Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/15/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Dinah: Lizzie, aren't you supposed to be at work?
Lizzie: I'm taking a sick day.
Dinah: Oh. You scared me. You don't look sick.
Lizzie: What, did you go to med school while I was sleeping?
Dinah: What's wrong? Is it work? Or you're hung over? You partied too hard last night.
Lizzie: I'm not hung over.
Dinah: Is it food poisoning?
Lizzie: Please, just go away, Dinah. Go away.
Dinah: I live here. I had food poisoning once. But it was more like a, what do you call it, when you break out in hives?
Lizzie: Allergic reaction.
Dinah: Yes. To the M.S.G. in a dinner that Mallet ordered me. It was actually kind of sweet. It was our first night, it was our first real date. I almost blew the whole thing. He took care of me, though. Oh, I know what it is. It's a guy. It's a guy. I'm right. That's incredible. You met someone! That's good! What's the problem?
Lizzie: I can't talk about it with you. It doesn't matter, anyway, the whole thing is over.
Dinah: Oh, a one-night stand. Everybody has them.
Lizzie: Yeah, I know. It's how I got Sarah. I hadn't even been with anyone since Jonathan. Yeah, I know. After him and Sarah died, I didn't want to be with anyone. But you just start to miss it, you know, having a guy in your life, and...
Dinah: Yeah.
Lizzie: I just didn't think that it was going to be the way it was. I thought it was the start of something real.
Dinah: I'm sorry. Was it at least good?
Lizzie: Very, very good.
Dinah: Well, what happened? Did he just get up and leave?
Lizzie: Sort of.
Dinah: You tell me his name. You tell me his name, and I'm going to track him down and set him straight.
Lizzie: You can do that when he comes back for his stuff.
Dinah: What stuff?
Lizzie: I don't know. He left a shopping bag over there.
Dinah: No. That's Bill's shopping bag.
Gonna have myself a raft of tears over you
Nelson: Your son is a sharp businessman, Billy. You should be proud.
Bill: Well, I'm just happy to be using my skills. Now that I'm taking a little time off from the day to day over a Lewis. Isn't that right, Dad?
Billy: Yeah, that really worked out, didn't it?
Nelson: So, should I call Wanda to set up our next meeting?
Bill: I'll tell you what, call me direct. In fact, call me if you have any concerns or questions, all right?
Nelson: Thanks. It's great to see you, Billy.
Billy: Wait, wait.
Bill: What?
Billy: What was that?
Bill: That, that's me meeting with my client.
Billy: Sit and talk to me, okay. It's the only way we're going to work this out. Last night...
Bill: Yeah, Dad. You know what, I ran out of things to say. And whatever it is you have to say, I don't want to hear.
Billy: Bill, whatever happened down in Venezuela, I was not aware of it.
Bill: You know what, you didn't even offer me my job back.
Billy: What?
Bill: Yeah, I saved the day when you're number two blows off the press conference.
Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You're the reason she wasn't there.
Bill: I didn't tie her to the bed.
Billy: Boy, you better watch your mouth.
Bill: You know that, that cracks me up, right there. You jump to defend her, but me you treat like I'm some little boy who's got to get his act together. Well, I got my act together.
Billy: No, I don't think you do. I think you're in trouble. I think you're in over your head.
Bill: Hmmm, you want to talk about it? Maybe we'll split a bottle of bourbon. Talk about what my problem is.
Josh: Where are the boys?
Cassie: Will's upstairs, and R.J. went for a bike ride with Bobby.
Josh: It's early.
Cassie: Yeah. He can't get out of the house fast enough these days. Josh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I got my back up about Will.
Josh: I understand.
Cassie: I just, I know I let him get away with some things lately, but I haven't lived with him for a while, and I don't want to scare him off.
Josh: Well, neither do I. I just... we have to figure out what is going on with him, Cassie. If he locked himself in the barn, and tried to blame it on R.J..
Cassie: I don't know what happened.
Will: Josh, can you teach me how to play ball like Shayne?
Josh: Yeah. Yeah, actually, I can do that. Yes.
Reva: Oh, a car service. Nice, Jeffrey. I've got the suitcase. Don't bother popping the trunk.
Edmund: I didn't plan to.
Reva: What?
Edmund: Hello, Reva. Where to? How was your trip, Mrs. Lewis? Oh, I'm sorry, Ms. Shayne.
Reva: You know, Jeffrey told me you were back, like the plague.
Edmund: Would you like to ride shotgun?
Reva: I would like to have a shotgun.
Edmund: Oh, come on, we can't wait in this lane forever. Other people need to make airport pickups, too.
Reva: Fine, what the hell. You can take me to Cross Creek.
Edmund: All right. You're paying for gas.
Reva: It's not in Oklahoma anymore.
Edmund: Everything really has changed.
Reva: Yes, it has. You make a left up at the light. So what do you want?
Edmund: World peace, lower taxes.
Reva: Better prison food.
Edmund: Don't care. I'm never going back.
Reva: We'll see about that. You leave my family alone, Edmund. Cassie doesn't need anymore trouble. She and her kids are safe now, and happy.
Edmund: Oh, that's right. Thanks to Josh. How did that happen, anyway, Reva, you really dropped the ball on that one.
Reva: Just watch the road.
Edmund: ( Laughs ) Must be driving you insane.
Reva: You would know all about that, wouldn't you? But we're all fine and happy, one big, happy family. Everybody is fine. And I've moved on with Jeffrey.
Edmund: Cassie's ex?
Reva: He's fine with it, too.
Edmund: Let's stop wasting time, Reva. I really don't have the time to humor you. Let's stop the self-righteous defense of your sister. We're on the same side.
Reva: Excuse me?
Edmund: You don't want Cassie with Josh any more than I do.
Will: You stay here. I'll go over there.
Josh: Okay. Hey, hey, hey, I just wanted to say, I'm really glad we're doing this. I mean, you didn't want to when I've asked you before.
Will: I didn't really know you yet. I mean, remember you. But you're going to be my new dad soon, right?
Josh: Yeah, and I'm really happy about that. You and your brother mean a lot to me.
Will: My dad didn't know baseball.
Josh: Well, let's see what you've got.
Will: I'm not so good.
Josh: ( Laughs ) That's okay. You've got to start somewhere, right?
Cassie: That's right. We just want you to have fun.
Josh: Ready? Here we go. Oh, nicely done.
Will: Can I try a curveball?
Josh: Well, why don't we just try fastballs. Here, throw it back to me. I'll tell you what, though, next time, next time, we'll go to the school and you can hit some to me. How does that sound?
Will: There's a next time?
Josh: Yeah, of course there's a next time. There will be a lot of them. For you and for me and for your mom and for R.J.. Whoa!
Will: I'll get it.
Cassie: Okay, just be careful. He wants there to be a next time.
Josh: Yeah! Or maybe he just wanted to find out if we were for real.
Cassie: I hate that he ever even had cause to doubt it.
Josh: It wasn't your fault, Cassie. You made a sacrifice when you sent him to be with his dad because you thought it was the right thing to do.
Will: Got it!
Josh: Excellent. Let's play ball. Here you go. You ready?
Bill: Oh, it looks like I'm being double-teamed.
Vanessa: Your father told me everything.
Bill: All right, no lectures today, Mom, okay, I gotta run.
Billy: Hey, just wait a second. I'm sorry about whatever happened to you. But you don't get to keep doing this. If you want to make a point, you didn’t. But I'm not going to let you hurt your mom or anybody else that I love, okay?
Bill: Are you done?
Billy: Lizzie and I will take that account back. We know it better than you. As I said before, I think you're in over your head.
Bill: Well that's funny, because I was going to say the exact same thing to you. Bye Mom.
Billy: He's not the same boy I sent to Venezuela.
Vanessa: Well, I don't know. I just can't even stand to think about what he went through.
Billy: I know. It makes me sick every time I think about it.
Vanessa: Well, you didn't know.
Billy: That's no excuse for him setting up Lizzie like that. I mean, he did that to get to me.
Vanessa: I know. Look, the way I'm trying to think about it is that he needs to cut his ties to you. He's got to do it, he's got to be his own man. And it is true that the both of you are very competitive.
Billy: No, it's more than that. Did you see his eyes. Whatever happened to him down there, it changed him. I should have seen the signs coming. I think I failed him.
Vanessa: It's not your fault.
Billy: Well, you tell him that.
Lizzie: I didn't want to bring you into the middle of this.
Dinah: You know, the only thing he said to me when I saw him was that he snagged a new client.
Lizzie: Yeah, my client. And he used all of my stuff. He used my notes and my speech and... and this, he used to snag me.
Dinah: You're diary?
Lizzie: There's really personal stuff in there, about Jonathan and Sarah, and the way I feel about stuff. And I mean, you can read it now. Nothing is private anymore. The crazy thing is that the stuff he was saying to me... it was like, ah, I've been waiting for a guy to come into my life, and here he was, and he was saying all of the right things, and everything I wanted and needed, it was like he was the guy that I've just been waiting to...
Dinah: Fall in love with?
Lizzie: I'm pathetic. I'm pathetic. I was in love with him in about two minutes, and I was just a prop that he was using to hurt Billy.
Dinah: Oh, Lizzie, you're not a prop.
Lizzie: You know how I should have known? I should have known because no guy says the right thing and actually means it.
Dinah: Mallet does.
Lizzie: Oh, well great. Okay. No guy says the right thing and means it to me. I mean, Coop did for a little while, but Jonathan didn't love me like I loved him. It was just about Sarah. I mean, you told me that Bill was like a do-the-right-thing kind of guy.
Dinah: Sweetie, Bill has a lot going on. He is ah... he's bummed that his family had flaked on him. And you and I both know what it's like when someone just... when someone...
Lizzie: What?
Dinah: I don't know. I just had it.
Lizzie: It will come back to you. I'm sorry that I'm like bashing your brother to you, but I didn't even do anything to him.
Dinah: You know what? You have everything that Bill used to have: Billy's devotion, a great job at Lewis.
Lizzie: Well, will you explain to me exactly how doing what he did to me, it would get that back for him. Because Billy is now really mad at him.
Dinah: Does Billy know everything? That's not good.
Lizzie: Here's the thing, okay: If someone like Bill, who I've known forever, and I've known his family, and he is supposed to be such a great guy, and he's older, so he's supposed to know better... if someone like that can just do something like this to me and not even care, how am I supposed to ever trust anyone ever again? I'm really asking you.
Dinah: I don't know. I don't know. He's my brother. No, no, come on. That doesn't mean that what he did is okay. Now, stop. Don't do this. Don't do this!
Lizzie: Dinah, let me mope in peace.
Dinah: No, no moping. You need to talk.
Lizzie: We just talked. We just talked.
Dinah: You need to talk to Bill.
Reva: Turn the radio on, or something, loud.
Edmund: Anything to avoid talking about Josh and Cassie?
Reva: What are you doing?
Edmund: I can't afford to be pulled over for speeding, not with my record.
Reva: I can walk faster than this with one leg tied behind my back.
Edmund: Not something I'd like to see.
Reva: Fine. Then drive!
Edmund: Look at that.
Reva: You know, I know that you want back what you had with Cassie. But you blew it. She's with Josh, okay? Find something else to obsess over. Besides, if anything can split them up, it won't be you.
Edmund: Would it be you?
Reva: No!
Edmund: It could be us?
Reva: No, no, no again.
Edmund: Oh, you tried to get him back already?
Reva: Hell, yes.
Edmund: Honesty! How refreshing.
Reva: Even if I wanted him back.
Edmund: Ah it's denial by a nose.
Reva: Even if I wanted him back, I would never do anything to hurt him or Cassie. They're happy together. He's going to adopt her kids. That relationship is as solid as the brick wall I hope you drive into when you leave town! What, what? That's it?
Edmund: You'll never get a ride for free.
Reva: What, just because I won't do what you want me to do, this is it? This is as far as it goes? My house is right up the road! You know what? You're lucky. You're lucky I'm wearing flats.
Dinah: Lizzie?
Bill: Dinah...
Lizzie: I'm not coming out.
Dinah: Well, I am not letting him leave! You were a real jerk to her, you know.
Bill: What, is she telling everyone?
Lizzie: Yeah. I'm going to take an ad out in The Journal! The walls are thin!
Bill: Lizzie, come on out! Lizzie? Lizzie, come on out. Lizzie!
Jeffrey: I know you're there, Reva.
Reva: Oh, I was going to surprise you. Let me see you. There you are.
Jeffrey: I'm glad you're back.
Reva: Yeah, well, pop was getting kind of tired.
Jeffrey: Mmm.
Reva: M'mm. I'm glad I'm back, too.
Jeffrey: ( Laughs ) Why didn't you call me? I would have picked you up from the airport?
Reva: Well, for a second there, I thought you had. Never mind, it's a long story. But what are you doing, casing the joint? Don't you know I have a key.
Jeffrey: I think you know why I'm here.
Reva: Yeah, I guess I do.
Jeffrey: Cassie and Josh are giving Edmund a free pass just because he is good with Will. I don't think she's safe here alone.
Reva: Do you really think that's your call to make?
Jeffrey: I'm just doing a little surveillance, and now, someone's, you know, distracting me.
Reva: Nah. So is Cassie in there, alone, now?
Jeffrey: No. She doesn't know that I'm here.
Reva: So she's neither in there, or alone?
Jeffrey: Edmund is dangerous.
Reva: Uh-huh. Let’s go home.
Cassie: All right. So who's hungry?
Will: Me!
Cassie: Yeah? What do you think? Grilled cheese, for lunch?
Josh: Um, you guys go ahead.
Cassie: Everything all right?
Will: He said go, Mom.
Josh: Yeah. I'll, I'll be right back.
Cassie: Okay.
Will: Uncle Edmund!
Edmund: Hey!
Will: I'm learning baseball.
Edmund: I see.
Cassie: Will, would you go upstairs, please?
Will: I'm just showing him my mitt.
Edmund: I'm sorry if I startled you, Cassie. I would have waited for you on the porch, but it was just so cold.
Cassie: How did you even get in here, anyway?
Edmund: Well, around back. You still keep the spare under the rock by the garden hose. Some things never change.
Dinah: Okay. Could someone please talk? Anybody?
Bill: Lizzie, do you want to talk? She doesn't want to talk. Do you have something to read?
Dinah: Bill, seriously.
Bill: I talking about a newspaper, that's all. I mean, if I'm going to sit here, I thought maybe a little reading would be nice. That's what you got... oh!
Dinah: Good. Talk about progress. Good. Good.
Bill: That's nice.
Dinah: Now you guys need to get over this.
Lizzie: Why do we need to get over this?
Dinah: Because you're my friend, and you are my brother. And we all live here together.
Lizzie: No, no, no. You see, we don’t. Because he doesn't live here anymore.
Dinah: Okay. You know what, if we're not going to talk about what is really going on, let's talk about me, okay? Whatever business you're into...
Lizzie: It's called Lewis business.
Dinah: Oh, good. Good. Okay. Well, whatever that is, I would like into it because I need to make a living. I really do.
Bill: You're in.
Dinah: Really?
Bill: Uh-huh.
Dinah: Just like that?
Bill: Well, you are family.
Dinah: Oh, wow! Thank you. Thank you for trusting me, okay? Because people don't, not anymore. With the...
Bill: Listen to me, we're going to find something for you, okay?
Lizzie: We?
Bill: Yes, we-- well, I am in charge of Lewis' biggest project. And I am going to keep you on, too, if you want to.
Lizzie: Oh, I'm on. I'm on.
Bill: That's great. Would you like a little? Join me?
Dinah: No, no, no. I have to cut back, no.
Bill: Lizzie?
Lizzie: It's not even noon yet.
Bill: Is that a yes or a no?
Lizzie: No, I can't believe that someone who's father is still battling...
Bill: Wait a minute. I'm sorry. My dad's not still drinking, is he?
Lizzie: Of course not.
Dinah: You know what? You guys keep talking, and I'm going to get moving.
Lizzie: No. No, we can’t. We can’t. Not here, Dinah.
Bill: Well, then, um, where do you want to go?
Lizzie: I'm not even dressed.
Bill: So why don't you get dressed and we'll go some place. Can I talk to you?
Dinah: Yeah.
Reva: Oh!
Josh: You're here.
Reva: Yes. Yeah, sure. Come on in.
Josh: How was your trip?
Reva: It was good. Pop's fine, good, great.
Josh: You didn't by any chance make any make any stops on the way home?
Reva: Okay, can we just talk about this calmly?
Josh: You've been watching my house.
Reva: Yeah, he's not going to do it anymore.
Jeffrey: And, yes, he is going to do it some more, as long as Edmund’s around.
Josh: Look, Cassie and I can't thank you enough for helping us get Will back, but you need to back off now.
Jeffrey: You know, Josh, it wasn't that long that I was living there and you were coming over all the time helping Cassie. I'm not going to just stop caring about her, or her family, especially now that I'm with Reva, her sister.
Josh: Well, I appreciate your concern, but I'm perfectly capable of protecting my family. I'm not walking around with blinders on. I know Edmund is out there. I know what he is capable of. Excuse me.
Jeffrey: Well, then why don't you do something about it?
Josh: And what would you do, Jeffrey, if you saw him hanging around my house? Look, I don't want those boys running around scared. I don't want them thinking there is something wrong.
Jeffrey: Even if there is?
Josh: Let me handle this, Jeffrey.
Reva: And I will handle him.
Josh: Reva.
Reva: No. Really. I will stop by and say hello to Will, too. You know the way out, right? Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Jeffrey: So, um, you're going to handle me?
Reva: You should be so lucky. ( Laughs )
Cassie: Okay, Will, I think you've visited with your Uncle Edmund long enough, okay?
Will: I was just showing him my mitt.
Edmund: No, Will. We have to respect your mother's wishes. Hey, look, sweet potatoes right at the top.
Cassie: Yes. I'm preparing for Thanksgiving.
Edmund: You're mother's favorite has always been sweet potatoes. She bakes them with marshmallows, right on the top. You remember?
Will: Marshmallows on potatoes?
Edmund: ( Laughs )
Cassie: You asked for seconds.
Edmund: And then you ate Tammy’s right off of her plate.
Will: I did?
Cassie: Yup. They were her favorite, too.
Edmund: I had a lot to be thankful for back then.
Cassie: Mrs. Chitwood is going to be here soon, honey, so, um, I need to talk to your Uncle Edmund alone.
Will: Okay. Bye, Uncle Edmund.
Edmund: You be a good boy for your mom and Josh. Okay, bye. I should go.
Cassie: Wait a minute. You can't just walk in and out of my home like that. If Josh found you doing that...
Edmund: I know. I know. So, why didn't you throw me out?
Cassie: Because of Will.
Edmund: Well, you're a good mother. For your son, you're willing to tolerate a man you hate.
Cassie: I don't hate you. It took me a long time to let it go, but I did. I let it go.
Edmund: Thank you. It must have been, it must have been very difficult after all of the things I've done. And you had to lose a daughter twice. I'm sorry for that.
Cassie: Well, in the past year, I've learned a lot about why people do what they do and what makes them make the choices they make. I know I'm not really making sense to you, but.
Edmund: I understand. I think I understand. I'm back and my nephew lives here, and... you're trying to figure out a way to let me back in your life.
Cassie: What you've done for my son erases the debt between us.
Edmund: It's the least I could do for you and Will.
Cassie: But now it's time for you to go.
Edmund: Go?
Cassie: Yeah. Leave town and start over.
Edmund: I was planning to start over here.
Cassie: Will is starting over here, and he is starting to bond with Josh, and that's very important to me.
Edmund: Because Josh is going to be Will's father?
Cassie: Yeah. He's adopting Will and R.J., we are his family now, and I just think if he keeps running to you instead of to us or to Josh, I think it could be confusing for him.
Edmund: I thought you were going to give me another chance?
Cassie: Well, I'm asking you to give us a chance. If you really, if you truly care about Will and me, then you'll leave Springfield and you'll give us a chance to make our way as a family in peace.
Edmund: I understand. I don't want to cause you any trouble.
Cassie: Thank you.
Edmund: No. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to spend time with you again. It's been a gift, something I never expected. Bye, Cassie.
Cassie: Good-bye, Edmund.
Jeffrey: Um, you're not-- I mean, you know, you're not really bothered by...
Reva: What, that you were drinking coffee outside Cassie’s place? Yeah. Yeah, that bothered me.
Jeffrey: I think someone's a little jealous.
Reva: No. No, I'm not.
Jeffrey: ( Laughs ) Yes, you are. A little bit.
Reva: No.
Jeffrey: It's okay. I like this.
Reva: No, I'm not jealous. Sorry. I'm just worried about you. I mean, don't you have your own job?
Jeffrey: As a matter of fact, the Governor called.
Reva: Yeah, right.
Jeffrey: No. No. He did. I may have to go back to the D.A.'s office.
Reva: Well, then let's talk about that.
Jeffrey: No. No. Let's finish talking about Josh and Cassie, okay?
Reva: Josh and Cassie, they, they have their limits.
Jeffrey: Limits?
Reva: Yes. They don't know 12 different ways to break a man's neck.
Jeffrey: It's 13, and I'm reserving number seven for Edmund.
Reva: Please, please sit this one out.
Jeffrey: You, Reva Shayne, you're going to tell me to sit one out?
Reva: The cops have their eye on Edmund, and Josh can take care of Cassie and the kids.
Jeffrey: When is the last time that you ever backed off?
Reva: Oh, God, my priorities have changed, okay? They've changed. I'd kind of like to know that you are going to be here for the... the people who need you.
Jeffrey: Anyone in particular?
Reva: Yeah, I might know someone. ( Knock on the door )
Jeffrey: Don't get that.
Reva: I have to get...
Jeffrey: No. Don't, don’t.
Reva: Oh, hi.
Cassie: Hi. Sorry for just showing up like this. Is something wrong?
Jeffrey: Yes. I am. And your sister is right. And I have to go to work.
Reva: Hmmm. So, what's up?
Vanessa: So, I want to do some coverage of the mayoral race, and I'd also like some live stuff from city hall.
Producer: Who do you want on that?
Vanessa: Eve. She's been good with the political stuff.
Dinah: I never liked that beat.
Vanessa: Dinah, I didn't realize that you.
Dinah: Had escaped from the nuthouse? Yeah, I did. And, no worries, it was very posh. My mom sprung for the best.
Vanessa: Could you give us a minute?
Dinah: No, you don't have to go anywhere. I'm just giving my mom a hard time. Actually, Mom, I've had a lot of time to think, and I'm sorry that I went off on you the way I did. I know that you were only trying to help.
Vanessa: It's so good to hear you say that. You know, if there, if there had been any other way.
Dinah: I know that I go off. I know that I do sometimes, and it's really hard for me to admit at the job, I know that you were just doing the best you could for me. And I see that now.
Vanessa: I was really hoping that some day I would hear you say that.
Dinah: I was hoping that you would say, say that you would take me back. I'm actually working on some stuff. I've got some great ideas.
Vanessa: Are you? Oh, I'd love to see it.
Dinah: I need a little help on some of it.
Vanessa: Well, give me some and I'll...
Dinah: No, I've got it, I've got it. I can get my own papers. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you.
Vanessa: Yeah. You know, this is wonderful. I'm so glad that you told me what you're feeling, and I'll do everything that I can to make sure that you get back to the station.
Dinah: I'd like that. I'll let you get back to work.
Vanessa: Oh, Dinah, have you seen much of your brother?
Dinah: Bill, he just got back into town.
Vanessa: I know. I know. It's wonderful. How does he seem to you?
Dinah: I can't read people the way I used to.
Bill: You are really mad at me, aren't you?
Lizzie: I think I'll have fish, maybe salmon, Chilean sea bass.
Bill: I thought we were just doing drinks?
Lizzie: I'm not drinking with you.
Bill: ( Laughs ) Okay, fine. Order what you want.
Lizzie: It's not funny what you did to me. That's why we're here.
Bill: Wait. Why are we here?
Lizzie: So that you can...
Bill: Get to know you better?
Lizzie: Are you not going to apologize?
Bill: Well, you were lonely, I was lonely. We had a few drinks, and we ended up in bed. It happens all the time.
Lizzie: To you, maybe.
Bill: Did you not have fun? Did we not have fun?
Lizzie: Yes.
Bill: Well, then.
Lizzie: Yes, yes, yes. We had fun! Until you used me to get back at your father.
Bill: Okay, listen, this isn't about you. Okay? This is business.
Lizzie: It was personal.
Bill: Business is personal. You've been known to use a person or two to get what you want. Am I right?
Lizzie: That's different. I'm different. So you can stop looking at me like I am that same messed up kid that I was when you left.
Bill: I don’t. I could tell right away that you've changed.
Lizzie: Really. It's that obvious?
Bill: You got married. You had a daughter. And I know that changed me. Now, being without Emma, that has been very, very hard. But the thought of losing her, I just couldn't even imagine. Yes, Olivia and I are divorced, but I never wished her dead. And on top of everything that you've been going through, people thinking that you're responsible, that has to change someone.
Lizzie: That wasn't in my diary.
Bill: No.
Lizzie: So you do get it? You do understand?
Bill: You said you were different, and I agree.
Lizzie: Yes, because you've been through some of it, too. So we are different than we were before. But maybe we're not actually that different from each other.
Bill: You're thinking too hard.
Lizzie: So what, we're like buddies now?
Bill: B.F.F. Well, that depends. Do you still hate me?
Lizzie: Well, I should.
Billy: Look, we could do the same thing at the pier that we're doing downtown. Just rejuvenate the whole area.
Client: It's a huge project, Billy.
Lizzie: He is the one that you owe an apology to.
Billy: But you've worked with Lewis before. Oh, have you met my associate Lizzie Spaulding?
Lizzie: Hi. It's nice to see you again.
Billy: Besides, if anybody can handle this project, it's --
Client: It won't be you.
Billy: What?
Client: This just came over the financial wire. We go way back, but I can't trust my property to a drunk.
Billy: The head of Lewis is a drunk?
Lizzie: Let me see that. This is a mistake. You won't find a better businessman in this town than Billy Lewis. Bill, did you...
Bill: And they call you brain damaged.
Dinah: I know. Right?
Bill: I told you I would find you work.
Dinah: I did it in front of mama, too.
Bill: How did you do that?
Dinah: Poor, poor, poor tragic Dinah. She dropped a few papers just so that news producer could pick them right up.
Bill: No, you didn't? You klutz.
Dinah: Yes, I did, yes I did. I am right. Let's hear it, let's hear it.
Bill: Bill's back in town.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I've got the tickets right here. Remind me to give you a raise. No, do not have my calls forwarded to Montana. We're going to leave tomorrow, and this should be a very relaxing Thanksgiving.
Cassie: So, how was your trip? How is Hawk?
Reva: Is that why you're here?
Cassie: Edmund.
Reva: I had a feeling. Jeffrey filled me in.
Cassie: Look, I am sorry to have brought him back into our lives. But I asked him to leave, and I really don't think we have anything to worry about.
Reva: Jeffrey thinks you do.
Cassie: Well, you can tell him that I have it under control.
Reva: I did. I told him to back off.
Cassie: Yeah. So did Josh.
Reva: Because he'd just be in our way. Edmund Winslow deserves to be wiped off the face of this earth, and we're just the broads to do it.
Edmund: Hello, Josh.
Josh: Hello, Edmund. What the hell are you doing here?
Edmund: It's cold. May we go inside?
Josh: No.
Edmund: All right. Then I'll put it this way: I know that Beth’s baby is Alan’s. I know that Cassie is covering the truth. And I know you're covering for Cassie. Now, may we go inside, Reverend?
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