Guiding Light Transcript Monday 11/12/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Edmund: Collar too tight?
Josh: No, Edmund, not at all. It fits perfectly. Otherwise, I'd be tempted to kick you off the porch.
Edmund: Wrath of God, eh?
Josh: No, just a guy who doesn't like you very much.
Edmund: Josh...
Josh: Edmund. Will is not home, so you can't have a play date.
Edmund: Well, to be perfectly honest...
Josh: That would be a first.
Edmund: ...I came to see you.
Josh: That's a problem. I will be wearing the collar officially in a few days. In the meantime, I'm working out of the house, and I'm seeing parishioners, and not, well, you.
Edmund: That's why I'm here. I need your spiritual guidance.
Will: Can I play?
R.J.: Play with your own games.
Will: Like what?
R.J.: Like locking yourself up in the barn and blaming it on me. Why did you do that?
Cassie: Hey, what's wrong?
Will: R.J. doesn't want me here. Maybe I should just go home.
Coop: My father is a business man, which means he is on your side, where as Doris Wolfe...
Waitress: Champagne?
Coop: Sorry, I didn't order any champagne.
Man: It's a bit premature, isn't it? I haven't signed on yet.
Coop: You will. You will. I'll tell you what, will you pour Mr. Singleton a glass of champagne? I'll be right back.
Ashlee: How is the campaign going?
Coop: Either you boosted my father's campaign or you just wasted the best champagne.
Ashlee: Do I need an excuse for talking to the hottest guy.
Coop: If I'm the hottest guy, why are you avoiding me?
Ashlee: It won't be long. I just have to deal with a few things. All you need to know is you are the best thing in my life.
Coop: Hmm. Thank you.
Marina: I can't lose you again.
Cyrus: Look at me. Look at me. Look at me! I will always love you.
Marina: No!
Cyrus: So you can't lose me.
Marina: No!
Cyrus: And those dreams we had, about our life together, that's what's going to get me through.
Marina: No.
Cyrus: But I have to know that you're safe. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep. And that's why you have to stay here, okay?
Marina: No. No!
Cyrus: Yes.
Marina: No! No!
Officer: All right, the car is here to take you to the airport.
Marina: No, no. Detective Harley Cooper is here with information and she is on her way.
Officer: Ma'am, sorry, we have our orders.
Cyrus: Marina!
Jenkins: It is out of our hands.
Marina: It's Marshall Griggs...
Cyrus: Marina... Marina! No, no!
Frank: Marina, you have to let him go.
Marina: Please tell them it wasn't him. He didn't kidnap me.
Harley: Is that what you told him?
Frank: The man is wanted in Sydney. Whose side are you on, anyway, your family's or his?
Cyrus: Harley, you don't owe me anything. Just look out for Marina.
Harley: Let him go.
Frank: What?
Harley: It's Jenkins, right? This man is my brother, and I love him, but I will not let him bend the law for his own reasons.
Frank: Harley, what are you doing here?
Harley: Chief Cooper knew Cyrus was innocent. He fabricated the story and leaked it to the press to get back at Foley for dealing with his daughter.
Frank: Harley, which side are you on?
Harley: Frank, you've given me no choice.
Doris: Is this true? Is the son of the man who is running for mayor breaking the law?
Frank: Are you happy now?
Josh: Okay, Edmund, you've had your fun. Now skedaddle.
Edmund: If you save my soul, you not only earn your collar, you get your wings.
Josh: That's assuming you have a soul.
Edmund: I thought God loved a sinner.
Josh: I can’t speak for my boss.
Edmund: Then who do you speak for?
Josh: That's clever. How about the guy you work for, with the red tail and horns?
Edmund: Josh, you have to loose your cynicism.
Josh: Okay, I'll play. I'll pretend like I don't know you. After you. How can I help you?
Edmund: I want what Cassie has.
Josh: It's taken.
Edmund: I meant a family. A family that cares for each other.
Josh: I'm sorry. I mean, if I believed you for five seconds...
Edmund: Humor me.
Josh: Go see Father Ray Santos. He will forgive you.
Edmund: I'm not asking for your forgiveness. I can't have a new family until I make amends to the family I drove away.
Josh: Cassie doesn't need you.
Edmund: I want to help Cassie.
Josh: We're fine.
Edmund: A memorial for Tammy?
Josh: We're fine.
Edmund: Is Reva all right with this new union?
Josh: Reva is happy with Jeffrey. Cassie and I are fine. Go find a woman who is deaf, dumb, and blind and make a new family. Either way, God bless you, go away, and, please, get off my porch.
Cassie: Are we okay here?
Beth: Cassie, I'm sure that things are going to get better. They'll get used to it.
Cassie: I hope see. I know that R.J. hasn't had an easy life, and the last thing I wanted to do was make it more complicated for him.
Beth: It's normal stuff.
Cassie: Is it normal to lock your brother in a barn?
Beth: Maybe not. I guess it was good that Edmund was there to let him out. Wait a minute, did I just say that?
Cassie: Edmund swears he has changed.
Beth: Two words: Leopard, spots.
Cassie: I'm a minister's wife. I'm supposed to believe in redemption. I think we should get t-shirts that say "I married Edmund and lived."
Beth: Or "I finally found a good one and he is not gay or in prison."
Cassie: We would need an extra large, but I like that. Do you want another milk?
Beth: Hold on. This one is on me. Wait a minute. I know I had two twenties in here.
Cassie: Maybe you dropped them.
Ashlee: Oh, I have to go.
Coop: Go where, Ashlee?
Ashlee: I'm sorry, enjoy the champagne.
Coop: What is that beeping noise? You have to let all of the other guys out of your closet...
Ashlee: Fernando needed some air. My room is a mess, you know that.
Coop: I live at the Ritz, my room is always a mess.
Ashlee: Go. Just go.
Coop: Fine, fine!
Doris: If what Detective Cooper is saying about her brother is true, we don’t want a lawsuit from Mr. Foley.
Harley: Mr. Foley is not going to sue anyone.
Doris: No? He is married to Alexandra Spaulding, a dear friend of mine.
Marina: When did she start giving you money for her campaign?
Doris: I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Does this administration really want to go up against her and her family?
Jenkins: Do you stand by what you said?
Harley: Yes, I stand by every word.
Doris: Detective Jenkins, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but let's just say that the Spaulding’s have a long memory.
Cyrus: My passport?
Jenkins: Don't push it, buddy.
Doris: This is a touching scene, a crooked police chief, a disgraced policewoman with a criminal. The Cooper family really knows values.
Harley: Get out of here, Doris.
Doris: Gladly. I can make it to the newspapers before they go to press.
Frank: Do you realize what you have done?
Marina: Don't do that. Don't blame her.
Frank: What am I supposed to do? Let this guy make you an accessory?
Marina: Is that what this badge does to you? I'm glad I don't have mine.
Frank: Marina.
Marina: No. Let's go before he locks us both up.
(Knocking at door)
Josh: Rick, thank God. Come on in.
Rick: I don't often get that greeting. Usually it's "doctor's here, show him to the body."
Josh: Yeah, well, your a step up from my last guest. Edmund Winslow.
Rick: What was he doing here?
Josh: Looking for God. If you believe that, I have a used car I can sell you. Do you want some coffee?
Rick: I don't need a car. I'll take some coffee.
Josh: Is this an official kind of visit?
Rick: Kind of a confession. How does this work? Do I talk to you through a screen?
Josh: No. We're kind of a face-to-face kind of church. So you actually just start talking.
Rick: Actually this all sort of started with Edmund.
Josh: Yeah, Beth was upset to see him at the party, right?
Rick: She was talking to Cassie, and they didn't know I was standing there.
Josh: About Edmund?
Rick: Yeah.
Josh: It makes sense. They were both married to him.
Rick: And they're both glad to get rid of them. But then Beth said if she were still with Alan, that he'd know how to take care of a guy like Edmund.
Josh: Ah.
Rick: I'm guilty, Josh, not jealous, because the truth is, I'm much more like Alan than she ever imagined.
Josh: The baby?
Rick: Well, face it, Josh, this whole thing, this baby thing, it has been a big lie, covering it up, keeping the truth from my wife.
Josh: Rick, you know I was never comfortable with that situation-- not the end result, but the way it came about.
Rick: I know. I just thought I could handle all of this. But hearing my own wife compare me to a guy like Alan Spaulding, just knowing everything that I know...
Josh: You could tell her the truth.
Rick: No. It's just too late for that.
Josh: Okay. I could lie to you and tell you I have all of the answers, but the fact is I don't, so...
Rick: I'm just trying to keep my life together until the baby is born. I'm just trying to protect my baby.
Josh: Well, at this point, you're protecting all of us, I guess.
Cassie: Where did you get this?
R.J.: Huh?
Cassie: The money, R.J., Mrs. Bauer's money.
Beth: Cassie, it's all right.
Cassie: I asked you a question.
Beth: He probably just found it and figured finder's keepers.
Cassie: Is that what happened, R.J.? I am sorry, Beth. I'm going to take them home.
Beth: For what it's worth, I went through the same thing with Lizzie. If she didn't get total know...
Cassie: There is no excuse for this. He could have hurt his brother a few days ago, and now he's stealing?
Beth: Things will get better. Hang in there.
Cassie: I hope you're right. I miss my sweet boy.
Will: Ms. Bauer, would you like me to carry your bags to the car?
Beth: Will, what a gentleman you are. Yes.
Ashlee: Right on time, Mom, like clockwork.
Doris: Mr. Singleton, just the person I...
Coop: Wow. Sorry, Doris, but I guess Mr. Singleton has already been spoken for.
Doris: Hmm.
Ashlee: Mom, hi. How are you?
Doris: Good. You just missed prince charming. Good thing I didn't catch you with Coop. I would have thrown a champagne bottle at him.
Ashlee: Well it’s a good thing you didn’t. Have you seen the campaign numbers?
Doris: Yes, I have. The people of this town think the Cooper’s are the salt of the earth. But that is all about to change. Harley just tattled on her brother and I made sure the papers knew.
Ashlee: I don't get it. Frank is so honest, it hurts.
Doris: Yeah, well, believe it, sweetie. Frank was about to use his powers to hurt a very dear friend of mine-- well, a husband of a friend of mine.
Ashlee: I don't get it. You have friends?
Doris: Oh, very funny, Ashlee. I'm talking about Alexandra Spaulding.
Ashlee: (Laughing) Oh, good times.
Harley: Marina, you can't go yet. You have to talk to your father. He is hurt.
Marina: I have nothing to say to him. But you-- you're my hero.
Cyrus: I'm sorry you had had to choose, Harley. Thank you.
Marina: It wasn't your fault.
Cyrus: It was a little my fault.
Harley: I couldn't let them deport you, not for something you didn't do.
Cyrus: Well, he loves you, I get that.
Marina: Enough about him. We need to celebrate.
Harley: Not until you talk to your father, Marina!
Cyrus: I'm with Harley.
Marina: Fine, I'll talk to him. I'll say what I need to say, he won't listen, and we'll be right back to where we started. Wait for me. And find my grandpa, okay? He's on our side. (Both chuckle)
Cyrus: Maybe I should have let them deport me. I owe you so much. I'll never be able to repay it.
Harley: You don't have to.
Cyrus: Are you sure that you and Marina are related? She was always busting me, and you're always bailing me out.
Harley: You should go. You're meeting everybody...
Cyrus: Us.
Harley: No, no, no. I don't think I'll be any fun.
Cyrus: No, no, no. You're a part of this.
R.J.: Let go!
Will: I just wanted to play.
R.J.: Try gladiator, or did you lie about that, too?
Cassie: All right, R.J..
Will: He hates me.
Cassie: No, sweetie, he doesn't hate you.
Josh: Will, you know how you're adjusting to us? I think R.J. is adjusting to being a brother again.
Cassie: I baked cookies. You can go give him the thumb's up.
Josh: What?
Cassie: R.J. took two 20-dollar bills out of Beth’s purse.
Josh: You mean found.
Cassie: No. I mean swiped them.
Josh: You want me to talk to him? You talked to him after he locked Will in the barn.
Josh: I could talk louder.
Cassie: I don't know that that's the way we want to go with him.
Josh: Neither do I, but maybe it's worth a try.
Josh: You want to ground him or something like that?
Will: It's okay, Mommy. I'll do R.J.'s chores. I'll make him like me.
Cassie: Sweetie, he does like you. He does like you. Don't you ever think otherwise.
Beth: Oh!
Edmund: Sorry. Beth!
Beth: Edmund.
Edmund: I'm sorry to bump into you. I know you're carrying precious cargo.
Beth: I'm fine. Um, I'm on my way to see my husband. What are you doing here?
Edmund: Checkup. All those months in captivity-- want to see what it did to me.
Beth: That's not what I'm talking about, and I think you know it.
Edmund: Beth, it wasn't all bad between us?
Beth: I wouldn't know because I wouldn't know where one lie started and the next began.
Edmund: You were always my favorite wife.
Beth: What do you want, Edmund?
Edmund: Just to see that you're happy. I always thought you would end up with someone more...
Beth: Decent? Sane? Honest?
Edmund: I was going to say inconspicuous.
Beth: Rick is a wonderful man and a wonderful father.
Edmund: And the opposite of the husband before him. You and Alan...
Beth: Had our moments. We lost a baby.
Edmund: Sorry. I didn't know that. It must be very difficult for him to see you carrying another man's child.
Beth: Yes, yes, it is. As a matter of fact... never mind.
Edmund: What? Wait, does Alan still think that that's his?
Beth: You know, I really don't want to talk about this.
Edmund: Of course not. It's none of my business. I just want to make sure you have someone you can talk to. You and Cassie...
Beth: Leave Cassie alone. She has been a friend to me. After Tammy...
Edmund: After Tammy?
Beth: After Tammy, she helped me see who Alan really was, and she gave me the encouragement I needed to move away from him.
Edmund: She must have been mad with grief.
Beth: Yes, she was. But she channeled that into helping me find the strength to move out and be with Rick.
Edmund: And so that you and Rick could be together with your baby?
Beth: Yes, yes. Because she wanted what's best for me. I know you won't understand this, Edmund, but that's a friend.
Edmund: She seems like a very good friend.
Ashlee: So you and Alex, you guys must be best friends, like, bowling on Saturdays...
Doris: Listen Ashlee, she believes in my campaign.
Ashlee: What are you going to do for her?
Doris: It's just politics.
Ashlee: I'm sure it is. Mom, I want to ask, are you going to rig the election?
Doris: Keep your voice down.
Ashlee: Well, then, you admit it. Mom, look, I don't care whether you're the mayor or the dog catcher, but I really like this town. I like the people in it, and they like me. So when you screw this up, I'm not going with you to the next town.
Doris: Ashlee, calm down. I have everything under control.
Ashlee: If they catch you, you could go to jail.
Doris: Honey, I don't go to jail; I put people in jail.
Reporter: It's true then—Chief Cooper falsified evidence and he used his office to persecute an innocent man. What about you, Marina...
Coop: Go, get out of here. Are you okay? Are you all right?
Marina: Harley and dad have turned on each other, and grandpa's campaign...
Coop: I know, I know. Marina, look, if you want to see dad elected, maybe it's better that you keep a low profile and let all of this blow over, okay?
Marina: A low profile?
Coop: If you're going to be hanging out with Cyrus Foley, stay away from the Buzz Cooper for mayor campaign.
Harley: Be honest. Don't you feel better buying a gift rather than stealing one?
Cyrus: Cyrus Foley, a respectable citizen. What happened to me?
Harley: It's the love of a good woman.
Cyrus: Here, put it on.
Harley: Oh, no, no, no. That's her bracelet.
Cyrus: Yeah. I just want to see what it looks like on.
Harley: That's beautiful.
Cyrus: Yeah. I should have bought two. One for the woman who saved my neck.
Harley: Well, I told you, I wasn't going to let them deport you for something you didn't do.
Cyrus: That, too, but I meant when we were buried under two ton of bricks. I might have given up if you weren't there.
Harley: Me, too. It's so funny, isn't it? One day you think you're dying, and the next you're just buying a quart of milk.
Cyrus: I guess we're wired to forget.
Harley: I guess.
Cyrus: It's a good thing, too. I thought I had taken my last breath.
Harley: Me, too.
Cyrus: And to think: With my lips locked on yours.
Harley: There are worst ways to go.
Josh: Your mom is a heck of a cook, don't you think? And that's nothing. Wait until you see her on a snowboard.
Will: Can we?
Josh: Sure we can. As soon as there is some snow on the mountain, we’ll go to the lodge, we'll go make a weekend out of it.
Will: Will R.J. be okay with that?
Josh: Of course he will.
Will: My dad didn't want me to go on some trips either.
Cassie: Sweetie, we want you. We're a family now. Wherever we go, we go with you, okay?
Josh: One down.
Cassie: It's going to take a lot more than cookies with the other one, I think.
Josh: I was just thinking: Maybe R.J. is just feeling left out. Maybe he needs some alone time with his mom.
Cassie: That's a good idea.
Josh: I could take Will, and you could take R.J. to lunch or a movie, as long as he knows it is time alone with you.
Cassie: You think that would really make a difference?
Josh: Yeah. I know when I have time alone we you, I have a hard time hating other people.
Edmund: Please, Rick won the prize. He can spare just a few minutes.
Beth: What about your checkup?
Edmund: I passed with flying colors. I bet with a doctor for a husband, you have every test there is.
Beth: Everything I need. Rick is not a big believer in overtesting.
Edmund: Good for him. But he's not giving birth.
Beth: Not like Alan, asking for this test and that test...
Edmund: But Rick said no? Dr. Bauer, you really shouldn't leave your wife alone. She is still the most beautiful woman in Springfield.
Rick: Are you okay, sweetheart?
Beth: Yes, I'm fine. We were just...
Edmund: Reminiscing. But you have nothing to worry about. She's all yours. Take care of her, and that baby, too.
Marina: You're my uncle, and I love you. Don't you tell me to stay away from Cyrus.
Coop: Marina, I'm not. But didn't you hear that reporter? Can't you predict the story he is going to print in "The Journal"?
Marina: Nobody reads that stuff.
Coop: Everybody reads that stuff, Marina.
Marina: Yeah, and I just gave Doris a whole bunch of ammunition.
Coop: I heard rumors that dad offered you a job?
Marina: You know grandpa. He loves an underdog.
Coop: She will find a way to use that. And Harley...
Marina: And now her brother thinks she stabbed him in the back.
Coop: I'm glad you have Cyrus, but if he is really the guy you think he is, he won't want to ruin things for the rest of your family.
Harley: Cyrus, about the kiss... what I'm trying to say is, if I had to kiss the world good-bye...
Cyrus: Interesting choice of words.
Harley: Yes. I think I...
(Cell rings)
Harley: Harley Cooper.
Marina: Harley, change of plans, okay?
Harley: Do you and Frank need more time?
Marina: How about a lifetime? I still want to celebrate, but let's not go to Company, okay?
Harley: I thought you wanted to see grandpa.
Marina: I do, but this is Cyrus’s day, and I want to do it right. So let's go to Towers.
Harley: I feel like I'm in the way.
Marina: Are you kidding me? Who's supposed to pick up the tab?
Cassie: "You are cordially invited to celebrate the ordination of Reverend Joshua Lewis."
Josh: Yowsa. I guess it's too late to back out.
Cassie: Josh, this is real!
Josh: Did you think I was kidding about it for the last few months?
Cassie: No. I just mean this is official, and wonderful.
Josh: Yes, yes, yes. And you're okay with it?
Cassie: Yes. But what do you wear to an ordination?
Josh: I was thinking like a white collar and black...
Cassie: Not you. Me and the boys.
Josh: Oh. Yes.
Cassie: If the boys aren't fighting.
Josh: First of all, whatever you wear, you'll be beautiful. And the boys, by the time I take my vows, we'll be one big, happy family.
(Knock on the door)
Coop: Ashlee, it's me. Look, this has got to stop. All right. First you bring me champagne, and then all of a sudden you lock the door on me. You know what, I'm just going to count to three. One...
Ashlee: Okay. I needed to be sure to know what she is up to, but now that I do, I don't know what to do. Do you understand?
Coop: No, not slightly.
Ashlee: I kind of set you up today. Mom always comes to Towers...
Coop: Ashlee, I am not afraid of Doris.
Ashlee: Maybe you should be. I think she's trying to fix the election.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: I know it's totally crazy.
Coop: Crazy? Ashlee, that's illegal.
Ashlee: I told her that. I told her if she gets caught, she's going to go to jail.
Coop: What if she gets away with it?
Ashlee: Then your dad gets shafted out of winning fair and square.
Coop: Okay fine. Basically we have two options: Either you don't say anything at all, or you find the person that you tell about this stuff, and explain the whole situation to them.
Ashlee: Well, maybe there's a third option. Maybe we can sabotage Doris without her getting caught.
Coop: Whoa, "we"?
Ashlee: I can't do it alone.
Coop: Ash...
Ashlee: Think of your dad. He deserves this.
Coop: You know what, what the hell. Let's do it.
Harley: Almost presentable.
Cyrus: I don't think Marina really cares about my neckwear.
Harley: Trust me, women love chic.
Cyrus: How do you explain you and Gus? Sorry. Inappropriate.
Harley: At one point he was everything that I hated, and then I realized I was in love with him.
Cyrus: Well, maybe it's not too late.
Harley: Well, earlier, I signed off on the annulment. So I guess you're looking at a free woman.
Cyrus: I'm sorry. I guess both of us got our freedom today.
Marina: Hi. Sorry I'm late.
Cyrus: It's okay.
Marina: Did you order the good stuff?
Cyrus: Only the best for you.
Marina: Thank you so much.
Cyrus: Thank you.
Harley: To freedom.
Marina: Amen.
Cyrus: Freedom.
Marina: Okay. My turn: To the woman who made this all possible.
Harley: Don’t.
Cyrus: It's true. I'd be on the way to some very grim cell in Sydney. But instead, I'm here with you two beautiful women, and I'm going to help Buzz win this election.
Marina: About Buzz...
Harley: Not tonight. Tonight is about you and you, and that makes me a third wheel. I'm going to go.
Marina: Harley, you don't need to go.
Harley: I do. This is a very special night for you two. You need to enjoy it. And I need to go home to my kids.
Cyrus: Hey, thank you for everything. I hope Gus knows what a good thing he lost.
Harley: If you're ever choking to death in a pile of rubble...
Cyrus: You're the first person I'll call.
Harley: Yes. (Delighted laughter)
Edmund: Cassie, Cassie. Call me thick and twisted, for what? Stealing a baby from Michelle Santos? I was giving it to her. It was an act of love. She calls it a crime. Of course, her making sure that a baby that is supposed to go to Alan Spaulding goes to Rick Bauer. Now, that's not a crime. That's an act of Christian charity, bless her heart. Well, Josh Lewis is about to be ordained. We'll see about that. William.
Will: You were talking to yourself.
Edmund: No. Thinking out loud. What exactly did you hear?
Will: You're mad at mommy and Josh.
Edmund: Mad at your mother? Never, never! I would never, ever be mad at your mother. I know how much she means to you. And I would never, ever try to come between you and your mother. Unlike Josh. Wouldn't it be so much better if he just weren't in the way?
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