Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/7/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: So how do you feel about snowboarding?
Josh: Hey, R.J. here is getting to be a genuine red tomato on his.
R.J.: Yeah, flying tomato.
Josh: Yeah, that's what I said, isn't it? (Laughter)
Will: We didn't get a lot of snow in San Cristobel. Not near the palace, anyway.
Cassie: I know. I'm sorry, sweetie. I know you missed out on a lot of things, but we are going to make up for it. When the first snowfall comes, going to take the two of you out on the slopes
Josh: That's right we are. Hey!
Cassie: Hey!
Beth: So, this is Will?
Rick: Look at you. You're almost as big as your brother.
Cassie: You remember Dr. Rick, right? And Beth? They're married now and they are going to have a baby, soon.
Beth: Oh, don't confuse the poor kid. A lot of things have changed in the world since the last time he saw us.
Rick: So R.J., what's it like having your brother home?
R.J.: Well... different.
Josh: Yeah, we're all happy that Will is here, but this instant family thing, it's going to take a little time to adjust to. I think for all of us.
Beth: Well, so... when's the party?
Cassie: Party?
Beth: The welcome home party?
Cassie: Well, see, that's a great idea. What do you think about that?
Will: I don't need a party. I just like hanging with you.
Josh: Wait a second. What about all of the birthday parties you missed over the years? I mean, you deserve a party, my friend.
Cassie: Exactly. This way you don't have to wait for your birthday. We can do it tonight. You guys are free tonight, right?
Rick: Well, since we have no friends, of course we're free tonight. (Laughter)
Cassie: See? And we can invite Aunt Reva and Blake, and you know what? She will bring Clarissa. Come with me. She'll bring Clarissa, and I know she's a little older than you, but you used to love playing with her.
Josh: You know what? Maybe I can get Billy on the phone. Maybe I can talk him into bringing the... wait a second, wait a second. What’s... what is tonight?
Cassie: Oh, don't tell me you have to be at the church?
Josh: No. Just a second. Hey, you weren't going to remind me, were you?
Cassie: Remind you about what?
Josh: Well, I promised to take R.J. to the high school football game tonight, right?
R.J.: It's no big deal.
Will: We can always have a party.
Cassie: My two big boys. Look, R.J., since we've already started inviting people, why don't we just do this tonight? I think it'll mean a lot to Will, make him feel like he belongs here. Is that okay?
R.J.: I said it's okay, didn't I?
Cassie: Okay. We will make it up to you. Does he like carrot sticks, or does he hate them? How can a mother forget that?
Josh: Cassie, come on. It's not like you're forgetting whether or not he's allergic to shellfish.
Cassie: Oh, God, is he? He wasn't when I sent him away.
Josh: Don't do this to yourself. You were being a good mother to him when you sent him away to be with Alonzo. You're being a good mother to him now that you're bringing him home.
Will: What's it say? Go away?
R.J.: I thought about it.
Cassie: I am feeling, I don't know, I'm feeling blessed today.
Josh: Hey, wait a minute. That's my line.
Cassie: Yeah, I know. Well, I mean it. I know we were a family before, but now it just feels complete.
Josh: Hey, hey. I got it, I got it.
Frank: What is this, a sick joke?
Attorney: I assure you, it's not. Your prisoner is ordered released.
Frank: Who ordered this? The Secretary of State herself? What are they trying to do? Cover their own bases in case San Cristobel wants to vote themselves into a monarchy again?
Attorney: We need loyal friends.
Frank: Well, with friends like this... this man is a criminal. He's broken more laws in his country than I can even count on, let alone the hell he's created for this town.
Attorney: It says unconditional pardon.
Edmund: So tragic about my late brother. I only wish some good could come from Alonzo’s death. What's the weather like out today? I might have to buy myself a new jacket.
Cassie: Okay. Where is it? There it is. I cannot believe I left this for the last minute. Strawberries and vanilla. Will always loved strawberry and vanilla. (Cell phone ringing) Blake, you had better not be calling to cancel. Oh, thanks, sweetie. No, I think we have everything we need. Yeah, me, too. Well, I've got to tell you, having Will home, it feels like... like everything is normal in a way, you know, like our family is finally getting up on its feet. Okay... well, I'll just see you in a few. Yeah, it's all good.
Billy: Aha. You think that by having young kids, it's going to keep you young.
Josh: Yeah, pretty much. Is it working?
Lizzie: Absolutely. You are totally vital.
Josh: Gee, thanks. (Laughter)
Lizzie: We brought Will a present. It's a BB gun.
Cassie: All right.
Lizzie: I'm just kidding, I'm kidding. It's the newest "Harry Potter."
Billy: I told her I thought he probably already read it, though.
Cassie: Actually, I'm sure he hasn’t. They kept him on the classics at the palace, so...
Blake: Ooh, and all of this time I've been telling Clarissa to marry a prince.
Cassie: Hey, you. Trust me, Clarissa, stick with the frogs any day.
Josh: Hey, hey, hey.
Cassie: Oh, a handsome, vital, incredibly sexy frog.
Josh: Thank you. (Laughter)
Blake: All right, honey, why don't you go say hello to Will. All right.
Lizzie: Come on, I'll go with you. Get it over with, and then you can hang with the girls. Hey, Will.
Will: Lizzie?
Lizzie: He remembers. Give me a hug. Ooh, welcome home, killer. Do you remember Clarissa?
Will: The school teacher?
Clarissa: You guys used to throw crayons at me.
Billy: You know, I haven't heard this old house so full of noise in a long time. It is really nice.
Cassie: The best.
Billy: Yeah.
Will: This will take forever. I need Mom.
R.J.: Mom's busy right now.
Will: I'm going to the barn.
R.J.: No, wait. We're not supposed to go there.
Lizzie: Hey, there, little brother. Oh, my goodness, you are getting so tall, you're almost as tall as me, I swear.
James: I know.
Rick: So, they started without us, I see.
Lizzie: Jude, could you tell your dad that there is still plenty of cake left?
Jude: There's still plenty of cake left.
Beth: Not that he needs it. (Laughter)
Rick: Yeah, well, just talk about your belly? (Laughter)
Josh: Well, this place is going to be a wreck by the end of the night.
Cassie: I know it, and I love it.
Edmund: It's all here.
Frank: What did you think we were going to do, steal $20 of your San Cristobel money?
Edmund: $23. Am I free to go?
Frank: No, not yet, actually.
Edmund: Is there a problem?
Frank: Well, I think letting go of a dangerous sociopath into society is a bad thing.
Edmund: I'm a changed man now, Frank. A better man. Even the state department seems to think so.
Attorney: You have your orders, Chief.
Edmund: I saw a poster of your father's mayoral campaign. You Cooper’s are really trying to corner the market, aren't you?
Frank: This document comes with your passport. Use it.
Edmund: I'm afraid the Winslow’s just aren't very popular back in San Cristobel. Ask the man who killed Alonzo.
Frank: I don't care where you go.
Edmund: Believe me, Frank, I'm not looking for any trouble.
Frank: You don't have to. It follows you like flies. If I wake up tomorrow morning and you're still in this town...
Edmund: You have nothing to worry about. All I want is what Cassie has: A new family and a whole new start.
Beth: Hey!
Josh: I certainly hope she doesn't go into labor while she's here.
Cassie: (Laughs) Relax. She's got some time.
Josh: I'm just kidding. I'm just saying that the party is supposed to be about Will.
Cassie: They look really happy.
Josh: You know, you don't have to say that every time you see them.
Cassie: I don't say that every time we see them.
Josh: I understand. You're glad that they're together. You're glad that that baby is going to be raised by Rick--
Cassie: And not Alan. That's right. Where is that ice cream? Boys, you should be done with that by now?
Blake: So where's the man of the hour?
Cassie: I don't know. It looks like Will and R.J. have disappeared.
Clarissa: I’ll find them.
Blake: That's my girl, going after those brothers.
R.J.: Put it down.
Will: We can play gladiator.
R.J.: Gladiators die.
Will: It's pretend. I used to play in San Cristobel. I never died.
R.J.: Well, you're not there anymore.
Will: So?
R.J.: So I wish you were.
Josh: Very nice.
Rick: Another toast, to families, old and new.
Josh: Well, I will drink to that.
Cassie: Whoo!
Josh: We're going to have to do this all again when the boys get back. Maybe I'll have to make a little bit of a speech.
Billy: Oh, joy. Oh, rapture.
Josh: Hey, hey, hey. I'll keep it brief, you know? How many words does it take to say, "Welcome home, Will. We all missed you?"
Cassie: And we're so glad that you're all here with us today, and that you'll be in Will's life. We'll take all of the support we can get.
Blake: This is... a kids' party is kind of fun. It's just normal for a change, huh?
Beth: Yeah. Yeah, I guess I'm going to be looking forward to a lot of kids' parties in the future.
Blake: I'm going to miss that. Clarissa is just... she's into slumber parties and boys now. Wow. And my boys, well, they've been very distant since I woke up.
Beth: Oh, well, you know, they just had to fend for themselves for a while, Blake.
Blake: Look, I don't blame them for not trusting me. I just wish I could make them realize that I'm here. I'm here to stay and that my life is about protecting them now.
Beth: Well, there's nothing more important than protecting your kids.
Blake: I'm just afraid that I've used up all of my second chances.
Beth: No, no, Blake. No. You're boys, they are good guys, just like their dad.
Blake: Thank God, huh?
Beth: That came out wrong. That came out wrong. I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. What I meant to say was that they are just good, decent guys, and boy, I bet the girls at school are crazy about them
Blake: Oh, please. (Laughs) A good and decent, man, that's the last thing I carried about when I was younger.
Beth: Well, it's all I care about these days.
Blake: Good thing you married Rick.
Beth: Yeah, yeah. The best thing that ever happened to me. I'm happier than I've ever been. I mean, you know, Rick is a great dad. He is all about taking care of his kids.
Blake: Did you ever wondered what your life would have been if you had actually had a father that protected you? You must. I do. I mean, we both had mothers that tried to protect us.
Beth: Yes, but they couldn't always be there, could they? I guess that's why we both loved Phillip. No, hey, it's all water under the bridge. It's just that he was a good protector.
Blake: Yeah, I guess. Yeah.
Beth: I'm just glad that this little girl is going to be safe and happy from day one.
Blake: And I'm happy for Cassie. She's got both her boys with her. She deserves that kind of happiness.
Beth: Well, if we want some food, we'd better get there before the kids have at it. These days it's every man for himself when food is concerned. Blake, tell Harley I'm glad that she's home with her kids.
Blake: Thank you. I will.
Billy: Hey.
Josh: Hey.
Billy: You know, it's been a long, long time since you and I worked a kids' party together.
Josh: Yes, it has been.
Billy: Even my grandkid's a teenager.
Josh: Yowsa!
Billy: Yeah.
Josh: Dylan's out of town, right?
Billy: Yeah, yeah.
Josh: And what about Mindy, you talk to her much?
Billy: Well, I talked to her a little bit, but she's kind of busy.
Josh: And Bill? Is he coming to visit us soon?
Billy: No, I don't think Bill wants to spend any quality time with his dad.
Josh: Really? Let me guess. He wanted to call collect from Venezuela too many times?
Billy: No, actually, I fired him.
Josh: What?
Billy: Yeah, I had to. He didn't leave me much choice.
Josh: Because of the building collapse?
Billy: Well, that didn't help. I mean, he recommended a subcontractor that he knew was crooked. I mean, that did not help.
Josh: You know, you should think about cutting him a little bit of slack. He's got a lot going on up there.
Billy: Well, no, actually, that's what I'm talking about. Because down there, he has left projects unfinished, he has missed deadlines, he's blown budgets, he’s...
Josh: What, did you go down there and spy on him? Have somebody go down--
Billy: Oh, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you not leave me in charge of Lewis Construction?
Josh: Yes.
Billy: Well, then good. You take care of the flock and I'll take care of the construction business, okay?
Josh: Fine. No problem.
Billy: Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, look. I didn't mean to be so abrupt there, okay? I'm sorry.
Josh: It's okay. I understand. He's your son. It's got to be difficult.
Billy: Yeah, but we'll work it out. We'll get through this. I just want to tell you one thing: You spend as much time as you can with those two beautiful boys, and don't you waste a minute.
Josh: Okay.
Beth: Oh, these are so cute. If I weren't having a girl...
Cassie: Is it weird that I kept all of Will's stuff?
Beth: Oh, no.
Blake: No, no. I still have Clarissa's shoes.
Lizzie: I have my first pair of Manolos. (Laughter) I also have this little dress of Sarah’s... I did not mean to go there. Sorry.
Beth: No. We miss her, too.
Lizzie: Nobody better mess with your little girl.
Beth: Either one of them.
Blake: So how was it, seeing you know who? What? I'm not allowed to say his name, like Voldemort?
Beth: Well, he’s... he's still in jail, right? He's not getting out.
Cassie: He is facing a lot of charges, and he helped us out with Will, but I'll be glad when he's gone for good.
Beth: Why she let him into her life, I don't know. I mean, who knows what's been incubating in that brain of his.
Lizzie: He's not getting out.
Beth: It's times like these that you wish you were back at the Spaulding compound.
Blake: With Alan?
Beth: No. No, no, no. I just meant--
Blake: Rick is Rick, and if Edmund comes knocking, you want the big bad wolf to answer.
Beth: Let's just forget I said anything. I don't know what I meant.
Clarissa: Found him.
Josh: Hey, where's your brother?
R.J.: I don't know.
Josh: Okay.
Jeffrey: Josh, need some help with that?
Josh: No, thanks, I got it.
Jeffrey: So Reva’s still at her father’s. I thought I would, you know, represent. Where's Will?
Josh: Um, he's out playing somewhere.
Jeffrey: Oh...
Josh: Why don't you come on inside for a little bit, I'm sure Cassie would like to see you.
Jeffrey: I can just leave this with you, it's fine.
Josh: No, it's okay. You're a big part of the reason that Will is here with us now. So come on in.
Jeffrey: After you.
Cassie: Jeffrey O’Neill at a kids' party?
Jeffrey: Well, I was, you know, thinking about Will and...
Cassie: Thank you.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, you can never have too many pencils and pads at school.
Cassie: (Laughs) No, I guess not. Thank you. He's starting on Monday. You know, it was a little difficult at first, but...
Blake: Oh, he didn't want to go to his new school?
Cassie: Ah, no. In fact, he was barely talking.
Jeffrey: So how did you get him to open up?
Cassie: I didn’t. It wasn't me.
Jeffrey: Josh?
Cassie: Guess again.
Jeffrey: Uncle Edmund?
Cassie: I didn't like bringing him down there, but he seems to have made a difference with Will. So, hey, R.J., where is your brother?
R.J.: I don't know. Check his room.
Cassie: Well, I'm going to go get him. I don't want him to miss his party.
Jeffrey: So, Will's visit with Edmund was a success?
Josh: We're not going to make it a habit.
Jeffrey: That would be a wise thing.
Josh: Is there something that you know that we don't?
Jeffrey: I'm just trying to stay cautious, Josh. All Edmund needs is a toe hold.
Josh: Uh-huh.
Cassie: Will's not in his room. Will's not in his room.
Blake: Clarissa said that she saw R.J. by the barn, but will wasn't with him.
Cassie: Well, then where is he? Where did he go?
Edmund: Is this a private party? Or may an old friend come in? Please don't stop the party on my account. I've got something to celebrate, too: My freedom.
Jeffrey: Thanks for stopping by, Edmund, but I'm afraid--
Edmund: Jeffrey, no offense, but this isn't your home anymore, now is it?
Josh: Yes, but you know what? It's mine, and you're not welcome here.
Edmund: I didn't come to cause trouble, Reverend.
Cassie: Where is Will?
Edmund: I've got something for the little tyke myself.
Cassie: Edmund, he's not in his room, he's not anywhere, and then you show up. Where is he?
Edmund: Cassie, I give you my word...
Cassie: Your word? Your word? Like that is supposed to mean something?
Josh: Just answer the question, Edmund.
Edmund: Will wouldn't be back in your arms without my help. And why would I snatch Cassie’s son and then show up here and announce myself.
Rick: You might do that.
Billy: We're all wasting time here. Lizzie and I are going to go out and check in the barn again.
Josh: Jeffrey, could you check the woods. Rick, why don't you and I... we'll check the cellar and the shed, okay?
Rick: Okay.
Cassie: I'm going with you.
Josh: No, you're not.
Cassie: I'm going with you, Josh!
Josh: Okay, okay. Blake, can you stay here and keep an eye on Beth and the kids?
Edmund: If I might volunteer.
Josh: You've got to be kidding.
Cassie: Will responds to him.
Jeffrey: He can come with me.
Edmund: Just like old times.
Lizzie: Will? It's Lizzie. You know, I was really good at hide and seek. You're missing out on some seriously good cake.
Will: Help. Help! Help me!
Lizzie: Will, is that you? Hey, you guys, I found him. He's in here. Will, hang tight, okay? We're going to be in... we're going to be in...
Cassie: Will! Will!
Josh: Where is he? Here, let me get in here. Will. It's the lock, it's all rusty. Will.
Edmund: Excuse me.
Josh: Hey, hey, Edmund.
Edmund: He hates being locked up. He had a problem one time when he came to visit me at the clinic. Do you mind? Will, it's Uncle Edmund. Get away from the door.
Will: Uncle Edmund!
Edmund: It's okay. It's okay. You're okay, son
Cassie: Sweetie, I was so worried about you. It's freezing.
Rick: All right, let's go. Let's get him some hot chocolate, okay?
Cassie: Yeah.
Rick: Doctor's orders.
Will: Edmund!
Jeffrey: That was very heroic, Edmund, that thing with the ax.
Edmund: Well, I think you would have thought of it. Eventually.
Jeffrey: It doesn't change anything. You're gone.
Cassie: All right, you heard the doctor. Let's get you warmed up, huh?
Josh: The worst is over, Will. There's nothing to be afraid of. Hey.
Billy: Hey, you know what? I think that I might need a party more than ever right now. What do you say? You want to go inside?
Lizzie: Oh, yeah, totally, right?
Cassie: Why don't you guys go ahead and get the party started again. We'll be right in.
Josh: Hey, it must have been pretty scary in that barn, huh?
Cassie: How did you manage to get yourself locked in there, anyway?
Josh: It wasn't his fault. That lock, it's old, it's rusted out. It should be replaced first thing tomorrow.
Will: He didn't mean to.
Cassie: What was that, honey? What did you say?
Will: We were just playing. He didn't mean to do it.
Cassie: R.J.?
Josh: Hey, hey, you don't want your brother to eat all of that cake, right? I mean, we should get inside. Come on, let's go.
Will: Edmund.
Cassie: Sweetheart, your Uncle Edmund can't stay.
Will: Please, Mom?
Cassie: Will.
Edmund: Will, your mom's the boss. Whatever she says, goes.
Cassie: Edmund?
Edmund: I'd be honored. Come on, buddy.
Cassie: Josh...
Josh: It's okay. It'll be over soon. Edmund will be gone, and we'll deal with R.J.. This is where I earn my collar. Thank you. Excuse me, folks, can I have your attention, please? It seems that we are... indebted to Edmund, again.
Edmund: Please, Josh, I know what everyone thinks of me. As long as Will is all right.
Jeffrey: Yeah, you haven't burned the barn down, yet.
Cassie: Jeffrey..
Josh: All I'm asking is, for Will's sake, that we welcome Edmund and wish him God's speed wherever he goes once he leaves.
Beth: And here's hoping it's some place far away.
Billy: I hear Bulgaria has got wonderful sunsets this time of year.
Cassie: Will, where's your sweater? You need something more than this.
Will: I don't have one.
Cassie: Well, I'm sure you can borrow one from R.J., right?
R.J.: Yeah, okay.
Cassie: Come on. We'll be right back. Lizzie, would you just put on some more music, and Blake, check the food?
Blake: Got it.
Cassie: Thanks.
Josh: Come here. Let's go for a walk. It's a good thing Lizzie heard your brother in here. He doesn't like being locked up, you know, but then again, who does? And as cold as it gets in here...
R.J.: I didn't do it.
Josh: I'm not accusing you, R.J..
R.J.: I heard what he said, like I'd lock him up on purpose!
Josh: Look, I'm sure the two of you were just playing a game. It was probably an accident.
R.J.: Is that what he said? You should have seen the game he wanted to play. Gladiator. And that's when I left. And he was fine.
Josh: R.J., are you sure this game wasn't your idea? I know Will has been getting a lot of attention lately, you're the older brother. Maybe you wanted to teach him a lesson.
R.J.: If that's what he said, then he's a liar.
Josh: R.J..
Edmund: Lizzie, I heard about Jonathan and the baby.
Lizzie: Have you tried these cheese balls? They're really good.
Billy: Very tasty. Very tasty.
Edmund: I'm very sorry for your loss.
Lizzie: I've always had a soft spot for you. You were nice to me when I was a kid.
Edmund: I was always very fond of you as well.
Lizzie: Cassie has suffered, just like me. You hurt her again, Billy’s going to make you go bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Edmund: It's good to see you, too. Rick, I haven't had the chance to congratulate you. You have got yourself quite a prize here. Take it from one who knows.
Beth: Always the charmer.
Edmund: And you get to take not only Alan’s girl, but Phillip’s as well. Daily double for Dr. Rick.
Rick: You're a pathetic loser, and stay away from my wife.
Edmund: Certainly.
Jeffrey: Oh, don't take it too seriously, Edmund. I mean, you do have a reputation, after all, of stealing people's babies.
Edmund: And what about your reputation: Stealing people's wives?
Jeffrey: If you're talking about Cassie, I believe that she's found the right man with Josh.
Edmund: So you took Reva? You people call me twisted.
Will: Are you two friends?
Jeffrey: Ah, we... we go way back.
Josh: Cassie, we need to talk to the boys.
Cassie: Now?
Josh: Yes.
Cassie: Will's having fun, he's smiling. I don't want to spoil his fun now.
Josh: But we...
Will: Can Uncle Edmund stay here tonight?
Edmund: I tried to tell him that wasn't such a good idea.
Josh: The thing is, Will, we don't really have a spare room for Edmund.
Will: He can stay in my room.
Cassie: Sweetie, that's very generous of you, but your Uncle Edmund can't stay. He has to leave town, right, Edmund?
Edmund: Well, as a matter of fact...
Jeffrey: I just got off the phone with the state department. You're not going to believe this, but Edmund has his passport.
Josh: So?
Jeffrey: So, that means that Edmund can stay or he can leave. But there's nothing that we can say or do about it legally.
Cassie: Come on, Will, it's time to open your presents.
Josh: Why don't you help your brother, R.J.?
Edmund: Will isn't the only one to receive a gift today.
Jeffrey: It looks like the real deal.
Josh: Look, Edmund, there is nothing for you here, okay?
Edmund: I have every intention of leaving town, Josh. But after today, I think my nephew really needs me.
Cassie: He has his family.
Edmund: Yes, and you lost him in a barn.
Beth: Okay, Rick. I'd say it's about time for us to go.
Rick: Yep. Thanks a lot, Cassie.
Cassie: Thank you for coming.
Beth: Jude, James, say good-bye.
Rick: Let's go, guys. Let's go.
Edmund: Leaving so soon? Well, more cake for us.
Lizzie: I'll be going, too. Billy?
Edmund: Yes, by all means, we don't want Billy driving alone, now do we?
Billy: You're really lucky I'm sober, sunshine. Okay. You need anything?
Josh: No. Thank you for coming.
Billy: Call me.
Edmund: Is it me?
Blake: Clarissa, why don't you say good-bye to Will and R.J..
Cassie: I'm sorry, Blake.
Blake: Oh, no. It's okay. Listen, I was asleep for so long. This is the most fun I've had in months. (Laughter) Let me go over here and... you're staying on? I have some very good listings on the west side. Well, a girl's got to feed her family, all right? So my cell, it's right there. Call me 24/7. Clarissa, come on. Stop flirting. We're going.
Edmund: Help clean up?
Jeffrey: I think you've done enough, Edmund. So what's it going to be? The airport, the train station, bus, under the bus?
Edmund: Perhaps you didn't hear me. I've changed my mind. Unless you want to take on the United States government.
Josh: You've made your point.
Cassie: Edmund, if you really cared about Will...
Edmund: That's the only reason I'm staying: To smooth his transition over.
Will: Wow, Uncle Edmund, look!
Edmund: Very nice.
Jeffrey: Well, we can fight this fight tomorrow.
Josh: I'm going to get him out of here.
Jeffrey: Oh, please, please. Allow me. All right, Edmund, beddy bye. Let’s go.
Edmund: Will, don't worry, I won't be far away.
Jeffrey: Say good night, Edmund.
Edmund: Good night Edmund. Good night, William. And R.J., play nicely next time. I know how brothers can be. Thanks for the hospitality.
Jeffrey: Well, I guess you're broke, so maybe you can get a clean room at the "Y".
Edmund: Thank God for Switzerland. I still have some resources around. Where are you staying these days?
Jeffrey: Well, I was staying at the Beacon.
Edmund: Well, then, the Beacon it is. Well, I've seen worse.
Jeffrey: Yeah, like the tower you locked Cassie in, or the cave where you chained Reva?
Edmund: Do I remind you of all of the mistakes you've made with women in your life?
Jeffrey: You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you?
Edmund: And I can't remember the last time I had room service.
Jeffrey: Well, try the fish. But be careful, there are lots of bones. A man could choke to death.
Edmund: (Laughs) Look, Jeffrey, I'm going to be sticking around for a while. We may as well try to be friends. We both care about Will.
Jeffrey: The only thing you care about is that face you look at in the mirror.
Edmund: What about your face? You may resemble my brother's, but that's where the resemblance ends. At least Richard had class.
Jeffrey: At least Richard had the good sense to fight you. And if you hurt Cassie or anyone else that she loves, I'll finish the job.
Edmund: But the law says--
Jeffrey: I'm not speaking as a lawyer, Edmund. No, I'm speaking as the guy who was trained to kill with a nail file or the Gideon bible. You'd be surprised how easy it is.
Edmund: Like it or not, I'm Will's uncle. And his friend, the only friend he's had. Hurt me, and you hurt him worse.
Jeffrey: Enjoy your room service. While you can.
Edmund: Thanks. Give my best to Reva, tell her-- (door slams)
Josh: Cassie, we have to talk to the boys.
Cassie: Yeah, can't it wait?
Josh: No, I don't think it can.
Cassie: How's the snow?
Will: Awesome.
Cassie: Hey, you okay?
Josh: R.J., come down here for a minute, please.
R.J.: Okay.
Josh: Guys, look. R.J., is there something that you want to say to your brother?
R.J.: Like what?
Josh: Like you're sorry.
R.J.: I told you--
Cassie: R.J., we know it's hard for you to share the house, to share us, with your brother, but you--
R.J.: I didn't do anything!
Cassie: R.J.!
R.J.: Tell them.
Cassie: Okay, look, your brother's okay, but it could have been a lot worse.
R.J.: Good.
Cassie: All right, that's it. Go to your room.
R.J.: Tell them.
Josh: R.J., you heard your mom. Go to your room.
Will: I'm sorry.
Cassie: Sweetie, you didn't do anything wrong. Nothing at all. But I do want you to go up to bed, okay, and I'm come tuck you in in a few minutes.
Josh: How about a story later?
Will: And some more cake?
Cassie: Maybe you can have some cake with breakfast, okay? Now, squeeze. Scoot.
Josh: Good night. Well, that was quite a night, huh?
Cassie: I should have known.
Josh: Don't worry about Edmund. Okay, the whole town is against him, anyway.
Cassie: Actually, I'm not.. I wasn't worried about Edmund. I should have known that R.J. was going to have a hard time making room for Will.
Josh: He'll adjust. Kids do.
Cassie: Well, some kids do, and some...
Edmund: Looking for this?
Will: You scared me.
Edmund: I don't think so. You took off your sweater and you hid it so it would look even worse when they found you, right?
Will: Are you going to tell?
Edmund: What, that you locked yourself in the barn? Of course not. I had a brother once, too, remember?
Will: Yeah. What happened?
Edmund: Well, he's not here, and I am.
Will: Mom loves R.J..
Edmund: And you want Mom to love you. Only you, isn't that right? It's all right, son. I don't blame you one bit. I want that, too.
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