Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/16/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Gus: Hey, Harley, it's me. Actually, I just wanted to leave a message for the boys. You know what? Just let them listen to this out loud, that will be fine. Zach, Jude, it's Gus. I just wanted to tell you that the last time we all hung out together, I had a killer time. So I'm promising you right now really, really soon, all right? So I'll be calling. All right. Bye, guys. Hi.
Natalia: Hi. You miss those boys, huh?
Gus: Yeah.
Natalia: And their mother?
Gus: Sometimes I do, some days, yeah.
Natalia: Good. I'm glad you're telling me the truth. That's why I ripped up those annulment papers, because I want us to be honest. And pretending that you and Harley don't matter to each other, that's a lie.
Gus: Well, I miss her sometimes, you know. She means a lot to me, and she's always going to mean a lot to me. And so do you.
Natalia: So do I.
Gus: Yeah, so do you. Is there something wrong with that?
Natalia: No. I know that at one point I was everything to you. And it was wonderful. I'm not going to settle for anything less than that. Now, I don't want you because you feel responsible. And I don't want you because we have a child together. I want you to want me like you used to. Until you get there again, until you feel that way again, I think I'm going to just step out on my own for a little while. That's what I want. For me and for you and for Rafe.
Daisy: Rafe?
Rafe: Yeah.
Daisy: Lunch is almost over. Why are you headed away from school?
Rafe: You're on the student council, right? You figure it out.
Daisy: But you've missed like three days this week.
Rafe: What, are you checking up on me?
Daisy: Yes. Yeah. I get that you're hurt and angry, but maybe you're not, you know, ready to get over the...
Rafe: Get over the abortion. You know, you did me a big favor, probably the biggest ever anyone has ever done for me, getting that abortion.
Cassie: You want to wipe Edmund off the face of the earth?
Reva: That's what I said.
Cassie: Wipe him off the earth, as in kill him?
Reva: Well, maybe we could book him a seat on the next space shuttle.
Cassie: (Laughs) Yeah, I like that idea. Dump Edmund off into outer space.
Reva: Yeah, leave him to float around out there forever. Keep him from hurting us again.
Cassie: Yeah, or our kids. I like that idea. That would be a pretty good idea, wouldn't it?
Reva: So let's do it.
Cassie: What, just call NASA and say, "Hey, take Edmund"?
Reva: So why not? Didn't the Russians let that little boy from the boy band go and get a ride on the space shuttle? Why not Edmund?
Cassie: (Laughs) I think he offered the Russian government like $10 million or something.
Reva: Yeah? Great. We'll have a bake sale.
Cassie: (Laughs) That's a really nice fantasy, a world without Edmund, yeah.
Reva: Why does it just have to be a fantasy? Why can't we get rid of Edmund? If Thelma and Louise could do it...
Cassie: Oh, so now you want to put him in a car and drive him into the Grand Canyon?
Reva: Sure. It sounds good to me. It's a good start. Or we could take him out royal style, you know, with a sword fight.
Cassie: We could make him walk the plank.
Reva: In shark-infested waters. Or we could just wait until he falls asleep and then...
Cassie: Reva, are you serious about this?
Edmund: I know that Beth’s baby is Alan’s. I know that Cassie is covering the truth. I know that you're covering for Cassie.
Josh: I don't know what you're talking about, Edmund.
Edmund: Oh, come on, Josh. Even you can do better than I mean, I wasn't 100% sure until I saw your reaction. You know, I think you're going to make an excellent man of the cloth, considering God knows you are a terrible liar.
Josh: Go on.
Edmund: All right. Well, after you counseled me the other day, I decided to stick around. God, I miss this old farmhouse. And I heard you and the good Dr. Rick Bauer talking.
Josh: You were here?
Edmund: Yes. But I didn't get the whole story, so I went to see Beth. And then I talked to Cassie. And the whole thing became very clear. Alan took Tammy away from Cassie, so Cassie takes Alan’s baby away from him. How am I doing so far?
Josh: What exactly did you say to Cassie?
Edmund: Nothing yet. I thought I would come to you, first. Being the very noble sort you are, I knew you'd do anything to protect your wife, even if it meant betraying your faith. So, tell me... Reverend, how do you think your congregation is going to react to their minister being involved in a criminal deception?
Josh: What do you want?
Edmund: For starters, a good cup of tea. It is freezing outside. Invite me in, Josh. Oh, I always loved this chair. So comfortable, as if it were made just for me.
Josh: Stand up, Edmund.
Edmund: Excuse me?
Josh: Get up out of the chair.
Edmund: Now really, Josh, is this behavior befitting a minister, or any way to treat a man who can blow your entire life to pieces?
Josh: Forget it. It's not worth it.
Edmund: Cassie's happiness is not worth it?
Josh: Seeing you make yourself at home in this house is not worth it. I know what you want. You want Cassie, right? Well, that's not going to happen. She will never take you back.
Edmund: I know that. Even my powers of persuasion aren't equal to the task. Too much has happened for Cassie to ever open her heart to me again.
Josh: Well, that's the first thing you've said today that makes any sense.
Edmund: Cassie saw the good in me. Sometimes that's what someone needs for the good to come out. Isn't that what you're supposed to be preaching to your people?
Josh: Edmund, I doubt that God can even see the good in you anymore. Some people are just too damaged.
Edmund: Nice of you to whisper that in Cassie’s ear. Make sure she is completely poisoned to me. Very Christian of you.
Josh: Being a minister doesn't stop me from being a man. My first job will always be to keep my wife safe.
Edmund: Well, then, it won't be hard for you to meet my terms.
Josh: What do you want?
Edmund: Walk away from Cassie.
Josh: Excuse me?
Edmund: If I can't be with her, the last thing I want to see is you spending the life that I should be leading.
Josh: You want me to leave Cassie?
Edmund: That's the only way to keep her safe.
Josh: And if I do that, you'll keep your mouth shut. You won't talk to the police. You won't talk to Alan Spaulding.
Edmund: Those aren't the people I was suggesting would be hurting her. Josh. That would be you.
Josh: Me?
Edmund: You, and Jeffrey and Reva, and this nasty little incestuous game of musical spouses you seem to be playing. The three of you are going to hurt Cassie much worse than I ever could. So walk away from her, Josh. Walk away from Cassie, and everything will be just fine.
Reva: Edmund? He deserves to die for everything he did to you, to me, to Jonathan and...
Cassie: Okay. All right. You don't have to give me a list of all of the terrible things he has done. I haven't forgotten.
Reva: Sometimes you just have to...
Cassie: Kill someone? Is that really what you think?
Reva: No. No, because you do something like that, it changes you.
Cassie: Reva.
Reva: I just want...-
Cassie: What? What?
Reva: I know we can't do anything to Edmund, but maybe we can figure out a way to keep him from hurting our family again.
Cassie: Well, I asked him to leave.
Reva: Do you think he will?
Cassie: I don't know, but he has been very helpful with Will's transition.
Reva: Why doesn't that make me feel any better?
Cassie: I just think we have to wait it out. I think we just have to wait it out and hope.
Reva: Hope? He's not going to leave, Cassie! You know it! I know it! In fact, he picked me up at the airport and tried to get me to help him.
Cassie: Help him do what?
Reva: Split up you and Josh.
Cassie: Well, Josh and I are going to be okay. Dinah?
Dinah: What? I scared you, didn't I?
Cassie: What the heck are you doing? Are you nuts? I mean, are you...
Dinah: Lighten up. Come on. Sit next to me, please. It's a beautiful day. It's been a busy day. My brother, he's back in town. And he's got me busy doing stuff, business stuff.
Cassie: I'll bet you're glad to see Bill.
Dinah: You kidding me? He's the one person in this town that treats me like a regular person. He doesn't baby me, like my mother.
Cassie: She's your mom. It kind of goes with the job description.
Dinah: Really. And let's not forget about the biggest defender of all, A.C. Mallet.
Cassie: Mallet loves you, and so does your mom. They just want to help.
Dinah: I don't need their help.
Cassie: They just want you to be safe.
Dinah: Safe? What's that?
Natalia: Well, let me know if anything changes.
Gus: You don't have to go changing shifts around to try to avoid me, okay? Just let me finish.
Natalia: You don't have to finish. I know where you are right now. You're not going to get over Harley in a day.
Gus: I'm doing everything that I'm supposed to be doing, trust me.
Natalia: What does that mean?
Gus: It means that I filed for divorce. I'm going to be free, real soon.
Natalia: A divorce does not mean that you're free.
Gus: What do you want me to do?
Natalia: I don’t... nothing. You can't do anything. This is going to take time. I understand. Harley is still very much a part of your heart. What I want is for me to be there more than she is. A divorce from Harley is not the same thing as a commitment to me.
Gus: Natalia...
Daisy: Gus, okay, Jeremy said you were here. I'm sorry, is this a bad time?
Natalia: No.
Gus: Natalia, hang on a second.
Daisy: I didn't mean to interrupt, but it's probably better that she's gone.
Gus: Why?
Daisy: I'm really, really worried about Rafe. And I think Natalia is the problem.
Alan: Well, you look deep in thought. Is everything all right?
Natalia: Yeah. No. I just completely forgot how close we are to Thanksgiving.
Alan: I hope you haven't made any plans.
Natalia: Plans? No, I... most years work on Thanksgiving. The money's really good, and then I could bring Rafe the leftovers from the restaurant.
Alan: Well, you won't have to do that this year. I would like very much for you and Rafe to have dinner with Alexandra and me. I mean, cook makes a spectacular turkey dinner.
Natalia: Well, you know, I don't think that Rafe will even want to be there.
Alan: Well, of course he will. Besides, he's not angry at you.
Natalia: Oh, he's angry at everyone.
Alan: Well, he won't stay angry long after he has some of cook's cheese grits.
Natalia: I have no idea what cheese grits are.
Alan: Well, you have a lot to learn, don't you?
Natalia: Is Gus invited to the dinner?
Alan: Well, of course Gus is invited, I mean he's family. But I'm sure that he will want to have Thanksgiving dinner with Harley’s family.
Gus: Rafe's not answering his phone.
Daisy: Yeah, I didn't think he would. He is pulling away from everyone. Every time I try to talk to him, he goes all, tough guy. He won't tell me anything, or let me get close.
Gus: Well, I know that feeling. Maybe you should just give him a little space.
Daisy: No, this isn't just him blowing me off. He's not going to school. He's falling behind. He doesn't care about anything.
Gus: And how is this all on Natalia?
Daisy: Because all Natalia can see when she looks at me is abortion. How is Rafe supposed to let me in when he knows what his mom thinks about me?
Gus: You know what I think, Daisy? I think you really miss him. And I don't think that this is all Natalia’s fault. I think her faith means an awful lot to her.
Daisy: It just seems like her faith is costing Rafe his faith in everything, I mean, me, school, his family, his whole life.
Dinah: So, what's up with Edmund? Is he still around?
Cassie: Can we talk about something else?
Dinah: Really?
Cassie: Anything else.
Dinah: I loved him, you know.
Cassie: Dinah!
Dinah: He loved you, too, like all the others. Look, it doesn't bother me like it used to.
Cassie: You realize you're better off without him, right? I mean, if you'd ended up with Edmund, you wouldn't have married Mallet.
Dinah: At least with Edmund-- you know what, we were both trouble, but there was less, less feeling that I ruined someone's life, and I never felt like he was better than me.
Cassie: (Laughs) He wasn’t. He isn’t.
Dinah: Thanks, I think. You know, if I had kids, I'd bring them here all of the time. Really cool stuff. Actually, it's probably good I don't have kids. I'd forget their names and birthdays.
Cassie: Moms do that.
Dinah: Oh, I'll bet you don’t. You're a perfect mother.
Cassie: (Laughs) I make so many mistakes. I have made so many bad choices.
Dinah: I don't believe you.
Cassie: Well, you should believe it. Look, I'm going to head home. You going to be all right?
Dinah: Yeah, I know my way. So do you, right?
Cassie: Yeah, I do.
Jeffrey: Hey, here you are.
Reva: Yup, here I am.
Jeffrey: You in the mood for a surprise?
Reva: Sure, if it's a happy one.
Jeffrey: Reach into my pocket. Not, not that pocket.
Reva: (Laughs)
Jeffrey: My jacket pocket.
Reva: Oh, okay.
Jeffrey: So how would you feel about a little Thanksgiving vacation?
Reva: Is this the same trip you planned before to that island? Because if it is, I'm not really sure I'm in the mood.
Jeffrey: You told me that Dylan was leaving town on business, and that means none of your kids are going to be here for the holiday.
Reva: Yeah.
Jeffrey: So, there is nothing keeping you here. Besides, you were right about Edmund.
Reva: What was I right about?
Jeffrey: He is not my fight, not this time. Josh and Cassie and the police can take care of Edmund. And I think it would do us a lot of good to get out of town for a little while.
Reva: I just got back.
Jeffrey: Reva, you do realize that Josh and Cassie, this is their first Thanksgiving as a married couple. Do you really want to sit and eat mashed potatoes across the table from that?
Reva: No, no, I don’t. It was so awkward last year that I ended up spending Thanksgiving with the Spaulding’s.
Jeffrey: Go ahead, look at the ticket.
Reva: Montana? What's in Montana?
Jeffrey: A certain Mr. J. B. Winslow and his daughter, Tammy.
Reva: Jonathan and Sarah?
Jeffrey: I've been keeping tabs on them.
Reva: Is it safe? Can we really see them?
Jeffrey: For one day I'm going to make sure it's safe.
Reva: Thanksgiving with my son and granddaughter? I can't think of a better gift than that.
Josh: I'm not going to leave Cassie.
Edmund: Why not? Josh, it's not as if I would be leaving you with nothing. You'd still have your faith, wouldn't you?
Josh: (Laughs)
Edmund: And isn't that just enough to keep you warm at night? The question you need to ask yourself now, Reverend, is how much do you love Cassie? Do you love her enough to keep her safe?
Josh: You see, that's the problem right there. Cassie knows how much I love her. And so if I tried to make her think otherwise, she would never believe it.
Edmund: Well, she might if you sold her the right bill of goods. There's one reason, Josh, that you and I both know she would believe. Reva. Josh and Reva. How many times do you think people have warned her that ultimately you're going to leave her and go running back to your one true soul mate of love.
Josh: So I just leave Cassie and go back to Reva?
Edmund: Why not? You've done it every other wife you've had. Let us call them legion, for they are many. Come on. I'll give you a few days to think it over. And pack.
Josh: Where did you come from? Have you been here this whole time?
Cassie: I just came in the back. I was out taking a walk. I needed to clear my head again, you know. But I'm a lot better now.
Gus: Hey, where are you going?
Rafe: They let us out early from school. They had teachers' conference or something.
Gus: You're grounded.
Rafe: For what? I didn't do anything wrong.
Gus: You're lying to me. You're lying to me and your cutting school.
Rafe: So Daisy snitched on me, huh? Nice.
Gus: She is worried about you, and so am I. It is not okay to cut school.
Rafe: Whatever, man.
Gus: No, not whatever. You are grounded. Do you think I'm kidding? Two weeks, you're going nowhere but school. No TV, no music, no computer, no nothing.
Rafe: What are you going to do, lock me up in my room?
Gus: If I have to, I will. And I don't care if you're mad at me or you hate me. I am your father, and those are the rules.
Rafe: Oh, gee, Dad, how did I ever survive for those 17 years without you?
Reva: Thank you.
Jeffrey: Mmm, my pleasure.
Reva: Not just for the tickets, but for bulldozing your way into my life.
Jeffrey: Bulldozing?
Reva: That's a compliment.
Jeffrey: Okay, then.
Reva: No, I mean it. I mean it. I mean, I kept trying to push you away, but you just wouldn't budge.
Jeffrey: Well, that's because I always knew that there was a reason: Alan, Olivia...
Reva: Josh. When he and Cassie got married, you let me work through all that stuff. So, when I think about what I'm most grateful for this Thanksgiving, it's going to be that you were so dang stubborn.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) Well, you know, you're not exactly a pushover.
Reva: No. I know that. But not everybody thinks I'm past Josh.
Jeffrey: You talking about Edmund?
Reva: Uh-huh. Yeah, in fact, he encouraged me to go for him. I guess he's still not over Cassie.
Josh: So, um, you needed to clear your head. Where did you go?
Cassie: To Reva’s. We had a pretty strange conversation.
Josh: About what?
Cassie: About Edmund.
Josh: Edmund?
Cassie: Yeah. Apparently he had a limo waiting at the airport for her, to pick her up. Also, he told her that he's not leaving town, when he told me that he was. And he was trying to convince her to work with him.
Josh: To break us up?
Cassie: You don't sound surprised.
Josh: It's Edmund. I always figured we would end up paying a price if we let him back into our lives.
Cassie: That's what Reva said. Yeah. And that's when our conversation got a little strange. She said that Edmund is always going to be a problem, and it's time to wipe him off the earth.
Josh: Like what, kill him?
Cassie: I mean, she was kidding, at first, of course. You know, it was just kind of a Thelma and Louise moment, you know, wouldn't that be great if we could find a way to be rid of Edmund forever.
Josh: Well, that actually would be great.
Cassie: Right. But then all of a sudden it didn't seem like we were kidding. I mean, it kind of became plausible.
Edmund: You got my text message. Very good. Now, if Josh or your mother asks anything about it, just tell them that you made a new friend at school. They'll be so pleased, they won't ask any questions.
Will: I wish you could just live here.
Edmund: I wish that very much myself.
Will: But Josh is in the way, right?
Edmund: Well, we'll see.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: Oh, hey.
Jeffrey: How about a little toast?
Reva: To our trip?
Jeffrey: No. I was thinking more to the test that I just passed. That is what it was, right, a test? When you told me that Edmund was still after Cassie, see what I would do?
Reva: It wasn't exactly a test, but, yes, I kind of wanted to see how you'd react.
Jeffrey: Reva, I have been taking care of Cassie ever since the agency gave me the job, okay? So I think it's always going to be an instinct with me to make sure that she's okay. Just like Josh feels the same way about you.
Reva: Well, I don't need protecting.
Jeffrey: Oh, really? Well, you know what, maybe not in the same way that Cassie does, but, yes, you do. You just don't like to admit it.
Reva: Is it too late to change my mind about what I'm most grateful for, for Thanksgiving?
Jeffrey: (Laughs) I'm going to tell you a little secret. Sometimes I need someone to look after me, too.
Reva: No. You?
Jeffrey: Uh-huh.
Reva: Mr. Tough guy. Mr. Federal Agent admitting he needs help?
Jeffrey: Well, not all the time. But every once in a while.
Reva: (Laughs) From me?
Jeffrey: Reva, seriously, you are the one that has showed me what is most important in my life right now.
Reva: Not just looking out for Cassie?
Jeffrey: I'm done. I'm out.
Reva: Just like that?
Jeffrey: Well, I didn't say it was going to be easy. But I think being with you is going to make it a heck of a lot easier.
Cassie: Really, though, what can Edmund do to us?
Josh: I'm guessing he'll think of something.
Cassie: So let him. I mean, we already have custody of Will. And now that Alonzo is gone, I just don't see what Edmund could do to change that.
Josh: Well, whatever he does, we'll deal with it, okay? We have the police on our side. We're friends with the Chief of Police. We can get a restraining order against him if that's what we have to do. I'll call in whatever favors I have to call in.
Cassie: Do you know something that I don't know?
Josh: Edmund stopped by for a little visit earlier.
Cassie: When I was at Reva’s?
Josh: Mm-hmm.
Cassie: Why didn't you tell me?
Josh: Didn't want to upset you.
Cassie: Okay, what did he say?
Josh: Standard Edmund stuff.
Cassie: Like what?
Josh: He doesn't think I'm good enough for you.
Cassie: Okay. He's got to be kidding. He actually, after everything he's put me through, he has enough nerve to suggest that you're not good enough for me?
Josh: He was just trying to get me, Cassie. That's what he does.
Cassie: Did he, what, did he say he wants me back?
Josh: No. As a matter of fact, he admitted that he knew that would never happen, that you would never love him again.
Cassie: Well, he's right about that.
Josh: I think Edmund talks a good game, I really do. But he won't do anything to hurt you. And if he did try to hurt you...
Cassie: I know. I know. You'll be there to protect me.
Josh: I will. I'll do whatever I have to do to protect you and the boys. I've got to go. Just for a little bit. I'll be back.
Will: Josh thinks I locked myself in the barn.
Edmund: You did.
Will: He told mom.
Edmund: What did you say?
Will: I said I didn't do it.
Edmund: Did she believe you?
Will: I think so.
Edmund: Instead of her husband, interesting.
Will: I don't think Josh likes me.
Edmund: Hey, you know how important you are to me, don't you? Don't you worry about Josh Lewis. I'll take care of him.
Will: What are you going to do?
Edmund: Well, it's already done. And I do believe that Josh believes there is only one thing he can do.
Natalia: Is everything okay?
Gus: Ah, not really. I just grounded our son.
Natalia: For what?
Gus: Well, for lying to me and for cutting school.
Natalia: I don't know what to do with him anymore.
Gus: Well, I do. We need to step it up.
Natalia: What does that mean?
Gus: Well, according to Daisy, he has lost his faith. And considering everything he has been through this year, maybe I don't really blame him.
Natalia: According to Daisy? So she doesn't think that she has anything to do with what is going on with him?
Gus: Daisy is a child, and we are the adults. And we're the ones that need to pull it together as a family, you, me, and Rafe.
Natalia: Okay, well, we all live together here in this house. Now what?
Gus: I think that we need to move forward. You know, not live with the fear and the hurt feelings anymore. You and I have something very powerful and very real, and I think that we should go for it. And do it. And we can give Rafe the family that he needs at the same time.
Natalia: It's just not that easy.
Gus: Oh, I think it is that, that easy. You need some proof, right, of my commitment to you and to this family. I was going to do this at a more romantic time, but ah... I think that you and I should get married.
Daisy: Rafe, wait, wait!
Rafe: No, no. I don't hang out with snitches. All right? And thanks to you, I'm grounded.
Daisy: Grounded?
Rafe: Yeah. I'm supposed to go straight home after school. Not like I'm going to, though.
Daisy: No. Wait. I don't think so, no.
Rafe: What are you doing?
Daisy: When I wouldn't leave my room, you said that I couldn't run away from things. I had to face things. Well, this is me returning the favor.
Rafe: I'm not going back to school, Daisy.
Daisy: Yes, you are. Look, you can hate me, but don't be a jerk and ruin the rest of your life.
Natalia: I don't know what to say.
Gus: I made myself pretty clear. An answer would be nice.
Natalia: Nicky, I'm going to need a few days.
Gus: Well, that's better than a no, I guess.
Natalia: This is a really big step, and I want to be sure. And I just need a little time.
Gus: Okay.
Natalia: And I don't want Rafe to know about this until, you know, I know for sure.
Gus: All right. Well, um... this will be over here, okay? Waiting for you. And so will I. I'll, I'll be, I'll be waiting, too. And I'm okay with taking things slow. You know, that's considering everything I put you through. I just think that we should do this. You know, I think we should give each other a chance, to fall in love again.
Blake: I got your message. I take it you're celebrating?
Edmund: We are. I've decided to stay in Springfield. And I need you to help me find a house to purchase.
Blake: Really? What made you decide to stay in town?
Edmund: Well, strange as it may sound, I think the happiest days of my life have been spent here. And I would like to have a few more of them.
Will: I'm home.
Cassie: Hey, there. Hi! Wow! Well, that's just about the happiest greeting I've seen in a long time. Where's your brother? Didn't R.J. take the bus home with you?
Will: Oh, he said he was going to play basketball.
Cassie: Oh.
Will: I decided to come home.
Cassie: Well, good. I'm glad you're here. I like being with you.
Will: Are you making a pie?
Cassie: Yes, I am. Testing it out for Thanksgiving. You want to taste it?
Will: Anything for you, Mommy.
Cassie: Well, thank you.
Jeffrey: So, I jump in the shower and then you take off. Are you trying to tell me something?
Reva: No. I just decided that I wanted to do some shopping for that certain family we're going to visit for the holiday. And I wanted to pick up a little something for the sap that made it all possible.
Jeffrey: Well, in that case, take your time. I like presents.
Reva: I'll see you soon.
Josh: I knocked.
Jeffrey: Oh, and then what, you said, oh, what the hell, I used to live here, so I'll just go up to the bedroom?
Josh: I want to hire you.
Jeffrey: What's the case?
Josh: Edmund.
Jeffrey: Okay, Josh. You know what? I'm planning a little get-away for the holidays, and... why don't you call Mel? And, besides, I'm going to be working with the D.A.'s office.
Josh: I don't want to hire you as a lawyer.
Jeffrey: Well, what do you want to hire me for?
Josh: For who you are. And who you used to be, a man who can get things done. A man who can get rid of someone.
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