rethink tomorrow. This boxed stuffing looks so tasty. Maybe I should come to dinner.

Harley: Ha, ha. Marina told me you were planning to bail out. Which I think is a good idea because her father carries a gun, even at family events.

Cyrus: Whoa!

Harley: What are you doing?

Cyrus: It's for tomorrow. Don't worry.

Harley: Watch my vase.

Cyrus: I heard that Frank was going to cancel the touch football game. And I thought, "Wait a second. Deprive the Cooper’s of the one day they get to ruthlessly compete with each other and shamelessly cheat over a trophy made of popsicle sticks? I can't have that."

Harley: You want to revive the game.

Cyrus: Well, I heard that Frank and Marina are due to massacre you and Coop. I'm tempted to show up just to witness your downfall.

Harley: You can say you're doing it for her because you really love her.

Cyrus: Nah. I gave myself up to Griggs because she's got a really hot body.

Harley: I have to cook. Get out!

Cyrus: Well, give me some potatoes or something. I can mash them, or chop or break or whatever.

Daisy: How's that?

Beth: Oh, that's better.

Daisy: Maybe... maybe we should call 911.

Beth: No, no. I'll be fine, really.

Daisy: And what about the baby?

Beth: Still kicking.

Daisy: I think, um, my dad... I think he would be really happy for you.

Beth: Yeah.

Daisy: Yeah. I mean, he really loved you.

Beth: Your father was a good man.

Daisy: The best.

Alan: Beth, it's Alan. I'm here. Are you in there?

Daisy: Yeah, yeah. We're in here, and we need help.

Alan: Don't worry. I'm going to get you out. I've got you. I've got you. Sit... sit right here.

Daisy: Don't worry about me. The baby, is the baby okay?

Alan: Here, have some water. How's that?

Beth: Hmm.

Alan: I was really worried when you called me --

Beth: Alan, I'm so sorry that I called you. I --

Alan: Of course you should have called me. I was worried about you. How is the baby?

Beth: She's, she's fine.

Daisy: She said the baby kept kicking the whole time, but she was dizzy. So I don't know, maybe something bad happened.

Alan: I think it's her blood pressure. I think we should get you to Cedars.

Beth: No. Um, Rick... Rick will just check it tonight when he gets home.

Alan: Look, my car can take you...

Beth: I can drive. I'm fine.

Alan: But the baby...

Beth: No, Alan, I... I was just woozy, and Daisy helped me. Thank you. Thank you, Alan. I... I have to go. I have to go.

Marina: Gus?

Gus: Hi, Marina.

Marina: Is that for Harley?

Gus: Ah, no.

Marina: Then Natalia?

Gus: I proposed. She hasn't said yes yet.

Marina: But you proposed?

Gus: Yes.

Marina: Does Harley know?

Gus: No. I'm going to tell her.

Marina: When? Oh, Gus, not on Thanksgiving. It would ruin her whole night.

Gus: Yeah, well, I'm not going to lie to her. I've done enough of that.

Natalia: You've got the wrong idea about your father. He's been very good to us, Rafe. And he's always going to be there.

Rafe: If you say so.

Natalia: So, listen, I got a call from the manager at Towers. And he is willing to pay triple time to anyone who works the Thanksgiving shift.

Rafe: So?

Natalia: So I think that we should work together, you and me, and we'll make some extra money on Thanksgiving, and we'll spend it all on Christmas presents. You remember that time that we couldn't afford a turkey, and so I went to work and I took you with me, and Mr. Luggi let you run around the restaurant, and he let you wash dishes? And I made so much overtime, that I took you to the Ice Capades?

Rafe: I was ten. I thought washing dishes was fun. But I'm too old for the Ice Capades. I was too old when I was ten, but it was fun.

Natalia: See.

Rafe: All right, fine, we'll work. But I get to spend the money the way I want to.

Natalia: Yes. Deal.

Matre’d: Mr. Spaulding, F.Y.I., your grandson and his mother are going to be working the Thanksgiving shift.

Alan: You don't say.

Matre’d: Yeah. We're very lucky. We're short staffed. So if you don't mind telling them I'll see them here at 4:00.

Alan: You can count on that.

Gus: Hey, Harley, it's me. I need to have a conversation with you before I see you tomorrow night. So if you could give me a buzz, I'd really appreciate it. Okay, thanks.

Harley: You are such a con artist.

Cyrus: What?

Harley: All that time that I had you hidden here, you never told me you could cook. And I was making endless batches of macaroni and cheese for you?

Cyrus: I'm an international man of mystery. What do you expect? Look, you're doing that all wrong.

Harley: ( Laughing )

Cyrus: ( Laughing ) Right. I'm going to show you what you do. You don't stir it fast like that. You stir it slow and fold it like this, otherwise it's going to get lumpy, like this. See this? They're lumps.

Harley: I love the technique ( laughing ). Will you let me go? I have to check on the turkey.

Cyrus: Yes, by all means.

Harley: Thank you.

Cyrus: No problem.

Harley: Hey, by the way, I sort of invited Gus tomorrow night. He's coming. I'm a little jumpy.

Cyrus: Oh, you should have told me.

Harley: Why, do you think it's a bad idea?

Cyrus: Well, no, the ex-husband that you're still in love with is coming to Thanksgiving dinner -- I mean, that's something that happens every day.

Harley: It was a mistake, right? I shouldn't have invited him.

Cyrus: It's -- it's a tough one, yeah. As much as you know you can't be with him, you still love him, right when you feel that way about somebody... I don't know. At least he's coming for Thanksgiving.

Harley: Yeah.

Cyrus: Good luck. Hey, do you mind if I throw this in the wash, because I don't know how, but I think I that I've got some pie crust all over it.

Harley: You are such a mess!

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