GL Transcript Monday 11/19/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 11/19/07


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: I don't hear anything.

Cassie: Me neither. But that could be a good thing, right?

Harley: Well, with four boys under the age of ten, it's either really good or really bad.

Cassie: Well, I'm hoping that it's really good for Will and R.J., because they desperately need to meet brothers who can get along.

Harley: That's the one thing in my life that's not a mess right now.

Cassie: Have you, um, talked to Gus lately?

Harley: You mean, since we signed the annulment papers?

Cassie: Annulment? Is that because of Natalia?

Harley: I think so.

Cassie: And you're okay with that?

Harley: Maybe my close brush with death has mellowed me out.

Cassie: But, he's your husband!

Harley: Yeah, but I'm alive. And Marina's home and she's safe, and... and it's almost Thanksgiving, you know? So even with all this bad stuff, there's still so much to be grateful for.

Cassie: Yeah, always. And in my life, too, you know? I've got Will back home with me.

Harley: And Edmund.

Cassie: Yeah, there's Edmund, too.

Harley: Has he tried anything?

Cassie: Nothing as bad as what Cyrus has done to your family.

Harley: Cyrus is nothing like Edmund.

Cassie: What is Cyrus like?

Harley: Cyrus is loyal, and Cyrus is passionate. And I can absolutely see why my niece is crazy about him.

Marina: No, this is a one time thing, I promise. Really? Oh! Thank you so much! I really, really appreciate it. Thank you. Okay, okay! That... that was distracting!

Cyrus: It was meant to be.

Marina: That was building management. I got to give them an extension on my rent. It's just going to be really, really late and I don't know how I'm going to come up with the money, but I guess I'm going to have to think of something.

Cyrus: I can get Alexandra to spot us some money.

Marina: No. No, no, no. Absolutely not. It's bad enough that you're still living there.

Cyrus: Not for long.

Marina: Cyrus! Immigration is not going to go away that quickly.

Cyrus: Well, what about Company? Are you sure you don't want to take Buzz up on his offer to hire us?

Marina: No. No, I think Coop's right. I think we need to steer clear of my grandpa's campaign until all the bad press clears.

Cyrus: What do you mean? We're not always going to be in the spotlight? That was meant to make you smile.

Marina: I'm sorry. It's your first Thanksgiving. And I know we're not going to be spending it with my family and we don't have any money to do anything nice, so...

Cyrus: Well, I guess I'm going to have to find another way to make you smile.

Edmund: Alexandra!

Alexandra: Edmund. Aren't you supposed to be locked up somewhere?

Edmund: Not anymore. See? No handcuff tan line. Flower for an old friend?

Alexandra: Hmm. Is it poisonous?

Edmund: No. Alexandra! We've always had a great understanding of one another.

Alexandra: Yes, and I understand that I don't want anything to do with you.

Edmund: Really? Because I understand you could use a friend, any friend.

Alexandra: Does this mean you're going to stay here? It's not just a brief, unexpected, unpleasant visit?

Edmund: Oh, I'm back for good, Alexandra. And I plan on making up for lost time. In fact, I've already started.

Jeffrey: So you want to hire me to get Edmund out of Cassie’s life.

Josh: Permanently.

Jeffrey: Okay, uh... you know, just a little while ago you were asking me to back off, so what's going on?

Josh: Edmund paid me a visit.

Jeffrey: Well, what did he say? Did he threaten Cassie?

Josh: I have to tell you something. And I have to trust that you won't tell anyone else.

Jeffrey: Of course.

Josh: Rick Bauer is not the father of Beth’s baby; Alan is.

Jeffrey: But there was a paternity test.

Josh: You remember how Cassie was back then, how determined she was that Alan not have another chance at having a child?

Jeffrey: She switched the results at the hospital.

Josh: Yes.

Jeffrey: Well... you knew and you didn't say anything?

Josh: I found out later. I wasn't happy about it, but...

Jeffrey: You wanted to protect her.

Josh: I told Rick. Rick chose not to tell Alan.

Jeffrey: Okay, so Rick knows. So who else knows?

Josh: Reva.

Jeffrey: Reva?

Josh: And now Edmund.

Jeffrey: How?

Josh: Doesn't really matter. The point is, he's using that information as a threat against Cassie. And I'm sure you can appreciate what might happen to Cassie if this information were to get out.

Jeffrey: Okay. I just want to be clear here, Josh, because, you know, what you're asking me to do... Edmund is not going to just go away quietly.

Josh: I know that.

Jeffrey: I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm actually for it. But you're not me. Are you sure you can live with the ramifications of what you're asking me to do?

Josh: I just don't think there's any other way.

Jeffrey: Does Cassie know about the threat?

Josh: No.

Jeffrey: And you've thought this through, okay? You're absolutely certain there's no other possible way you want to deal with Edmund?

Josh: You got any suggestions? I'd like to hear them.

Jeffrey: Just making sure.

Josh: Okay. I thought about paying him off, maybe selling my shares of Lewis Construction, but it would never be enough, would it?

Jeffrey: No, no. He'd just blow through the money and then he'd come back for more.

Josh: Do you know, my father built this house? Pretty much with his bare hands. I've been thinking about him a lot, wondering what he would do in this situation.

Jeffrey: Was he a... man of God?

Josh: He was an oil man. Tough as nails when it came to business, but a good, peaceful, and, yes, somewhat godly man.

Jeffrey: What do you think he would say?

Josh: I think he would say, "There are times when a man has to draw a line when it comes to protecting what's his." Is this for you and Reva?

Jeffrey: Yeah. I think I told you we're planning a little getaway for the holidays. And, you know, she made me promise that I would not get involved with this.

Josh: I'm sorry. I really don't want to interrupt any plans the two of you might have.

Jeffrey: No, you're not. Um, you know what? Reva's going to be home soon. Maybe we should get out of here because we've got to figure this out.

Alexandra: Oh, Edmund! I'm having a hard time buying this. You, a productive citizen.

Edmund: People change.

Alexandra: No, they don’t. They just spend a great deal of time convincing other people that they do. Look at you. Your reform to marry Cassie? It didn't last very long, did it?

Edmund: So when you hired the criminal to be your chauffeur, and then married him, you were expecting him to steal from you? I think it's very wise to keep up on current events.

Alexandra: I know who I am, Edmund.

Edmund: Which is exactly why I'm talking. If I'm sticking around, I could use a job.

Alexandra: Are you insane?

Edmund: You hired the thief.

Alexandra: That thief is my husband.

Edmund: Even more to my point.

Alexandra: Well, I don't need you around, Edmund.

Edmund: I could help keep your husband in line.

Alexandra: No, thank you. Thank you. But good luck finding a partner or someone to partner with. And by good luck, I do mean stay the hell away from me!

Edmund: Fine. I don't need you, anyway. Something always falls in my lap.

Cassie: Edmund could be described as passionate and loyal. And, like Cyrus, a kidnapper and a liar, yet, somehow, not in jail.

Harley: The situation with Marina's investigation? I can't talk about that, but I will say it's not what people think.

Cassie: There were posters all over town saying that police were looking for Cyrus because he abducted Marina.

Harley: That was Frank. That was... Frank did all that. He was being overprotective.

Cassie: Okay, well, obviously you know more about it than I do, but I got to say, I'm going with Frank on this one. I mean, Cyrus was stealing money from a charity. Isn't that how this whole thing started?

Harley: No, and it probably seems unprofessional for me to be defending somebody like that.

Cassie: Yeah, it does.

Harley: And if Daisy were dating a criminal again, I would probably react just like Frank. However, Marina is not a teenager; Marina is a grown woman.

Cassie: Well, I was a grown woman when I married Edmund. Being an adult doesn't stop you from making bad choices.

Harley: But when you married Edmund, didn't you think he'd changed?

Cassie: Well, I was wrong.

Harley: Okay. When... when Marina and Cyrus first got involved, I didn't think it was such a good idea, like everybody else. But maybe... maybe this near-death thing has changed him too.

Cassie: So when you guys were stuck in this church together, you really thought you were going to die?

Harley: More than once.

Cassie: Because you knew the building was going to be demolished?

Harley: Yes, I knew.

Cassie: Wow! I can't even imagine how scary that must have been.

Harley: I wouldn't have gotten through it without Cyrus. You know, when it was close, I mean, when we knew that the explosion was coming, he kept me sane. Because all I could think about was my kids, my kids, my kids. And he... somehow, you know, he talked to me, and he gave me some hope, and he made me believe that I would see them again, I would be with them again.

Cassie: Well, I guess going through something like that has got to bond you, huh?

Harley: Yeah, I guess. But, you know, it's more than that. It was... when we were looking for Marina together, you know. I was in the middle of all that stuff with Gus and the situation with Daisy and... I don't know.

Cassie: Well, you know what? Maybe it's just time to return the favor.

Harley: What do you mean?

Cassie: I mean, it's Thanksgiving, and you're trying to bring your family together. And if Marina loves Cyrus and he's done so much to help you, then maybe he's not all bad. And, you know, Frank will just eventually have to come around.

Harley: Huh. Yeah, and you know how important Thanksgiving is to the Cooper family, because there is football and there's food and...

Cassie: Forgiveness?

Harley: Nice use of the F-word. (Laughter) You know, you might be on to something here. I could perform a sort of Thanksgiving miracle. I could bring everybody together. We could do it right here.

Cassie: You see, now you're talking.

Cyrus: You feel any better?

Marina: I always feel better when I'm close to you.

Cyrus: I don't like the idea of you missing out on things, like Thanksgiving.

Marina: It's just a dinner. I have dinner every night of the week.

Cyrus: You really are a terrible liar.

Marina: Okay, so I like Thanksgiving. My family likes to eat a lot.

Cyrus: I want to give you the things that you want.

Marina: You do? So maybe we start our own traditions. We'll have little shrimp on the barbie. Come on, that was supposed to make you laugh.

Cyrus: I'm sorry.

Marina: We're going to get through this. Together. I'm not a fancy girl. You don't need to buy me diamonds to make me happy.

Cyrus: Hmm, just turkey.

Marina: Not even turkey. All I need is you. And maybe a roof over my head.

Harley: Marina! Marina? Hey! I... I came to officially invite you for Thanksgiving at my...

Cyrus: Harley.

Harley: Oh. I'm sorry. I thought... is Marina in there with you? It doesn't matter. I'm going to go.

Cyrus: No. She... she got some idea and took off. It's just me.

Cassie: Marina.

Marina: Hi, Cassie.

Cassie: It's funny, I was just talking about you.

Marina: Oh. Well, I hope that won't influence what I'm about to say. I have a proposition for you.

Cassie: Okay.

Marina: About Edmund.

Cassie: I was going to invite you in, but I'd rather talk out here. The boys are inside.

Marina: I totally understand. That's actually why I came to you.

Cassie: Still not following.

Marina: Hire me. To trail Edmund, to... to see if he's up to anything suspicious. That way, you'll always be one step ahead of him.

Cassie: I see.

Marina: It was the same kind of work that I was doing as a cop, and I have experience trailing Edmund before.

Cassie: Yeah, I remember. But I don't think so.

Marina: Look, if this is about what people are whispering about me and stuff, I mean, they think that I was involved in stealing from the Spaulding’s, and I swear to you, Cassie, I wasn’t. I... I had nothing to do with it. I loved being a cop, and I was a good one.

Cassie: No, that's not why I'm saying no.

Marina: I'll work long hours. I'll do whatever you need me to do.

Cassie: Thank you. Thank you, Marina, but no. I just... I just... I don't want to go down that road.

Marina: Are you sure this isn't about me and Cyrus?

Cassie: I swear to you, I am not judging you. I married Edmund, for crying out loud. I know about falling for a dangerous man.

Marina: Cyrus isn't dangerous.

Cassie: That's funny. That's what Harley said.

Marina: But Edmund is dangerous.

Cassie: I just... I don't want a guard, Marina. I... I just have to believe that Edmund will not hurt me again.

Edmund: Excuse me, how do I book a massage with you?

Masseuse: I'm already full for today.

Edmund: Well, whatever they're paying, I'll double it. I have a lot of tension built up.

Masseuse: I suppose I could rearrange my schedule.

Edmund: Good, good. Room 202. I need to be nice and relaxed.

Josh: Are you sure that this is the best place for us to finish our discussion?

Jeffrey: Well, noting like hiding in plain sight, right? You know, Josh, you really... you've got to stop worrying about the adoption. I mean, it's going to go through. Pretty soon, R.J. and Will, are both going to be calling you daddy. Angelo, could we get a couple of coffees out here on the terrace?

Bartender: Of course, Mr. O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Josh: What was that about?

Jeffrey: Well, if this ever ends up in court, then we'll have a witness, a bartender who knows me well and will confirm that we have business together concerning R.J. and Will's adoption.

Josh: You think of everything, huh?

Jeffrey: Well, that's why you hired me. I will be drawing up those adoption papers tomorrow, by the way.

Josh: So I take it this means you're on board? No reservations because of Reva?

Jeffrey: If Edmund drops the bomb about the paternity test, it could ruin Cassie’s life.

Josh: I understand. When were the two of you supposed to go away?

Jeffrey: Tonight.

Josh: Is it possible that you could handle this before then? I mean, we haven't really finished discussing exactly what you're going to do, but...

Billy: Hey, that bartender said you’d... am I interrupting something?

Jeffrey: No. I'm just... I'm working on a case for Josh.

Billy: Oh.

Josh: The adoption.

Billy: Oh, yeah. Well, how... how's that going?

Josh: Good. It's going good. We haven't really finished discussing the specific details about what's going to happen.

Jeffrey: You trust me?

Josh: Yes, I do.

Jeffrey: Okay. I'll be in touch. See you, Billy.

Billy: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Edmund! Just the man I was looking for.

Billy: I'm pretty sure that it was Bill that's responsible for the leak. Josh?

Josh: I'm sorry. What leak?

Billy: The leak to the financial papers. Have you been listening to anything I've been saying?

Josh: I'm sorry. My... my mind is just somewhere else right now.

Edmund: Jeffrey! I'm sorry, I don't have time for you now. I have an appointment.

Jeffrey: Dressed like that?

Edmund: Well, it's a massage. I'm celebrating. But don't worry, I'm sticking around here for a long time. There'll be plenty of time to talk.

Jeffrey: Well, there's no time like the present. Besides, I don't see you staying around here as long as you do.

Billy: You know, I... I'm glad to see you so stoked about adopting those boys, but this is serious. I'm not sure what this story is going to do to our company, especially with Bill trying to steal all our clients.

Josh: We'll think of something.

Billy: Look, hey, I tried to control it, but now that's it out, I realize I have to quit drinking for good. And I mean for good. I want to be sober. I want to run this company. I don't want any questions. And I'm prepared to do whatever it takes-- rehab, whatever. Josh, I'm going to need your help.

Edmund: What do you think you can do to me, Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Do you want the long list or the short list?

Edmund: You can't touch me, not now. Not while you're playing house with Reva, trying to prove to her you're a substitute for Joshua.

Jeffrey: I'm not Josh.

Edmund: No, you're not. You weren't Richard, either, but you tried. You weren't decent enough, you weren't noble enough, but you tried. And you're trying now. Piece of advice: Don't try to prove to Reva you're a good man; it'll just render you powerless. Look at me, my time in jail. How do you feel, Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: I'm fine. Besides, it's not my job to get you out of Cassie’s life anymore.

Edmund: You don't think so? Because I just got a listing from Blake Marler on a house that I think I'm going to buy. It's less than a mile from Cassie’s. What do you think?

Masseuse: I'm ready for you, Mr. Winslow.

Edmund: Please, keep it. I'll have Blake send another.

Roc: Got your message about needing a favor. Was that guy it?

Marina: All right, well, here's my number in case you change your mind about needing protection.

Cassie: Thank you, and good luck with Cyrus.

Marina: Thank you. I guess I'm just a little paranoid. You know, it's weird having people look at you differently, like all of a sudden you're not the person they thought you were.

Cassie: Do you feel different?

Marina: Only in good ways.

Cassie: You know, I went through all this with Tammy, and she said you fall in love with who you fall in love with.

Marina: I miss her.

Cassie: So do I.

Marina: I just think she'd understand, you know? It's not like I wrote a list of all the things that I wanted out of a man and ordered Cyrus from some catalogue or something. But that doesn't mean he's not the one for me.

Cassie: Do you love him?

Marina: Yeah, I do. You finally accepted Tammy and Jonathan, right?

Cassie: Yeah, eventually I did.

Marina: Could you do me a favor and remind my dad of that?

Cassie: You know, I think you should have Harley do that. She has a lot of good things to say about him. I think she saw a different side of him, you know, when they were stuck in that church.

Marina: Yeah, I know. She's been amazing to both of us. I'm just so glad to know that I have her on my side.

Cyrus: See, I told you it wouldn't take long.

Harley: I'm just going to come back another time.

Cyrus: Why? You're already here. You said something about an invitation?

Harley: Yes. I was just going to invite you and Marina to Thanksgiving at my shower... uh, house

Cyrus: Oh, let me guess. You've invited your brother, too.

Harley: Of course. Thanksgiving is a huge Cooper tradition. Of course. I'm sure that you don't want to see Frank.

Cyrus: Not too much.

Harley: Yeah. I know everybody's been fighting with each other. I just figured, hey, why not get everybody together, throw them in the room, and...

Cyrus: And you might get a Thanksgiving day miracle?

Harley: Those were my words exactly.

Cyrus: Ah. Or you might get a Thanksgiving day disaster. What if all the tension makes your house collapse? How many near-death experiences can you and I have together? (Laughs)

Harley: Where is Marina?

Cyrus: She had an idea for some work. It's been really rough for her with all the bad press.

Harley: Well, maybe I can help her.

Cyrus: Can you get her job back on the force?

Harley: No. No, and I'm taking a break from that myself. It's just, it's too awkward, you know, partnering with Gus.

Cyrus: Right. So what are you going to do?

Harley: I used to run my own detective agency, and I'm thinking of starting it up again. I want Marina to work with me.

Cyrus: No kidding? A detective agency. What kinds of cases?

Harley: You know, like missing persons, infidelity, security, that kind of stuff.

Cyrus: Huh. I reckon I could do that.

Harley: You?

Cyrus: Oh, no one makes a better detective than a former thief.

Harley: I guess there's a certain logic to that.

Cyrus: Yeah.

Harley: You'd be working under me.

Cyrus: Under you?

Harley: Yeah, that means I'm the boss if you'd have me. I mean, not have me. I mean, you know what I mean.

Cyrus: So, when you and I were looking for Marina, you called all the shots, right?

Harley: I tried.

Cyrus: Okay, so I'm not great with authority, but you and I have a thing now.

Harley: We have a thing? A thing?

Cyrus: Yeah. A rhythm, a working relationship.

Harley: Ah. So, you and me and Marina working together.

Cyrus: Yeah! I think it sounds like a dream team. You and Marina coming from your side, being cops; and me coming from the mind of a criminal, we'd be unbeatable.

Harley: I like it!

Cyrus: Me, too.

Harley: It's settled then. We're working together!

Cyrus: Okay!

Harley: I better find us an office space.

Cyrus: Well, nothing too expensive. Marina and I can't afford much right now.

Harley: So a small space. The three of us in a small space.

Cyrus: Yeah. Hey, if we can survive being trapped under that rubble, we can handle the three of us in a room together. What? You okay? You don't like the thought of being in a small space?

Marina: Hey! My two favorite people all at the same time. I think my day is going to get better.

Cyrus: Oh, no luck with your work idea?

Marina: No. It didn't pan out.

Cyrus: Well, Harley’s got some news I think might make you feel better.

Marina: Really? What is it? I'll take anything!

Harley: You know what? Cyrus will fill you in. I... I got to go. I have a lot of planning to do.

Billy: You're adopting kids, and my kid's trying to steal my company.

Josh: You've got to stop looking at things that way.

Billy: Oh, you mean like I screw things up and you fix things?

Josh: You and I are not all that different from each other.

Billy: We're about to lose our company because I'm an alcoholic, and you're a minister. I don't think it gets much different than that.

Josh: Look, you remember the old days when we were younger? We didn't always follow the rules to close a deal, did we?

Billy: No, no. We'd do whatever it took.

Josh: Yes, we did.

Billy: Hey, look, if this is about you being a preacher, I'm not going to ask you to lie for me or cover anything. I just... I just want you to stand by me.

Josh: I will, whatever it takes.

(Cell phone rings)

Jeffrey: No, not now, Reva.

Roc: Sounds like somebody's trying to get a hold of you.

Jeffrey: Yeah. But she can wait.

Roc: You're choosing me over a woman? I'm guessing this little favor has nothing to do with me signing a copy of my new book.

Jeffrey: No. But how's that going, anyway? You still enjoying that?

Roc: Yeah. You know, everybody wants a little piece of the Hoov. But I'm thinking that you've got something else to talk to me about?

Jeffrey: You ever... you ever miss it, you know? The old days?

Roc: When we were at the Agency together?

Jeffrey: Yeah. You know, going one-on-one with someone, taking someone out before they do more damage.

Roc: Of course, I miss it. Jeffrey, what do you need me to do?

Jeffrey: I need you to help a friend.

Josh: Hey!

Cassie: Hey, yourself. Come here.

Josh: Uh-huh. What's going on here? It looks like something exploded.

Cassie: Yeah, well, I'm planning a party.

Josh: A party?

Cassie: Mm-hmm. For your ordination. I want to have the whole congregation there, I want to have the whole city there because I am proud of you.

Josh: Let's not talk about my ordination right now, okay?

Cassie: What, are you getting nervous?

Josh: No. I just... I just don't feel like thinking about it today.

Cassie: Okay. Well, then, why don't you let me tell you about Will, because I think we are actually making progress with him. He was talking to me earlier about you, and he called you dad.

Josh: That's nice.

Cassie: Yeah. You know, I still walk by his room just to make sure he's there, just to make sure this isn't a dream. Because if I lost him again, I think I...

Josh: You won’t. You won't lose anything, nothing that matters to you.

Masseuse: I'm sorry, Mr. Winslow, I need to get more lotion.

Edmund: Oh, it's fine. Take your time. I'm in no hurry. So, what do you think, love? Should I have three bedrooms or four?

Roc: I'd say go for the one with the pool.

Edmund: Roc Hoover!

Roc: So you recognize me?

Edmund: Of course! I've read all your books.

Roc: Good. Then you know how they all end.

(cell phone rings)

Cassie: Oh! Please, no, don't get it. I'm enjoying this.

(Cell phone rings)

Josh: It's a business thing. I have to get it. I'm sorry.

Cassie: (Groans)

Josh: Hello?

Jeffrey: Hi, it's me. I thought you should know.

Josh: Um, is it...

Jeffrey: It's done. You won't have to worry about Edmund anymore.

Josh: Okay. Thank you.

Cassie: Everything okay?

Josh: Yeah. Yeah, everything’s... everything's fine.

Jeffrey: Reva, hi. Yeah, I know, I know, I saw that you were trying to call earlier, but I... I couldn't pick up. I wanted to, but I was in the middle of something. No, it's all taken care of now. I'm all yours, and I am so ready to get out of this town. I'll meet you at the airport?

Marina: How does a P.I. even dress? Do I need to get something sexier?

Cyrus: I think you've got that covered.

Marina: And Thanksgiving? Harley's really willing to risk all this?

Cyrus: Well, I guess so.

Marina: I mean, I would have taken a job anywhere, at Company, anywhere, to pay the bills, but this? This is going to be perfect.

Cyrus: I know.

Marina: And working with Harley? I mean, it's going to be great.

Cyrus: What about me?

Marina: Oh. Don't think I forgot about that.

Cyrus: (Chuckles)

Marina: Long hours working with you? Dark, private stakeouts.

Cyrus: Hmm!

Marina: Better than a pension plan.

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Marina: Could we just tell my dad about my job on Thanksgiving? You know, give him something in his life to be happy about for once.

Cyrus: Sure.

Marina: So you are going to experience your first Cooper Thanksgiving. Are you ready?

Cyrus: You tell me.

Marina: Well, you're going to love the food. I mean, it's amazing, and it's the one day a year you get to eat as much as you want without feeling guilty about it.

Cyrus: I see.

Marina: And all of the Cooper family traditions. Do you like American football?

Cyrus: Is that a requirement?

Marina: Oh, yeah. Every year, family touch-football game.

Cyrus: The "touch" part sounds good.

Marina: Well, I didn't think it was going to happen this year, but I guess Harley’s working on it. So you tell me what you already know, I'll fill you in on the rest, and then we'll get Harley and the boys to practice with us.

Cyrus: Marina, it was really sweet of Harley to invite the both of us, considering how the rest of your family feels about me, but I'm not going to go.

Marina: No. No, no, no, no, Cyrus. We are never going to get through this if we do not spend time together.

Cyrus: This is your family and your tradition. I want you to go.

Marina: Not without you.

Cyrus: Marina.

Marina: Cyrus. It's not like my whole family doesn't like you. I think Coop likes you, and his girlfriend, Ashlee, she likes everybody. And my Aunt Harley and daisy, the boys and grandpa?

Cyrus: Which still leaves Frank.

Marina: But if everyone else is on our side...

Cyrus: Look, it's not just about how Frank might react to me. The guy's given me so much grief, I can't promise you I won't haul him out and deck him. This is your holiday, your tradition, and I don't want to spoil it.

Harley: Jeremy, let me in.

Alexandra: Yes, I know. Oh, Gus isn't here.

Harley: I'm not here to see Gus. I'm here to see you.

Alexandra: Oh. In that case, do I need to have my lawyer present?

Harley: You're so paranoid, Alex. It’s... it's not police business; it's personal.

Alexandra: Oh. Well, then, can I assume it has something to do with my husband and your niece?

Harley: Well, he's your husband in name only, Alex. Everyone knows that.

Alexandra: Except Immigration.

Harley: And that's why I'm here, because I don't want you giving Cyrus any trouble.

Alexandra: Well, isn't it lucky that your niece has such a bulldog-fierce policewoman as an aunt?

Harley: I'm not just doing this for Marina; I'm doing it for me.

Alexandra: You?

Harley: I'm starting up my detective agency again, and Cyrus will be working for me.

Alexandra: As a detective?

Harley: Yes, of sorts. When we were looking for Marina together, he was very helpful. He's good.

Alexandra: Really? At what?

Harley: He's clever and resourceful, as you know. And... and he kept me going when we thought we were going to die in that church.

Alexandra: Oh, my God.

Harley: What?

Alexandra: The look on your face.

Harley: What look?

Alexandra: Oh, I think it's the same one I got when I looked in the mirror when Cyrus started working for me. He's gotten to you, hasn't he?

Harley: Alex, Cyrus is with my niece. He's going to be working for me. I'm helping him out, that's all.

Alexandra: Uh-huh. I think I said the same thing to myself, I have no real feelings for him, of course. It was just a passing fancy, a lark, you know.

Harley: It's hardly the same, and you're being ridiculous.

Alexandra: No, I... possibly. But I think I did give myself the same speech. You can go ahead and deny it all you want, but you can't fool me because I know better. You've got a thing for Cyrus, don't you?

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