GL Transcript Friday 11/9/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/9/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Frank: Cyrus Foley should be at 30,000 feet right now watching "Crocodile Dundee III" and eating peanuts! He should have been arrested! It was an act! He recognized you immigration officers the second they made the... then somebody tipped him off then! Well, then you keep looking again and again and again until we get this guy. Do you understand that? And where the hell is the agent? You were supposed to send me an agent. He's an hour late right now!

Harley: Let it go.

Alan: An annulment? When?

Buzz: Today! And don't act surprised. It's got your fingerprints all over it.

Alan: You don't actually think I had anything to do with it...

Buzz: You've been trying to break up Harley and Gus for years. They should be seeing a counselor trying to get back together, not divorcing or annulling, or whatever the hell it is they're doing.

Alan: You know something? I agree with you. But there is no way that they will listen to me. So maybe you should talk with them and stop them.

Marina: Oh!

Cyrus: Don't ever leave your door open. You don't know who might pop in.

Marina: Cyrus, could you ever do anything like a normal person?

Cyrus: Well, if I did, I wouldn't be holding the most beautiful girl in Springfield.

Marina: Mm-hmm. How did you sleep last night?

Cyrus: Naked, as usual.

Marina: I meant at the Spaulding’s.

Cyrus: Well, it keeps me in the country and close to you.

Marina: What if you could sleep with me every night?

Cyrus: Where do I sign up for that?

Marina: You know, I told my dad yesterday, I'd marry you, if I had to, just to keep you from being deported.

Cyrus: Oh, just for that? Nothing else?

Marina: Well, I don't know, maybe I might love you a little, too.

Cyrus: Really?

Marina: Uh-huh.

Cyrus: Oh. So... do you cook?

Marina: No.

Cyrus: Sew?

Marina: No.

Cyrus: Well, I'll have to give this some thought.

Marina: Hey, can you even imagine us?

Cyrus: Yes, I can.

Marina: ...Married?

Cyrus: Yes, I can. We'd live in that French farmhouse, and right about now, I'd be out milking the cows while you put our breakfast in the microwave.

Marina: ( Laughs ) Hey, or we could still be sleeping.

Cyrus: Wow, this marriage proposal is sounding sweeter and sweeter.

Marina: Yeah. We'd get up very slowly...

Cyrus: Uh-huh.

Marina: And then I would microwave you a burrito, and then we'd go for a walk by the river.

Cyrus: Well, not until I'm all healed.

Marina: Okay, what are we doing for jobs?

Cyrus: I don't know, but we'd travel a lot. I'm taking you to every beach from here to Bali, and we'd spend every second together, every day, every night. And, you know what the best thing is?

Marina: Hmm?

Cyrus: Nobody knows the name Spaulding.

Marina: So?

Cyrus: So... what?

Marina: Marry me.

Harley: You are obsessed. All you think about is, "How can I rid the world of Cyrus Foley?" Frank, you're starting to sound like Alan Spaulding.

Frank: I don't care who I sound like right now. That man is dangerous.

Harley: So are you. You went to the press and you accused him of kidnapping Marina when you know he didn't do it. You turned an innocent man into a fugitive.

Frank: Okay, I lied. There. There it is, I lied. I will do anything to keep that man away from my daughter. Do you understand? Even if I have to accuse him of murder. She's serious about this guy. She's talking about marrying him. I've got to do everything I possibly can to keep him away from her. Sis, I'm going to lose her!

Harley: If you keep doing this, you're going to lose her anyway! Frank, please, call off Immigration, and just talk to your daughter. Just talk to her. She loves you. I've got to go. I have a thing. Just think about it, okay? Don't do something you'll regret. ( Knock on the door )

Jenkins: Chief Cooper? Mark Jenkins, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service.

Frank: Yeah. What took you so long? I've been expecting you.

Jenkins: I'm here as a courtesy, sir. Unless you have something solid on Cyrus Foley, we're going to have to close the case.

Frank: I just got off the phone with the D.A.'s office. They're filing charges, felony kidnapping. So unless you want to look like you screwed up again, go get him.

( knock on the door )

Marina: Yes?

Maid: Housekeeping?

Cyrus: Come back in ten minutes!

Marina: Ten minutes? That's all I get?

Cyrus: I've got a doctor's appointment. My ribs are doing pretty nicely. I can skip it.

Marina: No, you're not skipping your appointment. I'll go with you.

Cyrus: No. What if your dad sees us, or someone from the Immigration department?

Marina: So, what if he does?

Cyrus: Good point.

Buzz: You want to see Harley and Gus back together again? Since when?

Alan: Look, I'm tired of fighting. I've come to just accept them.

Buzz: Try that again.

Alan: We both love our children. And I am tired. It hasn't been easy watching Gus go from woman to woman.

Buzz: And the pain of it is just getting to you, huh? ( Laughs )

Alan: Why don't you talk to Harley? You know, she's the one that wanted the divorce. She could come around --

Buzz: ( Yelling ) How long have I known you?! Let me answer that: Long enough to know that if you want to see Harley and Gus back together again, there has got to be something in it for -- Natalia? She's young, she's beautiful. Natalia. Is it Natalia?

Alan: Wow, come on. She's young enough to be my daughter. I know that.

Buzz: She's perfect for you!

Alan: Look, she is family. She's the mother of my grandson.

Buzz: So is Beth. You've been competing with your kid since you were old enough to ride on bikes. It's Natalia, isn't it? It's Natalia! ( Laughing )

Alan: Look, as long as Harley gets Gus, we all win, including you.

Buzz: Natalia! ( Laughing ) Whoa! I think if she's smart, she'll run for her life.

Alan: Are we together on this, Buzz?

Buzz: ( Laughing )

Natalia: "Gus and Harley’s wedding."

Gus: Harley, you made it seem like I did something special by sticking by you this last year. But you know what? I didn't have a choice because this is it for me. You are it. End of story.

Father Ray: Hi, Harley.

Harley: Hello, Father Ray. I -- I don't know how this works. I mean, I'm not catholic or anything.

Father Ray: I know.

Harley: I'm just trying to do the right thing here.

Father Ray: I know you are. And you're sure this is what you want?

Olivia: Oh, you scared me! Sorry.

Natalia: I'm sorry.

Olivia: No, no. It's me. It's me. Every time I hear a door open or a car backfire or somebody touches me, I think it's --

Natalia: Oh, Phillip. I know because I was there at the party when you got the present, and...

Olivia: Right.

Natalia: Yeah. I mean, I don't know the whole story, but didn't he have... mental problems, or...

Olivia: Yeah, he, um -- yeah. And I guess I convinced myself he wasn't coming back. But every time I take a shower now or I lie in bed, I hear him. I think I'm just becoming as paranoid as he was.

Natalia: No. I think that -- that must be very scary, being with someone like that.

Olivia: It's terrifying.

Natalia: God, I'm sure that you wish that you'd never even met him.

Olivia: You know, there are a lot of things that I'd love to forget in my life, but Phillip? I don't know. I loved him. And I haven't forgotten that. I don't know that you ever really can.

Father Ray: Now, do you both understand what an annulment is?

Harley: It means we were never married, and now he can get married.

Father Ray: In the Catholic church, the decree of nullity says that an essential part of the marriage was missing in the first place. It was not there from the beginning.

Gus: Okay, so what's the process?

Father Ray: Your petition goes before a tribunal, they sign off on it, your marriage is erased.

Harley: Like it never happened.

Father Ray: In the eyes of God.

Gus: Well, how does he forget what he saw? Sorry, I...

Father Ray: Look, before you guys sign anything, why don't you take some time to reflect?

Harley: Reflect on what?

Father Ray: The end of a marriage can be very much like a death. You need time to grieve for it.

Gus: Well, I think we did that already.

Father Ray: Then I hope this process brings you peace and healing.

Harley: Peace and healing would be nice.

Gus: It's better than arguing about who gets the car and the house. She gets the car and the house.

Harley: You get the baseball card collection.

Gus: Well, thank you very much. Lucky me. Father, would "unreasonable" be one of the elements that you...?

Harley: How about smoking? What if somebody says they're going to stop smoking and they never do?

Gus: I don't smoke -- all right, once in a while I smoke, but I don't hardly even inhale it.

Harley: That's a priest. You're lying in a priest's office!

Gus: I'm not -- hey --

Harley: Hey, yourself. Our garage has more cigarette butts than a Turkish bath.

Gus: When was the last time you were in a Turkish bath? Exactly.

Harley: Exactly.

Gus: Father?

Father Ray: Are you guys sure you want to do this?

Gus: She... uh...

Harley: Yes. Yes. We want to do this.

Father Ray: Then is there anything else you want to say to each other in the way of parting?

Cyrus: Are they still watching?

Marina: Yes. We have to find jobs. I'm serious. Maybe my grandpa will hire me at Company as a waitress or something.

Buzz: Oh, yeah? How soon can you start? And you -- are you any good with a paint brush?

Cyrus: Well, I'm not Picasso, but --

Buzz: Company needs a new coat of paint.

Cyrus: Oh, that kind of paint.

Marina: I thought Company just got painted?

Buzz: I don't like yellow.

Marina: You love yellow.

Buzz: I love you more.

Marina: You're the best.

Buzz: I know it's not ideal, guys --

Marina: You're -- you're ideal, just being on our side.

Cyrus: What about Frank?

Marina: Yeah. Dad's going to kill you if he finds out you're helping us.

Buzz: Oh, I think I can handle your father.

Cyrus: Thank you, Buzz.

Buzz: I don't want your thanks. I want your promise that you're going to take good care of my granddaughter.

Cyrus: It will be an honor.

Jenkins: Cyrus Foley, put your hands in the air.

Cyrus: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Jenkins: You're under arrest!

Marina: No, no, no, no, no. Put your hands down. Put your weapons down, okay? It's Jenkins, right? I thought we cleared up this situation. Cyrus is married to an American citizen.

Cyrus: Alexandra Spaulding.

Marina: He has every right to be here.

Jenkins: Not according to Chief Cooper.

Marina: Chief Cooper? Okay, he's my dad, and he's very misinformed. Cyrus is clean.

Jenkins: Ma'am, it's not my job to decide who is innocent and who isn’t. Charges were filed.

Buzz: What are the charges?

Jenkins: Felony kidnapping, for one.

Marina: He didn't kidnap anyone. Okay? I'm the victim, and I'm telling you I will swear under oath he didn't do it.

Jenkins: I didn't get the details, okay? I just have the assignment.

Marina: Okay.

Jenkins: Sir, come with us.

Marina: No! If you arrest him, I will file a grievance, and you will be called in as soon as he goes to court.

Jenkins: He's not going to court. He's being deported.

Marina: What? When?

Jenkins: Later today. Let's go.

Marina: No, no! My dad, he doesn't like Cyrus, okay? And so he is using you guys.

Jenkins: Ma'am, if you don't get out of the way right now, we're going to have to arrest you, too.

Marina: No.

Jenkins: Ma'am, this is your last warning.

Cyrus: Marina, just step back. I'm okay.

Marina: No. I'm not going to let them just arrest you.

Cyrus: For me. Do it for me. Buzz, will you hold onto her for me? Okay.

Olivia: So there I was, in the elevator, all dressed to marry Alan, and Phillip was there, and he reached out to me, and I thought to myself, "Oh, don't do this, Olivia. It is so wrong."

Natalia: Yeah. But you couldn't resist.

Olivia: And then we kissed, and it just went on.

Natalia: Yeah. And even though you knew it was wrong, it just felt right.

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah.

Natalia: And afterwards, I'm sure you felt very sorry, but then you really weren't sorry and...

Olivia: Oh, boy. Natalia, Gus is married.

Natalia: I know that.

Olivia: Do you?

Natalia: Yes.

Olivia: Well, then maybe you should stay away from him.

Natalia: I didn't ask Gus to leave Harley.

Olivia: No, but you slept with him, right? Hey, look, I'm no one to talk. I mean, my sins could blow a priest out of a confessional, but I just -- look, the reality is Gus loves Harley. And I think he would find his way back to her if not for you.

Natalia: You know, I'm not the only reason behind them having problems --

Olivia: No, you're not the only reason, but let's face it, they would still be together if you had stayed in Chicago.

Alan: Olivia, it's Alan. I need to have an update on your progress with Gus.

Olivia: I'm done. I'm finished. I'm through. I'm not going to hang all over Gus and pretend to be needy because you want Natalia. I can't set up a guy who is losing his wife, I won't do it.

Alan: Did you like my cucumber salad?

Olivia: Hmm. It's not right. Okay? I'm not going to hurt another family to protect my own. You shouldn't ask me to do that.

Alan: We have a deal. I take care of Phillip, and you take care of Gus.

Olivia: Alan, Emma is your granddaughter. You should protect her because you want to and not ask for anything in return.

Alan: Protect my granddaughter from her father, my son?

Olivia: This isn't a game. You know what Phillip is capable of. Do you want Emma to disappear? Do you want her to be raised somewhere else? You lost Sarah, Alan, are you going for two?

Alan: Olivia, I'm not asking you to put on an eye patch, a suit of leather and tie Gus to a bed. Just -- just distract him. Make him your new friend.

Olivia: Alan, you're an attractive man. Can't you get someone on your own without having to manipulate them? Are you that unlovable?

Alan: I don't know, Olivia, am I?

Olivia: I loved you... once. You can find someone else just as stupid. You'll have to find her on your own, though.

Alan: You're making a mistake.

Olivia: Let me tell you something: If I lose my daughter, I'm coming after you.

Gus: Where do we start?

( Cell phone rings )

Father Ray: By turning off your cell phones.

Gus: We're good?

Harley: I'm good.

Gus: It doesn't feel like we're good, not at all. Um, I feel like -- you're my best friend, you know? Even though I might not be yours anymore. I feel like a player who is being traded off a team, and it's just so unexpected. I don't even know how we got here.

Harley: I don't know, but here we are.

Gus: Yeah. Here we are. How do you start to say goodbye? Zach and Jude, they're my boys. They're always going to be my boys. And Buzz and Frank and Marina and Daisy, it's my family, and they're always going to be my family. And you. You got me to kick drugs. You let me build my dream house. You put up with my smoking, all of my bad habits. You even liked Mona.

Harley: You know she's a blowup doll?

Gus: For the car-pool lane...

Harley: Right.

Gus: And you were very good about that. You laughed at that. And I'll love you forever. And... that's it.

Harley: Do you know what I see when I look at you? I see an exploding microwave. Our first date in your apartment was like a war zone. Things flying across the room like missiles, and bombs in the closet. I mean, it was a mess.

Gus: I needed a storage facility.

Harley: You did. You needed something, yes. But I also see the man who wouldn't leave me in New York-- no, not in New York. In prison. ( Laughs )

Gus: I stayed with you in New York.

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: We went everywhere together. Like glue.

Harley: In prison, and in New York running through the streets...

Gus: I know.

Harley: ...Together in surveillance vans and... family nights.

Gus: Family nights.

Harley: Most recently. I see our life, this thing that we had, and now, somehow...

Gus: It's come to an end?

Harley: Yes, I guess it has. You know, I almost died in that building. And it put things in perspective for me. And I think if I had to say anything to you, it would be forgiveness has never been my strong suit.

Gus: Hmm.

Harley: But I think that maybe, if I had been easier on you, that somehow... anyway. I will always love you, too.

Gus: C'mere.

Harley: Okay, where do I sign?

Father Ray: I'll fill out your petition...

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Father Ray: ...And submit it to the tribunal. But for now, I just need your signatures here and here.

Harley: Wow, five missed messages.

Gus: Who from?

Harley: Four from Marina, and one from my dad.

Gus: Go ahead. Go ahead.

Father Ray: Gus?

Gus: Ladies first.

Harley: Hey, Marina. Wait, slow down. I can't understand -- oh, yup, I'm on my way.

Gus: What's going on?

Harley: Um, Cyrus is about to be deported. Okay. That’s that. Thank you, Father.

Father Ray: Sure.

Gus: So that's that.

Jenkins: Thank you. That was the airline. Your flight's on time. Means you'll be leaving in an hour and 45 minutes.

Cyrus: First class or coach? What's the movie? Make sure I get headphones.

Marina: How can you joke?

Cyrus: I'm still here, and so are you.

Buzz: Is there anything you need?

Cyrus: Would you mind giving us a moment alone so we can say goodbye?

Marina: This isn't it, okay? It's not over. Harley's on her way.

Buzz: I'm going to go try to find Frank and talk some sense into him. Take care of yourself.

Cyrus: You, too. Win that election.

Buzz: Oh, yeah.

Marina: Don't even...

Cyrus: What?

Marina: This isn’t good-bye. Don't you even try to say good-bye to me.

Cyrus: Okay then. Come here. Come here. Hello.

Marina: (Sobbing)

Cyrus: It's okay.

Alan: Phillip, it's your dad. I don't know if you take messages on this machine anymore. Probably not. But I wanted to let you know that Emma loved her birthday gift. Where are you, son? What are you up to? I, um, would really like to see you, you know. I'm not going to be around forever. Are you here in Springfield?

Cyrus: It's been an adventure. I don't know when I've been stalked by a more beautiful woman.

Marina: Oh, this isn't it, okay? Um, Harley’s coming, and she is on her way. And she's not going to let my dad send you away.

Cyrus: Know what I love about you most? Besides that crazy, stubborn streak? The way you never give up, even when a situation is impossible.

Marina: No.

Cyrus: But we have to face it--

Marina: No!

Cyrus: When the sun goes down here, I'll be on the other side

Marina: Okay. Okay, so we'll say that they send you away, okay? To Australia. But it's not like it's another galaxy, okay? I'll save my money and I'll come see you. I'll move there.

Cyrus: Your family is here, --here, the people you love.

Marina: No, I'm coming, okay? I'm going to save up all my money, and I'm going to hire all of the best lawyers I can afford --

Cyrus: Marina --

Marina: -- And I'm going to fix this. I'm going to come see you.

Cyrus: Marina, I don't want you sitting in some lonely apartment waiting for me. I could be in prison for years.

Marina: Not if we fight this.

Cyrus: You've suffered enough.

Marina: You can't stop me from helping you.

Cyrus: You really want to help? Forget about me. Go after your old job. Live your life.

Marina: How could you ask me to do that? I love you!

Cyrus: That's why I'm asking.

Marina: No.

Cyrus: We have to say good-bye.

Alan: Phillip, what are you doing? You promised you wouldn't break anything. I have an idea. Why don't you and I go out and have a drink together, huh? Not bad.

Natalia: Put the pen down. I can't let you do this.

Gus: What?

Olivia: Phillip... are you here?! Pick up! Hi, it's Olivia Spencer. Is my daughter there? Is she still in school? Could you check? Please check! Hurry! Oh, thank God. Okay. Don't let anybody near her. You keep your eyes on her, please! Thank you.

Gus: You know, you were the one who had a problem with divorced men--

Natalia: I know. I know. I just thought that if we were going to be together that this was the right thing to do. I was doing all that praying, and I just wasn't really listening. Sometimes you have to wait. Sometimes you just hear yourself at first, you know, what you want God to say.

Gus: Well, what did you want God to say?

Natalia: That I was the only woman that you ever wanted; that all those years that you spent with Harley, all of those years that you weren't with me, they didn't exist. And that's why I was pushing for an annulment, instead of a divorce. I was thinking -- I was hoping that we could go back.

Gus: To being the way we were?

Natalia: Uh-huh. Before Harley, when the love of your life was still me. I really wanted to be that girl. But at the same time, I didn't want you to be that boy.

Gus: Who did you want me to be?

Natalia: You. Now. And Harley’s a big part of that. She has as much to do with who you are today as I did, probably more.

Gus: Nat, I know -- I know where you're coming from. But it's kind of too late because Harley already signed. What -- what are you doing?

Natalia: You can get a divorce if that's what you really want. But there's not going to be an annulment because of me. Harley will always be a part of you, and that's how I want it.

Jenkins: All right. The car to the airport is here. It's time to go.

Marina: He can't go yet. No, no! Officer Cooper -- Detective Harley Cooper is on her way. She has information. She's on her way.

Jenkins: It's out of my hands, Miss. We have our orders.

Marina: No, wait, wait, wait, okay? It's Griggs, Marshal Griggs, he's the one who kidnapped me.

Frank: He's wanted in Australia for burglary, along with other things. We have an extradition treaty --

Marina: No! I'm begging you! No! No!

Frank: Marina! I'm sorry. Please! Marina, let him go!

Marina: No!

Frank: Let him go!

Jenkins: Ma'am, please --

Cyrus: Marina!

Marina: I'm not letting go.

Harley: Frank?

Marina: Harley, tell them -- tell them that Cyrus didn't kidnap me.

Harley: Is that what you told them?

Frank: The man's wanted in Sydney. You stay put right here. Now, this is none of your business.

Harley: You haven't answered my question, Frank?

Frank: First answer mine. What the hell are you doing here? Whose side are you on, anyway, your family's or his?

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