GL Transcript Tuesday 11/6/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/6/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Buzz: Well...

Coop: Poll numbers are in. You nervous at all?

Buzz: Oh, no.

Coop: Really? Not even just a little bit? No, nothing?

Buzz: Marina and Harley are back. I could get zero votes and the world would be a happy place.

Coop: Not with Doris Wolfe running it, that's for sure.

Buzz: I don't know. Maybe it took Marina getting kidnapped and Harley getting trapped in that place, but now I've got faith. I mean, who's going to vote for this woman anyway when her own daughter doesn't support her?

Coop: Oh, no, Dad, let’s... let's not talk about Ashlee, shall we?

Buzz: Oh, okay, what happened?

Coop: We had a fight. And it wasn't all my fault. It was more.... it was both of us, but I let her down.

(Knock on door)

Ashlee: Go. Oh! (Giggles) Good, good, good, good... bad. Hi, Mom.

Doris: "While D.A. Wolfe's campaign continues to proceed, both professional and focused outlook, Buzz Cooper's campaign is more fit for a diner than a debate." Well, that's not news. He hasn't exactly been consistent.

Ashlee: Well, you know, only his granddaughter and his daughter were missing. Maybe the man has more important things on his mind.

Doris: More important than the election?

Ashlee: Pardon me. I was wrong. Silly me.

Doris: Ashlee, didn't I tell you from the beginning that Coop would break your heart?

Ashlee: He didn't break my heart, Mom. We got in an argument. I'm a little upset, but you know what? Life goes on. It does. I have to go. I have a shift.

Doris: Wait a minute. You are still working there after what Coop did to you?

Ashlee: Mom, it's my job.

Doris: Well, not once I win the election.

Ashlee: Don't you mean if you win the election?

Doris: Right, "if."

R.J.: I have to go.

Cassie: Drink your juice.

R.J.: Mom, I'm going to be late for the bus.

Cassie: Okay, all right, go.

R.J.: Are you coming?

Cassie: No, your brother and I are just going to hang here for the day. Right, Will?

R.J.: Maybe I could stay home also.

Cassie: Nice try. Get going.

R.J.: Yeah, right.

Cassie: See you after school.

Josh: Hello there. Did I hear a rumor about toast and fresh-squeezed orange juice?

Cassie: Try frozen from a can, but the toast is fresh.

Josh: Ah, I see. Hey, bud. How are you doing? Thank you. You want to throw a ball around later on today?

Will: That's okay. I'm done with my breakfast. Can I go to my room now?

Cassie: Sure, honey. Come here first though. I am so glad that you're home.

Will: I'm glad, too.

Cassie: I know it's only been a couple of days since Alonzo died, but he is so lost and he's so sad.

Josh: Cassie. Cassie, you're his mom. You know what he needs. You just have to trust that. (Knock on door)

Cassie: Jeffrey, hey.

Josh: Hello. It's a little early for a visit, don't you think?

Jeffrey: Yeah. I got that stuff about Edmund you asked me for.

Josh: Wait, stuff about Edmund.

Cassie: I just wanted to know about Edmund’s legal status.

Jeffrey: I don't think you're going to like what you're going to hear. You see, the Monarchy has been dissolved. It died along with Alonzo, and Edmund was technically a prisoner of the Monarchy and not necessarily the state of San Cristobel, so...

Cassie: What, so he's free?

Jeffrey: We're doing everything we can to make sure that he pays for the crimes that he committed here in Springfield, so...

Josh: Edmund's coming here to face charges?

Jeffrey: No, no, he's not coming here. He is here. Edmund is in Springfield. Is that toast?

Officer: You want him here or in the interrogation room?

Edmund: Frank Cooper. I'd offer to shake your hand, but you've got me a little tied up right now.

Frank: You know, I heard something about your release in the news. I was hoping they would send you over to the county so I wouldn't have to deal with you.

Edmund: But it wouldn't be the same if I were prosecuted anywhere else than our beloved Springfield, would it?

Frank: Put him in a holding cell. Oh, and, Eddie, don't expect the royal treatment here. And if you have any thoughts about causing any extra trouble...

Edmund: I wouldn't worry about that. I don't plan to be in jail for very long.

Jeffrey: May I?

Cassie: Help yourself.

Josh: Look, he can't hurt us

Cassie: I know.

Josh: And you don't have to see him. You will never see him. I'll make sure of that.

Cassie: I don't want you to make sure of that. I want to see Edmund as soon as possible.

Jeffrey: Why?

Cassie: You don't have a say in this.

Josh: Wow, look at that, Jeffrey. You and I agree on something.

Cassie: You're the one who just said that if Edmund is behind bars he can't hurt us. If there's even the slightest chance of him helping Will, then I need to see him.

Josh: Could you excuse us for just a second, please?

Jeffrey: Sure, I'll wait here with the toast and the orange juice.

Josh: Cassie, I know you're worried.

Cassie: I am worried about him. He's completely shut down. The only time he looks remotely happy is when he talks about his Uncle Edmund.

Josh: He's a kid. He has no idea how dangerous Edmund can be.

Cassie: All he knows is he lost his father, and Edmund is the closest thing he has... I didn't mean.

Josh: It's okay. I know what you mean. But we're talking about Edmund. Of all people, Cassie, you're the one he's hurt the most. You're the one who had to give up your child because of something Edmund did.

Cassie: Yes, I know.

Josh: You of all people have reason never to want to see the man again.

Cassie: Well, he also saved my life, didn't he? Look, I’m not going to leave Will alone with him for a second, but... if there's even a chance of him getting through to Will, just a little bit, it's worth it.

Will: Am I going to see Uncle Edmund?

Cassie: Would you like that, sweetie? Would seeing your uncle make you happy?

Will: Yeah. I'll tell him about all the planes I saw today!

Josh: At the very least let me come with you.

Cassie: No. No. And you're not going either, so don't even bother suggesting it. If he sees either one of you, he's not going to want to cooperate. All right. Go, grab your jacket, honey, then we'll go.

Jeffrey: You're making a big mistake.

Cassie: Wouldn't be the first.

Edmund: Sorry to bother you, Chief. I was wondering if I could speak to someone.

Frank: What, do you want to call your lawyer?

Edmund: Well, I was hoping I could speak to someone more along the signs of spiritual advisor.

Frank: The Dalai Lama?

Edmund: I'm trying to get my life back in shape. And as you might expect I could use some help.

Frank: What kind of help?

Edmund: Well, I always enjoyed speaking with the Reverand Stephen Rutledge.

Frank: Well, unfortunately Reverand Rutledge left Springfield and went to lead a congregation in Chicago.

Edmund: Who is replacing him in Springfield?

Frank: Josh Lewis.

Edmund: (Laughing) No kidding? Terrific.

Coop: Look, I'm so mad at her. I was mad at her for not being there for me when I needed her the most. Instead it was her that needed me and I wasn't there.

Buzz: You didn't know.

Coop: No, of course I didn't know, but still...

Buzz: Sounds like a classic misunderstanding to me. Boy waits on top of the Empire State Building for girl. Girl doesn't show... you know what? I just remembered an appointment with Rick at Cedars. Got to make sure the old ticker is working before I move into the mayor's mansion.

Coop: Cancel the appointment.

Buzz: I can't do that.

Coop: Dad, wait.

Buzz: You two will get through this.

Coop: Dad, I'm really glad that you think so, but I really could use you here.

Ashlee: Hey.

Coop: Hi.

Ashlee: Oh, is the espresso machine broken again?

Coop: Yeah, yes.

Ashlee: All you have to do is jiggle the handle when you twist it.

Coop: Just...

Ashlee: Yeah. See, you're just out of practice. (Laughs)

Coop: Nice. Thank you.

Ashlee: So, uh, I'm glad Harley is okay.

Coop: Thank you. Restaurant's kind of dead today. So, I don't think they really need us both on, you know?

Ashlee: You're totally right, only I should go. I should go and you should stay. I don't think I should work here anymore.

Coop: Really? That's great, actually. Why don't you just do what you do best and just run off at the first sign of a problem?

Ashlee: This is not about us. This is about my mom. Our families are at war.

Coop: Oh, come on! War? Don't you think that's a little extreme?

Ashlee: Well, I think my mother will do anything she can to win this election, more than you'll even know. If I continue working here, it will be more trouble for Buzz and more ammunition for her.

Coop: Look, if you can't bear the thought of being around me, why don't you tell me? Okay? Don't lie about it.

Inspector: I'm looking for Buzz Cooper.

Coop: He's not here.

Inspector: Then I'll need to speak with the manager.

Ashlee: That would be me. Do I know you?

Coop: Morris Garvey. I'm from the local health inspection agency. There's been a complaint about Co-2. I'm shutting you down.

Coop: We just had an inspection like a month ago though.

Ashlee: Even then we got a 98 out of 100.

Inspector: And that was before this complaint was filed.

Ashlee: By whom?

Inspector: I'm not at liberty to release that information.

Coop: Well, there must be some sort of mistake here then.

Inspector: Will you please shut down the establishment?

Ashlee: You know what? I wonder who voiced that complaint!

Inspector: Which way to the kitchen?

Ashlee: Mr., Um... what was your name?

Inspector: Garvey.

Ashlee: I was reading the health inspection manual. It seems that someone from your office can't come by unexpectedly if someone else has come prior to today, 30 days ago...

Inspector: Page 7, paragraph 3. If the judge signs off on a complaint...

Ashlee: What? A judge? This is not fair. This is not fair.

Coop: Calm down.

Ashlee: Buzz Cooper is an amazing guy. He would never make anyone sick. He doesn't cut corners. He's wonderful and caring and would never make out with someone who he wasn't meant to make out with.

Coop: Ashlee? Ashlee. Excuse me. Okay, we've already talked about that, okay? That was a mistake.

Ashlee: A mistake like you slipped and landed on her lips?

Coop: No, that's an "accident." This was a "mistake." All right, look, I was pissed off at you, okay? I'm sorry. I was going through a lot of stuff at that time.

Ashlee: Yeah, me too.

Inspector: If you could just show me to the pantry?

Coop: You know, we can't keep fighting about this. Okay, I have a feeling I could keep talking to you about this over and over again, and it just wouldn't get through your head. Ashlee, I wanted you. I needed you. I didn't need Ava.

Inspector: Hey, sorry...who's Ava?

Coop: Nobody.

Doris: Heart not giving out, I hope?

Buzz: I wouldn't think you would be familiar with that organ, Doris. But if I plan to bow out of the campaign, you'll be the first to know.

Doris: Bow out? What fun would that be? A race without an opponent?

Buzz: You have a funny idea of fun.

Doris: So, how is Marina?

Buzz: Oh, you mean my granddaughter whose badge you confiscated?

Doris: Oh, come on, Buzz. I had no choice. Look, I know you love your children. It's actually one of the things I admire about you.

Buzz: Gee, thanks, Doris.

Doris: I know that you think that we have nothing in common.

Buzz: Well, we both have two ears. That's something.

Doris: And we would both eat glass to save our children. Did I ever tell you about the time that Ashlee came home from school with her knees all skinned up and a big bruise on her leg?

Buzz: No.

Doris: She must have been like nine or ten years old. She was so scared. Her face was all red and puffy. I asked her what happened and she said that these mean kids from school had beat her up. They teased her and tied her shoelaces together. They even threw sticks at her-- not enough to do any damage, but enough to hurt. Inside, where it counts. I asked her why it happened, and she said it was because we were different.

Buzz: You can't hold on to her forever.

Doris: Not forever, no. But Ashlee is not ready for me to let her go.

Jeffrey: Looking for this?

Josh: You're still here.

Jeffrey: Yeah, luckily for you. Here.

Josh: You know what? I don't really need your help. I just... ow! Damn it.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I don't think that goes there. Here, you really do need....

Josh: I got it, I got it, okay?

Jeffrey: You sure?

Josh: Jeffrey, how many bikes have you put together in the last few years?

Jeffrey: Including the one that you help me put together for R.J.?

Josh: Yeah.

Jeffrey: The one that stayed in the garage all winter until he was too big for it?

Josh: Yeah.

Jeffrey: One.

Josh: That's pretty much what I figured.

Jeffrey: Okay, Josh, I got it. This is your territory. This is your family.

Josh: Gee, thanks, I really appreciate you saying that.

Jeffrey: But we're going to have to put all that aside because we have to protect her from him.

Josh: We? We have to protect her?

Jeffrey: You need me, Josh. I was a stand-in for Richard, okay? I know every one of Edmund’s dirty little tricks, and now that he's back in our lives...

Josh: He is not back in our lives.

Frank: How are you doing, buddy? Cassie, can I talk to you for a second?

Cassie: Uh-huh.

Frank: Are you sure about this?

Cassie: No.

Frank: Well, that's comforting.

Cassie: Look, Will is going through a really tough time right now. Apparently Edmund is the only friend he's had for a while. So, as much as we'd like to keep Edmund out of our lives for good...

Frank: He's in the interrogation room right now. But I absolutely insist that Diaz is in there the entire time with you.

Cassie: That's fine by me.

Frank: Okay.

Cassie: Will, are you ready?

Will: Can we see him now?

Cassie: Yeah.

Will: Mom?

Cassie: Honey, I'm just going to take a minute alone with him. Would you stay out here with Chief Cooper until I call for you?

Will: Okay.

Frank: Come here, buddy...

Edmund: Cassie, they didn't tell me you were coming.

Cassie: Well, I didn't come for myself. I'm here for Will.

Edmund: Is Will here?

Cassie: He's just outside. How's your arm?

Edmund: It's fine. Thanks for asking. How has Will's transition been?

Cassie: Uh, not good. He's very withdrawn, and he's refusing to go to school. I thought I'd ask you to talk to him since he seems to like you.

Edmund: Well, the feeling's mutual. He's a good boy. It's strange, strange being back here, surrounded by all the memories. On the drive in from the airport, we passed by the old skating rink where you and Tammy... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

Cassie: That's okay. That's okay. You're allowed to say her name.

Edmund: I still can't believe she's gone.

Cassie: Me either. Look, he'll visit with you for 15 minutes, and then that's all.

Edmund: Of course.

Cassie: And I'll be with him the entire time.

Edmund: As you should be.

Cassie: Will? Honey? Will?

Will: Uncle Edmund! I missed you so much.

Edmund: Your mother tells me that you're not going to school.

Will: I just don't want to.

Edmund: But why, William? You were always so good at your studies.

Will: At the palace, I didn't have to go to school.

Edmund: No, you had tutors. But school, school can be very rewarding. You get to make friends. You get to play sports.

Will: But I don't know any of the kids anymore. What if they don't like me?

Edmund: Well, then they're jealous. You'll see. You'll see. In time, in time they'll feel as if they're lucky to be your friend. They're lucky to know you. Okay? So you'll consider it for Mom and me?

Will: Okay.

Edmund: Okay. That's a good boy.

Cassie: Time to go. I just need to talk to your Uncle Edmund alone for a minute, okay? I'll be right there. Stay with Chief Cooper. He has barely said two words since he's been home until now. Thank you, for what you said to him. I think it's going to help.

Edmund: I want nothing more than to see Will succeed and flourish. He's growing into a very smart little man, Cassie.

Cassie: You really care about him.

Edmund: He's your son.

Josh: Why are you still here?

Jeffrey: I'm here because Cassie is worried about you.

Josh: She said something.

Jeffrey: Yeah. You're going to have a congregation pretty soon, Josh. She was worried that when we have to start fighting a little dirty...

Josh: Okay, look. Alonzo is dead. Will is here with his mom where he belongs, and as far as Edmund goes, I will make sure that Cassie and the boys are safe.

Jeffrey: That's all I wanted to hear.

Josh: I'm so glad you're satisfied.

Jeffrey: I didn't choose to be a part of this, Josh. Cassie came to me just like she did when she thought that Alan was the father of Beth’s baby.

Josh: Yeah, and you should have turned her away again but you didn’t.

Jeffrey: We can't all be ministers, Josh. Do what you can to protect her from Edmund. Okay? That way, I won't have to show up at your door or come listen to one of your sermons. You better be careful, or that whole thing might fall apart.

Doris: Everything you need should be in the campaign packet. No, I do not want my photos air brushed. Okay, maybe just around the eyes and the mouth. Press.

Buzz: Uh-huh.

Doris: So are we agreed? You and I will keep your son and my daughter apart?

Buzz: Um, even if we were-- which we aren't-- we really can't control them, you know. We shouldn't smother them. We have to send them out into the world and keep our fingers crossed and hope they make it to the other side.

Doris: So, just cross your fingers and hope for the best? Well, maybe that should be your campaign slogan.

Buzz: I've heard worse.

Doris: You know what? I just... I don't believe in that. I mean, if you just let things go, bad things will happen. And I will not let anything bad happen to Ashlee. She needs me.

Buzz: Maybe you need her. Maybe if she weren't there, you’d....

Doris: What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?

Buzz: Forget it.

Doris: No. You were going to say if she weren't there, what? That I would be unsympathetic, unelectable?

Buzz: I was going to say lonely.

Ashlee: So the coffee mugs go directly from the dishwasher to the shelves.

Inspector: And the silverware?

Coop: In the drawer. Humor me for just a moment, please? The other night, when you didn't show up...

Ashlee: Well, see, I was trying to get to you but the guy with the nine iron kind of slowed me down. All I wanted was for you to be at the hospital with me.

Coop: You didn't call me, though. I felt like crap. I felt sick just thinking about you lying on the floor alone, helpless, hurt. Okay. I should have been there with you, Ashlee.

Inspector: I'm on a bit of a tight schedule here, so...

Coop: On the fridge behind the door to the left. Look, I'm the one that you're supposed to call. I'm the one you're supposed to lean on.

Ashlee: Except when Ava gets there first.

Coop: Mr. Garvey, we'll meet you inside the kitchen. If you want to take a look for any rodents, rats, traps pellets, whatever it is, I'm sure you won't find anything.

Inspector: We need to go through this.

Coop: I'm sure my dad will promote you as soon as he's mayor. But I'll meet you inside the kitchen. I'll give you a head start. Thank you.

Coop: I'm going to say this one time. You really need to hear me. I hope you're listening. Are you?

Ashlee: Yeah, okay.

Coop: Good. I don't have a thing for Ava. I haven't had a thing for Ava in a very long time. Yes, I did kiss her. Yes, it was a mistake. A pretty stupid one. But I was not okay. I thought Marina was dead. That's not an easy feeling to control inside of you. So I just... I didn't want to be numb. It wasn't that I wanted Ava to be with me because I felt anything for her. Okay? You know why I don't feel anything for Ava, why I don't have a thing for her? It's because I have a thing for you. I don't know. Maybe you don't believe me when I say that. Maybe that's why you run off all the time and you're always leaving me. Perhaps there's something inside of you that you're not sharing with me. I don't know. It hurts though by the way, to think that because if we're going to be together, if I'm going to be your boyfriend, you've got to tell me this stuff. Everything. Ashlee, I can't keep doing this over and over again. I can't keep having this fight with you. I almost just lost Marina and Harley and the entire time all I kept thinking about was how I want to be with you because you never know. Do you? You never know how much time you're going to have with that person. And all I know is that the time that I have is time that I want to spend with you. Well, are you going to say anything?

Ashlee: I didn't know you were done.

Coop: Oh, well, that's it. I pretty much just said....

Diaz: Five more minutes. Chief's orders.

Cassie: So, I know this is kind of awkward... you saving my life just the other day. Now you're back in here.

Edmund: Don't feel bad.

Cassie: I don’t.

Edmund: Of course not. Cassie, I know my mistakes. I know I tried too hard to love you. Too hard to hold on to you. I did unspeakable things for which I will always be sorry. But that's why I stayed in contact with Will. It's why I made it a priority to mentor him, to watch over him.

Cassie: Was it really that bad for him?

Edmund: Well, Alonzo wasn't a bad father. He just was in over his head and he didn't have much time for Will.

Cassie: You should have told me.

Edmund: You wouldn't have taken my calls.

Cassie: No, probably not.

Edmund: And even if you did, you would have assumed I was using your son to get to you.

Cassie: And would I have been wrong?

Edmund: No, not entirely.

Cassie: Well, I should go.

Edmund: Um, so you're married to Josh now?

Cassie: That's right.

Edmund: Congratulations. I have to admit I didn't see that one coming.

Cassie: Well, no, neither did we.

Edmund: Are you happy?

Cassie: I am.

Will: Uncle Edmund! When do I get to see you again?

Edmund: Well, that depends on your mother.

Will: Can I see him again soon?

Cassie: We'll see. We'll see, honey. For now it's time to go.

Will: Bye, Uncle Edmund.

Edmund: Bye, buddy.

Will: I'll have to show you my model airplane when we get home.

Edmund: Back so soon?

Jeffrey: I could say the same thing to you.

Rick: Okay your E.K.G. and your stress test....

Buzz: Look, I know what you're going to tell me. You're going to tell me that I put a little strain on myself. I've gotta to take it easy. This juggling, running for mayor and being a family member and taking care of my family is too much.

Rick: I was actually going to tell you I'm going to vote for you on election day. Your health by the way is... your heart's healthier than ever. Everything looks good.

Buzz: Really?

Rick: Were you hoping for bad news?

Buzz: No. I love it. It's incredible. I guess I was just preparing myself for the worst. Now that Marina and Harley are back, I...

Rick: Well, you know what they say. Good news comes in threes. Just keep up the healthy eating, Buzz, and exercise.

Buzz: I can do that. I got more life to live. Hey, you want a campaign button or a bumper sticker? We've got great hats.

Inspector: I'll need you to sign these release forms. Miss?

Ashlee: Yes. Whatever you need.

Coop: So you'll meet me for dinner tonight?

Ashlee: Uh, no. I can’t. You have to work.

Coop: No, I don’t. Remember, we've been closed down for the next two days?

Inspector: Actually you're open again. You got a 99 out of 100.

Ashlee: See? So you're gonna be packed. 99! That's amazing. Good luck with that. I'm going to go.

Coop: Where? Why? What?

Ashlee: Nothing. I need to go. I'll call you though, okay? Not now, Mother.

Will: Uncle Edmund said he would teach me how to sail a boat, a real boat!

Josh: How did it go?

Cassie: Take a look for yourself.

Will: Uncle Josh, do you know how to sail a boat?

Josh: Well, I know what a mainstay is.

Will: What is it?

Josh: How is this? I'll tell you after you get your books ready for school. You are going to school, right?

Will: Yeah, Uncle Edmund said it would be a lot of fun.

Cassie: It worked. I know it's hard to believe but Edmund was great with him.

Josh: I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Cassie: Me either but he did get him to agree to go to school.

Josh: What did he want in return?

Cassie: Nothing so far. I know, I know how twisted this is.

Josh: Cassie, you're the one he put through hell, not me. But I know that you love your kids more than anything.

Cassie: Edmund told me a little bit about Will's last few years. His life sounds so sad. He sounds like he's been so lonely.

Josh: When you let Will go, you thought you were doing the right thing.

Cassie: It wasn't the right thing.

Josh: You don't know that. And when you thought something was wrong you went for him and fought for him.

Cassie: And I’ll keep fighting for him until I know that he’s okay.

Buzz: How about it? Popcorn and a movie? My treat.

Coop: Dad, you know what? I think I'm going to call it another night tonight. Oh, by the way, something fun. The health inspector stopped by today.

Buzz: The health... Doris Wolfe.

Frank: Have you crushed and ground her up into a million pieces yet?

Buzz: I'm working on it.

Coop: Hello? Uh, yeah. Sure, I'll be sure to tell him. Thank you very much.

Frank: Who was that?

Coop: That was Bob from the "Springfield Journal." The poll numbers are in.

Buzz: And...

Coop: And you're ahead by six points!

Buzz: Six points?

Coop: Absolutely.

Frank: Way to go, Pop!

Coop: And to think, you didn't even care if you got zero votes, remember? Here is your new mayor right here, everybody. But, why the change of heart?

Buzz: I think it might have something to do with the little chat I had with the opposition today.

Coop: You and Doris Wolfe?

Buzz: Part of me thinks that maybe she means well. A small part of me. At least I'd have a good parking spot.

Doris: You're awfully quiet.

Ashlee: You sent that health inspector to close down Co2, didn't you?

Doris: Yeah.

Ashlee: I can't believe you, Mom.

Doris: Believe it, sweetie. And believe that that is only the beginning of what I'm going to do to the Cooper’s if they continue to use you like they have.

Ashlee: Coop and I made up, Mom. You saw it with your own two eyes.

Doris: Yeah? Well, I don't believe a word that boy says.

Ashlee: You don't believe he really cares about me? Why would you, actually? How would you believe that anyone would care about me?

Doris: You know what? That's not true at all.

Ashlee: Then what?

Doris: I just don't want to see him hurt you.

Ashlee: You're doing it again. You're pushing the one good thing in my life away. You did it to Jen's family. You sent Jack to jail. They were my friends.

Doris: I have a press conference. I don't want to be late. You should get some rest.

Edmund: You still look like him.

Jeffrey: And you're still behind bars.

Edmund: Why are you here protecting Cassie? I thought you had been replaced, too.

Jeffrey: Cassie will always mean something to me.

Edmund: Oh, cue the organ music. Here comes the threat.

Jeffrey: We both know that you're staying close to this family for one of two reasons: Revenge or Cassie.

Edmund: Or redemption. Or forgiveness. Or did you ever stop to think that maybe I just want to make amends for everything I've done?

Jeffrey: No.

Edmund: Suit yourself. I always thought Cassie would end up with you. But I guess when you're competing with princes and saints, a guy like you tends to come up a bit short.

Jeffrey: You must have forgot something on your vacation. You see, just like you, I have nothing left to lose. And I'm not the brother. You know, the brother that you could never live up to. No matter how hard you tried. No, I'm just the guy who looks like him.

Edmund: That's a threat?

Jeffrey: No, I don't make threats, Edmund. I've never needed to.

Will: Here's my mom. And here's you. And here's Tammy and then and then there's my dad. And then Uncle Edmund. Did I forget anybody?

Cassie: Just one person, honey. Do you remember Richard?

Will: Right. Sometimes I miss him a lot.

Cassie: Well, why don't you add him in there then? Here, by your dad and Uncle Edmund?

Will: Okay.

Cassie: I'm so proud you, sweetie. I'm so proud of you for going back to school. You are my brave, brave boy.

R.J.: Mom?

Cassie: R.J., It's not a half day of school, is it?

R.J.: No, I just forgot my homework. You know, the state capitals? But I guess you didn't notice.

Cassie: I'm sorry. We just had a really busy day.

Josh: Do you want me to drive you back to school?

R.J.: No, that's okay.

Cassie: I'm so proud of you, sweetie.

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