GL Transcript Wednesday 11/14/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/14/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

(Speaking in Spanish)

Bill: Wait, I can get you the money. I can get you the money! Don't touch! Please don't touch her! I can get you the money. I'll get my job back!

(Speaking in Spanish)

Man: You have lost your usefulness to us.

Bill: Just give me more time. I swear to you, I'll get you the money.

(Speaking in Spanish)

Lizzie: You're a kicker, huh?

Bill: What?

Lizzie: The way you were thrashing around in your sleep. You do that all the time?

Bill: Never had any complaints.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Bill: Only happens when I'm dreaming. The, uh... kicking.

Lizzie: Good dreams or bad dreams?

Bill: It's the same one. I'm taking a test for I don't know what, and the pencil keeps breaking. I don't finish.

Lizzie: I think that's a common one. I have this really cool dream analysis book. You should look it up.

Bill: You're into "Dream analysis."

Lizzie: (Laughs) Well, I've been having this same one a lot, lately.

Bill: Mm-hmm?

Lizzie: I'm walking to the bus stop, and suddenly I realize: I'm naked!

Bill: Very nice. What's that mean?

Lizzie: Um... maybe I should go shopping for new clothes.

Bill: Lizzie Spaulding taking the bus? That's no dream, that is a nightmare.

Lizzie: Okay, I have taken the bus. Things have changes around here.

Bill: They sure have.

Lizzie: Have you seen my briefcase? I had it. I had right here before. Have you seen it?

Bill: Here you go.

Lizzie: Thanks. Have you called your dad yet?

Bill: I'm gonna call my dad, all right? I'm gonna have a little hot coffee and take a shower and then I'm gonna call my dad. You seem a little nervous. What's going on?

Lizzie: Oh, no, I'm... I have this big deal today, it's kind of like my first test, and I'm freaking out about it. I called housekeeping about the extra towels. I think I'm out of filters, but if you use a napkin it'll do the same thing.

Bill: A napkin?

Lizzie: It works, I swear. I've got to go.

Bill: Lizzie.

Lizzie: Yeah?

Bill: Thanks for letting me crash here.

Lizzie: No problem.

Bill: Uh, Lizzie?

Dinah: Nope. It's me.

Bill: Hey. For me?

Dinah: For you.

Bill: For me.

Dinah: Yes.

Bill: Where did you get this?

Dinah: Well, I still have a key, it's from Mallet's closet. And I can't have my brother running around naked!

Bill: (Laughs) Lizzie and I were just talking about that. Forget it. Thank you for this. This is nice.

Dinah: Yeah. I saw that you showed up without a change of clothes.

Bill: Well, you know, I like to travel light.

Dinah: Yeah, like, when you need to get out of somewhere fast, huh?

Bill: What?

Dinah: I've been there. Just last week, actually.

Bill: Yeah. Well, um... what's that?

Dinah: Oh, um... well, this is my notebook. I write things down just to help me remember things. Yeah, some things. But I don't really have to use it that much more anymore, because you know, I know how to dial the phone and open the closet. That's, that's all good.

Bill: Hmm.

Dinah: What were we talking about?

Bill: The notebook?

Dinah: Oh, yeah, right. The notebook. Well, it helps me do a lot of things, actually, you know like, I have a lot of ideas that pile up in my head, so Dr. Belford, my doctor? He showed me how to work backwards so I can figure out what I want. He helps me get the things that I want.

Bill: Well, I see right here. "What does Bill want? What is Bill doing back in town?" I guess answers is what you want, huh?

Dinah: You can tell me, Bill.

Bill: Look. You people kept calling me, filling up my voicemail, so I had to come back. It's a joke, okay? Look, things were bad down there, okay? But I wanted to come home and be with the people I loved. And that is it.

Dinah: Then why haven't you called mom? And Billy?

Bill: This is a big deal.

Dinah: Yeah, I know. Who cares, right?

Bill: No, I mean, this project they're working on. This Main Street project. This is a big deal.

Dinah: Yeah. They're looking to re-do the shopping district or something. They're gonna build it up, but make sure they keep the small-town charm. I don't know

Bill: I just can't believe...

Dinah: You'll find another job!

Bill: Well, whatever, look, I just can't believe these two, my dad and Lizzie, are working together.

Dinah: Yeah, I know. She's his right-hand man. Or, you know, whatever... woman. That's what she says.

Bill: (Laughs) Yeah.

Dinah: He takes her everywhere... I don't know. I like Lizzie.

Bill: What do you mean, you like Lizzie? She's a Spaulding.

Dinah: I know, but she's bailed me out a few times. A few times. And I like her, and so does Billy.

Bill: You know what? I'm gonna talk to you later.

Dinah: Wait a minute, I thought that...

Olivia: Bill? You're okay! Oh, my gosh, I can't believe this is you! You look...

Bill: Different?

Olivia: Good. You look good. Emma misses you.

Bill: I miss her.

Olivia: She talks about you all the time.

Bill: Really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Bill: I'd love to see her.

Olivia: Of course! Look, um, I just had to say, the way we left things... you were so angry, and the mistakes that I made, I understand why I made them, and I... it's no excuse...

Bill: No, no...

Olivia: But I just wanted you to know, the things that you hated about me, I've been working on.

Bill: No, Olivia. I never hated you. I didn’t. I'm glad you're being more honest. Not cutting deals anymore with people like Alan. That's good.

Emma: I heard your voice, Mommy!

Olivia: Hey, Em! Look who's here!

Emma: It's you!

Bill: Hey! Yes, it's me! And look at you! My goodness, you've grown up so much. What grade are you in now?

Emma: I'm in second grade.

Bill: You're in second grade? Oh, my goodness. I remember second grade. Did you get the bear I left you?

Olivia: The b-- you left that? I thought...

Emma: Will you stay?

Bill: Uh, I will be around for a little while and you know what we're going to do? We're gonna do something fun.

Olivia: You will?

Bill: Yeah, and we're going to do something fun. We're gonna go to the zoo, or something. See some real bears, what do you say? Yeah? Well, I've got to go. And I will talk to you soon, okay?

Olivia: I don't, uh... I don't know where you're staying.

Bill: I'm around. I'll call you.

Billy: Hola!

Bill: Hey.

Billy: God, I've been trying to talk to you so bad. Listen, I couldn't get you on the phone... I hate the way this whole thing went down, I wanted to explain...

Bill: No, no, no. Look, nothing to explain. You had to make a decision. I get it.

Billy: Are you sure?

Bill: Yeah. Of course. Sure.

Billy: Okay. Well, so how are you doing? How are you feeling?

Bill: Good. Tired, but uh, I just got in last night, so...

Lizzie: Sorry, Bill! I can't keep a secret. Okay, I can keep a secret, but not one this good.

Bill: Well, I see how you found out...

Lizzie: You said that you were going to call him?

Billy: The little one here likes to call all the shots.

Lizzie: That is not true! But it is nice to see you guys talking instead of texting...

Billy: Speaking of talking, we have a date and we are already late. Come on, let's go.

Bill: So you've got my whole day planned out, huh?

Billy: You know who made the reservations!

Lizzie: You're welcome.

Billy: Okay, come on, let's go. I'll see you back here for that Nelson thing, okay?

Lizzie: Absolutely. Have fun!

Vanessa: Mm! Save some room for dessert! You're not eating. Here, let me help you with that.

Bill: Well, this is great. I haven't had to think for myself since I've been back.

Vanessa: You want to talk about it?

Bill: Mom, that's not even where I was going. There's nothing to talk about.

Billy: I don't want to talk about it now. I'd like to talk about the good stuff. So, tell me about your social life. Are you dating anybody?

Bill: Dad.

Vanessa: Billy. Look, uh, I know this was hard for your father because it was hard for me when I had to... let Dinah go.

Billy: (Inaudible)

Bill: No, look. You know how hard things are down there for American businesses, all right? Got to scratch some local backs to get by, maybe I tried a little too hard.

Billy: That's fine. This was only supposed to be temporary until we got things worked out. When the dust had settled, I don't know if Rosa told you that. I just wish that I'd been down there to...

Bill: To fire me yourself? That's fine.

Vanessa: There isn't any good way to do something like that. There just isn’t. I mean, I don't know. I still don't know whether I should have told Dinah myself. I really don't, I was trying to protect her. But that is exactly what your father was trying to do for you.

Bill: Is that right? He's protecting me?

Billy: Yeah. I was trying to get you out of the line of fire before it got worse. That's it.

Bill: Look, Dad. Here. You had to make a decision, and that's what you did. It's all it is, it's, really... it's no big deal.

Billy: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that. Okay. All right. Now, I think it's time for cake, don't you?

Bill: You got me a cake?

Vanessa: Cake? All I said was "dessert." It was supposed to be a surprise!

Bill: Yes, well, "surprise!" That's great. That's, well...

Vanessa: It's going to be nice for your father to have you around again. You know, he's had some tough times himself recently.

Bill: Again? Or still?

Vanessa: Well, I don't really know. I mean, I know that he had stopped drinking right after you left, and then, I was away, so... but he says that he's handling it. Whatever that means.

Bill: How much is he drinking? At home? At work?

Vanessa: I don't know. I can't go there. Anyway, he says that Lizzie’s helping him. You know, Lizzie? He adores her. He says that she reminds him of Mindy, your sister.

Bill: Well, what does that mean? What is she doing to help?

Vanessa: I'm not sure. I mean, my hope is that she's keeping him off the sauce, but maybe she's just covering it up. I don't know.

Billy: You know, I swear I thought they'd be here. Did I tell you that Josh is getting ordained?

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, he's totally out of the family business, then?

Billy: Yeah, he's in the God business now.

Bill: That must be tough, you and Lizzie at the top, handling everything?

Billy: Well, it's good tough.

Bill: I saw in the paper, you've got that big deal on Main Street your closing, huh?

Billy: Yeah. Got it away from Alan Spaulding, actually.

Bill: How'd you pull that off?

Billy: Well, I didn't, actually. It was Lizzie. She's like one of those dogs, she gets on your leg and doesn't let go. No, she found out what her grandfather was doing and he was going to-- not treat the little people so good, and she just took it away from him.

Bill: I didn't know she had it in her.

Billy: She's tough. She had some rough spots lately. She lost her husband and her child.

Bill: Means a lot to you, huh?

Billy: Like a daughter. And she sits in on all the decisions, too.

Bill: Well, then you're lucky to have her aboard.

Billy: Well, hey. You know why I'm lucky? I'm lucky to have you back in my life.

Bill: A diary. Very nice. "It's one thing to get a bad half-caf skim latte one day, but three days in a row? I think Buzz would want to know." (Laughs) Ugh! "And I said to the lady at the store, 'That is so funny! I have the same exact one!'" Ugh! "My terrace gets great light during prime tanning hours." (Sighs) "So I bought that stuff in the store to cover the tan lines, but it came out so orangey." She's still on tanning!

Lizzie: I didn't think it would get easier. I though it would get less lonely. This week has been bad. Maybe because it's getting so close to Sarah’s birthday. Some days I feel like losing Sarah and Jonathan doesn't hurt anymore. I get so busy with work and they're not in my mind the way they used to be. And some mornings, I wake up, and I can feel my stomach drop as if it just happened. And I don't want to get out of bed. Sometimes the thing that I miss the most is the way that Jonathan protected us. I want to feel special like that again. To have a guy who really looks at you. Who fights for you... protects you from people like my granddad. Especially this week. The deal closing and all the pressure. It's hard dealing with everything on my own.

Bill: Hmm.

Lizzie: Hello, Granddad.

Alan: Well, hello. Obviously, you got my message.

Lizzie: I don't have much time.

Alan: I know. The Main Street deal goes public today, doesn't it? That's why I wanted to see you today. Sit down.

Lizzie: Well, it's not your deal anymore.

Alan: I hear a few details need to be hammered out. Is that true?

Lizzie: (Whispering) It's none of your business.

Alan: It's none of your business, either. It's Billy Lewis' business.

Lizzie: I am the one who secured this project!

Alan: No, you are the one who stole this project from me.

Lizzie: And you're jealous!

Alan: There are a million ways this deal can fall apart, Elizabeth. That's why he wants you to announce it. Because when that happens, it will be your face. The face of a Spaulding. We will be ridiculed.

Lizzie: Billy doesn't use people like that.

Alan: Don't you know this Lewis/Spaulding feud has been going on for years? You will never be a Lewis. You are a Spaulding. Well! Little Bill Lewis. When did you get back to town, son?

Bill: It doesn't matter, Alan. I know what you're up to. I got his message off the machine. I can't believe that after everything you've put her through, you still won't let up.

Alan: What have I put her through?

Bill: Lizzie's very good at what she does.

Alan: How would you know that, son? You haven't even been in town...

Bill: Because my father believes in her. And she has earned every right to shine today. Because, unlike you, opportunity doesn't just fall in her lap because of her last name. In fact, at Lewis, she had to work doubly hard to prove that she wasn't a heartless jerk like yourself. It takes a very special someone to do what she's done.

Alan: Well, just exactly what has she done?

Bill: She's gone out on her own. Come on, Lizzie.

Bill: To the future of Lewis!

Lizzie: (Laughs) We toasted to that last time.

Bill: Ah, it's worth saying twice.

Lizzie: The fact that you're saying it at all right now is...

Bill: No, no...look. Bump in the road, okay? I am thinking big picture. This is really gonna be good for you and my dad. And you are gonna be great. You know, I can see that you have been really good for him.

Lizzie: No, I really owe him.

Bill: No, you have been really good to me too. I mean putting me up. You have been great for my sister, helping her out. You know what really gets me? What really gets me is that people will judge you based on your name or how you look, just isn’t fair. So what are we gonna toast to this time?

Lizzie: You haven’t even finished your last one.

Bill: That’s alright, I can drink what’s left.

Lizzie: Okay, um, how about to you, for kicking my granddad’s butt before.

Bill: Only because he deserved it, okay, he did. I cannot believe that he passed you up.

Lizzie: How long were you standing there before you came over?

Bill: Long enough to realize how lucky we are that he did pass you up. How lucky I am.

Lizzie: This is turning into the best day ever, trust me, I've had a whole lot of bad ones.

Bill: Well, I hear you.

Lizzie: Yay! Somebody hears me.

Billy: Tom! She's on her way. She's just taking care of a few last details. The girl's precise. She's exactly the kind of person we want on-point as we move forward with this project.

Tom: I stood by you, Billy. Through the building collapse. Through the rumors of turmoil within your organization...

Billy: Well, the rumors... we've straightened that out.

Tom: Lizzie Spaulding sold me on Lewis. She is the reason I gave your company a chance.

Billy: And she hasn't let you down.

Tom: Until now. Oh, I was ready to go with Spaulding, and maybe I should have. Oh, they have their faults, but they run like clockwork. Do you know what this looks like?

Billy: Let me call her and get her ETA exactly, okay? (Phone ringing) You know what? She'll be here in a few minutes. Just a few minutes.

Bill: Mr. Nelson? Bill Lewis.

Billy: Tom, this is my son, Bill.

Bill: We ready to get started?

Tom: We're waiting on Lizzie Spaulding.

Bill: Oh, no, no. I'll go ahead...

Billy: She has all the figures, right?

Bill: Got them right here, Dad. Excuse me. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am Bill Lewis. My apologies for the late start, but I can guarantee I've got some news worth waiting for. Main Street is getting a makeover! Thanks to this man, right here. Mr. Nelson, would you come join me, please? (Applause)

Lizzie: Oh my God! Oh my God! How... I can't even believe this! How did this happen? Okay... okay. My files! My files... they were...

Billy: Hey, Lizzie!

Lizzie: I've got to go make the announcement!

Billy: No, no, it's already been done.

Lizzie: But I need to go up there!

Billy: No. Just stay here.

Tom: That is a masterful job you've done. Thanks. Very much

Lizzie: Mr. Nelson? I don't understand

Billy: They're coming over here. I want you to wait right to the side. Go ahead.

Tom: Billy, this is a hell of a son you have here.

Billy: Hey. He's the best.

Tom: I want him shepherding this project all the way through now.

Bill: Oh! Tom, I'm flattered, but I don't know...

Billy: Well, you know, he's kind of been on leave, you know, so...

Tom: Hey, it doesn't matter to me! I'm sure we can all work something out.

Bill: Okay? And they're not going to miss a few feet of shopping space. And this way we can get some more cars in here. Because more parking, more shoppers, happier vendors.

Tom: And happier vendors make better tenants.

Bill: Exactly.

Tom: Your father and Lizzie never brought this up when we went over the plans.

Bill: Yeah, well, I've been working on this independently for months now, hoping that, eventually, we're going to integrate our plans.

Tom: Well, Billy never mentioned that, either. In fact, he never mentioned you.

Bill: To best kept secrets. (Laughing)

Dinah: Hey!

Bill: Hey, Dinah! Let me get you a chair. Dinah, this is Tom Nelson, from the Main Street project.

Tom: How do you do?

Bill: Dinah Marler, my sister.

Dinah: It's nice to meet you.

Bill: She's going to be working closely with me on this project, help me get it up off the ground. I'll show you the plans later.

Dinah: Good! Okay. Love to see them.

Tom: Dinah, let me get you a drink. What'll you have?

Dinah: Club soda.

Tom: My pleasure.

Dinah: What did you do?

Lizzie: I fell asleep.

Billy: How? You've been the face of this project for weeks!

Lizzie: I'm sorry.

Billy: Hey, look, um... I don't mean to sound hypocritical. We're you drinking or something?

Lizzie: I'm... just a sound sleeper, I guess.

Billy: Yeah, well, while you were dreaming, Bill just came in and took over.

Lizzie: "Dreaming."

Olivia: Hey, Lewis! You said you would call.

Bill: (Laughs) I didn't know you were going to be sitting by the phone. Or waiting to jump me in the hallway.

Olivia: Where were you?

Bill: Out celebrating my big return!

Olivia: None of this makes sense. Why are you here?

Bill: Because you grabbed me, that's why I'm...

Olivia: No. No. Why are you in town? Was it something I did?

Bill: It has nothing to do with you.

Olivia: Well maybe it should. I don't care how angry you are with me. We have a daughter. So we have stuff to work out. With her. With us. I need to know, because...

Bill: Because why?

Olivia: Phillip sent Emma a birthday gift.

Bill: Do you know where he is?

Olivia: There are a lot of unknowns. There are a lot of unknowns, so I need an answer to something. Okay? I need an answer to something because...

Bill: Because what?

Olivia: You're different. What happened?

Bill: I... I can’t. No, no, look, I can't go back there now, okay? It's not just you... it's everything. Everyone was in charge but me. My dad... Josh... treating me like I'm a kid. Well, I'm not going back to that.

Lizzie: He used me.

Bill: What the hell is wrong with you?

Lizzie: What's wrong with me? You said all the right things because you read all the right things!

Bill: Oh, I don't want to fight you, Lizzie, okay?

Lizzie: What you did to me, it was sick!

Bill: What? I had a little help getting you into bed. Big deal.

Lizzie: You used my most personal thoughts!

Bill: Okay, well look, it's not exactly Shakespeare in there, okay? It's all about bad coffee and tan lines.

Lizzie: What, did you read the whole thing?

Bill: Well, that "Dream analysis" book that you recommended? A little boring, so I thought easy... relax... I'm kidding. I'm kidding you, okay? Listen to me. You had fun, right? I had fun. I mean, it says in that book that it's been two years since you...

Lizzie: Well, I didn't think that it was just about...

Bill: All right. You didn't think it was just about sex, right? Is that what you were going to try to tell me?

Lizzie: I don't know... it was like you were in my head... you were saying all these things, I... I thought we had a connection.

Bill: A connection? I've been in town for five minutes, how can we have a...

Lizzie: Well, we knew each other from before...

Bill: Yeah, you were a kid. Big deal.

Lizzie: Well, I'm not a kid. I had a kid. And a husband. And I'm trying to get my life back together.

Bill: Well, if this is all it takes to get you off track, you better take a little bit more time...

Lizzie: Ahh! You did this... you did this... what? All for stupid work? What, so you can steal some files from me? So you can steal a... business deal from me? What have I ever done to deserve this? What did I do to you?

Bill: This isn't about you, okay, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Then what is it about? Tell me what it's about. Is it about Billy?

Bill: (Laughs) Let me tell you something. You are not so innocent in all of this. No.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: Yeah. That's exactly it. Who tipped my father about all the problems I was having in Venezuela? I'm guessing it was his perky little side-kick, am I right?

Lizzie: I didn't know it was you!

Bill: Oh, you didn't know. Really? Really? And did you tell him to fire me, too?

Lizzie: No! I didn’t.

Bill: Yeah. Okay. Well, let me ask you a question. Do you know what it's like? Do you know what it's like to have your pretty little hair blowing in the wind while you're standing on the edge waiting... knowing it's going to come... the push that's going to end everything? Huh? Do you know what it's like?

Lizzie: I don't know what you're talking about.

Bill: Oh, please. What are you going to do? Huh? Are you going to hit me? Who keeps a bat around, anyway. Please.

Lizzie: I have dad issues, too. (Crash) Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I... let me help you. I can... I-- (crying) (knock)

Billy: Hey, Liz? Oh, my... hey! What's going on?

Lizzie: (Sobbing)

Billy: Come here, sweetie. What's going on?

Lizzie: Your son!

Billy: Oh!

Bill: What are you going to do, take me out to the woodshed? Aren't I a little old for that?

Bill: You got a beef with me, boy, you take it up with me. Not the girl.

Bill: Well, this didn't take long, now did it?

Billy: Should've taken quicker. She should have talked to me sooner.

Bill: Yeah, you know? It could've saved me a trip to the ER. Me without health insurance, because I'm unemployed.

Billy: Yeah, what was all that bull before about, "Yeah, you're the boss, Dad. Whatever you say." All those emails...

Bill: You know what really blows my mind, Dad?

Billy: What?

Bill: Is that you would believe all this. That you would believe it. My own father. Fires me. Couldn't even do it himself. He had to have someone else do it. Then he practically hands the family business over to a Spaulding? I mean, doesn't that sound a little wrong to you?

Billy: Wait. You weren't even here!

Bill: No, I wasn't Dad. I was down in Venezuela, barely holding on. Doing everything I could to protect the Lewis' interests. To protect myself from being kicked out of the country, or even worse!

Billy: What?

Bill: Yes, Dad. It was that bad down there.

Billy: Hey. You never said anything.

Bill: No. I didn't say anything, because I had it under control. Okay? Yes. A dangerous game, but I knew how to play it. Okay? So I made deals with any low-life who could keep me alive. And why, Dad? Why would I do that? Because that was the only way-- the only way-- to keep Lewis afloat. And I knew how important that was.

Billy: Well, was it more important than your life?

Bill: Oh! Please. (Speaking Spanish) You know what that means, Dad? Sure you do. And if these deals in Venezuela tanked, it would have all been on my shoulders. "Oh, Bill, you know, that's a... you know, we gave him a shot, but he blew it, lost the business. There he goes again." You and Josh, it's all about giving me these chances and then taking them away. So the very thought-- the very thought-- of me blowing a chance on my own. No. It wasn't going to happen. So, yes. I made some deals with some government guys, okay? I made some promises. Promises that I would have come through on like I did every single time. Until you... until you fire me. You take away the money, you take away the power. I have nothing, Dad. Nothing to offer these guys, and I'm all alone. Okay? And this made people very angry. It made me expendable, and I'm talking about the kind of guys, they don't throw you out in some big barn, no, Dad. They take you to a building, and they make you beg for your life. That's right. That's right, they dragged me out of bed, Dad. Dragged me out of bed, blindfolded me, and made me stand on the edge of a building and beg for my life. Have you ever had to do that? Beg. I barely got out alive because of you.

Billy: You, you, you... I-- I didn't know any of this stuff.

Bill: Forget it. (Laughs) Forget it. Have yourself another drink. That's right. Go have another drink and forget everything. Take your little friend there, Lizzie, with you. Then you know what you can do? Go out and find yourself the tallest building. Stand on the edge, there, Dad. And when your hand shakes so hard with your precious glass of booze, falls out of your hand and hits the ground... see how many pieces are left there, huh?

Billy: Wait, wait.

Bill: It's (inaudible) Dad. Time's up.

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